Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Sterlingdog on May 13, 2006, 03:28:09 PM

Title: How do you handle this?
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 13, 2006, 03:28:09 PM
If you know someone has forgotten something, for example, your you remind them?  Or do you let them forget and feel guilty when they finally remember?

I'm wondering if it means anything when someone forgets stuff like that.  Does it suggest self-centered behavior, or are they just busy and it means nothing?  Is it worth getting hurt feelings over?

To clarify:  I'm not looking for advice.  I'm wondering how others respond in this situation.  What's the most mature way to handle it, or is it okay to be immature and lay a guilt trip on someone?

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Lara on May 13, 2006, 03:32:18 PM
Usually men forget things like bdays and anniversarys.  Don't take it personally.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: the dirt on May 13, 2006, 03:33:07 PM
Happy Birthday Sterling!  :-*

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 13, 2006, 03:38:10 PM
Happy Birthday Sterling!  :-*

I knew someone would think that.  But no, its not my birthday.  My birthday is in November.  I wasn't necessarily talking about a specific incident, more generally.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Jessica on May 13, 2006, 04:16:57 PM
Usually men forget things like bdays and anniversarys.  Don't take it personally.

especially when work is on their mind.

My dad used to forget wedding anniversaries and mum would be reaaally upset, but then, he would then take her out and be on his best behaviour and once, he even accepted mum's tango lessons to make up.

Don't worry.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: journey on May 13, 2006, 04:48:32 PM
If you know someone has forgotten something, for example, your you remind them?? Or do you let them forget and feel guilty when they finally remember?

I'm wondering if it means anything when someone forgets stuff like that.? Does it suggest self-centered behavior, or are they just busy and it means nothing?? Is it worth getting hurt feelings over?

I would feel hurt if people close to me totally forgot my birthday. I wouldn't lay a guilt trip on anyone, of course not. I'd be cursing them on the inside. I wouldn't remind them, I'd just hint around. Like if they ask, "what do you want for dinner?" I'll say, "a cake with candles on it." Something like that might get the message out.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Jessica on May 13, 2006, 05:48:52 PM
Like if they ask, "what do you want for dinner?" I'll say, "a cake with candles on it." Something like that might get the message out.

If they didn't get the message, you would be in T H I C K land my dear and in your shoes, i'd buy diner to my pet somewhere out in town... ;D ;)

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: D on May 13, 2006, 08:27:12 PM
There is never a good excuse for someone to miss something important.

If u are afraid they will forget, bout a few days before just remind them nonchalantly.

Say like....... u know what Friday is dont ya??? my birthday, our anniversarry etc etc.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Jim on May 13, 2006, 10:04:02 PM
I forgot My Best Friends Wedding once. I guess that was pretty bad. But it turned out all right, in the end we just watched a different movie.

(My memory is awful. With names, especialy. Dates, I'm not good with either, and I have no sense of direction. I wouldn't take it too personal, I know what a burden a bad memory is.............)

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 13, 2006, 10:15:11 PM
Funny, Jim.

Seriously though, no one has ever forgotten someone's birthday?  I have.  In my defense, I was going through a rough time and didn't have a clue what day of the week it was, let alone the date.  But that person has never let me forget it. 

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Jim on May 13, 2006, 10:25:50 PM
I could never hold a grude against somebody for forgetting something. Even if it was something big, like the King of France's birthday. Sincerity in appology, and then only once, would be enough for me. Neglect, selfishness... They aren't a part of memory lapse, at times of stress the mind can relegate what isn't important (in the grand scheme of things) to the bottom; even if you don't need to be thinking about that exam tommorow that you haven't studied for, chances are you aren't remembering that it's your dad's birthday, either.

I find it hard to imagine the type of mind that it takes to not let go of something like that. The problem is with that person that won't forget it; maybe their mother didn't hug them enough.

It's sad. But you can only judge the impact on the aftermath of realisation.

Maybe when somebody forgets my birthday, I will feel differently.

Though, I never tell anybody when it is my birthday.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: journey on May 13, 2006, 10:40:37 PM
Seriously though, no one has ever forgotten someone's birthday?? I have.? In my defense, I was going through a rough time and didn't have a clue what day of the week it was, let alone the date.? But that person has never let me forget it.?

They should've been more understanding of your situation. If you were going through a rough time, to the point that you didn't even remember what day of the week it was, then what could they expect from you? His/her reaction seems unreasonable. It's not like you did it on purpose just to be hurtful. Sorry if I'm being too frank.

I forgot to call my dad during one Christmas. I actually didn't forget, I just kept putting it off until later in the day. It was around midnight when I finally did call, which was technically the day after. Now that was bad. I got wrapped up in my own plans. It was selfish of me. I couldn't apologize enough.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Chelle on May 13, 2006, 10:41:46 PM
Though, I never tell anybody when it is my birthday.

