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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: gnrrock on April 19, 2006, 05:49:29 PM

Title: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: gnrrock on April 19, 2006, 05:49:29 PM
Don't know if anyone posted this yet...Don't know if anyone heard The Howard Stern Show today, but Howard and Artie mentioned GNR.  They were talking about how ridiculous "American Idol" was with Rod Stewart, Queen, and Kenny Rodgers in recent shows.  Artie said that GNR were going to get together and tour again.  And how great it would be if Axl could be on American Idol because it would be good publicity.  Howard just said basically it was just Axl and a bunch of new guys.  Not original members and that it wouldn't be right if Axl was on American Idol. (This is the most I could remember from hearing the show this morning.  I Do not have the s-50.  If anyone can do a better job, please do.)

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: BP on April 19, 2006, 06:37:51 PM
I have the s-50  but I don't think its worth recording and stuff.

but Artie was the one who brought up  "That's what guns n roses should do".  Then it went on from there. not much. Robyn being a kackle as usual. Howard just said something in response to Artie saying GNR were playing in NY and howard saying its Axl and a new band.

 :peace: -BP

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: killingvector on April 19, 2006, 06:43:10 PM
Why exactly isn't it right for Axl to be on American Idol? Would it be right for Slash and Weiland to be on that show? Seems like there is nothing Axl can do that would impress howard.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: SlashDelonge on April 19, 2006, 06:56:37 PM
enjoy your ban.  :beer:

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: Amari2677 on April 19, 2006, 06:57:21 PM
I can't post that???? I'll delete it... My bad!

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: DunkinDave on April 19, 2006, 07:27:14 PM
Why exactly isn't it right for Axl to be on American Idol?

Axl isn't the kind of singer they want contestants to mimick vocally.

I know someone who was a rock singer and tried out for American Idol - they basically told him he had an excellent voice but it "wasn't what they were looking for".

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: Red Sox Fan on April 19, 2006, 07:32:54 PM
Why exactly isn't it right for Axl to be on American Idol? Would it be right for Slash and Weiland to be on that show? Seems like there is nothing Axl can do that would impress howard.
agree w/ya kv, just imagine how mind blowing a duet w/axl and kelly clarson would be  :P...anyways i think howard likes guns and is just wondering what is going on w/axl and gn'r since its been awhile, even since the 2002 tour, and anyways howard now doesnt really get too excited unless train, bon jovi, etc is on

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: killingvector on April 19, 2006, 07:46:16 PM
Why exactly isn't it right for Axl to be on American Idol?

Axl isn't the kind of singer they want contestants to mimick vocally.

I know someone who was a rock singer and tried out for American Idol - they basically told him he had an excellent voice but it "wasn't what they were looking for".

I wouldn't want him there either but Howard indicated that it wasn't right for Axl to be on the show; maybe i'm looking too much into this, but I take that as him being not talented or relevant enough to be on the show.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: WhatIsItMan on April 19, 2006, 07:46:44 PM
American Idol is garbage.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: dman1991 on April 19, 2006, 07:55:50 PM
Why exactly isn't it right for Axl to be on American Idol?

Axl isn't the kind of singer they want contestants to mimick vocally.

I know someone who was a rock singer and tried out for American Idol - they basically told him he had an excellent voice but it "wasn't what they were looking for".

I wouldn't want him there either but Howard indicated that it wasn't right for Axl to be on the show; maybe i'm looking too much into this, but I take that as him being not talented or relevant enough to be on the show.
now heres the deal with that, nobody wants to see the band idealizing and arguing about a song before the shit gets released.  No one wants to see the process captured throughly, its stupid, back in the day of great music you would record your album, play some new songs at a live show, release the album and see how it does.  I think howard was saying that axl shouldnt do this, because he doesnt need it.  American idol is a stupid show meant for teenagers.  Howard is a known gnr fan and was probably just saying why the fuck should axl do this, why should he give his greatness to fox, he doesnt need them, so why should he sell out to get some publicity!  anyway im reading too much into this, which is waht we all are doing, so lets say fuck all this and ill see you mothergnrfuckers in nyc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: Charity Case on April 19, 2006, 08:09:31 PM
American Idol is garbage.

It is actually pretty entertaining believe it or not.  They get some talent on the show.  This kid Chris Daltry is a damn good rock singer.  It is what it is....entertainment when there isnothing else to do.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: dman1991 on April 19, 2006, 08:30:28 PM
American Idol is garbage.

It is actually pretty entertaining believe it or not.  They get some talent on the show.  This kid Chris Daltry is a damn good rock singer.  It is what it is....entertainment when there isnothing else to do.
cmon man, these fucks on this show are no better than the new kids on the block, just a bunch of semi talented people with charismatic features that have prewritten tracks by the record company.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: SWINGTRADER on April 19, 2006, 09:03:18 PM
First of all , i don't want anymore rock icons to degrade themselves by going on such a fake superficial teeny bopper show that is American Idol.  Seeing Queen on that show made me cringe and I would never want to see Axl on a  show like that.  Axl wouldn't do it even if they asked him to appear. This is a man that doesn't allow his songs to be used in movies  less is he going to appear on idol.  Think what you want about Axl , one thing he still has his musical integrity.  Yes, he did make a fool of himself on the MTV awards but that is a performance failure  , it's not a situation of "selling out ".  Howard Stern says that Axl doesn't belong on Idol and i agree with him.  If I were Axl I would take that as a compliment.  That is the nicest thing Howard Stern has said about Axl in a long time.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: IndiannaRose on April 19, 2006, 09:08:51 PM
American Idol is garbage.

It is actually pretty entertaining believe it or not.? They get some talent on the show.? This kid Chris Daltry is a damn good rock singer.? It is what it is....entertainment when there isnothing else to do.
cmon man, these fucks on this show are no better than the new kids on the block, just a bunch of semi talented people with charismatic features that have prewritten tracks by the record company.
How can you call someone like Katherine McPhee or Chris Daughtry 'semi-talented' people? If you even watched the show for more than 2 seconds without a clouded mind you'd realize the talents that these people can hold. Not everyone can sing like these people...they're good...But it's alright you know, since it's hip to diss American Idol without even listening or watching the bulk of it...Go ahead, do it. Follow the trend. ::)

Anyways, I don't think the producers of American Idol would ever think of putting Axl Rose on that show. As a matter of fact, even if they asked, I don't think Axl would agree to it.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: Takemedown on April 19, 2006, 09:59:38 PM
don't think axl should go on that show, but i'll tell ya...that kellie pickler can eat my pickle any day of the week.  :smoking:

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: SWINGTRADER on April 19, 2006, 10:12:18 PM
American Idol is garbage.

It is actually pretty entertaining believe it or not.? They get some talent on the show.? This kid Chris Daltry is a damn good rock singer.? It is what it is....entertainment when there isnothing else to do.
cmon man, these fucks on this show are no better than the new kids on the block, just a bunch of semi talented people with charismatic features that have prewritten tracks by the record company.
How can you call someone like Katherine McPhee or Chris Daughtry 'semi-talented' people? If you even watched the show for more than 2 seconds without a clouded mind you'd realize the talents that these people can hold. Not everyone can sing like these people...they're good...But it's alright you know, since it's hip to diss American Idol without even listening or watching the bulk of it...Go ahead, do it. Follow the trend. ::)

Anyways, I don't think the producers of American Idol would ever think of putting Axl Rose on that show. As a matter of fact, even if they asked, I don't think Axl would agree to it.

You can have the best voice in the world  but if you can't write your own melody and lyrics  it is meaningless.  Girls like Kathy are dime a dozen , nothing unique about her.  Go walk into most churches in america and you will find a Kathy singing christian songs.   These people don't know the art of stage presence or entertaining.  Anybody that has to be coached on how they dress on a weekly basis  is fake.   There is absolutely nothing honest about these people.   When American Idol begins to allow contestants to write and perform their own music  is the day it will not be looked as a joke.  It is nothing but a glorified karaoke contest.  You'd be better off going to a Karaoke bar.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: pilferk on April 20, 2006, 08:19:59 AM
I know, FOR A FACT, that the Stern show people know about the NYC shows, and are trying to book Axl (and, presumeably, the rest of the band) for sometime that week.

That's not to say they WILL book them, but they're making contact and trying.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: BluesGNR on April 20, 2006, 08:23:14 AM
I know, FOR A FACT, that the Stern show people know about the NYC shows, and are trying to book Axl (and, presumeably, the rest of the band) for sometime that week.

That's not to say they WILL book them, but they're making contact and trying.

Shit, I'm buying another 1000 shares of SIRI stock.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: oneway23 on April 20, 2006, 08:25:01 AM
At least he'd have someone on worth listening to for a change...hope it ends up coming through

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: gnrrock on April 20, 2006, 11:41:43 AM
Pilferk, So you know for a fact that the Stern Show is trying to book Axl?  Please, go on...

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: pilferk on April 20, 2006, 12:34:30 PM
Pilferk, So you know for a fact that the Stern Show is trying to book Axl?? Please, go on...

Trying doesn't mean succeeding, keep in mind. Just cause they ask doesn't mean Axl will actually come.

I shot an email off to the stern show guys when the Hammerstein shows were announced.

I got an email back a couple days later saying they knew about the shows and were going to try to book Axl on the show for sometime during that week.

Thats it.

Nothing really all that interesting.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: Naupis on April 20, 2006, 12:40:39 PM
I have Sirius and love Howard Stern, but it is a bad idea for Axl to go on that show because he will end up getting all pissed off and leaving the show. They will pry and ask him everything he may or may not want to talk about, and who knows how well Axl will handle an interview in which he is not in control of the questions asked as he typically is. Not to mention the fact the Stern show actually likes Slash and the VR guys, and probably won't let the interview turn into a piling on session.

I would love to hear it, but given how easily Axl is spooked I don't think it is a good idea.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: pilferk on April 20, 2006, 01:18:20 PM
I have Sirius and love Howard Stern, but it is a bad idea for Axl to go on that show because he will end up getting all pissed off and leaving the show. They will pry and ask him everything he may or may not want to talk about, and who knows how well Axl will handle an interview in which he is not in control of the questions asked as he typically is. Not to mention the fact the Stern show actually likes Slash and the VR guys, and probably won't let the interview turn into a piling on session.

I would love to hear it, but given how easily Axl is spooked I don't think it is a good idea.

I largely agree.

Which is why I'd be shocked if Axl accepted the invite. :)

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: Red Sox Fan on April 20, 2006, 01:24:19 PM
does anyone know if they tried to get axl back in 2002

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: C0ma on April 20, 2006, 01:25:38 PM
Great now I have to pack my Sportster Boombox for the Trip to New York just incase Axl is on Stern Monday or Tuesday.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: pilferk on April 20, 2006, 02:15:36 PM
does anyone know if they tried to get axl back in 2002

I THINK I remember Gary saying on the show that they did.? It may have been the morning after the MSG show.

But I think he said they were told the tour schedule wouldn't really give him time to do it, because the shows in the area were tightly packed around MSG.

Which, of course, could have been management's way of saying, politely, they weren't interested. :)

Edit: Of course, thinking may very well have been Karolyi at WCCC who said all that.

Sorry, old age setting in......Now I'm not sure.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: Red Sox Fan on April 20, 2006, 03:41:27 PM
does anyone know if they tried to get axl back in 2002

I THINK I remember Gary saying on the show that they did.? It may have been the morning after the MSG show.

But I think he said they were told the tour schedule wouldn't really give him time to do it, because the shows in the area were tightly packed around MSG.

Which, of course, could have been management's way of saying, politely, they weren't interested. :)

Edit: Of course, thinking may very well have been Karolyi at WCCC who said all that.

Sorry, old age setting in......Now I'm not sure.

i also remember that the day after the msg show someone from the stern show who said he a axl fan said that he was at the show and he thought axl was lip syncing, i tired to send them a copy of a msg song but never could get it to go thru..,.

Title: Re: GNR mention on Stern...No new news
Post by: mega_music on April 20, 2006, 05:42:28 PM
I have Sirius and love Howard Stern, but it is a bad idea for Axl to go on that show because he will end up getting all pissed off and leaving the show. They will pry and ask him everything he may or may not want to talk about, and who knows how well Axl will handle an interview in which he is not in control of the questions asked as he typically is. Not to mention the fact the Stern show actually likes Slash and the VR guys, and probably won't let the interview turn into a piling on session.

I would love to hear it, but given how easily Axl is spooked I don't think it is a good idea.

You know what better time for Axl to settle all of the bullshit rumors. I wish Axl would go on Howard, I honestly dont think Howard or the staff would give Axl any shit, as long as Howard would stay away from taking phone calls. Howard Stern is a amazing interviewer, one of the best if not the best on radio. This could be the ultimate way for Axl to settle all of the bullshit and rumors. I would love to hear Axl and Howard just talking for a couple of hours, but that is just wishful thinking.

Also think of the potential for some GNR progaganda, Sirius headquarters are located in NYC, Axl could go on Stern then invade every other channel on Sirius.