Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: estebanf on March 02, 2006, 01:58:23 AM

Title: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: estebanf on March 02, 2006, 01:58:23 AM
Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc. Put yourself inside the mind of a child like this (maybe you have a brother or sister of that age and you know more or less what they think)

Do these GN'R leaked tracks have a chance of blowing their minds? Do you think that a 14 years old child can be impressed with this new line up, to the point to buy the album? Has this lineup more chances to succed in the younger people than the old lineup?

I ask this because my little sister doesn't know a shit about GNR and she thinks that these new tracks are definitly BETTER than the old classics. I think she says that because the old band sounds ''too agressive'' for people of her age, and that has sense, because the heaviest music that she heard in her life was ''System Of A Down''  :rofl:

What do you think? Can this new music be more ''digestible'' to younger people?

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 02, 2006, 01:59:19 AM

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Steel_Angel on March 02, 2006, 01:59:47 AM
perhaps... like "better" will blow them all away  ;D

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: McDuff on March 02, 2006, 02:03:56 AM
I'm not gonna suppose anything,I wouldn't wanna be 14 again,but yeah,my nephew likes the new GN'R stuff and the old stuff as well,and he's 14 :yes:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: The Dog on March 02, 2006, 02:06:27 AM
Very tough call.  We won't know till it happens I guess.  My guesstimate would be no, it won't reach them until its "cool" to be a GNR fan again.  Rock music just isn't cool anymore when it comes to the masses.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: rydog on March 02, 2006, 02:13:14 AM
I don't see why not, I started listening to gn'r when I was 8 and I haven't stopped for 18 years. if it's good music it will appeal to people of all ages - as appetite for destruction did

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 02, 2006, 02:13:39 AM
Very tough call.  We won't know till it happens I guess.  My guesstimate would be no, it won't reach them until its "cool" to be a GNR fan again.  Rock music just isn't cool anymore when it comes to the masses.

I am surprised how popular it is with teens though. At least down here. Classic stuff like Guns and AC/DC are very well liked by the kids.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Kaybee on March 02, 2006, 02:19:48 AM
My sister is 10 and GNR are her favourite band. Previously her favourite song ever by GNR was 'Aint It Fun' but as soon as she heard 'Better' she was hooked. She's extremely opinionated, and hated 'IRS', but thought 'There Was A Time' was great. It's so funny seeing all her little friends come over in their Hillary Duff t-shirts and she's like 'Want to watch Guns n Roses live in Tokyo?'
Last week I walked outside and she was teaching the kids next door (aged 10 and 12) about the history of GNR  :hihi:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: estebanf on March 02, 2006, 02:40:33 AM
My sister is 10 and GNR are her favourite band. Previously her favourite song ever by GNR was 'Aint It Fun' but as soon as she heard 'Better' she was hooked. She's extremely opinionated, and hated 'IRS', but thought 'There Was A Time' was great. It's so funny seeing all her little friends come over in their Hillary Duff t-shirts and she's like 'Want to watch Guns n Roses live in Tokyo?'
Last week I walked outside and she was teaching the kids next door (aged 10 and 12) about the history of GNR? :hihi:

your sister rules! are you ''teaching'' her? or it was just her initiative?

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 02, 2006, 03:01:55 AM
Do these GN'R leaked tracks have a chance of blowing their minds?
  well anything has a chance of that.. Depends on the mind.. Gwen stefani might be what "they" think is great... I don't always think really good music is what makes people listen.. if this was the case then nsync or BSB's would have never sold an album... For younger kids I think overall age of the players is important and their sence of style/looks (if you are talking trl generation..)

My question is this, How about if this album what we have heard was sung by an Unknown, would it sell tons or get the airtime this might see since it's axl n gnr, plus their history with mtv..?

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Eclipsed107 on March 02, 2006, 03:08:56 AM
The kids who want to like this muisc will.

Britney Spears, Gwen Stenani, hip-hop songs... they're not aimed at the same target group Gn'R is aimed at.

