Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: scawl18 on March 03, 2006, 02:38:42 PM

Title: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: scawl18 on March 03, 2006, 02:38:42 PM
Fascinating read

CITR lyric
"All at once this song i heard"

Chapman heard over and over in his head "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT" right before shooting lennon 5x's.

"On an Ordinary Day"? Chapman went and saw the movie "Ordinary people" while staking Lennon out.

WOuld sign his name "The Catcher in the Rye"

"Then this morning I went to the bookstore and bought The Catcher in the Rye. I?m sure the large part of me is Holden Caulfield, who is the main person in the book. The small part of me must be the Devil. "

Portion of Statement of Mark David Chapman to police at 1 a.m., Dec. 9, 1980, three hours after the murder of John Lennon.

Slow work day...thought i would just look into song a little..

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 03, 2006, 02:41:15 PM
and the son of sam had his dog telling him to do it..

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: AxlFink on March 03, 2006, 02:43:28 PM
is that what citr is about

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 03, 2006, 02:44:42 PM
is that what citr is about

yes it is, chapman shooting lenon

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: The Dog on March 03, 2006, 02:46:17 PM
Crime Library is a great site...very in depth.  Some really sick bastards/bitches out there though.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 03, 2006, 02:48:16 PM
Crime Library is a great site...very in depth.? Some really sick bastards/bitches out there though.

Damn right, someone like scott peterson kills and then women are throwing themselves at him, they want marriage sex his child.. Fucking nutty fucks, almost as bad as a gnr fan community :-*

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: The Dog on March 03, 2006, 02:52:07 PM
I really can't begin to comprehend what this must have been like big of a news story this must have been.  My generation has Cobain, but he can't even hold a candle to Lennon.  And that was a suicide, not a senseless murder.  The Beatles were/are still one of the most popular/famous bands in the ENTIRE world.....just blows my mind.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 03, 2006, 02:53:59 PM
I really can't begin to comprehend what this must have been like big of a news story this must have been.? My generation has Cobain, but he can't even hold a candle to Lennon.? And that was a suicide, not a senseless murder.? The Beatles were/are still one of the most popular/famous bands in the ENTIRE world.....just blows my mind.

Cobain was the dumbest fucking thing, I was just about out of HS when that happened... I remember mtv had suicide hotlines going say not to kill yourself because kurt did.... I was like please!

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: shaun on March 03, 2006, 02:56:19 PM
And there?s something else I want to say. I feel that I see John Lennon now not as a celebrity. I did then. I saw him as a cardboard cutout on an album cover.

That's how i've always viewed Axl, as a carboard cutout  :hihi:

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 03, 2006, 02:59:43 PM
I really can't begin to comprehend what this must have been like big of a news story this must have been.? My generation has Cobain, but he can't even hold a candle to Lennon.? And that was a suicide, not a senseless murder.? The Beatles were/are still one of the most popular/famous bands in the ENTIRE world.....just blows my mind.
It was huge. Although I was only 5 when Lennon was murdered, my mom used to talk about it. I was watching ESPN a couple of weeks ago, and they were talking about Howard Cosell, and showing various highlights of his career. He was a big Lennon fan, and Lennon had appeared on Monday Night Football with him previously. They showed footage of MNF the night Lennon was killed, and when Cosell has to tell the audience that Lennon has been killed, you can tell he is forcing himself to hold back his tears. Very emotional.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: nonlinear on March 03, 2006, 02:59:52 PM
did Axl say citr was about lennon's assination?  when did he say that?

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: scawl18 on March 03, 2006, 03:00:08 PM
Just a statement like "Chapman is an asshole" "wanted to be famous" is just way to simplistic.

Yes he was nuts...but tortured.

And I think this is a tribute to Lennon.  I remember the day he was shot.  I was 5 years old and I can remember standing right next to the Piano in our house...i can remember my parents talking about it...and my oldest sister crying.

My next door neighbor was like 13 and I remember just watching his face as he was crying....just thinking why is he crying?

