Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: horsey on January 25, 2006, 01:39:59 AM

Title: drugs or drink
Post by: horsey on January 25, 2006, 01:39:59 AM
whats worse to be an alcoholic or a drug addict ?
both are bad right.but after years of studing drugs i gave them up.but recently took it up's just a once in the blue thing you know.but don't want to go to bad habbits again.i started thinking that being drunk was better.but im not quite sure right now.i know this will get deleted prolly but what is worse for a person,alcolhol or drugs ?

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: horsey on January 25, 2006, 01:47:25 AM
i mean im not giving myself excuses,just looking for answers right now.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: journey on January 25, 2006, 01:51:45 AM
I would say drugs, because they seem to be more addicting. Drugs like Meth and Crack can do serious damage in a short period of time.

Alcohol isn't good either, but it can be taken in moderation. My family has a bad history with it. And thats one of the main reasons why I don't drink. Alcoholics are hard to live with, straight up. I don't wish it on anyone.

You should think of what's best for you, and for the ones who love you.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: horsey on January 25, 2006, 01:56:40 AM
i have sense in my head.i know whats wrong and right.but sometimes right can be not sure but this thing seems like i can slap myself out of not really hooked on anything but life right now and not looking to be.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Genesis on January 25, 2006, 01:58:15 AM
Drugs obviously. More addictive, more damaging.  :no:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: horsey on January 25, 2006, 02:01:57 AM
it's been like 6 years and when my dog was put to sleep.i had fallen back.but since then just dabbling with some things.i can only hope it ends as fast as it started back not saying running to the nearest rehabs or anything.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: lynn1961 on January 25, 2006, 02:12:17 AM
I would have to say I think you need some help to deal with why you are doing this to yourself. ?Both alcohol & drugs are damaging, when not done in moderation. ?Serious drugs are probably more addictive, I would think, but just as bad as alcoholism, when you are only hurting yourself. ?A "once in the blue thing" can become an everyday thing, but I have a feeling you know that already. ?Neither one is a better choice because of the damage it does to you and those who love & care about you. ? I don't even know who you are or anything about you, but my thoughts are with you right now. ?It's got to be a very difficult situation to be in. ?And hopefully, there will be support for you, here. ? ? ? ? ?

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 25, 2006, 02:47:31 AM
If you are an addictive personality, they are both bad.

If you really think you need help, go to an AA meeting or NA meeting where people can really help you. People who can relate to you in that regard.

NOT a GnR message board.

My .02 cents.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: jimmythegent on January 25, 2006, 03:51:40 AM
alcohol is a drug and a potent one at that

both can be abused and as bad as one another I guess

drinking can be very destructive as can drugs (especially the harder variety)

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Evolution on January 25, 2006, 10:13:43 AM
Both are bad, but drug habits hits your finance harder.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: noonespecial on January 25, 2006, 11:43:18 AM
my two cents:
I think they are both "bad" when overdone...alcohol tends to get a lighter rap cause it's legal and it's more socially acceptable to be an asshole on alcohol than on coke, crack, pot, whatever...alcohol access is much easier (which makes it a bit more dangerous for those who tend to over-indulge a good thing) than drugs--you can ALWAYS find alcohol , whereas if your waiting for your dealer, you're waiting for your dealer...both are bad in excess

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 25, 2006, 12:18:01 PM
You don't need to do any of it.

But in my experience in social services, working with various substance abusers, I can say that the drug addicts were almost always far worse off than the alcoholics.  Physically, emotionally, financially, they were the most pathetic.  They even smell worse. 

So if you don't want to end up in one of my facilities, I recommend getting some real help, if you can't just stop on your own.  Of course even if you can stop, some decent therapy would be a good idea so you can learn to cope with life.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: fieldsy on January 25, 2006, 12:40:49 PM
How can you say if either are 'worse' than each other.  Both from a habit outlook breed the same problems and issues.  Its an addiction thats the problem not the source of it. 

The main difference is that its socially more acceptable to have a drink problem than a drug one.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 25, 2006, 12:52:05 PM
Both are bad, but worst is drugs i think its more addicted, as for alcohol is quiecker to let it go.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: fieldsy on January 25, 2006, 12:57:48 PM
Both are bad, but worst is drugs i think its more addicted, as for alcohol is quiecker to let it go.

And what proof have you to back up this statement?  How is alchohol any easier to 'let it go' then drugs?  If anything alchohol is more readily avaliable to an addict because it is sold in most shops and for the most part, a lot cheaper.

Families have been ripped apart by both things and one thing is sure, not one is easy to stop.  Not one is worse than the other. 

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: horsey on January 25, 2006, 01:19:47 PM
im saying this on here because i want to not for attention's just a subject that i need to discuss.and im not addictive person but do like drinking.i gave up drugs because of the money i used to made me nervous everytime after that.when i had some extra cash in hand.i can't aford a habbit anyhows.i know better it hasn't got me that bad just yet and don't plan on saying someting instead of holding it in.that s bad to do hold things in like that.talking sure helps me think better.with a few opinions help too.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 25, 2006, 01:24:48 PM
Both are bad, but drug habits hits your finance harder.

You'll end up in the pawn shop either way................ :P

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: sandman on January 25, 2006, 02:11:37 PM
whats worse to be an alcoholic or a drug addict ?
both are bad right.but after years of studing drugs i gave them up.but recently took it up's just a once in the blue thing you know.but don't want to go to bad habbits again.i started thinking that being drunk was better.but im not quite sure right now.i know this will get deleted prolly but what is worse for a person,alcolhol or drugs ?

it depends on what drugs you're talking about.

alcohol is much better than drugs (it's not even close), UNLESS you are talking about pot. i still think alcohol is not as bad as pot, but you could make an argument about it.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Eazy E on January 25, 2006, 02:16:54 PM
im saying this on here because i want to not for attention's just a subject that i need to discuss.and im not addictive person but do like drinking.i gave up drugs because of the money i used to made me nervous everytime after that.when i had some extra cash in hand.i can't aford a habbit anyhows.i know better it hasn't got me that bad just yet and don't plan on saying someting instead of holding it in.that s bad to do hold things in like that.talking sure helps me think better.with a few opinions help too.

I think you should put both down... I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but they've been making you constantly post back-to-back... :nervous:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Eazy E on January 25, 2006, 02:17:29 PM
the drugs and alcohol, that is... they are making you post back-to-back often....

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 25, 2006, 02:25:41 PM
Both are bad, but worst is drugs i think its more addicted, as for alcohol is quiecker to let it go.

And what proof have you to back up this statement?  How is alchohol any easier to 'let it go' then drugs?  If anything alchohol is more readily avaliable to an addict because it is sold in most shops and for the most part, a lot cheaper.

Families have been ripped apart by both things and one thing is sure, not one is easy to stop.  Not one is worse than the other. 

2004 i was way too deep in alcohol a friend of mine was also too deep in alcohol but with a drug problems, so I tell you for what I've seen and been through it was easier for him to go out from alcohol than drugs, but perhaps casuse he was mixing both things and liked better drugs, who knows!.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: horsey on January 25, 2006, 03:33:08 PM
ya see most of my reasons for stopping drugs was.that people are shisty and liers.i got tierd of there scams for drugs and drug lies that go with it.i can seem to pick people out right away with drug scams.ive done them seen them don't want least alcohol i stay at home and drink staying away from trouble.i think i just talked myself right out of those drugs right just going to take one day each day for what it's worth anymore.see i did try and slow down drinking so that can be's not so easy to stop doing something you like.and sometimes think a little help don't help.just by reaching out somehows.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Queen of Everything on January 28, 2006, 07:42:59 PM
Both are bad.

But drugs, I believe are much worse. 

Alcahol on the other hand brings out the worst in my personality... :-[  So I really don't like it.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: avesia on January 28, 2006, 07:47:28 PM
haven't tried drugs, and I'm not going I don't know...
drink, on the other hand...if not excessive... : ok:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: blackpainter on January 28, 2006, 09:25:24 PM
I never touch drugs and never get drunk. because I don't think they will bring any good to both my feeling and my body.  :nervous:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: nevermiss24 on January 28, 2006, 09:50:13 PM
drugs cus they are illegal.
at least wit beer u can drink and not worry that a cop is going to bust ur door down for doing it.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Queen of Everything on January 28, 2006, 10:28:38 PM
drugs cus they are illegal.
at least wit beer u can drink and not worry that a cop is going to bust ur door down for doing it.

Well you speak like a 7 year old... so assuming that is your age.  Drinking beer is illegal for you aswell.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: nevermiss24 on January 29, 2006, 02:24:39 AM
yea it really cus im only 13

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: $$$$ on January 29, 2006, 03:05:34 AM
From what I have seen drugs tend to be a lot more damaging. I watched someone I know fall into drugs heavily and it? completely fucked up his life. It was really sad to watch.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Sin Cut on January 30, 2006, 04:45:53 AM
Drugs obviously. More addictive, more damaging.? :no:
what about weed?

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: journey on January 30, 2006, 05:19:16 AM
Drugs obviously. More addictive, more damaging.? :no:
what about weed?

Weed probably isn't as addictive as other drugs, but it does damage lungs and bronchial tubes, dries out skin, causes over-eating and kills brain cells. It can also be dangerous if you're extemely drunk, because it supresses vomiting and that in turn can lead to alcoholic poisoning.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on January 30, 2006, 07:39:17 AM
mmmmmm DRUGS  :drool: yummmmm ALCOHOL  :beer:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 30, 2006, 08:30:48 AM
I always preferred drugs, mainly meth and marijuana. I was an alcoholic at 16, and gave it up a few years later when I started puking blood. But I dont do any of that shit now. I have absolutely no desire for alcohol or marijuana, but ocassionally I'll get this strong desire to do meth when I see someone from my past or hear certain songs from back in the good old days.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: badapple81 on January 30, 2006, 08:36:40 AM
Drugs obviously. More addictive, more damaging.? :no:
what about weed?

Weed probably isn't as addictive as other drugs, but it does damage lungs and bronchial tubes, dries out skin, causes over-eating and kills brain cells. It can also be dangerous if you're extemely drunk, because it supresses vomiting and that in turn can lead to alcoholic poisoning.

I've heard it can also cause baldness? I know here are a couple of heavy weed smokers at my work who have smoked since their young teens, they are thining fast.. not to mention the fact it has obviously fried their brains.

Party pills/ecstacy are a big problem here, too many people think they are a prerequisite to going out to a club and having a good time.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on January 30, 2006, 09:50:15 AM
what about the CELEBRITY DRUG, come we know of so many celebritys doing this yet nothing ever gets said about it.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 30, 2006, 10:04:37 AM
what about the CELEBRITY DRUG, come we know of so many celebritys doing this yet nothing ever gets said about it.
Isn't meth starting to become the drug of choice in Hollywood? Meth is a pure sex drug. I know cocaine is also, but nothing beats the freaky and almost deplorable thoughts and insatiable sexual hunger of a meth high. God, I wish I could go back to the 90's!  :drool:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on January 30, 2006, 10:50:25 AM
what about the CELEBRITY DRUG, come we know of so many celebritys doing this yet nothing ever gets said about it.
Isn't meth starting to become the drug of choice in Hollywood? Meth is a pure sex drug. I know cocaine is also, but nothing beats the freaky and almost deplorable thoughts and insatiable sexual hunger of a meth high. God, I wish I could go back to the 90's!? :drool:
hold out james,youve gone to far to give up now. :hihi:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 30, 2006, 11:38:51 AM
I know cocaine is also, but nothing beats the freaky and almost deplorable thoughts and insatiable sexual hunger of a meth high. God, I wish I could go back to the 90's!? :drool:

Sure, but who would want to have sex with you?  Maybe you didn't do it enough to get messed up, but the meth users I've known have been disgusting.  Missing teeth, crater faced, stinky, just all together gross. 

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Butch Français on January 30, 2006, 11:42:56 AM
Ive heard that it's more difficult to get sobered up from alcoholism than drugs.

Edit: Im not saying that drug addiction is a cakewalk! lol

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 30, 2006, 11:44:23 AM
I know cocaine is also, but nothing beats the freaky and almost deplorable thoughts and insatiable sexual hunger of a meth high. God, I wish I could go back to the 90's!? :drool:

Sure, but who would want to have sex with you?? Maybe you didn't do it enough to get messed up, but the meth users I've known have been disgusting.? Missing teeth, crater faced, stinky, just all together gross.?
I guess you hung out with a shitty crowd. I could sink to your level and insult you, but i wont.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 30, 2006, 11:45:25 AM
Drugs obviously. More addictive, more damaging.  :no:
what about weed?
Isnt weed sometimes medicate to terminal cancer people?  ???

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 30, 2006, 01:25:38 PM
Weed probably isn't as addictive as other drugs, but it does damage lungs and bronchial tubes, dries out skin, causes over-eating and kills brain cells. It can also be dangerous if you're extemely drunk, because it supresses vomiting and that in turn can lead to alcoholic poisoning.

Your right weed isn't as addictive as other drugs Journey, because it is a not a physically nor mentally addictive substance. Stoners create their own mental dependancy on weed, because often they find themselves bored shitless if they have no dope round. That's because unfortunately pot is the biggest motivation killer out there.

Sure there are the lung effects and bronchitis risks, but you get those even worse with cigarettes. Speaking of which, Im finding I need to slow down on the pot in the Winter time, I find my lungs accumulate the most mucus and junk in the Winter, and when I add resin and more mucus from weed on top of it, it's just to much to cough up...brings back memories of pneumonia. Weed causes over-eating?  :hihi: At the very least, you dont hear about an annorexic pothead do ya?

All i can say about mixing weed and alcohol is do it safely with something food related in your stomach first or it's a guarenteed puke. Also, drink the majority of your booze first before you start toking...if your safe your gunna get so fucked up!

Around this part of Canada I can tell you that the biggest drug that's starting to get popular is Salvia Divinorium. It's still legal in most parts of the US and all of Canada so hears hoping it stays that way because it's like magic mushrooms and alcohol rolled up into one nice lil black spliff : ok:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Hammy on January 30, 2006, 01:49:39 PM
All i can say about mixing weed and alcohol is do it safely with something food related in your stomach first or it's a guarenteed puke. Also, drink the majority of your booze first before you start toking...if your safe your gunna get so fucked up!
I always find the opposite i generally get stoned before i go out drinking, it makes me puke up afterwards in general.  Saying that the last time i went out and was really mashed it took me about 30 minutes to finish my pint.... ;D :smoking:

Around this part of Canada I can tell you that the biggest drug that's starting to get popular is Salvia Divinorium. It's still legal in most parts of the US and all of Canada so hears hoping it stays that way because it's like magic mushrooms and alcohol rolled up into one nice lil black spliff : ok:
That would probably send me round the twist, damn magic mushrooms, my head just can't handle them anymore.

Incidently i do believe i've gone around 2  or 3 weeks without taking any drugs or smoking any cigarettes ;D

Although that's because i've dropped out of university and have no money, still it's all good all i've been doing is using the gym and stuff.....

....still i'd love a spliff now :drool:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 30, 2006, 01:53:31 PM
Although that's because i've dropped out of university and have no money, still it's all good all i've been doing is using the gym and stuff.....

Why'd ya drop out dude? Courses just not holding your interest anymore?

....still i'd love a spliff now

Sooner you come to Canada dude, sooner I can hook ya up : ok:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Hammy on January 30, 2006, 02:01:44 PM
Why'd ya drop out dude? Courses just not holding your interest anymore?
I was doing LAW and it was a bastard course.  My first year i stayed in the flat all day getting stoned with my mates

This year i had to repeat the year, well what i failed of it part time, so i did not get the full loan that full time students getting so i travelled from home and stopped over at my mates half the week, once again getting totally stoned and basically not attending, so Christmas i just realised that i was never gonna pass and i was just getting bigger debts so i said fuck it and dropped out.  I mean combine Weed which takes away your motivation with a Law course that is damn hard anyway and well your kind of screwed.....

Sooner you come to Canada dude, sooner I can hook ya up : ok:
Once i get a job dude and have plenty of money i'll make that one of my destinations ;) i have a job interview tomorrow anyway, just for something temporary though while i sort out what i really want to do.

During the summer i had a 5 week detox from weed, but was still smoking cigarettes this is the longest i've been off both in at least 3 years.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 30, 2006, 02:08:09 PM
During the summer i had a 5 week detox from weed, but was still smoking cigarettes this is the longest i've been off both in at least 3 years.
Congratulations! :beer: I haven't smoked a joint since Dec. 30, 2004. The first few weeks are the worst. After that, you get used to not being stoned all the time.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 30, 2006, 02:11:09 PM
Although that's because i've dropped out of university and have no money, still it's all good all i've been doing is using the gym and stuff.....

Why'd ya drop out dude? Courses just not holding your interest anymore?

....still i'd love a spliff now

Sooner you come to Canada dude, sooner I can hook ya up : ok:

U r from Canada? cool I'll be around the last part of the year over there  : ok: Hope we can interchange some alcohol knowledge and some weed too  ;D  :beer:

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 30, 2006, 02:12:09 PM
This year i had to repeat the year, well what i failed of it part time, so i did not get the full loan that full time students getting so i travelled from home and stopped over at my mates half the week, once again getting totally stoned and basically not attending, so Christmas i just realised that i was never gonna pass and i was just getting bigger debts so i said fuck it and dropped out. ?I mean combine Weed which takes away your motivation with a Law course that is damn hard anyway and well your kind of screwed.....

That sucks so fuckin' much man, I feel for ya. I dont wanna sound like a broken record, but you just have to learn to balance both school and weed. Like I almost flunked right out of Grade 9 in highschool because all I wanted to do was get high and make out with some hot ass next door, you believe that? Grade 9 almost a drop out..

But after first suspension, I immediately realized if I perhaps rewarded so many hours of studying/homework with a set amount of bongs or joints, the school work gets easier and done helluva lot quicker then it would If I was wading my way through it in a stoned daze..

One of my biggest stoner buddies is ironically in a police academy and because they piss test you, he hasn't smoked pot in almost 7 months now..this being a guy whoses a religious 3/4 gram a day smoker like me, so you are in a bad place when it comes to craving it, but you could be worse.

Figure out what you want in life, or what your life wants from you before you turn back to the magic greens...

You seem like a smart Lad, so Im sure you can.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 30, 2006, 02:14:30 PM
U r from Canada? cool I'll be around the last part of the year over there   Hope we can interchange some alcohol knowledge and some weed too 

Really? That's fuckin' awesome man, where abouts in Canada are you visiting?

Im getting my new car in Sept. if all my finances are in order, so forsure we'll have to kick it old school with some Mary Jane and CANADIAN BEER : ok:

Because you know us Canadians make hella good beer :)

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Hammy on January 30, 2006, 02:20:03 PM
During the summer i had a 5 week detox from weed, but was still smoking cigarettes this is the longest i've been off both in at least 3 years.
Congratulations! :beer: I haven't smoked a joint since Dec. 30, 2004. The first few weeks are the worst. After that, you get used to not being stoned all the time.
I'm used to it.....

....i'm just not liking it :hihi:

I'll see what i decide to do when i get a job again and start earning money, being really into the gym, these past few weeks i've been able to add in cardio vascular stuff as well, bit by bit, rather than just pushing weight all the time although i feel like puking a lot my lungs are so fucking wrecked, but because i'm learning more and more about the gym, how to do things right and now i'm taking tons of protein i want to get into some health and fitness kind of job, hell i could be a personal trainer :hihi:

....If i keep this up then it's time for a name change :-\

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 30, 2006, 02:48:13 PM
Its always bugged me when people think that smoking pot is less harmful than tobacco.  So I found this information for you guys:

How does marijuana affect the lungs?
Scientists believe that marijuana can be especially harmful to the lungs because users often inhale the unfiltered smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs as long as possible. Therefore, the smoke is in contact with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages the way they work. Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer. In addition, many marijuana users also smoke cigarettes; the combined effects of smoking these two substances creates an increased health risk.

Can marijuana cause cancer?
Marijuana smoke has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than is found in tobacco smoke. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called metaplasia that are considered precancerous. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin. These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years.

There was more to the article, but I just copied what I thought was relevent.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: journey on January 30, 2006, 02:49:10 PM
Sure, but who would want to have sex with you?? Maybe you didn't do it enough to get messed up, but the meth users I've known have been disgusting.? Missing teeth, crater faced, stinky, just all together gross.?
I guess you hung out with a shitty crowd. I could sink to your level and insult you, but i wont.

She wasn't insulting you. The 'you' was in reference to meth users, not to you specifically.

I'm glad you don't use anymore. That's awesome.

I worked with a guy who was heavily into meth. He was only 19, but he looked like an old man. It looked like his face was literally rotting off. He looked great before he started using. It was sad to watch him lose control like that.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 30, 2006, 02:55:59 PM
Sure, but who would want to have sex with you?? Maybe you didn't do it enough to get messed up, but the meth users I've known have been disgusting.? Missing teeth, crater faced, stinky, just all together gross.?
I guess you hung out with a shitty crowd. I could sink to your level and insult you, but i wont.

She wasn't insulting you. The 'you' was in reference to meth users, not to you specifically.

Thanks Journey.  I didn't think that sounded like an insult, but he's mad at me for disagreeing with him in a different thread, so I suppose he thinks I'm out to get him.  I'm not, I don't care enough to be out to get anyone. 

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 30, 2006, 08:22:05 PM
I worked with a guy who was heavily into meth. He was only 19, but he looked like an old man. It looked like his face was literally rotting off. He looked great before he started using. It was sad to watch him lose control like that.
I have an aunt just like that. She never stopped using(been using for like 20 years), and she's just a shell of her former self. She's in her early 40's, and she looks just as old as my grandma(she's 68). Ocassionally, she mentions quitting and looking like she did when she was a little younger. Its very sad when she has that line of thinking, because once you use meth for a certain period of time, there's no going back. Yeah, she should quit, but there's no recapturing her once youthful appearance. My great uncle used to cook it(he had a damn good recipe), and he used it so much that he had an aneurysm back in the early 90's. He recovered, but was never the same after that. His system was just so weak and broken down, and he died from meningitis 6 years ago.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 30, 2006, 08:36:18 PM
I know cocaine is also, but nothing beats the freaky and almost deplorable thoughts and insatiable sexual hunger of a meth high. God, I wish I could go back to the 90's!  :drool:

Sure, but who would want to have sex with you?  Maybe you didn't do it enough to get messed up, but the meth users I've known have been disgusting.  Missing teeth, crater faced, stinky, just all together gross. 
I guess you hung out with a shitty crowd. I could sink to your level and insult you, but i wont.

I don't think she was insulting you........

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 30, 2006, 08:57:35 PM
I know cocaine is also, but nothing beats the freaky and almost deplorable thoughts and insatiable sexual hunger of a meth high. God, I wish I could go back to the 90's!? :drool:

Sure, but who would want to have sex with you?? Maybe you didn't do it enough to get messed up, but the meth users I've known have been disgusting.? Missing teeth, crater faced, stinky, just all together gross.?
I guess you hung out with a shitty crowd. I could sink to your level and insult you, but i wont.

I don't think she was insulting you........
Yeah, I guess I just misinterpreted the comments. Lately, she seems to be making smart ass remarks towards me in different threads, and I guess I took the 'who would want to have sex with you" line the wrong way. She meant it in a general way, not really directed at me.

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 30, 2006, 10:58:39 PM
Yeah, I guess I just misinterpreted the comments. Lately, she seems to be making smart ass remarks towards me in different threads, and I guess I took the 'who would want to have sex with you" line the wrong way. She meant it in a general way, not really directed at me.

I'm in a foul mood lately and making smart ass remarks to everyone.  Sorry if it seems that I've been singling you out. 

On topic, I haven't had anything to drink in months due to being pregnant.  So maybe a nice glass of wine would improve my attitude.  (Don't everyone start yelling at me, I'm joking, I'd never drink while pregnant)

But I think I might bring a bottle of wine to the hospital! ;)

Title: Re: drugs or drink
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 30, 2006, 11:01:58 PM
Yeah, I guess I just misinterpreted the comments. Lately, she seems to be making smart ass remarks towards me in different threads, and I guess I took the 'who would want to have sex with you" line the wrong way. She meant it in a general way, not really directed at me.

On topic, I haven't had anything to drink in months due to being pregnant.  So maybe a nice glass of wine would improve my attitude.  (Don't everyone start yelling at me, I'm joking, I'd never drink while pregnant)

But I think I might bring a bottle of wine to the hospital! ;)
