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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: BaDoBsEsSiOn418 on March 01, 2006, 09:44:11 AM

Title: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: BaDoBsEsSiOn418 on March 01, 2006, 09:44:11 AM
I would have wanted Blues and Maddy.  Not only are those the best new GN'R songs (IMO), but we have heard them before, and I know many people, including myself, feel somewhat guilty about hearing new GN'R songs that are supposed to be on CD.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: GS67 on March 01, 2006, 09:46:02 AM
tough call
since i have heard maddy/blues for several years now, i am glad to have these newer songs
esp. if they dont even make the cut for the new album which is rumored
or if it never comes out
i am glad to have the songs in case they dont exist in some format in the future

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on March 01, 2006, 09:46:39 AM
I would have wanted Blues and Maddy.? Not only are those the best new GN'R songs (IMO), but we have heard them before, and I know many people, including myself, feel somewhat guilty about hearing new GN'R songs that are supposed to be on CD.

My preference would be the leaks because we are only listening to demos. ?We could still be in for a treat when CD comes out because we can hear what changes have been made if there were any. : ok:

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 01, 2006, 09:52:24 AM
 I dont even think we should start suggesting that we want more leaks. There is several people at these forums that like playing games with us, and holding shit over our heads. I hope Jarmo and the mods start deleting threads that bring up more demos and leaks. Dont give the game players any ammunition.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on March 01, 2006, 09:54:14 AM
I dont even think we should start suggesting that we want more leaks. There is several people at these forums that like playing games with us, and holding shit over our heads. I hope Jarmo and the mods start deleting threads that bring up more demos and leaks. Dont give the game players any ammunition.

I think he's referring the current leaks, not any new ones. : ok:

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Rockin' Rose on March 01, 2006, 09:54:35 AM
My preference would be the leaks because we are only listening to demos.  We could still be in for a treat when CD comes out because we can hear what changes have been made if there were any. : ok:

Same here, can't wait to hear the finished version, even though it may feel that we've already heard most of the album by demos and live performances I'm sure that CD is still going to amaze most of us

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: BaDoBsEsSiOn418 on March 01, 2006, 09:54:39 AM
james, i didn't mean it like that. ?i was saying that if there was a possibility of having the blues and madagascar, or the new leaks (irs, better, twat, citr)...which would you rather have? ?geesh... :-\

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 01, 2006, 09:58:08 AM
james, i didn't mean it like that. ?i was saying that if there was a possibility of having the blues and madagascar, or the new leaks (irs, better, twat, citr)...which would you rather have? ?geesh... :-\
I wasnt trying to offend. I just made an observation. The thread could easily head in the direction I mentioned. To answer your questions, I enjoy the new demos, but would sell my soul to the devil to hear a finished studio version of The Blues. In my opinion, Madagascar is overrated.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Ignatius on March 01, 2006, 09:58:39 AM

As long as this thread is merely for discussion, we could keep this open (see how it goes).

Reminder: Requests for songs are not allowed. No links either.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Saul on March 01, 2006, 09:59:39 AM
I'd take better demo over studio tracks of any song we know of thus far.  : ok:

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: speed_stone on March 01, 2006, 10:44:24 AM
a studio version of madagascar would make my year, that song is just perfect.
instant epic, i don't know why it didn't get more attention after the mtv vma's.
but then again, sadly the media never bothered to appreciate axl's talents......

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: ppbebe on March 01, 2006, 10:53:54 AM
I'd love to hear demos after CD is released.

I just wanna know what the alternative versions are like.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: BLS-Pride on March 01, 2006, 11:00:20 AM
Madagascar has always seemed to be the song that I go to first. I dont know why.. It's a great song. Taking nothing away from The Blues cause that is a really freat song too.  Damn I can't wait for CD.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 01, 2006, 11:02:46 AM
i don't know why it didn't get more attention after the mtv vma's.
It would have got more attention if he would have played the whole song, instead of that medley. MTV should have given him enough  time to open with Jungle to excite the crowd with his return and close the show with that.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: younggunner on March 01, 2006, 11:03:41 AM
the studio version of Madagascar is going to be mind blowing

as will probably most of these songs...

I firmly believe that if Axl was able to perfect the production of this album then the album will be a mind blowing masterpiece musical joureny....FOr me its the only question I have left regarding this band and album...other than when the hell is it gonna come out

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: highend88 on March 01, 2006, 11:37:42 AM
I want both plus prostitute and this i love...
The rest I can wait until CD released

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Chief on March 01, 2006, 01:25:53 PM
I'd rather hear those than any of the 'newer' songs.  The less leaks the better in my opinion.. i don't want to spoil the band's efforts and hearing the songs for the first time for myself.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Ax on March 01, 2006, 02:04:56 PM
While I would have loved to get studio versions of the songs we have heard live, I'm glad that we got the demos of the songs we haven't heard before. Mainly because who really knows if Chinese Democracy will ever come out. I mean Axl could just scrap the whole thing and we would never hear any songs, so it is a good thing that we got something in case that worst case situation actually occurs. But if Chinese Democracy is released in the next couple months, I will have wished that we would have just gotten demos of the songs that we have already heard.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on March 01, 2006, 02:09:30 PM

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 01, 2006, 02:49:00 PM
give me teh current leaks, I am tired of both maddy and the blues.. Not saying anything about music just saying it's been years of them already

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: shaun on March 01, 2006, 03:00:55 PM

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Eclipsed107 on March 01, 2006, 03:43:09 PM
Right now I'd take a studio version of Madagascar, but a week ago I'd take the new leaks.

I think we've heard enough songs now that we've heard 4, with the 3 other songs we have (not including RATB and SW) we have 7 songs that are probably going to be on the album... Chinese Democracy, The Blues, Madagascar, Catcher in the Rye, There Was A Time, Better, I.R.S..  I still want to be suprised by the album and some of the songs, so I'm competley satisfied with what we have heard already.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: SWINGTRADER on March 01, 2006, 04:58:20 PM
People keep assuming that all these tracks we have heard are going to be in the album.  I think that half of the new stuff will be in  Chinese Democracy.  Axl even said "Catcher in the Rye" would be in album 2.  I think all of us are going to be surprised  at how CD is going to sound. 

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Dont Try Me on March 01, 2006, 05:03:30 PM

aaaaah, my eyes! my eyes!

on a serious note: don't we all? we'll have to wait for that :)  : ok:

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Eclipsed107 on March 01, 2006, 05:26:54 PM
Axl even said "Catcher in the Rye" would be in album 2.? I think all of us are going to be surprised? at how CD is going to sound.?

According to Axl the album was coming out in 2001 and it'd have 18 tracks on it and a 10 track bonus cd.  I dunno about you but I looked in the cd stores in 2001 and none of them had it dispite what Axl said.

Point being Axl has said tons of things over the years, he changes his mind daily, and a lot of it never comes true.. don't believe everythign you hear, even if it's from the big man.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: mega_music on March 01, 2006, 07:06:26 PM
I want to wait to hear the Blues or Maddy's final mix once I have Chinese in my hands! The Blues is a amazing song and I feel it will be the single that makes Chinese sell millions!

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: Drew on March 01, 2006, 08:33:14 PM
I would take studio versions of "The Blues" and "Madagascar". Cause that would probably mean something legitimate and official is happening or beginning to happen. I.E. Axl and/or GN'R Management has made an official announcement of the album release.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: WhosGilby? on March 01, 2006, 09:41:14 PM
I wanna here Madagascar although I also really want to hjere the guitars on the demo cause they really add alot to that song and sounded good in 01-02

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: axlsalinger on March 01, 2006, 10:36:48 PM
I am glad we got the recent leaks. They are great songs on their own that I listen to every day, and it energized the fanbase. However, I agree with most that I hope there are no more leaks of any kind. I think that if a release date was announced for reasonably soon (even if it's in June), I would have the willpower not to listen to any more leaks. Without a release date, it's a lot harder because this album may never be released.

As for Blues vs. Madagascar, it is an interesting question. Out of the two now I definitely prefer The Blues, but I can see the finished version of Madagascar as being mind-blowing.

Title: Re: Studio versions of Blues and Maddy, or the new demos: Which would you want?
Post by: neon2002 on March 03, 2006, 01:21:54 PM
I would have wanted Blues and Maddy.? Not only are those the best new GN'R songs (IMO), but we have heard them before, and I know many people, including myself, feel somewhat guilty about hearing new GN'R songs that are supposed to be on CD.

I'd love to hear studio versions of "The Blues" & "Madagascar" as I think that they are both Masterpieces!!!
 : ok: