Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 10:59:57 AM

Title: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 10:59:57 AM
Hey, take it or leave it.

My "insider" friend (a former employee in New York) says rumor on the street is that Axl and a unannounced "friend or two" have been tentatively setting up for some interviews after the first show, and in-between the remaining dates with several local stations, periodicals and bloggers. I don't know how accurate this is but definately put it in the RUMOR bin. Fact


Edit: He is the same guy who told me (He is NOT a GN'R fan, that matters cause he gets confused on specifics):

More songs are coming. Alternate versions / new songs. I expect they should surface withing the next 24 - 32 hours. Fact - This was before the instrumentals, TWAT and CITR

The "IRS" leak was intensional, though nobody will admit it. "Better" leak was not.  Unconfirmed - As far as I know I was the first to say this, I think they were all intensional except CITR IMO, he later agreed and said he may have been confused

Negotiations are under way, looks like we will see a re-united Gn'R (with Izzy). Current line-up future is unknown (Bumblefoot reference?). Fact - It happened, even if only for a night

Geffen will speak very soon. We will have an official release date. Fiction - Obviously still yet to happen

iTunes will have a surprise for us shortly. Unconfirmed - Obviously still yet to happen

All of these things are tentative, but at least most of them will happen very soon.
Fairly accurate 3 out of 5 were dead on IMO

I posted thios on Feb 17th, if you remember, I got shit on royally for saying those things. If any original members are in the line-up, I am so making an "I TOLD YOU SO" post.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Nytunz on April 28, 2006, 11:02:40 AM
hmm, interesting. But it would be weird if something like that dident happen. He even did radio interviews in 2002

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Mandy. on April 28, 2006, 11:04:04 AM
How cool would it be if Axl actually pushed this idea forward!!!  :D

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 11:11:24 AM
I know, but truthfully, it doesn't take Nostrodomas to predict that.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: mr_gonella on April 28, 2006, 11:12:28 AM
We could prepare some good/important/curious question to send to these radio station ou possible place that axl would be there. Because normally these people from radio does'nt make interesting questions to Axl, just all bull shit that we know. What do u think?

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 11:13:01 AM
We could prepare some good/important/curious question to send to these radio station ou possible place that axl would be there. Because normally these people from radio does'nt make interesting questions to Axl, just all bull shit that we know. What do u think?

Couldn't hurt.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: LittleFly on April 28, 2006, 11:25:11 AM
We could prepare some good/important/curious question to send to these radio station ou possible place that axl would be there. Because normally these people from radio does'nt make interesting questions to Axl, just all bull shit that we know. What do u think?

There's already a thread for that somewhere....

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: mr_gonella on April 28, 2006, 11:27:19 AM
where is??

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: killingvector on April 28, 2006, 11:32:06 AM
I don't believe for a minute that the leaks were intentional. CITR is the only song that I think could have been used by management to flush out Prostitute since they allegedly were frightened that it was floating around in cyberspace.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 11:34:44 AM
I don't believe for a minute that the leaks were intentional. CITR is the only song that I think could have been used by management to flush out Prostitute since they allegedly were frightened that it was floating around in cyberspace.

You don't think it is convienient that Axl mentiones both in RS and then weeks later they surface? Either way, we don't need to beat that dead horse.

Also, I am just posting what he tells me. Seriously, I never believed the re-union deal until lately and now he is razzing me about it daily. As a matter of fact he told me the new rumor and said "do you believe me this time around?"

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: cineater on April 28, 2006, 11:40:38 AM
Hey Conan, I dare you to set out a Krispy Cream--lol

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Nytunz on April 28, 2006, 11:42:15 AM
If Izzy was back in the band! I would shit my pants..

I forgot my pen, shit my bad agian.. typical..

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 11:42:33 AM
Hey Conan, I dare you to set out a Krispy Cream--lol

Sorry, could you explain this joke at a grade 3 level, I don't get it.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Neemo on April 28, 2006, 11:47:28 AM
See here we go again Croatia....

But notice the difference from your posts, this time though Oh My Choking souls at least Labels it a Rumor, and states his info is from an "insider" . you claim yours as Fact....that is my issue.

Again...very weird for reunion stuff to pop up constantly.....If it happens I'll be grinning from ear to fucking ear for a month. (I'll prolly shit my pants too :hihi: )

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Origen on April 28, 2006, 11:48:55 AM
Hey Conan, I dare you to set out a Krispy Cream--lol

Sorry, could you explain this joke at a grade 3 level, I don't get it.

Well Axl made that joke up so maybe you want to take it up with him.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: LittleFly on April 28, 2006, 11:49:29 AM
where is??


Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 11:52:06 AM
See here we go again Croatia....

But notice the difference from your posts, this time though Oh My Choking souls at least Labels it a Rumor, and states his info is from an "insider" . you claim yours as Fact....that is my issue.

Again...very weird for reunion stuff to pop up constantly.....If it happens I'll be grinning from ear to fucking ear for a month. (I'll prolly shit my pants too :hihi: )

Thanks Neemo!? ;D

I think originally people thought I was just a shit disturber, but hopefully they understand that I am really just an excited old schooler (I was 15 when AFD came out) who only joined these boards recently. I did however, lurk off and on since '02. Honestly, none of my posts are meant to piss people off, except that douche that called me out that one time? :P but he totally had it coming.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: ppbebe on April 28, 2006, 11:52:52 AM
I donno what new rumour could make you believe that crap. I can't see you making an "I TOLD YOU SO" post.

Maybe myself but I won't cos it's just a natural consequence to see Richard, Robin Brain etc there and too obvious.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on April 28, 2006, 11:54:09 AM
I donno what new rumour could make you believe that crap. I can't see you making an "I TOLD YOU SO" post.

Maybe myself but I won't cos it's just a natural consequence to see Richard, Robin Brain etc there and too obvious.

Honestly, the more time I spend here the more I begin to think the new line-up is far more talented than the old, really I only want the re-union for sentimental reasons.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: mr_gonella on April 28, 2006, 11:59:13 AM
I think that axl will play the CITR in shows, maybe we could send an email to Brian May through of his site. To ask him if he intend to travel to NY in next days heheheheh, or better ask him if he has some appointment there.

what do u think?

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: JDA on April 28, 2006, 11:59:47 AM
I would love to see Izzy with GN'R again but that would suck for Richard. ?I think he is really great for the band.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Neemo on April 28, 2006, 12:33:14 PM
Thanks Neemo!? ;D

Sure man....not sure for what though :hihi:

I love reading rumors.....just when people claim facts is when i have problems.....I just treat everything as rumor though, but when you start out a thread saying "Take it or Leave it" then you know that the poster isn't trying to sound all important and holier-than-thou, jsut spreading the rumor so others can have fun examining it and comparing it to the other circulating rumors.

ppbebe....there are a shitload of rumors flying....some have to be true...I'm having fun trying to figure out which ones are.

All info we have from Dizzy, Tommy, Richard, Axl, Merck suggests that the band from '02 minus buckethead is still together so.....that is why I disagree with the reunion rumors.? But do think a third guitarist will be unveiled...and I don't think, it'll be Buckethead. I dunno, crazy time in GnR land lately. The only things I can say with 100% certainty are that reading reviews from these NY shows is gonna be awesome and exicting and that you people with tickets will have a blast...somebody better record them :rant: :hihi:

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: nesquick on April 28, 2006, 12:39:30 PM
I think Izzy can be back with Richard still in the band. Izzy would play rythm and Finck+Fortus on Lead.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: mikegiuliana on April 28, 2006, 12:50:54 PM
hammerstein is going to be the same as ritz 88 baby the rio will start the new lineup :peace:

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Chief on April 28, 2006, 01:28:35 PM
I'm with you o this one.  the CITR theory is interesting though, i never thought of that!!

I don't believe for a minute that the leaks were intentional. CITR is the only song that I think could have been used by management to flush out Prostitute since they allegedly were frightened that it was floating around in cyberspace.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: ppbebe on April 28, 2006, 02:15:04 PM
Nes, that might be reasonable. But in that case they would have to rearrange the new songs for the formation. haven't they allegedly contacted with a few guitarists capable of BH's parts?

Honestly, the more time I spend here the more I begin to think the new line-up is far more talented than the old, really I only want the re-union for sentimental reasons.

Nice to know that, Choking. :) I understand.

Yep, neemo so many bogus rumours. The fact that someone inside the business has told these to a fan might be something worthy of note, the motive-wise.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: damnthehaters on April 28, 2006, 02:16:14 PM
There is No new line-up.  It's just what it was in 2002 minus buckethead! 

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: gigger on April 28, 2006, 02:21:47 PM
I'm sure there will be a couple of interviews with Axl before, during and after the Euro tour.

I'm still not convinced by any reunion rumours however.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Saboteur Cyb. Punk on April 28, 2006, 03:47:54 PM
?I think he is really great for the band.

Why dou you think so???

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: mdttkk on April 28, 2006, 03:48:12 PM
i dont think some of the rumors are true.  first off if there was a reunion, im sure every member of the band would have a part in the entire creation of the new album, and so far i think the chinese democracy album is pretty much all axl.  and the leaked studio version songs and the tour dates set up already, so if there were a reunion it would probably delay the tour, or they would have to do it after the european tour is over.  plus VR are supposed to be close to completing their 2nd album, whether they will tour heavily after its release i dont know, but if there were a reunion i think it would be atleast another year before GNR could actually release an album.  so i can possibly see some of this stuff happening, like press releases etc, but i honestly dont see a reunion happening any time soon.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 09, 2006, 12:35:36 PM
I have been told that Baz was the friend, just to close out this rumor and log it under fact.

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: madagas on May 09, 2006, 12:46:39 PM
Can you please clarify what you are predicting...because it is fairly confusing to understand what exactly you are claiming. ???

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on May 09, 2006, 12:47:47 PM
I have been told that Baz was the friend, just to close out this rumor and log it under fact.
seems there could have been some truth in what you predicted,but it could also be coincedance  : ok:

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: WARose on May 09, 2006, 12:55:21 PM
Negotiations are under way, looks like we will see a re-united Gn'R (with Izzy). Current line-up future is unknown. Fact - also confirmed by Axl

actually this is bullshit dude : ok:

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: madagas on May 09, 2006, 12:57:07 PM
That is what I'm saying.....he seems confused! ;D

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on May 09, 2006, 01:07:49 PM

Again...very weird for reunion stuff to pop up constantly.....If it happens I'll be grinning from ear to fucking ear for a month. (I'll prolly shit my pants too :hihi: )

Agreed.   :hihi:

The hype of Axl and GNR coming back is fueling alot of these reunion rumors.    Hell it would be sweet to see Izzy on that stage like he did with VR a few times.   Hell to see any of them back with Axl even once would be great.   A full reunion, well...see Neemo's post...same here.. ;D

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 09, 2006, 01:26:24 PM
Negotiations are under way, looks like we will see a re-united Gn'R (with Izzy). Current line-up future is unknown. Fact - also confirmed by Axl

actually this is bullshit dude : ok:

These were old rumors a buddy told me (not my  predictions, I was told these things by a "connected" former Pitchfork employee), I was just updating that Axl had met with a friend on the radio. As for the Izzy thing, i thought Axl said it was a possibility.

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Neemo on May 09, 2006, 01:32:54 PM
Negotiations are under way, looks like we will see a re-united Gn'R (with Izzy). Current line-up future is unknown. Fact - also confirmed by Axl

actually this is bullshit dude : ok:

These were old rumors a buddy told me (not my? predictions, I was told these things by a "connected" former Pitchfork employee), I was just updating that Axl had met with a friend on the radio. As for the Izzy thing, i thought Axl said it was a possibility.

he said that the lineup was the same as 2002 minus BH with a replacement...and the replcaement was someone new...not from the past.

Izzy may shpw up but he's not in the band....according to axl....and i thought you said they were gonna make appearances after the hammerstien shows.... ???

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on May 09, 2006, 01:37:31 PM
I think Izzy can be back with Richard still in the band. Izzy would play rythm and Finck+Fortus on Lead.

