Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Dead Horse => Topic started by: DontDamnMe on February 26, 2006, 12:38:47 AM

Title: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: DontDamnMe on February 26, 2006, 12:38:47 AM
LOOK... I can't take it anymore!  Axl supposedly ran his mouth again at the NY club about how 'now you will see who the real creative force behind GnR was'.  I'm so sick of his prima-donna bullshit!

First of all, the new stuff sounds OK, because you have good musicians playing behind you.  The lyrics are weaker, much weaker in fact, than the stuff found on Appetite/UYI.  The fact is: Izzy, Duff and even Slash had a lot to do with the words penned for those songs and of course, they were a collective unit, pumping out great shit!

Axl's voice is warped, the CD project has been a debacle, to put it lightly.  I mean, fuck, how many frontmans do you know that chased away two of the GREATEST guitarists of their era (Slash/BH)???  The sad part is, he didn't even get an album out before Bucket left!  Axl is a complete fucking dumbass, and I cannot understand why there are so many people here that worship the ground he walks on.

Sure, he can sing and was the baddest frontman from the 80's rock scene, but he's too stupid to handle his own success.  Plus, he's no fucking Steven Tyler, he can't perform the way he did 10 years ago.  Even Tyler was smart enough to realize he was dog-shit without Joe Perry.  The saddest part of all, is that he still calls it Guns n' Roses, when we all know that's a fucking facade!

Axl will never re-create the bedlum that was, back in the early 90's for Guns.  He thinks he will, but he won't.  He can't even show up to his fucking gigs, with all his new buddies, who all get paid just to play behind Axl, whilst kissing his ass.   The guy is a complete dumbass, and he has nobody to blame, but himself, for all these leaks.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Steel_Angel on February 26, 2006, 12:40:10 AM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: ThisLife on February 26, 2006, 12:40:53 AM
shut up!

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: DUST N BONES on February 26, 2006, 12:42:05 AM
Dude I do agree with some of the stuff you said but trust me it's not even worth mentioning any of that on this board.  Probably 85% of the people here are loyal to Axl and only Axl.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Axl_GNR on February 26, 2006, 12:42:39 AM
Axl is right though, he has always been the main ingredient. ?Chinese Democracy will prove this. ?Slash, Duff, and Izzy have already proved that they weren't the main ingredients with their solo stuff and VR.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Howard2k on February 26, 2006, 12:43:52 AM
Didn't you already post this shit?

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: NiGhTrAiN? on February 26, 2006, 12:44:36 AM
LOOK... I can't take it anymore!? Axl supposedly ran his mouth again at the NY club about how 'now you will see who the real creative force behind GnR was'.? I'm so sick of his prima-donna bullshit!

First of all, the new stuff sounds OK, because you have good musicians playing behind you.? The lyrics are weaker, much weaker in fact, than the stuff found on Appetite/UYI.? The fact is: Izzy, Duff and even Slash had a lot to do with the words penned for those songs and of course, they were a collective unit, pumping out great shit!

Axl's voice is warped, the CD project has been a debacle, to put it lightly.? I mean, fuck, how many frontmans do you know that chased away two of the GREATEST guitarists of their era (Slash/BH)???? The sad part is, he didn't even get an album out before Bucket left!? Axl is a complete fucking dumbass, and I cannot understand why there are so many people here that worship the ground he walks on.

Sure, he can sing and was the baddest frontman from the 80's rock scene, but he's too stupid to handle his own success.? Plus, he's no fucking Steven Tyler, he can't perform the way he did 10 years ago.? Even Tyler was smart enough to realize he was dog-shit without Joe Perry.? The saddest part of all, is that he still calls it Guns n' Roses, when we all know that's a fucking facade!

Axl will never re-create the bedlum that was, back in the early 90's for Guns.? He thinks he will, but he won't.? He can't even show up to his fucking gigs, with all his new buddies, who all get paid just to play behind Axl, whilst kissing his ass.? ?The guy is a complete dumbass, and he has nobody to blame, but himself, for all these leaks.

you're so boring

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Sukie on February 26, 2006, 12:45:06 AM
Thanks for toning down the thread title, Don't Damn Me. ?I appreciate it! ? :)

Since you've posted the thread again in a not so offensive way, I'll remove the other one.

