Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Halucinogen on March 01, 2006, 04:49:04 AM

Title: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Halucinogen on March 01, 2006, 04:49:04 AM
It amazes me how many people expect Axl to regurgitate some past sound and then try to compare the latest demo leaks to the old bands past accomplishments. Seriously. That would be like trying to compare Metallica's 1983 album "Kill 'Em All" to the self titled black album or "Load", better still, Queen's 1973 debut album with "Hot Spaces" released in 1983...what you'll notice is that they are different from one to another.....there is a progression of musicianship with each album. Now add to the mix that the Guns N' Roses line-up as we once knew it has changed dramatically! What do you think you're going to get? Axl said it best himself during the 2002 MTV awards when he said, "How do you make a whole bunch of guys, that are something else, into something that already was?" How boring do you think it would have been if Led Zeppelin kept rehashing the "Communication Breakdown" sound each album...the world would have never known "Kashmir" if they had not explored musically. Each new member in the current GNR line-up brings in their own styles and influences to the table and has contributed in making the best sounding album. With Axl at the reign...I think we will see just that. What I have head so far as demos I think are brilliant! This isn't 1987...and 1990 has come and gone long ago. Artist constantly challenge themselves, it's what keeps them fresh with new ideas, wanting to go the distance and push the envelope. Axl is no different. Let?s stop living in the past. How about embracing what's to come?


Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 01, 2006, 04:50:59 AM
You're absolfuckinglutely right.  : ok:

The only problem is: We NEED something to embrace.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: You Gonna Eat That? on March 01, 2006, 04:55:09 AM
I agree.

Some people on here say they want another Appetite-style album from the new band. But then they say they don't want a reunion of the old band. An Appetite-style album from the new band is worse than the old band reuniting, IMO.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: dr. light on March 01, 2006, 05:00:03 AM
ok so i just listen to the leaked tracks and all i have to say is.,.

better and twat are a piece of can axl sing on this shitty songs?
is this part of the best rock album of all times?
i cant believe this is guns n roses. even duff?s believe in me has more rock n roll than this songs.

irs and catcher are not so bad but still dont fill the level of appetite or ilusions...
c?mon please someone tell me this isnt real and this songs are jokes because i cant understand what the fuck is axl thinkin when he said "it?s gonna be the best rock album ever"

im disapointed because i expected something mind blowin and all i got were 4 tracks that really leave you with your mouth open sayin "what the fuck is this?"

axl do all of us a favor and call the real guns n roses and make the fukin rock record all of us want to hear...

this dont sound like guns n roses at all...

where is the sex the drugs and the fukin rock n roll in this songs?

and for those that think im an axl basher, im not i love the guy, i saw them here in argentina in 92 93 and saw gilby with steven and belive me, steven may be a lost case but he fuckin rocks more doing guns songs that this piece of shit songs axl leaked..(its obvius it was him)
im piss off because i waited 13 years for some mind blowin songs and this is what i get...?

and by the way, the new guns are all great musicians, but that is the problem they are musicians not rockers...

where have all the good times gone?

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 01, 2006, 05:00:33 AM
It amazes me how many people expect Axl to regurgitate some past sound and then try to compare the latest demo leaks to the old bands past accomplishments. Seriously. That would be like trying to compare Metallica's 1983 album "Kill 'Em All" to the self titled black album or "Load", better still, Queen's 1973 debut album with "Hot Spaces" released in 1983...what you'll notice is that they are different from one to another.....there is a progression of musicianship with each album. Now add to the mix that the Guns N' Roses line-up as we once knew it has changed dramatically! What do you think you're going to get? Axl said it best himself during the 2002 MTV awards when he said, "How do you make a whole bunch of guys, that are something else, into something that already was?" How boring do you think it would have been if Led Zeppelin kept rehashing the "Communication Breakdown" sound each album...the world would have never known "Kashmir" if they had not explored musically. Each new member in the current GNR line-up brings in their own styles and influences to the table and has contributed in making the best sounding album. With Axl at the reign...I think we will see just that. What I have head so far as demos I think are brilliant! This isn't 1987...and 1990 has come and gone long ago. Artist constantly challenge themselves, it's what keeps them fresh with new ideas, wanting to go the distance and push the envelope. Axl is no different. Let?s stop living in the past. How about embracing what's to come?

