Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: dave-gnfnr2k on January 20, 2006, 01:26:40 AM

Title: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on January 20, 2006, 01:26:40 AM
So could this now be the track list? Yes he said they will pick the best 13 so who knows.

01. "Chinese Democracy"
02. "This I Love"
03. "I.R.S."
04. "Thyme"
05. "Prostitute"
06. "The General"
07. "Seven"
08. "Madagascar"
09." Better"
10. "Catcher In The Rye"
11. "Leave Me Alone"
12. "The Blues"
13.  TWAT

But I think that, madagascar, CITR, better, twat, the blues, prositute, this i love and IRS will all make it.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Scree on January 20, 2006, 01:36:35 AM
don't mean to piss on your parade, but CITR, better, twat, prositute and this i love haven't been heard by many people on the board (if any). So how have you come up with your assumption? Some of those tracks may not even show up on CD but may appear on the second (or third) albums if they are indeed released to the public officially.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: rainX on January 20, 2006, 01:38:40 AM
I think his assumption comes from song titles we know and the rumored track listings that have been posted.

I don't give a shit what songs are on the album. All indications point to my favorite song, riyadh, not being on CD, so whatever they put on there is cool. i mean i'm gonna have chinese democracy in my hands i won't be picky about which songs go on which albums.

dave, you think he's really gonna start the album with CD?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 20, 2006, 01:43:49 AM
 I dont think there's any guarantees that Madagascar will be on the album. In my opinion it needs work done, at least going by the version we heard. If there truly is some big epics we haven't heard, its safe to say that Madagascar will not be on CD.
 ?I cant really picture IRS being on there either. It obviously was a low grade demo, and you can bet your ass that he was pissed that it was leaked. But maybe more work has been done on it, and its now a stronger track. But like I said about Madagascar, if there's quite a few epics available, IRS probably wont make the final cut.
 If Axl is going all out on this and CD will truly be "complex", then the song CD might not even be on the record. Which is a shame to me because I really love this song.
 I am so glad that The Blues is one of Axl's favorites, which means its basically guaranteed to be on CD. Its a dark and beautiful song, and is the only song we've heard that has the potential to be a Top 10 hit.
 ? I hope 'Catcher' is on there, the song title has always ntrigued me, and we all want to hear This I Love. Dave, you are now admitting that Riyadh likely isn't strong enough to make the record? Maybe he'll use it for a soundtrack or something.
 Aren't alot of those songs you listed have orchestra on them? That one producer/composer worked on about half of those,didnt he?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on January 20, 2006, 01:45:17 AM
don't mean to piss on your parade, but CITR, better, twat, prositute and this i love haven't been heard by many people on the board (if any). So how have you come up with your assumption? Some of those tracks may not even show up on CD but may appear on the second (or third) albums if they are indeed released to the public officially.

From the way Axl and the few ppl in interviews talked about them

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 20, 2006, 01:46:23 AM
It feels like 1999 all over again..............

Somebody hold me.........

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 20, 2006, 01:49:09 AM
It feels like 1999 all over again..............
Deja Vu, or Vuja De? :hihi:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jazjme on January 20, 2006, 01:58:43 AM
So could this now be the track list? Yes he said they will pick the best 13 so who knows.

01. "Chinese Democracy"
02. "This I Love"
03. "I.R.S."
04. "Thyme"
05. "Prostitute"
06. "The General"
07. "Seven"
08. "Madagascar"
09." Better"
10. "Catcher In The Rye"
11. "Leave Me Alone"
12. "The Blues"
13.  TWAT

But I think that, madagascar, CITR, better, twat, the blues, prositute, this i love and IRS will all make it.

IT seems that, its really hard to judge, seems like a good speculation, but like for instance Rhiad , RIchard told me it would be n the record, but whos to say things changed, as far as what we heard, I think for sure THE BLues makes the cut, BEtter(someting we havent heard, but Axl himself said he liked alot).

CD, now for me this is tricky, causwe its a great rocker , but there have been instancees and threads about how some albums that are made have one title but theat sometitle falls on a differnt record, IE Houses of the Holy, as an example.

Thyme, Seven THe General, TWat, have been described somewhat alot buy the dude who did the orchestrations. BUt as far what eventually becomes "Chinese Democracy"... its all gravy to me, Cause what ever is on it will probably be kick ass I have no doubt. DIferent perhaps and I expect that want that, but still undemiably intense.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 20, 2006, 02:03:54 AM
It feels like 1999 all over again..............
Deja Vu, or Vuja De? :hihi:

That one!

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: GnR-NOW on January 20, 2006, 02:18:02 AM
I think its still premature to guess what the songs will be, I mean The blues and Madagascar were the only real strong new songs that we've heard.  But personally I hope CD has all new songs on it, and it would be cool to get a cd with studio versions of madagascar, the blue, riyad, a re worked omg, and cd.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: -Jack- on January 20, 2006, 02:21:34 AM
I think Rhaid... Silkworms... Oh My God.. and the industral more agressive sounding songs will be on a different record. "chinese democracy" the song might not even be on "chinese democracy" the record.. but.. that would be kinda weird eh?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: elmir on January 20, 2006, 07:28:33 AM
those could also be just the working titles during the recording process...not necessarily the actual official names of songs.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: SADIS on January 20, 2006, 07:37:34 AM
I really hope IRS is gonna be on there because I love that song. Together with The Blues and Madagascar it's the best we've heard so far.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Scabbie on January 20, 2006, 07:42:06 AM
I think Rhaid... Silkworms... Oh My God.. and the industral more agressive sounding songs will be on a different record.

That would be wicked - and it would appease both groups of fans who seemed to be divided about songs like OMG and Rhiad.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: misterbrownstone on January 20, 2006, 07:58:17 AM
I think Rhaid... Silkworms... Oh My God.. and the industral more agressive sounding songs will be on a different record. "chinese democracy" the song might not even be on "chinese democracy" the record.. but.. that would be kinda weird eh?

well, houses of the holy was on physical graffiti instead of houses of the holy.  it could happen.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Wooody on January 20, 2006, 09:25:09 AM
I remember when IRS leaked, somewhere someone at management said something like :"we're sorry the track got leaked , however we're glad people seem to like it that much, but IRS is not even on our top ten songs......."

SO...... I don't Think IRS will be on the album........ as for madagascar, I goddamn hope it's on the album? :rant: :hihi:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: SADIS on January 20, 2006, 09:29:56 AM
I remember when IRS leaked, somewhere someone at management said something like :"we're sorry the track got leaked , however we're glad people seem to like it that much, but IRS is not even on our top ten songs......."

SO...... I don't Think IRS will be on the album........ as for madagascar, I goddamn hope it's on the album? :rant: :hihi:

Well, I sure as hell hope that IRS is gonna be on the album cause it's a great song!

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Wooody on January 20, 2006, 09:30:56 AM
I think Rhaid... Silkworms... Oh My God.. and the industral more agressive sounding songs will be on a different record. "chinese democracy" the song might not even be on "chinese democracy" the record.. but.. that would be kinda weird eh?

well, houses of the holy was on physical graffiti instead of houses of the holy.? it could happen.

and soup ended up on the album nico, and not on the album soup ?:P

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Voodoochild on January 20, 2006, 10:06:07 AM
I don't think this tracklist could be real. I mean, he said he has 32 songs! Why the hell it would be almost the same rumored titles since '99-'02??

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 20, 2006, 10:08:55 AM
I don't think this tracklist could be real. I mean, he said he has 32 songs! Why the hell it would be almost the same rumored titles since '99-'02??
Maybe because they have been working on those same songs. : ok: If CD is a concept album and has a specific theme to it, it would make no sense to add a bunch of different songs to the album.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: madagas on January 20, 2006, 10:31:10 AM
Tommy said in his most recent interview that the majority of recordings for the album were done 4 years ago! I am quite sure they are the same set of songs-maybe a few new ones thrown in but I doubt it.  :-\

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Voodoochild on January 20, 2006, 10:41:45 AM
Well, we didn't know about those songs like Thyme, General or Better before 2003. I guess there's a lot of titles still unknown or even old titles that have changed.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: madagas on January 20, 2006, 10:44:46 AM
the titles could change-certainly. But there probably(according to people in the band!)aren't many new recordings/songs.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: ppbebe on January 20, 2006, 11:03:21 AM
possibly the titles of the songs has changed.

Tommy talked about several of songs he hadn't heard finished till he heard the final mixes in 2004. So they might be new songs and not on the old list.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Krispy Kreme on January 20, 2006, 01:05:05 PM
Remember in during the 2002 tour Axl said there would 18 tracks, and 10 extras? I wonder what happened to that idea?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: madagas on January 20, 2006, 01:19:57 PM
scrapped! ;D That's why there is no reason to worry about anything said by anyone in the past -it is meaningless as to what is happening now. Take their last statements and make of them what you will. The past is gone. 2002 tour-ancient history. Today is the only thing that counts. Thus, Axl probably has since changed his mind on the 13 songs and now wants to release all 32 at the same time!...or maybe just start with a 4 song ep or maybe just not release anything at all! Thus is the mind of a mad professor! :beer:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: NickNasty on January 20, 2006, 03:19:30 PM
I guess since he mentioned them as his favorites, TWAT, the Blues, and 'Better" are probably all going to make it on the first record. Madagascar will probably be on one of the two albums. Chinese D better be on the first record-i always think it's a cop-out when you have the title track of an album not on the record itself. but really, as long as we get new material, i guess it ultimately doesnt matter.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: ryan_of_lax on January 20, 2006, 03:29:18 PM
So you think that Axl is going to pick the top 13 songs that he has written and just put them all on one disc?
So then the follow up to Chinese Democracy has no chance of living up to its predecessor?

The songs will be split evenly between the two discs.
What's the point in releasing a great CD, then a CD of leftovers a year later.

I don't want Axl to make the same mistake that Metallica made with Load and Reload.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: PJ on January 20, 2006, 05:21:46 PM
So you think that Axl is going to pick the top 13 songs that he has written and just put them all on one disc?
So then the follow up to Chinese Democracy has no chance of living up to its predecessor?

The songs will be split evenly between the two discs.
What's the point in releasing a great CD, then a CD of leftovers a year later.

I don't want Axl to make the same mistake that Metallica made with Load and Reload.

why do you think is left over?
its not a leftover... they are writing not to cd... they are writing songs to make 2 records

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Grass on January 20, 2006, 05:27:32 PM
I don't think this tracklist could be real. I mean, he said he has 32 songs! Why the hell it would be almost the same rumored titles since '99-'02??
Maybe because they have been working on those same songs. : ok: If CD is a concept album and has a specific theme to it, it would make no sense to add a bunch of different songs to the album.

What makes you think it will be a concept album?  I've never seen Axl mention this and none of the new material we've heard suggests any shared themes.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Lesty on January 20, 2006, 05:32:22 PM
Much to early to speculate. If Axl said his favorites were The Blues, Better and There was a Time, those are the only 3 you can be certain of.
I would imagine that there have been lots of re-arrangements, lyric changes, etc.. on any of the other songs we've heard. I would guess the other 10 songs on the CD, At least 5 are probably new titles nobody has ever heard of.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: ppbebe on January 20, 2006, 06:05:02 PM
Even that is uncertain, as ryan said.

Remember in during the 2002 tour Axl said there would 18 tracks, and 10 extras? I wonder what happened to that idea?

Hummmm 32-28=4 
Maybe with 4 new songs they decided to make two albums instead of an album with10 extras?

It's still possible that 13 songs are already slated for the final album, whatever the final means, and the destinations of the rest are under consideration. In this case there will be more than 13 tracks on the album.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: sic. on January 20, 2006, 08:34:02 PM
It's still possible that 13 songs are already slated for the final album, whatever the final means,

I'm beginning to believe they have a fixed track listing by now. Tommy's been saying the music's been done for a good while, meaning the bulk of the work done by musicians, I think. What's left is the producing angle, with Axl tinkering with the mixes.

I found Tommy's recent interview (mid-Nov '05) interesting. He talked about visiting the studio and recording an interlude. Richard went to the studio as well in December. With the music apparently recorded, I'm seriously beginning to think both Tommy and Richard did interludes for CD, which are left to be "finishing touches", as Axl's been waiting for the last minute to really settle on a track listing.

Indeed, I'm beginning to get excited.  :beer:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 20, 2006, 09:30:50 PM

The songs will be split evenly between the two discs.
What's the point in releasing a great CD, then a CD of leftovers a year later.

I don't want Axl to make the same mistake that Metallica made with Load and Reload.

I dont want Axl to make that critical mistake either, and you telling Axl to "split them evenly between discs" is the mistake Metallica made. In the mid 90's Metallica spent a few years in the studio and came up with enough(weak) material for those 2 albums. Instead of putting the 5 or 6 good songs on 1 record with maybe a couple bonus songs as filler, they spread those good songs over 2 albums, and essentially stained their legacy, and their career has never recovered. I really hope Axl doesnt do this. Just put the best on CD. He can worry about the other one at a later time. : ok:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: marknroses on January 20, 2006, 11:28:36 PM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Axl has a lot to live up to such strong beginners as WTTJ, RNDTH, Civil War and even SIDHY.
I have no idea what 3/4 of these songs sound like so I have no idea where these assumptions come from.


Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: GNFNR_UK on January 21, 2006, 12:41:36 AM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Axl has a lot to live up to such strong beginners as WTTJ, RNDTH, Civil War and even SIDHY.
I have no idea what 3/4 of these songs sound like so I have no idea where these assumptions come from.


RNDTH strong beginner?? I don't agree  :no: I think Chinese Democracy is a much better rocker and a perfect opener to the album, I think it will appear also as there have been rumours of at least 3 rockers on there, I don't see why this wouldn't be one of them.

As for Madagascar, I can't stress how much I want this song to be on there! It is such a powerful song that still gives me chills now and that's just the live versions. I know the studio version is going to be unreal. I think this was/is a personal song for Axl and very much a comeback song as it deals with his previous relationships with ex bandmates/the media etc, what worrys me is that Axl didn't list it as a favorite of his when I think it must have been back in 2002 (They picked it for the VMA's!). Only time will tell, whatever happens we will hav 13 masterpieces i'm sure of that.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: McDuff on January 21, 2006, 01:01:46 AM
I really don't care what songs are on the album,I mean it's just gonna be so cool when the album comes out :peace:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on January 21, 2006, 01:41:35 AM
Load Reload....Chinese Democracy World Democracy?  Given the way things are today ???

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: You Gonna Eat That? on January 21, 2006, 03:53:59 AM
All this talk is driving me somewhat insane. I need this album! LOL and I havn't been waiting anywhere close to half as long as the rest of you :hihi:


Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 21, 2006, 04:15:53 AM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Why do you say that? If it makes it onto the album, I think the title track is a perfect opening track.. If you think RNDTH is a great opener, you should have no troubles enjoying CD as the opener.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Jim on January 21, 2006, 06:41:54 AM
I think Rhaid... Silkworms... Oh My God.. and the industral more agressive sounding songs will be on a different record. "chinese democracy" the song might not even be on "chinese democracy" the record.. but.. that would be kinda weird eh?

well, houses of the holy was on physical graffiti instead of houses of the holy.  it could happen.

Also, Blind Melon's 'Soup' didn't make it onto the album 'Soup'.  : ok:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: WARose on January 21, 2006, 07:50:42 AM
this would be the first time a gnr album has even a title track..... well we`ll see. after all it doesn`t matter...  the main thing is that there`ll be an album released....

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: ppbebe on January 21, 2006, 02:50:27 PM
after all it doesn`t matter...

No, it don't really matter... :P
Starting with Chinese Democracy would be great. it would make an ideal introduction to the world of CD.

I'm beginning to believe they have a fixed track listing by now. Tommy's been saying the music's been done for a good while, meaning the bulk of the work done by musicians, I think. What's left is the producing angle, with Axl tinkering with the mixes.

I found Tommy's recent interview (mid-Nov '05) interesting. He talked about visiting the studio and recording an interlude. Richard went to the studio as well in December. With the music apparently recorded, I'm seriously beginning to think both Tommy and Richard did interludes for CD, which are left to be "finishing touches", as Axl's been waiting for the last minute to really settle on a track listing.

Indeed, I'm beginning to get excited.  :beer:
Aye Me too thinks they have fixed the sequence of songs to some extent. otherwise they wouldn't be able to work on the interludes. There should be a tracklist whether full or almost full.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Nytunz on January 21, 2006, 02:58:15 PM
yea, i think the news we have got the last weeks now is really interesting. Remember when Tommy wrote "there may be news on the Guns front soon", on his website? That could be because he had been in contact with Axl, and called back to the studio. it make sence with the interlude recording he did right after that update. And with Fortus in the studio right after Tommy. So this sure is interesting. I agree with the posts above. ppbebe and Yesterday.
and none of the members have any planz right now.. I wouldent be suprised if Richard has been there even more then Tommy and Richard.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: sic. on January 21, 2006, 03:54:24 PM
I agree with the posts above. ppbebe and Yesterday.

Tomorrow my name is Today.  :rofl:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: -Jack- on January 21, 2006, 04:12:37 PM
I think Rhaid... Silkworms... Oh My God.. and the industral more agressive sounding songs will be on a different record. "chinese democracy" the song might not even be on "chinese democracy" the record.. but.. that would be kinda weird eh?

well, houses of the holy was on physical graffiti instead of houses of the holy.  it could happen.

Also, Blind Melon's 'Soup' didn't make it onto the album 'Soup'.  : ok:

Def Leppard's "On Through The Night" wasn't on the record of the same name.. but came out on a later record.. so.. its possible i guess

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: nonlinear on January 21, 2006, 04:30:17 PM

I can't beleive ther is 3 pages of speculation about the CD track listing.  most of the songs you are speculating about are like 6+ years old.  I think you'll be surprised when CD comes out and most of the songs you've never heard of before.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: -Jack- on January 21, 2006, 05:08:01 PM

I can't beleive ther is 3 pages of speculation about the CD track listing.  most of the songs you are speculating about are like 6+ years old.  I think you'll be surprised when CD comes out and most of the songs you've never heard of before.

This whole site is 98% speculation. If we actually had news maybe it would be different.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Saul on January 21, 2006, 05:18:35 PM
I wouldent be suprised if Richard has been there even more then Tommy and Richard.

Nah , I bet he's only been there as much as he's been there.  :hihi:  He being richard , in both cases.

My confusion starts now.


Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Nytunz on January 21, 2006, 06:22:24 PM
I wouldent be suprised if Richard has been there even more then Tommy and Richard.

Nah , I bet he's only been there as much as he's been there.? :hihi:? He being richard , in both cases.

My confusion starts now.


I meant Robin, not Richard.. sorry, my mistake

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: axl_rose_700 on January 21, 2006, 06:24:31 PM
I just hope we dont get the few we've heard so far and a few more, i hope we get around 10 brand new tracks

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: HoldenCaulfield on January 21, 2006, 11:12:52 PM
I'm gonna take a stab and say the Marco Beltrami songs will be split up amongst the albums. I think the track-listing will be something like:

1. Catcher in the Rye
2. Chinese Democracy
3. The Blues
4. IRS
5. Prostitute
6. Hearts Get Killed
7. Thyme
8. Madagascar
9. Leave Me Alone
10. There Was A Time
11. Better
12. Suckerpunched
13. Atlas Shrugged

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 21, 2006, 11:24:54 PM
I'm gonna take a stab and say the Marco Beltrami songs will be split up amongst the albums. I think the track-listing will be something like:

8. Madagascar
13. Atlas Shrugged
  Wasn't Atlas Shrugged an early working title for Madagascar?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: sic. on January 21, 2006, 11:52:28 PM
Wasn't Atlas Shrugged an early working title for Madagascar?

You're confusing it with the ongoing theory that 'Quick Song' was a working title for CD.

"A rock song with a riff similar to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit." -Sp1at (

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 21, 2006, 11:55:27 PM
Wasn't Atlas Shrugged an early working title for Madagascar?

You're confusing it with the ongoing theory that 'Quick Song' was a working title for CD.

"A rock song with a riff similar to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit." -Sp1at (
I'm not confusing theories, although I do remember that CD/quick song reference.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: WARose on January 23, 2006, 12:42:26 PM
Wasn't Atlas Shrugged an early working title for Madagascar?

You're confusing it with the ongoing theory that 'Quick Song' was a working title for CD.

"A rock song with a riff similar to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit." -Sp1at (
I'm not confusing theories, although I do remember that CD/quick song reference.

well you are actually...   both songs -atlas shrugged and quick song- were mentioned in the same rumour. there was also another song.... but i think it was bullshit or it was at least almost sure that it was bullshit : ok:

I wouldent be suprised if Richard has been there even more then Tommy and Richard.

Nah , I bet he's only been there as much as he's been there.  :hihi:  He being richard , in both cases.

My confusion starts now.


I meant Robin, not Richard.. sorry, my mistake

so which richard is robin? :hihi:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Nytunz on January 23, 2006, 12:47:35 PM
Wasn't Atlas Shrugged an early working title for Madagascar?

You're confusing it with the ongoing theory that 'Quick Song' was a working title for CD.

"A rock song with a riff similar to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit." -Sp1at (
I'm not confusing theories, although I do remember that CD/quick song reference.

well you are actually...? ?both songs -atlas shrugged and quick song- were mentioned in the same rumour. there was also another song.... but i think it was bullshit or it was at least almost sure that it was bullshit : ok:

I wouldent be suprised if Richard has been there even more then Tommy and Richard.

Nah , I bet he's only been there as much as he's been there.? :hihi:? He being richard , in both cases.

My confusion starts now.


I meant Robin, not Richard.. sorry, my mistake

so which richard is robin? :hihi:

The first one... i guess u could figure that out.. But yeah, i got the sence of humor... :-*

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: WARose on January 23, 2006, 01:25:04 PM
Wasn't Atlas Shrugged an early working title for Madagascar?

You're confusing it with the ongoing theory that 'Quick Song' was a working title for CD.

"A rock song with a riff similar to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit." -Sp1at (
I'm not confusing theories, although I do remember that CD/quick song reference.

well you are actually...? ?both songs -atlas shrugged and quick song- were mentioned in the same rumour. there was also another song.... but i think it was bullshit or it was at least almost sure that it was bullshit : ok:

I wouldent be suprised if Richard has been there even more then Tommy and Richard.

Nah , I bet he's only been there as much as he's been there.? :hihi:? He being richard , in both cases.

My confusion starts now.


I meant Robin, not Richard.. sorry, my mistake

so which richard is robin? :hihi:

The first one... i guess u could figure that out.. But yeah, i got the sence of humor... :-*

either: sure...        anyway i`d like to know what robin?s doing all the time. painting a CD cover?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Nytunz on January 23, 2006, 01:37:35 PM
Who knows.. Maybe recording music?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Saul on January 23, 2006, 01:40:47 PM

either: sure...        anyway i`d like to know what robin?s doing all the time. painting a CD cover?

Getting lessons from Buckethead on how to do a hammer on and bend notes in key. All the while being in the Sw aY and making cute collages.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: WARose on January 23, 2006, 01:51:15 PM

either: sure...? ? ? ? anyway i`d like to know what robin?s doing all the time. painting a CD cover?

Getting lessons from Buckethead on how to do a hammer on and bend notes in key. All the while being in the Sw aY and making cute collages.

off topic:  are you a friend of nesquick?    somehow i had to think about him while reading your post :hihi:

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Saul on January 23, 2006, 01:55:24 PM

either: sure...        anyway i`d like to know what robin?s doing all the time. painting a CD cover?

Getting lessons from Buckethead on how to do a hammer on and bend notes in key. All the while being in the Sw aY and making cute collages.

off topic:  are you a friend of nesquick?    somehow i had to think about him while reading your post :hihi:

No , not at all. But I find his constant ragging of Buckethead so juvenile that I often times feel obligied to throw a jab at Robin just to show him how silly it looks.  : ok:


Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: ppbebe on January 23, 2006, 02:06:40 PM
or working with the cap A on the ditails. beside taking the dance lessens Tommy mentioned.

off topic:  are you a friend of nesquick?    somehow i had to think about him while reading your post :hihi:

Bahaha! I thought he was a dance of nesquick. :P

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Saul on January 23, 2006, 02:10:39 PM

Bahaha! I thought he was a dance of nesquick. :P

a dance?  ???

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on January 23, 2006, 02:41:52 PM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Axl has a lot to live up to such strong beginners as WTTJ, RNDTH, Civil War and even SIDHY.
I have no idea what 3/4 of these songs sound like so I have no idea where these assumptions come from.


Someone from the velvet rope claimed to have heard the studio version of CD and said it sounded amazing. So how knows how the song sounds now.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Voodoochild on January 23, 2006, 02:44:27 PM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Axl has a lot to live up to such strong beginners as WTTJ, RNDTH, Civil War and even SIDHY.
I have no idea what 3/4 of these songs sound like so I have no idea where these assumptions come from.


Someone from the velvet rope claimed to have heard the studio version of CD and said it sounded amazing. So how knows how the song sounds now.
I really don't believe in the Velvet Rope people, but could you put that quote here?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: WARose on January 23, 2006, 02:54:20 PM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Axl has a lot to live up to such strong beginners as WTTJ, RNDTH, Civil War and even SIDHY.
I have no idea what 3/4 of these songs sound like so I have no idea where these assumptions come from.


Someone from the velvet rope claimed to have heard the studio version of CD and said it sounded amazing. So how knows how the song sounds now.
I really don't believe in the Velvet Rope people, but could you put that quote here?

what?s the velvet rope?     something reliable?

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Voodoochild on January 23, 2006, 03:01:08 PM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Axl has a lot to live up to such strong beginners as WTTJ, RNDTH, Civil War and even SIDHY.
I have no idea what 3/4 of these songs sound like so I have no idea where these assumptions come from.


Someone from the velvet rope claimed to have heard the studio version of CD and said it sounded amazing. So how knows how the song sounds now.
I really don't believe in the Velvet Rope people, but could you put that quote here?

what?s the velvet rope?     something reliable?
Velvet Rope
The main forum is a place for frank discussion of music industry happenings and rumors.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: ppbebe on January 23, 2006, 03:02:33 PM
It's supposed to be full of posters from the music business. thus, not reliable like voodoo said.

a dance?  ???

dances or whatever the off topic goes. Actually I know you're not. he knows who's nes's fav and you don't.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on January 23, 2006, 04:00:58 PM
Heaven Forbid that the first nu-GNR record would start with Chinese Democracy.
Axl has a lot to live up to such strong beginners as WTTJ, RNDTH, Civil War and even SIDHY.
I have no idea what 3/4 of these songs sound like so I have no idea where these assumptions come from.


Someone from the velvet rope claimed to have heard the studio version of CD and said it sounded amazing. So how knows how the song sounds now.
I really don't believe in the Velvet Rope people, but could you put that quote here?

what?s the velvet rope?? ? ?something reliable?

Some people claim to work in the industry that post there.

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Saul on January 23, 2006, 05:35:52 PM

dances or whatever the off topic goes. Actually I know you're not. he knows who's nes's fav and you don't.

Soor , I mean no offence to you , but now you've confused me even more then before.  ???

Title: Re: 13 songs on Chinese democracy
Post by: Voodoochild on January 23, 2006, 05:40:37 PM

dances or whatever the off topic goes. Actually I know you're not. he knows who's nes's fav and you don't.

Soor , I mean no offence to you , but now you've confused me even more then before.  ???
ppbebe is talkin' about some user called "nesquick dance" or "dance of nesquick" who joined the board only to make fun of nesquick (the regular one :P).