I like that idea  8)

Izzy is more a stay-in-the-background kinda guy anyway, and he does seem to make Axl more relaxed and happy.

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 09, 2006, 02:23:10 PM
Negotiations are under way, looks like we will see a re-united Gn'R (with Izzy). Current line-up future is unknown. Fact - also confirmed by Axl

actually this is bullshit dude : ok:

These were old rumors a buddy told me (not my? predictions, I was told these things by a "connected" former Pitchfork employee), I was just updating that Axl had met with a friend on the radio. As for the Izzy thing, i thought Axl said it was a possibility.

he said that the lineup was the same as 2002 minus BH with a replacement...and the replcaement was someone new...not from the past.

Izzy may shpw up but he's not in the band....according to axl....and i thought you said they were gonna make appearances after the hammerstien shows.... ???

To be honest my buddy isn't a GN'R fan, half of what he tells me I won't post cause I am afraid it is crap. Honestly the first lot that I posted taught me a lesson, don't belive every GN'R rumor that pops up. I just post the stuff he has told me that is less likely to get stomped on, he has some very credible sources and some that I think are less credible. He told me that there were going to be GN'R US shows before Europe and I laughed at him... I wish I had posted it now.

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: stvyrayvhn on May 09, 2006, 02:58:07 PM
Axl said in the interview the other day on the Trunk(?) radio show that there is a new guitarist and that he was not going to announce who it is.

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: jbenzz on May 09, 2006, 03:59:49 PM
I'm with you o this one.? the CITR theory is interesting though, i never thought of that!!

I don't believe for a minute that the leaks were intentional. CITR is the only song that I think could have been used by management to flush out Prostitute since they allegedly were frightened that it was floating around in cyberspace.

I don't understand how this works at all.  Why would you leak an extra song?  If Prostitute was floating around in cyberspace, either people would hear it or they wouldn't.  If someone had a copy, they'd either keep it or leak it, and I don't see how leaking another song or trading another song would keep prostitute out of our hands.  This suggestion doesn't make sense.

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: oldgunsfan on May 09, 2006, 04:03:25 PM
Well, since it's May 9th now and the last show is the 17th, we'll see what happens in the next 8 days

Title: Re: (Rumor) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: snooze72 on May 09, 2006, 10:01:02 PM
I have been told that Baz was the friend, just to close out this rumor and log it under fact.

This is REALLY crap!? There is no way Baz would have had any knowledge of any press plans, and there's absolutely no way he could have predicted Axl showing up at the station the day of much less weeks before.?? Baz hasn't talked to Axl in years and years, and that hasn't been Baz's choice.? Right up until the minute Axl decided to make contact with him, Baz had no indication that was about to change -- other than maybe Del saying, 'yeah, I'll tell him you called.'? To use this as an 'I told you so' is so stupid, it just killed the'real' possibility that your info come from the fact that management reps are probably responding to the major interview requests with a very definite 'maybe'.? (It's either that or a flat out 'don't hold your breath').? These guys have been working with Axl long enough to know you don't even try to make those kinds of 'plans'.? Sheesh! >:(

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 18, 2006, 09:33:20 AM
I got so much shit over this whole Izzy thing, people even sent me nasty PM's!!!

Well here it comes...


There, I got that off my chest.

In Feb I posted about Izzy's return and was told to F-Off but the Mod let me post and never banned me. Thanks Mods, also they gave me an opportunity to explain where I got the info. I honestly believe my buddy did have the inside track. The things he told me nobody knew at the time, and he still stands by them all. He said from what he heard things changed, the things that didn't happen were apparently a direct result of Axl deciding to re-record certain parts. He said CD almost happed before easter but plans changed.

He even said there would be USA dates before Europe and I laughed at him and never posted the info, this was before any of us knew about the NY gigs, or at least before anyone decided to share the info. I really wish I had posted this, i would have looked like Naustrodamus (sp)

For all I know many of our boardies knew this stuff when or before I was told, but to all of you who cursed me up and down... eat your words... you know who you are.

Thanks Mods for not immediately judging every "n00b" who posts here as being a trouble maker! Seriously, good job. Most boards would auto-boot you. You guys are a really good judge of character.


Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: WARose on May 18, 2006, 09:53:17 AM
I got so much shit over this whole Izzy thing, people even sent me nasty PM's!!!

Well here it comes...


There, I got that off my chest.

In Feb I posted about Izzy's return and was told to F-Off but the Mod let me post and never banned me. Thanks Mods, also they gave me an opportunity to explain where I got the info. I honestly believe my buddy did have the inside track. The things he told me nobody knew at the time, and he still stands by them all. He said from what he heard things changed, the things that didn't happen were apparently a direct result of Axl deciding to re-record certain parts. He said CD almost happed before easter but plans changed.

He even said there would be USA dates before Europe and I laughed at him and never posted the info, this was before any of us knew about the NY gigs, or at least before anyone decided to share the info. I really wish I had posted this, i would have looked like Naustrodamus (sp)

For all I know many of our boardies knew this stuff when or before I was told, but to all of you who cursed me up and down... eat your words... you know who you are.

Thanks Mods for not immediately judging every "n00b" who posts here as being a trouble maker! Seriously, good job. Most boards would auto-boot you. You guys are a really good judge of character.


this is now the second of your smartass posts i noticed....... it`s cool that you knew something, but stop this shit now :peace:

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: snooze72 on May 18, 2006, 10:23:05 AM
I got so much shit over this whole Izzy thing, people even sent me nasty PM's!!!

... In Feb I posted about Izzy's return and was told to F-Off

Yeah, well F-Off again.?:P? ;D? You'd have to be psychic to know Izzy would show up seeing as back in February, guaranteed neither Axl nor Izzy knew it.? ?You were the only one!??

This was most certainly NOT a prearranged affair.? As Axl said, Izzy was in NYC, they had lunch, Izzy said 'I might drop by," and Axl said, 'cool'.? And as Axl said, Izzy could have just as easily ended up on a beach in the tropics.

As for your buddy saying the CD was finished but Axl wanted to re-record some parts, that's been the story once or twice a year since what, '97?? It's a no-brainer.? ?Your buddy may be connected enough to know the pattern, but so is everybody here who pays attention, or who knows how to search the archives.? And the US dates in advance of Europe?? Awesome... except oops, you didn't post that, did you?? ?You told us squat.? Thanks anyway.? ;)

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 18, 2006, 10:31:26 AM
I got so much shit over this whole Izzy thing, people even sent me nasty PM's!!!

Well here it comes...


There, I got that off my chest.

In Feb I posted about Izzy's return and was told to F-Off but the Mod let me post and never banned me. Thanks Mods, also they gave me an opportunity to explain where I got the info. I honestly believe my buddy did have the inside track. The things he told me nobody knew at the time, and he still stands by them all. He said from what he heard things changed, the things that didn't happen were apparently a direct result of Axl deciding to re-record certain parts. He said CD almost happed before easter but plans changed.

He even said there would be USA dates before Europe and I laughed at him and never posted the info, this was before any of us knew about the NY gigs, or at least before anyone decided to share the info. I really wish I had posted this, i would have looked like Naustrodamus (sp)

For all I know many of our boardies knew this stuff when or before I was told, but to all of you who cursed me up and down... eat your words... you know who you are.

Thanks Mods for not immediately judging every "n00b" who posts here as being a trouble maker! Seriously, good job. Most boards would auto-boot you. You guys are a really good judge of character.


this is now the second of your smartass posts i noticed....... it`s cool that you knew something, but stop this shit now :peace:

Honestly, this wasn't meant to be smartass. It was a post to thank the mods and redeem myself to those who still think of me as a story fabricator, when i was honestly just relaying info.

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 18, 2006, 10:33:00 AM
I got so much shit over this whole Izzy thing, people even sent me nasty PM's!!!

... In Feb I posted about Izzy's return and was told to F-Off

Yeah, well F-Off again.?:P? ;D? You'd have to be psychic to know Izzy would show up seeing as back in February, guaranteed neither Axl nor Izzy knew it.? ?You were the only one!??

This was most certainly NOT a prearranged affair.? As Axl said, Izzy was in NYC, they had lunch, Izzy said 'I might drop by," and Axl said, 'cool'.? And as Axl said, Izzy could have just as easily ended up on a beach in the topics.

As for your buddy saying the CD was finished but Axl wanted to re-record some parts, that's been the story once or twice a year since what, '97?? It's a no-brainer.? ?Your buddy may be connected enough to know the pattern, but so is everybody here who pays attention, or who knows how to search the archives.? And the US dates in advance of Europe?? Awesome... except oops, you didn't post that, did you?? ?You told us squat.? Thanks anyway.? ;)

The info wasn't from me, or anyone who surfs these boards. they don't even like GN'R, they are an Indie fan who happens to be a former employee who is connected, not to GN'R but to the industry of music.

Anyway, this is boring, I shouldn't have even posted this but I was dying to say "I told you so" and yes that was childish and selfish but I am ok with that.? :yes:

ALSO!!! Nobody communicated alternate versions of tracks were on the way before me, it was not an obvious prediction at all.

I was scoffed at when I suggested leaks were intensional, since the tour many now believe that to be true.

If this was so obvious to everyone then why was I told by everyone but the Mods that my predictions were silly and would NEVER happen.

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: pasnow on May 18, 2006, 10:47:25 AM
Oh would you give it a rest already.. There two ways of looking at it. You posted 5 things your buddy told you.. big deal if he was close on a few. You also stated somewhere Axl will give a media press statement after the concerts, which most people would have thought.. because most bands do. Well guess what, nothing yet. Not for nothing, but these "I told you so's" are getting annoying when you regurgitate them every few weeks to "fit" your buddies predictions.

Here's my take on it:

More songs are coming. Alternate versions / new songs. I expect they should surface withing the next 24 - 32 hours. Fact - This was before the instrumentals, TWAT and CITR

The "IRS" leak was intensional, though nobody will admit it. "Better" leak was not. Unconfirmed ie. Wrong

Negotiations are under way, looks like we will see a re-united Gn'R (with Izzy).  Wrong played 1 show with them.. is Bas in this reunited band?? Is Kid Rock in GnR?? There is no reunited GnR.

Geffen will speak very soon. We will have an official release date. Wrong

iTunes will have a surprise for us shortly. Wrong

Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: Oh My Choking Soul on May 18, 2006, 10:52:18 AM
Oh would you give it a rest already.. There two ways of looking at it. You posted 5 things your buddy told you.. big deal if he was close on a few. You also stated somewhere Axl will give a media press statement after the concerts, which most people would have thought.. because most bands do. Well guess what, nothing yet. Not for nothing, but these "I told you so's" are getting annoying when you regurgitate them every few weeks to "fit" your buddies predictions.

Here's my take on it:

More songs are coming. Alternate versions / new songs. I expect they should surface withing the next 24 - 32 hours. Fact - This was before the instrumentals, TWAT and CITR

The "IRS" leak was intensional, though nobody will admit it. "Better" leak was not. Unconfirmed ie. Wrong

Negotiations are under way, looks like we will see a re-united Gn'R (with Izzy). Current line-up future is unknown (Bumblefoot reference?). Wrong

Geffen will speak very soon. We will have an official release date. Wrong

iTunes will have a surprise for us shortly. Wrong

That's cool. You are right, I should give it a rest. I won't dog you for your take on the situation. We are all intitled to our opinions. In my opinion you are threatened by my superior man-god brain, and my pretty hair... just like everyone else... you loath me for my beauty... well I won't let you cut my hair and glue it to your own head... I am wise to your plans.

Glares suspiciously and dances off into the horizon.


Title: Re: (FACT) GN'R hitting the press
Post by: pasnow on May 18, 2006, 10:53:39 AM

That's cool. You are right, I should give it a rest. I won't dog you for your take on the situation. We are all intitled to our opinions. In my opinion you are threatened by my superior man-god brain, and my pretty hair... just like everyone else... you loath me for my beauty... well I won't let you cut my hair and glue it to your own head... I am wise to your plans.

Glares suspiciously and dances off into the horizon.

Haha, now that's funny..? ? : ok: