Title: KillCheerleader - Sounds just like GNR Post by: BigDeech on April 20, 2006, 12:44:18 PM They sound like a more punk version of GNR. There riffs though, are 100% Rock n Roll, sounds like AFD GNR.
http://www.myspace.com/killcheerleader try the second and last song, they are my favorite. Not bad. People say Avenged Sevenfold sound like GNR. I don't see/hear it. But if you believe they do, you gotta here this. Title: Re: KillCheerleader - Sounds just like GNR Post by: sandman on April 20, 2006, 12:47:06 PM awesome band. i'm dying to see them live. i haven't heard anything about them touring though.
Title: Re: KillCheerleader - Sounds just like GNR Post by: Walk on April 22, 2006, 11:03:54 AM That "Come on" takes a lot away from the song. And "sell our soul for rock and roll"? Upside down crosses? Such an original band. ::) The singer is a punk with no technical skill. Where are the bluesy, Slashy solos? This sounds like typical rock, nothing special at all, not like A7X, and certainly not like GnR!
Now I'm going back to Gorguts to clean my ears out. Title: Re: KillCheerleader - Sounds just like GNR Post by: Z on April 22, 2006, 05:17:01 PM Haven't taken this disc out of my player since I got it. This cd sounds like pre-AFD GNR to me. If they had put out a cd in 85 or prior. Lyrics and image leave alot to be desired but I'm all about the music. |