Jim's Birthday is July 13th 


Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Jim on May 13, 2006, 10:49:59 PM
One day before Cameron Poe gets released?

One time, at band camp. Wait, no. It wasn't at band camp. But one time, err somewhere, I forgot Chelle's birthday. Never will she let me forget it.

So far in my life I am yet to miss a major event through memory lapse... But I still live at home, and our family is pretty large. When I'm on my own, well, god help anybody who gives a shit if I forget their birthday.,.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Sterlingdog on May 13, 2006, 11:04:50 PM
Do you think that its more acceptable for men to forget stuff than women?

I get a certain amount of grief from my family for not being sentimental at all.  I don't save cards, or scraps of wrapping paper, or anything like that.  I have relatives who I never see send me pictures of their kids who I've never met.  What am I supposed to do with those?  I throw them away.  I've saved a couple of particularly meaningful letters, but that's about it. 

I just wonder if anyone would question it so much from a man. 

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Jim on May 13, 2006, 11:10:48 PM
In terms of my own thinking on the subject, whether it is a man or a woman should make no difference. How we live, the man is supposed to treat the woman. I know that it isnt' always the case, but it's 'acceptable.' Even if she 'doesn't', the woman expects more; as a consequence she is let down more. It's just how, as one body, it works.

I never throw anything away. It even takes me a while to throw away letters from the bank. On my desk, either side of my laptop right now, are two piles of paper. Just... paper. At the bottom of each pile is work that is well over a year old, notes for subjects that I don't take any more. It isn't that I need any of it, I just don't like to throw anything away, or get rid of it. Two and a half years ago I bought a shitty whistle at a gig. A girl that I was with threw the whistle away, so all that I was left with was the shoelace that it had been hanging from. I still wear the shoelace round my wrist. I couldn't tell you why.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: journey on May 13, 2006, 11:34:38 PM
I never throw anything away. It even takes me a while to throw away letters from the bank. On my desk, either side of my laptop right now, are two piles of paper. Just... paper. At the bottom of each pile is work that is well over a year old, notes for subjects that I don't take any more. It isn't that I need any of it, I just don't like to throw anything away, or get rid of it.
I'm the same way. I still have papers from high school and birthday invitations from childhood. I even have an old roll of certs that a guy I liked gave me when I was eleven. Yeah that's weird.  :hihi:

Do you think that its more acceptable for men to forget stuff than women?

I just wonder if anyone would question it so much from a man.

I think there's somewhat of a bias. It's more expected for a woman to be sentimental about holiday cards and pictures.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on May 13, 2006, 11:37:29 PM
If you know someone has forgotten something, for example, your you remind them?? Or do you let them forget and feel guilty when they finally remember?

I'm wondering if it means anything when someone forgets stuff like that.? Does it suggest self-centered behavior, or are they just busy and it means nothing?? Is it worth getting hurt feelings over?

To clarify:? I'm not looking for advice.? I'm wondering how others respond in this situation.? What's the most mature way to handle it, or is it okay to be immature and lay a guilt trip on someone?

Let it go. There are bigger problems in life.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: D on May 14, 2006, 01:55:15 AM

I'm the same way. I still have papers from high school and birthday invitations from childhood. I even have an old roll of certs that a guy I liked gave me when I was eleven. Yeah that's weird.? :hihi:

U are really weird!!!!!!!!!!

hunts for certs to throw away.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: SLCPUNK on May 14, 2006, 01:59:33 AM

I have a horrible memory. I ALWAYS forget things like this. I consider myself a thoughtful person, but when it comes to remembering bdays and things like that........forget it.

If somebody forgot my birthday, I honestly would not care. I'm so past that point's really just another day. Really.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: D on May 14, 2006, 02:01:53 AM

I have a horrible memory. I ALWAYS forget things like this. I consider myself a thoughtful person, but when it comes to remembering bdays and things like that........forget it.

If somebody forgot my birthday, I honestly would not care. I'm so past that point's really just another day. Really.

True, my brothers and dad forget my birthday every year but honestly I could care less.

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Eazy E on May 14, 2006, 02:23:10 AM
You two have been talking to those fellows that go door-to-door haven't you?  You know... the ones who have claimed to witness something.   ;D

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: godiva on May 14, 2006, 06:46:49 AM
I really don't care when people forget stuff like that.... cause usually I'm the person who forgets stuff like that. Need to buy a calender. Just had an anniversary last Friday. Hubbie reminded me Saturday  :nervous:

Title: Re: How do you handle this?
Post by: Jessica on May 14, 2006, 08:01:59 AM
my companion didn't wish me my birthday the past year, it was my 30th, i wanted to do something special and he'd known fo years?

I was also carrying my son ?

Talk about upset...

I didn't get a present either.

Not aword, not a gesture.

And he didn't forget. he saw the cards i received. :rant: