Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Origen on March 06, 2006, 04:29:54 AM

Title: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: Origen on March 06, 2006, 04:29:54 AM
This might of been posted last night so sorry if it has been.

Anyway Channel 4 (UK) occasionally do top 100 countdowns of anything you can think of. The last time they did a music top 100 it was for the top 100 greatest albums, Appetite for Destruction came in at number 7 and Slash was on talking about Nightrain and how they shot the SCOM video etc....

Anyway last night it was the top 100 Pop Videos (by know means to be taken seriously, not because it was pop videos just because the video list was stupid, GnR even got beat by Electric 6 Gay Bar!)

Guns N Roses came in at number 38: Live & Let Die, 37: November Rain. It was just critics saying how they were like a cartoon band (Slash with the top hat and hair, Axl with the bandana etc..). They critized the November Rain video for be so so over the top, the only part they said was decent and memorable was the Slash solo outside the Church. Andy Morahan was on (the director of November Rain) and he was saying he never understood the stories and the reason (stephanies) funeral is through the day and Axl appears at the grave at night is because Axl went to the dentist the day of filming and choose to come hours later.

I'm not sure if anymore GnR videos were on the list cause I stopped watching after that, just thought you'd like to know.

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: duga on March 06, 2006, 05:14:43 AM
the reason (stephanies) funeral is through the day and Axl appears at the grave at night is because Axl went to the dentist the day of filming and choose to come hours later.

 :rofl: Typical Axl

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: godiva on March 06, 2006, 08:00:35 AM
^ that's funny. Never heard of it. Never even thought about it, come to think of it.

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: Mutherfunker on March 06, 2006, 08:38:18 AM
What made me laugh was that they had the guy who directed it saying how ridiculously over the top it was.

He told some good stories tho, like the only way to get daytime shots of the band was to keep them up all night and then shoot them in the morning cus if they went to bed they wouldn't come out untill it was dark again. lol.

Also, the guy had all this expensive equipment ready, and loads of actors, crew, etc for the grave scene and Axl just decided to go to the dentist instead of showing up - and that's why the burial is shot in daylight, and the shot of Axl at the grave is at night when he finally turned up.


Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: chezza on March 06, 2006, 09:25:01 AM
You could tell they were just finding anything to bash them bloke said "and then they put Rain in the shot"...I was like..."Well's called November RAIN. Not November 'warm sunny day'." Fucking idiots -_-

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: contrabandAFD on March 06, 2006, 01:28:17 PM
Bit confused about why GN'R was in the 100 Greatest POP videos, but at least they're getting some recognition!!

I wouldn't take anything that the Channel 4 Countdown lists say seriously though, 'cos they countdown everything! I wouldn't be surprised to find the Countdown of the 100 Greatest Countdown Lists on Channel 4 very soon!

Axl blowing off the video shoot for the dentist is great, though!? ;D It sounds like the kinda thing he wud've done back then. It wasn't until i saw that show last night that I noticed that half of the burial scene is in daylight, and then when Axl is in it, it's suddenly pitch black. It obviously didn't make much of a difference to the video, though, so I guess he knew what he was doing!?

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: Mr.Bootlegs on March 06, 2006, 01:56:14 PM
Bit confused about why GN'R was in the 100 Greatest POP videos, but at least they're getting some recognition!!

Come on man, November Rain WAS and IS pop. A lot of GNR is. I know we like to think of them sometimes as a bit 'out there' but they are not and never really were so of course they're gonna be on that list. I'm surprised they ween't higher. And by the way Live and Let die was NOT  on the list. They simply just showed clips of it before NR.

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: Stevenson on March 06, 2006, 10:14:00 PM
One guy, think it was the director said, "yeah, it was like Spinal Tap with money" :hihi:

I thought that was fuckin halarious

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: Bad_Apple on March 07, 2006, 01:04:51 AM
awww I wish I could watch this UK production...hehe....(oh Andy Morahan, ur a character)....

Title: Re: Guns N Roses on another Channel 4 List
Post by: Elrothiel on March 07, 2006, 01:19:09 AM
Actually I never watch ANY of those countdown lists... especially if its something I care about (like Rock Vids or Albums). Reason: I don't want to start yelling "What are you on about you stupid cunts!!?" at the TV if they put lets say... an album by Britney Spears ahead of Appetite.

That is a worst case scenario, but seriously... you can't trust the countdown lists. Not one bit.
Usually they don't know what the hell they're talking about. : ok: