Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Sakib on March 23, 2006, 03:15:30 PM

Title: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Sakib on March 23, 2006, 03:15:30 PM
Does anyone watch this show? I think its the worst show on tv. It can easily be very gripping but instead its a comedy of errors especially the soundtrack which is way OTT. I was hoping it was gonna be something intelligent. They try do develop and introduce far too many characters at once and the guys can't even act properly most of the time. So rather than watch it and take it seriously me and my sister watch it for a laugh. What do think?

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Jim on March 23, 2006, 04:21:22 PM
I think that you're wrong.

My only problem is that some of the acting isn't great. I'm only as far into it as has been shown in the UK so far, but unless they change the formula in the latter episodes you're completly off with what you say about the introduction of characters...As I say, maybe it's different in latter episodes, but right now I think that the characterisation is great! The soundtrack hasn't bothered me at all, either. I also think that 'me and my sister watch it for a laugh' is just a poor excuse for the fact that you can't get enough of a quality show!

I like it. And besides. There are enough decent actors in the show to mean that it doesn't become a major criticism.

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Skeletor on March 23, 2006, 04:27:17 PM
Prison Break's a great series... and I've never noticed anything wrong with the soundtrack ???

There are certain flaws, sure, but as a whole it rocks :)

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Timothy on March 23, 2006, 05:46:06 PM
I have only seen one or two epsisode , Really don't see anything that great  about the show .

It does havea decent plot but is pretty poorly executed.

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Laura on March 23, 2006, 06:04:24 PM
i adore this show! i think it is brilliant! Sure the main character has only one facial expression but i think the show is well thought out.

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Mandy. on March 23, 2006, 06:10:55 PM
They were talking about that in school today... what is that about anyway?

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Hammy on March 23, 2006, 06:19:30 PM
They were talking about that in school today... what is that about anyway?
A dude is in Prison, weeks off being executed for a crime he did not commit.

His brother get's himself arrested on purpose so he can join him in prison and help him break out.

That's the 'simple' premise of the show but it's a lot more complex with many twists along the way and the soundtrack rules :D

The lead character is failure wooden but the story itself keeps you gripped.  3 episodes in i was enjoying it but did not think it was anything special but the show reallt took off round about episode 5, i'm now upto episode 14 and it is fantastic one of the best shows on tv.....

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Jim on March 24, 2006, 06:14:48 AM
The doctor hands down, you're fucking insane if you think the lawyer has anything on her!

Incidently, the last episode that I say (the one where T-Bag's bitch hangs himself) was great. What was so good about it was that they introduced a character that had absoloutly no redeeming qualities, and yet still you felt sorry for him. Poor old Vannilla Ice.

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Hammy on March 24, 2006, 06:19:21 AM
Poor old Vannilla Ice.
I found that character hilarious, so fucking clueless, black dudes think he's taking the piss and white dudes think he's trying to be black so they all hate him, still, he seems to be nice at heart just very naive.... :D

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: makane on March 24, 2006, 06:24:43 AM
I've seen every episode so far and a leaked next weeks episode. It's "OK", nothing stunning though, sometimes too predictable.

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Sakib on March 24, 2006, 11:28:50 AM
Jim, i disagree with the poor excuse. there's no expression on any of the guys face. I watch it because its a comedy of errors and i think that bloke who said in the first episode "put your hand in my pocket" (dont know any1'z name) cracks me up

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Nighteyes on March 24, 2006, 08:03:26 PM
I love it!

(I don't remember the word that tells that you are going to write something that maybe all not know, I'm really tired )

But I don't like that Peter Stormare died, I think he dies in almost every serie/film he's acting in :P

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: chineseblues on March 24, 2006, 08:29:08 PM
I love it!

(I don't remember the word that tells that you are going to write something that maybe all not know, I'm really tired )

But I don't like that Peter Stormare died, I think he dies in almost every serie/film he's acting in :P

are you talking about Abruzzee? If so we don't really know if he's dead yet, we just know he was in bad shape after being shanked. I hav a sneaky feeling he might be coming back into the mix again and will play a bigger part in getting them out in the end.

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Nighteyes on March 24, 2006, 08:36:38 PM
Yes,I think I do? :)

(Please,tell me that world, I am irritated at myself right now)

I hope he does!

I think he is a rather good actor (and the fact that he is from Sweden makes it more fun to watch the serie,for some reason :P )

I know that the word is spoiler now,it popped up in my head when I was trying to sleep.

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: Laura on March 24, 2006, 11:37:22 PM
The doctor hands down, you're fucking insane if you think the lawyer has anything on her!

Incidently, the last episode that I say (the one where T-Bag's bitch hangs himself) was great. What was so good about it was that they introduced a character that had absoloutly no redeeming qualities, and yet still you felt sorry for him. Poor old Vannilla Ice.

