Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: megahurt on March 10, 2006, 05:07:01 PM

Title: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: megahurt on March 10, 2006, 05:07:01 PM
Let me start by saying that I am a huge GnR fan, and have been since about 1988.

The fact is, that in nearly 15 years Axl has done little other than cancel some tours. In those same 15 years Scott has released album after album (including a solo album) and toured many times with STP and Velvet Revolver. VR is already in the midst of working on the 2nd album, and still...  Axl has done nothing.

Do I love the old GnR records? Yes. Well not the last bullshit album of cover songs, but the other ones are cool. But for Axl to take time out of his day to bother telling stories about his ex-band members is silly. He's trying to get his name in the press to get attention for a new album that may or may not be released sometime this decade.

He should just focus on making music, like Scott does. THEN if there's free time, be a trashtalking goofball.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: kyrie on March 10, 2006, 05:12:47 PM
Scott doesn't focus on making music. That's a guy who writes a rant like the Axl one if he gets bad press in a rock rag.

Axl and Scott are basically two peas on a pod. They're both reactionary people.

Weiland should have kept his mouth shut.

See, it's one thing when someone chants Slash at a GNR show now.

It's another when people chat Axl at a VR show. VR's only ever had one singer.

All this makes Scott look jealous.

I like Weiland's talent, but he's no better than Axl when it comes to stupid outbursts. And on this one, he looks far worse.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: MikeM512 on March 10, 2006, 05:13:09 PM
I agree. In the other post about Scott/Axl everyone is on Axl's side. Axl is the one that started this thing by spreading lies. I like Guns N' Roses, their not my favorite band but I have all their albums and are looking forward to the next one but I can't believe how dedicated some fans are to Axl. The man screws fans on numerous occasions by cancelling concerts and tours and fans still crawl back to him.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: kunzerd on March 10, 2006, 05:13:58 PM
im a huge axl fan, but i do have to agree with you.

 also im sure a bunch of people are going to tell you pretty soon that you shouldve just posted this in the current Weiland vs Axl threads.

here's hoping we REALLY hear music this year.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: Eazy E on March 10, 2006, 05:14:50 PM
How come every 30 minutes there's a poster who starts one of these "clearing the air" or "rallying the troops" threads?

Just post this in the thread that's already going.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on March 10, 2006, 05:14:59 PM
Just curious, how do you know that Axl was spreading lies?  Are you privy to some info that the rest of us aren't?

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 10, 2006, 05:15:46 PM
How come every 30 minutes there's a poster who starts one of these "clearing the air" or "rallying the troops" threads?

Just post this in the thread that's already going.


anyways common sense is never going to be here to understand an explanation

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: kunzerd on March 10, 2006, 05:16:54 PM
wow, im psychic

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: WhosGilby? on March 10, 2006, 05:18:10 PM
Axl would kick Scott's ass if they ever got in the ring but at least Scott isn't talking through his lawyer, Also I can't believe that Slash would show up at his door and say those things (unless he was drunk) but I also don't believe Axl would make shit up.It is a possibility that Axl's Lawyer fucked up?

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: Steel_Angel on March 10, 2006, 05:18:52 PM
Let me start by saying that I am a huge GnR fan, and have been since about 1988.

im a huge axl fan, but i do have to agree with you.
you say that so you wont get bashed by other members. you're all just douchebags making shit up.? :-\

Scott would kick axl's ass YAYY :beer: :smoking:  ::)

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: Bono on March 10, 2006, 05:18:54 PM
True Scott has been much more productive over the last decade but I don't feel anything he's done can match anything Axl has done. Scott's last few efforts with STP and with VR have been less than impressive in my opinion. I will admit when I saw VR last year I was impressed with Scott as a performer but he still did not have the stage presence that Axl does. He also does not have the voice Axl does. In fact live I couldn't even hear him, even with the megaphone. Axl is possibley the best rock singer of all time where as Scott isn't even the best rock/grunge singer out of the eary 90's. There is no reall comparison here in my mind.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: ppbebe on March 10, 2006, 05:24:49 PM
Well the other thread is too messy and uneasy to follow.

I agree. In the other post about Scott/Axl everyone is on Axl's side. Axl is the one that started this thing by spreading lies. I like Guns N' Roses, their not my favorite band but I have all their albums and are looking forward to the next one but I can't believe how dedicated some fans are to Axl. The man screws fans on numerous occasions by cancelling concerts and tours and fans still crawl back to him.