Great post!! :beer: Best Noob post in forum history.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 05:01:33 AM
I agree with everything you said, BUT I hope and believe that Axl won't take a downward step like Metallica did from Kill Em' All to Load. ?In my opinion that was just selling out big time :no:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 01, 2006, 05:01:49 AM
All the answers are here (")  :beer:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: erose on March 01, 2006, 05:02:43 AM
and your defenition of rock n' roll is?

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: SADIS on March 01, 2006, 05:03:13 AM
What are you, fucking stupid?

Axl never told anyone he was gonna make the best fucking album ever. Get over it! You don't like the new songs that's great but the only one who's to blame for your dissapointment is yourself since you set your expectations this high. Not Axl or GnR. You expected something, so blame yourself.


Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: EccoTides on March 01, 2006, 05:07:03 AM

axl do all of us a favor and call the real guns n roses and make the fukin rock record all of us want to hear...

where is the sex the drugs and the fukin rock n roll in this songs?

Would you seriously be impressed if Axl delivered just another rock record after all of this time?

I'm proud of the band for these new songs, and especially proud of the fact that the NEW GNR has the vision and ambition to try musical styles that the old band was too stubborn to even consider.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 05:08:24 AM
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but these songs sound absolutely amazing if you give them more than one listen. ?Hell, I made a point to mix them up with UYI1 through i-tunes and I thought they fit in perfectly. ?Well I guess that is just my opinion, and to each his own :beer:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: gasgage on March 01, 2006, 05:08:52 AM
Someone needs to go and get a new phd. : ok:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Evolution on March 01, 2006, 05:10:22 AM
Someone needs to realise that whenever someone has an opinion, a new thread isn't needed  ;)

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: dr. light on March 01, 2006, 05:10:57 AM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Jonathan on March 01, 2006, 05:13:04 AM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

If you don't like it, don't bother listen.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: zombux on March 01, 2006, 05:13:16 AM
you are a joke :P

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Poof! on March 01, 2006, 05:15:56 AM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

If you don't like it, don't bother listen.

It's as simple as that. And, Dr. Light, don't post the same statement over and over again in other topics. Stick to the topic you wholly dedicated to your own opinion.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 05:18:04 AM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

Have you heard the demos from UYI or AFD? ?I mean, they absolutely and positively can not compare with the real versions of the songs. ?Just wait until you hear the finished versions and I am sure you will be amazed! ?I already am.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: dr. light on March 01, 2006, 05:24:56 AM
and your defenition of rock n' roll is?

listen to appetite and you will know what rock n roll is.,.,its an attittude, definitive this songs dont have any of that.

What are you, fucking stupid?

Axl never told anyone he was gonna make the best fucking album ever. Get over it! You don't like the new songs that's great but the only one who's to blame for your dissapointment is yourself since you set your expectations this high. Not Axl or GnR. You expected something, so blame yourself.


yes he did...and dont insult me because i didnt insult none of you people

i certainly be satisfied if axl give me a rock record, guns n roses was a rock band, theres is a difference in doing rock type songs like kashmir (yes thats rock n roll) and this shitty songs i listened all night long and cant believe how under the level of guns n roses are.

what the hell is a phd?

i saw the other thread after i made this and i answer that thread too

and zombux you said im a joke because...?

dont get me wrong i love axl, thats the reason why im so piss of he made this shit...

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Lucs on March 01, 2006, 05:26:12 AM
and your defenition of rock n' roll is?

listen to appetite and you will know what rock n roll is.,.,its an attittude, definitive this songs dont have any of that.

Man that was 19 years ago... wake up! Axl is not 25 anymore...

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: SADIS on March 01, 2006, 05:26:32 AM
yes he did...

Source please?

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 01, 2006, 05:26:48 AM
Just one question: What do you think of Estranged?

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Poof! on March 01, 2006, 05:27:23 AM

dont get me wrong i love axl, thats the reason why im so piss of he made this shit...


No. You're pissed off because he didn't make the music YOU wanted. In this case, the term "shit", is relative. To each his own.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: dr. light on March 01, 2006, 05:29:38 AM
i explain the thread confusion in the other thread...

i just listen to them tonight and belive me i listen like 20 times each song i still cant believe it.

and dont bash me because i said i think this songs sucks, i love axl but he isnt doing something well otherwise "cd" could be in my cd player right now and i will not have to say these things.

and i really hope that cd blows my mind...because this songs definitily didnt reach the level i was hopin for,.,.or maybe i am a perfectionist.,.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: EccoTides on March 01, 2006, 05:30:38 AM
People just have to grow, man - Axl's 20 years older, almost to the year. Hearing him sing about the same topics as the songs on AFD would just be sad and desperate. And musically he's got a wide open mind...

It all comes down to this: If you don't like it, don't listen to it. I tried to like Velvet Revolver's album, but I was incredibly bored by it. So I don't listen to it.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: ClintroN on March 01, 2006, 05:31:17 AM

yes he did...and dont insult me because i didnt insult none of you people

no, BUT YOUR INSULTING MY FAV. fuckin' BAND!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: much to say other then your a tossa!!! :beer:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: F*ck Fear on March 01, 2006, 05:32:21 AM
What are you, fucking stupid?

Axl never told anyone he was gonna make the best fucking album ever.

Thanks,someone had to say it.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: dr. light on March 01, 2006, 05:36:42 AM
axl is not 25 anymore but he is still axl rose

the source for that is over here somewhere believe me its a famous quote

i think estranges is one of the best rockin songs made ever.

and im piss of because guns n roses represented rock n roll for me since i was 11 and this is what i get for havin high hopes on axl?

and im not insultin guns n insultin axl rose because he is doing something wrong here...

anyway bash me if that will make you all fell better.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 05:37:33 AM
I'm sorry, but you can't expect the same type of attitude from a 44 year old man than you can a man in his mid twenties. ?Hell, I'm only 28 (so I can finally sing Estranged and mean it ;D) But I can still relate to, and think the lyrics are wiser, in the new shit than any of the old shit. ?And I think Axl's vocal performance is incredible also, not to mention the talent the rest of the band has. ?Call me an old pussy all you want, but that is the way I feel.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: gasgage on March 01, 2006, 05:44:06 AM
phd comment?

It was a polite way of saying you should go back to school and become a little more enlightened.

By the way, if you don't know what phd stands for you should probably not call yourself Dr. ;D

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Wooody on March 01, 2006, 05:44:19 AM
this songs definitily didnt reach the level --i-- was hopin for,.,.or maybe i am a perfectionist.,.

Key Word : "I"

the songs didn't reach the level for YOU, speak for YOURSELF.

Plenty other people like me think otherwise.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 05:55:55 AM
I am personally blown away by these new songs, fuck just when I was convinced it couldn't get better than TWAT, along comes CITR.  I'm sorry if you are dissapointed in these songs, but I couldn't be happier with them : ok:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: darkstar_legend on March 01, 2006, 05:58:12 AM
where have all the good times gone?
Velvet Revolver. ;D :beer:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: ClintroN on March 01, 2006, 06:04:00 AM
axl is not 25 anymore but he is still axl rose

the source for that is over here somewhere believe me its a famous quote

i think estranges is one of the best rockin songs made ever.

and im piss of because guns n roses represented rock n roll for me since i was 11 and this is what i get for havin high hopes on axl?

and im not insultin guns n insultin axl rose because he is doing something wrong here...

anyway bash me if that will make you all fell better.

your screwd in the head mate!! :o

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Wooody on March 01, 2006, 06:20:45 AM
where have all the good times gone?
Velvet Revolver. ;D :beer:


Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: damnsmooth on March 01, 2006, 06:42:19 AM
where have all the good times gone?
Velvet Revolver. ;D :beer:

I have to say that there is no way in hell that Velvet Revolver comes anywhere close to any of these new songs.? Hell, IRS (my personal least favorite) blows away anything Contraband has to offer.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Jim Bob on March 01, 2006, 07:36:09 AM
where have all the good times gone?
Velvet Revolver. ;D :beer:

I have to say that there is no way in hell that Velvet Revolver comes anywhere cloce to any of these new songs.  Hell, IRS (my personal least favorite) blows away anything Contraband has to offer.
took the words right out of my mouth  : ok:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Meanmachine22 on March 01, 2006, 09:19:03 AM
where have all the good times gone?
Velvet Revolver. ;D :beer:

I have to say that there is no way in hell that Velvet Revolver comes anywhere cloce to any of these new songs.? Hell, IRS (my personal least favorite) blows away anything Contraband has to offer.

Where can i sign this please....? : ok:

These new songs are incredible (in my opinion)
That album will be massive if the public gives this fucker a cance
took the words right out of my mouth? : ok:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Sakib on March 01, 2006, 09:35:28 AM
where have all the good times gone?
Velvet Revolver. ;D :beer:

I have to say that there is no way in hell that Velvet Revolver comes anywhere cloce to any of these new songs.? Hell, IRS (my personal least favorite) blows away anything Contraband has to offer.
took the words right out of my mouth? : ok:

certainly. The only song i think is worse than the Contraband album by VR is silkworms. I'd rather listen to IRS, TWAT, BETTER, Oh my god, Riyadh etc. than Contraband.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: pilferk on March 01, 2006, 10:00:46 AM
ok so i just listen to the leaked tracks and all i have to say is.,.

better and twat are a piece of can axl sing on this shitty songs?
is this part of the best rock album of all times?
i cant believe this is guns n roses. even duff?s believe in me has more rock n roll than this songs.

irs and catcher are not so bad but still dont fill the level of appetite or ilusions...
c?mon please someone tell me this isnt real and this songs are jokes because i cant understand what the fuck is axl thinkin when he said "it?s gonna be the best rock album ever"

im disapointed because i expected something mind blowin and all i got were 4 tracks that really leave you with your mouth open sayin "what the fuck is this?"

axl do all of us a favor and call the real guns n roses and make the fukin rock record all of us want to hear...

this dont sound like guns n roses at all...

where is the sex the drugs and the fukin rock n roll in this songs?

and for those that think im an axl basher, im not i love the guy, i saw them here in argentina in 92 93 and saw gilby with steven and belive me, steven may be a lost case but he fuckin rocks more doing guns songs that this piece of shit songs axl leaked..(its obvius it was him)
im piss off because i waited 13 years for some mind blowin songs and this is what i get...?

and by the way, the new guns are all great musicians, but that is the problem they are musicians not rockers...

where have all the good times gone?

It's not 1987 anymore.  They're not starving drug users living the life of start up LA musicians.   The themes of their music are going to reflect their lives.  You write about what you know, and what you're experiencing.  They're not dancing with Brownstone, or downing Nighttrain, or heading to the projects to meet up with a dealer anymore.

Yes, the new material is different than AFD.  It should be.  It's 20 years later.  It's different than UYI's, too, but much closer to that sound.  Which should surprise no one, since UYI's seems like it was much more the "sound" Axl wanted to head toward.  This is UYI evolved, it seems.  For those that liked the UYI sound...this is going to be their cup of tea.  For those wanting a rehash of AFD....not so much.

Axl has said, in the interview with Loder, he set out originally to make a traditional rock record...but couldn't.  So, if that's what you want, or are expecting, stick with VR.  Your comfort level with their material will be much greater.  If you're willing to just listen to the music, with no preconceived notions about what it "should" sound like, you're going to like it a LOT more.  This is not GnR circa '87, or even circa '92.  It is the GNR of the new millenium, the GnR of at least '02, and probably close to the sound of the GnR of '06.

