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The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Carlos_f_Rose on March 11, 2006, 10:16:45 AM

Title: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on March 11, 2006, 10:16:45 AM
Hi everyone how are you doing?
    I wanted to create a thread about Weiland, since I consider him a talented person, especially after listening to his solo stuff, like the song "Time of the season" and some other Stone temple pilots songs...   I really like Scott, and his attitude and stage presence are hardly comparable... Have fun.... Carlos

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: Ulises on March 11, 2006, 10:43:16 AM
Nothing to say....just read my signature. There's the answer

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: nycangel on March 11, 2006, 06:59:08 PM
not sure i agree with you. i happen to think axl rose blows scott away but to each his own

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GuitarLegend on March 11, 2006, 08:23:01 PM
Scott is a fucking Gay, no one can't compare him to Axl......

Before Velvet Revovler Begin Scott Weiland was buried. His carrear was down on the toilet.

Since he join Slash and co. he became relevant again..... Axl haven't put out a record in about 13 years and he still is relevant to the music world... even Jon Bon Jovi said it in a recent interview

He is a drogadditc that cannot sing live...... "Fall to pieces" is a great piece of music but when i listen the way that man sing it live....... just fucking pathetic.....

Poor gay... can't reach the tone where Fall To Pieces was originally recorded

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: ElNonoPololo on March 11, 2006, 08:33:29 PM
Scott is a fucking Gay, no one can't compare him to Axl......

Before Velvet Revovler Begin Scott Weiland was buried. His carrear was down on the toilet.

Since he join Slash and co. he became relevant again..... Axl haven't put out a record in about 13 years and he still is relevant to the music world... even Jon Bon Jovi said it in a recent interview

He is a drogadditc that cannot sing live...... "Fall to pieces" is a great piece of music but when i listen the way that man sing it live....... just fucking pathetic.....

Poor gay... can't reach the tone where Fall To Pieces was originally recorded

What a great first post... ::)

Can?t you fucking read? This is not ??Axl vs. Scott??, there are like a hundred threads about that already, filled with crap like what you just said. Scott is gay blah blah blah Axl is better blah blah blah, or Axl is an asshole yadda yadda yadda, Scott is awesome yadda yadda...

Personally, I?m not a fan of Scott, but there?s no need for childish insults. There?s already enough of that coming from Axl and Scott themselves...

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GuitarLegend on March 11, 2006, 08:49:28 PM
What i just tried to say is that Scott is not the Great Frontman/Singer that every one on this forum Believes.........

And as i said..... he cannot sing live FALL TO PIECES, the way it should have


Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 11, 2006, 09:20:49 PM
I think scott is a great performer with lots of energy... He had a truly great run with stp and had many hits along the way that are still in full rotation on rock radio stations.. STP was also put in the top 100 bands of all time ,so to say scott is talentless is really  silly....He happens to now be working with three ex gunners who I of course loved in gnr ( well I prefered steve to matt but what can you do) and I enjoyed the energy of their first quick collaboration and look forward to seeing what they can do now knowing they are past that feeling out phase...  Vr did much more then I ever though, number one album (first album to debut number one by a new band) very strong singles in the mainstream modern rock charts, success on the mtv 2 weekly rock vid countdowns, and eventually topped it off with a grammy.. I think the people that shit on VR would gladly take the achievements at least from this band and would love if new gnr did the same...It's a shame people just sit there and name call on the guy ,I mean we're gnr fans, people that saw drug addictions like scott has battled (clean 2 years now), the gay bashing even though he's married .. maybe you don't like his choice of clothing, but since when have rockers always dressed normal?? Fuck go far enough back and even long hair would have been considered "Gay"... Is pent a great deal of my HS years defending gnr and axl's clothing choices, so I find it hard to see the same gnr fans who might have encountered the same ahit years back quickly forget and use nasty name calling like gay, instead of indivduality like we all did for axl's white shorts, rose prints tights, furs, boas, glammed hair, make up, cigarette holders, etc...

I just think many people need to look at what they knock others for and see how in ways it relates to axl and how WE hated it when it was said about him, yet people quickly forget...

Guitar legend I have seen vr several times, and I disagree the man comands the stage...   Not everyone is going to sing each song great...  I mean if anyone really wants to evaluate a musician you have to see numerous performances, always remember axl wasn't always on spot each time.. No performer is..

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GuitarLegend on March 11, 2006, 09:36:26 PM
Ok... you made your point....   :beer: Scott is not soooo bad.... can you imagine a Celebrity Death Mactch Between Scott and Axl?............

But seriosly..... i just don't like the way that man dance and sing live...


But hey....

In the Studio and with the little help of PRO TOOLS he can really sing......


Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GNFNR_UK on March 11, 2006, 10:37:31 PM
I've said it before i'll say it again. Scott IS an extremely talented singer, he has an amazing voice but unfortunately I don't think the VR stuff showcases it the best. I do think his talents are wasted in VR because of the generic music they put forward for him to write to, STP evolved with each album where VR seem stuck in one groove.

I am a HUGE fan of STP and have been for many years waaay before VR, people should really listen to songs by STP like 'Atlanta', 'Hello It's Late' or any cover song they did before they slate Scott's singing.

As for Scott as a person, well. I've always sympathized with his constant struggle with drugs and depression but have been dissapointed with some of his recent childish statements. It's like since joining VR he's trying too hard to be this bad ass rockstar but he comes off looking like a bit of a dick  :(

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: eNgIeS on March 12, 2006, 08:13:45 AM
Fuck the haters, dont come here & post mindless uneducated bullshit

If you happen to have a negative opinion on scott...FINE but at least give better reasons than "he's a fag"  ::)

Although i think Scott isnt on Axls level (not many are) Scott is a great talent & since VR i managed to get STPS best of...then after hearing how good that was i got the rest of the stp albums...what an underrated band they were by some.

Because he is paired with former GNR members theres always gonna be comparisons which arent fair...Axl was one of a kind in terms of showmanship, his unique voice & his charisma.  Scott is a good showman & has a good voice & has some charisma, but its not on Axl's level so its unfair to compare him but Scotts great in his own right so stop the comparisons

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: Evolution on March 12, 2006, 09:17:11 AM
STP evolved with each album where VR seem stuck in one groove.

Bit of a contridiction there. I'm looking forward to hear what Scott has for us in the 2nd album.

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: Grouse on March 12, 2006, 11:33:15 AM
STP evolved with each album where VR seem stuck in one groove.

How can you say that Vr are stuck in one groove?, They haven't even released their second album yet....

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 12, 2006, 11:54:17 AM
I don't care what anyone says, I listen to contraband a lot and love the music.. I still think slither has an amazing opening and kicks ass all the way through.. One of my favorite rockers in years

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: Butch Français on March 12, 2006, 12:12:13 PM
Scott rules! Hehe, im writing this from my cellphone, just had to see how it works.

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GnFnR87 on March 12, 2006, 04:24:20 PM
STP evolved with each album where VR seem stuck in one groove.

ummm, STP have FIVE records out... VR have one..... i think u would wait before u make that comment

Scott is an excellent frontman, but obviously not as good as Axl, not many are. thats really the bottom line.

i love both of them.

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GNFNR_UK on March 12, 2006, 05:44:44 PM
Okay I understand what you guys are saying, VR only have one album out. What I mean by 'Stuck in a groove' is that Contraband just seems very samey to me (With the exception of the 3 slower songs), now I hope they experiment a little bit more with the 2nd album but judging by 'Come on, Come In' it could be more of the same.

True STP do have 5 albums but each one was very diverse, no 2 songs would sound the same and they would experiment with lots of different styles and sounds. I'm not writing VR off just yet, Contraband was an okay album I just don't think it was anything earth shattering.

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: metallex78 on March 12, 2006, 06:16:10 PM
I am a HUGE fan of STP and have been for many years waaay before VR, people should really listen to songs by STP like 'Atlanta', 'Hello It's Late' or any cover song they did before they slate Scott's singing.

Couldn't agree more, he sang some great stuff in STP. Hello It's Late is such a beautiful song.

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GuitarLegend on March 12, 2006, 06:17:14 PM
When i listen Fall To Pieces from the album version the voice sounds really good.

When i listen Fall to Pieces live, i just can't imagine that the singer who recorded that song it's the same that's singing.....

The voice live sounds, not bad, just awfulllllllllllllllllllllllll


Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: tomass74 on March 12, 2006, 07:43:53 PM
STP evolved with each album where VR seem stuck in one groove.

That makes a whole lot of sense considering VR only has one album so far....    ::)   

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: GNFNR_UK on March 12, 2006, 08:22:21 PM
STP evolved with each album where VR seem stuck in one groove.

That makes a whole lot of sense considering VR only has one album so far....? ? ::)? ?

See reply #15

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: ElNonoPololo on March 12, 2006, 08:56:14 PM
What i just tried to say is that Scott is not the Great Frontman/Singer that every one on this forum Believes.........

And as i said..... he cannot sing live FALL TO PIECES, the way it should have


Have you heard the version from the Conan o?Brian show? It was live and Scott nailed Fall to Pieces. Check it out :   Besides, it?s no big deal.  Axl used to fuck many songs up live, back in the day as well as in the 2002 tour. They?re both very hit-or-miss. Jesus, most hard-rock singers are, specially after turning 30. They just strain their voices too much and fuck them up. Robert Plant lost half his range after 1973, Brian Johnson sounds like death incarnate nowadays, and so on. Of course, I wouldn?t put Scott in the same league as them, but you know what I mean.

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 12, 2006, 09:46:24 PM
Scott is great in the studio and I like his stage presence. But he is not as attractive without a shirt as much as he thinks he is. Eat something you skinny fool! None of this is supposed to be from a homo's perspective either.

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: tomass74 on March 13, 2006, 05:48:18 AM
Gotcha..  As for your other reply I think Contraband has many different elements to it just like STP albums.. Songs like, Loving The Alien, Superhuman, Headspace, Big Machine and Dirty Little thing are all very different styles from eachother...

As for Scott, I think he is a great frontman and I have thought that since I first saw STP in 96. At that show I remember thinking how he was the only great frontman out there at the time and the best since Axl...  I have seen Scott 7 times now between VR and STP he has always sounded great... I have a bootleg where he doesn'y sound great but hey, everyone has a bad night...

Title: Re: The "Scott Weiland" thread
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on March 13, 2006, 08:19:33 AM
Scott is great guys... he s got some interesting things to say as well...