Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 07:00:44 AM

Title: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 07:00:44 AM
aren't you as fans embarrased by admitting, after hearing axl's interview, that he is that much of a cool guy and that you are glad he controls gnr now, after calling him an ego-maniac and an asshole only weeks ago? i know i would be. just something to think about.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Grouse on May 08, 2006, 07:04:30 AM
Man what a worthless post this is I'm not attacking you or anything but why make a post like this? Posts like this are only gonna start shit between forum members? :-\

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 07:05:59 AM
it's not to start shit, i promise, i just think it's a little pathetic how certain fans who have bashed axl for years now all of a sudden sees how cool he really is and try to make themselves seem like loyal fans.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: anythinggoes on May 08, 2006, 07:13:14 AM
well if some of these people had taken time to look into GNR a bit more the answer has always been there all you need to do is watch the Making Of Videos he is a funny MoFo watch the Robert John Documentary same again listen to some of his rants at concerts or rhe last concert in 1993 its all there. :peace:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 07:13:52 AM
aren't you as fans embarrased by admitting, after hearing axl's interview, that he is that much of a cool guy and that you are glad he controls gnr now, after calling him an ego-maniac and an asshole only weeks ago? i know i would be. just something to think about.

People have been saying for years that Axl is a funny guy and that he has his moments.? I don't think because he was generally pleasant through one interview suddenly means that he is Mother Teresa.? This post is so ridiculous that I can't even describe in words how baffled I am at it.? ?I mean yeah he is a cool guy, but this wasn't exactly a hard hitting interview.

what baffled me is how it is possible to miss a point by that much.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Butch Français on May 08, 2006, 07:16:01 AM

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: axls#2 on May 08, 2006, 07:20:41 AM
aren't you as fans embarrased by admitting, after hearing axl's interview, that he is that much of a cool guy and that you are glad he controls gnr now, after calling him an ego-maniac and an asshole only weeks ago? i know i would be. just something to think about.

People have been saying for years that Axl is a funny guy and that he has his moments.? I don't think because he was generally pleasant through one interview suddenly means that he is Mother Teresa.? This post is so ridiculous that I can't even describe in words how baffled I am at it.? ?I mean yeah he is a cool guy, but this wasn't exactly a hard hitting interview.

what baffled me is how it is possible to miss a point by that much.

Ok.  I got the point.  I guess when I first read it I assumed you were trying to say how everything that has been said in the past about him is wrong.  I have been up all night studying for finals, so yeah,  I don't know anyone in particular that has done a complete 180 like that, but if they did, then my original point I made should be directed towards them.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: blaqktiger on May 08, 2006, 07:21:12 AM
it's not to start shit, i promise, i just think it's a little pathetic how certain fans who have bashed axl for years now all of a sudden sees how cool he really is and try to make themselves seem like loyal fans.

I know what you mean. After Rio 3 people were saying how the band is shit.. How Axl is fat etc... then after the 2002 people were like 'yeah he still has it, he is great' even though they dissed him the year before. Then there is no news and people start bashing him again, then the leaks come they love him again.

It's annoying how most people on forums only like Axl when he does something and act like they have always stood by him, even tho they bitch when we get no news.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 09:13:17 AM
it's not to start shit, i promise, i just think it's a little pathetic how certain fans who have bashed axl for years now all of a sudden sees how cool he really is and try to make themselves seem like loyal fans.

I know what you mean. After Rio 3 people were saying how the band is shit.. How Axl is fat etc... then after the 2002 people were like 'yeah he still has it, he is great' even though they dissed him the year before. Then there is no news and people start bashing him again, then the leaks come they love him again.

It's annoying how most people on forums only like Axl when he does something and act like they have always stood by him, even tho they bitch when we get no news.

i know. real fans stick by an artist no matter what.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Origen on May 08, 2006, 09:29:47 AM
it's not to start shit, i promise, i just think it's a little pathetic how certain fans who have bashed axl for years now all of a sudden sees how cool he really is and try to make themselves seem like loyal fans.

I know what you mean. After Rio 3 people were saying how the band is shit.. How Axl is fat etc... then after the 2002 people were like 'yeah he still has it, he is great' even though they dissed him the year before. Then there is no news and people start bashing him again, then the leaks come they love him again.

It's annoying how most people on forums only like Axl when he does something and act like they have always stood by him, even tho they bitch when we get no news.

i know. real fans stick by an artist no matter what.

So now YOUR deciding who here is a real fan or not  ::)

I still think Axl is an asshole and a very cool guy. It's just the way the guy is sometimes I admire him so much and sometimes I think he can be an asshole about things. But I suppose in your opinion that makes me less of a fan cause I don't agree with everythink he does.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 09:34:44 AM
i'm not trying to decide anything, all i'm sayin is that there are alot of hypocrits around who claim to be loyal fans when they are in fact one of his biggest critics unless he caters to them all the time.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 09:41:29 AM
aren't you as fans embarrased by admitting, after hearing axl's interview, that he is that much of a cool guy and that you are glad he controls gnr now, after calling him an ego-maniac and an asshole only weeks ago? i know i would be. just something to think about.

People have been saying for years that Axl is a funny guy and that he has his moments.? I don't think because he was generally pleasant through one interview suddenly means that he is Mother Teresa.? This post is so ridiculous that I can't even describe in words how baffled I am at it.? ?I mean yeah he is a cool guy, but this wasn't exactly a hard hitting interview.

what baffled me is how it is possible to miss a point by that much.