Guns n' Roses is aimed at late teen / early adult / (i guess now) middle aged adults.

Spears and Gwen are aimed at 10-14 year old girls...  Radio hip hop is aimed at inner-city youth.

IMO the new Guns album will be fine, TWAT or Better or IRS would make wonderful singles and get the album strong sales.

The days of rock dominence is over, and the music industry is fading faster than ever.   Hopefully the sound Chinese Democarcy is good enough where it'll catch on and there will be tons more *good!* rock bands to follow and bring rock back to where it should be.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: littlewing on March 02, 2006, 03:11:49 AM
I don't think demos would be impressive to your average 14 year old. Maybe the final album. I mean I was 11 when UYI 1&2 came out and 1 was the first cd I ever bought. It was popular and I liked the music. If there are some singles that do well on the radio/mtv then young kids will pick the album up.

My question is this, How about if this album what we have heard was sung by an Unknown, would it sell tons or get the airtime this might see since it's axl n gnr, plus their history with mtv..?

It basically is an unknown to younger kids. In a way they're the easiest demographic since they'll be more likely to judge the music alone. All of the older people are going to have those emotions tied to the old band members or the time spent waiting for the album to come out.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 02, 2006, 03:13:58 AM
I think better(first half) and citr have that pop rock radio friendly feel to them, they might just squeeze in there with the hoobastankers

When hillary duff is ruling with piece of my heart and the very untalented ashlee simpson with L.O.V.E. CD could be a mega hit or come and go, you just can't tell.. Back when I was a kid, rock ruled the charts late 80's, albums debuting at one orgetting there.. Since grunge that kind of ended

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Eclipsed107 on March 02, 2006, 03:15:15 AM
Oh, but IMO the new music is modern enough where it'll catch a younger audience...

I think if this album ever gets released again Guns n' Roses will be big again. ?They won't be the dominate band they were in 87-93 but IMO Gn'R and Nirvana were the last supergroups of the world. ?Axl will be fine.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: metallex78 on March 02, 2006, 05:08:16 AM
I was 14 yrs old when I first got into the original GN'R back in 1992 and started listening to "real" music aside ftom top 40 crap, and I've been a rock n' roll fan ever since, so I'm sure it could happen with a whole new younger generation. : ok:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: MikeFrett on March 02, 2006, 05:12:00 AM
kanya west himself admitted at an awards preshow that he couldn't sing. hiphop/rap is nothing more than talking in an accent. A monkey could be tought to sing this no talent crap.

I don't expect anyone who's life has been nothing but Hiphop/rap to like anything from the new Guns. Infact I suspect the hiphop people will likely steal the intro to better and and include it on a song. They like stealing stuff off other songs.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: metallex78 on March 02, 2006, 05:15:23 AM
The days of rock dominence is over, and the music industry is fading faster than ever.

I agree with that, but I also know that popular music bands still continue to sell well regardless of whatever musical trends are going on, so GN'R will probably still chart well.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Origen on March 02, 2006, 05:20:39 AM
The days of rock dominence is over, and the music industry is fading faster than ever.

Rock will never overtake Hip Hop/Rap now though it's too mainstream.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Kaybee on March 02, 2006, 05:54:19 AM
My sister is 10 and GNR are her favourite band. Previously her favourite song ever by GNR was 'Aint It Fun' but as soon as she heard 'Better' she was hooked. She's extremely opinionated, and hated 'IRS', but thought 'There Was A Time' was great. It's so funny seeing all her little friends come over in their Hillary Duff t-shirts and she's like 'Want to watch Guns n Roses live in Tokyo?'
Last week I walked outside and she was teaching the kids next door (aged 10 and 12) about the history of GNR? :hihi:

your sister rules! are you ''teaching'' her? or it was just her initiative?

