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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: W 23 AXL II on February 16, 2006, 08:02:56 PM

Title: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: W 23 AXL II on February 16, 2006, 08:02:56 PM
My good dear lord, "Better" sounds AMAZING....(except that last part...kinda sounds like crap)..but the intro, verse, pre-chorus are unreal. IRS is cool too, but "Better" is really....really unique and amazing.

but, does anyone see this as a bad sign? as if, they just finished recording that demo this weekend and leaked it to see what people thought....

if these leaks were of final, mastered songs, i would think the album is on its way out.

but these demo's are just that, demos.....i definitely think Axl did this on purpose to "test the waters" and see what the public thinks (or atleast his crazy, obsessed fans). man, i hate to say this, but can't this be a sign that axl only has like 5-10 songs and he's still writing and coming up with demos....

man...imagine this cd is still months, years away...........and axl is, in fact, just testing demos that he's writing.....almost as if he wrote "Better" and was so excited by this new song, he wanted the world to hear it....

i hope im wrong obviously.....i just see this as a potential bad sign...of course, the other side could ring true, and this is a great sign, and its going to be a great year...i sure hope so, whats he waiting for???

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 08:04:50 PM
It was NOT done on purpose. Someone got there hands on something they should not have had. It's stupid to think Axl would leak his own shit on the NET where not only forums will pick it up but everything else.. Sorry its not GnR or the suits.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: Timmy on February 16, 2006, 08:05:48 PM
I don't think it's stupid to leak a song over the net.. it fuels fires and gets the blood pumping in an otherwise lifeless body

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: jimmythegent on February 16, 2006, 08:05:58 PM
IRS is a an old demo for sure- "Better" is the finished product IMO which makes me very suspicious that this is sourced from the mythical "Trunk" CD - this was intentional

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: W 23 AXL II on February 16, 2006, 08:06:35 PM
with axl's paranoia and security, you think just by chance someone got to steal something from the studio???? i doubt it

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on February 16, 2006, 08:07:32 PM
I dunno if I go as far to say this is a bad sign as we have had leaks before without Axl in the public eye... ?I almost see this as the reverse..he is in the public eye, playing CD for people in a strip club and now another leak. ? I definitely think Axl has a full library of new songs. ? He has been a recluse for far too long and I bet he has been writing that entire time plus the producers that have worked with him have confirmed that he has alot of new songs already completed that sounded amazing.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 08:08:07 PM
It aint hard to steal. And why would he leak "his" album.. You know the one he said was for himself and not the fans to the net? And who said it was the trunk CD to begin with? It could be anything.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: metallex78 on February 16, 2006, 08:09:06 PM
I dunno, aren't these demos supposedly from a cd that Axl sent to Mike Piazza?
If he didn't want them to leak, why would he send out a cd in the first place?

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 08:09:49 PM
Thats what everyone thinks they are from. No one knows for sure expect for who ever got a hold of the material.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: misterID on February 16, 2006, 08:14:04 PM
These leaks may still be from Axl. He's so anal about everything I don't see how it could just be an accident. And a leaker only leaking part of a song? I may be wrong, but the whole thing feels fishy... And I like it.

Something is going on. I think we're going to hear something Soon... The ball is definitely rolling.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 08:16:12 PM
See this is what happens when people who love a band aren't treated the right way. ITS A LEAK. There is no secret story behind it... Im sure more will come when the leak craze settles down.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: misterID on February 16, 2006, 08:20:44 PM
See this is what happens when people who love a band aren't treated the right way. ITS A LEAK. There is no secret story behind it... Im sure more will come when the leak craze settles down.

GNR records in a studio legendary for music leaks. 10 years there has been only one leak and it took 3 years for the initial leak to reach the net. That doesn't seem strange to you?

I agree there is a craze, that's to be expected. But its not far fetched to think these things aren't planned.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: Colt 1911 on February 16, 2006, 08:22:01 PM
yea and if he did it then why would he ask to have them taken down?????? Stupid post man he had nothing to do with it some jackass (who at the moment i love) got a hold of them.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 08:23:43 PM
If they wanted us to hear shit.. We would know for sure they wanted us to hear it.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: misterID on February 16, 2006, 08:25:33 PM
yea and if he did it then why would he ask to have them taken down?????? Stupid post man he had nothing to do with it some jackass (who at the moment i love) got a hold of them.

Stupid? You don't see the marketing value in this? Look at the stir... He wouldn't be the first artist to leak something and act like he wasn't behind it.

If they wanted us to hear shit.. We would know for sure they wanted us to hear it.

And GNR has been so open in the past...

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 08:28:10 PM
Exactly. So why would the leak shit? If its gonna happen soon then we will get a word.. nothing int he mean time or anything to help the fans a long... thats what I meant.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: misterID on February 16, 2006, 08:33:45 PM
Exactly. So why would the leak shit? If its gonna happen soon then we will get a word.. nothing int he mean time or anything to help the fans a long... thats what I meant.

I understand and agree with you :peace:

What I'm saying we're dealing with a man who considers 10 years of silence as a marketing tool. He creates mystery and keeps people interested. Bob Ezrin (who was associated with the band, maybe still is) lives by this philosophy. "Keep fans in the dark. No matter how pissed they get, it keeps them intersted."

My opinion is that this does sound like something Axl would do. It makes sense in an Axl kind of way.

Title: Re: Anyone see these leaks as bad news?
Post by: Chief on February 16, 2006, 08:57:42 PM
hold on here, is this leak thing the big thing that Dizzy mentioned???? :D