Everyone? nope. Read that thread. And "Axl- legal statement thread" and this thread

Axl spreading lies? What lie and How you know.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: illusionone on March 10, 2006, 05:34:02 PM
Why should scott be held to a higher standard because he has put out 'X' amount of albums than AXL.  So does that mean that Bon Jovi should be held to a higher standard as well.  Scott has put out albums that nobody cares about and Bon Jovi has released the same songs over, and over just mixed differently.  All of that being said, I don't think AXl should be held to a higher standard either.  If Axl ever releases Chinese Democracy and it Bombs, they can all be held to the same standard - rocker who have a great catalog, but are done.  If Chinese Democracy is anything like AFD or the Illusion Albums, than Axl can be held to a higher standard.   

MY POINT. . . . .It quality not quantity  I would much rather wait 10 years for The Blues, Madagascar, Better, Chinese Democracy, Ther Was A Time, than a bunch shit records.

Anyway, My two cents

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: SuperMike on March 10, 2006, 05:36:31 PM
All this makes Scott look jealous.
yeah, he does seem jealous.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: SWINGTRADER on March 10, 2006, 05:47:53 PM
It's funny how Scott Weiland  is getting blasted  in VR forums  .   Even VR fans  are telling him to shut the fuck up.   The fans want to hear from Slash himself  not this fag.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: megahurt on March 10, 2006, 05:49:23 PM
AFD didn't take 13 years to make. Use Your Illusion didn't take 13 years to make. None of the great rock records out there took that long.

For this amount of time to make sense it will have to be BY FAR the greatest music to ever grace this planet.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: illusionone on March 10, 2006, 05:56:12 PM
AFD didn't take 13 years to make. Use Your Illusion didn't take 13 years to make. None of the great rock records out there took that long.

For this amount of time to make sense it will have to be BY FAR the greatest music to ever grace this planet.

You missed my point - go back and read, an dmaybe you'll find it

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: nycangel on March 10, 2006, 05:57:12 PM
look i am a huge axl fan. and i am NOT saying this so other members dont bash me because i personally dontcare if you do. im new to this board. i love it here. but the REASON that im here is becausei love axl and i love gnr. i have been a huge fan since 1987. i dont really like vr and i dnt like scott at all. not only because gnr is one of my favorite bands of all time but because i believe this is all bullshit. this crap between the two bands is shit and just like i believe politics dont belong in music neither does crap like this. scott should have kept his big ass mouth shut end of story. sure axl made his share of mistakes but not showing up or showing up late at a few shows. and hes taken 13 years writing a new album ?but everybody makes mistakes and everybodys entitled to take all the time in the world they want. he knows we want the new music and hell put it out. i have two favorite artists in this whole world. billy idol and gnr. billy idol took 10 years to but out his new record and it is abousltey amazing. so just because vr has been busier than gnr for these past couple of years in no way makes scott better then axl. especially since scott has made more then enough of his fair share of mistakes.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on March 10, 2006, 06:01:57 PM
Axl is more of an artist than Scott. Has a better range with his vocal abilities and is a much better writer. I still like Weiland, but Scott make himself look like a dumbass with his outburst. If Axl is full of shit Scott shouldnt've gone off on him like a 5th grader, it doesn't make him look very smart.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: SOLGER on March 10, 2006, 06:02:37 PM
BEING productive does not messure success. Yeah Wiland has put more albums..done more tours..but GNR has done less things that will go down in history, as more important. Its just like u2 and metallica their albums the last 10 years sound the same wooo fuckin hoooo! one gives a crap about that kind of music.Now GUNS in only 6 years inscibed their names at the top of music history. Tha is why we feel blessed eveytime there is a tour or new material. In any way, shape or form. NOthing compares to GUNS.. : ok:

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: HungerForChaos on March 10, 2006, 06:06:13 PM
AFD didn't take 13 years to make. Use Your Illusion didn't take 13 years to make. None of the great rock records out there took that long.

For this amount of time to make sense it will have to be BY FAR the greatest music to ever grace this planet.

That's flawed logic. He wasn't making music the whole time, he had to deal with other things like getting the band together and functioning...

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: Butch Français on March 10, 2006, 06:11:11 PM
I doubt either one of these statements from Axl and Scott took so much time that they don't have time to work on the music.
the thing is we know Scott is working on music, but we have no idea what Axl is doing.
but all in all, I don't think cooking up these two "brilliant" statements took too much time away from the music, so saying stuff like "He should just focus on making music, like Scott does. THEN if there's free time, be a trashtalking goofball." is not necessary.

Im guessing they both are intelligent enough to take 2 minutes to write this stuff and not lose focus on the music.
but neither one of them should really have said anything in the first place, so in that way I agree with the original post.

Title: Re: the reality of Scott vs. Axl
Post by: Markus Asraelius on March 10, 2006, 06:12:40 PM
I would choose Axl over Scott if I was hanging off a cliff.