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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Axl_owns_dexter on March 13, 2006, 01:11:48 PM

Title: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on March 13, 2006, 01:11:48 PM
The first track that was leaked, I.R.S., isn't Shakespeare lyrically, but it isn't offensive to the senses, either. Honestly, it isn't anything to write home about, it's sort of a "meh" track, it's somewhat forgettable but not at all poor. Overall I was stoked to hear it, but not because it is a kickass track. I was mainly surprised to hear Axl's voice for the first time in forever, and delighted that the song was actually pretty decent.

There Was A Time (T.W.A.T.)
This second leak (although a partial leak may have preceded it) has the make-up to be a very decent song. It has a memorable hook, along with a very Use Your Illusion, off tempo/ballady Axl Rose style. It also features some tasty licks from who I assume is Buckethead, a prior (?) member of the band who helps give the song an emotional, poignant vibe. "November Rain" it is not, but it's a definite sign that Axl can still pen a worthy tune.

This is the third leak, and this song simply puts a smile on my face. It has chart-topper written all over it, but without selling out to today's scene. There's very few songs that I thoroughly enjoy on my first listen, but "Better" can be added to that short list. I still consider Chinese Democracy the "Axl Rose" project as opposed to "Guns N' Roses," but this song easily does either name justice. It is instantly catchy and is still great on repeated listens. It's a definite hard rocker that includes a head-bangable bridge with a slight industrial edge, but without Axl sounding like a poseur. With "Better," Axl's shaping a style of current music instead of copying it. Hooks, melody, and the GN'R vibe. Thumbs way the hell up on this demo.

Catcher In The Rye
Fans familiar with the Illusion albums will know that Axl tends to enjoy writing the off-tempo epics, and this track definitely continues that tradition. Many listeners who previewed this song had recognized a Queen vibe right off the bat, and rightly so. It seems that even Axl did, as it was later confirmed by Queen guitarist Brian May that he was asked to guest on this track (he accepted the invite). Apparently inspired by John Lennon's shooting death by Mark David Chapman, this song has a slightly eerie, somber feel, but is at the same time intensely melodic and beautiful. This song, like "Better," has the makings of being A+ material.

From the four tracks I've previewed, there are two highlights that hit both ends of the spectrum - a great rocker and a strong epic ballad. Judging by the leaked songs, there's no doubt there's some great material in-between. The pessimist in me feels that Chinese Democracy is never coming out. However, the leaks leave me optimistic that if it does, it will be something great.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on March 13, 2006, 01:19:07 PM
Do you guys agree with the pecking order that the reviewer made?  I do.  And I like how he said that Axl is shaping mainstream music rather than just following a trend on "Better."

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: WARose on March 13, 2006, 01:22:13 PM
it`s a cool and fair review. and it shows me once again how this album will contain some songs for everyone.....IRS is my favourite by the way : ok:

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: RichardNixon on March 13, 2006, 01:23:15 PM
I liked IRS a little more than this reviewer, and still think TWAT could be great if touched up, but other than that I thought the review was dead on.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Markus Asraelius on March 13, 2006, 01:24:01 PM
It's a great and fair review.

Better and CITR are the best tracks, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: godiva on March 13, 2006, 01:25:47 PM
Good review. I do wonder if he did hear the full version of better. For as far as I know, all reviews have been about the extended demo, without the heavy part and I couldn't make out if the reviewer heard all of the song by the way he described it (but I'm just tired and English isn't my first language, so I might just have overread that). It's cool to read a good review. He was mainly positive. I agree that Better is the best song of the leaks, it's my favourite too. He was more positive about CITR than I am. Anyway, thanks for posting AOD.  :beer: Cheers!

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Spirit on March 13, 2006, 01:27:11 PM
I think he nailed it, at least that represents excactly how I feel about the new songs.  : ok:

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Backslash on March 13, 2006, 01:27:43 PM
totally fair review. ?I like the fact that it was mentiond that IRS isn't Shakespeare lyrically. ?That's entirely honest. ?Damn, so much publicity, when will we get an official announcement?

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Spirit on March 13, 2006, 01:28:52 PM
I liked IRS a little more than this reviewer, and still think TWAT could be great if touched up, but other than that I thought the review was dead on.

Yeah, I agree with you on that. TWAT certainly has more potential, and I hope we'll see that in the final version!

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: BLS-Pride on March 13, 2006, 01:31:22 PM
Good review.. Hopefully these reviews are being read by the right people and maybe we will hear something soon. Doubt it tho.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: neon2002 on March 13, 2006, 01:36:32 PM
A fair and honest review. I agree with pretty much everything he said.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: busngabb on March 13, 2006, 01:38:22 PM
He is right with Better and CITR being the top two.

Personally I think TWAT is not a good song. Its a horrible mish-mash of music and it really doesn't fit at all. Certain sections sound great, but on the whole it is pretty painful to listen to. I can't see how this song is ever going to be decent when finished either, without re-writing a lot of it. Its like a mangled car crash involving several playboy babes.

IRS is just boring, but perhaps that is because its the most known of the leaks. We've had the rough version of that for a long, long time.

For me:

Better 10/10
CITR 9/10
IRS 6/10
TWAT 4/10

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: CAFC Nick on March 13, 2006, 01:41:07 PM
Yeh definitely agree with the TWAT thing. That is personally one of my favourite songs of the new leaks. I listen to Catcher a lot too...  :love:

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: pilferk on March 13, 2006, 01:44:10 PM
I think that review is fair.

I think TWAT would benefit from a remix.? IMHO, it's the worst mix of the 4, with the vocals having been mixed WAY too far into the song, and some of the music just sounding muddy in parts.  Which is not to say I don't like it.  I do.  But, after living with the material for a bit, it would be 4th out of the 4 for me.

I do prefer IRS to everything but Better.? Maybe it's me being sentimental 'cause it was the first leak (with the rough version being almost a year old).? I like CITR, a lot, too...don't get me wrong.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: killingvector on March 13, 2006, 02:11:47 PM
I think the last half of TWAT needs some work: when I listen to the song now, I tend to repeat the first two minutes. Great power in Axl's voice. Perhaps with more orchestration and changes between the Finck/Bucket duel solos. The outro is very good but I could use a better vocal mix with the guitars a la Sympathy.

IRS is a solid rocker. I think it pales in comparison to the other three tracks but I do enjoy it when I burn out on the others.

Better is a hit. Catchy, poignant, tremendous vocal melody. Scott Weiland can kiss Axl's better ass.

CITR is an eerie track, recorded for the big arena sizzling with heat from the rockers. It is a great cool down song. Melodic and meaningful. Could be a classic.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Steel_Angel on March 13, 2006, 02:13:03 PM
i agree with most of it but not all.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Voodoochild on March 13, 2006, 02:57:44 PM
Fair review indeed. The rest of the article is worthy to read too.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Ax on March 13, 2006, 03:01:20 PM
It's good to read a review that doesn't mention Axl's personal appearance and actually focuses on the music. Some people have said this before, but it definitely looks like these leaks are having a very positive effect on the future hopes of Chinese Democracy in that they are forcing reviewers to listen to the music and become less hostile towards Axl. Kind of like making them see that the music is good and that Chinese Democracy should not be dismissed simply because it has taken so long to complete or because the old guys are no longer in gnr.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Wooody on March 13, 2006, 03:04:54 PM
it's still biased, boohoo it's not gnr it's the axl rose project..

Cry me a river.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: WARose on March 13, 2006, 03:06:12 PM
I figured Axl had been so quiet because he had nothing to write about. When I first caught wind that studio demos had started to leak, I wasn't expecting much. But leak, they did. And impress, they did.

these little excerpt from the article says a lot i think....

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: Origen on March 13, 2006, 03:07:20 PM
it's still biased, boohoo it's not gnr it's the axl rose project..

Cry me a river.

It isn't biased it's called having an opinion.

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: WARose on March 13, 2006, 03:11:26 PM
it's still biased, boohoo it's not gnr it's the axl rose project..

Cry me a river.

It isn't biased it's called having an opinion.

i can`t see any reason to call this biased.....  in regards of gnr this is very open minded i think

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: pilferk on March 13, 2006, 03:14:06 PM
it's still biased, boohoo it's not gnr it's the axl rose project..

Cry me a river.

See, I think the authors point is exactly opposite of that.

Sounds like he went in thinking "yeah, axl rose, shouldn't be gnr, etc, etc", but was impressed enough with the demos to reconsider.

If that's the case....hey, isn't that what we HOPE happens when people hear the new material?

Title: Re: Pretty fair review of the leaks by
Post by: ppbebe on March 13, 2006, 03:56:30 PM
it's still biased, boohoo it's not gnr it's the axl rose project..

Cry me a river.
:crying: :crying: :crying:

Have they ever heard a GNR song without Axl's vocals?
Surely they haven't heard the instrumental Better!
Yet they have the cheek to say  "without Axl sounding like a poseur."
I'm hell happy with the poseur!