Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: D on April 14, 2006, 06:06:25 PM

Title: One request to all members: Be nice To newbies *happy?*
Post by: D on April 14, 2006, 06:06:25 PM
People have an elitist attitude on message boards and they have a tendency to treat new people like shit for whatever reasons.

This isnt cool.

So when new people join, lets all try and be nice and considerate.

If someone starts a thread, dont be a dick, explain politely and make them feel welcome.

I recently joined the Red Hot chili Peppers message forum and those people are fucking dickheads.

Just cause someone is new doesnt mean they like the band less or dont know anything about the band.

People have the attitude like if someone doesnt have 1,000 posts their opinions are somewhat insignicant which is bullshit.

So lets all welcome Newbies and make them feel welcome unless they step over the line and no longer deserve respect.

I dont want this forum having a bad rap cause I posted 10 times on the RHCP forum but never will again.

So be nice everyone.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 14, 2006, 06:08:58 PM
People have an elitist attitude on message boards and they have a tendency to treat new people like shit for whatever reasons.

This isnt cool.

So when new people join, lets all try and be nice and considerate.

If someone starts a thread, dont be a dick, explain politely and make them feel welcome.

I recently joined the Red Hot chili Peppers message forum and those people are fucking dickheads.

Just cause someone is new doesnt mean they like the band less or dont know anything about the band.

People have the attitude like if someone doesnt have 1,000 posts their opinions are somewhat insignicant which is bullshit.

So lets all welcome Noobies and make them feel welcome unless they step over the line and no longer deserve respect.

I dont want this forum having a bad rap cause I posted 10 times on the RHCP forum but never will again.

So be nice everyone.

It's spelled *newbies.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: journey on April 14, 2006, 06:40:20 PM
It's spelled *newbies.

That's right, but I've seen people use the word noobie too. Anyway, that's not the topic of this thread.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: D on April 14, 2006, 06:50:53 PM
Dude if u aint got shit to contribute dont post to try and get your count up.

Most Active Poster Rank:

Markus Asraelius (#137)

why keep track?

Thats not cool.

People are called "Noobs" not Newbs

Noobs is short for noobies.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: Axls Locomotive on April 14, 2006, 07:18:28 PM
new people on a message board are called newbs or newbies and thats the right word...noobs is an insult, being intentionally annoying for instance

but we knew what you meant

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: Mandy. on April 14, 2006, 07:28:14 PM
I know exactly what you mean.

I have given up joining new forums. People just ignore you or treat you like shit just because you are new to the forum.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: Emilie on April 14, 2006, 07:30:18 PM
Being a "noob" myself, I can easily say that people here have treated me way better than on certain other boards...

..but thanks for the support D!  : ok:

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: Kujo on April 14, 2006, 08:17:42 PM
People have an elitist attitude on message boards and they have a tendency to treat new people like shit for whatever reasons.

This isnt cool.

So when new people join, lets all try and be nice and considerate.

If someone starts a thread, dont be a dick, explain politely and make them feel welcome.

I recently joined the Red Hot chili Peppers message forum and those people are fucking dickheads.

Just cause someone is new doesnt mean they like the band less or dont know anything about the band.

People have the attitude like if someone doesnt have 1,000 posts their opinions are somewhat insignicant which is bullshit.

So lets all welcome Noobies and make them feel welcome unless they step over the line and no longer deserve respect.

I dont want this forum having a bad rap cause I posted 10 times on the RHCP forum but never will again.

So be nice everyone.

Wow, I didn't realize that all that time D was gone, he was recovering from surgery. It appears he has been neutered :hihi:

But he is correct, alot of people judge someones knowledge by their post counts. If Axl himself created a new account and told us the answers to every question we've had over the last 14 years, undoubtedly someone would eventually post something along the lines of "Shut the fuck up newbie, go back to"

Post counts dont mean shit, some people here have racked up thousands of posts in a month or two but still havent said a damn thing. Perfect examples of an "Xebeche" if I ever saw one.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To newbies *happy?*
Post by: jarmo on April 15, 2006, 07:02:07 AM
Of course everybody deservers to get the same treatment, but if somebody comes here and is told nicely to pay attention to the rules and how this place works, still ignores the request and keeps posting new threads, then my attitude will change....

You can't just keep blaming the "I'm new here, I had no idea" thing...


Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To newbies *happy?*
Post by: Queen of Everything on April 15, 2006, 08:34:28 AM
I recently joined the Red Hot chili Peppers message forum and those people are fucking dickheads.

Just cause someone is new doesnt mean they like the band less or dont know anything about the band.

People have the attitude like if someone doesnt have 1,000 posts their opinions are somewhat insignicant which is bullshit.

I joined another forum while the board was down...  I found this aswell.  I got NO respect AT ALL.  People would shoot down everything I had to say... they had NO respect what so ever, they asumed because I only had 5 posts that I knew nothing and was insignificant.

I recieved alot more respect when I came to HTGTH, of course other posters need time to get to know you... and for things to work out and I had times where I was bloody annoying, and I think we all have that.  We all have something we did/do that pisses everyone off.

I just think its good that we are nicer to n00b's than most other forums.   But we need to keep it up!!  ;D

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To newbies *happy?*
Post by: *Izzy* on April 15, 2006, 09:50:02 AM

You can't just keep blaming the "I'm new here, I had no idea" thing...

It's my first day

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To newbies *happy?*
Post by: D on April 15, 2006, 02:29:58 PM
Exactly Jarmo, Im talking about dismissing people and trying to run them off cause we are the "Vets" and we dont want new people etc..

I havent saw that on this forum and that is awesome and should be commended.

But almost every other forum Ive posted on, if u are a newbie, u might as well forget it.

On the Chili Pepper board for instance, they have like 10 topics stickied.

I went on the night after the video premiered and started a thread asking if people knew which bands they were dressing up like.

U should see the venom I got "why dont u check one of the other 20 threads* etc etc etc.

I assumed that since they had 10 sticky's pertaining to the new song and album, no one had started a video thread cause surely it would be stickied as well.

Point is, they shouldve been nice and hospitable.

Now if a poster continuously breaks the rules I totally understand, but everyone is entitled to a few mistakes without being badgered and treated bad.

This forum is great so far on newb treatment, I just hope we all remember to remain nice cause it doesnt feel good to be treated like shit.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To newbies *happy?*
Post by: Timothy on April 15, 2006, 04:51:18 PM
This place does do a good job at not scaring of the new cats.

I went to the Wreckers boards when it first opened and these fuckers were  dicks.too many of them had this eletist attiud toward new people .

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To newbies *happy?*
Post by: Mandy. on April 15, 2006, 06:11:50 PM
Oh, and the worst thing is when they know the celebrity in question visits the board.
They get so stuck up, especially the administrator. It's like: "Ok, I'll just pm her and ask whether it's true or not" or "I spoke to her and she said she's fine", "Don't post anything until I talk to her". And the other members are such arse lickers, just because they know the person will read it.
It's 389758975 times worse than when the fans go on about Axl here.

Saddos.? >:(

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 19, 2006, 03:23:59 AM

I touched a girls noobies once..........

It was awesome............

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: Kujo on April 19, 2006, 03:29:58 AM

I touched a girls noobies once..........

It was awesome............

I dont know if you should be admitting that, you might wind up on that special list with D

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: echrisl on April 19, 2006, 03:34:14 AM
Dude if u aint got shit to contribute dont post to try and get your count up.

An ironic comment considering the source.

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 19, 2006, 03:37:22 AM

I touched a girls noobies once..........

It was awesome............

I dont know if you should be admitting that, you might wind up on that special list with D

Too late...........

Title: Re: One request to all members: Be nice To noobies
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 19, 2006, 12:03:48 PM
Dude if u aint got shit to contribute dont post to try and get your count up.

Most Active Poster Rank:

Markus Asraelius (#137)

why keep track?

Thats not cool.

People are called "Noobs" not Newbs

Noobs is short for noobies.

I didn't realize you had said this until now. I must have missed it. I have to say I'm quite disappointed you would rant about something like that. I thought you were cool.