Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: ARC on March 07, 2006, 02:35:18 PM

Title: ARC Statement
Post by: ARC on March 07, 2006, 02:35:18 PM
The users "dolphin", "jameslofton29" and "jimmythegent" have tried, in various threads, to discredit my character and shake my credibility by suggesting that I am the same "Axl Rose Child" as the one claiming to be an 'insider' in the thread below:

I can only give you my word that this "Axl Rose Child" is not I, the legendary, original bearer of the name.

I post under this username at MYGNR and here only. Although, I cannot post under it at MYGNR anymore after an altercation with the moderators...? :confused:? :rofl:

Regardless, I have no way to prove my innocence, just as these tools have no way to prove that was me saying those things, so feel free to pick a side.

I, myself, have - in the past - played my part in rooting out frauds on the various GNR boards, so to be slandered as one is highly insulting. But, luckily, no one takes the three idiots mentioned seriously anyway...? :beer:

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: Hammy on March 07, 2006, 02:37:28 PM
No! I'm Spartacus! :P

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: jarmo on March 07, 2006, 02:56:27 PM
Although, I cannot post under it at MYGNR anymore after an altercation with the moderators...?

But, luckily, no one takes the three idiots mentioned seriously anyway...? :beer:

Soon, you might be able to say "I cannot post under it at HTGTH anymore after an altercation with the administrator.  : ok:


Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: ARC on March 07, 2006, 03:00:41 PM
Although, I cannot post under it at MYGNR anymore after an altercation with the moderators...?

But, luckily, no one takes the three idiots mentioned seriously anyway...? :beer:

Soon, you might be able to say "I cannot post under it at HTGTH anymore after an altercation with the administrator.? : ok:


Oh darn. What a bummer.

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 07, 2006, 04:12:51 PM
 You need to take your pathetic loser shit somewhere else. I dont see why you are allowed to keep insulting me in various threads, and now you have been given your own thread to do it in. You have taken the word pathetic to a new level  by creating an account using my name at a different forum, and slandering my name by saying derogatory remarks about me and one of my friends. I thought August18th was the biggest loser in internet history. He is now in 2nd place.

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: Hammy on March 07, 2006, 04:15:10 PM
I thought August18th was the biggest loser in internet history. He is now in 2nd place.
August was a bloke? :confused:

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: ARC on March 07, 2006, 04:38:13 PM
You have taken the word pathetic to a new level? by creating an account using my name at a different forum

I was using that as an example of how simple it is to use someone's username and make them look stupid.

The "Axl Rose Child" in that thread was NOT me. Think what you like, I no longer care.

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on March 07, 2006, 07:06:18 PM
You have taken the word pathetic to a new level? by creating an account using my name at a different forum

I was using that as an example of how simple it is to use someone's username and make them look stupid.

The "Axl Rose Child" in that thread was NOT me. Think what you like, I no longer care.

Awww, of course you care.  Enough to make a whole worthless thread about it when you could of just as easily PM the people involved.  Now myself and everyone else knows this shit.  talk about an ego. ::)

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: MadmanDan on March 07, 2006, 07:16:16 PM
What tyhe fuck is this, pointless idiotic threads week?? 

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: Jonathan on March 07, 2006, 07:18:19 PM
What tyhe fuck is this, pointless idiotic threads week???


Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: badapple81 on March 07, 2006, 07:31:19 PM
Is he an 'other'?  :nervous:

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: journey on March 07, 2006, 07:44:05 PM
I don't understand what this thread's aboot.

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on March 07, 2006, 08:13:28 PM
Man, just relax, geez.  Just sit back and let time heal everything.  BTW, you're saying you aren't the "original" ARC, but it seems to me you have a history of questionable usernames.  I dunno man, just be cool from this point on and people won't be "tools" to you.  ::)  :smoking:

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 07, 2006, 11:18:09 PM
I saw a 700 ft tall Jesus in Tulsa Oklahoma once???.

You are all a bunch of imposters!!!

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: -Jack- on March 07, 2006, 11:47:38 PM

Take this crap somewhere eles.

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: jimmythegent on March 08, 2006, 04:31:19 AM
The users "dolphin", "jameslofton29" and "jimmythegent" have tried, in various threads, to discredit my character and shake my credibility by suggesting that I am the same "Axl Rose Child" as the one claiming to be an 'insider' in the thread below:

I can only give you my word that this "Axl Rose Child" is not I, the legendary, original bearer of the name.

I post under this username at MYGNR and here only. Although, I cannot post under it at MYGNR anymore after an altercation with the moderators...? :confused:? :rofl:

Regardless, I have no way to prove my innocence, just as these tools have no way to prove that was me saying those things, so feel free to pick a side.

I, myself, have - in the past - played my part in rooting out frauds on the various GNR boards, so to be slandered as one is highly insulting. But, luckily, no one takes the three idiots mentioned seriously anyway...? :beer:

get one thing straight - you are the one not taken seriously here

no one would give a fuck about that post, if you didn't continually degrade threads with your childeshness and small mindedness

tool? pal, give it up already, ok - no one cares and it's been said many times

take everyones advice, either stop talking shit and contribute to the forum in a meaningful or intelligent way, or else, please - I beg of you, get on out of here  :beer:

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: ARC on March 08, 2006, 01:17:00 PM
take everyones advice, either stop talking shit and contribute to the forum in a meaningful or intelligent way, or else, please - I beg of you, get on out of here? :beer:

I was contributing fine until someone decided this week would be 'lets lynch ARC week'.

Regardless, I have it good authority that the false "Axl Rose Child" is a member of MYGNR, who had 'problems' with me back in the day, and who shall at this time remain nameless.

Now, please get off my back. Thanks.

Title: Re: ARC Statement
Post by: Elrothiel on March 09, 2006, 05:12:42 PM
Jeez, what the hell is all the fighting about!?

As far as I know, ARC hasn't done anything wrong, and is just doing what any of you would do if someone damaged your credibility by saying stupid things while pretending to be you!

Obviously you wouldn't want people thinking you're a complete idiot!! So OBVIOUSLY you'd make a thread about it, letting people know that the imposter isn't you!

So y'all get off ARC's back! That's an order!