Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: JB9988 on March 20, 2006, 03:45:19 PM

Title: New or Old?
Post by: JB9988 on March 20, 2006, 03:45:19 PM
I havent seen a topic about this yet if there is one sry.
Would you care if GNR justg played new songs. I mean its a new band and i would much rather hear them play their new stuff so the can get the credit they deserve. Besides the traditional into wttj and pc closing songs i would much rather hear just all new songs that were on CD and songs that didnt make cd and will be on a future record.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 03:47:56 PM
Ya dude there is one out there already ... but to answer ur q... yes that would be cool because all die hard gunner would already know the words to the old songs might as well do the new ones everyone has waited 15 years for

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: JB9988 on March 20, 2006, 03:51:43 PM
i thought i was the only one i get bitched out for saying just play the new stuff. Ppl are always saying how they cant play songs only songs by the old band and axl cant make music any more so i say just fucking play new stuff and blow them away. And real gnr fans would like and listen to gnr no matter what axl hasnt changed and is still an amazing frontman real fans would see that with the receant leaks.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 03:55:22 PM
Well the thing is if the concert is like a 2-3 hour concert i say play just the new ones but if its a hell of a long one i say play as much as posssible. Well u see people like the old ones too because they werer hits and they get pumped up by them....... Also once the CD comes out people will either love it or hate it and if they hate it they will wanna see the old songs played and Vice versa

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: TrixAreForKids on March 20, 2006, 04:09:18 PM
I think the majority of songs you will hear will be new. I just can't see them playing WTTJ to start their show anymore. Maybe we'll see them play songs from their UYI albums?

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 04:10:48 PM

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 04:18:22 PM
ya i agree but maybe there will be another real pumped opener

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: misterID on March 20, 2006, 04:18:59 PM
I think Jungle will remain the opener from now on, just like PC will remain the closer...

imo, the staples whould be Jungle, Easy, SCOM, PC, KOHD, LALD and NR. The rest should be new. Listening to the 2002 tour Axl didn't seem into the old songs anyway, except the ones mentioned above.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Eduardo on March 20, 2006, 04:22:34 PM
I think Jungle will remain the opener from now on, just like PC will remain the closer...

imo, the staples whould be Jungle, Easy, SCOM, PC, KOHD, LALD and NR. The rest should be new. Listening to the 2002 tour Axl didn't seem into the old songs anyway, except the ones mentioned above.

KOHD and LALD?? No way, 2 covers in a show?

I think the old ones should be WTTJ, SCOM, PC and 3 or more  from the Illusions

The rest new

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: duga on March 20, 2006, 04:27:07 PM
It sucks to hear a concert don't knowing the songs...

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 20, 2006, 04:27:42 PM
I would agree that Axl should just play the new songs and nothing from the old band

Personally I think it would be disrespectful to the current band to spend so many years working on this album; and than only play a handful of songs off it.......

I would take it as a slap in the face if I was one of the members

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 04:28:41 PM
Now thats a real good point they spent like 15 years on this to play some one elses material!

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: KillYourIdols on March 20, 2006, 04:29:36 PM
NO WAY should they just play new songs. People (myself included) want to hear Axl sing the old songs as well. Gimme a break.

No matter how good the new material is they should always play a mix.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 20, 2006, 04:30:27 PM
It sucks to hear a concert don't knowing the songs...

It didn't suck seeing VR live before Contraband came out :smoking:
that was a fucking incredible show and the played more than half the album

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: ppbebe on March 20, 2006, 04:31:11 PM
maybe there will be another real pumped opener

If not the song Chinese Democracy will make a great gloomy opener. : ok:

I'd love to see them play 100% new songs.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 20, 2006, 04:33:00 PM
NO WAY should they just play new songs. People (myself included) want to hear Axl sing the old songs as well. Gimme a break.

No matter how good the new material is they should always play a mix.

If this is truly a band, and not an Axl solo project, I'd all of CD and maybe a few old tunes for encores or to close the show....NR, Estranged and Don't Cry, Axl's babies

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 04:33:11 PM
as i said before its not fair to the other members to play old stuff

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 20, 2006, 04:40:35 PM
as i said before its not fair to the other members to play old stuff

did you say it or did I say it first and you agreed with me :hihi: :beer:

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 04:44:11 PM
ya ur right srry lol  ;D

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: misterID on March 20, 2006, 04:47:12 PM
I think Jungle will remain the opener from now on, just like PC will remain the closer...

imo, the staples whould be Jungle, Easy, SCOM, PC, KOHD, LALD and NR. The rest should be new. Listening to the 2002 tour Axl didn't seem into the old songs anyway, except the ones mentioned above.

KOHD and LALD?? No way, 2 covers in a show?

I think the old ones should be WTTJ, SCOM, PC and 3 or more? from the Illusions

The rest new

GNR have always played covers live. And these two, not only are they good, but are associated with the band. Axl really gets into KOHD and his scream is killer in LALD. Those were 2 of the highlights of the 2002 tour.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: A Private Eye on March 20, 2006, 04:47:33 PM
I'd like to see a mixture of both personally, it wouldn't be a GNR show without scom or wttj. Unfortunately that's where the trouble lies with Axl keeping the GNR name, if he is going to call the band GNR then he will have to keep playing some of the oldies he has no real choice, if this was the Axl Rose solo project then he could play what the hell he likes really, just new tracks, covers or even Humpty Dumpty if he wants! As it is Axl is sort of obligated to play old tracks if he keeps the GNR name.

Personally I don't mind that because I think it would be a crime if the old guns tracks never graced a live audience in an arena again, so I hope he does play some old songs too.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 20, 2006, 04:48:41 PM
give me jungle scom and pc then change the rest..  Just a few to keep some band history

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: godiva on March 20, 2006, 04:59:19 PM
I also feel they should put a strong emphasis on the new material, which will be difficult till the album is out and we had a couple of singles. People like to hear songs they are familiar with. To the die-hard fans CITR, Better, TWAT, IRS, Maddy, Blues etc aren't really NEW anymore. We heard them, we know them. But on a festival crowd, with loads of people who are NOT die-hard GNr fans it would be difficult to keep a strong vibe with all songs they do not know. People like to sing along, don't they? So I think we will hear old and new material (50/50?) till the album is out, music videos are played and the songs got some air time on the radio. After that, a couple of old songs for those good ole times, rest new stuff. Just my two cents, hope I made sense...

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 20, 2006, 05:01:15 PM
Just have a damn album out before the tour starts and everyone can get as familiar with the music as they want... I never liked being at a concert having no clue what the song was.. A suprise is cool, but not loads of songs that I don't know..

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sillything on March 20, 2006, 05:02:45 PM
I'd like to see the majority of the songs being new. Atleast all ten new tracks we have heard, including Silkworms that so many people bitch about, that song is really cool. But I'm really looking forward to hear Better IRS and Catcher in the Rye live :drool:

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Grouse on March 20, 2006, 05:18:16 PM
98% new songs maybe just one or two old songs like SCOM and WTTJ. Let the old songs rest in peace for now...

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: The Dog on March 20, 2006, 05:31:22 PM
I would be pissed if they didn't play the big 3 - jungle, paradise and Sweet child.  I could do without patience (but i think axl likes it b/c its easy on his voice - same with KHOD).  I do like hearing rocket queen and YCBM though.  the old songs rock, i could go to a show every night and hear those classics - what if the new songs suck? you want to hear them or some kick ass tunes that you totally love?  IF there is no new album out in Rio, i'd like to hear the blues, madagasar etc...along with 3-4 new songs.  the rest could be all AFD and i'd be happy.  those songs are still played live b/c they are still good. 

i can't think of a better song to open then WTTJ btw.  EVERY band should open with WTTJ! hahah

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Jonathan on March 20, 2006, 05:33:24 PM
maybe there will be another real pumped opener

If not the song Chinese Democracy will make a great gloomy opener. : ok:

I'd love to see them play 100% new songs.


Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 05:42:28 PM
Chinese democracy might be completely different now then when you herd it like we cant say that until we herd it : ok:

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: McDuff on March 20, 2006, 05:58:26 PM
Well sure it would be cool if they just played the new songs,but that won't happen because there are certain old songs that they will have to play,I mean since the band name is still Guns N' Roses there are songs that they will always have to play like Sweet Child O'Mine,Welcome To The Jungle,November Rain,Paradise City,ect.  :smoking:

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 06:08:06 PM
yes so its sort of like they never broke up just a couple cast changes haha : ok:

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: JB9988 on March 20, 2006, 06:39:31 PM
if cd isnt going to be put out well soon then they should record the rio show and put that cd out with the names of the new songs on it. That shhould be the pre-chinese dem until the real thing comes out and it could be used instead of a single. Put i know axl wont stop playing jungle pc and scom those were the top hit songs from gnr and he has every right to play them. But i reall think it would be a good i dea to play a ton of new shit at rio and put the cd out a week or two latter with the sound and volcal quality enhanced a bit. And i agree (w.who ever said it) I dont see wwtj being an opener anymore, just like i dont see many old songs to be played anymore. I just think it would be sweet to put the anti new gnr in their places and they can see what an amazing song writer he really is. I dont know theres always a small group that agree and a huge group that dont even know gnr is still around with new material and then they nash the fuck ou of you i was jsut curious to see what everyone thought.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 06:41:09 PM
they sort of did that before... im getting sick of live leaks . they suck  i see how everyone was excited then but im craving more studio  :drool:

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: JB9988 on March 20, 2006, 06:45:33 PM
yea but im talking about an offical release by gnr with it remastered so you can actually hear axl and the songs.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 07:45:41 PM
well then its been remastered but i can see your point ... I do not want another cover album again though

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on March 20, 2006, 08:06:50 PM
Axl has no intention of denying us...................... something we wnjoy. It should be a heavily revolving set, a show completely different from the last one. Mix new and old, I want to hear Brownstone and Nightrain, everyone loves these songs why wouldn't GUNS N' ROSES play them?

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 08:09:50 PM
I would love to hear the old ones but the new ones are priority in my opinion /\

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: JB9988 on March 20, 2006, 08:30:52 PM
Guns wouldnt play a lot of the old songs bc of the shit they get frm the media and the exbandmates. I know it sounds stupid but Axl probably feels like he has to prove to the media that the new band is just as good and can kick as much if not more ass as the old band did. Classic songs will always be played thats a fact unless they (slash and duff) find away to prevent him from doing so. But i cant wait for a show mainly because im so fucking excited to hear some more of the new tunes, i have to find a DC for my iBook so i can get the shows!

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 08:34:14 PM
The new songs seem like real concert material and would be good live....... Better is an instant classic

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: JB9988 on March 20, 2006, 08:38:04 PM
Better or TWAT will be the over alll hit songs (inc. old songs), i mean they are both fucking amazing but to choose better would win. But you never know ther may be something better then Better but it will be one of their hits and i cant wait  to hear the studio version in my ituens it says played 450 times i must of had it on repeat one night when i left or something :hihi:

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Sparksry on March 20, 2006, 08:40:45 PM
Sure you did .... lol i agree there might be something even better then better on the album

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: KillYourIdols on March 26, 2006, 11:28:08 AM
Guys, there is a lot of wiggle room in the setlist. They can get rid of a lot of songs from the 2002 tour and still haev room for the clasics and a bunch of new songs...they could easily lose songs like Think About You, Out Ta Get Me, Live and Let Die, Rocket Queen, My Michelle, hell even Mr Brownstone I wouldn't miss. Thats like room for 6 new ones we've already heard.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Jeramy on March 26, 2006, 01:33:46 PM
it doesn't really matter to me, they could play cover songs for all i care as long axl sings them

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: DCGNR2006 on March 26, 2006, 01:38:47 PM
I remember I went to the 2002 MSG show with about 10 people, and they were all asking me what I'd want them to play, and at THAT time, I was like
" Madagascar, the blues, CD, Silkworms & Rihyadd", the other 9 guys just went to hear Jungle , SCOM, etc.

So now, after hearing 4 new tunes, I would want to hear all of the above, plus all of the new tunes, plus a few other classics -

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: fridayfan13 on March 26, 2006, 03:46:33 PM
i dont know, this is a really hard question. we are all dieing to hear new stuff, but its hard to sell out an arena and expect people to be happy that they didnt hear axl sing november rain, jungle, rocket queen, paradise city, patience, ect.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Anesthesia on March 26, 2006, 04:03:53 PM
 Since I'm one of the younger fans, I've never had the opportunity to see Guns N' Roses

So I want to hear old songs as well as new. 50 - 50 of old and new wolud be perfect for me

? :peace:


Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: A Private Eye on March 26, 2006, 04:44:37 PM
Guns wouldnt play a lot of the old songs bc of the shit they get frm the media and the exbandmates. I know it sounds stupid but Axl probably feels like he has to prove to the media that the new band is just as good and can kick as much if not more ass as the old band did. Classic songs will always be played thats a fact unless they (slash and duff) find away to prevent him from doing so. But i cant wait for a show mainly because im so fucking excited to hear some more of the new tunes, i have to find a DC for my iBook so i can get the shows!

I don't think Slash and Duff would be allowed to do that, it's possible that they may e able to stop Axl having the rights to all the old material, but as far as I know anybody can play any song they want live as long as they don't record it and release it I think. I'm not 100% about the record and release part but it's totally legal for anybody to play whatever songs they like in a live situation without any form of legal implications or royalty payments.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 26, 2006, 06:45:55 PM
I'd like to hear how axl sings better live these days... At least teh very high parts

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Acquiesce on March 27, 2006, 03:52:40 PM
I am more interested in hearing new songs, but it's always best to have a mixture of both. IF CD isn't out before the tour, then it would be completely unwise to play all or mostly new songs because the crowd won't react as well when they are hearing something for the first time. If CD is out by then, they can play mostly new songs but its wise to have some old mixed in because there are always going to be those fans who want to hear the hits.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Fusion on March 27, 2006, 04:12:42 PM
I don't get some of the responses here, people saying it should be all new stuff.  Axl probably won't even have enough new material to cover a whole 2.5 hour show.  That's a lot of songs required to fill that time, and while Axl may have a lot of songs not all of them will be ideal to play live.

Plus he has to also cater to the fanbase who prefers the old material.

It'll be a 50/50 mix, or close to it.  To me, there is no other way.

And that's plenty, considering that 80% of the songs come from the old band (4 albums out of five).  To have 50% of the songs in concert coming from Chi Dem when it represents only 20% of the band's total material means the new songs are more than well represented.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: ppbebe on March 27, 2006, 04:23:54 PM
I don't get some of the responses here, people saying it should be all new stuff.  Axl probably won't even have enough new material to cover a whole 2.5 hour show.  That's a lot of songs required to fill that time, and while Axl may have a lot of songs not all of them will be ideal to play live.

Wow I just didn't know 26~32 songs were not enough to fill 2.6 hour show.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: noonespecial on March 27, 2006, 05:32:40 PM
I would prefer newer stuff or, if he's going to do the old stuff...put a new twist on it...ya know, Dylan does that all the time, he puts a new arrangement on a song that has whiskers longer than ZZTop and you're like Whoa! But if he didn't try anything new (with the old stuff) in 2002 I doubt he'll do an new arrangements to the older stuff....that would require rehearsals (LOL) God forbid :hihi: But seriously, I could do without a lot of the older stuff that gets played a lot (WTTJ, SCOM, KOHD-Dylan's version or his reggae version) ya know, give me Pretty Tied Up, give me Bad Obession or Anything Goes 2 Night rather than another 10 minute version of November Rain....that's just my take though :P I know he has a lot of younger fans so he's got to do the older stuff...

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: ARC on March 27, 2006, 05:34:31 PM
You can't have a GN'R show without the classics.

New album or no new album, you wanna hear the classics.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: Fusion on March 27, 2006, 06:52:14 PM
I don't get some of the responses here, people saying it should be all new stuff.? Axl probably won't even have enough new material to cover a whole 2.5 hour show.? That's a lot of songs required to fill that time, and while Axl may have a lot of songs not all of them will be ideal to play live.

Wow I just didn't know 26~32 songs were not enough to fill 2.6 hour show.

Do you actually think he's going to want to play every single new song he's got during one show?  I doubt it.

Not to mention that a lot of those songs are going to follow on the second and third albums...for the most part he likely won't want to play those until those albums are out.  Plus, some songs just don't translate well to a live version.

Title: Re: New or Old?
Post by: ppbebe on March 27, 2006, 08:03:03 PM
Do you actually think he's going to want to play every single new song he's got during one show?  I doubt it.

I wouldn't say they'd like to display every single new song they've got on a show tho. GNR most likely has far more songs than that, to begin with.
If circumstances permit, they will give Chinese Democracy shows. It all depends.
Pink Floyd, Queen etc would take this way in the old days, I presume.

or the most part he likely won't want to play those until those albums are out.  Plus, some songs just don't translate well to a live version.

How you know? Working on a song could mean anything, such as translating it into a live version.