Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: DCGNR2006 on March 21, 2006, 11:59:31 AM

Title: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: DCGNR2006 on March 21, 2006, 11:59:31 AM
Am I the only one who thinks that it is going to get ugly this time around? When I saw the 2002 MSG show, we had not yet invaded Iraq, and Axl said nothing remotely political, but I gotta believe he's got some things to say this time around, once that microphone is in his hand again. It's kind of scary actually if you listen to the lyrics of Civil War, and how he could relate that song to what's going today. Now I don't know for sure what his take is on everything, but I can't believe he's exactly a fan of Bush & Friends -  I hope he does'nt bring anything up, but I'm pretty sure it will happen -

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 12:04:28 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that it is going to get ugly this time around? When I saw the 2002 MSG show, we had not yet invaded Iraq, and Axl said nothing remotely political, but I gotta believe he's got some things to say this time around, once that microphone is in his hand again. It's kind of scary actually if you listen to the lyrics of Civil War, and how he could relate that song to what's going today. Now I don't know for sure what his take is on everything, but I can't believe he's exactly a fan of Bush & Friends -? I hope he does'nt bring anything up, but I'm pretty sure it will happen -

he did at the beginning of the Illusion tour during the 1st Gulf War

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gilld1 on March 21, 2006, 12:09:45 PM
He'll be talking about bringing democracy to China and freeing the Dali Lama.  Axl has been recruited to sew the seeds of democratic revolution in China by Bush. 

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: godiva on March 21, 2006, 01:00:52 PM
I have a feeling Axl would not rant about political stuff. Not really his thing. he'll probably rant about stuff that's going on in his own life. I do know that Tommy said some stuff on the Iraq war, but I can't remember what exactly it was. Maybe somebody with a better memory? As I recall he wasn't too friendly about Bush. But then again, I guess only Axl is allowed to rant on stage  :hihi: Imagine Tommy grabbing the mic from Axl to rant and gets fired on stage. Anybody in the crowd knows how to play bass? Come on up here, we need a replacement....

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Backslash on March 21, 2006, 01:03:18 PM
I have a feeling Axl would not rant about political stuff. Not really his thing. he'll probably rant about stuff that's going on in his own life. I do know that Tommy said some stuff on the Iraq war, but I can't remember what exactly it was. Maybe somebody with a better memory? As I recall he wasn't too friendly about Bush. But then again, I guess only Axl is allowed to rant on stage? :hihi: Imagine Tommy grabbing the mic from Axl to rant and gets fired on stage. Anybody in the crowd knows how to play bass? Come on up here, we need a replacement....

The ingenius thing is that Axl says "We need a replacement." hahaha... Tommy was in The Replacements!  great pun, and I bet you didn't even try it!  :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: DunkinDave on March 21, 2006, 01:11:55 PM
Who cares what Axl has to say about politics?

That's like attending a football game and expecting Tom Brady to stop playing to give you advice on cooking beans.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: RitzWalker8 on March 21, 2006, 01:14:28 PM
Axl will leave the liberal biast up to Springsteen and other hollywood types I hope.  Jesus, am I sick of that crap.  Not everyone in America feels this way by the way.  I have 5 of my good friends in Iraq and they are proud of what they are doing.  Am I am proud of them. 

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: RitzWalker8 on March 21, 2006, 01:15:21 PM
Sorry, I meant to say I agree with DunkinDave.  Leave politics out of this. 

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Nighteyes on March 21, 2006, 01:15:27 PM
I have a feeling Axl would not rant about political stuff. Not really his thing. he'll probably rant about stuff that's going on in his own life. I do know that Tommy said some stuff on the Iraq war, but I can't remember what exactly it was. Maybe somebody with a better memory? As I recall he wasn't too friendly about Bush. But then again, I guess only Axl is allowed to rant on stage? :hihi: Imagine Tommy grabbing the mic from Axl to rant and gets fired on stage. Anybody in the crowd knows how to play bass? Come on up here, we need a replacement....

The ingenius thing is that Axl says "We need a replacement." hahaha... Tommy was in The Replacements!? great pun, and I bet you didn't even try it!? :rofl: :rofl:

hahah :hihi:
I love this board ?:peace:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: DCGNR2006 on March 21, 2006, 01:28:09 PM
Axl will leave the liberal biast up to Springsteen and other hollywood types I hope.? Jesus, am I sick of that crap.? Not everyone in America feels this way by the way.? I have 5 of my good friends in Iraq and they are proud of what they are doing.? Am I am proud of them.?

I'm proud of your boys as well, my friend. I hope you're right and he will leave the liberal crap out as well -

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 21, 2006, 01:29:56 PM
I hope he does.  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gator on March 21, 2006, 01:34:31 PM
Axl's views on politics would be the last thing I'd want to hear at a concert. It's bad enough we get every other Hollywood star's self-righteous political agenda shoved down our throats at every turn. If I go to a concert I'm paying to hear music, not ill-informed political rants.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: the dirt on March 21, 2006, 01:42:14 PM
I hope he does.? : ok:


Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: fesxine on March 21, 2006, 01:48:53 PM

why not? thousand of people have died in iraq and one of the main themes of guns n roses deal with is 'war'.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: VelvetGoldman on March 21, 2006, 01:55:25 PM

If it's well put, why not. Something concise and incisive.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: godiva on March 21, 2006, 02:00:40 PM
Hm, I believe Axl once said (in a very old interview with Del James if I'm correct) he doesn't even vote, because he can't be bothered. That's why I think he hardly ever says anything you can consider political.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: McDuff on March 21, 2006, 02:29:30 PM
I hope he isn't stupid and get political,politics is stupid in the first place  :peace:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Sparksry on March 21, 2006, 02:31:08 PM
i agree politics is soo gay! he would really change if he got into politics. Look at schwartzengarer (spelling) :no:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Ax on March 21, 2006, 02:33:48 PM
Axl's views on politics would be the last thing I'd want to hear at a concert. It's bad enough we get every other Hollywood star's self-righteous political agenda shoved down our throats at every turn. If I go to a concert I'm paying to hear music, not ill-informed political rants.

I could not have said it better myself. If I want to hear a polictical speech, I'll go to a political rally, not a rock concert. And I can't stand millionaire entertainers preaching about how there is so much injustice in the world. I remember when I went to a Velvet Revolver concert, Scott went off on a five minute rant in the middle of "Big Machine" about how bad corporations are, and I just remember thinking how stupid he sounded considering the fact that he is in a band signed to a major record label that has their cd in every major retailer in the country. I just wonder if he ever realised the irony of it.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 21, 2006, 02:37:16 PM
i agree politics is soo gay! he would really change if he got into politics. Look at schwartzengarer (spelling) :no:

Ever heard Civil War?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gilld1 on March 21, 2006, 02:55:35 PM
So if Axl speaks out against all the Bush-shit going on, he doesn't support the troops?  What a load of shite.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on March 21, 2006, 02:57:49 PM
any boody know wher the got homa drunk thred is cuz i cunt find it.phyew i cant cee straight n my heads finning  :confused:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Danny on March 21, 2006, 03:03:07 PM
First of all, Duff wrote the lyrics to Civil War, which is why it's lyrics suck so much.

I have a really hard time imagining Axl as a big anti-war, anti-Bush guy.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Jonathan on March 21, 2006, 03:05:58 PM
First of all, Duff wrote the lyrics to Civil War, which is why it's lyrics suck so much.

I have a really hard time imagining Axl as a big anti-war, anti-Bush guy.

The lyrics to Civil War were written by Slash, Duff and Axl.

"which is why it's lyrics suck so much", what are you talking about?

I would like to see you write something better.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gilld1 on March 21, 2006, 03:08:46 PM
Being from Indiana he probably still has some of those conservitive views of the Midwest. ?More than likely, if he gets political, it will be about some little known dictator in Nepal or something crazy because we all know that crazy is as crazy does!

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: The Dog on March 21, 2006, 03:10:57 PM
Anyone ever hear Eddie Vedders rant about Bush and the war?  Its hysterical.  The guy can't form a coherent sentence.  he set the anti war movement back years.  douche bag haha.  Its really funny, i'lll look it up on youtube later.

As for Axl, I doubt he'll say anything UNLESS he plays civil war, and even then it would be subtle - I don't see him saying anything else - just doesn't strike me as the type.  LIke someone else said, he'll have enough things to rant about besides a BS war. 

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on March 21, 2006, 03:11:59 PM
Axl probably feels the same about this Iraq war as did the first one.

In 91 he said something like, "Nobody wanted a war, but now that we're there its pretty stupid to root for the other side."

Axl may not have agreed with the invasion, but he isn't going to do anything to undermine it at this point.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Danny on March 21, 2006, 03:16:45 PM
I distinctly remember a radio interview with Duff (sometime in 92) where he said he wrote all of the lyrics to Civil War. ?He said he wrote it based on a memory he had as a child being with his mom at an anti-Nam rally. ?

And I'm sorry to say, but those are some of the worse lyrics in a GNR song, ever. ?Beyond cheesy. ?The chorus might have been written by Axl (it sounds like more his style of writting) but the main song is definately Duff's bad, junior high writting style.

But that's just my opinion.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: The Dog on March 21, 2006, 03:17:08 PM
thats pretty cool what Axl said - makes a lot of sense.

But, I get so annoyed when people say, "Oh you're against the war, well you don't support the troops then!!!"   ::)

I mean, how f'ing DUMB can you be?  Who WOULDN'T support our troops?  I think a big reason people don't is because we want the troops to come home safe!  They're the reason most people don't support it!   

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gnr_12 on March 21, 2006, 03:21:25 PM
Hey, if he makes a bold, solid statement before the playing of Civil War... stirring up some contreversy wouldnt be bad... he is very well known for his public comments... lol... like someone once said...

Eminem is Axl Rose Version 2.0

King of Contreversy

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gnr_12 on March 21, 2006, 03:26:23 PM
BTW.. im Canadian.. and guys.. i know the majority of u are American but the only locations set to tour are out of North America.. so hold off this whole political shit till we hear some Detroit, LA, NY and Toronto shows..

Hes not gonna rant about bush to the fuckin Euros u idiots.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 21, 2006, 03:29:12 PM
First of all, Duff wrote the lyrics to Civil War

Id like to see some more on this.

I have a really hard time imagining Axl as a big anti-war, anti-Bush guy.

Its that hard for you, huh?  The rest of his band seems to be "anti-Bush," which doesnt necessarily mean he is but it somehow makes it a bit easier to imagine such a thing.

"Nobody wanted a war, but now that we're there its pretty stupid to root for the other side."

Who was rooting for Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War?

Hes not gonna rant about bush to the fuckin Euros u idiots.

Calm down there wise one, Europeans are usually the first to hear complaints about an American artists home goverment...

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 03:32:59 PM
Before Civil War on the bot I had He said basically it was BS to go to war but since we're there, you'd be an asshole not to support our troops

or something to that effect, of course, it was a very short war

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gnr_12 on March 21, 2006, 03:34:21 PM
First of all, Duff wrote the lyrics to Civil War

Id like to see some more on this.

I have a really hard time imagining Axl as a big anti-war, anti-Bush guy.

Its that hard for you, huh?  The rest of his band seems to be "anti-Bush," which doesnt necessarily mean he is but it somehow makes it a bit easier to imagine such a thing.

"Nobody wanted a war, but now that we're there its pretty stupid to root for the other side."

Who was rooting for Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War?

Hes not gonna rant about bush to the fuckin Euros u idiots.

Calm down there wise one, Europeans are usually the first to hear complaints about an American artists home goverment...

Yeah.. but tell me this, do they care? And when have u seen axl rant to the europeans?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: nesquick on March 21, 2006, 03:34:43 PM
I'm sick of those musicians talking about politics. That's not their job. When I go to a gig I want to hear MUSIC, not political opinion. ::)

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on March 21, 2006, 03:39:50 PM
Who was rooting for Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War?

Actually, the clip is on  He said this,

"Anybody that has a brain at all wasn't too excited with the concept of going to war, but once we were in it, I think you were a fuckin asshole not to fuckin root for our side."

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gilld1 on March 21, 2006, 03:41:48 PM
Some of the best songs ever have been influenced by politics. ?The 2 blended together make very powerful songs. ?Dylan made a career of it, so did Rage Against the Machine and System of a Down, MC5, Sex Pistols, etc. ?Politics affects us all and to deny that is to deny the truth so it is only natural for these artists to express their opinions. ?I would if I had 35,000 people listening to my every word.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Jonathan on March 21, 2006, 03:59:53 PM
I distinctly remember a radio interview with Duff (sometime in 92) where he said he wrote all of the lyrics to Civil War. ?He said he wrote it based on a memory he had as a child being with his mom at an anti-Nam rally. ?

And I'm sorry to say, but those are some of the worse lyrics in a GNR song, ever. ?Beyond cheesy. ?The chorus might have been written by Axl (it sounds like more his style of writting) but the main song is definately Duff's bad, junior high writting style.

But that's just my opinion.

Wait, wait, wait.

You think that the Civil War lyrics, is beyond cheesy? Oh, my god.

I don't really get how you see it, please explain how you think they're cheesy as hell.

Worst GN'R lyrics ever? Pffffft. It's only your opinion and I respect it, but I want an explanation.

I want to see that interview if you can get hold of it too.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Scottyl333 on March 21, 2006, 04:17:23 PM
I hope he doesnt get political.  Im in the Army and dont need people living in Hollywood in their million dollar mansions telling me that what Im doing is wrong and the war is bad.  Springsteen is an idiot.  I think its funny he trys to make blue collar songs and he was never blue collar he just likes people to think that. It would be really disapointed to wait 15 years for an album then when it comes out and he tours all he talks about is politics.  I dont think he will but you never know.  Its not like Axl is a tree hugging liberal. Song "One in a Million" tell you anything.  Not saying I agree with that song or that republicans agree with it but liberals usually try to associate republicans as being racist and hating homosexuals.  Even though that song has nothing to do with being racist people who dont know the story behind that song think it is.  Im also  sure Axl has gotten some very good tax breaks from the government.  By the way I dont think it was Tommy who said that stuff about Bush I think it was Dizzy Reed. He was complaining about Bush being against Gay marriage or something.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 04:31:12 PM
BTW.. im Canadian.. and guys.. i know the majority of u are American but the only locations set to tour are out of North America.. so hold off this whole political shit till we hear some Detroit, LA, NY and Toronto shows..

Hes not gonna rant about bush to the fuckin Euros u idiots.

why not, all the euro's fucking hate bush......he's probably get a standing ovation before he sang his first note :rofl: :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 04:32:09 PM
First of all, Duff wrote the lyrics to Civil War, which is why it's lyrics suck so much.

I have a really hard time imagining Axl as a big anti-war, anti-Bush guy.

Drums: Steven Adler
Bass: Duff
Lead and Rhythm Guitars / Acoustic Guitar: Slash
Vocals: Axl
Piano: Dizzy
Background Vocals: Duff, Dizzy


Audio: N/A

Single: "Civil War"
Video: No

Written by: "Civil War" was written by Slash, Duff and Axl. Axl wrote most of the lyrics, but Duff may have written some too.
Written in: "Civil War" was written in or before 1990.

Performed live: "Civil War" was usually played during the Use Your Illusion tour. However it was dropped on the last legs of the tour. It was performed for the first time at Farm Aid, April 7, 1990, in Indianapolis, IN.

Additional Information: Steven played drums on "Civil War", and his former bandmates claimed he had to do 70 takes, to get it correct. It's the only song on the album that features Steven on drums.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: GFortusR on March 21, 2006, 04:34:23 PM
look people against attacking countries that shouldn't have been attacked support the men & women in the military..........what they don't support is the morons who treat them like pawns in a chess game without any regard for the troops lives (evident by the great planning) and send them to attack a country they had no business attacking.........i.e.......Bin Laden still alive.......I hope Axl does Bash Bush........cause with the speed at which he is taking away our might as well add American Democracy to the wishes of Chinese Democracy......"feed the rich while it buries the poor" many more billions & oil does halliburton want?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: The Dog on March 21, 2006, 04:35:24 PM
BTW.. im Canadian.. and guys.. i know the majority of u are American but the only locations set to tour are out of North America.. so hold off this whole political shit till we hear some Detroit, LA, NY and Toronto shows..

Hes not gonna rant about bush to the fuckin Euros u idiots.

um, the US isn't the only country with troops in Iraq.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: The Dog on March 21, 2006, 04:36:02 PM
BTW.. im Canadian.. and guys.. i know the majority of u are American but the only locations set to tour are out of North America.. so hold off this whole political shit till we hear some Detroit, LA, NY and Toronto shows..

Hes not gonna rant about bush to the fuckin Euros u idiots.

um, the US isn't the only country that has or has had troops in Iraq.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Sparksry on March 21, 2006, 04:39:09 PM
IT has the majority though ;)

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: The Dog on March 21, 2006, 04:41:42 PM
IT has the majority though ;)

Absolutely, but that guy is an "idiot" if he thinks some Euro countries don't care about the war - tell that to all the families of the deceased or the cities (madrid, london to name two) who were victims of terror attacks......

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 04:44:12 PM
IT has the majority though ;)

Absolutely, but that guy is an "idiot" if he thinks some Euro countries don't care about the war - tell that to all the families of the deceased or the cities (madrid, london to name two) who were victims of terror attacks......

he's canadien, doesn't that pretty much explain everything :hihi:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Sparksry on March 21, 2006, 04:46:24 PM
Hey im canadian too .... and i can see his point and urs.. u probably hate being called the most crappy country hahaha  :rofl: :hihi: JK

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 05:18:58 PM
Hey im canadian too .... and i can see his point and urs.. u probably hate being called the most crappy country hahaha? :rofl: :hihi: JK

I just wish all these people would stop immigrating here, it's so crappy, there's plenty of land available in Northern Canada :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Sparksry on March 21, 2006, 05:23:43 PM
Candada ? lol

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 05:29:28 PM
Candada ? lol


Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Sparksry on March 21, 2006, 05:30:12 PM
niice switch their dont think i didnt see it

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Continental Drift on March 21, 2006, 05:45:16 PM
This thread is a PERFECT example of why he shouldn't get political on the tour.... no one can agree and you just end dividing your fanbase and opening the door for influential forces (like Fox News) to come in and totally misconstrue everything and deal a near death blow to your career...

Axl can express his politics through his art... but he's not a goddamn policy wonk, and he shouldn't be delivering speeches from stage... or in the media...

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Ax on March 21, 2006, 06:05:32 PM
This thread is a PERFECT example of why he shouldn't get political on the tour.... no one can agree and you just end dividing your fanbase and opening the door for influential forces (like Fox News) to come in and totally misconstrue everything and deal a near death blow to your career...

Axl can express his politics through his art... but he's not a goddamn policy wonk, and he shouldn't be delivering speeches from stage... or in the media...

Exactly, see how quickly this thread became a debate about issues not related to music. Axl is a musican, that's what he does best and that's what he should focus on.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 06:10:19 PM
This thread is a PERFECT example of why he shouldn't get political on the tour.... no one can agree and you just end dividing your fanbase and opening the door for influential forces (like Fox News) to come in and totally misconstrue everything and deal a near death blow to your career...

Axl can express his politics through his art... but he's not a goddamn policy wonk, and he shouldn't be delivering speeches from stage... or in the media...

Exactly, see how quickly this thread became a debate about issues not related to music. Axl is a musican, that's what he does best and that's what he should focus on.

even if he's been a little delayed in giving the public new material ;)

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: jarmo on March 21, 2006, 06:12:40 PM
For all the newbies: 

::) or  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: doesn't qualify as a post here, so don't bother posting that kind of stuff unless you have something to add. If there are no words in your post, don't click Post.


Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gnr_12 on March 21, 2006, 06:14:29 PM
Yes.. and Europeans just love the US dont they...

that explains why Americans have Maple leafs on their backpacks in europe..

All im saying is US... not world... US politics should stick in the US shows... not in  the Portuguese and Denmark shows.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: February on March 21, 2006, 06:25:44 PM
An album called Chinese Democracy, if that isn't a political statement what is? Axl must have some feelings about the subject and would find normal if he rant about it, what's the big deal? It's fine if talks sh**t abou is former band mates, press, ex girlfriends ......Well i already know what he thinks about that, i would like to know what he thinks of the interantional politic's of our days, it does afect your life and the world around you, so ?why get bumed to year the ideias of an artist you admire, on the subject?

Of subject
Portugal has peace keeping forces in Iraque, yes we care. Portuguese government held a meeting with spain/uk/usa where the support for the invasion was granted, of the country's present so far we're the only not to suffered major terrorist attack. Can you understand how much we care? Considering that the dismiss of Iraque as a power in the region made Iran so much stonger (by the way they do have weapons of mass destruction and it seams they want to use it) everyone should care. ?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 21, 2006, 06:30:04 PM
An album called Chinese Democracy, if that isn't a political statement what is? Axl must have some feelings about the subject and would find normal if he rant about it, what's the big deal? It's fine if talks sh**t abou is former band mates, press, ex girlfriends ......Well i already know what he thinks about that, i would like to know what he thinks of the interantional politic's of our days, it does afect your life and the world around you, so ?why get bumed to year the ideias of an artist you admire, on the subject?

Of subject
Portugal has peace keeping forces in Iraque, yes we care. Portuguese government held a meeting with spain/uk/usa where the support for the invasion was granted, of the country's present so far we're the only not to suffered major terrorist attack. Can you understand how much we care? Considering that the dismiss of Iraque as a power in the region made Iran so much stonger (by the way they do have weapons of mass destruction and it seams they want to use it) everyone should care. ?

good points, an album with China and Democracy in the title without politics
oxymoron anyone?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: smishkey on March 21, 2006, 06:38:00 PM
As a tax paying US citizen he has every right to voice his opinions.  We all have that right, and we all should be speaking out.  It's not speaking out that has gotten our country into this mess.  No more rolling over for crooks and liars.

That said, he's got quite a bit of singing to catch up on, so..........

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gnr_12 on March 21, 2006, 06:51:19 PM
wow this is a gnr forum.. enuff about politics im dun with this

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on March 21, 2006, 06:59:48 PM


why not? thousand of people have died in iraq and one of the main themes of guns n roses deal with is 'war'.

Actually most was about Cocaine, Sluts. Alcohol, Assholes and the Press.. war was hardly touched

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Eric on March 21, 2006, 07:04:19 PM
Things are so much more tense in the world, even more than in 2002, if that's possible-I would like to hear his views, I would guess Axl is more liberal? I have no idea-I always thought it would be neat if Axl had a web site like Moby (daily posts about a movie he just went to, restaurant he ate at, politics), or Robin Fink's site, which really donen't discuss music-I realize that would be impossible with Axl, everyone wants to know about the misic first, but it would interest me to know his views on things that happened while he was out of the limelight-it was intersting to hear his thoughts on the day of the Oklahoma (did I spell that right?) city bombing :-\

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Sparksry on March 21, 2006, 08:39:53 PM
ya really interesting  : ok:

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: JimMorrison4 on March 21, 2006, 11:03:42 PM
look people against attacking countries that shouldn't have been attacked support the men & women in the military..........what they don't support is the morons who treat them like pawns in a chess game without any regard for the troops lives (evident by the great planning) and send them to attack a country they had no business attacking.........i.e.......Bin Laden still alive.......I hope Axl does Bash Bush........cause with the speed at which he is taking away our might as well add American Democracy to the wishes of Chinese Democracy......"feed the rich while it buries the poor" many more billions & oil does halliburton want?

What part of the country do you live in where you lost your liberties?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: godiva on March 22, 2006, 03:44:19 AM
I do have to agree with GFortusR here. I think people will loose more and more liberties over the years to fight terrorism. A friend of mine was in NY at 9/11 and he was practically forced to wear a little American flag. If you're not for us..... I have visited the States a lot over the recent years and things have really changed. Same happened in Europe. The atmosphere is more grim these days and governments try to scare citizens into handing over their rights to privacy in order to 'get the bad guy'. It's a worrying trend, reeks of cencorship.

But back on topic..... what was that again?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: LeftToDecay on March 22, 2006, 03:57:50 AM

And I'm sorry to say, but those are some of the worse lyrics in a GNR song, ever.  Beyond cheesy.  The chorus might have been written by Axl (it sounds like more his style of writting) but the main song is definately Duff's bad, junior high writting style.

Here's Junior High writing style for ya.

And don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
An don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry

    'Cause you could be mine
     But you're way out of line
     With your bitch slap rappin'
     And your cocaine tongue
     You get nuthin' done
     I said you could be mine

So now I wander through my day
Trying to find my way
Still these feelings that I felt
I said to you and no one else

No idea who wrote Civil War lyrics but i never thought they'd stand out in negative way from average gnr lyrics.
And I really hope Axl realizes to stay the fuck away from politics.
Nothing is more irritating than a celebrity who spends few hours watching Moore documents or Fox "news" and suddenly  turns into self proglaimed mother Theresa for 2  months.And then forgets all about it.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Pandora on March 22, 2006, 05:23:49 AM
Please stay away from strictly political discussions and personal opinions about what's going on in the world. Those debates are not even allowed in the Jungle, let alone here.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: godiva on March 22, 2006, 05:24:52 AM
You're right Pandora. Sorry

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 22, 2006, 05:43:13 AM
I do have to agree with GFortusR here. I think people will loose more and more liberties over the years to fight terrorism. A friend of mine was in NY at 9/11 and he was practically forced to wear a little American flag. If you're not for us..... I have visited the States a lot over the recent years and things have really changed. Same happened in Europe. The atmosphere is more grim these days and governments try to scare citizens into handing over their rights to privacy in order to 'get the bad guy'. It's a worrying trend, reeks of cencorship.

But back on topic..... what was that again?

I was a half mile uptown watching 9-11 unfold while working on a new highrise being built, quite a sad day and even shittier to have watched..

I don't know if axl will get political... Seems like he might be a bit late...?? It feels like it's all been done already.. He may just say  get the troops out.. I have no idea really where he stands on iraq, I only know where most celebrities stand

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: DeN on March 22, 2006, 05:55:20 AM
i hope he'll sing Sweet Neo Con  in intro to sweet child o'mine :hihi:

You call yourself a Christian
I think that you're a hypocrite
You say you are a patriot
I think that you're a crock of shit

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Big Gun on March 22, 2006, 06:16:45 AM

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: Jonathan on March 22, 2006, 06:18:26 AM

Please, would you stop using all capslock.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gator on March 22, 2006, 07:33:25 AM
I do have to agree with GFortusR here. I think people will loose more and more liberties over the years to fight terrorism. A friend of mine was in NY at 9/11 and he was practically forced to wear a little American flag. If you're not for us..... I have visited the States a lot over the recent years and things have really changed. Same happened in Europe. The atmosphere is more grim these days and governments try to scare citizens into handing over their rights to privacy in order to 'get the bad guy'. It's a worrying trend, reeks of cencorship.

But back on topic..... what was that again?

Very ill-informed post. I work in the financial district, 2 blocks from Ground Zero. Outside of having to go thorugh a metal detector to get into our building, nothing has changed since before 9/11.  Certainly none of my liberties have been lost.  In fact, people commonly protest all sorts of things in that very area. Ironically enough, one of the groups you see protesting nearly every day is the Fallun Gong (sp?) rallying for religious freedom and Chinese democracy. 

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gandra on March 22, 2006, 09:07:55 AM
Axl have some attitude about polical,but he isn't stupid Bono from u2 to talking about things which he don't know very well!!!

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: DCGNR2006 on March 22, 2006, 09:49:57 AM
Guys, I'm the one who started this thread for the sole reason of getting people's opinions on whether I am going to have to listen to AXL discuss things in concert when we all just want to hear the tunes. But given his fondness for speaking out while on stage, and how the likes of Eddie Vedder, Springsteen and Audioslave just can't seem to leave politics out of their shows, I can't be the only one who has thought about this topic. By the reactions of people , I guess I'm right. BUT, I do apologize if people think I wanted to start some kind of Political poll here. If you go back to my opening lines, that is not what I was saying. I never wanted to divide this GNR army of ours for one second!  I do believe myself, that he is going to get into it, and many thanks to everyone who responded, because I got some pretty cool insights into everyone's thinking on this-

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gandra on March 22, 2006, 11:04:47 AM
it's verystupid and sad when some public person,in this case one big rock star have very strong politacal atitude.For example Bono Voks,that stupid poser,sad a lot of bad thing about some nations,he said what uk and us govermant sad,and on the other side he have a many many fans in that nations.And what we have then,one big apsurd.

I song "civil war" gnr introduced their "peace atitude"and nothing else.In this great song they didn't sang about nation or polical,they sang about "how war is bad"

And axl man you rule

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gilld1 on March 22, 2006, 11:58:25 AM
Gandra, learn how to fucking type, spell checkor something.  So it's stupid for people (rock stars) to voice their opinion?  Bono is stupid for working to aid Africa when so many govts around the world have done nothing?  GNR saying that war is bad is making a political statement.  You , my friend, are an imbicile.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: lastroots on March 22, 2006, 01:13:02 PM
Axl will leave the liberal biast up to Springsteen and other hollywood types I hope.  Jesus, am I sick of that crap.  Not everyone in America feels this way by the way.  I have 5 of my good friends in Iraq and they are proud of what they are doing.  Am I am proud of them. 

I'm proud of your boys as well, my friend. I hope you're right and he will leave the liberal crap out as well -

Didn't read the whole thread, just saw this. Sorry, Jarmo, I just have to answer on this. I would feel bad if I wouldn't.

Guys, if you feel offende, feel free to PM me, so not to ruin this thread.

What are you proud of? Proud of some boys who kill innocent people, who mess a up a country of peaceful human beings? Do you still believe the propaganda?
It's so sad...

And this has nothing to do with "liberal", just with being realistic and seeing facts. What the hell do you know about Iraq? Nothing, I guess. Did you ever speak to people from the arabian countries?


Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on March 22, 2006, 01:15:35 PM
i can see some politically based rants on the horizon about the war and stuff goin on in the world today.

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: lastroots on March 22, 2006, 01:27:39 PM
I do have to agree with GFortusR here. I think people will loose more and more liberties over the years to fight terrorism. A friend of mine was in NY at 9/11 and he was practically forced to wear a little American flag. If you're not for us..... I have visited the States a lot over the recent years and things have really changed. Same happened in Europe. The atmosphere is more grim these days and governments try to scare citizens into handing over their rights to privacy in order to 'get the bad guy'. It's a worrying trend, reeks of cencorship.

But back on topic..... what was that again?

Very ill-informed post. I work in the financial district, 2 blocks from Ground Zero. Outside of having to go thorugh a metal detector to get into our building, nothing has changed since before 9/11.  Certainly none of my liberties have been lost.  In fact, people commonly protest all sorts of things in that very area. Ironically enough, one of the groups you see protesting nearly every day is the Fallun Gong (sp?) rallying for religious freedom and Chinese democracy. 

So, my last (I promise) post on that matter:

Did you even recognize the Patriot Act. Maybe you don't feel it in everday life, but your freedom has been cut drastically. Not only for you, it's the same here in Germany, or nearly the same. Problem is, these are just the things the few fanatics want! Killing democracy by killing citizen rights, since that is what the "west" has done to their countries for 80 years now.


Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gator on March 22, 2006, 01:29:51 PM
If one infers from the title of the forthcoming album that Axl is pro-democracy, then it stands to reason Axl would be a huge supporter of the liberation of Iraq. After all, a brutally repressive, genocidal totalitarian regime was deposed and replaced with democratic rule and civil liberties (women's sufferage, religious freedom, free speech, free press, etc.) for all classes. That being said, Axl rarely follows the rational or logical course of action, so a rant decrying the Baath party removal would certainly not be surprising in the least. ?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gator on March 22, 2006, 01:41:45 PM

Did you even recognize the Patriot Act. Maybe you don't feel it in everday life, but your freedom has been cut drastically.