Ok.? I got the point.? I guess when I first read it I assumed you were trying to say how everything that has been said in the past about him is wrong.? I have been up all night studying for finals, so yeah,? I don't know anyone in particular that has done a complete 180 like that, but if they did, then my original point I made should be directed towards them.

why delete your first post though? i already got it quoted :confused:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Elrothiel on May 08, 2006, 09:52:54 AM
Speedy, I know what you mean. It pisses me off that us REAL fans who don't bitch and whine about things are called "Axl nutswingers" by the haters, but then when Axl does something, and we're praising him for it, they ALSO praise him as if they'd never said anything bad in the first place!

Reason they pretend to be loyal fans: because they don't want to be seen as assholes/beaten up/cussed out by the REAL loyal fans.

Their cowardice disgusts me.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 09:56:34 AM
Speedy, I know what you mean. It pisses me off that us REAL fans who don't bitch and whine about things are called "Axl nutswingers" by the haters, but then when Axl does something, and we're praising him for it, they ALSO praise him as if they'd never said anything bad in the first place!

Reason they pretend to be loyal fans: because they don't want to be seen as assholes/beaten up/cussed out by the REAL loyal fans.

Their cowardice disgusts me.

i knooow!!! that's my girl!!! ;D
when chinese democracy comes we, the most loyal of us, will be the proudest too, and these pretenders can sit embarrased and eat their own words while pretending to have been loyal fans all along. as a loyal fan since 1990 and poster since the days, it sickens me to see other fans come in here and criticize and turn their back on axl but then come back like cowards and try to pass themselves off as loyal whenever something good happens. disguisting indeed. loyalty is important to axl, cross him and you are dead to him, that's what his friends say.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 08, 2006, 10:01:23 AM
Why do you people reply to Speed-Stones posts? All he ever does is throw up passive aggressive bullshit posts to stir up shit.

I could totally see him posting things like:

"When did you stop beating your wife?"

Posting in these threads only makes it worse, as I am posting this I am aware that his is sitting at home giggling as he play us out like a puppet show.

I will not reply to any Speed-Stone posts again. But just for fun folks click on his name and look at some of his previous stuff... all he does it try to get under peoples skin. Every post he makes is trolling for a reaction.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 10:05:12 AM
Why do you people reply to Speed-Stones posts? All he ever does is throw up passive aggressive bullshit posts to stir up shit.

I could totally see him posting things like:

"When did you stop beating your wife?"

Posting in these threads only makes it worse, as I am posting this I am aware that his is sitting at home giggling as he play us out like a puppet show.

I will not reply to any Speed-Stone posts again. But just for fun folks click on his name and look at some of his previous stuff... all he does it try to get under peoples skin. Every post he makes is trolling for a reaction.

most of my posts are gnr related, i couldn't care less if you reply to me. as a matter of fact, please don't.? and "why did you stop beating your wife"? where did that come from? it's sad that you make such generalisations towards another member you don't know at all. skynyrdgirl is a friend of mine, telling her not to reply to my posts when she even agrees with me a hundred percent (as do other posters) is outright lame.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Falcon on May 08, 2006, 10:06:51 AM
It was a great interview, no doubt. ?Axl represented himself very well and we should all recognize that.


He's also the guy who just recently threw a former bandmate under the proverbial bus by going public with alleged comments made in a private conversation, not cool. ?

The bottom line is Axl, just like anyone else has good moments and bad. ?Any thoughts of universal cool or full time jackass are probably skewed by blind worship or shortsighted dislike.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: ROSE22 on May 08, 2006, 10:07:34 AM
it's obvious that this speedstone character just likes to argue with people. any post or comment will do as long as he gets to argue his meaningless points. just go away.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 10:12:50 AM
if another member than me had posted this, the reactions would have been better. all i ever tried to do was point out that certain fans aren't very loyal, and that's my right as a poster. several people even agreed. i'm not playing anyone like a puppet show, i'm posting on a board about my favourite band. my reputation on this board as a bad poster is completely undeserved, and if you really want to look at my posts and contributions, scroll more than one page back. if i wanted to stir up shit, i'd do it a little more effectively.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Jim Bob on May 08, 2006, 10:31:05 AM
i agree with your post  ;D   the haters are a waste of time and a waste of space  : ok:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: BLS-Pride on May 08, 2006, 10:45:04 AM
It's one thing to like the guy and then its another to like him to the point where you think he has no flaws.. Everyone has flaws. Some people do not agree with everything Axl has done but they still like him and they still want to see a CD and a tour. You do not have to think he does no wrong and whatever he says is the truth to be a fan.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Axlfreek on May 08, 2006, 10:45:31 AM
if another member than me had posted this, the reactions would have been better. all i ever tried to do was point out that certain fans aren't very loyal, and that's my right as a poster. several people even agreed. i'm not playing anyone like a puppet show, i'm posting on a board about my favourite band. my reputation on this board as a bad poster is completely undeserved, and if you really want to look at my posts and contributions, scroll more than one page back. if i wanted to stir up shit, i'd do it a little more effectively.

i don't think your a bad poster. you say what you feel and i respect you for that.

rock on ?:peace:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: gilld1 on May 08, 2006, 10:45:41 AM
He's still an asshole in my book. ?One lonely interview in 15 years hardly excuses all the BS he has done.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Barbie567 on May 08, 2006, 10:53:48 AM
I certainly don't think Axl is perfect (far from it), but I like & respect him as a musician.  I consider myself a fan who enjoys the music of GNR, regardless of Axl's personal drama.  What bothers me is people who purport to love GNR, but talk shit about Axl.  In case you haven't figured it out by now, Axl is GNR, for better or worse.  Yes, the old band was great, but they're not together now, so deal with it.  Axl is all we have left in GNR - if you don't like it, then don't listen to GNR.  And he's funny...   :)

