Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 05:33:08 PM

Title: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 05:33:08 PM
I do hereby publicly take an oath:

Since my faith in the appeareance of "Chinese Democracy" has been restored with the latest leaks, I swear not to collect anymore parts of this CD before its release, if not intended so by Guns N' Roses, with a downloadable single for example.

I do so for a) have the perfect experience of the whole album and b) because I know that maybe the Guns are not happy with us getting the music part by part and not as a whole musical effort.

And I do this stuff in public so that in weak moments, I can look in this thread get the power to do so.? :smoking:

Anyone who wants, might join.? Or not. Whatever. Sorry, this night makes me pathetic. Good night.? :peace:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on February 16, 2006, 05:35:34 PM
I'm not listening to any of the leaks... but taking an oath?  Nah.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: LittleFly on February 16, 2006, 05:37:53 PM
I was a bad girl and got the leaks....but from now one I'd like to be a born-again good girl (in regards to downloading leaks ONLY) and take the oath :D

Since my faith in the appeareance of "Chinese Democracy" has been restored with the latest leaks, I swear not to collect anymore parts of this CD before its release, if not intended so by Guns N' Roses, with a downloadable single for example.

I do so for a) have the perfect experience of the whole album and b) because I know that maybe the Guns are not happy with us getting the music part by part and not as a whole musical effort.

And I do this stuff in public so that in weak moments, I can look in this thread get the power to do so. 

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 16, 2006, 05:38:20 PM
 You can cram this oath up your ass, or take it to Axl and have him 'publicly swear' to do a few things.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: jmapelian on February 16, 2006, 05:38:42 PM
pathetic is a good word

after waiting as long as I have for new materials

after 2005 was to be the year of GnR

after the 2002 Philly show i went to

I'll take wjat i can get, when i can get it,

If GnR and their Managment team are so worried about illeagal downloads of Demo's

release the fucking album already.......the fans have been patient enough

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 05:39:53 PM
Don't take it too serious, people. ?;) ?The Oath for ME is serious and anyone can share it, but this is a board, not a church (althouth it often is same, if you're a gunner ?;D).

The thread is just about how to handle possible future leaks. Even more interesting, since TWAT is supposed to be leaked. This one, I will NOT download for sure.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Origen on February 16, 2006, 05:41:53 PM
After waiting all this time for some kind of new music, we get a demo and half and people react like this, crazy.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: McDuff on February 16, 2006, 05:42:42 PM
You can cram this oath up your ass, or take it to Axl and have him 'publicly swear' to do a few things.

 :hihi: that's fuckin' funny,but I agree :peace:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: SLCPUNK on February 16, 2006, 05:42:55 PM
I appreciate your view on this.


I will buy the album as soon as it is available.

I do understand that it is an unfinished product (although I enjoy listening to it as is now.)

Have already heard a lower quality leak of the same songs months before.

Have read that Axl has been playing the song here and there anyway.

Don't feel that I have any "duty" to not listen to these songs in their current state.

Have never had one update or murmor from GnR since the tour was canceled.

I have been waiting forever to hear something from this guy. Have traveled to two shows both 6 hours from my home and put down decent amounts of cash to see them.

Have probably bought AFD 10 times in my life........... :hihi:

Keeping the songs up as long as I like.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: saint seiya on February 16, 2006, 05:43:06 PM
After waiting all this time for some kind of new music, we get a demo and half and people react like this, crazy.

I know. Relax guys.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Civil Attitude on February 16, 2006, 05:43:44 PM
well....ive downaloaded them....and have already masturbated to a hell cat :beer: :smoking: :o

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Mustapha on February 16, 2006, 05:44:35 PM

If GnR and their Managment team are so worried about illeagal downloads of Demo's

release the fucking album already.......the fans have been patient enough


Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: jmapelian on February 16, 2006, 05:45:50 PM
no need to apologize :rofl: :hihi:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on February 16, 2006, 05:46:08 PM
well....ive downaloaded them....and have already masturbated to a hell cat :beer: :smoking: :o

Thats a good one! :beer:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: anythinggoes on February 16, 2006, 05:46:40 PM
well....ive downaloaded them....and have already masturbated to a hell cat :beer: :smoking: :o

eerrr ok ?:confused: :nervous:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: ShotgunBlues1978 on February 16, 2006, 05:46:49 PM
I'm buying the album the moment it's released anyway  : ok:

I can't wait to hear a high quality studio version of The Blues

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: blasphemer on February 16, 2006, 05:49:46 PM

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Evolution on February 16, 2006, 05:51:32 PM
I've never done one of those stupid "wait outside the shop for opening" things for a cd before, but i will for CD  :D

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Mr.Intensity on February 16, 2006, 05:52:39 PM
The only oath I'll make is the oath that any gnr fan will get to hear these new songs no matter what I have to do to get the music to them. :peace:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 05:53:27 PM
The only oath I'll make is the oath that any gnr fan will get to hear these new songs no matter what I have to do to get the music to them. :peace:

Well, THAT is something completely different.? :rofl:

Edit: By the way, since I'm obviously no native speaker: Is it make, take or swear an oath?

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: DoubleTalkingJive on February 16, 2006, 06:00:38 PM
Nah..I am gonna listen, if there for me to listen I am, I will listen...I have been waiting too long...I am believing more and more it's the record co.  leaking this stuff.   

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Lucky on February 16, 2006, 06:08:08 PM
I felt like crap any time I got a bootleg.

it's like the first time I got drunk and first time I took drugs.

you hold on so long with out it and then in an second it's all gone... :-[

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 06:09:10 PM
I felt like crap any time I got a bootleg.

it's like the first time I got drunk and first time I took drugs.

you hold on so long with out it and then in an second it's all gone... :-[

In a second? Must have been really bad booze and dope.  ;D

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 06:25:51 PM
I now take an oath to listen to every linked track that crosses the internet's path...

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Saul on February 16, 2006, 06:31:57 PM
I thought this was gunna be about the KISS song from music for the elder.  :'(

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: that girl on February 16, 2006, 06:33:25 PM

Edit: By the way, since I'm obviously no native speaker: Is it make, take or swear an oath?

It's to take an oath.

But I'm not taking this one. ;)

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: D on February 16, 2006, 07:28:00 PM
The album is gonna come out....
We've been waiting so long and it would be a shame to have heard every song in a demo form before the album is released.

I mean when its released, if we've already heard the songs, the magic of picking up the CD and being surprised is ruined and for what? So we can hear shitty clips of half a song?

Ive been waiting and have been excited for a very long time and im not gonna spoil it now. So i won't listen to anymore leaks.

I think a lot of u are gonna be mad at yourselves as well once the CD release date is announced.

Come on Everyone, this has been an amazing ride, meeting all these people on this forum, developing relationships, going through all this together.

So why spoil it by listening to leaks?

Lets all of us do the right thing and wait for the CD to come out, that way we can all enjoy it together in the way it was intended.

Stop and think for a moment.

Just picture in  your mind the release date of Chinese Democracy, now imagine how u are gonna feel inside, that rush of adrenaline, the nerves, the anticipation. the camping out in front of the record store with fellow GNR fans awaiting the albums arrival.

Now think of how diminished all that is gonna be if u sit here and here most of the album in a shitty quality demoed way.

u will go from being excited and a once in a lifetime thing happening, to not really having anything to look forward to.

I for one will not diminish what has been building up for the last ten years. I am waiting till the album comes out in stores and ONLY THEN will I listen.

I heard Madagascar,the Blues, CD and i honestly wish i hadnt, I heard IRS and once again, I wish i hadnt.

So im not ruining anymore surprises.

Who's with me??

together we can all wait and do this.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 07:29:04 PM
Erm.. (")

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Steel_Angel on February 16, 2006, 07:29:22 PM

who cares about bieng surprised?!? im buying the album STILL. no matter what, nigga.

I NEED THE REST OF BETTER!!! ITs SOOOO GOOOOOOD  :love: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 07:30:18 PM
You know.. as Im reading this topic.. I haev I.R.S blasting.. couldnt really read correctly.. whats this topic about?

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Saul on February 16, 2006, 07:30:42 PM
there wont be anymore leaks. unless the rumors of what was played at the club being taped are proven true.


Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: the dirt on February 16, 2006, 07:31:31 PM
It's cool if that's the route you want to go.

I don't think any one should be upset with those that are sharing with one another, though, not at all.

The album is gonna come out....

Nobody knows this for sure.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: tinyrobot on February 16, 2006, 07:32:01 PM
bah, stop being a sheep to the GNR vile environment...

Axl himself showed some songs live and direct so fuck it... now its too late for having regrets and also, in my case, I will still buy the CD and go nuts even if I heard it all 10000000 times...

But there is no chance of us listening to the whole CD before time so, blah, dont even worry about "betraying" your idol, haha... JUST BUY THE ALBUM, thats what matters  :hihi:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Evolution on February 16, 2006, 07:32:45 PM
I listened to some 1 minute clips of the new CKY album before it came out in the summer and i found it made me want to hear more. I personally like knowing a little, and then waiting to hear the full thing.

Having said that, i respect your way. Takes a lot of willpower  : ok:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: D on February 16, 2006, 07:34:59 PM
why spoil the most anticipated album in music history though?

the last few big albums Ive looked forward to, I have messed up by listening to snippets on websites.

needless to say goin to the store and buyin the album and hearing it for the first time in its entirety was so diminished that i didnt enjoy the process and the albums as much as i use to.

So im not doing it for any albums, i will never again go to and listen to the songs before the album comes out, i won't do it for the RHCp's new cd, and I wont do it for the most anticipated album Chinese democracy.

I want to go into the Best Buy and get this off the shelf with no idea of what im about to experience. I want to be bombarded by song after song and be surprised and amazed at what im hearing.

if u listen to all the songs on the net via leak, that experience won't be the same and I think we've waited to long and have anticipated its arrival too long to just go and spoil it all now.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: BLS-Pride on February 16, 2006, 07:35:30 PM
Why? Cause the fans are treated like shit.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: the dirt on February 16, 2006, 07:36:16 PM
I heard Madagascar,the Blues, CD and i honestly wish i hadnt,

So if you attended one of the shows where they played those songs, in hindsight you would have worn ear-protectors so you wouldn't have heard them?

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: D on February 16, 2006, 07:37:19 PM
no but I would've liked to have experienced them for the first time by hearing them on the album.

think about it, we've heard almost a third of the album already.

I dont want to hear anymore of it, iwant to be surprised.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 07:39:42 PM
think about it, we've heard almost a third of the album already.

First, we know frack about the song list.
Second, the difference between live, demo and studio is enormous. When the Boston promo came out, even the poor 2-second-snippets showed that we know nothing about the final versions.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Evolution on February 16, 2006, 07:40:01 PM
Who's to say all we have heard will be on CD? It's possible some of them will be on the 2nd album.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: the dirt on February 16, 2006, 07:41:45 PM
It's possible some of them will be on the 2nd album.

Or none of 'em.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Evolution on February 16, 2006, 07:43:14 PM
It's quite the mystery.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Axlfreek on February 16, 2006, 07:45:56 PM
after what the gnr fan community has been going through in the past 10-15 years i think we all owe it to ourselves to listen a couple minutes of demos from the new album.

taking an oath ?  ::)

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 16, 2006, 07:49:02 PM
taking an oath is a little to far man, this isnt a cult.

Don't take it too serious, people. ?;) [...]  this is a board, not a church (althouth it often is same, if you're a gunner ?;D).


Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 16, 2006, 07:54:38 PM
hey there everyone.... *waves*

i been away -  i come back and there is all this going on..!

just makes me miss them more than i already am  :love:

i'm not listening to any of the leaks myself

after all the anticipation....  i want the real thing and nothing less will satisfy me ;)

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: jabba2 on February 16, 2006, 07:54:48 PM
Im downloadin' it and selling copies to the black market in China.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: D on February 16, 2006, 08:01:04 PM
hey there everyone.... *waves*

i been away -? i come back and there is all this going on..!

just makes me miss them more than i already am? :love:

i'm not listening to any of the leaks myself

after all the anticipation....? i want the real thing and nothing less will satisfy me ;)

welcome back

I am doing the same. the wait has been too long to just go and spoil it now.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 16, 2006, 08:10:51 PM
 : ok:

matter o' fact - i'm not even gonna read the threads about 'em!  :smoking:
just like i'm not reading any 'reviews' of CD until a good long while after

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: The Dog on February 16, 2006, 08:17:08 PM
hey there everyone.... *waves*

i been away -  i come back and there is all this going on..!

just makes me miss them more than i already am  :love:

i'm not listening to any of the leaks myself

after all the anticipation....  i want the real thing and nothing less will satisfy me ;)

welcome back

I am doing the same. the wait has been too long to just go and spoil it now.

Thats great if thats what YOU want to do, but trying to suggest the idea to others is kinda dumb.  I mean, if you don't want to "spoil" it for yourself, simply don't listen to any of the songs, but don't tell other people they shouldn't either just b/c you think its going to ruin it for them.  Same goes for movie spoilers and stuff like each their own dude.

Let those of us who are listening enjoy ourselves.  And have fun waiting....  :hihi:

Be funny if some people were camping out in tents in front of their record stores the way some people do for movies.  I can just pictures some people in line for 8 years now......"oh, its coming man, I'm gonna be the first to get it!" hahaha.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Karma_Police on February 16, 2006, 08:21:23 PM
I'll listen to one leaked song.  I won't ruin the entire album though. That's pretty much what I do with all anticipated relases. If you listen to leaked albums it ruins it I think but I have no problme sampleing one song.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: D on February 16, 2006, 08:22:13 PM
I choose to experience things the way they are intended.

I liked the Christmas analogy I think "The Dirt" said.

Its like being a kid and sneaking and peeking at your Christmas presents on the 20th.

When Christmas Morning comes, sure u get to still play with the stuff BUT the surprise and opening and experiening it for the first time and the surprise is as important as what the actual gift is.

I cant wait to pop CD into my cd player for the firs time and be mesmerized and shocked with what I hear and having no idea as to what is about to come out of my speakers.

If u get a sample< i dont care if its only 40 seconds, it ruins the magic.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Elrothiel on February 17, 2006, 01:02:03 AM
well....ive downaloaded them....and have already masturbated to a hell cat :beer: :smoking: :o

I can go one better than that. ;D I've got ass-fucked to them already! :smoking:

Buuuuut... it was in a spur of the moment kinda thing.
I'm gunna take the oath so I can redeem myself and not feel so guilty about being so naughty... :)

I do hereby publicly take an oath:

Since my faith in the appeareance of "Chinese Democracy" has been restored with the latest leaks, I swear not to collect anymore parts of this CD before its release, if not intended so by Guns N' Roses, with a downloadable single for example.

I do so for a) have the perfect experience of the whole album and b) because I know that maybe the Guns are not happy with us getting the music part by part and not as a whole musical effort.

And I do this stuff in public so that in weak moments, I can look in this thread get the power to do so.  :smoking:

I feel better now! :)

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: McDuff on February 17, 2006, 01:26:20 AM
The only oath I'll make is the oath that any gnr fan will get to hear these new songs no matter what I have to do to get the music to them. :peace:

yeah,I'll also take your oath :yes:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Lucky on February 17, 2006, 01:37:26 PM
bah, stop being a sheep to the GNR vile environment...

Axl himself showed some songs live and direct so fuck it... now its too late for having regrets and also, in my case, I will still buy the CD and go nuts even if I heard it all 10000000 times...

But there is no chance of us listening to the whole CD before time so, blah, dont even worry about "betraying" your idol, haha... JUST BUY THE ALBUM, thats what matters? :hihi:

she at HTGTH, that's a omen that CD is coming out.

where have you been?


Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: makane on February 17, 2006, 02:05:56 PM
Whys everyone blabbering "Im not gonna listen to them! EVER!" Then don't, it's not like you need to make it a Federal case.

Since my faith in the appeareance of "Chinese Democracy" has been restored with the latest leaks, I swear to collect all parts of this CD before its release, if not intended so by Guns N' Roses, with a downloadable single for example.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: CAFC Nick on February 17, 2006, 02:10:23 PM
Stick your oath up your arse.  :peace:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on February 17, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
This situation reminds me of when Star Wars episode III came out.  I looked at all the pictures and read the script before the movie came out and it ruined it for me.  I'm not gonna let that happen to CD.  I've been waiting too damn long to spoil it by listening to the leaks.  Nah, I'm gonna wait.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: shotgun_blue on February 18, 2006, 04:37:39 AM
I am proud to say I havent heard 'better' or 'I.R.S' and its killing me! Im so close to breaking but I want to hold out until The CD is in my hands. I'm gonna have three or four beers completely on my own and then Im gonna press play and take it all in! I have already broken once tho and downloaded 'the blues' which Ive listened too a million times! Please just realise the CD before I scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :nervous:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: jameslofton29 on February 18, 2006, 04:57:49 AM
Why wait? What if you died tomorrow? What would you have accomplished by waiting? As far as I know, there isn't cd players and yousendit links in heaven. Just enjoy the songs since they have been leaked. No use waiting for a future that isn't guaranteed to come.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 18, 2006, 05:32:21 AM
As for I know so far, there isn't a Heaven either, so there will be no time to regret not to have listended to the songs.  :hihi:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: mick on February 18, 2006, 05:33:23 AM
pathetic is a good word

after waiting as long as I have for new materials

after 2005 was to be the year of GnR

after the 2002 Philly show i went to

I'll take wjat i can get, when i can get it,

If GnR and their Managment team are so worried about illeagal downloads of Demo's

release the fucking album already.......the fans have been patient enough

 : ok:  :beer:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on February 18, 2006, 05:35:45 AM
my oath is to NOT stop listening to these 3 songs until CD comes out  :peace:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: speed-stone on February 18, 2006, 05:37:58 AM
"this melody inside of me still searches for solution"
i'm hooked already :drool:
axl the world is yours once again man.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: conny on February 18, 2006, 05:40:37 AM
1.) I will buy the album, not just one copy.
2.) I will buy concert tickest, not just one.
3.) I'm supporting the band where I can.
4.) I've been waiting for YEARS.
5.) These songs are DEMOS, not official released music.

So I will download, share and enjoy them without regret!  : ok:

Whoever not d/l TWAT must be crazy, this songs is some of the best shit in years!

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 18, 2006, 05:44:33 AM
Whoever not d/l TWAT must be crazy, this songs is some of the best shit in years!

Stay away from me, Succubus!  ;D

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: conny on February 18, 2006, 05:52:05 AM
Whoever not d/l TWAT must be crazy, this songs is some of the best shit in years!

Stay away from me, Succubus!? ;D

You know you want it, don't ya? C'mon, don't be scared, it's just a PM away for you my friend.  ;D

Seriously, you must hear TWAT, it is FANTASTIC!  :yes:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 18, 2006, 05:56:44 AM
Whoever not d/l TWAT must be crazy, this songs is some of the best shit in years!

Stay away from me, Succubus!? ;D

You know you want it, don't ya? C'mon, don't be scared, it's just a PM away for you my friend.? ;D

Seriously, you must hear TWAT, it is FANTASTIC!? :yes:

Damn, you ARE the devil.  :hihi:

BTW, it's already on my computer, I just don't listen to it.  Just for the case the Redhead damns the leaks and bunrs his archives in rage.  : ok:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Olorin on February 18, 2006, 05:59:36 AM

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Wooody on February 18, 2006, 06:05:54 AM
I think the only true intelligent reason for not downloading the leaks would be to fully appreciate the album once it comes out..I mean, how many songs have we heard that will actually be on the album ? 6 ? 7? thats a lot...

that is why I think Im ready to take that oath now.....

And ILL TELL YOU THIS, it would be a lot easier for me to respect such an oath if management had an official release date, because If Im sitting here, a year from now,  in front of my computer without having heard the leaks and the album is not out yet...I WILL FEEL PRETTY STUPID.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: conny on February 18, 2006, 06:07:15 AM
it's already on my computer, I just don't listen to it.?

You have no idea what you are missing out on! ?:o

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 18, 2006, 06:09:09 AM
And ILL TELL YOU THIS, it would be a lot easier for me to respect such an oath if management had an official release date, because If Im sitting here, a year from now,? in front of my computer without having heard the leaks and the album is not out yet...I WILL FEEL PRETTY STUPID.


And conny, stop messin' with my head. :D

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: conny on February 18, 2006, 06:15:30 AM

And conny, stop messin' with my head. :D


But you know TWAT is like losing virginity, do you? It's like real good sex I tell you, it's physical! It's so good it hurts! It just builds and builds and builds until....

Too bad you won't even let yourself hear the 1st half of this amazing piece of music, when actually the 2nd half will make you want to listen to it over and over and over again.

Alright I'll shut up now.? :-X


Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Schwarzgold on February 18, 2006, 06:26:36 AM
Well, I just read dave's thread and that there are two versions. I just have the short version, so ... as long as no one PMs me the long version, I am not even ABLE to give up, even if I wanted to.  :nervous:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Wooody on February 18, 2006, 02:43:15 PM
Maybe we should really think about not listen to any more leaks, I want to go to the record store and buy it, maybe even more than one copy and open the book case and everything.. :-\

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Lord Kayoss on February 18, 2006, 02:48:45 PM
I hereby certify and swear to the following...

As a die-hard Gunner who loves Axl and has waited ever-so-patiently for over a decade, I will CONTINUE to listen to all leaked demos and pursue any new leaked tracks that may or may not emerge before the release of "Chinese Democracy".

That being said - if and when "Chinese Democracy" see's the light of day, as I've said all along, I'm still gonna buy it 3 times.

No worries Axl, I got your back!  : ok:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Elrothiel on February 18, 2006, 03:12:39 PM
Kayoss, I'm buying it 10 timez!! Probably more than that!

1 to listen to, and the other 9 to keep in a high security glass display case!

Although the one I listen to will probably die on me because I'll listen to it non-stop, so I'll have to go buy another! :love:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on February 18, 2006, 03:32:04 PM
Since my faith in the appeareance of "Chinese Democracy" has been restored with the latest leaks, I swear not to collect anymore parts of this CD before its release, if not intended so by Guns N' Roses, with a downloadable single for example.

I do so for a) have the perfect experience of the whole album and b) because I know that maybe the Guns are not happy with us getting the music part by part and not as a whole musical effort.

And I do this stuff in public so that in weak moments, I can look in this thread get the power to do so.  :smoking:

I take the oaths. I will not listen to anymore leaks.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Mr.Intensity on February 18, 2006, 03:46:12 PM
I hereby certify and swear to the following...

As a die-hard Gunner who loves Axl and has waited ever-so-patiently for over a decade, I will CONTINUE to listen to all leaked demos and pursue any new leaked tracks that may or may not emerge before the release of "Chinese Democracy".

That being said - if and when "Chinese Democracy" see's the light of day, as I've said all along, I'm still gonna buy it 3 times.

No worries Axl, I got your back!? : ok:

We've all had his back for all these years.. we deserve all the leaks we have got. : ok:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on February 18, 2006, 03:48:45 PM
twat! twat! twat! twat! twat! twat! twat! twat!................................................................................... :hihi:

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 20, 2006, 11:11:24 PM
hey there everyone.... *waves*

i been away -? i come back and there is all this going on..!

just makes me miss them more than i already am? :love:

i'm not listening to any of the leaks myself

after all the anticipation....? i want the real thing and nothing less will satisfy me ;)

welcome back

I am doing the same. the wait has been too long to just go and spoil it now.

Thats great if thats what YOU want to do, but trying to suggest the idea to others is kinda dumb.? I mean, if you don't want to "spoil" it for yourself, simply don't listen to any of the songs, but don't tell other people they shouldn't either just b/c you think its going to ruin it for them.? Same goes for movie spoilers and stuff like each their own dude.

Our saying we won't listen to the leaks doesn't suggest the idea that others shouln't any more than others saying that they will listen to the leaks suggests the idea that we should.


Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: killingvector on February 20, 2006, 11:13:01 PM
I really can't stop listening to these three songs. Unbelieveable. I am satiated until the album drops.

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Eva GnRAxlRosette on February 20, 2006, 11:18:53 PM
I really can't stop listening to these three songs. Unbelieveable. I am satiated until the album drops.

are you suggesting that others listen..? 
hey KV!!!!     :-*

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: Axl8302 on February 20, 2006, 11:52:03 PM
i've listened to them all and they're great! ;D

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: GnR-NOW on February 20, 2006, 11:54:46 PM
im going to try to not listen to anything until the new album comes out, but itll be hard

Title: Re: The oath / I will not listen to leaks
Post by: destroier on February 21, 2006, 12:18:49 AM
I will try not to listen to anything else. So far I've been able to hold off on the longer better clip. Very hard since that's my favorite of the leaks.