Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 22, 2005, 11:45:29 AM

Title: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 22, 2005, 11:45:29 AM
I have search if this has done before but I couldn't find anything, so sorry if this was brought up before, fell free to merge in other thread.

The issue here is lets supposed Chinese Democracy is release next year, what happens next? after the tour after everything, does Axl will wait another 10 years to make a new album? will this be the last GNR record?, I know that the first concern is the release itself but I wonder what will happen next, ever though about it?

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Evolution on December 22, 2005, 11:48:22 AM
If it was any other band i would say an extensive tour, maybe a year plus. Then studio for the follow up. But it's hard to see GNR on the road again for more than a month to be honest.

It's not a worry for me at this point, i'm happy with CD and at least one tour.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 22, 2005, 11:55:15 AM
But you think this will be last GNR record? I kinda get that feeling

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: BaDoBsEsSiOn418 on December 22, 2005, 12:56:20 PM
Honestly, I think it depends on how well the album is received not only by fans but also critics.  If it does well, I'm sure another album won't be far ahead.  If not, well...

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 22, 2005, 01:00:49 PM
I dont wanna be a party-pooper, but I talked once about how much time is Axl gonna take after releasing CD to release another one. 
   But going back to the thread, Id like CD to be the last GNR album, and It would be cool to have a triple album, thatd great. In my not so humble opinion.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Scabbie on December 22, 2005, 01:05:28 PM
I dont wanna be a party-pooper, but I talked once about how much time is Axl gonna take after releasing CD to release another one.?
? ?But going back to the thread, Id like CD to be the last GNR album, and It would be cool to have a triple album, thatd great. In my not so humble opinion.

A triple album would be awesome and certainly make up for lost time!

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: nesquick on December 22, 2005, 01:17:17 PM
A triple album would be too expensive and wouldn't sell well. Don't be naive, sure the music is the most important, but this album is also a question of $$$. Don't forget the record company invested 13 million $. A triple album would kill the commercial success. 3 different LP's would be a way better idea. Separate albums.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: C0ma on December 22, 2005, 01:17:46 PM
Going under the assumption that CD is ever released (and you all know what happens when you assume) I really can't see him releasing a follow up album.

I think, even if he has an album in the can, it would be "outdated" material in his mind........ We would just begin another decade long process which would lead to a new band.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 22, 2005, 01:24:18 PM
I mean Axl could release a triple album, for the fans  ;D. Or maybe release albums like Shakira did, the Oral Fixation 1, was released 3 months before the Oral Fixation 2, and both had high sells.

On the other hand, I think a reason why CD wasnt release was, cause Axl was really influenced by music from NIN and Nirvana, and when they werent part of the mainstream it delayed the album and I think this because of Silk Worms, a catchy song but not really elaborated.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 22, 2005, 01:30:07 PM
Yeah but that means that perhaps Axl would spent more time on releasing other album, so the wait comes longer  :confused:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Ignatius on December 22, 2005, 02:39:24 PM

I don't think Axl is looking beyond Chinese Democracy. Three years ago, he mentioned a double album, an album after that, tours...

That's changed. If he releases Chinese Democracy, that will be his main priority for a while. Depending on the response he gets, he might venture out another album, and then another. Axl's put too much in the recording of this album, that's why it's taking him so long to release the damn thing. If CD doesn't do well, he'll definitely retire. I'm sure he wouldn't have any trouble to release another record in a low budget label, or he could even start his own label and release another album for that matter, but, I don't think that'd be the case.

Axl's last 10 years will be on this album. It's all or nothing folks.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: CAFC Nick on December 22, 2005, 04:00:43 PM
Axl was really influenced by music from NIN and Nirvana,

I thought Axl and Kurt nearly had a fight...

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: shaun on December 22, 2005, 04:09:06 PM
I really think that CD will be avaliable in the early part of 2006  : ok:

If CD don't happen in 2006 then it's never going to happen  :(

I would bet money CD is going to happen and GN'R will do some gigs, although i think a full blown tour is off the cards.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: RnT on December 22, 2005, 04:19:46 PM
I think I already opened a thread some time ago about it... and I?ll say again:


 :smoking: :-\

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 22, 2005, 04:35:16 PM
Axl was really influenced by music from NIN and Nirvana,

I thought Axl and Kurt nearly had a fight...

Yes, they almost fought, but, Axl liked Nirvana's  music, and he sometimes used a cap with the Nirvana logo on it.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: alternativemonkey on December 22, 2005, 05:17:32 PM

Honestly, I think Axl has pushed this album into a joke. Any talk of a follow-up to an album that doesn't even exist his ridiculous. The man's day has passed.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: jimmythegent on December 22, 2005, 05:38:34 PM
I hope it's one album (perhaps a double)

I think that would be enough

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: icpillusions on December 22, 2005, 07:22:45 PM
He will release the 2nd cd to the triple threat album.  Then the 3rd, then the final ep, then done.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: CAFC Nick on December 22, 2005, 07:28:06 PM
He will release the 2nd cd to the triple threat album.? Then the 3rd, then the final ep, then done.

Sounds like a plan but whats your source on this?

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 22, 2005, 09:59:53 PM
But you think this will be last GNR record? I kinda get that feeling

I think If Chinese Democracy is the success that everyone hopes/anticipates it will be, then I dont see any reason in not believing a follow-up album would be too far off on the horizon. Whether it will be another long, and agonizing wait is something else all together though. As everyone else has said, in the end, a followup will probably be determined if its not already been written, by the reception of CD and how well GnR does on a worldwide scale. What would be even more interesting would be if CD is a huge success, and GnR fans and music fans in general are craving the follow-up, only one never comes...Axl leaves the world on a cliffhanger in other words : ok:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: mick on December 23, 2005, 07:13:17 AM
But you think this will be last GNR record? I kinda get that feeling

I think that would have been TSI.....

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Lord Kayoss on December 23, 2005, 11:05:37 AM
But you think this will be last GNR record? I kinda get that feeling

I think that would have been TSI.....

To me it was the Illusions.  Sadly.......

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 23, 2005, 03:55:34 PM
I do agree with kayoss UYI were the last albums of GNR but I don't think the history ends that way, I hope we had Chinese very "pronto"

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 23, 2005, 08:27:53 PM
Id like to know when  :smoking:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 24, 2005, 01:32:43 PM
When we know the when we will have  ;D

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: ARC on December 24, 2005, 10:40:09 PM
don't you realise that chinese democracy is LITERALLY a myth..................

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Evolution on December 24, 2005, 11:01:30 PM
don't you realise that chinese democracy is LITERALLY a myth..................

It doesn't exist???  :o

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on December 25, 2005, 02:12:06 AM
Prediction for after Chinese Democracy's long awaited release

1. Pigs will fly
2. Cats will become best friends with Dogs
3. George W. Bush would find weapons of mass destructions with his own bare hands
4.The Meaning of Life will be revealed
5. Dizzy's Aunt will stop pulling our leg
6. Jarmo will have no usage of living anymore (wait he doesn't have any now)
7. The Ghost of Sid Vicious will reunite with the Original Sex Pistols
8. The Beatles will get back together
9. The Federal Goverment will be moved to Hamilton, New Jersey
10. David Eckstein and Jose Reyes will inject each other with Steriods
11. Axl Rose will be accepted as our personal lord and Saviour
12. Tommy Stintson will become "King" of America
13. Robin Finck would finally after being constipated on stage for years, sh*t his pants onstage
14. The Original GNR will get back together
15. Steven Adler will shock the world by dieing of a drug overdose
16. Slash will die 5 times and still be alive
17. The Original GNR that was with Tracy and Roberta will reunite
18. Axl Rose will get a sex change that he will help him become an actual lesbian.
19. Life as we would know it would end and the apocolypse WILL BEGUN...RECOGNIZE AXL ROSE AS YOUR MESSIAH OR DIE!

That is all

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 25, 2005, 02:37:56 AM
Well New Fiona Apple, according to your list I hope CD is released pretty soon to see the Beatles play together again.  :nervous:  :confused:  :beer:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: lastroots on December 25, 2005, 05:17:13 AM
IMO, this could very well be the last ride, if it ever happens.

If, I say IF it happens I can think of two scenarios:
1 - A few promo shows, release of CD, single, video, a tour starts. CD is badly treated in the press, the tour will be cut short, maybe won't last longer than the last, maybe it will last longer since it's likely to be a EU-tour, and Guns are better received here than in the states. But then all will fall down. Maybe bandmembers will be fed up and leave and the band will officially be dead - or Axl officially kills it.

2 - CD is treated well by the press and GNR are welcomed back as soon as an amazing album is released wich pays justice to the waiting game. Then I could imagine a longer world tour and maybe a follow up album (which of course already exists right now) - and we could all have our fun again, maybe for two years or so.

But after that? I guess there won't be another tour, I just can't see it happen. And I can't imagine them recording another album after this one.

So let's just hope for scenario two, I think it would be the best for all of us, a really great goodbye. And isn't that what we're waiting for? More a new album and tour as a farewell rather than a real comeback?


Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 25, 2005, 07:08:32 AM
I have search if this has done before but I couldn't find anything, so sorry if this was brought up before, fell free to merge in other thread.

The issue here is lets supposed Chinese Democracy is release next year, what happens next? after the tour after everything, does Axl will wait another 10 years to make a new album? will this be the last GNR record?, I know that the first concern is the release itself but I wonder what will happen next, ever though about it?

I am still wondering if axl will tour, and if he does how long does it go before the wheels fall off?? Axl's so fucking weird that if this album does come out by the next one he may have a new lineup.. The current guys may just be riding this one out because of the time n effort they put in.. They might not be as dumb gullable or whatever the second time... The outcome of the tour if it happens will really help show who will stick around.. Well I think we can guarantee dizzy will stay..

Wll they do videos, will axl show up to all the gigs, etc...

Gnr picks up new fans all the time, too bad it's of the old band more then anything.. So many wasted years with this new band in getting exposure and creating music..

I doubt there will be a second album.. I still doubt there ever being a first

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 25, 2005, 02:24:58 PM
I think and hope there will be an album pretty soon man. But I dont think its gonna be a mainstream success, cause its the work of one man and his inspiration, who allegedly is working to reach what he thinks is good, and in that case, he is not following the standars of the music industry.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 25, 2005, 04:56:09 PM
This has been a nice trip through fantasy land. :hihi:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 26, 2005, 01:13:08 PM
Yeah lets hope that fantisy will become real some day  :-\

Title: Re: Do You Think CD Will Be Guns Last Album?
Post by: ClintroN on February 23, 2006, 06:21:27 AM
no fuckin' way :hihi:

Title: Re: Do You Think CD Will Be Guns Last Album?
Post by: jazjme on February 23, 2006, 06:22:09 AM

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Wooody on February 23, 2006, 06:34:58 AM
3 albums, after that it's over .

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Megaguns on February 23, 2006, 06:42:30 AM
Axl will be looking to out do the previous releases, so CD will definately NOT be a single album, hopefully he will let it rest after that. Unless there is a reunion, (great way to tour without a release)

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: ElNonoPololo on February 23, 2006, 07:06:47 AM
The current guys may just be riding this one out because of the time n effort they put in.. They might not be as dumb gullable or whatever the second time...

That?s a GREAT point... I mean, I doubt they?d have joined GNR in the first place if they had known what was coming. The years of waiting, the riots, the not showing up on time, the complete lack of a work ethic and focus, the hours and hours of studio time, the continuous tinkling and fumbling with the material, the ubiquous GNR questions in every damn interview and email they get, not even knowing WTF is AXl doing with the tracks it took them so long to lay down YEARS AGO...Plus, any rewards in terms of fame they already have; they already had tons of free publicity. They?ll be a part of GNR history whether they do a second album or not.

Of course, they have plenty of reasons to stay, specially if CD does well. But even in the best scenario possible, it seems to me that being a GNR bandmember takes as much patience and implies as much frustration as being a GNR fan. And that?s A LOT. :no:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: shaun on February 23, 2006, 07:09:46 AM
After CD the only material to emerge will be other tracks created during the making of CD, possibly another live or 2, or 3 and possibly covers of other bands songs. Maybe in 10 years time the original GnR could do a get togther and make something, but i doubt that.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Dont Try Me on February 23, 2006, 07:10:43 AM
frustration is worth the wait when you know you are part of something unique and very special. It is a privilege to work with Axl and side with him on stage. Axl can still work a crowd like he used too, he lost a few steps but is still lightyears ahead of others.


Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: ElNonoPololo on February 23, 2006, 07:18:11 AM
frustration is worth the wait

A masochist?s motto... :hihi: :hihi:

I know what you mean, but still, I would be surprised if the current line-up remains the same a couple of years from now. Just my opinion, of course.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Dont Try Me on February 23, 2006, 07:34:33 AM
frustration is worth the wait

A masochist?s motto... :hihi: :hihi:

I know what you mean, but still, I would be surprised if the current line-up remains the same a couple of years from now. Just my opinion, of course.

guess your right about the motto  :hihi:  I don't think Bucket will be back so your probably right on that too, perhaps someone else get's added if there's need to considering the new material. I thought the idea of three guitarist was pretty cool. Was kind of a circus feel, i loved it.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: 88 Days on February 23, 2006, 09:42:00 AM
axl did say that they will be touring for a long time but who knows.
i just want the record and the chance to see them once in my life.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Grouse on February 23, 2006, 10:44:17 AM
Only Axl's missing after i've seen him live then i've seen the whole original gnr live, well except for Izzy 'cause he hardly ever does shows but hey 4 outta 5 ain't bad ;D

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Neemo on February 23, 2006, 10:45:30 AM
Jumping the gun a bit ;D

Why don't we wait to see what the album has to offer first? :hihi:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Thorned Rose on February 23, 2006, 11:00:44 AM
I thought like 2 or 3 years ago, Axl said something about having 70 songs in process and drop 1 album and then drop another one 2 years later???

WHat's going on with that?

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 23, 2006, 11:07:16 AM
I thought like 2 or 3 years ago, Axl said something about having 70 songs in process and drop 1 album and then drop another one 2 years later???

WHat's going on with that?
He did that The Twilight Zone. :hihi:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: The Dog on February 23, 2006, 11:25:45 AM
I thought like 2 or 3 years ago, Axl said something about having 70 songs in process and drop 1 album and then drop another one 2 years later???

WHat's going on with that?

I thought this was the plan as well.  I'd like to see CD drop, tour to support it, then release the "2nd album" without missing a beat.

Whats next for Axl AFTER hes done making music and touring?  I can see him producing albums (although the artists he works with might not want to wait that long to release their albums hehe).

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Journeyman on February 23, 2006, 11:29:13 AM
Axl said there would be 3 3 or 4 years since the release of chinese democracy. I dont know why you re killing the band...its not the Axl age im sure, just look at bands like iron maiden, almost 30 years carreers and they keep going, they had their ups and downs. I think CD will be a success (dont know if better than afd or uyi, but it will have a huge impact for sure) and of course there will be another album after this...Can you imagine the world without the hope of a new gnr album?  :hihi:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: dENIS on February 23, 2006, 12:18:22 PM
I really don`t get it... why we need another GH album 2 years after releasing the first GH. And i don`t get it why there will be tour without new  album. I did not understand this shit in 2002 and don`t get iy now.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: Chief on February 23, 2006, 06:27:29 PM
Personally I think they have so much material they won't even need to go back into the studio for a while...
probably enough for 3-4 albums or so, maybe 2 or so after the Chinese Democracy is out.

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: vedderose on February 23, 2006, 06:36:09 PM
just my opinion, the album, a tour, and then the reunion :peace:

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: jmapelian on February 24, 2006, 01:24:23 PM
how about get the album out first : ok:

than worry about completing the tour w/out riots  : ok:

b4 getting the follow up to CD out, OK : ok:

Axl's been working on it for 12 years now so it coming out is no sure thing, in 2000, according to RS 1/2000. the music was 99% done and the vocals were 80% be released June/July 2000

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: jmapelian on February 24, 2006, 02:04:03 PM
Oh My God would be a reason not to buy it :rofl:

b/c i have all the songs that are worth buying ;D

Title: Re: Chinese Democracy aftermath
Post by: SonofAGun on February 24, 2006, 02:27:58 PM
I have search if this has done before but I couldn't find anything, so sorry if this was brought up before, fell free to merge in other thread.

The issue here is lets supposed Chinese Democracy is release next year, what happens next? after the tour after everything, does Axl will wait another 10 years to make a new album? will this be the last GNR record?, I know that the first concern is the release itself but I wonder what will happen next, ever though about it?

Retirement. This is it for Axl. This is a statement record.