Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Buddy J.B. on January 27, 2006, 12:52:38 PM

Title: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Buddy J.B. on January 27, 2006, 12:52:38 PM
In no particular order......

1) X-Men (2000)

2) Joe Dirt (2001)

3) Meet the Parents (2000)

4) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

5) Anger Management (2003)

6) Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

7) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

8) Big Fish (2004)

9) Batman Begins (disliked it at first but it grew on me) (2005)

10) King Kong (2005)

Great movies are still made, its just that people forget that there are always flops no matter what . But in my opinion, the movies based by video games need to stop. Horror movies haven't been scary for a while.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Buddy J.B. on January 27, 2006, 01:13:58 PM
Me again, part two

1) Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)

2) Bad Santa (2003)

3) Blow (2001)

4) Starsky and Hutch (2004)

5) Gladiator (2000)

6) O'Brother Where Art Thou (2000)

7) Scary Movie (2000)

8) Road Trip (2000)

9) Bad News Bears (2005)

10) Pirates of The Carribean (2003)

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 27, 2006, 01:21:02 PM
50 first Dates
Star Wars: EP III
Big Fish
Batman Begins
X-Men 2
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
House of sand and fog
Garden State
Mystic River

No order whatsoever cause I like to watch those movies anytime of the day, whene ever I want to  : ok:
I can make 2 also?

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Buddy J.B. on January 27, 2006, 01:27:51 PM
make as many you want, just 10 at a time.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: journey on January 27, 2006, 01:41:28 PM
Napoleon Dynamite
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Walk The Line
My Life Without Me
Love, Actually
Where the Heart Is
Hot Chick

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 27, 2006, 01:44:04 PM
Where the Heart Is

MM Natalie Portman fan? anyway I though Garden state was better than those 2, but also Closer was a really good movie. Its a pity that Anywhere but here is from 1999  :-\

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: journey on January 27, 2006, 01:52:45 PM
I liked Garden State, but I wasn't crazy about it. Where The Heart Is, is a more sentimental type, which is what I'm into.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 27, 2006, 03:38:23 PM
are we talking about *real* films or pop corn crap ?

ps: sorry, i'm out ;)

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Kujo on January 27, 2006, 03:53:49 PM
1. The Lord of the Rings(I'll count all 3 as 1) Good films, too bad it appears nobody here saw them
2. Memento
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. Sin City
5. Kill Bill 1&2
6. Batman Begins
7. Finding Neverland
8. Gladiator
9. Shrek
10. Mystic River

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 27, 2006, 04:03:43 PM
1. The Lord of the Rings(I'll count all 3 as 1) Good films, too bad it appears nobody here saw them

here ? do you live on the moon ?

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Kujo on January 27, 2006, 04:09:57 PM
1. The Lord of the Rings(I'll count all 3 as 1) Good films, too bad it appears nobody here saw them

here ? do you live on the moon ?

What I was meant was that nobody had mentioned any of these films in their Top 10.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: sandman on January 27, 2006, 04:13:01 PM
can't name 10, but here's 3...

1. almost famous - maybe my all time fav
2. meet the parents - funniest movie ever made. brilliant.
3. old school - hilarious

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 27, 2006, 04:19:30 PM
1. The Lord of the Rings(I'll count all 3 as 1) Good films, too bad it appears nobody here saw them

here ? do you live on the moon ?

What I was meant was that nobody had mentioned any of these films in their Top 10.

ah gotcha. well maybe we see that in the end ... tolkien is not THAT mainstream.
mainstream audience got fed up with all these geeky orcs and elves and spells
hardcore fan saw that the movies were sacriliegious.
so in the end, the hype died :)

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Kujo on January 27, 2006, 04:22:58 PM
1. The Lord of the Rings(I'll count all 3 as 1) Good films, too bad it appears nobody here saw them

here ? do you live on the moon ?

What I was meant was that nobody had mentioned any of these films in their Top 10.

ah gotcha. well maybe we see that in the end ... tolkien is not THAT mainstream.
mainstream audience got fed up with all these geeky orcs and elves and spells
hardcore fan saw that the movies were sacriliegious.
so in the end, the hype died :)
Good points.
I got into the movies before the books, but after seeing the first two films I read all 4 books(The Hobbit) before Return of the King came to theaters. I enjoyed the movies and the books both. Some people take things to serious.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Drew on January 27, 2006, 05:56:27 PM
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy
Black Hawk Down
Band Of Brothers
The Mothman Prophecies
Before Sunset
Veronica Guerin
The Skulls
Training Day

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Izzy on January 27, 2006, 06:40:51 PM
People are including Meet the Parents which is my no#2 most hated film of all time,

There has been precious little in the last few years i've thought was of any genuine quality - but i'll play along

no particular order

Pirates of the Caribbean
Revenge of the Sith
A series of unfortunate events
Scary Movie
Team America
X men
X men 2
....stuck for a 10th one,

I'll give a special 'damn that film was awful' mention to: Sin City, all three LOTR films, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Saw and Saw 2 and Batman Begins which have pretty much kept me away from the cinema since

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: badapple81 on January 27, 2006, 06:49:19 PM
I'm shocked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory made a list. It was a terrible terrible remake. Saying that, it is in the same list as Joe Dirt  :D

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: badapple81 on January 27, 2006, 06:53:41 PM
Revenge of the Sith
Batman Begins
Tears Of The Sun
The Chronicals of Narnia
T3 - Rise Of The Machines (wasn't all I hoped and that good but still one of my favourites)

Nothing else springs to mind at the moment.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Jim on January 27, 2006, 08:34:11 PM
are we talking about *real* films or pop corn crap ?

I was waiting for that.  :P

You do it in every thread that comes up about film.

You know, film is subjective, but only as far as the viewer is able to appreciate different films, it is not something innate. Film is enjoyed on different levels. It takes an entirely different approach to enjoy, say, Le Mepris than it would to enjoy Batman Begins or The Crow.

If you're going to sit back in your chair with a scowl on your face whenever you watch something from [what you would deem to be] Hollywood, then of course you're not going to enjoy it.

Now, don't confuse this with having to 'lower your IQ' to enjoy mainstream film. It really is just about having a different approach, as well as finding enjoyment in other parts of the film.

You, with your Akira Kurosawa's, Roman Polanski's or whoever else it is that you are into, are just as trapped as those that watch only mainstream releases and deam the arthouses to be full of shit. Or, to borrow an analogy if I may, you're just trapped on one level of the Tower.  :P

Okay, and fair enough, maybe you can't enjoy mainstream movies (personally I think that you're just not trying), but that is, on the whole, your problem. I only point it out because your anti-popular culture stance is getting boring.  :P

And I mean it when I say that I think that you're just not trying. You don't want to like popular American films. Yes, there is a lot of shit in Hollywood. But, there are also some fantastic films occasionaly released.

Try watching Finding Neverland, or Eternal Sunshine. Maybe you have?, and maybe you didn't enjoy them...

But, as I say, it is your issue, so stop with the condescending attitude.

How about it, eh?


Oh, a list you say? Well, I'm never good with them. But the two that I mentioned above would certainly be included.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Hammy on January 27, 2006, 08:38:42 PM
Try watching Finding Neverland, or Eternal Sunshine. Maybe you have?, and maybe you didn't enjoy them...
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, no doubt, best film of the past 5 or 6 or whatever years..... for appreciating 'mainstream' films, light a joint :smoking: put your brain on hold and 'lighten' up :P

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Butch Français on January 27, 2006, 09:42:24 PM
I don't remember them!

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: nevermiss24 on January 27, 2006, 10:53:15 PM
i dont even remember ten movies i saw in the first half of this decade

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 28, 2006, 09:55:11 AM
are we talking about *real* films or pop corn crap ?

I was waiting for that.  :P

You do it in every thread that comes up about film.

You know, film is subjective, but only as far as the viewer is able to appreciate different films, it is not something innate. Film is enjoyed on different levels. It takes an entirely different approach to enjoy, say, Le Mepris than it would to enjoy Batman Begins or The Crow.

If you're going to sit back in your chair with a scowl on your face whenever you watch something from [what you would deem to be] Hollywood, then of course you're not going to enjoy it.

Now, don't confuse this with having to 'lower your IQ' to enjoy mainstream film. It really is just about having a different approach, as well as finding enjoyment in other parts of the film.

You, with your Akira Kurosawa's, Roman Polanski's or whoever else it is that you are into, are just as trapped as those that watch only mainstream releases and deam the arthouses to be full of shit. Or, to borrow an analogy if I may, you're just trapped on one level of the Tower.  :P

Okay, and fair enough, maybe you can't enjoy mainstream movies (personally I think that you're just not trying), but that is, on the whole, your problem. I only point it out because your anti-popular culture stance is getting boring.  :P

And I mean it when I say that I think that you're just not trying. You don't want to like popular American films. Yes, there is a lot of shit in Hollywood. But, there are also some fantastic films occasionaly released.

Try watching Finding Neverland, or Eternal Sunshine. Maybe you have?, and maybe you didn't enjoy them...

But, as I say, it is your issue, so stop with the condescending attitude.

How about it, eh?


Oh, a list you say? Well, I'm never good with them. But the two that I mentioned above would certainly be included.

Dont worry he will say Les Choristes

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 28, 2006, 07:28:06 PM
Now what the fucked happened to supermike a.k.a (mikeb - buddy J. B.)  ???  :-\
I dont get it supermike what the hell? now you are supermike again  ???

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: SuperMike on January 29, 2006, 03:43:26 AM
Now what the fucked happened to supermike a.k.a (mikeb - buddy J. B.)? ???? :-\
I dont get it supermike what the hell? now you are supermike again? ???
I wanted to make an account with my real sn as SuperMike.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 29, 2006, 11:32:45 AM
I can't remember 10 but what comes to mind is:

Brokeback Mountain
Finding Neverland
Pirates of the Carribean

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Ignatius on January 29, 2006, 12:07:43 PM

Kate Winslet fan Jim?

Alright, gonna throw in my favorite's here then..

Eternal Sunshine...
Team America
Oh Brother
Training Day
The Royal Tenembaums
21 Grams
Requiem for a Dream
The Curse of the Scprpion Jade
Kill Bill Vol. 1 - 2

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Jim on January 29, 2006, 01:08:39 PM
Kate Winslet fan Jim?

Yeah, I noticed that after I had posted, but they were the first two great films of recent times that came to mind...

Maybe I have a subconscious thing for her...

Though, she is great.

Actually, fuck it, it's not subconscious, I'm definatly a fan!

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Hammy on January 29, 2006, 01:33:12 PM
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
Training Day
Requiem For A Dream
Sin City
21 Grams
Almost Famous
Lost In Translation
Bubba Ho-Tep
The Chronicals of Narnia

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 29, 2006, 01:58:48 PM
are we talking about *real* films or pop corn crap ?

I was waiting for that.  :P

You do it in every thread that comes up about film.

You know, film is subjective, but only as far as the viewer is able to appreciate different films, it is not something innate. Film is enjoyed on different levels. It takes an entirely different approach to enjoy, say, Le Mepris than it would to enjoy Batman Begins or The Crow.

If you're going to sit back in your chair with a scowl on your face whenever you watch something from [what you would deem to be] Hollywood, then of course you're not going to enjoy it.

Now, don't confuse this with having to 'lower your IQ' to enjoy mainstream film. It really is just about having a different approach, as well as finding enjoyment in other parts of the film.

You, with your Akira Kurosawa's, Roman Polanski's or whoever else it is that you are into, are just as trapped as those that watch only mainstream releases and deam the arthouses to be full of shit. Or, to borrow an analogy if I may, you're just trapped on one level of the Tower.  :P

Okay, and fair enough, maybe you can't enjoy mainstream movies (personally I think that you're just not trying), but that is, on the whole, your problem. I only point it out because your anti-popular culture stance is getting boring.  :P

And I mean it when I say that I think that you're just not trying. You don't want to like popular American films. Yes, there is a lot of shit in Hollywood. But, there are also some fantastic films occasionaly released.

Try watching Finding Neverland, or Eternal Sunshine. Maybe you have?, and maybe you didn't enjoy them...

But, as I say, it is your issue, so stop with the condescending attitude.

How about it, eh?


Oh, a list you say? Well, I'm never good with them. But the two that I mentioned above would certainly be included.

Dont worry he will say Les Choristes

heck NO !.

alright Jim. i gotcha.

the thing is that .... i do watch a lot of crappy/mainstream movies. i watched even the Day after Tomorow few days ago ....
but, you see. im really not trying to be smart and force myself into liking artsy korean flicks or eastern europe black n white movies..

Because i have hated all the *great directors*, i was hating all this hype around Godard and kurosawa, and mizoguchi and so on. I was loving reservoir dogs and natural born killers and even fight club (what a shame !) ... and when i was reading stuff about mizoguchi and other masters i got sick. i was like " what the hell !! ", who are these people ? i hated that intellectual trend and shit.
but i was kinda buzzed and intrigued by all that. so i watched these movies. and i understood (i have seen the light !!!  ;D ;D )

films are subjective. al'right. but some are better than others. same with food. taste is subjective. but 3stars restaurants taste better than mcdonalds.
and I AM NOT anti popular culture of films. i love clueless and star wars and will ferrel and i liked lord of war and the aviator .
it is just that mainstream movies (im sorry there are no other words) ARE the fuckin same all the time.

same structure. same mechanism. same plots. same emotions. > STANDARDS and RULE.
they know what works. they know what emotions the audience is waiting > they do it.

like, i wanted to go see that movie , last night with some friends (well they didnt want ... but ... rain check)

It's a Sri Lankan (?sp?) movie. (recieved camera price at cannes) - i m not trying to be cool with watching movies from sri lanka. but i know it has more potential to be good than .... let say .... Munich.
because Munich, or .. let's say .... Good Night, and Good Luck ... will serve me what i have been served for years. i've seen it all.
these new "mainstream" movies. are indeed about different subjects, different plots, different actors, different music ... but in the end it is the same. i can assure you.
same mechanisms. same systems. same emotions/characters equations. it works. it worked. but watching different stuff makes these other movies taste ...very bleh.

i have watched eternal sunshine. it's pretty good. really. i watch it all. but people need to go towards mizoguchi and others.
and i have so many more directors that i didnt see anything from. and i m waiting for that more than the next burton soup.

but hey. i was like that. i was just like you. and why do i like these movies now ?
you know, find me ONE person that sat calmly and voluntarilly in front of a godard / mizoguchi or any other Great Director (no spielberg is not great ...) and went back saying " nah, i'm gonna stick with burton and spielberg .... "

it's not like a we're a cult where when you start watchin *artsy* films you have to swear not to say that it's all a scam and pretend to like intellectual stuff.
everything is not for everybody. but i can assure you that there better movies. really.
and instead of picking between the crappy ones, let's just pick between the good ones.
you want action ? 7 samurai or The Terminator :)
coolness ? godard
happiness ? taste of tea

i dunno ... if these movies are talked as Great Movies ... there are reasons.
do not stop watchin Sin City and 21 grams and all. i did it. i'm glad. but watch OTHER stuff. watch koran film. sri lanka movies. older stuff. watch it all. and .... without you knowing it .... you'll see that all these Sin City emotions you were getting were ... fake :)

why are Guns n' Roses or The Rollingstones better than Good Charlotte ?  ....

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Jim on January 29, 2006, 06:33:32 PM
I see your point, and I guess it's a valid one....

But I can't help but get the feeling that you kind of missed mine.  :-\

Not entirely, of course, but...Well, most of it.

do not stop watchin Sin City and 21 grams and all. i did it. i'm glad. but watch OTHER stuff. watch koran film. sri lanka movies. older stuff. watch it all. and .... without you knowing it .... you'll see that all these Sin City emotions you were getting were ... fake :)

My main point was that I do watch foreign films...I do watch the older stuff. I finished my film A-Level last year. I'll begin studying Film again come the end of the year. I'd like to think that I'm quite widely...watched. Maybe I needed to be more explicit (?), but my previous post wasn't a pro-Mainstream Mainstream vs. Minority (even if that term isn't strictly true) rant. I hope it didn't come across that way?

It was more a...Mainstream appreciation post.

I've seen a lot of films, a lot of different films, and I now feel I have the capicity to enjoy so many of them in different ways.

and instead of picking between the crappy ones, let's just pick between the good ones.
you want action ? 7 samurai or The Terminator :)


I won't pick. Because, see, I love both of those movies. And, really, that was where I was comming from.

While I love both of those movies, to me they serve different purposes. I can happily throw on Terminator to kill some time. I don't need to watch all of it. Likewise with, say, Pulp Fiction. I love that I know all of the words. I love how I've seen them both to death. I love how I can turn it off, or join it half-way through. Either way, I'll still be content. And you know, that's part of cinema.

Could I do that with Seven Samurai? Not really. I would rather not leave  It would leave me feeling...Hollow? That form of art needs to be viewed as a whole to truly be appreciated, if you really want to be touched. Hell, I know I wouldn't feel satisfied if I turned it off midway through, watching Samurai eating rice.

As for the band analogy, it's inedequate at best because Good Charlotte are, what? Merely a bad immitation of the Stones or GNR, a band trying to be in the same league but failing pretty badly. Now, Mainstream (yeah, we do need another word) is a different form of cinema to...To what? Cinema Verite...Neo-Realism...Foreign...films with subtitles...Black and white films...Foreign black and white films, with subtitles...Call it what you like. They [should] touch you in different ways.

See, I don't even judge them on the same scale.

A more adequate analogy would be...Why are Pink Floyd better than Choking Victim?

My answer? They're not. They both serve entirely different purposes, they cater to different needs. And that is why film is 'subjective.' As I said before, it's just enjoyed on different levels.  :) Some people stay on the same level, while others choose to float between.

One final note. Maybe I've just chanced to see what may be random mentions but...I couldn't help but notice that your most recent (that I have noticed) examples of...Mainstream (I'm starting to hate that word) have been The Day After Tommorow and Lord of War...

Here, we can sub-divide, so I can do away with that fucking word.  :) The above two are examples of high concept films. There's no need for me to be patronising, this is simple stuff. My point, however, with mentioning Eternal Sunshine and Finding Neverland (please, see it. If you don't like it, all hope is lost. It's beautiful.  :)) before was that they are an entirely different form of...Mainstream cinema. It doesn't have to all be high concept. There are a lot of things comming out of Hollywood that are not high concept. This is, on the whole, is what Spielberg does, and has done so consitently for pretty much his entire carreer.

While we're on the subject, why is Spielberg regarded as great? Because he fucking invented the Summer Blockbuster. Half of the films released are there because of Spielberg. Is that a bad thing? Maybe for you. But as far as the blockbuster goes, if you like, then you love Spielberg.

Finally, yes, yes, Hollywood is full of shit, and there are a lot of bad movies comming out. There allways have been, just the worse ones get forgotten in time...

Hollywood has it's problems, and is making shit, but at the same time it's still spewing out very watchable shit.

Title: Re: Your favorite 10 movies for the first half of this decade (2000-2005).......
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 29, 2006, 06:48:57 PM
cool post. really.
i gotta go to bed tho.
be back tomorow ;)

peace !