Well, a lot of the time when I'm driving her around she doesn't have a choice but to listen to GNR in the car since it's on 24/7, but I was never like 'you must like GNR'... she started off loving SCOM and then it progressed to things like WTTJ, PC & AIF  :)

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Stealthcamo on March 02, 2006, 07:36:27 AM
Yea I think its very possible. Hell I started listening to GNR al together last year (I used to listen to video game sound tracks, etc.) and I'm 16. Sure its two years ahead but ya  know. Whoo I'd love to see the look on all the hip Hop / rapper wannabes,emo kids and goths at my school when GNR comes back!! ;D

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: gunner mad on March 02, 2006, 08:20:38 AM
i have 3 sons one is 6 one is 11 and the eldest 12 .the 12 year old is a R&B fan (any thing i play sucks  :-\) the 11 year old is a mini me and the 6 year old just likes to beat the shit outa me  :'( but they all wanna hear T.W.A.T they love it the 12 year old has even asked if he can come with me to Dublin :o so i think GN'R have hit on summit with this one
p.s R&B SUCKS  ;D ;D :rofl:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Sakib on March 02, 2006, 09:33:01 AM
i'm 15 so its not hard for me 2 be 14. I've liked GN'R for 2 years now. and i think it will be appreciated enough for the album to be bought.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on March 02, 2006, 09:36:40 AM
i have 3 sons one is 6 one is 11 and the eldest 12 .the 12 year old is a R&B fan (any thing i play sucks? :-\) the 11 year old is a mini me and the 6 year old just likes to beat the shit outa me? :'( but they all wanna hear T.W.A.T they love it the 12 year old has even asked if he can come with me to Dublin :o so i think GN'R have hit on summit with this one
p.s R&B SUCKS? ;D ;D :rofl:
i was just about to post and tell you about my brothers 3 sons but he already beat me to it? :hihi: :beer:

EDIT:an i was gonna borrow you my mp3 player but now u stole my post. :hihi:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: younggunner on March 02, 2006, 11:01:56 AM
honestly I doubt it...only songs like Better will do well...but in terms of the epics, I highly doubt it. ALl my friends would never sit down and enjoy a song like TWAT or my age dont appreciate lyrics as much unless its a rap song....

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Freya on March 02, 2006, 11:10:43 AM
No.  Kids today don't know anything about rock music.  I don't mean to be insulting, but it's truth.  When we grew up in the seventies and eighties, the rock culture was everywhere, you didn't have to go looking for it. 

I'm sure Axl's record will inspire some younger people and bands and maybe make rock a little more accessible again, but the full impact of it won't be felt for quite a while. 

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: AXL 20 on March 02, 2006, 11:16:36 AM
I am 14 and my musical life is gn'r vr gilby clarke izzy stradlin etc.
I actually havn't heard the leaked tracks so i can't tell you what my peers would think
most people who like gn'r are the guitar players, well half like the classic stuff and half like emo.
If I get the songs i can tell you what my peers will think. but ost people liek falloutboy and shit like that

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Freya on March 02, 2006, 11:27:32 AM
Yes, thank you....Fall Out Boy.  That's the mentality we are dealing with here, white middle class (possibly upper) boys playing mediocre garage rock.  Reality shows, where models line up to be a "Rock Star".  Kids today really don't know about people really making sacrifices to be in a band because they love music that much.  Hip Hop stars have all the glamour and street cred and really? they deserve it, they're the only ones doing it and not giving a fuck these days. 

IMO, rock music was somewhat crippled in the early nineties, by the rock media, lots of great bands yes, but everything became completely politically correct and then it all went down the toilet and has yet to recover. 

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: cd06 on March 02, 2006, 11:29:15 AM
for sure, i tried a little expiriment with this, i am fourteen and i have a lot of friends that like hip hop and rap, same age as me, all of them girls, they liekd no other music besides hip hop or rap either. I put all of the new songs on a cd and gave it to them, i am talking about eight different hip hop loving fourteen year old girls here, every one of them liked the songs a lot, mainly the song "Better"  :peace:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: ppbebe on March 02, 2006, 11:41:57 AM
kids my age dont appreciate lyrics as much unless its a rap song...

Seeing as how GNR or many bands have been popular among non English speakers, that wouldn't matter much.

I'd say the people without shitty dogmas like how RN'R should be, how GN'R should be blah blah blah will hear the music for what it is. CD will be loved by lots of such 14 yr olds in a different way than Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Elrothiel on March 02, 2006, 02:29:22 PM
My little brother is 14 years old, has been playing guitar for 3 years, and LOVES Gn'R, Metallica, Sabbath, Maiden, Led Zep, Pantera, BLS, and basically everything I love... I'm happy... I got him into rock... When he was 11 he used to be a little rap obsessor... he loved listening to Eminem and 50 Cent. Now he's a 100% total rockhead... ;D

In my opinion... my brother is a better guitarist than Buckethead... :hihi: :peace: And when he plays he looks like Jimmy Page... :hihi:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Eclipsed107 on March 02, 2006, 04:06:27 PM
kanya west himself admitted at an awards preshow that he couldn't sing. hiphop/rap is nothing more than talking in an accent. A monkey could be tought to sing this no talent crap.

Wow, you're very ignoraint.  I don't like rap at all, but I acknowledge the talent in it.  I'd like to see you put togeather the rhymes and still say in sync with the beat.  Like I said I don't like it at all, but to assume that anyone can do it and there's no talent behind it is just plain stupidity

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: F*ck Fear on March 02, 2006, 04:14:31 PM
I think some kids that age may like the record,and they may not.
All I know is,I was 7 years old when I first heard Paradise City,and I got my parents to buy me AFD. At the time kids were in to total shit,I don't even consider music. Here I am at 20 still loving these tunes.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: MikeFrett on March 02, 2006, 05:37:54 PM
kanya west himself admitted at an awards preshow that he couldn't sing. hiphop/rap is nothing more than talking in an accent. A monkey could be tought to sing this no talent crap.

Wow, you're very ignoraint.  I don't like rap at all, but I acknowledge the talent in it.  I'd like to see you put togeather the rhymes and still say in sync with the beat.  Like I said I don't like it at all, but to assume that anyone can do it and there's no talent behind it is just plain stupidity

I have done it. Have a nice day.   ::)

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Continental Drift on March 02, 2006, 06:21:55 PM
Most teens I know view Axl Rose as some kind of "Jim Morrison" meets George Lucas character symbolic of when music was dangerous. At a minimum they're curious about him. If the music is good... he's got a chance. He11 if Jim Morrison (obviously not possible) had come back when I was 14 and he was rockin' out with some great songs I would have been going crazy... not yelling "Go home gramps!" at his concerts... :peace:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: The Dog on March 02, 2006, 06:22:58 PM
^^^Morrison also had a movie and an amazing performance by Val Kilmer to help him out :)

Who would play Axl in a movie???  Hmm, JBJ is an actor isn't he? hahahah  :rofl:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Continental Drift on March 02, 2006, 06:26:14 PM
HAHA. Good point Hana. I also stole your Star Wars reference too (re: George Lucas). :rofl:

And just to take your SW analogy to the max... how about Hayden Christensen for Axl? :P

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Continental Drift on March 02, 2006, 06:29:41 PM
JBJ?!? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That KILLS ME!! Imagine his agent calling him up....

Agent: "Johny baby... I've got a great new role that is going to catapault your career!"
JBJ: Awesome man! What is it?
Agent: Axl Rose..........
Agent: Hello?
Agent: Hello?
JBJ:  :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Buddha_Master on March 02, 2006, 06:35:41 PM
Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc. Put yourself inside the mind of a child like this

Alright Estaban here goes nothin....

Hmm let's see... ok. I would fuck Gwen. I would fuck Britney (well these days just to say I fucked her). So does that answer your question?

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on March 02, 2006, 06:41:52 PM
I doubt these fans will change their style much.  There are plenty of pop-rock bands that could have already - besides the girls aren't gonna cream their panties over a man in his 40's

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: faldor on March 02, 2006, 06:42:55 PM
not likely. ?It'd be tough to win over that crowd. ?I'd stick with the rock and roll community.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: avesia on March 02, 2006, 06:45:25 PM
besides the girls aren't gonna cream their panties over a man in his 40's

I would!!!!! ;D

ooops...sorry...guess you were talking about 14 years old girls... :-X

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: snow white on March 02, 2006, 06:46:14 PM
Yes, thank you....Fall Out Boy.? That's the mentality we are dealing with here, white middle class (possibly upper) boys playing mediocre garage rock.? Reality shows, where models line up to be a "Rock Star".? Kids today really don't know about people really making sacrifices to be in a band because they love music that much.? Hip Hop stars have all the glamour and street cred and really? they deserve it, they're the only ones doing it and not giving a fuck these days.?

IMO, rock music was somewhat crippled in the early nineties, by the rock media, lots of great bands yes, but everything became completely politically correct and then it all went down the toilet and has yet to recover.?

Something becomes popular and all of a sudden you get every man and his dog doing it, which is fine if they are good at it, but you start to get watered down pop rock.
I think the same has happened with Hip Hop wherein many 'gangsters' or whatever are just rapping about having lots of money and hot chicks. Booooooooring.

Personally I think Guns can bring back the old school rock into mainstream. People know enough to know who Axl Rose is, they just need to be reminded. The kids, well, they'll like anything thats cool or popular right. And we dont need Britney fans. Yuck.
Their first single needs to be something radio friendly, nothing epic. Something like Better (minus the industrial stuff...) or CD. Then once they have everyones attention they can bring out the epics etc.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: snow white on March 02, 2006, 06:52:07 PM
I doubt these fans will change their style much.? There are plenty of pop-rock bands that could have already - besides the girls aren't gonna cream their panties over a man in his 40's

This is a good point. Damn those pop-rock bands. People need to be reminded of what ROCK actually is. Guns will make all those crappy bands eat their designer torn jeans.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Butch Français on March 02, 2006, 07:57:55 PM
I'm not gonna suppose anything,I wouldn't wanna be 14 again,but yeah,my nephew likes the new GN'R stuff and the old stuff as well,and he's 14 :yes:

I started listening to the old stuff when I was like 10-11.
teens these days are just whimps :hihi:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Pinball Wizard on March 02, 2006, 08:05:21 PM
I have a 3 months old god-daughter who LOVES Paradise City...does that count?!?

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Elrothiel on March 02, 2006, 11:15:15 PM
besides the girls aren't gonna cream their panties over a man in his 40's

I WOULD!!! ( I know you're talkin' about 14 year old girls, but I had to say that anyway... just for the hell of it!)

And I showed my BF's little girl cousins, who are 4, 8, and 9 years old, my Gn'R Lies CD, and now they run around doing Axl impersonations! ;D One of them has now taken to wearing bandanas... :hihi:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Slushead on March 03, 2006, 12:50:02 AM
I'm pretty sure a 14 years old kid who loves Gwen Stefani, Britney, 50 Cents, Eminem, etc... won't like those GNR songs.

But a 14 years old kid who listen to Green Day, System of a Down, Sum 41, Avenged Sevenfold, and other "modern rock" bands will like it.

Back in the 80's, people who loved Motley Crue, Poison, Metallica, Megadeth and other rock bands of that time loved GNR.

But people who were into Madonna, Michael Jackson, Salt N' Peppa, etc... weren't into GNR. People into rock music tend to like rock music and are into what's new and like to discover new things. But people into pop music are more "closed minded" in my opinion and if it doesn't sound like everything they listen to, they won't like it.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: snow white on March 03, 2006, 01:13:38 AM
I wouldn't go comparing sum 41 etc to GnR. And I don't think I'd group Eminem with the likes of Gwen, Britney and even 50 cent. He's in a league of his own, and him and Axl both share that bad boy persona.? :drool:

It?s hard to tell how the current climate of pop rock is going to tip the scales. It?s either going to have paved the way for good rock to make a comeback, as people may already be accustomed? to that style, or it will have softened people so much that anything heavier than Blink 182 and Avril will send them screaming with their ear drums bleeding.

I think they have the potential to do very well with the alt. crowd who realise pop music stinks, the crowd that will be at all these festivals, who know who GnR are, as there is still the odd excellent rock band out there. I'm repeating what other people have already said. :nervous:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Slushead on March 03, 2006, 01:18:22 AM
I wouldn't go comparing sum 41 etc to GnR.
I don't know if you heard the two last albums, but it's pure rock n' roll largely inspired by Iron Maiden and Metallica.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: snow white on March 03, 2006, 01:20:22 AM
Point taken. I'll be quiet...

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: oldgunsfan on March 03, 2006, 10:00:53 AM
when i was 14-15, my musical life was Appetite for Destruction ;D

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Krispy Kreme on March 03, 2006, 10:57:19 PM
I have a 3 months old god-daughter who LOVES Paradise City...does that count?!?

That is fucking  hilarious!
GNR lives and has a future!!!

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: neon2002 on March 04, 2006, 01:02:20 PM
Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc. Put yourself inside the mind of a child like this (maybe you have a brother or sister of that age and you know more or less what they think)

Do these GN'R leaked tracks have a chance of blowing their minds? Do you think that a 14 years old child can be impressed with this new line up, to the point to buy the album? Has this lineup more chances to succed in the younger people than the old lineup?

I ask this because my little sister doesn't know a shit about GNR and she thinks that these new tracks are definitly BETTER than the old classics. I think she says that because the old band sounds ''too agressive'' for people of her age, and that has sense, because the heaviest music that she heard in her life was ''System Of A Down''? :rofl:

What do you think? Can this new music be more ''digestible'' to younger people?

I made a CD with the new tracks for my 9 year old son and he seems to like them. I keep catching him singing T.W.A.T. & Better.

He listens to Usher and Justin Timberlake and all that other crap so there is hope (for him and the new songs  :rofl: )

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: ppbebe on March 04, 2006, 01:28:30 PM
she thinks that these new tracks are definitly BETTER than the old classics.

Sorry but I must agree with her although I like the old classics. Tell her she's got a keen ear.  : ok: Seemingly age tends to dull a good ear. :P
And tell your boy the same, neon 2002. :beer:

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Axl S on March 04, 2006, 02:01:47 PM
I am fourteen and I personally think msot pop music sucks. I have liked Guns N' Roses and sicne then have bought Appetie for Destruction, the Greatest Hits thing and the Use You Ilusion tour in tokyo dvd. I also lsiten to metallica, iron maiden etc... lots of old stuff.
howevr i also lsiten to some enw stuff such as Green Day and stuff.I also love Killswitch Engage. I am more or less open to most of the side branches of rock. Some of the tracks they will like, especially any that are considered emo sounding(i don't think any tracks are btu no doubt some will. there are however soem who focus on dance music and rap/hip hop who have no hope of liking this stuff because as soona s they hear a drum kit or guitar solo they say it's shit. There are afew of these people who might liek the tracks( I met one who liked Alice Cooper so that's something). Chiense Democracy will gain a following of rock fans, all round msuic lovers and a small ammount of rap/rn'b/dance lovers. GN'R look set to appeal to a lot of people.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: steviebucket on March 04, 2006, 02:07:35 PM
The only 14 y/o kids listening to rock nowadyas are the misfits/outcasts ... don't expect that to be a hugh crown point, it's not gonna happen.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Mandy. on March 04, 2006, 02:09:03 PM
I'm 15 and my musical life is nowhere near Gwen (don't even know who he/she is), Britney, Hip hop...

I actually prefer the old tracks. Although I did find TWAT brilliant, and I didn't like Better that much.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: steviebucket on March 04, 2006, 02:41:38 PM
mmmmmmmmm 15


Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: steviebucket on March 04, 2006, 02:43:00 PM
I like cock anyway

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Eduardo on March 04, 2006, 02:49:20 PM
I just dont understand why you people want so bad GNR to appeal to this younger audience... I personally dont want 13 years girls listening to GNR and going to concerts just to scream for Axl...

Just take a look at U2, they?re the biggest band in the world and dont appeal to teenagers

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: steviebucket on March 04, 2006, 02:50:57 PM
I just dont understand why you people want so bad GNR to appeal to this younger audience... I personally dont want 13 years girls listening to GNR and going to concerts just to scream for Axl...

Just take a look at U2, they?re the biggest band in the world and dont appeal to teenagers

Thank god for a brain!

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Bad_Apple on March 04, 2006, 08:25:54 PM
I was 14 yrs old when I first got into the original GN'R back in 1992 and started listening to "real" music aside ftom top 40 crap, and I've been a rock n' roll fan ever since, so I'm sure it could happen with a whole new younger generation. : ok:

I was around the same age (12) when I started lovin GNR and turned away from janet jackson + milli vanilli (circa 1992)...I think pre-teen/teen is an important age when your taste in music is more defined, and you become more sensitive to music...everything is more extreme as a teenager--so basically if the teens can relate to the music, they will like it.  As for the bubble gum pop, that stuff will always be more popular w/ the teens, but what does it matter anyways?  With every reincarnation of gnr, a new generation of fans are "born"--yet I doubt there will be as many teen fans just bc they can relate to the "younger" pop/psuedo rock stars.  But, it would be neat to see the youngins loving the music, but imo all that matters is if I like it :)

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: VRslash on March 04, 2006, 09:21:49 PM
i dissagre with the rock never taking over hip hop thing. i think that rock will match hip hop soon. its just at the moment there is no good rock. exceptions like silvertide, VR, Buckcherry a few other bands that dont scream in to the mic with no vocial tallent. but rock realy sucks now a days. everyone is trying to make good music but none of them are good enough. but i can see a change in the rock world all ready starting. people dont like new bands, teenagers listen to old music now. realy rock n roll. GNR zeppelin the stones. people dont like new shit. people are sick of music thats seriuse and abput how much some one loves each other. or how much they want to kill some one which lets face it girls dont want to here and guys listen to what the girls want to here or think is bad ass. not crazy bad like slipknot but like buck cherry bad. girls like the song crazy bitch. they cant belive the attitude and lyrics. and the song just sounds good. but blink 182 is pussy music. chick want a bad ass not nickelback. rap talks about sex drugs and rap. rock doesnt talk about sex drugs n rock n roll. theres a problem there. girls like bad ass style music which new age isnt and guys want the girls and rock n roll is just perfect. there is a big change in the attitude and style. id know im a teenager. 19. im in to alot of underground stuff and i know alot off girls and guys in bands. no one plays new age. only old school attitude music. and the music comeing out of these bands has attitude. but its still years till a change in the sound happens. we went from rock n roll to heavey metal. to grundge. lol grundge is sisy music. play a grunge song and the girls leave the party, i know from experience. know wonder koban was depressed. he got no ass.  rock will never die. and nither rap or rock with surpass each other. raps bigger now becouse the songs rock is riding on are 70 - 80% old songs. people need new gnr style. motley crue and even foghat or zeppelin style bands. but to say rock is dead lol never happen. zeppelin will keep rock alive even if there is no other rock band people want to here.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: misterID on March 04, 2006, 09:30:07 PM
i dissagre with the rock never taking over hip hop thing. i think that rock will match hip hop soon. its just at the moment there is no good rock. exceptions like silvertide, VR, Buckcherry a few other bands that dont scream in to the mic with no vocial tallent. but rock realy sucks now a days. everyone is trying to make good music but none of them are good enough. but i can see a change in the rock world all ready starting. people dont like new bands, teenagers listen to old music now. realy rock n roll. GNR zeppelin the stones. people dont like new shit. people are sick of music thats seriuse and abput how much some one loves each other. or how much they want to kill some one which lets face it girls dont want to here and guys listen to what the girls want to here or think is bad ass. not crazy bad like slipknot but like buck cherry bad. girls like the song crazy bitch. they cant belive the attitude and lyrics. and the song just sounds good. but blink 182 is pussy music. chick want a bad ass not nickelback. rap talks about sex drugs and rap. rock doesnt talk about sex drugs n rock n roll. theres a problem there. girls like bad ass style music which new age isnt and guys want the girls and rock n roll is just perfect. there is a big change in the attitude and style. id know im a teenager. 19. im in to alot of underground stuff and i know alot off girls and guys in bands. no one plays new age. only old school attitude music. and the music comeing out of these bands has attitude. but its still years till a change in the sound happens. we went from rock n roll to heavey metal. to grundge. lol grundge is sisy music. play a grunge song and the girls leave the party, i know from experience. know wonder koban was depressed. he got no ass. rock will never die. and nither rap or rock with surpass each other. raps bigger now becouse the songs rock is riding on are 70 - 80% old songs. people need new gnr style. motley crue and even foghat or zeppelin style bands. but to say rock is dead lol never happen. zeppelin will keep rock alive even if there is no other rock band people want to here.

I just finished reading this and my head hurts  :'(

Girls leave parties... Rap being about sex and drugs... 70 -  80%...  People don't want to hear serious music...  I need an asprin...

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Kaybee on March 05, 2006, 02:06:08 AM

Just take a look at U2, they?re the biggest band in the world and dont appeal to teenagers

That's not necessarily true. U2 has a massive audience and although I don't think their main fan base is teenagers, there is certainly a definite fan base for that age group, at least the teens that I know.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: xxMarcelaxx on March 05, 2006, 04:30:32 PM
My mom used to love GNR so I grew up loving them too. I mean she used to play their songs, sing and read the lyrics to me since I was a baby. They were, and still are a big part of everything I am. Then my sister came..... she's 7 years younger than me and I'm gonna be 21 in May. She loves them too but there are a few thing she doesnt get yet.... she'll learn that stuff as she gets older. There are a LOT of sex and drugs reference that you just realize and think about them as you go through simmilar experiences.
And her friends, most of them don't even know GNR. And the few that do, have almost no idea how HUGE they were once.
And I'm curious to see how they're gonna deal with the new songs. I hope they treat it well and don't make it into a pop culture item. ::)

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: Mandy. on March 05, 2006, 04:45:45 PM
And her friends, most of them don't even know GNR. And the few that do, have almost no idea how HUGE they were once.

Most of them? I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was none of them. How do you expect a 7 year old living in our society to know who they are?
It's 1 in a million.

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: fear the juggalo on March 05, 2006, 05:04:16 PM
i can tell you this when i went to see avenged sevenfold a few weeks ago , they started playing paradise city & they crowd went crazy, & it was a young crowd. also if mtv & mainstream radio play the new stuff the kids will like it. it's sad to say but thats who runs a majority of what people listen to. & with hot topic selling gn'r stuff (which they sell alot of it). kids know who this band is &  now it's sadly up to mtv & the radio to jam the new stuff down there throats. (which i hope they do)

Title: Re: Suppose you're 14 years and your musical life is Gwen, Britney, Hip-Hop, etc
Post by: xxMarcelaxx on March 05, 2006, 05:17:11 PM
Actually my sister is gonna be 14 soon..... I said she's 7 years younger than me  : ok:
And I don't know about where you live but I'm from Brazil... and my american husband, while living here in Brazil with me told me that he was impressed that people here used to talk about GNR and play their songs a lot more than they do in the US.
Maybe that's why some of her friends do know who GNR is... but are not old enough (or maybe don't care enough) to understand the complexity of the lyrics as well as we do.