Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: W. Adam S on March 06, 2006, 04:05:32 PM

Title: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: W. Adam S on March 06, 2006, 04:05:32 PM
So does Slash hate his bandmates?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Queen of Everything on March 06, 2006, 04:17:00 PM
Ok, first of all.

1) The topic name sucks.

2) this thread is pointless.  What the hell possessed you to start this?!

I'm sorry for being harsh hun, but seriously?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: shaun on March 06, 2006, 04:25:09 PM
Slash to Axl about Scott: ?Scott was a fraud?  :hihi: and Duff is Sp... ..  . i forget  ;D

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Grouse on March 06, 2006, 05:48:27 PM
I can't believe that some of you actually think that happend.
Axl is just slinging mud just like slash and duff have done in the past. It's that simple :yes:

*edit, damn typo's :-\

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 06, 2006, 06:31:03 PM
they haven't spoke in ten years and this is what they are talking about at 5:30am??  :no: didn't happen

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 06, 2006, 06:41:43 PM
If Axl said this he is just bein a hater and would seem jealous of VR's success and jealous of the fact that his 3 guitarist cant hold Slash's pick.

I hope Axl isnt stoopin to that level cause it would make me lose some respect for him.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 06, 2006, 06:58:12 PM
If Axl said this he is just bein a hater and would seem jealous of VR's success and jealous of the fact that his 3 guitarist cant hold Slash's pick.

I hope Axl isnt stoopin to that level cause it would make me lose some respect for him.

I don't think axl did this.. I'm just going to wait for someone with slash's camp or someone at the powers that be explain this

it's time for the belly aching to stop with these lawyers and some music to come out already

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Butch Français on March 06, 2006, 07:19:11 PM
If Axl said this he is just bein a hater and would seem jealous of VR's success and jealous of the fact that his 3 guitarist cant hold Slash's pick.

I hope Axl isnt stoopin to that level cause it would make me lose some respect for him.

I don't think axl did this.. I'm just going to wait for someone with slash's camp or someone at the powers that be explain this

it's time for the belly aching to stop with these lawyers and some music to come out already

yep, shut up guys and play music!
I don't believe there is any problems within VR and I guess we'll see what happens. but there might be a big media fight between the two camps after this! :hihi:...maybe that's what both wants, lord knows.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: tomass74 on March 06, 2006, 07:26:46 PM
That is just ridiculous...  Axl is a total toolbag... There is NO WAY in hell that Slash showed up at Axl's door saying that shit... Anyone who thinks that Axl has matured is a god damn idiot..  He is 10 year old trapped in a 45 year old body...

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 06, 2006, 07:31:48 PM
Sounds like to me Axl is jealous of VR and after hearing the guitar playing on those demos, Id say he has a right to be jealous.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: jabba2 on March 06, 2006, 07:42:01 PM
I think its just drunken ramblings at 5am. Axl with his keyboard and Merck on the phone...Maybe this is round 2?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: badapple81 on March 06, 2006, 07:49:54 PM
Sounds like to me Axl is jealous of VR and after hearing the guitar playing on those demos, Id say he has a right to be jealous.

Sorry D but you must be joking. There isn't much to be jealous of in my opinion.

We'll have to wait and see what comes out of this. This is really weird, I admit it is just odd those comments about Slash turning up.. but I mean Axl could be in serious trouble alleging those kind of things without them happening so it makes me wonder what the hell is going on here.

So tomass74 as much as you are an Axl hater and Slash lover, just wait and see what comes out of this.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: kobys on March 06, 2006, 07:50:28 PM
Maybe the whole band (VR) should get together and give one massive interview and set everything straight. All these speculations and rumors are driving me crazy!

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 06, 2006, 07:58:26 PM
i don't think anyone is a tool or anyone is jealous, I think the whole thing is monkey shit and never happened,... it's to absurd.. Does axl just invite slash in at the early hours and then give him enough time to get into his new mates.. WHy tell axl, does he think he can trust him.. Where the fuck was earl , beta, yoda, or whoever else he has in his life saying don't let him in.. Did he clibm the gate?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: tomass74 on March 06, 2006, 08:00:37 PM
Sounds like to me Axl is jealous of VR and after hearing the guitar playing on those demos, Id say he has a right to be jealous.

So tomass74 as much as you are an Axl hater and Slash lover, just wait and see what comes out of this.

I hate it when people say that shit.... I don't dislike Axl because I think Slash is a guitar god (which he is)... ?Gn'R were my favorite band at one time.. When they disbanded I followed them ALL including Axl... When Axl first started coming back in 99 I was excited. I watched the RIO show online the night it happened, I bought End Of Days, I bought the SPIN mag and even went to his medicore show that he claimed was Gn'R.. Everything was looking good.. Then it became a big waste of time.. ?Axl hasn't grown up in the last 20 years. I found the 2002 tour disgusting with his no shows and cancelations, I don't like most of the music he releases now either. His voice sounds weird too. That's it.... I could really give a fuck about him, I don't hate him.. I do hate some of his dillusional fans though. The only reason I come here is for the VR board. ?He doesn't give a shit about his fans and he in my opinion is just an asshole who will never get another dime out of me... (unless for some reason they managed a reunion)...

EDIT: ANyway Gunnerdownunder, that isnt an attack at you.... I just get tired of people thinking that I and others simply do not liek Axl because of whatever goes on between Slash and Axl.. That may be the way the Axl fans operate but not me... Axl has been making his own case against himself since the UYI tour..

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 06, 2006, 08:02:59 PM
tomass don't sweat it I have followed gnr since the start, then slash's projects along with axl breaking out in 99 with oh my god, even requested the song a few times on the radio.... people can't seem to understand that others don't have hidden agendas when they dislike a song axl has done or a riff without being a slash lover or whatever.. You can't like it all it's that simple..

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: kobys on March 06, 2006, 08:03:45 PM
i don't think anyone is a tool or anyone is jealous, I think the whole thing is monkey shit and never happened,... it's to absurd.. Does axl just invite slash in at the early hours and then give him enough time to get into his new mates.. WHy tell axl, does he think he can trust him.. Where the fuck was earl , beta, yoda, or whoever else he has in his life saying don't let him in.. Did he clibm the gate?

I just don't think that Slash is that disloyal to talk shit about his current bandmates to Axl or anyone else for that matter even if he did feel that way. And I don't see Slash popping up on Axl's door step out of the blue in the wee hours of the morning when they have aledgedly had no form of contact in 10 years or more.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 06, 2006, 08:07:30 PM
i don't think anyone is a tool or anyone is jealous, I think the whole thing is monkey shit and never happened,... it's to absurd.. Does axl just invite slash in at the early hours and then give him enough time to get into his new mates.. WHy tell axl, does he think he can trust him.. Where the fuck was earl , beta, yoda, or whoever else he has in his life saying don't let him in.. Did he clibm the gate?

I just don't think that Slash is that disloyal to talk shit about his current bandmates to Axl or anyone else for that matter even if he did feel that way. And I don't see Slash popping up on Axl's door step out of the blue in the wee hours of the morning when they have aledgedly had no form of contact in 10 years or more.

yeah.. is axl's compound that easy to get into, can someone like slash just knock on his dorr and have axl answer it... maybe we should dress like slash and sneak onto the grounds :hihi:

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on March 06, 2006, 08:09:36 PM
I'm going to leave my 2c here.

I cannot for one second believe Slash said those words.  For the sake of my sanity, I'm going to assume that some malicious person added that bit to the press release to stir up shit between Axl & VR.

I was starting to feel good about newGNR with the song leaks and Axl looking human in recent pics, but this is getting me down  >:(

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: gnr_12 on March 06, 2006, 08:16:41 PM
Jesus u guys actually think he said it? lol.. cummon now.. how is that possible if in Febuary Axl Said that he and Slash had not talked for 10 years... Think about it.. you are all getting way to caught up in stupid busines.. This has nothing to do with Chinese Democracy.. dont waste .. well the only the your wasting is your time.. so proceed.. i guess?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: -Jack- on March 06, 2006, 08:36:41 PM
I buy the fact that Slash came. Maybe he really did want to set things straight and it just fell apart. Who knows?

And.. even though alot of people thought the Dizzy interview Madagascar88 gave was fake... if it was real remember that Dizzy said "I shouldn't be tellin you this but they've been trying to get back in"

Or something along those lines.

Who knows?

I just think its dumb to say Axl completly fabricated it... theres at LEAST some truth and in this case its hard to only buy half of it.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on March 06, 2006, 08:52:14 PM
If you dont want to buy "HALF" of it, then you believe that Slash said those words as they are printed? 

I see you left yourself a way out with "who knows?" and "at LEAST some truth" which means you'll buy all of it or some of it depending on your mood.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: speed_stone on March 06, 2006, 08:55:57 PM
they haven't spoke in ten years and this is what they are talking about at 5:30am??? :no: didn't happen

get real and stop defending slash the drunken liar.
why would axl sink to slash's level and lie?
besides, axl's lawyer wouldn't risk his carreer by lying in a press release.
wake up. ::)

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: RichardNixon on March 06, 2006, 08:56:16 PM
I believe that Slash said those things. Maybe in anger or whatever, but I don't think Axl would just make that up.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on March 06, 2006, 09:01:00 PM
I believe that Slash said those things. Maybe in anger or whatever, but I don't think Axl would just make that up.

no problem.  I respectfully disagree as long no one calls me DUMB.

If it turns out that Slash said those things as they are printed, I will be shocked and saddened.  But no more shocked and saddened than I have been by some of Axl's doings.  Yet another disillusion in a long line of disillusions.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Grouse on March 06, 2006, 09:11:11 PM
get real and stop defending slash the drunken liar.
why would axl sink to slash's level and lie?
besides, axl's lawyer wouldn't risk his carreer by lying in a press release.
wake up. ::)

 :crying: boohoo slash is liar, Axl is perfect boohoohoo?:crying: :hihi:

You Axlites make me wanna puke

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: -Jack- on March 06, 2006, 09:31:08 PM
If you dont want to buy "HALF" of it, then you believe that Slash said those words as they are printed? 

I see you left yourself a way out with "who knows?" and "at LEAST some truth" which means you'll buy all of it or some of it depending on your mood.

Hmm.. maybe his statement wasn't word for word... and yeah i kinda did leave a way out eh?  ;D

All I was really saying is that some of the "Axl is a damn faggot liar, he just talks bs" people should take a reality check..

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Butch Français on March 06, 2006, 10:16:24 PM
they haven't spoke in ten years and this is what they are talking about at 5:30am??  :no: didn't happen

get real and stop defending slash the drunken liar.
why would axl sink to slash's level and lie?
besides, axl's lawyer wouldn't risk his carreer by lying in a press release.
wake up. ::)

Axl is the one taking a risk here, his lawyer simply does what his client wants him to do. his career is not at stake at all..

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: speed_stone on March 06, 2006, 10:31:58 PM
get real and stop defending slash the drunken liar.
why would axl sink to slash's level and lie?
besides, axl's lawyer wouldn't risk his carreer by lying in a press release.
wake up. ::)

 :crying: boohoo slash is liar, Axl is perfect boohoohoo?:crying: :hihi:

You Axlites make me wanna puke

no, your mom's ass makes me wanna puke. :nervous:
i support whoever i feel is right. loser. ::)

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 01:30:58 AM
Thing Is GunnerdownUnder, I keep shit real on here.

Axl is my all time favorite but I am not a loyalist who defends everything about him and shits on Slash like he is some third rate nothing fuckin guitarist.

I dont care what Slash does there are people who claim he sucks etc.

I have a news flash:

Suckertrain Blues kicks fuckin ass
Fall To Pieces kicks fuckin ass
You Got No Right, Lovin The Alien kick fuckin ass
Slither,Headspace,Do It For The Kids kick fuckin ass

there isnt any guitar playing on the demos that comes even close to Slash.

People hear those demos and say the TWAT solo is as good as NR or Estranged.

to me that is just fucking insane for someone to say that.

I just hate how people overrate everything Axl does but then they treat Slash like some third rate nothing musician.

Those Demos are great songs but u throw Slash's guitar on them and they are on the radio 20 years from now.

Right now they are good songs but none of em are classics or masterpieces.

Axl's parts are masterpiece, lyrically, melodically, vocally but the guitar playing is pretty mediocre.

the solos are nothing special.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: badapple81 on March 07, 2006, 02:52:36 AM
I guess it's personal opinion D. I guess I kinda understand why tomass and mike get frustrated now because I've been a bit of a dick and called them Axl-haters etc. (  :hihi: ) but just because my personal taste is that these demos are better, you think I am a loyalist with my head up Axl's ass.

And I have never said that Slash is a third rate guitarist. His work with GN'R is first class and amazing. I just think Better kicks more ass and is better than anything off Contraband. My personal taste.

I don't agree that all those songs kick ass, I love Suckertrain, DIFTK and Dirty Little Thing and they certainly are kick ass rock tunes.. but my opinion and taste is more towards the sound Axl has, especially on Better and TWAT.

My opinion is that Axl doesn't have much to be jealous of with Contraband when he is producing songs like Better, so I was countering your claim that this statement was because Axl was jealous.

I rest my case and will agree to disagree  :peace:  Now go get your head out of Jon's ass  :P  :hihi:

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: kaasupoltin on March 07, 2006, 03:07:54 AM
get real and stop defending slash the drunken liar.
why would axl sink to slash's level and lie?
besides, axl's lawyer wouldn't risk his carreer by lying in a press release.
wake up. ::)

 :crying: boohoo slash is liar, Axl is perfect boohoohoo?:crying: :hihi:

You Axlites make me wanna puke

no, your mom's ass makes me wanna puke. :nervous:
i support whoever i feel is right. loser. ::)

Speed_Stone, you're an idiot.

But what comes to this press release, I just dont Buy it. Simple as that.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Origen on March 07, 2006, 03:39:25 AM
Maybe that happened in Axl World, but it didn't happen in reality  :hihi:

I'm not worried about VR over this cause I think the part about Slash going to his house and saying Duff is Spineless etc.. is bullshit.

And the whole article makes Axl out to be some innocent victim  :rofl: I don't think so.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: badapple81 on March 07, 2006, 03:47:52 AM
Maybe that happened in Axl World, but it didn't happen in reality? :hihi:

I'm not worried about VR over this cause I think the part about Slash going to his house and saying Duff is Spineless etc.. is bullshit.

And the whole article makes Axl out to be some innocent victim? :rofl: I don't think so.

Well it takes two to tango.

The whole thing is very weird and I was shocked when I read that press release so I can understand why everyone inc. both GNR and VR fans are just confused and taking sides.

Thing is none of us know for certain. So I'll keep an open mind until we hear anything else.

I just think that this is such an extraordinary claim to make that Axl couldn't possibly make it knowing the implications and lawsuits he'd get if it wasn't true. I'm not saying it is true, just that it is a massive claim to come out with. Guess everything will come out in court huh.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 03:48:59 AM
I guess it's personal opinion D. I guess I kinda understand why tomass and mike get frustrated now because I've been a bit of a dick and called them Axl-haters etc. (? :hihi: ) but just because my personal taste is that these demos are better, you think I am a loyalist with my head up Axl's ass.

And I have never said that Slash is a third rate guitarist. His work with GN'R is first class and amazing. I just think Better kicks more ass and is better than anything off Contraband. My personal taste.

I don't agree that all those songs kick ass, I love Suckertrain, DIFTK and Dirty Little Thing and they certainly are kick ass rock tunes.. but my opinion and taste is more towards the sound Axl has, especially on Better and TWAT.

My opinion is that Axl doesn't have much to be jealous of with Contraband when he is producing songs like Better, so I was countering your claim that this statement was because Axl was jealous.

I rest my case and will agree to disagree? :peace:? Now go get your head out of Jon's ass? :P? :hihi:

Here is where the miscommunication is happening.

I am not comparing the demos to VR or Snakepit or anything cause those arent relevant to the discussion.

I am comparing them to Guns N Roses songs.

The band is Guns N Roses therefore u have to go back to every GNR song for a comparison.

VR are a totally different style than GNR so Slash has curved his guitar playing to fit into this newer modern flavored style.

but if u compare the guitar playing to Slash's GNR playing there to me is no comparison at all.

Has there been a riff that even comes close to SCOM,Mr Brownstone,PC,WTTJ,Civil War,YCBM,RQ, or even My Michelle?

Has there been any guitar licks,solos or anything even close to SCOM,PC,Wttj,NR,Dont Cry,Estranged,Knockin ON heaven's door,Dont Damn Me,Coma,The Garden?

Im not even talkin bout the song as a whole cause yeah the lyrics,melodies,vocals and emotion on Better and There Was A time are as good as VR.

Im gonna tell u though Lovin The Alien gives these songs a run for their money and CB is kinda wore out but CB was damn great album.

I am talkin strictly about guitar playing.

Axl's parts on amazing and brilliant, but go back and listen to the solos and riffs on these demos. The solos arent memorable, arent very emotional and are somewhat medicore.

Listen to There Was A Time's solo and then put on SCOM or NR or Estranged and then give an honest opinion cause to me *quoting Pulp Fiction* Twat's solo isnt in the same ballpark, the same league, it isnt even in the same damn sport as the above mentioned solos."

Remember I am not a Slash lover and an Axl hater, I love em both and speak the truth as I see it.

I refuse to shit on Slash's accomplishments just to help validate Axl's new guitar players.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: badapple81 on March 07, 2006, 03:56:28 AM
I guess it's personal opinion D. I guess I kinda understand why tomass and mike get frustrated now because I've been a bit of a dick and called them Axl-haters etc. (? :hihi: ) but just because my personal taste is that these demos are better, you think I am a loyalist with my head up Axl's ass.

And I have never said that Slash is a third rate guitarist. His work with GN'R is first class and amazing. I just think Better kicks more ass and is better than anything off Contraband. My personal taste.

I don't agree that all those songs kick ass, I love Suckertrain, DIFTK and Dirty Little Thing and they certainly are kick ass rock tunes.. but my opinion and taste is more towards the sound Axl has, especially on Better and TWAT.

My opinion is that Axl doesn't have much to be jealous of with Contraband when he is producing songs like Better, so I was countering your claim that this statement was because Axl was jealous.

I rest my case and will agree to disagree? :peace:? Now go get your head out of Jon's ass? :P? :hihi:

Here is where the miscommunication is happening.

I am not comparing the demos to VR or Snakepit or anything cause those arent relevant to the discussion.

I am comparing them to Guns N Roses songs.

The band is Guns N Roses therefore u have to go back to every GNR song for a comparison.

VR are a totally different style than GNR so Slash has curved his guitar playing to fit into this newer modern flavored style.

but if u compare the guitar playing to Slash's GNR playing there to me is no comparison at all.

Has there been a riff that even comes close to SCOM,Mr Brownstone,PC,WTTJ,Civil War,YCBM,RQ, or even My Michelle?

Has there been any guitar licks,solos or anything even close to SCOM,PC,Wttj,NR,Dont Cry,Estranged,Knockin ON heaven's door,Dont Damn Me,Coma,The Garden?

Im not even talkin bout the song as a whole cause yeah the lyrics,melodies,vocals and emotion on Better and There Was A time are as good as VR.

Im gonna tell u though Lovin The Alien gives these songs a run for their money and CB is kinda wore out but CB was damn great album.

I am talkin strictly about guitar playing.

Axl's parts on amazing and brilliant, but go back and listen to the solos and riffs on these demos. The solos arent memorable, arent very emotional and are somewhat medicore.

Listen to There Was A Time's solo and then put on SCOM or NR or Estranged and then give an honest opinion cause to me *quoting Pulp Fiction* Twat's solo isnt in the same ballpark, the same league, it isnt even in the same damn sport as the above mentioned solos."

Remember I am not a Slash lover and an Axl hater, I love em both and speak the truth as I see it.

I refuse to shit on Slash's accomplishments just to help validate Axl's new guitar players.

If Axl said this he is just bein a hater and would seem jealous of VR's success and jealous of the fact that his 3 guitarist cant hold Slash's pick.

Sorry D I'm not trying to be difficult here but here is where the VR comparisons started. I was just replying to the claim that Axl would be jealous of VR's success. I don't agree, so let's agree to disagree here, because that's where all this started.

And I for one have never and will never play down Slash's contribution to Guns N' Roses. That's an entirely different story and no matter what shit is going on now, there is no disputing that Slash was brilliant in Guns N' Roses.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 03:59:55 AM
Lets think about this.

If Slash really said those things to Axl then he is an idiot.

But If Axl is making that up just to cause a rift in VR, what other reason would he do it other than being Jealous of the fact that his bandmates didnt need him to be successful.

I think Axl got this big illusion that he was GNR and that HE was the reason they were successful and huge.

once VR won a grammy and became a huge band, it showed that Slash,Duff and Matt didnt need Axl to be successful and great and Axl being the egomaniac he is, that had to bust his balls a little to know that he isnt required in order for the old guys to have success.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: killingvector on March 07, 2006, 04:19:02 AM
But If Axl is making that up just to cause a rift in VR, what other reason would he do it other than being Jealous of the fact that his bandmates didnt need him to be successful.

If there were problems in VR before and Slash did venture over to Uncle Axl's house in October 2005, Axl may have succeeded in planting new seeds of discontent in VR.   Slash and Axl were the only witnesses to the conversation; Slash will of course deny that he made the comments but what will the bandmates think?

What about Axl? Well, in the words of the great Robert Shaw: I dunno Chief, he is either very smart or very dumb.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 04:24:47 AM
Even if Slash had said that it wouldnt be Axl's place to say that anyway and I dont think Axl shouldve said it even if it were true.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: kaasupoltin on March 07, 2006, 04:26:54 AM
Even if Slash had said that it wouldnt be Axl's place to say that anyway and I dont think Axl shouldve said it even if it were true.

You got the point man! In this case my thoughts are very similar to yours.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: killingvector on March 07, 2006, 04:28:32 AM
Even if Slash had said that it wouldnt be Axl's place to say that anyway and I dont think Axl shouldve said it even if it were true.

Well, ettiquette is something neither side is worried about now. It's war between the two sides; Axl made a strategic move with that little bit of fireworks buried in his statement. I am certain that he included it to induce friction in Slash's band. Will it work? depends on whether slash really went over to Axl's house.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: badapple81 on March 07, 2006, 04:32:58 AM
And I guess that will all come out in court now.

The answer to why Axl brought that up D I think is in the lawsuit. Axl hoped that following this, Slash would drop the action and move on which of course he didn't. Would you keep thing kind of thing to yourself if you were being sued?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 05:05:49 AM
And I guess that will all come out in court now.

The answer to why Axl brought that up D I think is in the lawsuit. Axl hoped that following this, Slash would drop the action and move on which of course he didn't. Would you keep thing kind of thing to yourself if you were being sued?

Its irrelevant to the lawsuit though.

this is about copyright and ownership, I dont care if Axl has SLash calling Scott a flaming queer and Duff a gutless terd and Matt a talentless moron on tape, it has nothing to do with the lawsuit at all.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Falcon on March 07, 2006, 09:48:11 AM
Even if Slash had said that it wouldnt be Axl's place to say that anyway and I dont think Axl shouldve said it even if it were true.

Absolutely correct D, I agree 100%. 

Totally irrelevent to the lawsuit, done purely with intent to undermine Slash's relationships with his current bandmates.

With the above in mind, I tend to believe the events mentioned in the Axl press release regarding the lawsuits to be true, way too detailed to be fabricated.  Just an opinion of course.

The entire thing is getting to be borderline ridiculous, Slash looks like a guy who has no grip on reality
while Axl looks like a bitter egomaniac that just threw his former bandmate under the proverbial bus.

Very sad indeed.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: SADIS on March 07, 2006, 10:05:54 AM
The entire thing is getting to be borderline ridiculous, Slash looks like a guy who has no grip on reality
while Axl looks like a bitter egomaniac that just threw his former bandmate under the proverbial bus.

Very sad indeed.

Why doesn't Slash has any grip on reality? I mean, Scott doesn't seem the most reliable guy, and maybe he does hate Matt and think of Duff as spineless.

I think the one who doesn't have a grip on reality is Axl, cause why on earth would you send out a press release like this leaving everybody puzzled? While with sending out that press release killing the most positive buzz you had going since '94. And why put in the part of Slash visiting while that doesn't add anything to the press release itself except make Axl look stupid for putting it in there?

If you ask me there's a shitload more going on right now that we don't know of. But for now I think Axl looks stupid and I'm not alone in that for sure. Just do something that makes sense, or explain the fucking situation....

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 07, 2006, 10:23:03 AM
they haven't spoke in ten years and this is what they are talking about at 5:30am??? :no: didn't happen

get real and stop defending slash the drunken liar.
why would axl sink to slash's level and lie?
besides, axl's lawyer wouldn't risk his carreer by lying in a press release.
wake up. ::)

it just doesn't make any sence, axl said he hasn't spoke to slash in ten years, but he forgot the fact his ex lead guitar player just happened to show up to his house in october :hihi:

slash the drunken liar.. Ha, hasn't slash been promising cd for years.. Weird I still don't own it :rofl:

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Falcon on March 07, 2006, 10:53:07 AM

Why doesn't Slash has any grip on reality? I mean, Scott doesn't seem the most reliable guy, and maybe he does hate Matt and think of Duff as spineless.

True, let me rephrase.

It paints Slash as someone who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.  True feelings or not, probably
not the best person to open up to considering their (Axl/Slash) acrimonious relationship over the last decade plus.

Bottom line, this looks bad for both parties.  If true on all accounts, it's the absolute lowest point for both of them as professionals, a horrible lack of judgement on both sides.

Again, my opinion.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: killingvector on March 07, 2006, 01:41:56 PM
Totally irrelevent to the lawsuit, done purely with intent to undermine Slash's relationships with his current bandmates.

Oh absolutely. Whether it was said or not, if Slash visited Axl at his home and had a private conversation with the man, he made himself vulnerable to this kind of attack. Slash never should have gone over there, provided it was true.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 02:04:17 PM
Its just so hard to fathom it all though.

Picturing those events happening just seem so impossible.  I want to know what all they were talking about cause u know the conversation had a whole lot more to do with things other than Slash spilling his feelings about his VR bandmates.

U know though, something people havent even looked at, Slash said CD was done and had a very reliable inside source, Hell that source was none other than Axl himself.

Axl told him CD was coming out in 06, Slash spills the beans *Which leads to the media whore label Axl placed on Slash" Axl got pissed off and spilled the beans on what Slash said about his VR bandmates.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Falcon on March 07, 2006, 02:04:25 PM
Totally irrelevent to the lawsuit, done purely with intent to undermine Slash's relationships with his current bandmates.

Oh absolutely. Whether it was said or not, if Slash visited Axl at his home and had a private conversation with the man, he made himself vulnerable to this kind of attack. Slash never should have gone over there, provided it was true.

Not sure if "Slash never should have gone over there" is the way I look at it.?

Motive for the visit nonwithstanding, there's absolutely no excuse for Slash to professionally leave himself open given Axl and his rocky relationship.

Plenty of blame to share, this entire episode reflects horribly on both.? Slash should've kept his mouth shut while any mention of Axl Rose and personal integrity/high road behavior should best be left unsaid.

Very embarrasing.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Falcon on March 07, 2006, 02:08:32 PM
Its just so hard to fathom it all though.

Picturing those events happening just seem so impossible.? I want to know what all they were talking about cause u know the conversation had a whole lot more to do with things other than Slash spilling his feelings about his VR bandmates.

U know though, something people havent even looked at, Slash said CD was done and had a very reliable inside source, Hell that source was none other than Axl himself.

Axl told him CD was coming out in 06, Slash spills the beans *Which leads to the media whore label Axl placed on Slash" Axl got pissed off and spilled the beans on what Slash said about his VR bandmates.

I'm usually not one for conspiracy theories but the above is a very interesting scenario. 

Given their tit for tat mentality over the past decade, nothing's out of the realm of possibility.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 02:10:30 PM
Lets work a timeline.

Slash visited him oct 2005.

Anyone remember when Slash did that interview where he claimed CD was ready to go for March 06??

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 07, 2006, 02:18:16 PM
Lets work a timeline.

Slash visited him oct 2005.

Anyone remember when Slash did that interview where he claimed CD was ready to go for March 06??

right around new years b4 VR's show at the Borgata

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 07, 2006, 02:22:26 PM
It seems possible, cause Slash was on his extended break and the NYE show was the first show they had done since the tour ended right? so that was his first interviews etc wasnt it?

If Slash told Axl that in October, Axl kept it to himself for over 4 months, Slash probably agreed to drop the lawsuit and when he never did, Axl took that as an insult thus letting Slash's dirty little secret fly.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: t3tra on March 07, 2006, 02:57:34 PM
Slash may have visited Axl in oct. No one knows for sure, I'll guess.

But it's hard to belive, at least for me, that Slash said so about Scott, Duff, and Matt.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: GNR - CROATIA on March 07, 2006, 04:21:20 PM
The fact is - AXL IS A LIAR!   Anyway you look at it.
He mentioned a month ago he hasn't spoken to Slash inb 10 years and now this.
Why should we trust someone who is prooven to be unreliable!?
Axl obviously has trouble with reality. (Not only because it still takes him over 15 years to bring his own cd of music out to the sun light).
On the other hand,   no matter all the years Slash used to be my guitar hero,  I got severly dissapointed at him at few occassions -

1)   Snakepit II -  what a band!!  Slash is going around for months telling everyone what a great cd a follow up of ALG will be...  One day he comes to rehersal and tells the guys as of this minute,  he doesn't count on them anymore.
Still,   he is surprised they can't see him anymore.

2)   Slash is surprised Gilby doesn't talk to him...  Gilby plays for Snakepit I and is over at Slash' place every day.
The day he pressed lawsuit against Axl (he had every right,  Axl was selling stuff with Gilby' physical presence),   Slash who is already out of GNR doesn't call Gilby anymore and goes out of his way from one day over to the next one.   What does that have to do with Slash???

3)   Few years later,  Gilby is touring with his old friend Ryan Roxie and plans a band with him.
Out of all the guitar players,  Slash offers Roxie to play in Snakepit II,  only to replace him with Kerri Kelly.

4)   Axl goes on telling shit about Slash and co,  still,  Slash goes around telling how protective he feels about Axl,  despite the fact Axl had him thrown out of the gig where he played songs co - written by Slash...

I mean,  after all that,  Slash is a bit spineless no matter how much one likes him or not...

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Origen on March 07, 2006, 06:00:04 PM
Offcial VR site:

Velvet Revolver in the Throes of Creation [3/7/2006]
Velvet Revolver is currently writing new music for their next record.  Stay tuned for more information.

It's all good  : ok:

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: RichardNixon on March 07, 2006, 06:42:10 PM
Is the comment about Slash saying Duff is "spineless," hating Matt and Weiland a "phony" irrelevant? I'm not a lawyer, put maybe they are relevant to the case if it has anything to do with intent, etc on the part of the Slash/Duff party. Perhaps it does have legal bearing. Any law-school students here?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Eazy E on March 07, 2006, 07:22:45 PM
Offcial VR site:

Velvet Revolver in the Throes of Creation [3/7/2006]
Velvet Revolver is currently writing new music for their next record. Stay tuned for more information.

It's all good : ok:

Did they feel the need to post this as a response to Axl's press release?  Hmmmm...  Good news!

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: killingvector on March 08, 2006, 03:13:27 AM
The fact is - AXL IS A LIAR!   Anyway you look at it.
He mentioned a month ago he hasn't spoken to Slash inb 10 years and now this.
Why should we trust someone who is prooven to be unreliable!?
Axl obviously has trouble with reality. (Not only because it still takes him over 15 years to bring his own cd of music out to the sun light).
On the other hand,   no matter all the years Slash used to be my guitar hero,  I got severly dissapointed at him at few occassions -

Axl was approached by a RS reporter at a party; he was asked about Slash. Trying to enjoy himself, Axl mentioned that he respected the man and hadn't spoken to him in ten years. Now isn't it possible that Axl patronized the reporter because it was not the proper place to blow the lid off an incendiary secret? It is plausible in my mind, at least.

I do think that something happened recently that convinced Axl to countersue. Perhaps there were talks to settle or drop the suit which failed to materialize. Axl may have used the Oct 2005 conversation as a bit of blackmail to instigate a settlement.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 08, 2006, 05:48:02 AM
Offcial VR site:

Velvet Revolver in the Throes of Creation [3/7/2006]
Velvet Revolver is currently writing new music for their next record.? Stay tuned for more information.

It's all good? : ok:

it just hasn't been updated, on below empty the newest news posted is about duff talking of the second album..

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 08, 2006, 03:08:55 PM reporting the story and leaving out the SLash visit makes me believe the press release we got was Doctored by somebody.

If that was truly in the press release it would be the headline of the whole report but seeing as didnt have that anywhere in their press release, it makes u kinda wonder if it really happened.

I cant see a lawyer using the phrase "you are the stronger"

only someone half illiterate would say something like that.

So the fact that is in there makes me believe its Bullshit.

I can see Slash visiting Axl, I can see Slash maybe saying that about his VR mates but there is no fucking way in hell Slash would say to Axl 'you are the stronger"

I mean shit, Slash shouldve got on his knees and sucked his cock if he was gonna say shit like that.

"you are the stronger" please let me lick your balls.

i mean seriously that sounds ridiculous beyond description.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 08, 2006, 03:13:48 PM
In October of 2005 Slash made an unannounced 5:30 AM visit to Axl Rose?s house. Not appearing to be under the influence, Slash came to inform Axl that: ?Duff was spineless,? ?Scott was a fraud,? that he ?hates Matt Sorum? and that in this ongoing war, contest or whatever anyone wants to call it that Slash has waged against Axl for the better part of 20 years, that Axl has proven himself ?the stronger.? Based on his conduct in showing up at Rose's home, Axl was hopeful that Slash would live up to his pronouncements that he wanted to end the war and move on with life. Unfortunately that did not prove to be the case.

slash came to inform axl... That just sounds weird..

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 08, 2006, 03:20:27 PM
I can hear Slash now.

Axl dude im sick of making a multi platinum CD, Im sick of these 2 number 1 singles, im sick of having a very successful tour for almost 2 years.

and this God damn grammy??? Pain in the fucking ass but look at u dude!

stay in the house all day, no record for 12 years, causing riots, cancelling a tour, fuckin up at the VMA's

Dude u are the master, u are the stronger, u gotta teach me how u do it!

U have kicked our ass over these last 12 years we've been apart.

Im tired of u being so much more successful than us.

Why have a grammy and multiplatinum albums when I couldve disappeared and not done shit?

Dude u are the stronger! U got it Down brother!

to me until CD comes out, slash and Duff are in the lead so why would he say Axl was the stronger?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 08, 2006, 03:24:07 PM
that was funny D>...

Maybe he mean axl's lawyers were stronger being they get so much work :hihi:

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 08, 2006, 03:26:47 PM
that was funny D>...

Maybe he mean axl's lawyers were stronger being they get so much work :hihi:

 :hihi: :hihi:

It just doesnt fit with the rest of that at all and why wouldnt that part be in every version of the story?

To me that would be the part that would sell the magazines and the newspapers.

So the fact it isnt in Yahoo's makes me wonder for real.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Origen on March 08, 2006, 03:39:17 PM
Offcial VR site:

Velvet Revolver in the Throes of Creation [3/7/2006]
Velvet Revolver is currently writing new music for their next record.? Stay tuned for more information.

It's all good? : ok:

it just hasn't been updated, on below empty the newest news posted is about duff talking of the second album..

You do know Below Empty ( is a UNofficial Site  : ok:

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 08, 2006, 03:47:17 PM
Offcial VR site:

Velvet Revolver in the Throes of Creation [3/7/2006]
Velvet Revolver is currently writing new music for their next record.? Stay tuned for more information.

It's all good? : ok:

it just hasn't been updated, on below empty the newest news posted is about duff talking of the second album..

You do know Below Empty ( is a UNofficial Site? : ok:

yes I know, I just had trouble getting around the vr forum so I go there for eevrything being the news is constantly updated

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: journey on March 08, 2006, 04:26:10 PM
Instead of speculating, bashing and potentially saying hurtful things about either Slash or Axl:

If there are further queries regarding this statement, please contact:

Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq

(310) 201-7450 Direct

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: GNR - CROATIA on March 08, 2006, 05:05:01 PM
The fact is - AXL IS A LIAR!? ?Anyway you look at it.
He mentioned a month ago he hasn't spoken to Slash inb 10 years and now this.
Why should we trust someone who is prooven to be unreliable!?
Axl obviously has trouble with reality. (Not only because it still takes him over 15 years to bring his own cd of music out to the sun light).
On the other hand,? ?no matter all the years Slash used to be my guitar hero,? I got severly dissapointed at him at few occassions -

Doesn't matter at all.
Patronizing or not,  not saying the truth is a - LIE!   Anyway you look at it,  saying the things that are not true is a lie. Period.
If he wanted to patronize a reporter,  he could've said he didn't have any comment.
Axl is a fucking liar who says contradictory stuff within few days between them

Axl was approached by a RS reporter at a party; he was asked about Slash. Trying to enjoy himself, Axl mentioned that he respected the man and hadn't spoken to him in ten years. Now isn't it possible that Axl patronized the reporter because it was not the proper place to blow the lid off an incendiary secret? It is plausible in my mind, at least.

I do think that something happened recently that convinced Axl to countersue. Perhaps there were talks to settle or drop the suit which failed to materialize. Axl may have used the Oct 2005 conversation as a bit of blackmail to instigate a settlement.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: GNR - CROATIA on March 08, 2006, 05:06:40 PM
oopps!  added a comment within a quote...
Anyway,  everything I was gona say is that Axl is a fucking liar. Period.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: badapple81 on March 08, 2006, 06:52:24 PM
Instead of speculating, bashing and potentially saying hurtful things about either Slash or Axl:

If there are further queries regarding this statement, please contact:

Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq

(310) 201-7450 Direct

I wonder if anybody has done that  ???

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 08, 2006, 07:08:35 PM
Instead of speculating, bashing and potentially saying hurtful things about either Slash or Axl:

If there are further queries regarding this statement, please contact:

Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq

(310) 201-7450 Direct

I wonder if anybody has done that? ???

Not me... I just need a simple bit of proof or a statement from either slash or axl not by the lawyers

I'm suprisedf the security tape of slash climbing the barb wire walls hasn't surfaced... it would be so hard to tell it was slash :rofl:

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Smoking Guns on March 08, 2006, 07:32:01 PM
Instead of speculating, bashing and potentially saying hurtful things about either Slash or Axl:

If there are further queries regarding this statement, please contact:

Mr. Howard Weitzman, Esq

(310) 201-7450 Direct

I wonder if anybody has done that? ???

Not me... I just need a simple bit of proof or a statement from either slash or axl not by the lawyers

I'm suprisedf the security tape of slash climbing the barb wire walls hasn't surfaced... it would be so hard to tell it was slash :rofl:

They did find an AC/DC hat on the grounds.  Is Slash the infamous Night Prowler?

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: killingvector on March 08, 2006, 09:56:48 PM
Patronizing or not,  not saying the truth is a - LIE!   Anyway you look at it,  saying the things that are not true is a lie. Period.
If he wanted to patronize a reporter,  he could've said he didn't have any comment.
Axl is a fucking liar who says contradictory stuff within few days between them

And of course, you have never hedged the truth to someone who could use your words against you.  ::)   Slash and Axl are human beings with regular irrational human emotions; Slash has hedged the truth on a number of occasions; Duff as well. Does that make me hate them, think they are bad people? of course not. Don't judge this battle based on the accusations and the emotions being projected back and forth. No one here knows the truth or the intent. Without one or the other, we are reading tea leaves.  Axl, Slash, and Duff deserve the benefit of the doubt until the truth is told: march 28 is a good staring place.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: tomass74 on March 09, 2006, 02:45:08 PM

"you are the stronger" please let me lick your balls.

 :rofl: That was too fucking funny dude.....

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: makane on March 09, 2006, 03:06:25 PM
"We are starting on the new album soon and are going to try to have it out by fall, so touring sept oct hopefully."

-Matt Sorum
March 7

I hope that's the case.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: SADIS on March 09, 2006, 04:24:02 PM
"We are starting on the new album soon and are going to try to have it out by fall, so touring sept oct hopefully."

-Matt Sorum
March 7

I hope that's the case.

Where did he say that? Good news BTW.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: CAFC Nick on March 09, 2006, 05:53:24 PM
It's good long as the thing about Pharrell Williams is not true.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 10, 2006, 03:16:05 AM
If they have a song with that fucker, I am gonna be extremely pissed off.

Fuck Pharrell and his shitty stuff.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 10, 2006, 03:19:14 AM
If they have a song with that fucker, I am gonna be extremely pissed off.

Fuck Pharrell and his shitty stuff.

I think he is talented in his music and the production done by the neptunes

I am still waiting to hear a song with nas or shaq with axl..

I don't mind a song or something, just not an entire album..

It's like I think one estranged and on NR per album is perfect, start throwing 4-5 of them in one album length wise it becomes boring

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: makane on March 10, 2006, 04:40:04 AM
"We are starting on the new album soon and are going to try to have it out by fall, so touring sept oct hopefully."

-Matt Sorum
March 7

I hope that's the case.

Where did he say that? Good news BTW.
Sorum Forum.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: VRslash on March 10, 2006, 09:52:35 AM
So does Slash hate his bandmates?

K the answer is NO. Hes been in the same band as Matt and Duff since GNR. and his friend Dave is a cool guy, and is realy good at guitar. why would you hate him. and scott is scott. an amazing front man that isnt as much of a fucking dick as axl. so what do you think. is there trouble. i think not. VR is stronger then ever. and this time around they know each other and are good friends. the band was thrown to gether vary fast. not alot of time to realy get to knwo each other and you cant make a good ablum with strangers. the next album will be amazing. there is no limit in my mind for how good this could be. axls album will not be better then AFD or illusions. so we no how good thats going to be. good but not as good. this VR album will be amazing.

its vary obviouse that slash has goten over the GNR thing but has no intenitions to go back to gnr. VR is amazing and will be. GNR is beond its peck. i like scott more then axl anyway so whatever. slash seid eh cant wait for CD and is supportive of axl. yeah becouse VR is working on a amazing album and they dont need to live there lifes off GNR. GNR is over for them. and VR is the future.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: D on March 10, 2006, 11:43:40 AM
I think Scott cleared up all this shit..

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 10, 2006, 12:56:06 PM
the whole fucking thing is boring me already.....

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: VRslash on March 10, 2006, 03:15:36 PM
the whole fucking thing is boring me already.....

tell me about it. scott is amazing and axl is amazing. there just diffrent but simaler i guess. if you can say that

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Luigi on March 10, 2006, 04:14:41 PM
I don't know but if I was Slash I would'nt want to be on stage with some one else than AXL ;D

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 10, 2006, 05:14:24 PM
the whole fucking thing is boring me already.....

tell me about it. scott is amazing and axl is amazing. there just diffrent but simaler i guess. if you can say that

You know I don't even care if someone doesn't like scott as a singer or performer, I juste hate the bullshit people spew..

I mean how many times have I defended axl growing up saying he's not gay he had a glam period or leather is teh rock look, the teased hair etc.. Then in the 90's witht eh extra tight short bike shorts, those dark shorts that were tight, all those rose prints that were tight , then the cigarette holder, the boa, the fur, etc.... But that was all cool, but scott being his own person and always a original is gay because he wears tight clothing.. it is a total flip side here, people just bash....

Same shit anyone with a bandana is trying to be axl ,anyone ranting is trying to be axl, anyone with red hair is trying to be axl.. it's so fucking stupid... If people wante dto be axl you wouldn't see them andthey wouldn't release music or tour for great lengths, they would keep a badn name without any of the original members

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: SuperMike on March 10, 2006, 11:30:37 PM
Maybe Slash is mad with the plans of a "danceable" VR album.

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 13, 2006, 05:03:02 PM
Offcial VR site:

Velvet Revolver in the Throes of Creation [3/7/2006]
Velvet Revolver is currently writing new music for their next record.? Stay tuned for more information.

It's all good? : ok:

it just hasn't been updated, on below empty the newest news posted is about duff talking of the second album..

You do know Below Empty ( is a UNofficial Site? : ok:

yes I know, I just had trouble getting around the vr forum so I go there for eevrything being the news is constantly updated

of course, the band members read and post there to.....well Dave and Duff do

Title: Re: There may be trouble ahead!
Post by: Communist China on March 13, 2006, 09:10:02 PM
The only thing capable of tearing VR apart is creative differences and that whole Pharrel bullsh*t.