Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Booker Floyd on April 25, 2006, 11:14:22 AM

Title: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Booker Floyd on April 25, 2006, 11:14:22 AM
Not a great interview, but he did at least confirm that everythings fine with VR, Slash is still in, and he and Scott are in Nashville for tonights Nashville Star show.  Talked about his love for country (I hope to hear a country-style song on the record) and said that theyre writing for the new record right now, although he doesnt expect anything to come out before fall.  He laughed off the rehab rumors and when asked whether or not he felt sorry for Axl, he said he didnt because Axl seems to be having a good time.  Thats about it for relevant information.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: makane on April 25, 2006, 12:13:50 PM
Sounds like the record is gonna be really a mix of different genres. ie. Pharrel and country music.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: W. Botaxl Rose on April 25, 2006, 12:19:36 PM
 Excellent news! Thanks for the report. ?:peace:


Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: SADIS on April 25, 2006, 12:20:05 PM
I love country music! And the Lies acoustic part is what they also should include stylewise on the new record. More LTA please since that is VR's best song.....

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Top-Hatted One on April 25, 2006, 12:24:09 PM
anyone ever heard of the Kentucky Headhunters? great  band! : ok:

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: metallex78 on April 26, 2006, 12:09:08 AM
Cool, thanks for posting that! :beer:

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Jamie on April 26, 2006, 09:22:13 AM
At least that's cleared a few things up, now all the Slash is back in GnR threads can finally be locked. About time.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: hls811 on April 26, 2006, 01:05:35 PM
Not a great interview, but ...

You didn't think so? Not the typical hard hitting news - it was very casual but it was cool.. You could definately hear in his speaking Duff's cleaned himself up.. I remember older interviews where he's stumbling over every other word, not a trace of that yesterday....

I did wish they asked more about GNR.. if he'd heard any of the material, what he thought.. what he thought of the new GNR (not just Axl)...   I dont think the bbbboys really did thier homework yesterday.. Too busy making headlines!

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: wink on April 26, 2006, 05:23:35 PM
and said that they're writing for the new record right now,

weren't they supposed to be in the recording studio a few weeks ago?

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: mrlee on April 26, 2006, 06:50:32 PM
I love country music! And the Lies acoustic part is what they also should include stylewise on the new record. More LTA please since that is VR's best song.....

i personally think its there worst but whatever you say i guess.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Booker Floyd on April 26, 2006, 08:11:31 PM
You didn't think so? Not the typical hard hitting news - it was very casual but it was cool.. You could definately hear in his speaking Duff's cleaned himself up.. I remember older interviews where he's stumbling over every other word, not a trace of that yesterday....

Its to no fault of Duffs, I think O&A failed to ask anything really interesting or substantive.  Interviews arent their strong suits, but theyre especially weak with phone-ins. 

I did wish they asked more about GNR.. if he'd heard any of the material, what he thought.. what he thought of the new GNR (not just Axl)...   I dont think the bbbboys really did thier homework yesterday.. Too busy making headlines!

I wish they wouldve asked about Axls statement, Scotts response, and followed up on Slash.  Some better album questions wouldve been better too.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: smishkey on April 27, 2006, 05:10:21 PM
Opie and Anthony are the worst of  the worst of Howard wanna-bes.  To go from that to Nashville Star?  Keep embarrassing your self Duff.  I'd rather he disappear for years like Axl, than to make every appearance that any asshole asks of you.  Less is more!

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: slashisvr on May 01, 2006, 11:12:04 AM
im realy starting to wurry big time about this follow up album, a mix of genres that is going to be a concept album, im wuryed :'(

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Neemo on May 01, 2006, 11:26:01 AM
I think this transcript is from the same interview

Quote from: Neemo
Wow...really good interview? :beer:

Talks about Nashville Star...Duff says that him and Scott went to nashville to get a kinda southern rock kinda/rollingstones feel, and while writing with some people down there they were invited to be on the show as judges.

Talks about Duff's influences, Sabbath, Zeppelin, Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop....

