Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Prometheus on March 15, 2006, 05:39:02 PM

Title: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Prometheus on March 15, 2006, 05:39:02 PM
after more then one scrape with death in the last 2 weeks, and the strange turns of events of the last 8 months, i was wondering what you all thought on this topic

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Mandy. on March 15, 2006, 05:40:43 PM
what??  ???

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Markus Asraelius on March 15, 2006, 05:41:33 PM
Fate and destiny exist just like that hot chick on your avatar.

Luck exists too, just ask me.  : ok:

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Prometheus on March 15, 2006, 05:42:08 PM
do tell

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Prometheus on March 15, 2006, 05:42:47 PM
what??? ???

love it aint that hard  MA even got it lol

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Evolution on March 15, 2006, 05:44:49 PM
I just think what happens happens. I believe in coicidence, which has some funny ways sometimes.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Markus Asraelius on March 15, 2006, 05:45:34 PM
Okay, let's see...

I have come close to dying twice in my life. Once in Feburary 1995, when I was diagnosed with Diabetes. The second time in march 2000 when I had DKA, which is something that diabetics get. But, with better health and eating, I haven't had to go to the hospital since...

Does that answer your question?

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Prometheus on March 15, 2006, 05:48:58 PM
yes in deed.... mine have lately have been near teebones from knobs running redlights...... today was the closest where he stoped almost tuching my door....... ya...... next one will be on my lap im sure

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Jessica on March 15, 2006, 06:00:14 PM
I had believed in destiny since i was 6 years old and in a way, was so convinced i had a written path that i fucked it all up, all of it, in the hope it would come and of course, it never has.

I have been crying a lot lately.

I am giving up on destiny.

Not that i has one particular thing or event in mind, but i was so convinced things would turn out ok and they didn't.

Things are extremely sour in my life right now and the only positive is my son, but his father is trying his best to turn that around too by calling me whore in front of him as often as he can and saying horrible things.

Now, this isn't destiny, it's not fate either, it's me and my issues, they are i nthe way and the funniest is that my dad always said i brought luck to the family ?

I never reckognised my own. Missed many trains.

I would love to hear a story in which everything ends fairytale like and i would love to be an old woman one day and tell my son that destiny was a friend of mine, but i don't have much hope left.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: unoturbo on March 15, 2006, 06:49:47 PM
A year or two ago I would have said we make our own fate and nothing is decided by woo woo powers, although i've always thought it's going to be my fate to win the lottery.

However, way too much freaky coincidence shit has happenned over the past 18 months, from getting my car, my flat and job to stuff in my personal life. For example I applied to only one job when I left uni, it was my first assessment ever and I got it. When I went looking for my car the Autotrader website messed up and allowed me access a day earlier to the new cars than it should have done so the car I bought had been submitted literally 10 minutes previous. The flat i'm living in is in the best part of town, we have plenty of parking and pay way less than we should be doing and it was the first flat we viewed. These are just some examples. It seems like everything has just fallen into place and someone is guiding me rather than me making my own way.

So getting to the point, I believe a lot more in fate than I have ever done and think that maybe some shit can be decided not by your own actions.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Lisa on March 15, 2006, 06:58:20 PM
I think luck is something we make for ourselves based on a positive outlook on life...not sure about destiny although I am a big believer in Karma...Karma is everything...the only thing that makes me try to be a better person cuz I don't want it coming back to bite me in the ass ;)

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on March 15, 2006, 07:54:22 PM
I think destiny is made by us, is made decision that we take everyday, since the we first wake up in the morning and that actions leeds to all the events all day long, one minute after or later could mean death, love, lucky or bad luck. I think that way  : ok:

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Backslash on March 15, 2006, 08:02:05 PM
I think destiny is made by us, is made decision that we take everyday, since the we first wake up in the morning and that actions leeds to all the events all day long, one minute after or later could mean death, love, lucky or bad luck. I think that way  : ok:

That's deep man.  :peace:

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on March 15, 2006, 08:14:17 PM
I was listening made in heaven I was very inspired  ;D

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 16, 2006, 06:57:23 AM
How's this for destiny.True story, happened a few years ago. Read about in the paper, and never forgot it.

Two teenage girls that were identical sisters were killed in a car crash the same day. One was driving her car to head into town, and the other was driving her car heading home. They had a head on collision, and both sisters were killed instantly.

(cueing twilight zone music)

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Danny Top Hat on March 16, 2006, 08:02:04 AM
Wow, what a cool story.  And sad, obviously.  And freaky! : ok:

Still, I don't believe in destiny.  It's too boring.  I'd hate to think that my life's already been planned out and, more to the point, I don't think it is at all.  I think you can go out there and make what you want of your life; if it works out then you'll think it's destiny, if it all goes wrong you'll think the World's against you.  The truth is there's a lot of luck involved, but it's got more to do with the decisions you make.  I'm agreeing with Mr Dick Purple, basically.

I just said "luck" there.  I do believe in that, but I don't think there's anything spiritual about it.  It's just a word we use for when things go right for us.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 16, 2006, 08:28:31 AM
Still, I don't believe in destiny.?
Really?? Even after what I just posted? What are the chances of that happening? One in a billion? ten billion? A trillion? :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: supaplex on March 16, 2006, 08:45:35 AM
yes james, there's few chances. but how many twins have different roads and they get home without something bad happening. it was a coincidence. a lot of people die in the same day. this time it just happened to be twins. it's sad that happened though.

and to answer the thread, i think that we make our own destiny. how would you feel knowing that everything you do was planned before u were born and the choises you make during your life aren't really yours?

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Backslash on March 16, 2006, 08:46:25 AM
I don't feel it's necessarily important to find out why things happen (fate, destiny, luck, etc.). ?I think it's more important to look at the things that do happen and learn from them. ?Whether or not things happen for a reason is irrelevant and I feel it can never be proven one way or another. ?I just like the idea that whatever causes things to happen, if anything, is controlled by our own minds. ?We take things that happen and learn from them, so that we have a level of control over what happens in the future. ?However, this level of control may be weak or strong. ?If something happens again (whether or not it's fate, destiny, or luck is irrelevant), one is more prepared to handle it. ?The way I see it, as long as we learn from our experiences, they shouldn't need a reason for happening.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on March 16, 2006, 09:10:23 AM
Still, I don't believe in destiny.
Really?? Even after what I just posted? What are the chances of that happening? One in a billion? ten billion? A trillion? :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

Well perhaps is cause desteny means that something is going to happen to everyone of us even if we try to avoid it, is like we can control our lifes and that sucks  :no:
On the other hand I always wonder if theres such thing as destiny and we invented the time travel we can prevent WWII and we changed destiny for those poor jews?  :-\

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Backslash on March 16, 2006, 09:13:46 AM
Still, I don't believe in destiny.
Really?? Even after what I just posted? What are the chances of that happening? One in a billion? ten billion? A trillion? :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

Well perhaps is cause desteny means that something is going to happen to everyone of us even if we try to avoid it, is like we can control our lifes and that sucks? :no:
On the other hand I always wonder if theres such thing as destiny and we invented the time travel we can prevent WWII and we changed destiny for those poor jews?? :-\

The present would change if we change the past.  ;)  Whether or not the change would be good or bad, is debatable.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on March 16, 2006, 09:24:00 AM
The present would change if we change the past.  ;)  Whether or not the change would be good or bad, is debatable.

Exactly but that means that we can change everything and there's no such thing as destiny, get it?  ;)

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Backslash on March 16, 2006, 09:30:23 AM
Of course.  Then again, we don't have time travel yet, so we don't know if what I said was true... if destiny does exist, something would happen to prevent our interference... i.e. someone would kill us when we get back to 1938...  :)

I don't really argue one way or another, because at the moment we can't prove either, so it's irrelevant.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on March 16, 2006, 09:40:36 AM
I know I think we have to work on priorities and that my friend is the Delorian  ;D

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Jim on March 16, 2006, 12:15:42 PM
Is there such a thing as destiny? Well, I don't believe that it is unavoidable.

Destiny in love may be that you even meet that person in the first place; you don't have to pursue it any further than you want to. You can walk away tommorow, and she isn't going to be in your life the day after just because it is pre-ordained.

There is not going to be some kind of divine intervention, the future is not mapped out in a way that regardless of if you turn left or right today you're going to kill a man tommorow.

We do create our own destiny, or at the very least we get to choose it. Of course everything that happens around you is going to have an affect on it, that is the form that any supposed inteference by what could be interpreted as destiny is going to take after all. You'll be affected in your own way. It isn't going to walk the road for you, as far as I can see from here.

You can walk away from destiny.

And again,

'If coincidence is just coincidence, why does it feel so contrived?'

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: journey on March 16, 2006, 07:23:24 PM
I believe in destiny to a certain extent. There has to be a significance in the timing of occurrences.

Title: Re: Fate, Destiny, Luck, and all that Jazz
Post by: Count Fluffy on March 17, 2006, 12:31:26 AM
Hmm... If you believe that everything that happens has a cause (name two things that don't), then that cause itself has a cause, and we find ourselves in a situation where all of our actions and choices are determined by pre-existing conditions.  Therefore, free will is nothing but illusion and all of our actions have been determined by circumstances that began long ago.

Not sure if I believe this myself, but what can you do?
