Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Smoking Guns on January 18, 2006, 01:31:22 AM

Title: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 18, 2006, 01:31:22 AM
Did anyone else notice that Slash's recent quote about Axl and Axl's about Slash sound almost too familiar?  Like they were told to act a certian way?  They both say they haven't talked to the other in 10 years...  Which may be true, but they both say it the same way.  They also talk very nicely of each other....  I think there is something big going down that we don't know about..  Right now, I don't know if Duff is involved, but I am almost certain that Slash, Izzy, and Axl are up to something.  I mean, both of their tones changed really quick.  Like both are trying to say no communication, but that they respect on another a lot.  They may have a mutual friend in Izzy mediating the talks, but something big is going down.  Axl didn't finish what he was going to say.  What is the quote was to be......"I always wanted the world to know how great Slash is, but I also must admit that I haven't found a guitar player quite like him since he left and would love to play with him again someday."  I just thought it was weird how he brought up Izzy all of the sudden, like he wasn't allowed to talk about Slash yet.  Man, I am getting deep now.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: $$$$ on January 18, 2006, 01:36:42 AM
Well, Im just glad your not overthinking this situation and jumping to conclusions. :beer:

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Saul on January 18, 2006, 01:37:17 AM
Yeah , I'm 110% behind the whole conspiracy theroy!! I cant wait till CD comes out so we can analayze the lyrics and find out when the worlds gunna end.

I'm sure with enough pot and a wave editor to play the lyrics backwards we will find out all the secrets , is elvis alive , who shot JFK , are aliens amongst us ... yup , the works.

I love how the thread below this was created by you and it's title was "How pathetic are we?"  :beer:

The irony starts now!

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 18, 2006, 01:43:35 AM
Saul, I even give you props in my first post of........."how pathetic are we...."

Ya, I am just focking around, but hey, why not.?

I have returned back to patheticness.? I just couldn't take Axl's comments at face value.? I had to turn into the psycho GNR fan that has to break down and analyze every focking thing.? Fock GNR for focking with my head.? GNR is worse then any of my girlfriends.? Atleast with the gfriends you had a slim hope of some puh c at night.? With GNR, I have had blue balls for 10 focking years.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 18, 2006, 01:45:28 AM
How is it Ironic that I am pathetic?

The Coincidence Starts now......

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Saul on January 18, 2006, 01:45:35 AM
Saul, I even give you props in my first post of........."how pathetic are we...."

Ya, I am just focking around, but hey, why now. 

I have returned back to patheticness.  I just couldn't take Axl's comments at face value.  I had to turn into the psycho GNR fan that has to break down and analyze every focking thing.  Fock GNR for focking with my head.  GNR is worse then any of my girlfriends.  Atleast with the gfriends you had a slim hope of some puh c at night.  With GNR, I have had blue balls for 10 focking years.

Hahah I hear ya , and I'm just playing with you my man. Keep the spirit alive , GNR arent GNR without psycho fans analyzing everything.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Ax on January 18, 2006, 01:48:27 AM
I think people are reading a little too much into Axl's comments. But I guess why not do that, afterall, it will probably be a couple years before we hear from Uncle Axl again. So let the over-analysing begin!!  :beer:

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: gnrvrrule on January 18, 2006, 02:02:40 AM
I think you're reading too much into this, but I agree that the overall vibes between the old members is suddenly better than its been in a decade.? I really get the feeling that Axl and Slash (and everyone knows this is the only REAL feud in the band, or at least enough to keep them apart) have finally forgiven each other individually and are ready to forget about the nasty breakup.? Both guys have said nice things about each other in the last two weeks, which differs from Axl's "Slash is in my ass" and Slash's "you can't talk to that guy" comment.? Whether they ever get back together or not remains to be seen, but I would no longer rule out a one-off show or something like that.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 18, 2006, 02:09:17 AM
Sorry..........tis but a pipe dream.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jimmythegent on January 18, 2006, 03:27:32 AM
well the channels seem to be somewhat open now and I think thats a good thing

Its a not a wholly ridiculous idea that Axls vision for CD may have changed to the point where Slash etc could offer some kind of contribution which would inevitably lead to a full blown reunion

this is of course unlikely, but one can but dream

all the players that have come and gone over the last 10 years may have been infact priming Axl in terms of an inevitable reconciliation with his former comrades?

its a shame a balance cant be sought - one half (or disc) being Axls challenging vision, the other a return or rebirth back to his roots with the alleged set of songs that Slash, Izzy and Duff worked on and that no doubt Axl has had access to

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: DunkinDave on January 18, 2006, 03:40:02 AM
I'd guess Axl either listened to or read a transcript of Slash's interview.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: badapple81 on January 18, 2006, 04:03:12 AM
Load of bollocks.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: DarrenLeves on January 18, 2006, 06:06:33 AM
well I dont think they can rip into each others Assholes, because of the upcoming Court Case.
But it would be nice to think they one day might work together again

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Christos AG on January 18, 2006, 06:17:27 AM
Quit the drugs.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Colt 1911 on January 18, 2006, 07:02:34 AM
Did anyone else notice that Slash's recent quote about Axl and Axl's about Slash sound almost too familiar?  Like they were told to act a certian way?  They both say they haven't talked to the other in 10 years...  Which may be true, but they both say it the same way.  They also talk very nicely of each other....  I think there is something big going down that we don't know about..  Right now, I don't know if Duff is involved, but I am almost certain that Slash, Izzy, and Axl are up to something.  I mean, both of their tones changed really quick.  Like both are trying to say no communication, but that they respect on another a lot.  They may have a mutual friend in Izzy mediating the talks, but something big is going down.  Axl didn't finish what he was going to say.  What is the quote was to be......"I always wanted the world to know how great Slash is, but I also must admit that I haven't found a guitar player quite like him since he left and would love to play with him again someday."  I just thought it was weird how he brought up Izzy all of the sudden, like he wasn't allowed to talk about Slash yet.  Man, I am getting deep now.

or or ok dude ge this maybethey really havent talked to each other in 10yrs and axl is SICK of ppl asking about slash and salsh is sick of ppl asking about when he will be with axl.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 18, 2006, 07:52:59 AM
I think we should just enjoy the most positive development out of the GNR camp in over three years instead of overanalyzing the shit out of a one in a trillion chance Axl's brief comments about Slash and Izzy means theyre already working on AFD 2.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Nytunz on January 18, 2006, 09:55:07 AM
i dont think so.. I guess they all have just grown up..

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Captain P?l on January 18, 2006, 11:09:11 AM
"I always wanted the world to know how great Slash is, but he is a total jerk off..."

that might have been what he was going for too...

who know? and who cares?

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Neemo on January 18, 2006, 11:23:39 AM
maybe Izzy remains mediator between the two even after all these years.

Izzy: "Hey slash guess who I was talking to last week?"
Slash: "dunno"
Izzy: "Guess"
Slash: "Uhhh, dunno"
Izzy: "HaHa Guess"
Slash: "Hmmm......I dunno, Axl?"
Izzy: "yeah"
Slash: "what's up with him? is he done that fucking album yet?"
Izzy: "Almost"
Slash: "Almost? haha, I've heard that shit before. You know we haven't talked in like 10 fucking years?"
Izzy: "Really? You should call him dude his new stuff is pretty decent. He's wrapping up the recording now, the album should be out in a few months"
Slash: "I ain't fucking calling him. he can call me first. So for real he's almost done?"
Izzy: "yep"
Slash: "I can't wait to hear why he broke up GnR. K I got an interview dude, I'm gonna tell them this shit"
Izzy: "I wouldn't du..."
Slash: "Later Izz" *click*
Izzy: "Fuck"

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Neemo on January 18, 2006, 11:30:09 AM
Izzy: "uhhh.. Axl"
mysterious voice: "Mr. Rose will be with you shortly..thanks for holding"
*Partially complete new GnR tracks play in the background"
Izzy: "Axl??"
mysterious voice: "Mr. Rose will be with you shortly..thanks for holding"
Izzy: "geez, what a fuckin.."
Axl: "hey Izzy what's up"
Izzy: "uhhhhh, I told Slash about our conversation the other day and...
Axl: ".......And....."
Izzy: "Ummmm.....Slash is gonna tell the media that CD is almost done"
Axl: "What the fuck did you tell him that for Asshole!!!!" *click*

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: 2NaFish on January 18, 2006, 11:40:52 AM
thats exactly what happened. i'm the mysterious voice that handles axl's phone calls (you might recongnise me, i'm the one who says "Mr. Rose will be with you shortly..thanks for holding") and i guarantee thats what happened.

He was so angry at what Izzy had done that he slammed the phone down and found the nearest midget he could (axl keeps midgets dressed as ex-gn'r members as pets in his house) and beat the shit out of him. I think this one was dressed as Duff. He's got a real temper.

I would tell more but, y'know, confidentiality agreements and all that.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: rainX on January 18, 2006, 12:02:26 PM
Yeah , I'm 110% behind the whole conspiracy theroy!! I cant wait till CD comes out so we can analayze the lyrics and find out when the worlds gunna end.

I'm sure with enough pot and a wave editor to play the lyrics backwards we will find out all the secrets , is elvis alive , who shot JFK , are aliens amongst us ... yup , the works.

I love how the thread below this was created by you and it's title was "How pathetic are we?"  :beer:

The irony starts now!

You make me laugh so much man.

"with enough pot and a wave editor"

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: ppbebe on January 18, 2006, 12:05:27 PM
I'm 120% behind the current band.  :peace:

I didn't know about the mediatory business but I thought it was well known that Axl didn't lose in touch with Izzy? I heard it somewhere ages ago. ???

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Neemo on January 18, 2006, 12:27:57 PM
I'm 120% behind the current band.? :peace:

I didn't know about the mediatory business but I thought it was well known that Axl didn't lose in touch with Izzy? I heard it somewhere ages ago. ???

I am also totally behind the current incarnation of GnR.

I seem to recall reading angethat duff and izzy the middle-men between axl and slash

There was an interview with Izzy a bit ago that Izzy said he talked to Axl once in a while.

You always see, Steven, Slash, and Duff?

Yes, I spoke to them on the phone three days ago. I
even had lunch with Steven last week. He is clean,
today, but he is affected physically and mentally.
Slash is well. Duff is very well: he just participated
in the fucking Hawaiian marathon! A Goddamn marathon!
Not bad for a guy whose pancreas exploded because he
drank three and a half liters of vodka a day! He's in
my band, which is really cool. The only one who
doesn't speak with anybody, is Axl. He doesn't call
people on the phone. I like to drive my motorcycle and
I know where he lives. Once in 1995, I went to ring
the doorbell at his place, and he opened the door. We
hugged, he made me visit his house and we talked. It
was cool, we reminiced several times after that. But,
one day, on the phone, I found the Axl of the 90's. He
took notes of what I said, and then, no more news.
Since then, I've gone to his house for a laugh: I ring
the doorbell and there is always someone telling me
that he is not there! I'm happy, in any case, that he
had concerts in the beginning of the year in Las Vegas
and Rio. I'm happy that his microphone worked okay.
Who knows, he might have left the stage otherwise (laughs)!

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: ppbebe on January 18, 2006, 12:56:03 PM
Cheers neemo.
I guess The article is from like the first half of 2002?

that Izzy said he talked to Axl once in a while.

Maybe old friends are like that.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: disease51883 on January 18, 2006, 01:33:35 PM
Izzy: "uhhh.. Axl"
mysterious voice: "Mr. Rose will be with you shortly..thanks for holding"
*Partially complete new GnR tracks play in the background"
Izzy: "Axl??"
mysterious voice: "Mr. Rose will be with you shortly..thanks for holding"
Izzy: "geez, what a fuckin.."
Axl: "hey Izzy what's up"
Izzy: "uhhhhh, I told Slash about our conversation the other day and...
Axl: ".......And....."
Izzy: "Ummmm.....Slash is gonna tell the media that CD is almost done"
Axl: "What the fuck did you tell him that for Asshole!!!!" *click*

HA! That was good. And the partially complete new GNR track was a nice touch.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jimmythegent on January 18, 2006, 02:33:33 PM
I think we should just enjoy the most positive development out of the GNR camp in over three years instead of overanalyzing the shit out of a one in a trillion chance Axl's brief comments about Slash and Izzy means theyre already working on AFD 2.

no ones saying that - people are happy that he's talked in a respectful way, its a development in its self

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 18, 2006, 02:52:07 PM
I think we should just enjoy the most positive development out of the GNR camp in over three years instead of overanalyzing the shit out of a one in a trillion chance Axl's brief comments about Slash and Izzy means theyre already working on AFD 2.

no ones saying that - people are happy that he's talked in a respectful way, its a development in its self
I was being sarcastic about AFD 2. If anyone really believes that, then they've truly gone mad. Of course its good news that he mentions former bandmembers in a more positive tone, but he could have made the vaguely positive remarks because he wasn't in the mood to rehash old shit. The best news from this is his apparent change of attitude in approaching CD. Doesn't sound like he's trying to please the whole universe by making the greatest album ever and burying AFD.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jimmythegent on January 18, 2006, 06:51:59 PM
I think we should just enjoy the most positive development out of the GNR camp in over three years instead of overanalyzing the shit out of a one in a trillion chance Axl's brief comments about Slash and Izzy means theyre already working on AFD 2.

no ones saying that - people are happy that he's talked in a respectful way, its a development in its self
I was being sarcastic about AFD 2. If anyone really believes that, then they've truly gone mad. Of course its good news that he mentions former bandmembers in a more positive tone, but he could have made the vaguely positive remarks because he wasn't in the mood to rehash old shit. The best news from this is his apparent change of attitude in approaching CD. Doesn't sound like he's trying to please the whole universe by making the greatest album ever and burying AFD.

this is true, a more balanced communication than we've ever seen from Axl. It would be interesting to get some remarks from the journalist in terms of filling in a few of the blanks

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: McDuff on January 18, 2006, 11:59:26 PM
Man,I know that alot of us dream about a reunion,and it would be so cool,what would even be better is when CD came out it had the original band playing on,oh well,I like the new guys,I think it would really freak alot of people out if that did happen tho,but I do know that's not the case,it's all good :peace:

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jazjme on January 19, 2006, 12:12:57 AM
THere was alot of funny ass comments in this

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on January 19, 2006, 12:21:11 AM
IF slash and Axl made up then the law suit will go away. If they have not then slash will stil sue axl.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 19, 2006, 12:24:49 AM
I dont care if axl izzy and slash do something unless CD is realease then they can share beds for all I care give me CD and then do all the shit they want to!
Anxiety starts now!!

Sorry Saul I stole your lines  :-[

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 19, 2006, 12:25:13 AM
IF slash and Axl made up then the law suit will go away. If they have not then slash will stil sue axl.

Unfounded speculation.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: D on January 19, 2006, 12:50:12 AM
This is what the deal is, u guys are trying WAYYYYYYYYYYYY Too hard.

Axl doesnt want to offend VR/Slash fans *they happen to be the same people who will buy CD, so u dont want to offend*

Slash doesnt want to offend Axl/GNR fans *cause those are the fans who buy VR cds and tickets*

its all politics.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: coolman78SLASH on January 19, 2006, 06:50:40 AM
well the channels seem to be somewhat open now and I think thats a good thing

Its a not a wholly ridiculous idea that Axls vision for CD may have changed to the point where Slash etc could offer some kind of contribution which would inevitably lead to a full blown reunion

this is of course unlikely, but one can but dream

all the players that have come and gone over the last 10 years may have been infact priming Axl in terms of an inevitable reconciliation with his former comrades?

its a shame a balance cant be sought - one half (or disc) being Axls challenging vision, the other a return or rebirth back to his roots with the alleged set of songs that Slash, Izzy and Duff worked on and that no doubt Axl has had access to

Why would Axl have access to songs they wrote for VR? That's like Slash & co. would have access to new GnR songs as well... isen't it? Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt that theory very much...

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 19, 2006, 09:40:24 AM
coolman78Slash, Slash and co did send demos do Axl in 2002.  From what sources say, Axl liked what he heard. 

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: coolman78SLASH on January 19, 2006, 09:55:55 AM
coolman78Slash, Slash and co did send demos do Axl in 2002.? From what sources say, Axl liked what he heard.?

Really? Cant remember to have seen that info from a credible source....?  ???
Please show me where that was written, because I'm not so sure they actually did....

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Elrothiel on January 19, 2006, 09:44:03 PM
Oh maaaan... now there'z conspiraciez... this thing has either gone on for too long, or this is exactly what Axl wantz.

No other band has ever had so many paranoid conspiraciez dreamed up about it!!

*le sigh*

For how much longer will we all be forced to leap on everything Axl sayz and analyze it to death as if by working it out we'll be rewarded by Chinese Democracy.

Every year we think "this is the year of CD" but every year, there is nothing said, not at all.

Until this year. THIS YEAR we have an interview to analyze. Not just that everchanging date on gnronline.

Maaan, I bet that the proverb "pull a Chinese Democracy" will be entered in the dictionary after it'z released, with the definition of "something that has taken an extremely long time to complete".

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Lesty on January 19, 2006, 10:56:29 PM
i dont think so.. I guess they all have just grown up..

Exactly. After countless interviews and questions about each other, they probably got tired of slagging on each other anyway. Plus, with the way Axl looked, spoke, recently... It appears he's emotionally healthy, and maybe he's exorcised some demons and is more at peace with his ex-bandmates. I still don't think a reunion is inevitable, at least in the near future, but it's good to know that someday it looks possible.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Queen of Everything on January 21, 2006, 08:49:33 AM
Izzy: "uhhh.. Axl"
mysterious voice: "Mr. Rose will be with you shortly..thanks for holding"
*Partially complete new GnR tracks play in the background"
Izzy: "Axl??"
mysterious voice: "Mr. Rose will be with you shortly..thanks for holding"
Izzy: "geez, what a fuckin.."
Axl: "hey Izzy what's up"
Izzy: "uhhhhh, I told Slash about our conversation the other day and...
Axl: ".......And....."
Izzy: "Ummmm.....Slash is gonna tell the media that CD is almost done"
Axl: "What the fuck did you tell him that for Asshole!!!!" *click*

I would just like to congratulate you on the funniest shit I have read on this board in a long long long time!!!!!

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: chineseblues on January 21, 2006, 11:16:29 AM
coolman78Slash, Slash and co did send demos do Axl in 2002.  From what sources say, Axl liked what he heard. 

Proof please.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 21, 2006, 12:31:32 PM
The proof is that we went over this in 2002.  Remember, they gave it to a mutual friend because they admitted, they were songs only Axl could pull off.  I assume Izzy got it to him.  There was feedback from his camp that he got demos.  I think even Tommy heard them. 

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 21, 2006, 12:37:33 PM
I assume I think?
You got that part right. :hihi:

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 21, 2006, 12:41:22 PM
James, come on.  Am I the only one that remembers this?  Remember the rumors about Axl auditioning for VR?  Well, we know that didn't happen.  But it doesn't mean he didn't get some demos for the hell of it.  Even the guys from STP heard the demos.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 21, 2006, 01:06:11 PM
Remember the rumors about Axl auditioning for VR??
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: If that happened, why not just call it GNR? ::) I think your confusing yourself with mixed up info. The way I remember it, Slash. Duff, Izzy, and Matt recorded some material, and it sounded like Guns and wasnt really suited for VR, so they decided to save the material in case they ever did get back with Axl. I dont recall anything about them actually giving it to Axl.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 21, 2006, 01:19:27 PM
Well, he did say he had wished he produced the VR album.  I think Axl liked what he heard.  Where is Booker when you need him.  I remember us talking about this on the VR side.  I understand what you are saying about 2002.  I am aware of that.  I still think they sent some of the tunes over there just let Axl know what they were doing and what he thought of there stuff.  Now, I may be confused about the VR stuff and demos.  Regardless, both camps are a little curious about what each other are doing.  I am not saying Axl wants to get back with them, but I think he wants them to succeed.  I stand by my beleifs he may have gotten some demos.  Thats all.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: chineseblues on January 21, 2006, 01:29:36 PM
Well, he did say he had wished he produced the VR album.  I think Axl liked what he heard.  Where is Booker when you need him.  I remember us talking about this on the VR side.  I understand what you are saying about 2002.  I am aware of that.  I still think they sent some of the tunes over there just let Axl know what they were doing and what he thought of there stuff.  Now, I may be confused about the VR stuff and demos.  Regardless, both camps are a little curious about what each other are doing.  I am not saying Axl wants to get back with them, but I think he wants them to succeed.  I stand by my beleifs he may have gotten some demos.  Thats all.

Actually there is no proof Axl ever said that. Someone said he said it, but as we all know with that "he said she said" bullshit, most of the time its wrong.  : ok:

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 21, 2006, 01:38:21 PM
Okay, you guys got me.......

But looking at the title of the thread that I started, maybe we don't know because its part of the "secret communication"...... :rofl:

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: Colt 1911 on January 21, 2006, 08:17:05 PM
Man,I know that alot of us dream about a reunion,and it would be so cool,what would even be better is when CD came out it had the original band playing on,oh well,I like the new guys,I think it would really freak alot of people out if that did happen tho,but I do know that's not the case,it's all good :peace:

i think a reunion would blow dick there is no need for one.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: blasphemer on January 21, 2006, 08:42:55 PM
  Why yes indeed it is secret communications.  They learned how do this while they were in the CIA.  Man these guys sure are smart.  And to think all these years they have been secretly communicating and we didnt even know.

Title: Re: Secret Communication
Post by: -Jack- on January 21, 2006, 08:57:03 PM
Remember the rumors about Axl auditioning for VR??
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: If that happened, why not just call it GNR? ::) I think your confusing yourself with mixed up info. The way I remember it, Slash. Duff, Izzy, and Matt recorded some material, and it sounded like Guns and wasnt really suited for VR, so they decided to save the material in case they ever did get back with Axl. I dont recall anything about them actually giving it to Axl.

I seriously doubt Axl ever got demos. Maybe he did.. but we never heard about it.. and the press didn't either. It would have been big big news if they sent demos...