Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jim on January 13, 2006, 10:59:28 AM

Title: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 13, 2006, 10:59:28 AM
I don't know if we've had this before. Probably. I know that we have a DVD you last bought thread, but that's kind of different...This thread is for people like me that spend more money than they probably should on DVD's. Every now and again, when I'm looking around the internet, I'll find something that will make me do this ->  :yes:

Other than porn. There are some great deals to be had out there, on old and new stuff. And what better time to start than the beggining of the year, because...Well, I don't know why actually. But, why not.

In short, when you find a DVD (any region, anybody taking this seriously will have a multi-region player...) that looks great value, don't keep it to yourself! Tell the rest of us!

PS: I didn't look, I had no idea what to look for. So I'm sorry if this has been done before.

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 13, 2006, 11:07:35 AM
Right, that's the rules. I'll post first! Unless somebody else is damn fast.

My first two are both from ( Now, I'm sure that anybody who has ever bought anything from the internet that lives in the UK has been to this site, but there is often so much stuff hidden within so many different deals that a lot of it can slip you by. These two are both TV series, both...American.

This, first.

X-Files. Man, I used to love this show. Kind of stopped watching it though.

When I saw that price, I couldn't believe it. I have always wanted to start collecting all of the series' on DVD, but it has been really, ridiculously expensive whenever I have looked into it. Now, I know that serious fans will probably know about the recent repackage and price drop already, but for people like me who lost touch around Season 6, it's incredible!

And then, this.

24. I never got into this show, but always wanted to...And I clearly couldn't start watching half-way through the season. However, as with the X-Files, it seemed a bit too expensive for me to start buying them. But now I will be able to! Bear in mind, the above is just the promotion price. They've been that low before, and I missed them. So, I'm not sure, when they go on sale, how long it will stay that low.

Oh, and on Amazon you can get a ten disc Tintin set, with every episode, for about ?18! I just thought I'd slip that in there.

Note: Oh, yeah. The latter X-Files series are cheaper on Amazon. And, also, the 24 offer isn't exclusive to Season 1  : ok:

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 13, 2006, 11:10:16 AM

i buy dvds for 2 or 3 euros.
not big movies like spielberg or so ... but still.

the rule on  that site is to make sure your average price stays around 4 or 5 euros before checking out. and you can make good deals.

yesterday i got that
- in the mood for love
- zombie
- 4dvd set of Return of the king (9 euros)
- Dogville
- crouching tiger and hidden dragon
- furyo

all that for like 23 euros (the lord of the rings boxset ruined my average damnit !! :( )


Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 13, 2006, 11:19:10 AM

Oh, and on Amazon you can get a ten disc Tintin set, with every episode, for about ?18! I just thought I'd slip that in there.

u read Tintin ? what country are you fucker comin' from ? ;)
didnt know tintin was know out of france / belgium ! ?___?

tintin is a racist.

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Evolution on January 13, 2006, 11:24:05 AM


Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Izzy on January 13, 2006, 11:26:12 AM

Every season of Babylon 5 - ?17.99 - retail price ?54.99


I think so

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 13, 2006, 11:29:39 AM


we are not interested in muscular men in bathing suit, thank you.

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Evolution on January 13, 2006, 11:33:10 AM
we are not interested in muscular men in bathing suit, thank you.

Come to the Wrestling Thread and say that! I dare you  :rant:

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 13, 2006, 11:57:43 AM
Jim I think this one is better, but I guess they are cheap cause they are used
Im also an x files fan and I have only the first season on DVD actually yesterady I spent 2 hours watching the last episode of the season.  :peace:

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Izzy on January 13, 2006, 12:55:30 PM
Jim I think this one is better, but I guess they are cheap cause they are used
Im also an x files fan and I have only the first season on DVD actually yesterady I spent 2 hours watching the last episode of the season.? :peace:

Hong Kong - oh my, u'll get those evil Chinese Versions which though legit are invariable in worse condition that ones that are illegal......

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 13, 2006, 01:00:32 PM
Ok what about this?
Is from Canada, but the thing is that I have a friend in Hong Kong and he comes here very often so I can give him the money and thats it, but as you said it might be worst than an Iligal copy  :-\

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Axls Locomotive on January 13, 2006, 01:25:18 PM

Every season of Babylon 5 - ?17.99 - retail price ?54.99


I think so


battlestar galactica season 1 for ?17.99 at

a couple of weeks ago you could have got every season of xfiles for ?135, its now selling for much more than that at every place i looked...its ?160 at blah dvd, its not bad for ?2.50 per dvd and are selling most of the special 2 disk editions of star trek movies for ?6.99 or less...excellent value

and if by chance you are a laurel and hardy fan, 21 disc set for ?115

thats another fine bargain ive given you mmmh hmmm

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Hammy on January 13, 2006, 02:07:03 PM

What a bargain (Well sort of...), what a cast, still yet to see this one, been watching re-runs of the first series recently i was hoping they'd all be released on DVD but i heard it would cost way too much cos of all the music they use.....

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 14, 2006, 01:38:07 PM
u read Tintin ? what country are you fucker comin' from ? ;)
didnt know tintin was know out of france / belgium ! ?___?

tintin is a racist.

England, of course...


Tintin is pretty big over here. When I was younger, it was the best thing on TV weekend mornings. The adaptions are fantastic, the truest on-screen adaptations ever made. They kept everything that made the books so great!

I read them all when I was younger, countless times...I was never into Asterix though...

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 14, 2006, 01:41:35 PM
a couple of weeks ago you could have got every season of xfiles for ?135, its now selling for much more than that at every place i looked...its ?160 at blah dvd, its not bad for ?2.50 per dvd

Aye. Though, at Amazon each series is around the ?20 mark now, and considering they used to retail at about ?80...

?60+ drop, and the only 'disadvantage' is the M-Lock packaging.

Disadvantage? Ha!

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Axls Locomotive on January 14, 2006, 03:05:56 PM
a couple of weeks ago you could have got every season of xfiles for ?135, its now selling for much more than that at every place i looked...its ?160 at blah dvd, its not bad for ?2.50 per dvd

Aye. Though, at Amazon each series is around the ?20 mark now, and considering they used to retail at about ?80...

?60+ drop, and the only 'disadvantage' is the M-Lock packaging.

Disadvantage? Ha!

what is m-lock?

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 14, 2006, 06:12:03 PM
It's this new packaging. Well, when I say new I guess I'm using the term loosly...No, not loosly actually, adjectives are variables aren't they? Especialy in measurement and time. Exponentialy so. Wait, hang on. What's going on...

Oh yes. M-Lock. It's not new at all, really.

Here, look.

Well, you know those fold out cases that most every multiple disc (being above three or four) DVD set uses? The ones that are a bitch when you want to watch the last few episodes of a series...? I hesitate to say cardboard but...That's what they are, essentialy.

The M-Lock hub things are what the repackaged Seasons are comming out in now.

This is the M-Lock hub. To be honest, I'm not sure what they make such a big fuss of it...I don't really know what the difference is that's that great....I don't actually own one packaged that way. But, if you are on Amazon or the like, and it says (M-Lock) next to a DVD, well...

That's what you're getting. Something that's slightly less pleasing on the eyes. As big a bitch as they are, the fold out packaging looks fantastic...

Even if it can be a flimsy as shit.

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Axls Locomotive on January 14, 2006, 09:35:23 PM

sounds like a load of ole bollocks

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 15, 2006, 12:41:16 PM
Aye, pretty much.

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 19, 2006, 03:21:41 PM

Now, look me in the eye and tell me that's not value for money...

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 19, 2006, 03:35:54 PM
whats dat in euros ... ?
i still didnt buy the season 5 & 6 :( what a shame :(

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Jim on January 19, 2006, 03:55:19 PM
It's just under 40 euros...Well, pretty much 40 euros exactly.

5 & 6 are about 70 euros over there...

I have no idea if that's good or not?

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Hammy on March 25, 2007, 05:49:06 PM

Classic movie, back in the day brought out as part of the awful "Hollywood" DVD line which was quite bad (but so cheap.. ;)).  I used to buy their films all the time, for comedy value if nothing else.  I remember a Hulk Hogan one with Brutus Beefcake and the start was a Cliffhanger rip off, except they were on a hill and the girl kinda rolled but you could see it with the "Nooooooo..." and, wait, yeah back to the recommendation, Blue Jean Cop the only film of the Hollywood line that was actually really good, apart from one scene that was obviously cheap the rest is very good, solid thriller, 2 good leads in Weller & Elliot and because of it being lumped in with a crap DVD line and being old and generally only shown at 3.a.m in the morning on Five every 2 years here in the UK i'm guessing a fair few haven't seen it and it's worth it, it really is : ok:

Also over at Baywatch Season 1 is down from ?49.99 to ?17.99....Hoo-Rah!

Title: Re: The DVD (Bargain!) thread...
Post by: Bill 213 on March 25, 2007, 06:51:41 PM
I own a region 1 copy of the movie 1984 from MGM.  Apparently I found out it's worth like up to $100 and over.  Kickass, even though I couldn't bring myself to sell it.  Dystopian society and giant bush.  It doesn't get any better.