I still take exception to "Axl is a complete fucking dumbass, and I cannot understand why there are so many people here that worship the ground he walks on." ?But, I'll let the other members deal with you.

Remember name calling or insults. ?I know it'll be hard...but let's try. ?

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: jabba2 on February 26, 2006, 12:45:51 AM
Axl is right though, he has always been the main ingredient. ?Chinese Democracy will prove this. ?Slash, Duff, and Izzy have already proved that they weren't the main ingredients with their solo stuff and VR.

Well yea no shit he's the singer so he is the main ingredient, but personally i think his voice only fits well with hard rock. With techno it sounds too much like "this is Axl Rose doing Techno". With hard rock his voice is more natural.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Neemo on February 26, 2006, 12:45:57 AM
i wote a big ass reply to your other topic but it got locked before i was done :-\

anyway. Axl was responsible for the gigantic monster GnR became at the end,

Slash,. Duff and Izzy left of their own free will

Axl owns the name GnR and that fact has never been disputed.

Steven Tyler has nowhere near the talent of Axl

Axl was fuckign amazing in 2002 when i saw hime

The new songs Rock, tough shit if you don't like them :P

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: DontDamnMe on February 26, 2006, 12:51:51 AM
Steven Tyler has nowhere near the talent of Axl

This says it all... Tyler has been around for ages!!!  The fucker is almost 60 and he still tours like he is 30.  Saw Aerosmith recently, and there show is just really tight!   Let's let Axl do a complete tour for the first time since he turned 30, before we put him above Tyler.  Everything I have seen from Axl, heard from Axl, is that he is a fossil compared to his gritty, grimey Appetite/Illusion days.  There is a reason why the album is taking so long... his voice is pretty well shot.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Kujo on February 26, 2006, 12:53:46 AM
You don't like what we have heard so far. Fine. I have no problem with that.

You are throwing a hissy fit about something that someone claims Axl said. That I dont understand.

And people wonder why Axl doesnt make more public statements ::)

This and ?the reaction to Lisa Reeds comments last week, are perfect examples of why.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Voodoochild on February 26, 2006, 12:57:32 AM
Bla bla bla. That's all you said. Bitching about something you want, but will not change.

BTW, what the fuck are you listening to? Axl's lyrics are weak? Yeah, right...

Do you know what's cool? That AWESOME lyrics in Be The Ball.. : ok:

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Neemo on February 26, 2006, 12:58:01 AM
Steven Tyler has nowhere near the talent of Axl

This says it all... Tyler has been around for ages!!!? The fucker is almost 60 and he still tours like he is 30.? Saw Aerosmith recently, and there show is just really tight!? ?Let's let Axl do a complete tour for the first time since he turned 30, before we put him above Tyler.? Everything I have seen from Axl, heard from Axl, is that he is a fossil compared to his gritty, grimey Appetite/Illusion days.? There is a reason why the album is taking so long... his voice is pretty well shot.

uh ok, so being around for 100 years makes you a great singer? :hihi: i don't think so. Tyler is good and all but he's not great. ?Have you seen GnR live? I swear that in 2002 the show i went to, he was fucking incredible dude..

Don't get me wrong its a shame that GnR broke up, but there is nothing you or i can do about it so why greive? I got to see VR in 2005 and S&D are awesome too. I just wish that i would've got the chance to see GnR back in the day.
I've been a fan since '88 but never had the opportunity to see them :'( the way i look at it i get 2 awesome bands now instead of 1 : ok:

and of course Aerosmith would be really tight. they've been a band for almost longer than I've been alive!!! DUH!!! :P

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: KIKO2K6 on February 26, 2006, 01:00:52 AM
The news Demos are amazings i never heard some like Better , is the best stuff that i heard in so long time .
How can you say that the lycris are weak ?! You are a dumbass , The TWAT lycris are so deep , they are amazing lycris more deep ,beatifull than the lycris of Yl era and Apetite .

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: estranged.1098 on February 26, 2006, 01:01:45 AM
LOOK... I can't take it anymore!  Axl supposedly ran his mouth again at the NY club about how 'now you will see who the real creative force behind GnR was'.  I'm so sick of his prima-donna bullshit!

Please stop making up things. Someone claimed that Axl said he was the main ingredient of Guns N' Roses - which is something that the members of the original band actually agreed on court.

Also, the album is not out yet. I think you might want to review your post in a few months.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: DontDamnMe on February 26, 2006, 01:03:37 AM
The MTV performance a few years back is all the evidence I need to show you his voice is SHOT.  He may have a good night here and there, but that was horrible.  Even his worst night back in the early 90's would have been 10 times better than the VMA's performance.

The difference between Axl and Tyler is: Tyler can still sing Dream On, the way that Dream On is supposed to be sang.   You and I both heard how Axl fucked up the Live Era discs with his 'new voice'.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: estranged.1098 on February 26, 2006, 01:06:00 AM
And a clip of "Better" is all the evidence I need to show that Axl's voice on the album will be amazing.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: DontDamnMe on February 26, 2006, 01:11:40 AM
And a clip of "Better" is all the evidence I need to show that Axl's voice on the album will be amazing.

Yeah, that in-studio clip, that was probably re-done like 50 times.  That's all the evidence we need, alright...   ::)

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Neemo on February 26, 2006, 01:16:23 AM
The MTV performance a few years back is all the evidence I need to show you his voice is SHOT.? He may have a good night here and there, but that was horrible.? Even his worst night back in the early 90's would have been 10 times better than the VMA's performance.

The difference between Axl and Tyler is: Tyler can still sing Dream On, the way that Dream On is supposed to be sang.? ?You and I both heard how Axl fucked up the Live Era discs with his 'new voice'.

Um no Tyler can't!!! The way it's supposed to be done is like he sung it originally : ok:

He ran for 2 blocks to get away from security guards and ran right on stage for the MTV performance man!!! and If you bas ehis talent on that then you are fucked. Whay don't you go download the toronto show i uplaoded in the collection section, or find another like the boston 3 cam shot or albany or MSG and tell me if he's lost it.

And I agree live era blows, but so what, don't listen to it. it was a filler album for the record company anyway. And back on the tour in 92 or whatever , he got some kinda cold or something and damaged his voice, that's why he sounds so rough back then. He had it goin on in 2002 my friend. educate yourself. better yet take a chance and go see them when they come around again, personally guarantee that you won't be let down (unless ther eis a no show :hihi: , but hey that's part of the anarchy that is Axl rose, and prolly a big part why you became a fan in the first place. His Bad ass i don't give a fuck attitude, i mean thye song that is your namesake says it all)

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Mike McKagan on February 26, 2006, 01:16:42 AM
Um, I'm pretty sure that the Live Era discs were recorded before he started using his 'new voice' (whatever that means).

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: highend88 on February 26, 2006, 01:19:18 AM
Locked. An unnecessary discussion!

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: 33 on February 26, 2006, 05:34:44 AM
I just feel bad that there are guns fans around like this dont damn me! Fancy being that negative when all this positive shit is going on at the moment! I just feel sorry for you mate! Fancy jumping ship when we are this close to seeing it all happen! Your loss! Mike

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Mr.Intensity on February 26, 2006, 06:01:27 AM
I sense a disgruntled fan of ONLY the old band.. some people will never get over the break up.

Sad really.

Although he is entitled to hip opinion of the new tunes.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: mikegiuliana on February 26, 2006, 06:23:43 AM
Dude I do agree with some of the stuff you said but trust me it's not even worth mentioning any of that on this board.? Probably 85% of the people here are loyal to Axl and only Axl.

That was what I was thinking :hihi:

When the only one left in gnr is axl what can one expect debate wise

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Dont Try Me on February 26, 2006, 06:32:01 AM
nothing to see here......move along   : ok:


Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Mandy. on February 26, 2006, 07:17:58 AM
bla bla bla...............

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: DontDamnMe on February 26, 2006, 12:42:16 PM
bla bla bla...............

Yeah, bla bla bla... I'm right, you're wrong... bla bla bla...    I have YET to see but only one person on this ENTIRE forum who has made an honest attempt to tell me I'm wrong and that's Neemo.  As for Neemo, here's what was said:
better yet take a chance and go see them when they come around again, personally guarantee that you won't be let down (unless ther eis a no show  , but hey that's part of the anarchy that is Axl rose, and prolly a big part why you became a fan in the first place.

No, this wasn't a big reason why I became a Guns fan.  In fact, if I had paid money, drove to the show, paid for parking, went into the venue, sat, waited and Axl did one of his 'no-shows', I'd be so fucking pissed!  This is why many people inside the music industry detest Axl Fucking Rose.  Yes, he was THE best frontman from the late 80's rock scene, but he's not that BAD ASS rocker anymore.  Sure, he'll have his good nights, but you have the be the BEST before you can get away with cancelling gigs left and right.  Hence, that's why the fucking tour flopped and Bucket left.

The reason I became a Guns fan is because of their sound.  While everybody else was playing cheesy metal, GnR was cranking up the Marshall stacks and plugging in their Les Pauls.  (Slash in particular)  Axl's voice was incredible on Appetite, but so was the fucking music!  Look, even the rest of the band detested Axl's no shows.  They hated the fact that their shows were turning into riots.  Its not like I'm revealing my own fucking opinion here... just ask ANYBODY who worked with Axl back in the early 90's, and they'll tell you he's fucking crazy. 

I realize this is a Axl-friendly forum.  I don't think Axl is beyond redemption by any means.  He should AT LEAST make ONE call to Slash and talk to him.  That's all I ask!  But its too late now, because Axl tried to rip Duff and Slash off.  Maybe its never too late, but you have to pick up the fucking phone, Axl!

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Mandy. on February 26, 2006, 12:58:09 PM
LOOK... I can't take it anymore!? Axl supposedly ran his mouth again at the NY club about how 'now you will see who the real creative force behind GnR was'.? I'm so sick of his prima-donna bullshit!

First of all, the new stuff sounds OK, because you have good musicians playing behind you.? The lyrics are weaker, much weaker in fact, than the stuff found on Appetite/UYI.? The fact is: Izzy, Duff and even Slash had a lot to do with the words penned for those songs and of course, they were a collective unit, pumping out great shit!

Axl's voice is warped, the CD project has been a debacle, to put it lightly.? I mean, fuck, how many frontmans do you know that chased away two of the GREATEST guitarists of their era (Slash/BH)???? The sad part is, he didn't even get an album out before Bucket left!? Axl is a complete fucking dumbass, and I cannot understand why there are so many people here that worship the ground he walks on.

Sure, he can sing and was the baddest frontman from the 80's rock scene, but he's too stupid to handle his own success.? Plus, he's no fucking Steven Tyler, he can't perform the way he did 10 years ago.? Even Tyler was smart enough to realize he was dog-shit without Joe Perry.? The saddest part of all, is that he still calls it Guns n' Roses, when we all know that's a fucking facade!

Axl will never re-create the bedlum that was, back in the early 90's for Guns.? He thinks he will, but he won't.? He can't even show up to his fucking gigs, with all his new buddies, who all get paid just to play behind Axl, whilst kissing his ass.? ?The guy is a complete dumbass, and he has nobody to blame, but himself, for all these leaks.

you're so boring

I'm with you, mate. ?:beer:

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Neemo on February 26, 2006, 02:51:50 PM
but hey that's part of the anarchy that is Axl rose, and prolly a big part why you became a fan in the first place.

No, this wasn't a big reason why I became a Guns fan.? In fact, if I had paid money, drove to the show, paid for parking, went into the venue, sat, waited and Axl did one of his 'no-shows', I'd be so fucking pissed!? This is why many people inside the music industry detest Axl Fucking Rose.? Yes, he was THE best frontman from the late 80's rock scene, but he's not that BAD ASS rocker anymore.? Sure, he'll have his good nights, but you have the be the BEST before you can get away with cancelling gigs left and right.? Hence, that's why the fucking tour flopped and Bucket left.

Comeon their bad boy image was half the draw, you gotta admit their "I don't give a fuck" attitude was pretty cool way back when.

And If I went to a show where he didn't show I'd be upset too, but I doubt I'd riot. I always thought that route was a bit childish. "Oh if I throw a huge tantrum maybe the show will continue" Not!!! But that's another topic. I do agree though that if Axl makes a commitment to a show that he should perform. Simple concept really, but we don't know the whole story, we only know what was in the media and GnR as well as Clear Channel Refuse to comment on the matter. So something is weird there. The two biggest rumored reasons why the 2002 was cancelled.

1. Ticket sales were shit after MSG so Clear Channel Pulled the Plug.
2. After 2 riots Clear Channel decided it wasn't worth the risk. And I can hardly blame them :hihi:

but Rumors say that The venue pulled the plug in Vancouver, not GnR, and as for Philly, the basketball thing is a bit embarassing.

Buckethead leaving now. Ummmm, we have no idea why buckethead left. 2 rumors are:
1. he only wanted to use GnR's name to help gain recognition and never had intentions of staying and Bucket's demands became increasingly idiotic until Axl said Enough and Bucket just left
2. Bucket got fed up with the wait so he said fuck it

And I wanna throw this out there, What if buckethead left after MSG and refused to play in philly? hmm and RIR IV was booked the year before so thats also why they were forced to dorp out of that?

Also don't forget the rumor that Geffen wasn't happy with the sound of the album back in 2002 so they refused to release it until it was tidied up a bit and made more "radio freindly"
All kinds of shit is going on we don't know about so it's really unfair to assume it's all Axl's fault.

Like I said before though, having seen Axl in 2002 I can guarantee you he is the best singer around still, from my expereinces and I've been to many shows.

The reason I became a Guns fan is because of their sound.? While everybody else was playing cheesy metal, GnR was cranking up the Marshall stacks and plugging in their Les Pauls.? (Slash in particular)? Axl's voice was incredible on Appetite, but so was the fucking music!? Look, even the rest of the band detested Axl's no shows.? They hated the fact that their shows were turning into riots.? Its not like I'm revealing my own fucking opinion here... just ask ANYBODY who worked with Axl back in the early 90's, and they'll tell you he's fucking crazy.

Yes i agree their sound was incredibly kick ass and Slash had as big of trademark sound as Axl's voice, and their collective image was fucking brilliant, but their badboy attitude fit in there too as part of the draw, as i said above : ok: And about the band detesting the no shows. Why did they defend them in the press then? hmmm and at the St Louis Riot after Axl left the stage Slash flipped the crowd the bird :yes: so on that front I have to disagree, they were a very solidified band up until UYI's were released. Later on The band members said yeah he was a dick for doing it but at the time they were of one mind. And Montreal Riot. Axl had larengitis or something, you mentioned before how he blew out his voice. that was right in the middle of it. could he have carried on? Prolly Maybe, but maybe he couldn't have. Axl always said too, that if he wasn't capable of putting on his best show then he wasn't gonna perform. That'just part of the way he was/is. And You said you can't pull a no show unless you are the best. well at that time GnR was the best bar none.

I realize this is a Axl-friendly forum.? I don't think Axl is beyond redemption by any means.? He should AT LEAST make ONE call to Slash and talk to him.? That's all I ask!? But its too late now, because Axl tried to rip Duff and Slash off.? Maybe its never too late, but you have to pick up the fucking phone, Axl!