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Elrothiel on May 08, 2006, 10:59:57 AM
I certainly don't think Axl is perfect (far from it), but I like & respect him as a musician. I consider myself a fan who enjoys the music of GNR, regardless of Axl's personal drama. What bothers me is people who purport to love GNR, but talk shit about Axl. In case you haven't figured it out by now, Axl is GNR, for better or worse. Yes, the old band was great, but they're not together now, so deal with it. Axl is all we have left in GNR - if you don't like it, then don't listen to GNR. And he's funny... :)

Damn right. : ok:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: BLS-Pride on May 08, 2006, 11:01:50 AM
If Axl does something that is fucked up or makes him look like an ass hole then of course some fans are going to say something. Does that make them less fans than you? No. Some people call people out on shit they do.. famous or not.. Just because its my favorite band does not mean I won't call Axl a dick for doing something fucked up in anyway.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on May 08, 2006, 11:41:30 AM
Axl's a bigger douche than he was before. Still making up lies about '02. Still making up lies about the Illusions. Always trying to make himself look like the victim. Probably still making up lies about the fakegnr album. He's still a bigger dildo than ever & I can't wait for someone to ask him some real questions, you know when it's not some best friend sitting next to him & a dj trying to pimp for more stations to pick him up. It'll be fun to see how he handles that.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on May 08, 2006, 11:46:18 AM
Axl's a bigger douche than he was before. Still making up lies about '02. Still making up lies about the Illusions. Always trying to make himself look like the victim. Probably still making up lies about the fakegnr album. He's still a bigger dildo than ever & I can't wait for someone to ask him some real questions, you know when it's not some best friend sitting next to him & a dj trying to pimp for more stations to pick him up. It'll be fun to see how he handles that.

He did get kinda dodgy on the harder questions. He didn't actually wanna go into too many details about gnr.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 11:49:05 AM
i thought he shared detailed stories like never before, and that was amazing. as for the future of gnr, guns n' roses is his baby now and he'll update us when there is something to share. :peace:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: IzzyDutch on May 08, 2006, 11:56:50 AM
In that interview Axl said that UYI was basically Slash and him taking over the band and Izzy in his own drugworld... well, Izzy was clean since '89 ::)

Eventhough Axl was funny sometimes, the people in that studio where a bunch of suck ups... laughing hysterically at every little thing Axl said.

Musically I have respect for Axl (altough I don't like new GN'R), but he's still an asshole in my book and the main reason for the original GN'R break up.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on May 08, 2006, 11:58:31 AM
Don't get wrong, i loved the interview, as well as the stories he told. I am really happy that he spoke at such length, and seems to be in good spirits, as well as the fact he was actually at rehersals, which is great to hear. There were just a few things he really didn't wanna talk about.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 11:58:50 AM
In that interview Axl said that UYI was basically Slash and him taking over the band and Izzy in his own drugworld... well, Izzy was clean since '89 ::)

Eventhough Axl was funny sometimes, the people in that studio where a bunch of suck ups... laughing hysterically at every little thing Axl said.

Musically I have respect for Axl (altough I don't like new GN'R), but he's still an asshole in my book and the main reason for the original GN'R break up.

how is he the main reason for the break-up? slash actually told axl "i don't wanna work that hard" when axl wanted to work on the new record. provide me the details about how the break-up happened and who was responsible, since you seem to know all the inside information.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Barbie567 on May 08, 2006, 11:59:16 AM
Axl's a bigger douche than he was before. Still making up lies about '02. Still making up lies about the Illusions. Always trying to make himself look like the victim. Probably still making up lies about the fakegnr album. He's still a bigger dildo than ever & I can't wait for someone to ask him some real questions, you know when it's not some best friend sitting next to him & a dj trying to pimp for more stations to pick him up. It'll be fun to see how he handles that.

He did get kinda dodgy on the harder questions. He didn't actually wanna go into too many details about gnr.

You act like you're surprised, like this is something new. ?Axl Rose not answering questions about GNR? ?Shocker! ?This is the same man who was basically a recluse for a good 10 years, & you think him being evasive is unusual? ?He has always done things on his terms - why would you think that would change now?

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: WARose on May 08, 2006, 11:59:24 AM
In that interview Axl said that UYI was basically Slash and him taking over the band and Izzy in his own drugworld... well, Izzy was clean since '89 ::)

that`s why that record was released in late '91 dude : ok:

axl doesn`t lie...

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: A Private Eye on May 08, 2006, 12:01:12 PM
It was a great interview, no doubt. ?Axl represented himself very well and we should all recognize that.


He's also the guy who just recently threw a former bandmate under the proverbial bus by going public with alleged comments made in a private conversation, not cool. ?

The bottom line is Axl, just like anyone else has good moments and bad. ?Any thoughts of universal cool or full time jackass are probably skewed by blind worship or shortsighted dislike.

Good post ?: ok:

Axl like everybody else has good points and bad, he's often said he is aware how hard he is to like or get along with sometimes yet on the radio interview for example he seemed a really cool guy, very funny and totally on top of everything.

The guy has made mistakes and people inc. fans have called him on it, and then when he does something cool and praise worthy those same fans give him praise, why is that so bad? It does not make them Axl haters just slightly more objective and realistic than people who just blindly follow him and never question anything he does.

Those who criticized Axl for a lack of info or the Slash case are perfectly entitled to praise him if the music is good or they think he was cool on the radio they are still just as loyal fans as those who believe the guy can do no wrong. ?

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: IzzyDutch on May 08, 2006, 12:05:21 PM
In that interview Axl said that UYI was basically Slash and him taking over the band and Izzy in his own drugworld... well, Izzy was clean since '89 ::)

Eventhough Axl was funny sometimes, the people in that studio where a bunch of suck ups... laughing hysterically at every little thing Axl said.

Musically I have respect for Axl (altough I don't like new GN'R), but he's still an asshole in my book and the main reason for the original GN'R break up.

how is he the main reason for the break-up? slash actually told axl "i don't wanna work that hard" when axl wanted to work on the new record. provide me the details about how the break-up happened and who was responsible, since you seem to know all the inside information.

It's no secret Axl was a dictator. The power went to his head. It turned into Axl's little trip. All of the other original GN'R members + Matt and Gilby have said this...

Oh and about the "Slash actually told axl "i don't wanna work that hard" when axl wanted to work on the new record." well he had songs that Axl didn't like! And so Slash did them with his own band and released Snakepit '95. Who's was not working hard you say?

Slash has always been busy with playing guitar and writing music.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Alan on May 08, 2006, 12:09:33 PM
i'm not trying to decide anything, all i'm sayin is that there are alot of hypocrits around who claim to be loyal fans when they are in fact one of his biggest critics unless he caters to them all the time.

the most loyal fans are always the biggest critics.....

they are the ones who will wait around forever, and give an honest opinion on anything produced

unlike the asskissers , who will always say something is great even if it isn't.

i'd take fans who will criticise over fans that kiss ass anyday.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Origen on May 08, 2006, 12:18:56 PM
slash actually told axl "i don't wanna work that hard" when axl wanted to work on the new record.

Bullshit ok, is that why since the break Axl STILL hasn't released anythink apart from a single song since Slash left, and Slash has released albums. Things like this annoy me because it's trying to make people pick one over the other and it shouldn't be like that.

i'm not trying to decide anything, all i'm sayin is that there are alot of hypocrits around who claim to be loyal fans when they are in fact one of his biggest critics unless he caters to them all the time.

the most loyal fans are always the biggest critics.....

they are the ones who will wait around forever, and give an honest opinion on anything produced

unlike the asskissers , who will always say something is great even if it isn't.

i'd take fans who will criticise over fans that kiss ass anyday.


Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: BLS-Pride on May 08, 2006, 12:20:46 PM
i'm not trying to decide anything, all i'm sayin is that there are alot of hypocrits around who claim to be loyal fans when they are in fact one of his biggest critics unless he caters to them all the time.

the most loyal fans are always the biggest critics.....

they are the ones who will wait around forever, and give an honest opinion on anything produced

unlike the asskissers , who will always say something is great even if it isn't.

i'd take fans who will criticise over fans that kiss ass anyday.

I agree 100 percent.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 12:22:38 PM
Bullshit ok, is that why since the break Axl STILL hasn't released anythink apart from a single song since Slash left, and Slash has released albums. Things like this annoy me because you try and make people pick one over the other and it shouldn't be like that.

actually it's the truth, axl said it himself in the gnronline interview in 2002. and i'm not trying to make people pick one over the other, i'm posting a topic in defense of my favourite artist whose band guns n' roses this section of the board is about (that's including axl, excluding slash, FYI). when are you people gonna get this?

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on May 08, 2006, 12:23:29 PM
Barbie567, No im not surprised at all, it's been his nature for so long. I don't mean to come off as an axl basher because im not, i was stating a fact. I am very very happy with the time he took to talk, i think it means a lot to everyone here that he did give us some definitive info, such as no reunion, 3rd guitarist, he was at rehersals, etc.

And yes, the biggest and most loyal fans are often the ones who will call a spade a spade, and not just blindly follow what ever is fed to them.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: BLS-Pride on May 08, 2006, 12:24:30 PM
And you are willing to believe Axl cause he said Slash didnt want to work hard? Some of you follow the man blind to whatever he says or makes.. Use your own mind.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 12:24:55 PM
Barbie567, No im not surprised at all, it's been his nature for so long. I don't mean to come off as an axl basher because im not, i was stating a fact. I am very very happy with the time he took to talk, i think it means a lot to everyone here that he did give us some definitive info, such as no reunion, 3rd guitarist, he was at rehersals, etc.

And yes, the biggest and most loyal fans are often the ones who will call a spade a spade, and not just blindly follow what ever is fed to them.

i thought no one could determine who is the bigger fan? cause you can't, but certain posts show loyalty (which axl values) and others don't.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Origen on May 08, 2006, 12:25:31 PM
Bullshit ok, is that why since the break Axl STILL hasn't released anythink apart from a single song since Slash left, and Slash has released albums. Things like this annoy me because you try and make people pick one over the other and it shouldn't be like that.

actually it's the truth, axl said it himself in the gnronline interview in 2002.

And why is that going to be the truth? Because Axl said it?

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Barbie567 on May 08, 2006, 12:26:16 PM
Barbie567, No im not surprised at all, it's been his nature for so long. I don't mean to come off as an axl basher because im not, i was stating a fact. I am very very happy with the time he took to talk, i think it means a lot to everyone here that he did give us some definitive info, such as no reunion, 3rd guitarist, he was at rehersals, etc.

And yes, the biggest and most loyal fans are often the ones who will call a spade a spade, and not just blindly follow what ever is fed to them.

I wasn't trying to say that you were bashing Axl - I think it's great that he said as much as he did. ?I was just commenting that he's never exactly been known for being overly communicative with the fans.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: BLS-Pride on May 08, 2006, 12:27:04 PM
Bullshit ok, is that why since the break Axl STILL hasn't released anythink apart from a single song since Slash left, and Slash has released albums. Things like this annoy me because you try and make people pick one over the other and it shouldn't be like that.

actually it's the truth, axl said it himself in the gnronline interview in 2002.

And why is that going to be the truth? Because Axl said it?

Yeah cause according to some people in order to be a real fan and a loyal fan you have to believe and like everything Axl does.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on May 08, 2006, 12:29:21 PM
I wasn't around for the glory days, but it seems as axl is the most outgoing he has ever been, he seems to be ok with fans approaching him, taking some pictures, etc. I am very surprised he sat down and said as much as he did in terms of u.s. tour and album release. Good time all around.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Neemo on May 08, 2006, 12:31:55 PM
And you are willing to believe Axl? Some of you follow the man blind to whatever he says or makes.. Use your own mind.

Exactly BLS-Pride I'll elaborate a bit.

Axl is a very cool guy and he is  very talented...I'm not gonna follow an artist this closely if i don't think they are great. And I'm sure nearly everyone else feels the same

SkynyrdGirl, the "nutswingers" are people who feel Axl is holier than thou, that his shit don't stink or whatever.

And what about you Speedstone...calling the old band a bunch of loser junkies and alcoholics....when Axl did just as many drugs and booze as the rest. Oh Axl wasn't hooked...Axl only "experimented"I forgot. ::) And, riggght, Axl tried his hardest to keep the band together and had nothing to do with the breakup....they all had a hand in the break up IMO.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Neemo on May 08, 2006, 12:34:11 PM
i thought no one could determine who is the bigger fan? cause you can't, but certain posts show loyalty (which axl values) and others don't.

How do you know what Axl values? you talk like you know the're just a fan-boy you don't know him.

There are people who look objectively at things and people who look at things through a filter.

You speedstone see things through a filter

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 12:34:33 PM
I wasn't around for the glory days, but it seems as axl is the most outgoing he has ever been, he seems to be ok with fans approaching him, taking some pictures, etc. I am very surprised he sat down and said as much as he did in terms of u.s. tour and album release. Good time all around.

excactly. why should he say something when there is nothing to say, only to get crusified by his own fans again?
axl's as friendly as ever, it seems. he will let us know when there is something to say, for now let's enjoy the shows! :peace:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: leesixxrose on May 08, 2006, 12:35:24 PM
He is cool but he does act like a fucking douche bag sometimes..... actually alot of the time....

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: CAFC Nick on May 08, 2006, 12:35:56 PM
Well that confirmed for me that Axl is more chillaxed than ever which is very VERY good news.

A message to all people going on the tour: Please don't piss Axl off again if we get the Euro tour without a hitch...could mean great things for the future ?: ok:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 12:36:14 PM
How do you know what Axl values? you talk like you know the're just a fan-boy you don't know him.

There are people who look objectively at things and people who look at things through a filter.

You speedstone see things through a filter

i know because his close friends, both beta and her son, have told us that through interviews.
and calling me a "fan-boy" now? for non-english speakers, that's slang for "faggot".
i look forward to you getting your first bad "karma" point.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Neemo on May 08, 2006, 12:44:09 PM
How do you know what Axl values? you talk like you know the're just a fan-boy you don't know him.

There are people who look objectively at things and people who look at things through a filter.

You speedstone see things through a filter

i know because his close friends, both beta and her son, have told us that through interviews.
and calling me a "fan-boy" now? for non-english speakers, that's slang for "faggot".
i look forward to you getting your first bad "karma" point.

you wish...If i wanted to call you a faggot I'd just come out and say it not hide behind other words.

What "fan-boy" means to me is someone who blindly follows someone like they can't do wrong.

I see axl as a person, he makes mistakes we all do, so what...I don't have to agree with everything the guy does. And just cuz I disagree on things here and there with him doesn't mean I'm not a fan.

I think axl is one of the greatest singers ever, and he is my personal favorite all time singer : ok:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 08, 2006, 12:45:45 PM
How do you know what Axl values? you talk like you know the're just a fan-boy you don't know him.

There are people who look objectively at things and people who look at things through a filter.

You speedstone see things through a filter

i know because his close friends, both beta and her son, have told us that through interviews.
and calling me a "fan-boy" now? for non-english speakers, that's slang for "faggot".
i look forward to you getting your first bad "karma" point.

you wish...If i wanted to call you a faggot I'd just come out and say it not hide behind other words.

What "fan-boy" means to me is someone who blindly follows someone like they can't do wrong.

I see axl as a person, he makes mistakes we all do, so what...I don't have to agree with everything the guy does. And just cuz I disagree on things here and there with him doesn't mean I'm not a fan.

I think axl is one of the greatest singers ever, and he is my personal favorite all time singer : ok:

i'm talking about the individuals who openly bash him but then suddenly turn around to be on the winning side again whenever something good happens. i know your posts and i know you're a true fan, my views don't include you. don't worry.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: A Private Eye on May 08, 2006, 01:03:26 PM
Bullshit ok, is that why since the break Axl STILL hasn't released anythink apart from a single song since Slash left, and Slash has released albums. Things like this annoy me because you try and make people pick one over the other and it shouldn't be like that.

actually it's the truth, axl said it himself in the gnronline interview in 2002. and i'm not trying to make people pick one over the other, i'm posting a topic in defense of my favourite artist whose band guns n' roses this section of the board is about (that's including axl, excluding slash, FYI). when are you people gonna get this?

Peole are never gonna get it because it's ridiculous to expect people to discuss Guns N' Roses without discussing Slash. It would be like talking about the Beatles without mentioning John Lennon.
Whether you like it or not, to the fans Slash was as big a part of GNR as Axl was and so will discuss him, some (god forbid) may even do so in a positive way.

Both Axl and Slash in the past have made mistakes or been in the wrong, and I bet both would admit that. Does saying that make me a hater of Axl and Slash? Of course not, I'm a huge fan of both these guys but that doesn't mean fans can't criticize what they have done. Why does everything have to be so black and white with some people? They have it stuck in their heads that Axl is good and Slash is bad and that it's as simple as that, which is a really short sighted view of things.?

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: leesixxrose on May 08, 2006, 01:08:26 PM
What about me? I openly bash him... Ill bash the hell out of him... but at the same time i have a pic of the guy tattood on my leg...? I can bash him anytime i want to.... The way he doesnt release any music or even give any statement about why the 2002 tour was just cancelled?? I can bash that... I can tear it apart if i want... I had tickets to the phonex show and what did i get? nothing.. not even a statement... he promises new music after 2001 rir and what did we get? ..nothing....

He is cool when he isnt acting like a douche bag...

Now he is starting to act cool again... lets just see how long it lasts before he starts to act like a douche bag again.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: shotgun_blue on May 08, 2006, 01:23:24 PM
you dont get -7 karma for nothing speed-stone regardless of what you say. Im sure it was you in fact that wanted someones boyfriend/girlfriend to die in a car crash which was just stupid. You are right, if you hadnt started this thread and someone else had nothing would be said against them (although its a bit of a over simplistic and boring thread). I just think your looking for trouble so I have little sympathy, although I do read your posts for the entertainment value!

Axl can be a ''douche bag'' im sure but thats what helps him to be cool aswell. It shows a human side of him that I can relate too as we can all be dick heads at times. If Axl wasnt a dick sometimes then he would just end up looking like Bono or some other pompous 'rock star' (bono I particularly hate because he thinks hes so wonderful!). Im going to the New York shows from London blowing loads of money just to see Axl so Im a huge fan of his, doesnt mean he blindly have to agree with all he does. Id tell him to his face too! Hed probably appreciate it alot more than alot of bum sucks worshiping every word he says.   

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: mikegiuliana on May 08, 2006, 02:35:46 PM
aren't you as fans embarrased by admitting, after hearing axl's interview, that he is that much of a cool guy and that you are glad he controls gnr now, after calling him an ego-maniac and an asshole only weeks ago? i know i would be. just something to think about.

I needed this interview to give me feelings about axl being cool or not? You act like we started following him this year

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: xxMarcelaxx on May 08, 2006, 03:31:06 PM
aren't you as fans embarrased by admitting, after hearing axl's interview, that he is that much of a cool guy and that you are glad he controls gnr now, after calling him an ego-maniac and an asshole only weeks ago? i know i would be. just something to think about.
I've always thought he was that cool and laid back for some reason.....!!

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: February on May 08, 2006, 03:46:58 PM
Are we having a competition "Im a fan but i bash"? ?In GNR fans world it's going to be hard finding a winer.
Anyways Axl is starting doing interviews because he has to, now he has something to promote and he found a great way to do it, he choose a place and an opportunity to do it in a friendly enviroment were he could feel confortable n show that he can be a nice n preaty down to earth guy, would't you?
So there's issues he doesen't want or can discuss, there was a litigation with CC over the end of the tour, if that still going he CAN'T talk, neither if they managed some of court agreament staiting there is a public silence on the matter.
Beasides He knows that most people and fans consider him the guilty part, the easy way out would be to find an escape goat and instead he took the pressure on him saying he didn't want to talk about it, in my book it take's balls to do it.
About the toppic of the tread i would assume that like me, Slash, and everybody else, sometimes you're a douche bag ?sometimes you're cool what do i care It's not like h's my friend and we hang out, ?I love the artist ( i also find the man hooooooot), but i would expect from him or any other artists that they provide their art and interviews on a regular basis just to fill calender n keep me happy.
First you complained that the man didn't speak, so he does a 2 hour great interview, now let's complain about the things he didn't say ( if that doesen't work let's complain about the break up for the milion time).
"Axl was cool? He'll be a douche bag again, eventually" Really?, no kidding, i tought that if you're cool at a radio program you'd be cool for life....

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on May 08, 2006, 04:03:55 PM
Are we having a competition "Im a fan but i bash"? ?In GNR fans world it's going to be hard finding a winer.
Anyways Axl is starting doing interviews because he has to, now he has something to promote and he found a great way to do it, he choose a place and an opportunity to do it in a friendly enviroment were he could feel confortable n show that he can be a nice n preaty down to earth guy, would't you?
So there's issues he doesen't want or can discuss, there was a litigation with CC over the end of the tour, if that still going he CAN'T talk, neither if they managed some of court agreament staiting there is a public silence on the matter.
Beasides He knows that most people and fans consider him the guilty part, the easy way out would be to find an escape goat and instead he took the pressure on him saying he didn't want to talk about it, in my book it take's balls to do it.
About the toppic of the tread i would assume that like me, Slash, and everybody else, sometimes you're a douche bag ?sometimes you're cool what do i care It's not like h's my friend and we hang out, ?I love the artist ( i also find the man hooooooot), but i would expect from him or any other artists that they provide their art and interviews on a regular basis just to fill calender n keep me happy.
First you complained that the man didn't speak, so he does a 2 hour great interview, now let's complain about the things he didn't say ( if that doesen't work let's complain about the break up for the milion time).
"Axl was cool? He'll be a douche bag again, eventually" Really?, no kidding, i tought that if you're cool at a radio program you'd be cool for life....

An escape goat cracked me up.? :hihi:

So, in your world, it takes balls to NOT talk about something? How about when he blamed others for prodding him to do the '02 tour, even though there is a statement from him back in '02 that contradicts this? Checkout the 3rd answer.

Just goes to show that Whaxl is nothing but a little liar that can't keep his story straight.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: ppbebe on May 08, 2006, 06:30:05 PM
 ??? I haven't heard that other people "prodding" him bit yet. Where is it?

the most loyal fans are always the biggest critics.....

they are the ones who will wait around forever, and give an honest opinion on anything produced

unlike the asskissers , who will always say something is great even if it isn't.

i'd take fans who will criticise over fans that kiss ass anyday.

Right. the people that always bash VR are the loyal fans of slash and Duff.
And there's some loyal fans that constantly dis Axl and today's GNR and never criticise ex guys or the old songs. They are the most loyal fans of the new band but the ass kissers of the old band, nay?
Actually I rarely find criticism of afd or the afd era GNR here. Shame isn't it?

moreover, I can't see a point for a  fan of a music band in being the biggest critic of musician's personality.
Can it be of any help to the band/the music? 

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: leesixxrose on May 08, 2006, 06:34:52 PM
I can't see a point for a? fan of a music band in being the biggest critic of musician's personality.
Can it be of any help to the band/the music??

When his personallity affects the music he releases or concerts that he cancells that fans have paid money for there is a point to criticise it... coz it sucks.....   sometimes he acts like a douche bag and anyone can critcise him if they want... Why do some of you take it so personally if other fans dont like something... its not like you know him personaly anyways.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on May 08, 2006, 08:43:25 PM
aren't you as fans embarrased by admitting, after hearing axl's interview, that he is that much of a cool guy and that you are glad he controls gnr now, after calling him an ego-maniac and an asshole only weeks ago? i know i would be. just something to think about.

I always thought Axl was a cool guy and that he was extremely funny just by other interviews I have viewed, listened to or read over the years.  It's more frustration that is being vented by some of us that really wanted CD released for years now and wished he would have released it instead of keeping it under wraps.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: jimmythegent on May 08, 2006, 08:53:11 PM
I'd really like to see Axl stand up and do a proper interview with hard questions - although this Trunk one is OK, theres too much ego stroking and it was too gentle. Lets ask the hard questions

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: leesixxrose on May 08, 2006, 09:01:47 PM
I'd really like to see Axl stand up and do a proper interview with hard questions - although this Trunk one is OK, theres too much ego stroking and it was too gentle. Lets ask the hard questions

no shit... and ask him why he says one thing then does another...

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: ROSE22 on May 08, 2006, 09:19:32 PM
" this song is dedicated to people who say one thing then always seem to do another this is a song called double-talking jive motherfucker !"        ironic  :hihi:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Lara on May 08, 2006, 09:43:55 PM
Axl is cool, he's funny and in my opinion he's a very bright person and very talented artist.
That's from what I THINK I know of him, just like you guys.
And if what i THINK i know of him is true, then he's the best.
Maybe he's a pain in the ass to work with -who knows- but every group of people has a leader, and for GnR, it was Axl.

I enjoyed him in the interview, he sounded witty to me, maybe cause the other guys were total jerks and sucking him up all the time.
(Well, maybe except for Bas - he's just crazy big time)

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on May 08, 2006, 10:27:37 PM
Axl is not what the press has implied.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Falcon on May 08, 2006, 11:00:22 PM
I'd really like to see Axl stand up and do a proper interview with hard questions..

I think CD will hit the shelves long before a no holds barred interview will ever come to pass.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: speed-stone on May 09, 2006, 03:48:16 AM
" this song is dedicated to people who say one thing then always seem to do another this is a song called double-talking jive motherfucker !"? ? ? ? ironic? :hihi:

HAHAHA! has he actually said that?
that would prove my point once and for all! ;D

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Origen on May 09, 2006, 04:18:57 AM
" this song is dedicated to people who say one thing then always seem to do another this is a song called double-talking jive motherfucker !"? ? ? ? ironic? :hihi:

HAHAHA! has he actually said that?
that would prove my point once and for all! ;D

To prove your point why not address some of the people's posts in this thread who don't agree with you on  the previous 2 pages instead of just responding to the ones that do.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: jimmythegent on May 09, 2006, 05:15:53 AM
Are we having a competition "Im a fan but i bash"? ?In GNR fans world it's going to be hard finding a winer.
Anyways Axl is starting doing interviews because he has to, now he has something to promote and he found a great way to do it, he choose a place and an opportunity to do it in a friendly enviroment were he could feel confortable n show that he can be a nice n preaty down to earth guy, would't you?
So there's issues he doesen't want or can discuss, there was a litigation with CC over the end of the tour, if that still going he CAN'T talk, neither if they managed some of court agreament staiting there is a public silence on the matter.
Beasides He knows that most people and fans consider him the guilty part, the easy way out would be to find an escape goat and instead he took the pressure on him saying he didn't want to talk about it, in my book it take's balls to do it.
About the toppic of the tread i would assume that like me, Slash, and everybody else, sometimes you're a douche bag ?sometimes you're cool what do i care It's not like h's my friend and we hang out, ?I love the artist ( i also find the man hooooooot), but i would expect from him or any other artists that they provide their art and interviews on a regular basis just to fill calender n keep me happy.
First you complained that the man didn't speak, so he does a 2 hour great interview, now let's complain about the things he didn't say ( if that doesen't work let's complain about the break up for the milion time).
"Axl was cool? He'll be a douche bag again, eventually" Really?, no kidding, i tought that if you're cool at a radio program you'd be cool for life....

An escape goat cracked me up.? :hihi:

So, in your world, it takes balls to NOT talk about something? How about when he blamed others for prodding him to do the '02 tour, even though there is a statement from him back in '02 that contradicts this? Checkout the 3rd answer.

Just goes to show that Whaxl is nothing but a little liar that can't keep his story straight.

interesting indeed

perhaps this post belongs in the "Slash the liar" thread  :hihi:

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: St.heathen on May 09, 2006, 05:22:01 AM
I see the word loyalty banded about but how many of you loyal fans have listened to leaked, un-ready demos? ?That's not loyalty who are u kidding?

I have been a die hard fan since 1992 and i have eagerly awaited new Guns material. ?I love all those who were involved with GNR (and their side projects and new bands ect) and i have enjoyed the new GNR line up. ?I'm not intereted in 'sides' or any shit like that. It's ridiculous for music fans.

 But as a fan i have decided not to hear those demos until the album comes out. Out of repect as much as anything. ?We all know the work thats been done over the last 10 years for Axl to finally want to release something he deems fit and ready. ?

Now as a fan i have read and heard enough over the years to know Axl can be an absolute cool guy. But you get him on a bad day and he can be a real asshole. There's enough evidence to suggest that anyway. You haven't got to be blinkered to be a fan. 

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: leesixxrose on May 09, 2006, 01:10:29 PM
I see the word loyalty banded about but how many of you loyal fans have listened to leaked, un-ready demos? ?That's not loyalty who are u kidding?

That doesnt make anyone unloyal.... it makes them curious ... Curious to hear what the band have written and recorded..  yeah your so much more of a "loyal fan" whatever that is coz you didnt listen to leaked demos...... whatever.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: ppbebe on May 09, 2006, 01:44:54 PM
I can't see a point for a  fan of a music band in being the biggest critic of musician's personality.
Can it be of any help to the band/the music? 

When his personallity affects the music he releases or concerts that he cancells that fans have paid money for there is a point to criticise it... coz it sucks.....   sometimes he acts like a douche bag and anyone can critcise him if they want... Why do some of you take it so personally if other fans dont like something... its not like you know him personaly anyways.

Yeah,  what's the point in criticising the personality of someone who you don't know personally.
bitch about someone you don't know well at fellow fans as much as you like. it doesn't make any difference.
How can it be loyal?

I don't even claim myself a "loyal" fan. I just love this band and the music now and that's that.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: St.heathen on May 09, 2006, 03:51:27 PM
I see the word loyalty banded about but how many of you loyal fans have listened to leaked, un-ready demos? ?That's not loyalty who are u kidding?

That doesnt make anyone unloyal.... it makes them curious ... Curious to hear what the band have written and recorded..? yeah your so much more of a "loyal fan" whatever that is coz you didnt listen to leaked demos...... whatever.

You totally didn't get what i was saying.  Listen i'm 25 i'm not 'loyal' to musicians, i enjoy their music that's it.  I just want to hear music and see concerts. I am definatly no better or worse than anyone else - i definatly wasn't making that comment.

My point was more to make those who mention loyalty to think a little. You can't just use that word in your own terms.  You don't think i've been curious?  Everyone has the right to do what they want. I'm not saying they are wrong. But i was saying for me personally I see listening to those demos as more a lack of respect for him than someone giving their opinion saying he can be an asshole.  He doesn't care what you or I think of him. But we all know he cares about the work he has been making for a lifetime.  That was my point.   

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: leesixxrose on May 09, 2006, 03:52:25 PM
I can't see a point for a? fan of a music band in being the biggest critic of musician's personality.
Can it be of any help to the band/the music??

When his personallity affects the music he releases or concerts that he cancells that fans have paid money for there is a point to criticise it... coz it sucks.....? ?sometimes he acts like a douche bag and anyone can critcise him if they want... Why do some of you take it so personally if other fans dont like something... its not like you know him personaly anyways.

Yeah,? what's the point in criticising the personality of someone who you don't know personally.
bitch about someone you don't know well at fellow fans as much as you like. it doesn't make any difference.
How can it be loyal?

I don't even claim myself a "loyal" fan. I just love this band and the music now and that's that.

coz he acts like a douche bag..

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: Bono on May 09, 2006, 05:01:03 PM
 ::) Gimmie a break. Axl has always seemed cool in interviews and yet he still pulls asshole type shit all the tiem. You're on glue if you think this one interview makes up for all the shit. No doubt Axl seemed like a cool guy in the interview and no doubt he is a cool guy but there are times when he can be a real prick. Notice how he wouldn' comment on the collapse of the last tour. That says enough right there for me to belive that he simply blew it. An asshole type move. Doping the interveiw and conducting himself the way he did was a cool guy type thing.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: dizzy68 on May 10, 2006, 12:13:58 AM

 Going by everything Axl has done in the past 17 years , he has really screwed the fans over a good deal of the time. I'll give him credit if things start to change. However I won't be a bit surprised if he starts cancelling Concerts again........ and I'm sure the hell not going to hold my breath waiting for that new CD to come out in the Fall. I don't care what he said in that interview. I'm personally anticipating him making excuses for the next four years of why it's still being delayed. I would love for him to prove me wrong...... but we'll see.

Title: Re: "wow, i thought axl was a douche bag but he is so cool"
Post by: noonespecial on May 10, 2006, 07:05:47 AM
well I agree Dizzy68, but let's put a positive spin since there are a lot of folks here who are gearing up for some rock n roll shows that should go off very's to axl learning something...come on braid head!!!!!