How great of a frontman Scott is

Talks about Axl:

O&A - "when was the last time you talked to Axl?"
Duff - "Axl? Ummm...when was the last time i talked to him? It's Been a long time man...."
O&A - "Yeah"
Duff - "It's been 10 years"
O&A - "Wow, At this point do you feel sorry for him?"
Duff - "do i feel sorry for him? *intake of air* yah know, no, I mean he's just seems to be out there having fun and..and doing his thing and...Uh...yeah"
O&A - "what is it with him and like....there was this Philadelphia gig a couple years ago, I think it was the last time they tried to do gigs and he just didn't show up. Does he have this, like some kinda weird Carly Simon fear of performing? Why does he not show up..or is known for not doing that?"
Duff - "Umm...yeee...that..yah know that's always been a....a....haha..oh my alarm just went off did you hear that?"
O&A - "That's your alarm??!!!"
Duff - "yeah did you hear this?! Rocking!!!"
O&A - "hahahahahh"
Duff - "That would've woke me up"
O&A - "A rocking alarm"
Duff - "Hold on a second guys"
O&A - "Hey what riff is that?"
Duff - "Wow"
O&A - "what is that?"
Duff - "That's.....just some.....Nashville.....Rock Station"
O&A - "Oh OK just had it on the alarm clock or whatever...."
Duff - "Yeah"
O&A - "Oh right on"
Duff - "Ahhhh...I don't think he got a fear...err..sheesh...of..of playing.....You guys are putting me on the spot here...on the past "cup of coffee" ??? (dunno a saying or something)"
O&A - "Well we didn't mean to Duff..."
Duff - "ahhh......No...No...NO"
O&A - "I got to be Honest though...Alot of people wanna know, ya know?"
O&A - "We asked...we asked"
Duff - "NO!"
O&A - "We've had a good relationship...."
Duff - "I wanted to know too, alot of times too, let me be honest man"
O&A - "We just...."
Duff - "We went out and toured and.....ahh...ya got...uhh..haha..I had the same questions you guys have ya know?"
O&A - "I got to tell you i was a HUGE GnR fan, I mean absolutely huge..who wasn't...i was starting to get bored with music then GnR came along then a few years later Nirvana and I was set. I was really, really happy. I'm like ok, ya know, uh rock is coming back."
Duff - "It just started rolling there for a while huh?"
O&A - "It certainly did"
Duff - "There were alice in chains, nirvana, many...great records coming out"
O&A - "Layne Staley!!! Man one of the greatest voices in rock"
Duff - "LAYNE!!!!"
O&A - "But i went and saw Guns N Roses...and i think this sis what Jimmy is getting at too..I used to get so frustrated..there would be times when a Skid Row or somebody would be the warm up and then you guys would come on 2 hours later"
Duff - "....or 4"
O&A - "We got tired and we had Jobs the next day"
O&A - "4 Hours later really?!"
O&A - "Yeah sometimes it was 4 hours later"
Duff - *intake of air*
O&A - "Like what was the..I don't think we are putting you on the spot with what was the vibe backstage where...we're wating 4 hours out there for the rest of the band"
Duff - "Well we...ya was not fun for...for anybody"
O&A - "Right..."
Duff - "It was not fun for ahhh...."
O&A - "Were you waiting for Axl to ah to be..."
Duff - "Yeah"
O&A - "To feel that it was finally time or like he was just waiting for a sign from..from..the aliens or something?"
Duff - "or just to Show up!!!"
O&A - "Just to show up....yeah"
Duff - "yeah alot of times"
O&A - "really?!"
Duff - "uh...ya know it was ah it was very...trying....ya know.."
O&A - "I don't doubt it"
Duff - "But then, of course, there was, there was the Nights when everything was just was a band that...that had Alot of Rub to it!! *intake* But when it..when there wasn't..I think that Rub did create...THIS MAGIC..ya know? And without the Rub i don't know if we would've had that...ahh...feirceness..."
O&A - "Yeah..."
Duff - "To the Band ya know? I just...I don't think it would've couldn't have happened any other don't look back and go.."Ya Know? Yeah but and If?" *intake* cuz it happened! And it was magical..ya know... it was...Yeah..we'd go on 2 hours or 4 hours late...or not at all...sometimes..but..."
O&A - "You guy had times when you were supposed to go on but it just didn't happen?"
O&A - "Oh Yeah."
Duff - "Yeah!!! But yah know ..haha"
O&A - "Hahahah"
Duff - "I think, yeah,sometimes there were just those times when it was absolutely...Like breathtaking...even if you were in the band..ya know you could it was breathtaking...the uh...the um...I'm glad i was a part of it..I don't look back at it with any...ya know I'm not pissed off....I'm not anything.."
O&A - "Yeah"
Duff - "My Life's gooood man"
O&A - "It's nice Cuz you're in Velvet Revolver now..."

