Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Lady Livin on February 17, 2006, 05:18:18 PM

Title: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Lady Livin on February 17, 2006, 05:18:18 PM

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Sterlingdog on February 17, 2006, 11:41:02 PM
I'm not a guy, but I do know a lot about people and how they think.? And I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think he's interested.? He sounds like a nice person who doesn't want to hurt your feelings.? ?But it wasn't an accident that you overheard him saying he didn't want a girlfriend, I can almost promise that was for your benefit.

I know its hard to give up on someone when you have so many hopes built around them, but if you don't back off, he'll probably start avoiding you.? Guys (except MCT) don't like to have uncomfortable conversations.?

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Chelle on February 18, 2006, 12:03:35 AM
Baby, speaking from personal experience, if you've let him know how you feel... back off and let him make the next move.  If he chooses not to take the next step and ask you out, then you have to try to move on.  I know that the thought of getting over him sounds unbearable... but the more emotionally attached you become, the more painful it will be in the end.  Even if he is interrested though, it can still hurt like hell.  Believe me, I know   :'(

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Lady Livin on February 18, 2006, 01:25:10 AM
Baby, speaking from personal experience, if you've let him know how you feel... back off and let him make the next move.  If he chooses not to take the next step and ask you out, then you have to try to move on.

How long should I wait until he does? Should I just coast for now and wait until he makes official plans to bowl?

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 18, 2006, 02:31:19 AM
I'm not a guy, but I do know a lot about people and how they think.? And I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think he's interested.? He sounds like a nice person who doesn't want to hurt your feelings.? ?But it wasn't an accident that you overheard him saying he didn't want a girlfriend, I can almost promise that was for your benefit.

I know its hard to give up on someone when you have so many hopes built around them, but if you don't back off, he'll probably start avoiding you.? Guys don't like to have uncomfortable conversations.?
That is some great advice. : ok:

Alice, listen to Sterling.

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Chelle on February 18, 2006, 05:23:42 AM
Baby, speaking from personal experience, if you've let him know how you feel... back off and let him make the next move.? If he chooses not to take the next step and ask you out, then you have to try to move on.

How long should I wait until he does? Should I just coast for now and wait until he makes official plans to bowl?

Don't wait on him, honey.? Just try to go about your business, maybe get involved in something new to take your mind off him as best you can.? I mean, I'm sure you don't care to date anyone else... but just be cool.? Go out with the girls!? ?:beer:? What you don't want to do is call him a bzillion times, or hang around him like a lost puppy.? No ma'am!? None o' that!? ? :no:? Noooo!!
If you get to the point that you're feeling a little less strongly about him, and he still hasn't made a move to date you... TIME UP!? ?:yes:? ?No first girlfriend, and the guy's eighteen?? You may wanna go out and get a little more experince yourself so you can show him a thing er two!? ?;)
I kid, I kid... ? ?:-*

PS.? I am pretty trashed right now, so I hope this makes a little sense? ?;D

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Chelle on February 18, 2006, 05:49:01 AM
Guys are dumb, he'll start liking you precisely the moment you've moved on and found someone else.
Sorry but this is how it will turn out... :crying:

That is so true!  Boys are dumb   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:   :yes:


Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on February 18, 2006, 12:21:06 PM
Baby, speaking from personal experience, if you've let him know how you feel... back off and let him make the next move.  If he chooses not to take the next step and ask you out, then you have to try to move on.  I know that the thought of getting over him sounds unbearable... but the more emotionally attached you become, the more painful it will be in the end.  Even if he is interrested though, it can still hurt like hell.  Believe me, I know   :'(

Shes exactly right!!! im a whore and thats plain and simple, now im not gonna tell you to go and do sum random dude but lemme tell ya if this kid has just the slightest  interest in you and he finds out that you made out with sum other guy or got drunk and showed your tits to a bar full of men... wait nm that dont do that... but act like your moving on maybe date another guy hell sleep with him forget that psyco babble virgin shit

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Lady Livin on February 18, 2006, 02:57:03 PM
Haha, I love you guys.  :-*

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 18, 2006, 04:00:22 PM
Guys don't like to have uncomfortable conversations.?

Yeah, we just like to burp and fart and dominate... :-\

I think I'll go comb my arse now and pursue the measure of a man myth... ::)

..................................(<--the ellipsis on crack-->).................................

.................. ............................... ...   ............................. . . . . . . .............................


Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Sterlingdog on February 18, 2006, 06:07:25 PM
Yeah, we just like to burp and fart and dominate... :-\

I think I'll go comb my arse now and pursue the measure of a man myth... ::)

..................................(<--the ellipsis on crack-->).................................

.................. ............................... ...? ?............................. . . . . . . .............................


Come on, are you going to tell me that as a senior in high school, you would choose to be around a girl who was going to constantly put you on the spot about your feelings?  Especially when you didn't return her affectionate feelings?  If so, then you are the exception.

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 18, 2006, 07:32:04 PM
Guys don't like to have uncomfortable conversations.  

Firstly, you used a completely unmitigated generalization to grandstand your own personal belief. And by doing so you conjectured that I don't like to have those "uncomfortable" conversations, because, well, the last time I blasted the toilet I did so with my dickie bird, and that makes me one of those creatures who, according to you, doesn't like to engage in uncomfortable conversations. Whereas in truth, I love exchanges of that nature. Makes me feel human.


Come on, are you going to tell me that as a senior in high school, you would choose to be around a girl who was going to constantly put you on the spot about your feelings?? Especially when you didn't return her affectionate feelings?? If so, then you are the exception.

...don't try to use me as a prop. Expecting me to tackle the strawman here is just cheap. Exception to the rule indeed!

Moving on (and just for the sake of it), I'll directly answer your above post:

The reality is that the whole scenario laid out here is like a slice of my own high school history. And that's it. Yes to the question.

Now the reality doesn't end there, mind you. It extends to the point of you offering up personal belief in the guise of honest-to-goodness actuality and then going so far as to inflect the entire scene with said personal belief in a silly attempt to draw me in towards the aforementioned strawman and thus "prove" your point by slipping out the back door while I'm still onstage with my foot in my mouth.

Uh-uh... :no:

I mean if I inadvertently blurted that all ye little girlies are sluts (and let's say you ignored the inherent strawman aspect of the statement and simply decided to respond to the accusation), what would you say?

Anyway, this is just a buncha ballyhoo about nothing (Shakespeare? ????) that could easily be abated if you were to amend that silly statement of yours that I took the liberty of making black.

I'm so bold... :)

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Sterlingdog on February 18, 2006, 07:51:44 PM
There are exceptions to every generalization.  I expect most intelligent people to realize that without my needing to state it.  It wasn't meant as an insult, and wasn't directed towards you personally. 

But I'm an expert in human behavior and I stand by what I said.  By her description of his behavior, I believe he's not interested in her in a romantic way and she will chase him off by being too pushy and making him uncomfortable in the majority of their contacts. 

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 18, 2006, 08:15:56 PM
There are exceptions to every generalization.

Yes. Hence the word itself... :D

I expect most intelligent people to realize that without my needing to state it.?

Well obviously my dear. But that didn't quite stop you from convienently trying out this angle:

Come on, are you going to tell me that as a senior in high school, you would choose to be around a girl who was going to constantly put you on the spot about your feelings?  Especially when you didn't return her affectionate feelings?  If so, then you are the exception.

It wasn't meant as an insult, and wasn't directed towards you personally.?

Of course it wasn't meant as an insult! Of course it wasn't directed towards me personally!

Beaton R. Oundabush says:


^Sarcasm. Heavy Sarcasm.

But it became that simply because you spoke for malekind (and the way your post was written attests to that :yes:), because I was in the mood to call you on it (nothing else to do :-\), and because I have (protruding as we speak) what some people call........................ :nervous:...................a cock........

But I'm an expert in human behavior

And I'm a raisin................................(<-- ellipsis on crack-->)...................................(<--mine-->)....................

...I stand by what I said.?By her description of his behavior, I believe he's not interested in her in a romantic way and she will chase him off by being too pushy and making him uncomfortable in the majority of their contacts.?

The funny thing is, I agree with you.

Now amend your statement.

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Communist China on February 18, 2006, 09:31:35 PM
When a lot of my friends get serious we agree, there's no need to have a commitment this early. Also we agree friends (regardless of their sex) are better than girlfriends because it's just easier on everyone. Don't worry about him, just be a friend if you really like the guy.

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: jimb0 on February 18, 2006, 10:09:44 PM
When a lot of my friends get serious we agree, there's no need to have a commitment this early. Also we agree friends (regardless of their sex) are better than girlfriends because it's just easier on everyone. Don't worry about him, just be a friend if you really like the guy.

like he said, sex is better with friends than g/fs

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on February 18, 2006, 10:29:07 PM
dont ask dont tell

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Sterlingdog on February 19, 2006, 11:12:33 AM

and because I have (protruding as we speak) what some people call........................ :nervous:...................a cock........

You seem to like to point that out.?

And I'm a raisin
Really?? Do you get paid for that? Because believe it or not, I actually get paid to give people my opinions on human behavior.?

Now amend your statement.

Done.? ?;)

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 19, 2006, 12:55:29 PM
I have (protruding as we speak) what some people call........................ :nervous:...................a cock........

You seem to like to point that out.?

I love a sharp wit. I think I'm falling in love with you.

And I'm a raisin


No. Raisins can't use computers.

Do you get paid for that? you wax burlesque... :love:

Because believe it or not, I actually get paid to give people my opinions on human behavior.?

Oh I believe you. Such clich?-ridden thought is perfect for that line of work. You've got the odds on your side and no doubt you're at least moderately successful.

But that's hardly impressive and approaches like yours are a dime a dozen.

Now amend your statement.

Done.? ?;)

... :-*...

EDIT - Aren't there any other dickheads out there willing to admit to their humanity? That way we can force I don't stir the pot Sterling to make more edits!

Now wouldn't that be fun? :D?

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 19, 2006, 01:09:50 PM

EDIT - Aren't there any other dickheads out there willing to admit to their humanity?

I painted my toenails once and watched Mystic Pizza.................

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 19, 2006, 01:14:34 PM

EDIT - Aren't there any other dickheads out there willing to admit to their humanity?

I painted my toenails once and watched Mystic Pizza.................

While the city burps and picks its teeth
I think of you my sweet Jason

Now come
and bury your head in my golden fleece.

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 19, 2006, 01:17:44 PM

While the city burps and picks its teeth
I think of you my sweet Jason

Now come
and bury your head in my golden fleece.

Great, now I'm gonna post in the crying thread.................

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 19, 2006, 01:27:20 PM
Hang on a second here! We're men! We're big fuckin' hairy arse beer guzzlin' killin' moose by the dozen hair pullin' doggie doin' in the woods men!

We can't act like this!

Come on, let's go run a buffalo off a cliff and fuck the guts out of a couple of cavewomen...

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 19, 2006, 01:32:27 PM
Hang on a second here! We're men! We're big fuckin' hairy arse beer guzzlin' killin' moose by the dozen hair pullin' doggie doin' in the woods men!

We can't act like this!

Come on, let's go run a buffalo off a cliff and fuck the guts out of a couple of cavewomen...

I've gotta go. I'm gonna meet my buddies at a football party and then go to strip club afterwards. I hope my wife has dinner ready for me when I come home drunk around 2 am and want sex.................

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 19, 2006, 01:36:44 PM
I've gotta go. I'm gonna meet my buddies at a football party and then go to strip club afterwards. I hope my wife has dinner ready for me when I come home drunk around 2 am and want sex.................

And if she ain't got nothin' cooked just beat the teeth out of her head and then screw her.

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 19, 2006, 01:38:19 PM
I've gotta go. I'm gonna meet my buddies at a football party and then go to strip club afterwards. I hope my wife has dinner ready for me when I come home drunk around 2 am and want sex.................

And if she ain't got nothin' cooked just beat the teeth out of her head and then screw her.

As long as I don't have to talk to her about feelings...................

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: *Izzy* on February 19, 2006, 04:43:31 PM

EDIT - Aren't there any other dickheads out there willing to admit to their humanity? That way we can force I don't stir the pot Sterling to make more edits!

I'm a dickhead willing to admit to my humanity, just tell me what to do? :D

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: *Izzy* on February 19, 2006, 04:44:26 PM
I've gotta go. I'm gonna meet my buddies at a football party and then go to strip club afterwards. I hope my wife has dinner ready for me when I come home drunk around 2 am and want sex.................

And if she ain't got nothin' cooked just beat the teeth out of her head and then screw her.

As long as I don't have to talk to her about feelings...................

Feeling? We're men we have no feelings  :D

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Lady Livin on February 19, 2006, 07:43:02 PM
Hey, guys, it's totally cool now. I got everything straightened out and although we're remaining friends, nothing's changed except the destroyed infatuation. I'm glad I didn't let this last or nothin'.


Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 19, 2006, 11:03:19 PM
EDIT - Aren't there any other dickheads out there willing to admit to their humanity? That way we can force I don't stir the pot Sterling to make more edits!

I'm a dickhead willing to admit to my humanity, just tell me what to do? :D

Cry havoc, and let slip the cocks of war!

What you must do my good man, is ask, nay, DEMAND that Sterling not brand you a clich?!

Stand and be counted in mockery's stead as the singularity that you are! Not the nameless statistic that she claims you to be!

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Evolution on February 19, 2006, 11:25:31 PM

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on February 19, 2006, 11:49:35 PM

EDIT - Aren't there any other dickheads out there willing to admit to their humanity?

I painted my toenails once and watched Mystic Pizza.................

have you ever ate at mystic pizza wow best pizza ever

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Sin Cut on February 20, 2006, 04:25:01 AM
Sterling: Guys (except MCT) don't like to have uncomfortable conversations. 

Now what's with the generalization?

That's like saying all men get drunk on friday!
But guess what, I really don't care what day it is!  :hihi: (anyway my job demands it..)

You may think we don't like to have uncomfortable conversations (since I personally like to get clear things up if need to). And how I see it, the real problem is that many girls (not all) seems to think that we men should see the trouble to learn how to mind read.

I ask a girl what's wrong, she says nothing and I know she's lying but why should I see throuhg the trouble to find out if she can't answer a simple question?

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: *Izzy* on February 20, 2006, 03:46:50 PM
Hey, guys, it's totally cool now. I got everything straightened out and although we're remaining friends, nothing's changed except the destroyed infatuation. I'm glad I didn't let this last or nothin'.


Good, now we can continue the destruction of this thread? :hihi:

Hey, Sterling don't brand me a clich?

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 20, 2006, 06:20:48 PM
Hey, Sterling don't brand me a clich?

Yeah! You stupid ole vagina head!

I hope you trip on your fallopian tubes and fall hard on a gigantic penis! Nipple face...

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 20, 2006, 06:36:20 PM

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Chelle on February 20, 2006, 06:41:45 PM
Hey, Sterling don't brand me a clich?

Yeah! You stupid ole vagina head!

I hope you trip on your fallopian tubes and fall hard on a gigantic penis! Nipple face...

Well I hope someone takes your left nut too!   :D

Someone should castrate you, really ? ::)



Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 20, 2006, 06:47:05 PM
Someone should castrate you

Is that where they stick two fingers up your arse and make you smell 'em?

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Chelle on February 20, 2006, 06:48:47 PM
Someone should castrate you

Is that where they stick two fingers up your arse and make you smell 'em?

Did your momma not learn you betta than this?? ?>:(

 Shame, shame? :no:

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Sterlingdog on February 20, 2006, 10:47:39 PM
MCT: Just FYI, you seem to think I'm a psychologist or something (hence your words, "approach" and "moderately successful").? ?I don't think you have a clue what it is I actually do, but I assure you I do NOT do therapy.? I can't, people who whine annoy me.? I can also assure you that I'm far more than just moderately successful in what I do.?

The reason why I'm good at what I do is because I understand that people are not anywhere near as complicated or unique as we wish we were.? Generalizations work when they apply to the majority of a given group.? There are exceptions to every generalizaton, and pretty much everyone thinks that THEY are the exceptions.? Sometimes they are, most of the time they aren't.

Further, I would never group someone like SLC into a group with a high school boy.? But I wasn't talking to SLC's wife or girlfriend, I was responding to a high school girl about a high school boy.? She gave enough information for me (doing what I do) to draw some simple conclusions about the kind of person he was and I responded accordingly.? And when it comes to that kind of situation, my track record of success is very high.? I have no problem admitting when I don't know something.? But I have spent many years studying people, how they think, their motivations, and predicting their behavior.? And yes, I'm good at it.?

So you all can point out to me all day long that you don't fit into my generalization, but since I never said any one person here did, you can only guess if I think you do or not.? ?

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 21, 2006, 01:24:23 AM

I hope you trip on your fallopian tubes and fall hard on a gigantic penis! Nipple face...


That is a book in the bible stoopid!

Further, I would never group someone like SLC into a group with a high school boy. 

I hope you have read my posts long enough to know that I was joking..................

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 21, 2006, 03:28:36 PM
MCT: Just FYI, you seem to think I'm a psychologist or something (hence your words, "approach" and "moderately successful").   I don't think you have a clue what it is I actually do, but I assure you I do NOT do therapy.  I can't, people who whine annoy me.  I can also assure you that I'm far more than just moderately successful in what I do. 

The reason why I'm good at what I do is because I understand that people are not anywhere near as complicated or unique as we wish we were.  Generalizations work when they apply to the majority of a given group.  There are exceptions to every generalizaton, and pretty much everyone thinks that THEY are the exceptions.  Sometimes they are, most of the time they aren't.

Further, I would never group someone like SLC into a group with a high school boy.  But I wasn't talking to SLC's wife or girlfriend, I was responding to a high school girl about a high school boy.  She gave enough information for me (doing what I do) to draw some simple conclusions about the kind of person he was and I responded accordingly.  And when it comes to that kind of situation, my track record of success is very high.  I have no problem admitting when I don't know something.  But I have spent many years studying people, how they think, their motivations, and predicting their behavior.  And yes, I'm good at it. 

So you all can point out to me all day long that you don't fit into my generalization, but since I never said any one person here did, you can only guess if I think you do or not.   

... :o...

You're either an incredibly proud woman or an incredibly poor reader. And while I'll openly admit to the possibilty of both, I'm inclined towards the former... :love:

you seem to think I'm a psychologist or something

No, not really. I simply believe that you get paid to give people your opinions on human behavior. Just like you yourself stated. I mean, why would you lie?

I have no reason to disbelieve you, and hence I believe what you said.

(hence your words, "approach" and "moderately successful").

My words were chosen merely to highlight your paying job (which could be any one of a number of things) and then to directly apply that in an assaulting manner to your first post in this thread; which, due to the way it was written, amply displayed your approach to the situation.

You wear your heart on your sleeve without even knowing it.

I don't think you have a clue what it is I actually do

Well obviously I don't know exactly what it is you do... :confused:

but I assure you I do NOT do therapy

I believe you.

I can't, people who whine annoy me.

I believe you.

I can also assure you that I'm far more than just moderately successful in what I do.

I believe you.

As for the rest of your post, I've actually covered every major point in my previous ones.

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: Sterlingdog on February 21, 2006, 07:08:01 PM

I hope you have read my posts long enough to know that I was joking..................

Oh I know you were joking, and I think MCT was only half serious.  But there are some here who seemed to think they should jump on some manly MCT bandwagon.  I was just using you as an example to make my point, because there are some here who seem to not get where I'm coming from. 

Title: Re: I need advice from guys who might be like this one I'm crushing on.
Post by: MCT on February 21, 2006, 11:06:38 PM

...there are some here who seemed to think they should jump on some manly MCT bandwagon...there are some here who seem to not get where I'm coming from.?

Other than us two clowns, it was only Evo, Blue and the good Izzy participating. And by the looks of it I think the three of 'em knew it was farcical.

As for Blue, I suppose that he was indeed trying to articulate something serious, but in a lighthearted manner nonetheless.