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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Bono on April 19, 2006, 07:46:17 PM

Title: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Bono on April 19, 2006, 07:46:17 PM
O.k. so this might be a really dumb idea(I don't know) but I've always thought it was cool when you see footage of a gig on tv and you see a sea of national flags in the crowd. Canadian, American, British, Irish, Swedes, Aussies etc... everyone. It's cool and I thought wouldn't it be cool for Axl and the band to see all those flags in the room as a sign of how far and wide we've all come from to show support.  It might be cool but then again maybe it's dumb.  Maybe I'm just dreaming of an outdoor stadium U2 show in Europe :hihi:

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Howard2k on April 19, 2006, 07:50:41 PM
I think it's a great idea, especially for those that head to the balcony.

Although due to the lighting I doubt Axl would see them anyway.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: WhatIsItMan on April 19, 2006, 07:51:51 PM

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Bono on April 19, 2006, 07:53:23 PM
::) :hihi:

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: allmysalvation on April 19, 2006, 07:55:12 PM
I think it would be pretty cool. New York is already one of those places where you can find one person from every country in the world, so it would be fitting.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 19, 2006, 07:58:52 PM
I've already got my Mexican flag packed for the trip.............

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Bono on April 19, 2006, 08:00:17 PM
I honestly thought people would think this idea sucked. Hmmm... I guess I'll bring a Canadian flag. :beer:

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Nightfall on April 19, 2006, 08:06:56 PM
I guess i have to get myself a Dutch flag then ;)

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: ROSE22 on April 19, 2006, 08:10:48 PM
the concert is in america. NOTHING against other countries but only american flags should be waved...........come to think of it no flags should be waved. i think it's stupid. just my opinion though.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: WhatIsItMan on April 19, 2006, 08:13:42 PM
Get a GNR flag.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: DunkinDave on April 19, 2006, 08:23:13 PM
the concert is in america. NOTHING against other countries but only american flags should be waved...........come to think of it no flags should be waved. i think it's stupid. just my opinion though.

Chinese flags would be pretty cool.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: WhatIsItMan on April 19, 2006, 08:27:08 PM
the concert is in america. NOTHING against other countries but only american flags should be waved...........come to think of it no flags should be waved. i think it's stupid. just my opinion though.

Chinese flags would be pretty cool.

Now THERE'S an idea!

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Bono on April 19, 2006, 08:27:56 PM
the concert is in america. NOTHING against other countries but only american flags should be waved...........come to think of it no flags should be waved. i think it's stupid. just my opinion though.

I totally respect your opinion on thinking it's a stupid idea. That's what I mostly expected but saying only American flags(if any) should be waved is dumb. That'd be like me saying only wave a Canada flag if the show was in Canada. The point would be to wave the flag of where you came from. Seeing mutliple nationalities come together is much cooler than saying ONLY American flags should be waved. Gn'R doesn't only tour in America. Only American flags would be completely and utterly pointless. But like I said I totally respect your opinion that the flag idea is stupid. :beer:

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: ROSE22 on April 19, 2006, 08:56:59 PM
yeah i didn't mean to ruffle any feathers. i liked the idea on the gn'r flags or banners though ! i'll be to excited and into the show to hold anything anyways.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: muffinass on April 19, 2006, 09:03:08 PM
    better question is...are any of you making placards/flags with slogans on it?

    it'd be nice to have something that we'll all recognize...

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 19, 2006, 09:05:06 PM
the concert is in america. NOTHING against other countries but only american flags should be waved...........come to think of it no flags should be waved. i think it's stupid. just my opinion though.

You know what they say about opinions though................... :P

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Almost Famous on April 19, 2006, 09:15:41 PM
I have a feeling that these two shows will be edited together and either A) a concert DVD will be released or included with ChiDem or B) a music video will be shot. You may not be allowed to bring anything into the Hammerstein. If you are though, I think it's a grand idea - as long as all the heavy-hitters are represented like the European and Central/South American countries. Those guys are huge fans...

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: ROSE22 on April 19, 2006, 09:19:57 PM
yes opinions are just like assholes and yadda yadda yadda. let me put it this way. there is no way there is going to be flags from any countries waving in the air at the hammerstein.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: JB9988 on April 19, 2006, 09:21:13 PM
last time i had a flag on my truck i almost got a ticket.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on April 19, 2006, 09:25:15 PM
Gonna fly my Japanese flag proudly...

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: manny on April 19, 2006, 10:40:35 PM
No offense but I've been to many events and while flags look cool on tv, it makes it difficult for the poeple behind you to see :-\

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: jbenzz on April 20, 2006, 02:25:34 AM
I think the chinese flag would be cool
it'd be all music video like

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Wooody on April 20, 2006, 02:40:04 AM
O.k. so this might be a really dumb idea(I don't know) but I've always thought it was cool when you see footage of a gig on tv and you see a sea of national flags in the crowd. Canadian, American, British, Irish, Swedes, Aussies etc... everyone. It's cool and I thought wouldn't it be cool for Axl and the band to see all those flags in the room as a sign of how far and wide we've all come from to show support.? It might be cool but then again maybe it's dumb.? Maybe I'm just dreaming of an outdoor stadium U2 show in Europe :hihi:

hmmm minus sweden you almost had the commonwealth there  :hihi:  :-\

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Nightfall on April 20, 2006, 02:50:48 AM
No offense but I've been to many events and while flags look cool on tv, it makes it difficult for the poeple behind you to see :-\
maybe we should just hang them from the balconys..

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on April 20, 2006, 03:03:07 AM
No offense but I've been to many events and while flags look cool on tv, it makes it difficult for the poeple behind you to see :-\
maybe we should just hang them from the balconys..

i'm bringin the Nepalese flag !!!

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: AUSTRALIAN_TSUNAMI on April 20, 2006, 03:31:28 AM
O.k. so this might be a really dumb idea(I don't know) but I've always thought it was cool when you see footage of a gig on tv and you see a sea of national flags in the crowd. Canadian, American, British, Irish, Swedes, Aussies etc... everyone. It's cool and I thought wouldn't it be cool for Axl and the band to see all those flags in the room as a sign of how far and wide we've all come from to show support.? It might be cool but then again maybe it's dumb.? Maybe I'm just dreaming of an outdoor stadium U2 show in Europe :hihi:

i'll bring my aussie flag!   : ok: :peace:

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: axl_rose_700 on April 20, 2006, 07:13:03 AM
the concert is in america. NOTHING against other countries but only american flags should be waved...........come to think of it no flags should be waved. i think it's stupid. just my opinion though.

why only american flags, if people have made the trip from canada or the uk why shouldnt they be able to wave their flags?

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on April 20, 2006, 07:50:56 AM
the concert is in america. NOTHING against other countries but only american flags should be waved...........come to think of it no flags should be waved. i think it's stupid. just my opinion though.

the american flag is ugly.
let's bring the korean one, it's kinda cool.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on April 20, 2006, 08:19:20 AM
No that my opinion will change the actions of anyone here, but whoever said that flags will hinder the views of others is right.  Imagine paying $500 to come to this concert only to have your view obstructed because some idiot wants to flaunt his nationality.  I'll be straight up, anyone puts a flag up in front of me and I'll rip it away.  Furthermore, it's disrespectful to let the American flag touch the ground and requires it to be properly destroyed afterwards (I assume that other nations may have similar practices).  No one is going to hold a flag in the air for 2 hours and by the end of the show you're gonna have a dirty and ripped flag with alot of pissed off people by you.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Wando on April 20, 2006, 08:55:27 AM
I think that's a agreat idea  : ok: People flying from other countries should bring their flag with them ^^

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: knut on April 20, 2006, 09:01:33 AM
But watch your back if you're bringing a flag. You might block somebody's view. That can result in death...  ;)

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: muffinass on April 20, 2006, 10:33:10 AM
in case i get seats right at the balcony, the romanian flag's getting tied to the guardrail and will represent!

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 20, 2006, 12:41:37 PM
No that my opinion will change the actions of anyone here, but whoever said that flags will hinder the views of others is right.? Imagine paying $500 to come to this concert only to have your view obstructed because some idiot wants to flaunt his nationality.? I'll be straight up, anyone puts a flag up in front of me and I'll rip it away.? Furthermore, it's disrespectful to let the American flag touch the ground and requires it to be properly destroyed afterwards (I assume that other nations may have similar practices).? No one is going to hold a flag in the air for 2 hours and by the end of the show you're gonna have a dirty and ripped flag with alot of pissed off people by you.

Couldn't have put it better if I tried...

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on April 20, 2006, 12:50:26 PM
I think that's a agreat idea : ok: People flying from other countries should bring their flag with them ^^

arent we all trying to be brothers and sisters and forget about our nationality and country ?

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on April 20, 2006, 01:14:02 PM
definatly don't block somebody's view, but if every hangs them from the balcony, it should be fine and i think would be a cool statement to the band's global popularity.

And to Rose22, don't be a bigot. The concert being in America has crap to with anything. This isn't a team usa event with the national anthem, it's a concert that is going to have people from many countries at it. They can represent if they want. That kind of attitude towards others explains why other nations don't like us.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: godiva on April 20, 2006, 02:14:00 PM
I think it is hell cool. Imagine being in the band, seeing all the flags, knowing that people have traveled so far just to see your show!  : ok:

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: ROSE22 on April 20, 2006, 03:25:03 PM
i can't believe some of you actually think there will be fans waving flags in the air at the hammerstein. this does not happen and will not happen. do you think you need to wave a flag from your respective country to let the band know how far you traveled ? by all means bring your flags and wave them mightily for the entire show. ::) :no: 

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: ROSE22 on April 20, 2006, 03:34:49 PM
gunnerone, why am i a bigot. all i said was that no flags should be waved. never been to a guns show where flags were waved. personally i think it's stupid. waste of space, waste of energy. this is just my opinion though like i have stated time and time again. i'm glad i live in a country where i have a right to express my opinions. bigot ? :no:   

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Scree on April 20, 2006, 03:46:44 PM
Furthermore, it's disrespectful to let the American flag touch the ground and requires it to be properly destroyed afterwards (I assume that other nations may have similar practices). 

You are grossly misinformed. The American flag if it touches the ground DOES NOT have to be destroyed. Before you make idiotic statements like this, I would recommend doing some research into the matter. In this case you DO NOT know what you are talking about. I'll even help you by giving you a link that explains this:

However, I do agree it's stupid to fly flags at a gig that is not an open air festival (you at least have the chance to move about at a festival).

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on April 20, 2006, 07:50:02 PM
Furthermore, it's disrespectful to let the American flag touch the ground and requires it to be properly destroyed afterwards (I assume that other nations may have similar practices).?

You are grossly misinformed. The American flag if it touches the ground DOES NOT have to be destroyed. Before you make idiotic statements like this, I would recommend doing some research into the matter. In this case you DO NOT know what you are talking about. I'll even help you by giving you a link that explains this:

However, I do agree it's stupid to fly flags at a gig that is not an open air festival (you at least have the chance to move about at a festival).

i speak from the perspective of someone in the military.? As someone who has seen a Flag fall on the parade field, I have witness the ceremony to destroy it properly.? I didn't claim that it was US Code or was law to destory it.? I only claimed that respect for the flag requires that as I've been trained and observed in the military.? So before you make any more statements making a personal attack, make sure you know what you're talking about.

Edit:  After reading the snopes article, it's the authors opinion that letting the flag touch the ground doesn't render it suitable for display.  Obviously others disagree with his conclusion and the military is one of them.

Title: Re: Flags at the show..... an international affair.
Post by: Scree on April 20, 2006, 09:58:17 PM
I was referring to the laws that govern it. Civilians do not follow the same codes as the military. There is nothing in civilian law to say it has to be destroyed if it touches the ground. If it's in disrepair, then thats a different thing. We are talking about a concert in a civilian building, not a military base.