Now that doesn't make much sense. My freedom has been cut so drastically I don't even realize it? The Patriot Act has done nothing to curtail my civil liberties or those of any law-abiding citizen I know. Please give me a specific example of someone who's freedom has been diminished by the Patriot Act so I can better follow your point.?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: lastroots on March 22, 2006, 01:43:18 PM

Did you even recognize the Patriot Act. Maybe you don't feel it in everday life, but your freedom has been cut drastically.


Now that doesn't make much sense. My freedom has been cut so drastically I don't even realize it? The Patriot Act has done nothing to curtail my civil liberties or those of any law-abiding citizen I know. Please give me a specific example of someone who's freedom has been diminished by the Patriot Act so I can better follow your point. 

I'm open for a discussion, but please take it to PMs.


Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: The Dog on March 22, 2006, 01:46:50 PM
If one infers from the title of the forthcoming album that Axl is pro-democracy, then it stands to reason Axl would be a huge supporter of the liberation of Iraq. After all, a brutally repressive, genocidal totalitarian regime was deposed and replaced with democratic rule and civil liberties (women's sufferage, religious freedom, free speech, free press, etc.) for all classes. That being said, Axl rarely follows the rational or logical course of action, so a rant decrying the Baath party removal would certainly not be surprising in the least. 

Liberation of Iraq???  Funny how the original intention was to find and destroy WMDs....oh wait, there weren't any.  whoops...quick Karl Rove, think of another reason we went to, hmm, to free the poor people of Iraq!?!?!  Good idea!! Now lets go round up as many people as possible and put them in Abu Grab Ass prison and take pictures of them in a naked human pyramid!!!

As for removing a "brutally repressive, genocidal totalitarian regime was deposed and replaced with democratic rule and civil liberties (women's sufferage, religious freedom, free speech, free press, etc.) for all classes" thats funny b/c the other day in Afghanistan a woman was executed by the NEW government for possessing a christian bible.

don't forget Axl came up with the title Chinese Democracy WELL before anyone knew what a Taliban was - somehow I don't think your inference is accurate.  Seriously, inferring he is "pro democracy"???? HAHA   Who in America isn't!??!?!

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 22, 2006, 01:50:35 PM
^^  look how he runs the band, with gag orders on all the members, and than tell me he's pro-democracy with a straight face ;)

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: gator on March 22, 2006, 02:11:48 PM
If one infers from the title of the forthcoming album that Axl is pro-democracy, then it stands to reason Axl would be a huge supporter of the liberation of Iraq. After all, a brutally repressive, genocidal totalitarian regime was deposed and replaced with democratic rule and civil liberties (women's sufferage, religious freedom, free speech, free press, etc.) for all classes. That being said, Axl rarely follows the rational or logical course of action, so a rant decrying the Baath party removal would certainly not be surprising in the least.?

Liberation of Iraq???? Funny how the original intention was to find and destroy WMDs....oh wait, there weren't any.? whoops...quick Karl Rove, think of another reason we went to, hmm, to free the poor people of Iraq!?!?!? Good idea!! Now lets go round up as many people as possible and put them in Abu Grab Ass prison and take pictures of them in a naked human pyramid!!!

As for removing a "brutally repressive, genocidal totalitarian regime was deposed and replaced with democratic rule and civil liberties (women's sufferage, religious freedom, free speech, free press, etc.) for all classes" thats funny b/c the other day in Afghanistan a woman was executed by the NEW government for possessing a christian bible.

don't forget Axl came up with the title Chinese Democracy WELL before anyone knew what a Taliban was - somehow I don't think your inference is accurate.? Seriously, inferring he is "pro democracy"???? HAHA? ?Who in America isn't!??!?!

Surely it's not your contention the people of Iraq (or Afghanistan for that matter) now have LESS freedom than before their respective totalitarian regimes were deposed? The reason for the invasion is completely immaterial in this discussion. The net effect is both countries have democratically elected governments now. For proponents of democracy this is very positive.?

Title: Re: Axl going to get political on tour?
Post by: The Dog on March 22, 2006, 02:24:34 PM
^^  look how he runs the band, with gag orders on all the members, and than tell me he's pro-democracy with a straight face ;)

haahaha, thats funny! :)  You're also not allowed to voice displeasure with the leaked tracks (the call to arms to that one newspaper) and don't you DARE wear a "wheres slash" tshirt to a concert!  YOU WILL BE SILENCED!!!

Gator - by your logic, the USA should invade every non-democratic nation in the world.  Look out arab world, here we come.  The justification for war should NEVER be immaterial - how convienant of you to ignore it.  Honestly, that worked a year ago for bush and his boys, but the american public has grown weary of the rhetoric (just look at any poll regarding bush or the war).