And hearing this song made me think about all that stuff...will make a lot of people remember that day a 1/4 of a century ago.  What more of a tribute is there than that?

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: The Dog on March 03, 2006, 03:00:17 PM
I really can't begin to comprehend what this must have been like big of a news story this must have been.? My generation has Cobain, but he can't even hold a candle to Lennon.? And that was a suicide, not a senseless murder.? The Beatles were/are still one of the most popular/famous bands in the ENTIRE world.....just blows my mind.

Cobain was the dumbest fucking thing, I was just about out of HS when that happened... I remember mtv had suicide hotlines going say not to kill yourself because kurt did.... I was like please!

Yeah, they really went over the top with that one. ?But what do you expect from MTV. ?Like I said, the reaction to his death pales in comparison to Lennons - to this day people still leave flowers at strawberry fields and the Dakota on the day of his death. ?

Scawl, thats a crazy memory - like I said I just can't imagine the shock waves that must have sent throughout the world...young and old, people on diff continents, speaking diff languages...everyone must have just been floored.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: shaun on March 03, 2006, 03:06:18 PM
Just a statement like "Chapman is an asshole" "wanted to be famous" is just way to simplistic.

Yes he was nuts...but tortured.

And I think this is a tribute to Lennon.  I remember the day he was shot.  I was 5 years old and I can remember standing right next to the Piano in our house...i can remember my parents talking about it...and my oldest sister crying.

My next door neighbor was like 13 and I remember just watching his face as he was crying....just thinking why is he crying?

And hearing this song made me think about all that stuff...will make a lot of people remember that day a 1/4 of a century ago.  What more of a tribute is there than that?

I never recall any real fuss over Lennon being shot, maybe my head space was else where at the time, although i do remember the atmosphere in the house when the news announced Elvis had been found dead, although i was to young to really take it in. The news announcing Kurt Cobain having shot himself dead kinda hit me, i thought, oh no, that can't be. Then at a selfish level i was kinda thiking, no more Nirvana songs  :-\

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: scawl18 on March 03, 2006, 03:06:35 PM
In the next few days, a teen-age girl in Florida and a man of 30 in Utah killed themselves, leaving notes telling of depression over Lennon's death.

Another confused, suicidal young man was among those at the tribute in New York. Three weeks later, he confided his thoughts to a tape recorder.

"I just want to say goodbye to the old year, which was nothing total misery, total death," he said. "John Lennon is dead, the world is over, forget it.

"Anything I might do in 1981 would be solely for Jodie Foster's sake. Just tell the world in some way that I worship and idolize her.''

The world would hear of John Hinckley three months later.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: CAFC Nick on March 03, 2006, 03:15:08 PM
Well basically the Catcher in the Rye was the book left at the scene of the Lennon shooting by Mark David Chapman...I take it thats what the song is about or it could actually be in reference to the book and not the infamous shooting.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: The Dog on March 03, 2006, 03:15:12 PM
In the next few days, a teen-age girl in Florida and a man of 30 in Utah killed themselves, leaving notes telling of depression over Lennon's death.

Another confused, suicidal young man was among those at the tribute in New York. Three weeks later, he confided his thoughts to a tape recorder.

"I just want to say goodbye to the old year, which was nothing total misery, total death," he said. "John Lennon is dead, the world is over, forget it.

"Anything I might do in 1981 would be solely for Jodie Foster's sake. Just tell the world in some way that I worship and idolize her.''

The world would hear of John Hinckley three months later.

Thats f'ing trippy/spooky.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: scawl18 on March 03, 2006, 03:17:50 PM
oh no.

I have something in common....Mark Chapman gave his wife a copy of catcher in the rye..and would read it to her, and made her read it.

I do the same thing with GNR song leaks ;D

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: scawl18 on March 03, 2006, 03:21:38 PM
Great book.
I read it 15 years is very short book.

Might read it again.

I just remember that i got goose bumps when i read the part when Holden wants to catch kids in the be the catcher in the rye.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: nonlinear on March 03, 2006, 03:25:10 PM
yea I've read it, I didn't care much for it.  i really got bored with the plot about half way through, and the ending didn't really work for me.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: The Dog on March 03, 2006, 03:31:11 PM
Yeah, its a great book - I don't know too many people who can't relate to it.

For some reasons a lot of pychotic people like it.  The Mel Gibson movie "conspiracy theory" plays into that fact...his character feels he HAS to buy a copy of the book anytime he ever sees it.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on March 03, 2006, 03:37:39 PM
Yeah, its a great book - I don't know too many people who can't relate to it.

For some reasons a lot of pychotic people like it.  The Mel Gibson movie "conspiracy theory" plays into that fact...his character feels he HAS to buy a copy of the book anytime he ever sees it.

A lot of nutjobs embrace the book because it's about being an outcast

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: SOLGER on March 03, 2006, 04:05:41 PM
Has anyone read the book? I was thinking of checking it out.

yeah Holden dies at the end  : ok:

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: SWINGTRADER on March 03, 2006, 04:20:19 PM
here is something for you conspiracy theorists out there? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: andypa1 on March 03, 2006, 08:10:53 PM
Suprised it hasnt been mentioned yet, but there is a film about mark chapman being made and well into production at the moment. is this a coincidence or could axls track be on it? It was on the news cos yoko ono was complaining and protesting, about the film

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: McDuff on March 03, 2006, 08:24:15 PM
I really don't remember much about the day Lennon was killed,mostly because I was very young and another reason is that that my family didn't listen to any kind of rock music,they all claimed it was"devil music",anyway,that's probably why I turned out to be the asshole that I am today.I've never read the book,maybe I'll check it out tho. :peace:

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: Disco Volante on March 04, 2006, 01:52:51 AM
It is easy to assume its about the Lennon murder.  But does anyone know when Axl said the song is about the murder?

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: Jonx on March 04, 2006, 01:55:22 AM
I really can't begin to comprehend what this must have been like big of a news story this must have been.  My generation has Cobain, but he can't even hold a candle to Lennon.  And that was a suicide, not a senseless murder.  The Beatles were/are still one of the most popular/famous bands in the ENTIRE world.....just blows my mind.

Cobain was the dumbest fucking thing, I was just about out of HS when that happened... I remember mtv had suicide hotlines going say not to kill yourself because kurt did.... I was like please!

Someone who is thinking along the same lines as me..... Cobain overrated in life and death!


Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: McDuff on March 04, 2006, 01:59:41 AM
I really can't begin to comprehend what this must have been like big of a news story this must have been.  My generation has Cobain, but he can't even hold a candle to Lennon.  And that was a suicide, not a senseless murder.  The Beatles were/are still one of the most popular/famous bands in the ENTIRE world.....just blows my mind.

Cobain was the dumbest fucking thing, I was just about out of HS when that happened... I remember mtv had suicide hotlines going say not to kill yourself because kurt did.... I was like please!

Someone who is thinking along the same lines as me..... Cobain overrated in life and death!


Yeah I agree with you on that :peace:

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 04, 2006, 05:07:16 AM
It is easy to assume its about the Lennon murder.? But does anyone know when Axl said the song is about the murder?
No he never said that, but its obvious its what he is referring to in the lyrics.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: lookingforbigfoot on March 04, 2006, 10:41:03 AM
Man, stop taking snippits of the songs out of context, picking ONE word out and then saying they mean this...

"all at once the song I heard"

UM - how is that 'do it do it do it'???

how about taking the whole thing...

"all at once the song I heard, no longer would it play, for anybody or anyone"

Um, dude, that's another way of saying someone died without actually saying someone died.  And since Lennon was a musician, the song no longer playing is a fitting reference to his death.

But man i hate it when people so blatantly misinterpret things.  No wonder axl doesn't say anything.  With fans like that, the words get so twisted and taken out of context I'm sure he's just sick (and probably a little amused) at the whole situation.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: AxlFink on March 04, 2006, 11:14:05 AM
Suprised it hasnt been mentioned yet, but there is a film about mark chapman being made and well into production at the moment. is this a coincidence or could axls track be on it? It was on the news cos yoko ono was complaining and protesting, about the film
who is playing chapman? i bet the song will be in the movie but CD better be out before then!

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on March 04, 2006, 12:06:50 PM
I grew up in New York State and CITR was required reading for us. 

It's a must-read for all adolescents in my eyes.

To me it's really sad to see kids nowadays in areas that ban books like CITR.   :(

Also, thanks for the informative posts people.  Good stuff.   :peace:

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: killingvector on March 04, 2006, 01:30:41 PM
Suprised it hasnt been mentioned yet, but there is a film about mark chapman being made and well into production at the moment. is this a coincidence or could axls track be on it? It was on the news cos yoko ono was complaining and protesting, about the film
who is playing chapman? i bet the song will be in the movie but CD better be out before then!

the film is called Chapter 27 and it just wrapped up principle shooting. MDC is being played by Jared Leto, who gained almost 30 pounds to play the chubby, disillusioned killer. 

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: knut on March 09, 2006, 04:07:46 AM
Queen guitarist plays on new Guns N Roses song

As another new Guns N? Roses song leaked on to the Internet, Queen guitarist Brian May posted a message on his website confirming himself as the guitarist on the song.

?Catcher in the Rye? is a huge classic rock-sounding epic, with hints of Beatles and Queen influence. The song?s title is a reference to the book David Chapman carried the day he killed former Beatle John Lennon.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: Journeyman on March 09, 2006, 09:24:13 AM
I really can't begin to comprehend what this must have been like big of a news story this must have been.? My generation has Cobain, but he can't even hold a candle to Lennon.? And that was a suicide, not a senseless murder.? The Beatles were/are still one of the most popular/famous bands in the ENTIRE world.....just blows my mind.

Cobain was the dumbest fucking thing, I was just about out of HS when that happened... I remember mtv had suicide hotlines going say not to kill yourself because kurt did.... I was like please!

Someone who is thinking along the same lines as me..... Cobain overrated in life and death!


Yeah I agree with you on that :peace:

me 2

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: Mal Brossard on March 09, 2006, 10:38:47 AM
i bet the song will be in the movie but CD better be out before then!

Axl stated in 2002 to a fan talking to him after the NYC show that Catcher In The Rye was a real song title AND that it would be on the third disc of the three discs he's working on.  He said the third disc would be more introspective, which seems to match the song.

If we can authenticate the recent rumor that there will be three discs, each roughly 3 months apart, starting in June (I remember hearing this, but I don't remember where), then disc three and CITR will be out in the time frame of December 2006 to March 2007.  With the movie coming out in 2007, this is pretty reasonable timing for it.

To me, the song feels like it would certainly fit in well in a movie soundtrack and could have an amazing music video for it.  I can certainly see CITR being on the Chapter 27 soundtrack.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: pilferk on March 09, 2006, 10:42:00 AM

If we can authenticate the recent rumor that there will be three discs, each roughly 3 months apart, starting in June (I remember hearing this, but I don't remember where), then disc three and CITR will be out in the time frame of December 2006 to March 2007.? With the movie coming out in 2007, this is pretty reasonable timing for it.

You heard it as part of a bogus interview that was posted.  The interview was supposedly conducted by Keanu Reeves, with Axl, at an Oscar's after party and was supposedly on DirectTV.

All of which was proven to be fake...

Indeed, the poster admitted he made it up, and is now banned.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: Mal Brossard on March 10, 2006, 02:16:56 PM
Oh well.  It made sense for about 5 minutes.  Goddamn fakes.

Title: Re: Mark Chapman (catcher in the Rye)
Post by: bucketheadfan on March 10, 2006, 03:07:58 PM
thanks fot the info.