He goes on to other subjects from there:

His family...
His education and stock trading...
Getting High and drunk...
The AMA awards...
Sex pistols denying the hall of fame
Alternative music

At the End he says Slash has never left...and the Rehab rumors are bogus.

Hey says the rumors are he's never seen them this bad...

like i said great interview? :beer:

Last thing they said was when you come to NYC next stop in for an interview....Duff replied for sure I LOVE NYC!!!

Quote from: Neemo
The Axl part was just weird....his alarm goes off and it's? this really heavy music in the background...but you can't hear much...just the heavy guitars...and he's kinda hesitant in saying it's a radio station....who knows maybe he's just preoccupied with turning it off. I'm prolly reading into it too much, but it's kinda odd that radio DJ's don't recognize a radio song :P

Quote from: Neemo
he was really hesitant bout his answers.....even the alarm clock thingy the way it happened was fucked up...almost like he used it to buy some time....he was real careful with what he said regarding Axl and GnR...I advise you to listen to it if it's feasible. he wasn't really slurring and stuttering he was thinking of how to answer the questions....the rest of the interview he didn't talk like that....the last question...he just said he was in good shape...he had a couple beautiful daughters and a beautiful wife and very successful with VR....something along those lines.....i just stopped it there cuz there was no more Axl talk ;)

I thought he sounded fantastic and intelligent....talked about trading stocks and his education....back in the day....the making fucking videos for instance...he sounds messed up in those, this interview he sounded sober  :beer:

Taken from

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 01, 2006, 03:57:45 PM
Opie and Anthony are the worst of  the worst of Howard wanna-bes.

How so?  Any bits in particular youve heard ripped off?  Or has Howard Stern said it so many times that its almost reactionary to call them rip-offs whenever theyre mentioned?

As for that transcript, yeah thats the same interview.   Dont read into the background music - it was just his alarm clock set to a radio station.  It was really muffled and O&A arent DJs that play music - they havent since like 1999. , so they wouldnt have a clue anyway.  The reason he stutters and pauses so much when talking about Axl, and he does it in nearly every interview, is because hes trying to formulate the most political, non-offensive answer.  Duff has tried very hard to not to bash Axl or say anything that can even be construed as bashing, and sometimes it takes a little thought to word such an answer.

O&A arent great interviewers (Stern has a definite edge over them in that department) but theyre better with in-studio guests.  Now that they just landed that huge CBS/XM deal and are broadcasting from Sterns old studio, its likely that Duff and possibly the rest of VR will be in-studio when they begin promotion for the next album and may even perform.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Neemo on May 01, 2006, 04:09:01 PM
As for that transcript, yeah thats the same interview.? ?Dont read into the background music - it was just his alarm clock set to a radio station.? It was really muffled and O&A arent DJs that play music - they havent since like 1999. , so they wouldnt have a clue anyway.? The reason he stutters and pauses so much when talking about Axl, and he does it in nearly every interview, is because hes trying to formulate the most political, non-offensive answer.? Duff has tried very hard to not to bash Axl or say anything that can even be construed as bashing, and sometimes it takes a little thought to word such an answer.

Thanks I didn't realize they were only a talk show :beer: :peace:

and yeah i tried my hardest to capture the exact wording of the interview...he was think while answering that's for sure....he doesn't sound all drunk or doped up...the rest of the interview he talks normal but for the axl part he is really careful with his answers. prolly to do with the lawsuit....and not wanting to alienate Axl fans from VR...but the people who are reunion conspiracy nuts will look at it differently...thats what i was trying to get across ;)

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: SourBaby on May 02, 2006, 09:26:00 AM

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: makane on May 02, 2006, 09:36:38 AM
Whats wrong with country? It's definitely better than Pharrel William's music.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: SourBaby on May 02, 2006, 09:50:44 AM
I'm not saying he's any better  >:(

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: Booker Floyd on May 02, 2006, 11:08:13 AM

You do understand that some of The Stones greatest songs (well, my favorites anyway) were country songs?  Guns had a few as well.

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: makane on May 02, 2006, 02:20:50 PM

You do understand that some of The Stones greatest songs (well, my favorites anyway) were country songs?? Guns had a few as well.
Yep. What's wrong with Dead Horse?

Title: Re: Duff Was Just On The Opie & Anthony Show
Post by: shaun on May 02, 2006, 04:17:46 PM
Sounds like the record is gonna be really a mix of different genres. ie. Pharrel and country music.

directionless, incosistant, all over the shop. Could be a winner!