When was this episode on? i saw that in november... are you just really far behind because i dont want to ruin anythin for anyone and say somethin!!

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Sakib on March 25, 2006, 05:48:38 AM
its only been about a month in the UK since Prison break started i think

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Jim on March 25, 2006, 07:37:21 AM
When was this episode on? i saw that in november... are you just really far behind because i dont want to ruin anythin for anyone and say somethin!!

Oh, we are really far behind. We usually are. (With Lost, we're pretty much a season behind. Though, I think that they're going to rectify that eventually......) That episode was on last Monday.

Though, it has been on for a fair bit more than a month (four episodes).......

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: chineseblues on March 27, 2006, 09:38:16 PM
Tonights episode was really good. I cant believe what happened near the end though (i wont say anything to spoil it). That is really going to fuck them up I think...

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: jazjme on March 27, 2006, 11:23:34 PM
awesome episode. !!

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: pilferk on March 28, 2006, 12:16:40 PM

are you talking about Abruzzee? If so we don't really know if he's dead yet, we just know he was in bad shape after being shanked. I hav a sneaky feeling he might be coming back into the mix again and will play a bigger part in getting them out in the end.

Word is, he's coming back.

And those VW commercials he's in over here in the states are just awful.

Oh, and I'm firmly in the "love it" camp.  It's not 24, or Lost, but it's pretty freaking good.

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Nighteyes on March 28, 2006, 12:48:25 PM
Hmm...People here mentions Lost and 24 a lot,doesn't anyone watch Desperate Housewives?

Title: Re: Prison Break
Post by: chineseblues on March 28, 2006, 12:56:56 PM

are you talking about Abruzzee? If so we don't really know if he's dead yet, we just know he was in bad shape after being shanked. I hav a sneaky feeling he might be coming back into the mix again and will play a bigger part in getting them out in the end.

Word is, he's coming back.

And those VW commercials he's in over here in the states are just awful.

Oh, and I'm firmly in the "love it" camp.  It's not 24, or Lost, but it's pretty freaking good.

Their awefull but you just have to laugh at them because of it.

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Skeletor on March 28, 2006, 01:02:49 PM
People here mentions Lost and 24 a lot,doesn't anyone watch Desperate Housewives?

Guess it doesn't appeal to men that much... at least that's the impression I've got from the few episodes I've watched.

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Nighteyes on March 28, 2006, 01:12:03 PM
People here mentions Lost and 24 a lot,doesn't anyone watch Desperate Housewives?

Guess it doesn't appeal to men that much... at least that's the impression I've got from the few episodes I've watched.

Maybe you are right, but there is women on this board too  ;)
I love that series ;D

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: pilferk on March 29, 2006, 07:42:45 AM
Hmm...People here mentions Lost and 24 a lot,doesn't anyone watch Desperate Housewives?

Sort of...but not closely.  My wife watches the show and I'm usually in the room when it's on....

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Backslash on March 29, 2006, 08:55:25 AM
Hmm...People here mentions Lost and 24 a lot,doesn't anyone watch Desperate Housewives?

Haha... what a great show!  I think that men won't watch it because they're afraid of the title.  I didn't know what it was all about until I watched it, now I love it.  Some parts really tug at the ol' heat strings while others are completely hilarious.  Besides, as a guy, I can justify liking it by saying that Eva Longoria is on there!  : ok:

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: Hammy on March 29, 2006, 05:18:40 PM
Tonights episode was really good.
Yeah, class episode, this is a series, like i said before that keeps getting better and better as it goes along......

That is really going to fuck them up I think...
Course it is that's the whole point i mean it was only Episode 15, they have plenty more they need to stretch things out somehow...

are you talking about Abruzzee? If so we don't really know if he's dead yet, we just know he was in bad shape after being shanked. I hav a sneaky feeling he might be coming back into the mix again and will play a bigger part in getting them out in the end.
Word is, he's coming back.
That's good to hear the dude is my fave character....

People here mentions Lost and 24 a lot,doesn't anyone watch Desperate Housewives?
Guess it doesn't appeal to men that much... at least that's the impression I've got from the few episodes I've watched.
Maybe you are right, but there is women on this board too? ;)
I love that series ;D
Nah it rules, just seen Episode 17, it's entertaining, has eye candy, some nice twists and it's one of those programs where you can put your brain on hold and just have a laugh, it's great entertainment :D :yes:

Title: Re: Prison Break (Beware: Spoilers!)
Post by: chineseblues on April 24, 2006, 09:02:39 PM
Wow tonights episode was awesome! I wont give away too much but I never expected some of the stuff that happened to happen. And the spoilers for next week were shocking as well. I can't believe who they tell they are going to break out.  :o