I think the Thread Starter made the point wonderfully....

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Halucinogen on March 01, 2006, 02:27:09 PM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

Excuse me Dr, Demento, but where did you get the idea that I was comparing a Led Zeppelin album to a GNR album??? I did no such thing. Try reading slower to give your brain a chance to digest what you eyes are seeing.

Oh..and Dr. Demento...Ph.D. is an abbreviation for the Latin "philosophiae doctor," translated as doctor of philosophy. And That you are not.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: erose on March 01, 2006, 04:37:07 PM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

Excuse me Dr, Demento, but where did you get the idea that I was comparing a Led Zeppelin album to a GNR album??? I did no such thing. Try reading slower to give your brain a chance to digest what you eyes are seeing.

Oh..and Dr. Demento...Ph.D. is an abbreviation for the Latin "philosophiae doctor," translated as doctor of philosophy. And That you are not.

a Ph. D has nothing to do with philosophy tho, you can have a Ph D in rock n' roll if you know what i'm saying...

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: mr. moustache on March 01, 2006, 04:44:26 PM
and your defenition of rock n' roll is?

listen to appetite and you will know what rock n roll is.,.,its an attittude, definitive this songs dont have any of that.

What are you, fucking stupid?

Axl never told anyone he was gonna make the best fucking album ever. Get over it! You don't like the new songs that's great but the only one who's to blame for your dissapointment is yourself since you set your expectations this high. Not Axl or GnR. You expected something, so blame yourself.

what the hell is a phd?
and zombux you said im a joke because...?

if you don't have any idea what a phd is then you really are a joke, a funny one at that.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Halucinogen on March 01, 2006, 07:14:47 PM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

Excuse me Dr, Demento, but where did you get the idea that I was comparing a Led Zeppelin album to a GNR album??? I did no such thing. Try reading slower to give your brain a chance to digest what you eyes are seeing.

Oh..and Dr. Demento...Ph.D. is an abbreviation for the Latin "philosophiae doctor," translated as doctor of philosophy. And That you are not.

a Ph. D has nothing to do with philosophy tho, you can have a Ph D in rock n' roll if you know what i'm saying...

Yes it does.
Doctor of Philosophy, or Ph.D.... The appellation of "Doctor" (Latin: teacher)  it means having achieved that status in one or more than one field. It indicated a life dedicated to learning, to knowledge, and to the spread of knowledge. Ok? Can we get back to the thread at hand?

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: erose on March 02, 2006, 06:16:20 AM
yeah explore music

compare led zeppelin to this guns n roses is like compare pink floyd with blink 182

this demos sucks and im still piss of at axl and i hope this isnt the best he can do because if this is hes finish.

Excuse me Dr, Demento, but where did you get the idea that I was comparing a Led Zeppelin album to a GNR album??? I did no such thing. Try reading slower to give your brain a chance to digest what you eyes are seeing.

Oh..and Dr. Demento...Ph.D. is an abbreviation for the Latin "philosophiae doctor," translated as doctor of philosophy. And That you are not.

a Ph. D has nothing to do with philosophy tho, you can have a Ph D in rock n' roll if you know what i'm saying...

Doctor of Philosophy, or Ph.D.... The appellation of "Doctor" (Latin: teacher)? it means having achieved that status in one or more than one field. It indicated a life dedicated to learning, to knowledge, and to the spread of knowledge.

my point exactly, it doesn't have to to with the field of philosophy... wtf, your saying it yourself...

but like you said back on topic.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Manners on March 02, 2006, 06:45:08 AM
These new tracks we have heard are following the same kind of formula that made GNR the best band in the world.

There is rythem to all the tracks and they bounce along nicely, throwing in a few unexpected twists along the way.

Yes Axl seems to have matured in the way that he presents his music but as a few other posters have said he is not living on the breadline anymore, doing drugs and ODing, getting smashed on cheap booze, times have changed and so has Axl's music.

Did anybody think that the Illusion albums were not good becuase it wasn't Appetite? I think if that is the case then they were not really a fan of GNR but of the Appetite.

All in all I think that this album when all tracks are compiled in the best order will rank alongside Appetite, Illusions and Lies but as each album has previosly in it's own right.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Guillermo on March 02, 2006, 07:42:42 AM
New material, how different is it from the old material and why?.......

Why? errrrrrrrrrrrr  Simply because Axl is in a band completely new and constructed in proportion to his desires for mercenary musicians... and the guy is twenty years older!!!!  :rant:
 Right now GnR is "the Axl" project". I don't want the new songs to sound like the old ones. If Axl would want to sound like old Guns we'd try to re-join that band. But I dont think Steve Adler was capable to play a couple of concerts without any good junkie-wrangle.

I don?t care if the new band is called "Guns N?Roses" or "Pepita Flowers". It's just a question of marketing. I just want to listen new Axl songs.
And in my opinion, Velvet Revolver sounds very similar to old GnR. I can understand you dont like Scott voice or songwritting (because he is NOT Axl and never wanted to), but the riffs, the bass... The first time I lintened to "Set me free" (without knowing it was VR) I thought "this hard rock band sounds to me very close to Guns".
I prefer the old GnR stuff than the VR, anyway... but if you think VR sounds like total bullshit then you have to think that  a part of the old songs do.

Sorry if my english is poor. It?s not my natural language.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Stealthcamo on March 02, 2006, 07:46:31 AM

where is the sex the drugs and the fukin rock n roll in this songs?

Now all we have is aids, crack n' techno .  :hihi:

Anyways though, how can you not like Better? Well to each their own I suppose but watch.... You're gonna end up buying Chinese Democracy anyway.

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: mikegiuliana on March 02, 2006, 07:59:20 AM
and your defenition of rock n' roll is?

listen to appetite and you will know what rock n roll is.,.,its an attittude, definitive this songs dont have any of that.

Man that was 19 years ago... wake up! Axl is not 25 anymore...

yeah but will it bother you if axl still goes on and on about the two women in his life that was almost as long ago?

The sound is different because the band is different, the name may say gnr, but it's really not the gnr we all knew

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: nesquick on March 02, 2006, 08:02:18 AM
One word: SLASH

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: madagas on March 02, 2006, 08:41:17 AM
Mike, it's two different bands-not remotely the same. People just have to realize that and get over it. I dig both. Old Gnr was great for me at that time of my life because I'm their same age and was feeling their pain. Now, I'm the same age as the new band and have more connection and feel for the new songs because I'm older. Axl may be singing about the same two women, but that is not the point. The songs have very universal themes and can be liberally applied too anyone's situation. That is Axl's skill-tapping in to universal emotions. That is why he has such a devoted fanbase because they connect with what he is saying.  :beer:

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Halucinogen on March 02, 2006, 05:31:38 PM
and your defenition of rock n' roll is?

listen to appetite and you will know what rock n roll is.,.,its an attittude, definitive this songs dont have any of that.

Man that was 19 years ago... wake up! Axl is not 25 anymore...

The sound is different because the band is different, the name may say gnr, but it's really not the gnr we all knew

Not the gnr we all knew.....And which GNR is that? The 1985-86 line-up? (Incl. Traci Gunns & Rob Gardner - pre-Appetite) The 1987 line-up? (Incl. Slash & Steven Adler - Appetite) The 1990 line-up?(exit Steven Adler, enter Matt Sorum- Illusions) The 1992 line-up? (exit Izzy Stradlin, enter Gilby Clarke - Spaghetti) The 1994 line-up (exit Gilby Clarke, enter Paul Tobias - "Sympathy for the Devil" single) ect. ect....Which do you speak of?

Title: Re: New material, how different is it from the old material and why?
Post by: Halucinogen on March 03, 2006, 04:16:40 PM
...or perhaps this new line-up is growing on you? Hmmmm?