Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: ostronomy on February 28, 2006, 09:48:20 PM

Title: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: ostronomy on February 28, 2006, 09:48:20 PM
Talking Metal has posted episode 46 of their "Talking Metal" podcast. In this Guns N' Roses special, hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy stakeout the Sanctuary Management offices in New York City in hopes of interviewing Guns N' Roses manager Merck Mercuriadis and other staff regarding the release of the long awaited album "Chinese Democracy." The podcast includes encounters with various Sanctuary personnel as well as an exclusive interview with Playboy model, DJ, Vexy Strut singer, Tuesdae, who spent time with GN'R mainman Axl Rose last week at a members-only Hollywood party. Strigl and Ostronomy also interview employees of the Old Homestead Steak House, an establishment Rose frequents and appeared at during his recent trip to New York. Pictures as well as the 50 minute podcast can be downloaded at this location ( ). iTunes users can also subscribe to "Talking Metal" for free at this location ( ).

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: axls#2 on February 28, 2006, 09:52:48 PM
That's interesting.  About damn time someone takes the initiative although I think they could have tried a bit earlier when the fan base was at their most desperate. 

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: misterID on February 28, 2006, 09:57:45 PM
That's interesting.? About damn time someone takes the initiative although I think they could have tried a bit earlier when the fan base was at their most desperate.?


Is there anything relevant in the broadcast?

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Danny on February 28, 2006, 10:11:08 PM
Just in case anyone is trying to find it, this GNR related episode of this podcast does'nt seem to be available on itunes yet.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Saul on February 28, 2006, 10:19:39 PM
my god , these guys dont seem to know much at all , moreover .. they are doing a BUNCH of speculation. wowzers.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Saul on February 28, 2006, 10:22:53 PM
lol , now they're saying something about a DJ in florida says "prostitute" single in april and the album release date on 06/06/06  :rofl:

jesus , how unprofessional is this?! jesus.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Danny on February 28, 2006, 10:26:54 PM
jesus , how unprofessional is this?! jesus.

Well, it is an independant podcast.  By definition it's unprofessional.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: benchiefjr on February 28, 2006, 10:28:25 PM
Can anyone provide a brief summary of what is on this...anything earthshattering at all...or ANYTHING worthwhile?

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Saul on February 28, 2006, 10:29:55 PM
jesus , how unprofessional is this?! jesus.

Well, it is an independant podcast.  By definition it's unprofessional.

nothing worthwhile at all!!! so far anyway.

they just asked some guy at sanctuary if they could ask about chinese democracy and he kinda laughed and said "I cant talk about that , sorry"


this is laughable!!

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Danny on February 28, 2006, 10:35:08 PM
nothing worthwhile at all!!! so far anyway.

they just asked some guy at sanctuary if they could ask about chinese democracy and he kinda laughed and said "I cant talk about that , sorry"


this is laughable!!

I don't get it.  Why so negative against these guys?  At least they tried something other then sitting around in their underwear on their computer e-mailing dumbass local DJ's.  I give kudos to these guys for just giving it a real shot trying to get some info.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Saul on February 28, 2006, 10:45:38 PM
nothing worthwhile at all!!! so far anyway.

they just asked some guy at sanctuary if they could ask about chinese democracy and he kinda laughed and said "I cant talk about that , sorry"


this is laughable!!

I don't get it.  Why so negative against these guys?  At least they tried something other then sitting around in their underwear on their computer e-mailing dumbass local DJ's.  I give kudos to these guys for just giving it a real shot trying to get some info.

what am I spose to have a huge hardon cause they went and stood up outside sanctuary?  ::)

get off my dick allready ...  : ok:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: saint seiya on February 28, 2006, 10:47:05 PM
did u guys listen to the song at the end from that chick, shes got a fucking killer voice. im diggin that song.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: axls#2 on February 28, 2006, 10:50:33 PM
nothing worthwhile at all!!! so far anyway.

they just asked some guy at sanctuary if they could ask about chinese democracy and he kinda laughed and said "I cant talk about that , sorry"


this is laughable!!

I don't get it.? Why so negative against these guys?? At least they tried something other then sitting around in their underwear on their computer e-mailing dumbass local DJ's.? I give kudos to these guys for just giving it a real shot trying to get some info.

what am I spose to have a huge hardon cause they went and stood up outside sanctuary?? ::)

get off my dick allready ...? : ok:

Sounds like the guy has had that question asked before.? ?For the life of me I will never be able to understand all of the mystery this album is shrouded in.? Everyone involved treats it like they can't talk about it because if they do the Nazi's will conquer the world and exterminate all of the jews.? And I understand this guy not talking, because he could get fired, and I'm not saying it's not great, I have very high expectations just as many others on the board but still.... It's a flippin rock album!

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: oldgunsfan on February 28, 2006, 10:51:47 PM
Nice to know Sanctuary's so well iinformed :-X

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Danny on February 28, 2006, 10:52:07 PM
what am I spose to have a huge hardon cause they went and stood up outside sanctuary? ?

get off my dick allready ... ?

Dude. ?You're the one getting on their dick(s)! ?If you thought the interview sucked so bad and was so laughable, why waste the time posting anything?

But you know what? ?Who cares. ?It did suck...but at least they tried SOMETHING.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: spacebrain5000 on February 28, 2006, 11:05:20 PM
i dunno... i enjoyed it... sort of... it was cute. them asking the restaurant next door to sanctuary if they've ever seen axl rose  :rofl:

and hearing that chick talk about meeting axl.. it was cool. she made some sense of things. and is quite obviously a huge fan. talked a lot about vocal stuff, which seems to be what she and Axl bonded over.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: The Dog on February 28, 2006, 11:05:37 PM
Why don't we stage a MASSIVE sit in at Sanctuarys NY office.  Pick a date a few weeks from now so people can plan trips.  Contact NY area HTGTH members and crash at their places if you're coming in from out of town.  We'll all meet at a designated area, march down to Sanctuary's office and squat in the lobby until we get some answers to whats going on, like an album release date, who is in the band right now, when the first single is coming out etc....And we don't leave until they arrest us or until we get answers.  NOW THAT IS ROCK N' ROLL MOTHER F'ERS!!!

We can call the media as soon as we arrive and get tons of publicity for the band as well as for our cause!


Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Saul on February 28, 2006, 11:10:44 PM
that chick really hates buckethead huh?

but meh , her song really sucks , cheesy lyrics and her voice is pretty lee aaron mid 80 metal queen-ish. oh well.

heres to her 15 minutes of fame I guess.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: killingvector on February 28, 2006, 11:31:22 PM
that chick really hates buckethead huh?

but meh , her song really sucks , cheesy lyrics and her voice is pretty lee aaron mid 80 metal queen-ish. oh well.

heres to her 15 minutes of fame I guess.  :hihi:

She got it, but I think Axl could last more than 15 minutes

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on February 28, 2006, 11:33:22 PM
Why don't we stage a MASSIVE sit in at Sanctuarys NY office.? Pick a date a few weeks from now so people can plan trips.? Contact NY area HTGTH members and crash at their places if you're coming in from out of town.? We'll all meet at a designated area, march down to Sanctuary's office and squat in the lobby until we get some answers to whats going on, like an album release date, who is in the band right now, when the first single is coming out etc....And we don't leave until they arrest us or until we get answers.? NOW THAT IS ROCK N' ROLL MOTHER F'ERS!!!

We can call the media as soon as we arrive and get tons of publicity for the band as well as for our cause!


I would love to go to Sanctuary's office but then we would be arrested for much as I want this album..I refuse to go to jail.


If we know for sure that Axl is in town and at the offices...then I am in :beer:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: The Dog on February 28, 2006, 11:37:01 PM
^^^aww come on, you'd be released in an hour or two....a little disturbing the peace never got anyone serious time in the pen :)  A peaceful, non violent sit in would be soooo awesome with like 100 die hard gunners and all the major networks taping it! haha.  Fans from all over the world would be inspired and do the same at Geffen offices around the country! ;)

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on February 28, 2006, 11:47:58 PM
^^^aww come on, you'd be released in an hour or two....a little disturbing the peace never got anyone serious time in the pen :)? A peaceful, non violent sit in would be soooo awesome with like 100 die hard gunners and all the major networks taping it! haha.? Fans from all over the world would be inspired and do the same at Geffen offices around the country! ;)

I have to admit I am very intrigued.  Has this ever been done before?...and yes it most definitely would make news at least on the music channels.  Hmmmm definitely something to think about :yes:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: The Dog on March 01, 2006, 02:06:24 AM
^^^aww come on, you'd be released in an hour or two....a little disturbing the peace never got anyone serious time in the pen :)  A peaceful, non violent sit in would be soooo awesome with like 100 die hard gunners and all the major networks taping it! haha.  Fans from all over the world would be inspired and do the same at Geffen offices around the country! ;)

I have to admit I am very intrigued.  Has this ever been done before?...and yes it most definitely would make news at least on the music channels.  Hmmmm definitely something to think about :yes:

Not that I have heard of.....think about it...if you really had a MASSIVE rally, totally peaceful, how could you NOT be touched and flattered if you were Axl...shit, he MIGHT even show up!! ok, probably not.  But maybe his reps will!!! :)

I am kinda serious about this.  Who is with me?  Oh, if this is illegal in any way shape or form..I am TOTALLY just kidding :)

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on March 01, 2006, 02:08:56 AM
That was one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard.  It sounded like they were bumrushing every person that walked out of Sanc.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Wooody on March 01, 2006, 06:29:41 AM

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: DazRose85 on March 01, 2006, 07:06:30 AM
These guys are cool ;D

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: DazRose85 on March 01, 2006, 07:45:03 AM
Just finished listening... cool interview with the girl, but I'm a bit concered when she said Axl told her he is pulling back from using the more raspy voice :-\

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 08:06:14 AM
^^^aww come on, you'd be released in an hour or two....a little disturbing the peace never got anyone serious time in the pen :)? A peaceful, non violent sit in would be soooo awesome with like 100 die hard gunners and all the major networks taping it! haha.? Fans from all over the world would be inspired and do the same at Geffen offices around the country! ;)

I have to admit I am very intrigued.? Has this ever been done before?...and yes it most definitely would make news at least on the music channels.? Hmmmm definitely something to think about :yes:

Fuck legality, I'm in :smoking:

Not that I have heard of.....think about it...if you really had a MASSIVE rally, totally peaceful, how could you NOT be touched and flattered if you were Axl...shit, he MIGHT even show up!! ok, probably not.? But maybe his reps will!!! :)

I am kinda serious about this.? Who is with me?? Oh, if this is illegal in any way shape or form..I am TOTALLY just kidding :)

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: DazRose85 on March 01, 2006, 10:01:40 AM
At the 5min mark the guys talk about a German website that hints it's heard CD... does anyone know what this website is?

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Cowboy Buddha on March 01, 2006, 10:15:03 AM
is it the same German girl that leaked Catcher?

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Chief on March 01, 2006, 12:55:50 PM
anything of note in this interview? i haven't got to listen to it yet....

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Elrothiel on March 01, 2006, 01:33:23 PM
jesus , how unprofessional is this?! jesus.

I don't think Jesus knows how unprofessional it is... :rofl:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: BLS-Pride on March 01, 2006, 02:29:18 PM
Lets storm NYC and demand a GNR statement among other things like money, women, and booze. Ok maybe just GnR news. But the others would be damn cool.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 02:40:10 PM
Lets storm NYC and demand a GNR statement among other things like money, women, and booze. Ok maybe just GnR news. But the others would be damn cool.

Good idea there,  If we increase our demands the more likely they are to give us something.  : ok:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: cubsfan77 on March 01, 2006, 06:08:11 PM
Just listened on Itunes and the guy said that interview with the girl was removed from the podcast after they were asked to take it out of the show.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Minneapolisnewsman on March 01, 2006, 08:54:57 PM
This is great!!! It's like the coverage of the Beatles in the mid-60's!! It's almost surreal, but this is fantastic promotion for the album.  I really dug the guy's laid back attitude, and for the casual listener, they gave some really nice tid-bits and rumours!!  Very cool, I will check them out again in the near future!

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: ostronomy on March 01, 2006, 11:56:50 PM has posted episode 47 of their Talking Metal podcast. In this special episode, hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy make an unedited statement via a telephone conversation regarding the reasons for the two revisions of Talking Metal Episode 46 - Guns N' Roses Stakeout. Talking Metal will return to its standard format of interviewing Metal stars and playing song samples when the next episode featuring Joe Franco (Widowmaker, Twisted Sister), Eddie Ojeda (Twisted Sister), and Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple, Rainbow) premieres on Monday, March 6th. The 14-minute statement can be downloaded at

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Chief on March 02, 2006, 12:25:17 AM
thanks a lot for posting this.. should be very interesting hehe!!!

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Midnight Gunner on March 02, 2006, 01:14:44 AM
For the life of me I will never be able to understand all of the mystery this album is shrouded in.  Everyone involved treats it like they can't talk about it because if they do the Nazi's will conquer the world and exterminate all of the jews. 

OK, that was goddamn funny.  :rofl:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on March 02, 2006, 02:08:06 AM
For the life of me I will never be able to understand all of the mystery this album is shrouded in.? Everyone involved treats it like they can't talk about it because if they do the Nazi's will conquer the world and exterminate all of the jews.?

OK, that was goddamn funny.? :rofl:

Funny indeed...and completely true :yes:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Mike McKagan on March 02, 2006, 02:41:12 AM
Wow, Danny's post from earlier in this thread got included in podcast #57 of Talking Metal.  Kind of surreal.  'Grats Danny.   :beer:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: snooze72 on March 02, 2006, 08:18:42 AM
Did anybody get a copy of the pre-edited interview and the phone call?? PM me with the MP3, I'll make it worth your while.?? :-*

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Markus Asraelius on March 02, 2006, 11:43:30 AM

I apologize if this has been posted before.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Spirit on March 02, 2006, 11:45:11 AM

I apologize if this has been posted before.

Didn't they say in the recap that Sanctuary had nothing to do with that?

EDIT: About removing the picture, edit out parts of the podcast etc..

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 02, 2006, 11:52:44 AM
 Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: gigger on March 02, 2006, 11:54:22 AM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.  ::)

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: NickNasty on March 02, 2006, 11:56:31 AM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.  ::)

wait- it wasnt before ???

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 02, 2006, 12:05:02 PM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.? ::)

wait- it wasnt before ???
Different this time. Axl sightings, leaks up the ass, and they are still twiddling their thumbs.  :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 02, 2006, 12:06:26 PM
I like fish.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 02, 2006, 12:08:08 PM
I like fish.
Do you like minnows? :nervous:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 02, 2006, 12:12:41 PM
I like fish.
Do you like minnows? :nervous:

If I translated that word "minnow" correctly, I THINK the correct answer would be: No, I'm more into sea-fish.

So bring on the big fish.  :smoking:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: gigger on March 02, 2006, 12:14:19 PM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.? ::)

wait- it wasnt before ???
Different this time. Axl sightings, leaks up the ass, and they are still twiddling their thumbs.? :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

In an interview early last year Tommy said that when GnR tour he "will be thrown into a whole heap of chaos" - I guess General Stinson was right, because this is chaos.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 02, 2006, 12:16:27 PM
By the way, where does this "General Stinson"-Nickname come from? Did Axl mention it?

I like it.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Jonathan on March 02, 2006, 12:17:04 PM
By the way, where does this "General Stinson"-Nickname come from? Did Axl mention it?

I like it.

Yup, RIR 3.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: NickNasty on March 02, 2006, 12:23:13 PM
By the way, where does this "General Stinson"-Nickname come from? Did Axl mention it?

I like it.

RIR 3 Out of the fact that tommy is the one responsible for leading rehearsals. : ok:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 02, 2006, 12:26:05 PM
Geez, I need to get my VCR up here again. I really didn't remember. Thx.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 02, 2006, 12:27:17 PM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.? ::)

wait- it wasnt before ???
Different this time. Axl sightings, leaks up the ass, and they are still twiddling their thumbs.? :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

In an interview early last year Tommy said that when GnR tour he "will be thrown into a whole heap of chaos" - I guess General Stinson was right, because this is chaos.
Yeah, but this isnt the type of chaos he thought he was referring to. He has nothing to do with it, and cant even open up his mouth. ?This "buzz" isnt gonna last very long. The first concert is going to tell us how far this band is going. If its" AFD Rehash Part 2" with a couple new songs its over. That shit aint gonna fly here, and the media will turn them into a laughingstock. I think the media is willing to give him a chance when CD comes out, but if we have another rehash tour the gloves will be off, because every comedian across the planet will be telling GNR jokes, and factor in negative reviews for the tour, and you can nail this coffin shut after the last stop in Europe.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on March 02, 2006, 12:31:00 PM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.? ::)

wait- it wasnt before ???
Different this time. Axl sightings, leaks up the ass, and they are still twiddling their thumbs.? :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

In an interview early last year Tommy said that when GnR tour he "will be thrown into a whole heap of chaos" - I guess General Stinson was right, because this is chaos.
Yeah, but this isnt the type of chaos he thought he was referring to. He has nothing to do with it, and cant even open up his mouth. ?This "buzz" isnt gonna last very long. The first concert is going to tell us how far this band is going. If its" AFD Rehash Part 2" with a couple new songs its over. That shit aint gonna fly here, and the media will turn them into a laughingstock. I think the media is willing to give him a chance when CD comes out, but if we have another rehash tour the gloves will be off, because every comedian across the planet will be telling GNR jokes, and factor in negative reviews for the tour, and you can nail this coffin shut after the last stop in Europe.

Agreed.? On this new tour it should be mainly new songs with some old classics thrown in.?

New band=new songs.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: gigger on March 02, 2006, 12:31:26 PM
At least I might get to make it to the funeral though, huh? ?:rofl:

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on March 02, 2006, 12:53:58 PM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.  ::)

wait- it wasnt before ???
Different this time. Axl sightings, leaks up the ass, and they are still twiddling their thumbs.  :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

One thing I will never understand as a GNR fan of this decade is why we must literallyl beg for a statement or an interview.   That I don't get...especially now...I mean with all the leaks, shouldn't Merck, Axl, a rep someone give at least a comment on what's happening.   Or releasing the album?   Something ???

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Markus Asraelius on March 02, 2006, 12:57:11 PM
Maybe with all the tour dates being added, the're just waiting for after these tours dates to all be planned and announced and then they'll release a press statement with an overview of everything that is happening and everything that has happened.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: shaun on March 02, 2006, 01:06:56 PM

I apologize if this has been posted before.

This is new to me: No real news though. They mention Slash, Axl, Buckethead and others...
They do mention band members web sites and how maybe Santury Records may have stepped in to improve, update, fix their sites, for whatever reason.

Talking Metal #46 - Guns n'Roses Stakeout

In this Guns N' Roses special, hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy stakeout the Sanctuary Management offices in New York City in hopes of interviewing Guns N' Roses manager Merck Mercuriadis and other staff regarding the release of the long awaited album "Chinese Democracy." The podcast includes encounters with various Sanctuary personnel as well as an exclusive interview with employees of the Old Homestead Steak House, an establishment  Rose frequents and appeared at during his recent trip to New York.

Pictured above are John Ostronomy and Mark Strigl in front of the Sanctuary Management offices.

Note: As of March 1, available for download is version 3 of this episode. Talking Metal was asked to remove certain portions of the podcast which will explain any abrupt sounding edits in what was originally intended to be a "live" podcast. Mark and John thank you for your support.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Midnight Gunner on March 02, 2006, 01:07:20 PM
Sounds like Axl and Merck like frying the small fish but ignoring the big fish.

It's getting ridiculous.? ::)

wait- it wasnt before ???
Different this time. Axl sightings, leaks up the ass, and they are still twiddling their thumbs.? :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

In an interview early last year Tommy said that when GnR tour he "will be thrown into a whole heap of chaos" - I guess General Stinson was right, because this is chaos.
Yeah, but this isnt the type of chaos he thought he was referring to. He has nothing to do with it, and cant even open up his mouth. ?This "buzz" isnt gonna last very long. The first concert is going to tell us how far this band is going. If its" AFD Rehash Part 2" with a couple new songs its over. That shit aint gonna fly here, and the media will turn them into a laughingstock. I think the media is willing to give him a chance when CD comes out, but if we have another rehash tour the gloves will be off, because every comedian across the planet will be telling GNR jokes, and factor in negative reviews for the tour, and you can nail this coffin shut after the last stop in Europe.


Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 02, 2006, 01:09:15 PM
One thing I will never understand as a GNR fan of this decade is why we must literallyl beg for a statement or an interview.? ?That I don't get...especially now...I mean with all the leaks, shouldn't Merck, Axl, a rep someone give at least a comment on what's happening.? ?Or releasing the album?? ?Something ???
Good point, but even more troubling is the fact that there's no real news even concerning the tour. We've been down this road before, and it never turns out how its supposed to. Some foreign ticket agency selling tickets while the GNR camp keeps its mouth shut aint what I would call confirmation of a tour. This new "gag order" on bandmembers is moronic. ?This has to be the first band in history that stays silent and doesnt even announce its own tour. They have foreign ticket agencies and small internet news/gossip sites do their announcing for them. While they do that, the GNR camp concerns themselves with plugging leaks, and sending lap dogs to tell us to forget the demos even exist. Anyone that thinks these are good signs is living in fantasy land.
Maybe with all the tour dates being added, the're just waiting for after these tours dates to all be planned and announced and then they'll release a press statement with an overview of everything that is happening and everything that has happened.
What does that have to do with the album? Or the leaks? They cant handle more than one thing at once? What band puts off everything to schedule shows? Is there one person driving this Titanic into an iceberg while everyone else sleeps?

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: shaun on March 02, 2006, 01:13:16 PM
This is new to me: They mention Slash, Axl, Buckethead and others...
They do mention band members web sites and how maybe Santury Records may have stepped in to improve, update, fix their sites, for whatever reason and Prostitute to be the 1st single [maybe]

Talking Metal #46 - Guns n'Roses Stakeout

from the site:
In this Guns N' Roses special, hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy stakeout the Sanctuary Management offices in New York City in hopes of interviewing Guns N' Roses manager Merck Mercuriadis and other staff regarding the release of the long awaited album "Chinese Democracy." The podcast includes encounters with various Sanctuary personnel as well as an exclusive interview with employees of the Old Homestead Steak House, an establishment  Rose frequents and appeared at during his recent trip to New York.

Pictured above are John Ostronomy and Mark Strigl in front of the Sanctuary Management offices.

Note: As of March 1, available for download is version 3 of this episode. Talking Metal was asked to remove certain portions of the podcast which will explain any abrupt sounding edits in what was originally intended to be a "live" podcast. Mark and John thank you for your support.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: BLS-Pride on March 02, 2006, 01:20:07 PM
I hate management right now. Why must they edit? That is so fucking dumb. I am sick of the silence and all the bullshit.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: Origen on March 02, 2006, 01:21:39 PM
I hate management right now. Why must they edit? That is so fucking dumb. I am sick of the silence and all the bullshit.

Well said/

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: BLS-Pride on March 02, 2006, 01:33:44 PM
It's a good listen. No doubt about that. Talking about how Axl went to Europe and did press but thats not to be released till after a certain date. Which kinda makes sence.

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: highend88 on March 02, 2006, 02:27:59 PM
This is new to me: They mention Slash, Axl, Buckethead and others...
They do mention band members web sites and how maybe Santury Records may have stepped in to improve, update, fix their sites, for whatever reason and Prostitute to be the 1st single [maybe]

Talking Metal #46 - Guns n'Roses Stakeout

from the site:
In this Guns N' Roses special, hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy stakeout the Sanctuary Management offices in New York City in hopes of interviewing Guns N' Roses manager Merck Mercuriadis and other staff regarding the release of the long awaited album "Chinese Democracy." The podcast includes encounters with various Sanctuary personnel as well as an exclusive interview with employees of the Old Homestead Steak House, an establishment? Rose frequents and appeared at during his recent trip to New York.

Pictured above are John Ostronomy and Mark Strigl in front of the Sanctuary Management offices.

Note: As of March 1, available for download is version 3 of this episode. Talking Metal was asked to remove certain portions of the podcast which will explain any abrupt sounding edits in what was originally intended to be a "live" podcast. Mark and John thank you for your support.

It's 2nd March...still no prostitute single or leaks

Title: Re: Talking Metal Stakes Out Sanctuary Management & Interviews Vexy Strut's Tuesdae
Post by: snooze72 on March 02, 2006, 04:09:18 PM
Did anybody hear the phone call that was edited out? Who was doing the talking, and what was said?? ???