Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: A Private Eye on April 23, 2006, 05:48:08 PM

Title: New songs on the tour?
Post by: A Private Eye on April 23, 2006, 05:48:08 PM
Do you think we'll hear any previously unheard songs on this summers tour or do you think the band will stick with maybe a couple of 02 songs and the leaks?

Sure would be good to hear Axl introduce a new song we'd never heard before or even heard of! I'd rather he introduced a song we'd never heard of personally as I'd like to wait for CD before I heard some of the rumoured 'big guns' like Prostitute or Seven. What do you guys think?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Steel_Angel on April 23, 2006, 05:50:42 PM

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: kunzerd on April 23, 2006, 05:51:30 PM
i still dont understand how you guys can get excited over songs youve never heard before.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: CAFC Nick on April 23, 2006, 05:51:40 PM
I'm certain we will hear Better and There was a time. + Hopefully The Blues and Madagascar, but the new 2006 version of them.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: JB9988 on April 23, 2006, 05:56:13 PM
maddy the blues chinese democracy better twat and i hope Rhiad i love that song!

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Back Off Bitch on April 23, 2006, 05:59:34 PM
Chinese Democracy, Madagascar & The Blues, you can almost guarantee... Better, TWAT & IRS, who knows... Possible songs could be Oh My God & Rhiad And The Bedouins... Silkworms would be OK to hear...

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: A Private Eye on April 23, 2006, 05:59:59 PM
i still dont understand how you guys can get excited over songs youve never heard before.

I'm not excited exactly, but these songs have been rumoured almost as long as CD has, and they are nearly as mysterious and anticipated as CD itself. You understand people looking forward to hearing CD why can you not understand people looking forward to these songs? I'm not claiming they're going to be excellent I obviously don't know all I'm saying is I would like to hear them. ?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Mobenrad on April 23, 2006, 06:07:05 PM
i still dont understand how you guys can get excited over songs youve never heard before.

I'm not excited exactly, but these songs have been rumoured almost as long as CD has, and they are nearly as mysterious and anticipated as CD itself. You understand people looking forward to hearing CD why can you not understand people looking forward to these songs? I'm not claiming they're going to be excellent I obviously don't know all I'm saying is I would like to hear them.   

Who wouldn't want to hear them?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Steel_Angel on April 23, 2006, 06:07:21 PM
i still dont understand how you guys can get excited over songs youve never heard before.
We are in for a treat!


Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: A Private Eye on April 23, 2006, 06:11:36 PM
i still dont understand how you guys can get excited over songs youve never heard before.
We are in for a treat!


That really depends on how much you pay to be honest.

Or so I've heard? :P

(lol what a post for no. 100)

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: fif on April 23, 2006, 06:19:07 PM
I really hope to hear Madagascar, The Blues and Better from all the new stuff.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on April 23, 2006, 06:21:23 PM
I hope to hear the new stuff..Although I do hope he opens with Jungle and closes with Paradise :hihi:

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: WARose on April 23, 2006, 06:23:29 PM
I hope to hear the new stuff..Although I do hope he opens with Jungle and closes with Paradise :hihi:
i`d be serisously dissapointed if those songs were missing : ok:

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Fortus on April 23, 2006, 06:23:48 PM
I would like to hear new stuff...

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: JB9988 on April 23, 2006, 06:24:16 PM
dude thats why im excited ive waited so fucking long to hear them awe have never heard them b4 and now we are!!!

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: whiny on April 23, 2006, 06:24:46 PM
the general - according to dizzy his fav. song

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: boston on April 23, 2006, 06:24:57 PM
i still dont understand how you guys can get excited over songs youve never heard before.

he has heard it

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: JB9988 on April 23, 2006, 06:26:13 PM
i wouldnt be to dissapointed if pc wasnt played there may be a song thats even better then pc to close with!

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: WhosGilby? on April 23, 2006, 06:26:19 PM
We'll here new songs that we haven't heard live before and also think were gonna here new old songs that they didn't play in 01-02

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: zakas80 on April 23, 2006, 06:28:44 PM
I ?hope they play "Better", "TWAT", "Madagascar", "The Blues", & especially "Catcher in the Rye"! ?I could do without "IRS", Chinese Democracy","Silkworms" & "Rhiad". ?A new song or two that we havent heard yet would also be very cool.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: fif on April 23, 2006, 06:29:22 PM
i wouldnt be to dissapointed if pc wasnt played there may be a song thats even better then pc to close with!

I don't think I've ever been to a concert where the closing song was something new that no one had ever heard.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on April 23, 2006, 06:39:39 PM
it depends on what the first single is - if theyre filming the first single for a vid and its not a song we've heard, id expect it will be played

other than that, id say we'll hear the majority of the leaks, but no other new songs

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Chief on April 23, 2006, 06:53:47 PM
This is my feeling as well. Its been too long and crazy process for them to play a lot of new songs from the album Before its even out!

it depends on what the first single is - if theyre filming the first single for a vid and its not a song we've heard, id expect it will be played

other than that, id say we'll hear the majority of the leaks, but no other new songs

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Origen on April 23, 2006, 06:59:34 PM
i wouldnt be to dissapointed if pc wasnt played there may be a song thats even better then pc to close with!

Paradise City is one of the greatest Rock N Roll anthems ever, of course Axl is going to play it people expect him to.

And that's what I think CD will be missing, anthems. From what we've heard so far none of them are anthems that could get the band high in the charts

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: BluesGNR on April 23, 2006, 07:05:43 PM
I doubt we'll hear some of the leaks.. maybe, but there are so many others that we don't even know exist.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: alexh0618 on April 23, 2006, 07:10:05 PM
I'm sure we will get The Blues and Better. Didn't Axl say those were his favorite new songs?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: GnR-NOW on April 23, 2006, 07:10:41 PM
I hope they do 50-50 through out the show, but for the last song PC is the money maker.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Jonathan on April 23, 2006, 07:13:16 PM
I'm sure we will get The Blues and Better. Didn't Axl say those were his favorite new songs?

Yep, he did.

"Among Rose's favorites are "Better," "There Was a Time" and "The Blues."

Back on topic, I really want new material, I would love to see a show with just new songs but that won't happen.

I would love to here the leaks live, must sound amazing.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: JB9988 on April 23, 2006, 07:28:32 PM
i wouldnt be to dissapointed if pc wasnt played there may be a song thats even better then pc to close with!

Paradise City is one of the greatest Rock N Roll anthems ever, of course Axl is going to play it people expect him to.

And that's what I think CD will be missing, anthems. From what we've heard so far none of them are anthems that could get the band high in the charts
i was talking ny shows. the old songs they have down so i would think they would play a shit lload of new songs. But i agree pc is an amazing closer ppl expect to hear and it probably will be played. i think more new songs willl be played over oold ones.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: GnR-NOW on April 23, 2006, 07:34:18 PM
A few of the articles I have read about the up coming tour all says something along the lines of "were they plan to play songs from CD", while nothing is official, maybe they do plan to bring out the "big guns" this time around, like I said Im hoping for a 50-50 old and new.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: ROSE22 on April 23, 2006, 07:46:29 PM
you'll hear what new ones you've already heard and also some that you haven't heard.  personally i'd be surprised if it was any less than 50/50.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: jimb0 on April 23, 2006, 08:12:35 PM
I personally don't think Guns should do a new material dominated set.  I don't think that is a good move until they've actually released an album.  I don't think Axl wants to play never before heard songs one after another for a crowd of silent fans.  But I could be wrong for instance the Use Your Illusions Tour '91

But these small New York shows, "four of them" could just be to test new material live for fans. 

Here's My own opinion.
Play the leaks, play what you've already played and play a "couple" unheard songs. 

But I  really want to hear the old songs one more time, especially  without Buckethead throwing his own style in. 

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Jim on April 23, 2006, 08:20:34 PM
Back on topic, I really want new material, I would love to see a show with just new songs but that won't happen.

Ugh, that would be horrible.

Yeah, it would great for us bootlegger... bootlegies... you know what I mean, it would great for us to hear them, get used to them and have new material.

But to be at a concert where the band are playing purely songs that you have never heard before?

I detest hearing many new songs live, two in a row is awful. Fair enough if it's the support band, after all if you haven't heard any songs then you don't know them, and all you're doing is checking them out.

But for a band that you paid to see to play songs that you can't really get into (especialy with this band, fuck knows where the songs would be heading) would be just... Awful.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: R4tfink on April 23, 2006, 08:28:37 PM
Shadow Of Your Love.....

....Oh wait...  :-\

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: the dirt on April 23, 2006, 08:30:43 PM
Ugh, that would be horrible.
But to be at a concert where the band are playing purely songs that you have never heard before?

I detest hearing many new songs live, two in a row is awful. Fair enough if it's the support band, after all if you haven't heard any songs then you don't know them, and all you're doing is checking them out.

Good songs are good songs, though. They'll catch on fairly quickly and people will begin to know them. Also, it will make people want to buy the album.

I don't think too many people bought AFD again thanks to the 2002 treck.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Jim on April 23, 2006, 08:35:21 PM
Dude, there is a huge difference between playing a few new songs (they got it spot on in Rio and the rest of the tour) and playing an entire show of new material.

Anybody that is downloading the bootlegs, letting the songs grow on them, is probably going to already be planning on buying the album anyway.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on April 23, 2006, 08:35:25 PM
Aren't these shows meant to promote the 'upcoming release' of Chinese Democracy though? If that's the case then i'd be expecting to hear a few songs from the album. Definately a few we haven't heard yet.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: the dirt on April 23, 2006, 08:42:24 PM
I see what you're saying Jim.

However, have you ever been to a show where you knew no songs, and enjoyed it tremendously just the same?

I saw Marylin Manson when they just started touring in support of Antichrist Superstar and knew nothing about them. I never even heard one song. I was told they were a really heavy industrial band, and that was all I had going in.

And I was blown away, it was an amazing show in a great venue.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: EccoTides on April 23, 2006, 09:36:40 PM
I'd imagine we'll get The Blues and Better, plus a couple we haven't heard yet. We won't be hearing OMG, Rhiad, or Silkworms, I'm 99% certain. And There Was a Time, as much as I love it, doesn't strike me as a track that would work very well live.

But that's just me.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: jjp125 on April 23, 2006, 10:20:20 PM
I would love to hear Better.? I forget but did they play OMG, Rhiad, or Silkworms on any of the US dates last tour? I wouldnt mind hearing OMG since I havent seen it done live. I just hope there are some change in songs since the last tour.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: MJRoses23 on April 23, 2006, 10:22:59 PM
They played Rhiad once i think in Detroit?   I could be wrong on the location though

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: the dirt on April 23, 2006, 10:24:32 PM
They played OMG at RIR and it was way better than on the soundtrack.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on April 23, 2006, 10:29:09 PM
To do the '02 set list would be LAME!!!
They need some new songs.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Ax on April 23, 2006, 10:30:52 PM
I think one thing that we can all agree on is that the set list that the band plays at these shows will be a huge indicator of what's going on with the release of Chinese Democracy. If we get a ton of new songs we have never heard before, then it is fairly safe to say that Chinese Democracy is coming "soon" because if we hear 5 or more new songs we will have heard pretty much the entire album and I'm sure Axl would only do that if the release was coming up in the near future.

If on the other hand we only hear 1 new song we've never heard before it could still mean that the album is coming out soon and Axl doesn't want to give away too much, but it would more likely mean that the album is still not done and while Axl hopes to get it out in the near future he has doubts about being able to do it based on past delays.

I just hope Axl comes out at the show and gives a firm release date for the album so that we don't have to sit here after the concerts and debate about meaning of the set list.

But if I had to pick the set list, I would have them play 2 songs we've never heard + all the leaked tracks + CD, The Blues and Madagascar + the must play songs like Jungle, SCOM, PC, NR + a few songs from the illusion albums that they didn't play during the 2002 tour.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: the dirt on April 23, 2006, 10:32:03 PM
To do the '02 set list would be LAME!!!
They need some new songs.

Imagine if they did that..

Give ashow or two with all new. One or two of the NY shows. They are warmup shows, so even better.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on April 23, 2006, 10:40:46 PM
I'd imagine we'll get The Blues and Better, plus a couple we haven't heard yet. We won't be hearing OMG, Rhiad, or Silkworms, I'm 99% certain. And There Was a Time, as much as I love it, doesn't strike me as a track that would work very well live.

But that's just me.

TWAT instead of Nov. Rain would be ok with me.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on April 23, 2006, 10:43:15 PM
To do the '02 set list would be LAME!!!
They need some new songs.

Imagine if they did that..

Give ashow or two with all new. One or two of the NY shows. They are warmup shows, so even better.

Theoretically, an all new song show would be cool, but I bet the audience  wants to hear some  golden oldies too. So I think they would get "impatient." Especially if some  of the new songs were not that great.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on April 23, 2006, 10:43:23 PM
Remember that GN'R played a lot of new material in the summer before UYI came out. ?I predict they will do the same here. ?I really don't think he wants to do 2002 v2 this time around. ?Its a great opportunity to preview some of the material and we will likely hear at least Maddy, Blues, TWAT and Better plus I'd say another 2 songs we haven't heard at all. ?As they play more dates into the european tour, I'm guessing they'll play a set will include more new material then we might hear at any one particular show in NY.

I personally would like to see a show that includes approx. 6 songs from (hopefully the soon to be released) CD, 6 songs from AFD, 6 songs from UYI and Patience. ?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Ax on April 23, 2006, 10:48:23 PM
Remember that GN'R played a lot of new material in the summer before UYI came out. ?I predict they will do the same here. ?I really don't think he wants to do 2002 v2 this time around. ?Its a great opportunity to preview some of the material and we will likely hear at least Maddy, Blues, TWAT and Better plus I'd say another 2 songs we haven't heard at all. ?As they play more dates into the european tour, I'm guessing they'll play a set will include more new material then we might hear at any one particular show in NY.

I personally would like to see a show that includes approx. 6 songs from (hopefully the soon to be released) CD, 6 songs from AFD, 6 songs from UYI and Patience. ?

I don't think we can base any set list predictions off of what happened during the pre-illusions tour since the world is a very different place now and the internet has made the spreading of bootlegs so much easier. However, I do agree that we might see more and more new songs added to the set list as the tour goes on and the release of Chinese Democracy gets closer, so there might only be 1 or 2 new songs at the new york shows, but more at dates later in the summer.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on April 23, 2006, 10:54:10 PM
Remember that GN'R played a lot of new material in the summer before UYI came out. ?I predict they will do the same here. ?I really don't think he wants to do 2002 v2 this time around. ?Its a great opportunity to preview some of the material and we will likely hear at least Maddy, Blues, TWAT and Better plus I'd say another 2 songs we haven't heard at all. ?As they play more dates into the european tour, I'm guessing they'll play a set will include more new material then we might hear at any one particular show in NY.

I personally would like to see a show that includes approx. 6 songs from (hopefully the soon to be released) CD, 6 songs from AFD, 6 songs from UYI and Patience. ?

Yeah, I once did a count, now I don't remember, but I think that in summer '91 it was like 60-70% new songs.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: 14 Yrs Of Silence on April 23, 2006, 10:55:42 PM
Remember that GN'R played a lot of new material in the summer before UYI came out. ?I predict they will do the same here. ?I really don't think he wants to do 2002 v2 this time around. ?Its a great opportunity to preview some of the material and we will likely hear at least Maddy, Blues, TWAT and Better plus I'd say another 2 songs we haven't heard at all. ?As they play more dates into the european tour, I'm guessing they'll play a set will include more new material then we might hear at any one particular show in NY.

I personally would like to see a show that includes approx. 6 songs from (hopefully the soon to be released) CD, 6 songs from AFD, 6 songs from UYI and Patience. ?

I don't think we can base any set list predictions off of what happened during the pre-illusions tour since the world is a very different place now and the internet has made the spreading of bootlegs so much easier. However, I do agree that we might see more and more new songs added to the set list as the tour goes on and the release of Chinese Democracy gets closer, so there might only be 1 or 2 new songs at the new york shows, but more at dates later in the summer.

I can't imagine that anyone would not buy CD because they have some bootleg versions of some of the songs from these concerts. ?These shows are a great promotional tool for the band to showcase the new material and get media and thus the general population hyped up about the release. ?I could understand that if the entire album in its finished format was leaked that there would be people that wouldn't go out and spend the money. ?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: comaknight on April 23, 2006, 11:08:56 PM
Although I admit hearing "Better" would be interesting, I would rather/love to hear There Was A Time live.  Cue the epic guitars! 

Catcher in the Rye would be a great moment for Axl to sit down at the piano and play a few.  Perhaps as a nice lead-in to November Rain or even (dare I hope?) Breakdown.

I'm really curious to see/hear how many UYI tracks are played (not counting the covers of Live & Let Die or KOHD). 

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: TOPGUNner on April 24, 2006, 09:23:40 AM
If I could hear any new song played on this tour it was be TWAT. In fact, not only is that the one song I would love to hear live, but it would be 100x more awesome if they extended it....make the song 9 minutes with a huge solo in the middle. IRS would be great to hear live as well.

Now here's a question for the ages though...what do you think Axl will do if he sees fans in the audience singing the new songs? Will he accept the fact that against his wishes, tracks here leaked and listened to, or will he blow a fuse, throw down a mic, and get pissed?  ???

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: MR.BROWNSTONE on April 24, 2006, 03:29:08 PM
They played Rhiad once i think in Detroit?? ?I could be wrong on the location though

You are right.  : ok: I think the only new songs we are going to hear are, 

Oh My God
The Blues
Silk Worms
Chinese Democracy
Riyadh And The Bedouins
There Was A Time
Catcher In The Rye

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: oneway23 on April 24, 2006, 04:32:28 PM
I'm anticipating 2-3 songs we have not heard...If these shows are indeed a "showcase for CD", as they are being billed, I think the show should reflect that...We already had the '02 tour to re-visit the past...Play a sprinkling of old hits, some UYI material that was not played previously, and new tracks...Let's finally allow this band to stand on the merit of their own work.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Eazy E on April 24, 2006, 04:59:49 PM
They played Rhiad once i think in Detroit?   I could be wrong on the location though

You are right. : ok: I think the only new songs we are going to hear are,

Oh My God
The Blues
Silk Worms
Chinese Democracy
Riyadh And The Bedouins
There Was A Time
Catcher In The Rye

Well, isn't there a longshot that they are recording a video for the first single?  In that case, they could play any of those songs (which would be cool, because the final versions of the leaks will be heard) and also one brand new one, which would be the first single.

4 back-to-back nights at the same venue (which has a good look), it could be for getting live concert footage of the band to splice into a new video?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: A Private Eye on April 24, 2006, 05:05:43 PM
If I could hear any new song played on this tour it was be TWAT. In fact, not only is that the one song I would love to hear live, but it would be 100x more awesome if they extended it....make the song 9 minutes with a huge solo in the middle. IRS would be great to hear live as well.

Now here's a question for the ages though...what do you think Axl will do if he sees fans in the audience singing the new songs? Will he accept the fact that against his wishes, tracks here leaked and listened to, or will he blow a fuse, throw down a mic, and get pissed?? ???

I wondered this myself, I think it'll be quite interesting particularly at the NY shows full of GNR board members who will almost all have heard the leaks and who played a major part in the spread of the songs. I think it's almost a certainty he'll mention the leaks at these shows, whether he's going to be annoyed about it or joke about it who knows?

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: TOPGUNner on April 24, 2006, 05:12:50 PM

I wondered this myself, I think it'll be quite interesting particularly at the NY shows full of GNR board members who will almost all have heard the leaks and who played a major part in the spread of the songs. I think it's almost a certainty he'll mention the leaks at these shows, whether he's going to be annoyed about it or joke about it who knows?

I think he'll at least mention it too, and I hope he'll crack a joke about it. Because I plan on singing at the top of my lungs, old songs and new 8)

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Sagolik on April 24, 2006, 05:12:57 PM
i hope they play more songs from chinese democracy then we already heard  : ok:

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: pilferk on April 25, 2006, 08:43:48 AM
Dude, there is a huge difference between playing a few new songs (they got it spot on in Rio and the rest of the tour) and playing an entire show of new material.

Anybody that is downloading the bootlegs, letting the songs grow on them, is probably going to already be planning on buying the album anyway.

A whole show? No.

But playing the whole album, straight through, bookended by the classics?  I could get into that.

Hell, Green Day did it with American Idiot and it worked.  Crowds went nuts....

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Jim Bob on April 25, 2006, 08:52:08 AM
I hope they do about 50/50.  Theres some classics that the fans are always gonig to want to hear  :beer: , but I really hope to hear as much new material as possible.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: GnR-NOW on April 25, 2006, 09:56:54 AM
seriously though how disappointing would it be if axl said CD isnt finished yet

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Woooo! on April 25, 2006, 10:08:58 AM
Ok can I just bring everyone's attention to the fact that the song is called 'Riyadh and the Bedouins'. I actually believe this song will be on the album minus the dance beat in it. Everyone feared dance beats in the background when they heard that and 'Shiteworms'... Uh I mean 'Silkworms'. But the leaks showed us that the only thing new is the hip hop beat.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: younggunner on April 25, 2006, 10:12:22 AM
seriously though how disappointing would it be if axl said CD isnt finished yet
as long as the album is finsied and out by fall..ill even settle for the winter...then I dont care when he finsishes..this it it imo...thi si shis last shot., the band has a lot of positives going for them....its time to do things that make sense. no more stop n goes. Axl has had ample amount of time and chances to test the waters. From the past tour, the club previews, this tour, and the leaks. Its time to wrap the motherfucker up. Give it to me baby.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: Siliconmessiah on April 25, 2006, 11:25:17 AM
Of course, I?d like to hear...


I guess Axl will play the whole CD at this show.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: yorkie81 on April 25, 2006, 11:27:09 AM
Of course, I?d like to hear...


Where has all this about Prostitute come from, has anyone heard it or even know its real? It could be the second part to silkworms for all we know.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: ppbebe on April 25, 2006, 01:10:47 PM
Where has all this about Prostitute come from, has anyone heard it or even know its real? It could be the second part to silkworms for all we know.

The person who orchestrally arranged some CD materials has spoken highly of the song. So has Brain but as he can be such a joker sometimes, we can't be sure if we should quote his words on this at face value. 

 FYI, read this (

As for silkworms, aren't you heartless? mind you, even a worm will turn.
Imagine how many silkworms would be sacrificed to make just a roll of beautiful silks. 
Ok, I like the song.

Title: Re: New songs on the tour?
Post by: pilferk on April 25, 2006, 01:19:07 PM
Of course, I?d like to hear...


I guess Axl will play the whole CD at this show.

If you wanna hear prostitutes, you're about...oh..20+ blocks away from them at the Hammerstein (well, from the streetwalkers, anyway).