I think both guys are too proud at this stage to admit wrong so I don't think a reunion will happen, maybe in 5-10 years but not now. And why should Axl call? Slash is the one who took off and Left Axl holding the ruins that GnR became. And yes this is a huge Axl forum. I'm fans of both guys though and am illing to look at an argument from all sides : ok:

OK in closing, I feel we are as close as ever to the release of this album, And was totally blown away by the sound of the leaks. Better is far Better (pardon the pun) than anything I could've imagined, And to me it is a fresh new sound, i never envisioned some incredibly heavy, awesome thing like that to surface after hearing Blues and Madagascar. I almost feel that the wait will have been worth it. Anyway during this time we are all getting restless, especially with the leaks, but lets hold on DontDamnMe, and all other GnR fans on this board. lets hold on and see where Axl is trying to take us. The time is almost here, don't give up now :beer: :peace: we waited going on 13 years a few more months won't kill us. After you hear the full studio album then we can make up our minds and decide if Axl fucked everything up or made the best out of his situaton. And Axl/GnR need us to get to the top again.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on February 27, 2006, 09:57:03 PM
Whoever that said, Axl was the main creative force on GNR, must be really confused... oRIginal GNR was a unique force,  now I believe Axl is a good composer but, taking more than 10 years to achieve something, is not that intelligent either....

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: adry on February 28, 2006, 01:27:27 PM
alright, first u kinda need to chill out. i think that we all agree that axl is and was the main thing about gnr. of course all the other members were badass and had a lot to do with the band, but c'mon...axl's the one that brought the show. yeah, some of the stuff u said is kinda true, but thing was really really dumb to say and that was u asking why so many people here worship him...hello???? this is a fan website, so duh! no shit they're gonna worship him.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Communist China on February 28, 2006, 04:58:50 PM
Dude I do agree with some of the stuff you said but trust me it's not even worth mentioning any of that on this board.? Probably 85% of the people here are loyal to Axl and only Axl.

I'm happy to be in the other 15%.

Really, he's right you know. If Axl was such a creative force he could write 12+ songs in less than 12+ years.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: art vandalay on March 01, 2006, 12:42:44 AM
axl can say whatever he wants . it may not all be true. but who cares AXL IS A FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: lynn1961 on March 01, 2006, 01:57:44 AM
DontDamnMe - you are a brave soul to come on here and say these things.   But, I agree with you, and I guess I'm in the other 15%.  Axl was not the only creative force behind GnR.  Of course, he was one of the most awesome frontmen who ever existed.  But, he's trying to keep something going that ended a long time ago.  GnR was not just all about Axl.  So he owns the what?   Let's keep a dead horse going, right?  It's been many yrs since any new material came out, and he's been through millions of dollars and several different musicians in the making of this album.  I think the only reason he's (MAYBE) going to release it now is because he doesn't want to be "outshown" by former bandmates. 

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on March 01, 2006, 06:39:29 PM
LOOK... I can't take it anymore!  Axl supposedly ran his mouth again at the NY club about how 'now you will see who the real creative force behind GnR was'.  I'm so sick of his prima-donna bullshit!

First of all, the new stuff sounds OK, because you have good musicians playing behind you.  The lyrics are weaker, much weaker in fact, than the stuff found on Appetite/UYI.

You think the lyrics on the new songs are weaker than what was on AFD?   :rofl:

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Lara on May 03, 2006, 10:20:29 PM
DontDamnMe dude, I'm having a hard time trying to understand why you're saying these things in this site - yeah, it's An Axl-friendly site and it should be 100% Axl-friendly, 'cause Axl is all we have! Whether you like it or not, Axl = GNR right now, the other guys are gone, get over it already! If you really like GNR, i guess the one thing you can do is stick with Axl.
We should all support the man and let him show what he's got on the 12th!
Give him some credit.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on May 03, 2006, 10:29:05 PM
We should all support Axl? Yes I agree

Damn but even though the other members are gone... they are and will always be Guns n fucking Roses soul!

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Niko on May 03, 2006, 11:20:28 PM
people here are afraid to face that the band they loved is now mostly over
you are right with mostly everything you said dondamnme but its not the way to explain it

im 100% supporting of axl !!
but i face that this is not THE "guns n roses", is mostly like a cover band with the rights that a guns n roses formation

but despite of that im supporting axl because i think he is a great musician and under the name of gnr or not, he will
create some amazing music again like he did in the past, obviusly you have? apoiint, because without slash axl cant create the same type of music, but he can make amazing music in another context

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Krispy Kreme on May 05, 2006, 11:33:09 PM
LOOK... I can't take it anymore!? Axl supposedly ran his mouth again at the NY club about how 'now you will see who the real creative force behind GnR was'.? I'm so sick of his prima-donna bullshit!

First of all, the new stuff sounds OK, because you have good musicians playing behind you.? The lyrics are weaker, much weaker in fact, than the stuff found on Appetite/UYI.? The fact is: Izzy, Duff and even Slash had a lot to do with the words penned for those songs and of course, they were a collective unit, pumping out great shit!

Axl's voice is warped, the CD project has been a debacle, to put it lightly.? I mean, fuck, how many frontmans do you know that chased away two of the GREATEST guitarists of their era (Slash/BH)???? The sad part is, he didn't even get an album out before Bucket left!? Axl is a complete fucking dumbass, and I cannot understand why there are so many people here that worship the ground he walks on.

Sure, he can sing and was the baddest frontman from the 80's rock scene, but he's too stupid to handle his own success.? Plus, he's no fucking Steven Tyler, he can't perform the way he did 10 years ago.? Even Tyler was smart enough to realize he was dog-shit without Joe Perry.? The saddest part of all, is that he still calls it Guns n' Roses, when we all know that's a fucking facade!

Axl will never re-create the bedlum that was, back in the early 90's for Guns.? He thinks he will, but he won't.? He can't even show up to his fucking gigs, with all his new buddies, who all get paid just to play behind Axl, whilst kissing his ass.? ?The guy is a complete dumbass, and he has nobody to blame, but himself, for all these leaks.

You make some good points, but most people  here  worship Axl so you are going to get  flamed. The thing I would point out is that the new music does not have the intensitiy, the rage, the anger, the fuck you attitude of AFD or even UYI. The new music is more introspective and mature. That may be ok, but it  is not the music of 20 year olds. It is the  music  of  an aging rocker. (Better is an exception.)

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: GNR - CROATIA on May 09, 2006, 12:52:14 PM
Dude I do agree with some of the stuff you said but trust me it's not even worth mentioning any of that on this board.? Probably 85% of the people here are loyal to Axl and only Axl.

That is actually a HUGE problem here!
They would follow him to hell and back even if he killed one of them for fun evey mile they pass till they reach the goal.
Slash' ALG has BETTER lyrics than most of the stuff signed by Axl only.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: da_pope on May 09, 2006, 05:25:28 PM
The only thing I'm going to say is, Axl's new band is NOT Guns N' Roses.
When 4/5 of the original members leave the band is done. Would Led Zepplin be Led Zepplin if it was just Robert Plant? Would Metallica be Metallica it it was just James? No.

The leaks don't sound like Guns N' Roses at all. It's not.
Face it.

Axl should have just called it something else and this huge mess wouldn't even exist.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: droezle on May 09, 2006, 05:37:47 PM
The only thing I'm going to say is, Axl's new band is NOT Guns N' Roses.

Axl is still the only original member of G N' R so he has every right to use the name.
G N' R was formed very early 1985 with the band members: Axl Rose,Izzy Stradlin,Rob Gardener,Tracii Guns and Ole Beich.
Duff joined the band march/april 1985. Slash and Steven did their first show with G N' R on 06.06.85 at the Troubador, Hollywood, CA. They joined the band on this date.

Title: Re: Axl is not so wise!
Post by: Mr Rage on May 12, 2006, 06:55:49 PM
he does make some good points, axl has to have this album be a classic or he's doomed, the media backlash would be too much for one man to handle!

Axl may have been foolish for his past actions, but he's got a great chance to make a mends and give his public what they want. SO DON'T FUCK IT UP :rofl: