Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: MadmanDan on January 10, 2006, 07:44:19 PM

Title: Very young women and older men
Post by: MadmanDan on January 10, 2006, 07:44:19 PM
Lately I've been noticing lots of girls in their late teens/early 20s going out with 30+ guys. My question is:why???? 

From the men's point of view, it's clear why they like them young (Don't we all?:))

Money, of course, could be an issue, but they can't all be materialistic whores, so there must be something else.

I see it as a way for girls to feel like mature women...wich is funny, considering the fact that in a few years they'd do anything to look and feel younger :)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 10, 2006, 08:00:20 PM
I guess it just depends on personal preference.

Look at Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.

I don't think people (men) intentionally look for younger women.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Drew on January 10, 2006, 08:13:19 PM
I've always been attracted to older women more. :yes:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Hammy on January 10, 2006, 08:18:48 PM
I've always been attracted to older women more. :yes:
Me to. I've always been told it's to do with me being a Scorpio and it's common with that starsign....(supposedly..)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Drew on January 10, 2006, 08:26:36 PM
I've always been attracted to older women more. :yes:
Me to. I've always been told it's to do with me being a Scorpio and it's common with that starsign....(supposedly..)

I'm a Gemini, so I'm not sure if it's common or not. :)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 10, 2006, 08:33:56 PM
Lately I've been noticing lots of girls in their late teens/early 20s going out with 30+ guys. My question is:why???? 

From the men's point of view, it's clear why they like them young (Don't we all?:))

Money, of course, could be an issue, but they can't all be materialistic whores, so there must be something else.

I see it as a way for girls to feel like mature women...wich is funny, considering the fact that in a few years they'd do anything to look and feel younger :)

Most guys are immature at that age compared to the girls.

A man who is 32 may have a home, nice car, money, security, and doesn't feel the need to take the girl to keg parties.

He may be more in tune with what a girl wants learning from all the stupid shit he did when he was in his 20's. Really, the younger guy has no chance against this.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: D on January 10, 2006, 08:43:43 PM
I think it depends on the woman and the male.

I personally wouldnt date a younger woman cause Most younger women are immature and play mind games and arent ready for serious commitments.

On the flip side, most younger guys arent ready for serious commitments and are into playing games and cheating etc.

So if u are a mature younger female, its almost impossible to find what u are lookin for in someone your age and the same with a male.

Ive heard that women who date older men have father issues and need an older guy to be a Bf and a father figure and vice versa for the male.

Im not an expert so I dont know if that is true but Love to me has no limits, as long as the girl is legal and the guy is legal, to me its all good.

if u are 20 and are attracted and have chemistry with a 50 year old, to me thats all good.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: MadmanDan on January 10, 2006, 09:26:56 PM
Well on the other hand, me being 21, I must admit I love the idea that 10-15 years from now, if I'm still single, I'll be able to attract women that are my age now.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 10, 2006, 09:47:35 PM
Well on the other hand, me being 21, I must admit I love the idea that 10-15 years from now, if I'm still single, I'll be able to attract women that are my age now.

You don't realize how hot and young they look when you are 22 and they are 22. haha.

Then you are 33 and they are 22, and you think "Holy crap that girl is CUTE!!!"

I dated an older woman when I was younger. She was quite a bit older then me. I never dated a younger girl though. Usually always in my age range. I love looking at younger ladies but even if I was not married I am not sure I would go that route. It really is important to carry on a conversation with somebody and sometimes the gap is just too wide (insert sex joke here) for that to happen. Right now I am 34 and I often have girls in the mid 20's flirt with me. To me, that is a total compliment, because I realize I may be 9 yrs older. When I look at an 18 yr old girl, even if she is pretty, she seems like a baby, just too young.

 To me a 53 yr old man with a 35 yr old woman makes a helluva lot more sense to me then a 34 yr old man with a 22 yr old girl. Only because there is so much more growing up you do in your 20's.

It really depends on the couple.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Acquiesce on January 10, 2006, 10:37:29 PM
I'm 24 and I have a tendency to be attracted to older men who are in their 40's and 50's. For me, it's not for any particular reason. I just happen to be attracted to older guys just like someone may happen to be attracted to blondes.
There is an added bonus that older men are usually more mature, experienced, etc. However, I do enjoy guys my age, too. In fact, there are more guys my age out there that turn my head than there are older guys. I'd also be more hestitant dating an older man because of the huge age gap/life experience gap.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 11, 2006, 12:12:38 AM
When I was in my early 20's and worked retail, I'd get hit on a lot by older male customers.  And I thought they were disgusting.  "Dirty old man" is what I usually thought when some 40 or 50 year old guy would try to flirt.  NASTY!  I always wondered what they thought they had that a 22 year old woman would want. 

Now I'm 32, and guess what?  I still don't like older men.  My age is ok, but over 40, and I usually don't think they are attractive.  And when I see a couple that has a big age difference, particulary if one is in their 20's, I know they've got some issues to work out.  There is a reason why a 22 year old woman would date a 50 year old man, and its rarely healthy. 

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Kujo on January 11, 2006, 12:21:14 AM

I dated an older woman when I was younger. She was quite a bit older then me.


Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 11, 2006, 12:28:44 AM

I dated an older woman when I was younger. She was quite a bit older then me.


 :hihi: :hihi:

That's too funny. haha

I try not to be judgmental of anyone, but it seems like extremely rich men, like Donald Trump, only date women much, much younger than they are. I guess it's just a fashionable trend to them.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Sterlingdog on January 11, 2006, 12:35:03 AM
I try not be judgemental of anyone, but it seems like extremely rich men, like Donald Trump, only date women much, much younger than they are. I guess it's just a fashionable trend to them.

You are right, and when those men date much younger women, its not for the intelligent conversation.  Its for status, maybe sex, but not because they value the woman as a human being.  So then you have to ask, what is it about that woman that she is willing to be in a relationship with a man who sees her as an object? 

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: RichardNixon on January 11, 2006, 12:43:52 AM
I've always been attracted to older women more. :yes:

I'm a MILF MAN myself.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 11, 2006, 02:02:56 AM

I dated an older woman when I was younger. She was quite a bit older then me.


( (

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Kujo on January 11, 2006, 02:09:10 AM

( (

That top image must remind you of the times when you asked ole' Clara to take out her dentures first

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Sin Cut on January 11, 2006, 03:03:14 AM

That top image must remind you of the times when you asked ole' Clara to take out her dentures first

Here's Clara


Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: D on January 11, 2006, 04:14:33 AM
Women are such haters.

how do u all know that Donald Trump just doesnt have a great connection with his wife?

why does it always have to be about the looks?

Women hate on one another so much it drives me crazy.

If a Guy gets a hot chick, other guys say "way to go dude"

if a girl gets a hot,rich successful guy other women say *she's a sex symbol, a trophy blah blah blah.*

Drives me crazy.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 11, 2006, 05:34:24 AM
Women are such haters.

how do u all know that Donald Trump just doesnt have a great connection with his wife?

why does it always have to be about the looks?

Women hate on one another so much it drives me crazy.

If a Guy gets a hot chick, other guys say "way to go dude"

if a girl gets a hot,rich successful guy other women say *she's a sex symbol, a trophy blah blah blah.*

Drives me crazy.

Women are not all haters. Your accusations are false in that respect.

There are different standards for men and women. They're not always fair, but they exist. Like for example, if a guy sleeps with 50 girls than he's applauded for that. If a girl sleeps with 50 guys than she's considered a slut. It's a double standard.

You asked, "why does it always have to be about the looks?"

Because women are always pressured to be physically perfect. It's been that way for hundreds of years. And it's something that women have to deal with their whole lives. It's not the same for men. Men are allowed to get older and heavier. Women have to retain youth and beauty. Makeup was invented for women, wrinkle creams were invented for women and cosmetic surgery is aimed highly at women. You do the math. And then ask yourself that question again.

Women hate to see other women sell themselves out like play things. It's unsettling. How can the world take women seriously, if they don't take themselves seriously?

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: badapple81 on January 11, 2006, 06:13:33 AM
I think it just depends on the couple and their circumstances.. and love of course.

My Dad is a lot older than my mom.. they just met and decided it was right.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 11, 2006, 07:16:02 AM
I don't think people (men) intentionally look for younger women.
Speak for yourself! :hihi:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: MadmanDan on January 11, 2006, 09:47:48 AM

 what is it about that woman that she is willing to be in a relationship with a man who sees her as an object??

Well the men are usually smart enough not to show their real intentions, to make them feel mature and important.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 11, 2006, 09:59:31 AM
I think woman seeks stability and some kind of protection, that an elder man can provide, you can call it, a house, a job, a mature mind, but they have to be sure that they have something secure.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 11, 2006, 10:25:21 AM

 what is it about that woman that she is willing to be in a relationship with a man who sees her as an object??

Well the men are usually smart enough not to show their real intentions, to make them feel mature and important.

Dan, you just hit the nail on the head!! :smoking:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 12, 2006, 12:36:39 PM
find me a younger girl that is dating and older poor and jobless man, and i will tell you that this issue is *not* about money ....

older men won't say no to hot girls, and if they can't get hot women their age, they scale back to younger ones (easy bait). cause i'm sure that, for a mid-aged man, it's much harder to seduce a successful and hot mid-aged woman.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Chelle on January 12, 2006, 12:46:48 PM
find me a younger girl that is dating and older poor and jobless man, and i will tell you that this issue is *not* about money ....

I have   ;D  I never really thought he was even all that great looking... just very sexy to me.  I didn't care that he was poor, haha.  I still loved him.     

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: noonespecial on January 12, 2006, 01:03:06 PM
"cause i'm sure that, for a mid-aged man, it's much harder to seduce a successful and hot mid-aged woman."

absolutely....mid-aged women don't fall for all the lines that are dished out because
a) they have their own money
b) they have their own place
c) they have their own security's actually a bit funny to see a guy going after a girl being lead by his one eyed johnson...and I don't mean any offense to the males of the world, I'm sure if women were built with their "stuff" being external like yours is, we'd be playing and thinking about that stuff non-stop also...not male bashing here.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: nesquick on January 12, 2006, 01:44:01 PM
I'm 24 but it's true I prefer women who are between 20 and 22. fresh and young  8).
However, if a 30 years old woman pleases me, then I'll be happy also. However, really older women like 40 years old +, no way in hell. I mean they could be my mother, it's disgusting to even "think" dating such older women.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 12, 2006, 01:45:38 PM
I still loved him.     
Oooh the cruel reality  :'(


Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 12, 2006, 04:14:13 PM
I'm 24 but it's true I prefer women who are between 20 and 22. fresh and young  8).

So women's freshness expires after 22?  You're 24, are you still fresh?  :hihi:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Chelle on January 12, 2006, 04:27:54 PM
I still loved him.
Oooh the cruel reality :'(


Aw, he knows he'll always be second to you, baby   :-*


Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Drew on January 12, 2006, 06:17:12 PM
I've always been attracted to older women more. :yes:

I'm a MILF MAN myself.

 : ok: : ok: : ok:...Me too....!!!!! :yes: :beer:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Cornell on January 12, 2006, 06:31:50 PM
I've always been attracted to older women more. :yes:

I'm a MILF MAN myself.

 : ok: : ok: : ok:...Me too....!!!!! :yes: :beer:

Hi, boys! ;)  :hihi:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: sandman on January 12, 2006, 11:05:18 PM
men should follow a simple equation when considering age of a potential mate....

Half your age + 7.

if a guy is 30, he should date a 22 year old.
guy 50, girl 32.
guy 20, girl 17.
guy 80, girl 47.

no exceptions, it works everytime.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Gunna_girl01 on January 12, 2006, 11:34:31 PM
I am turning 18, but alot of people say that i act alot older, which means that i get alot of older men interested in me.

at 16.. for 14 months i went out with a 29 yr old kickboxer(mmmm) :hihi:, alot of people would think that it was sick being that he is the same age as my sis and what not... but we didnt care, everyone knew we were together, we never hid it and would always show our love in public... i had to end it tho, he had 2 kids and didnt want anymore in the future, where as i would like kids one day...

no point in continuing something that is doomed to end ( i would never sacrifice having a child for a man)

i dont see a problem with it when it's me thats dating the older man because i wont go out with anyone over 12 years older than methey are not old to me... but then when i see a young 16 year old friend of mine sleepin with her boss that is 37 it makes me sick.. although i am not sure where they are at emotionally i still see it as being wrong...

it's a very touchy subject  :nervous:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 13, 2006, 12:36:17 AM
I think some men are very insecure. There are some who feel like they have to be taller, richer, and older than the woman they're dating, in order to feel dominant. Damn dominant male monkeys! :hihi:

You made me lose my appetite Sandman.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Walk on January 13, 2006, 01:02:46 AM
Men should date older women because men usually die before women do. If a man marries a woman 5 years younger, she will live a decade after he dies. Unless he has a good portfolio, she's going to face financial problems. Hence, men dating young women tend to be wealthy. It's not that they're pigs; it's because they have more options than the average loser, so the proles complain about it.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 13, 2006, 01:13:14 AM
Men should date older women because men usually die before women do. If a man marries a woman 5 years younger, she will live a decade after he dies. Unless he has a good portfolio, she's going to face financial problems. Hence, men dating young women tend to be wealthy. It's not that they're pigs; it's because they have more options than the average loser, so the proles complain about it.

The whole thing just sounds like a meat market. What happened to liking a woman for who she is, instead of what age she is? It just seems inhumane in some way to be that selective.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Walk on January 13, 2006, 02:32:11 AM
It's not pleasant to think about death, but it's reality. Men who marry younger women should expect to have to save more so the woman can be supported when he dies. It can help if she has a job as well, but then they shouldn't have children. Many kids around here are neurotic because both parents work. They're undisciplined and incorrigibly lazy for not having proper instruction and raising.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: sandman on January 13, 2006, 08:55:14 AM
I think some men are very insecure. There are some who feel like they have to be taller, richer, and older than the woman they're dating, in order to feel dominant. Damn dominant male monkeys! :hihi:

You made me lose my appetite Sandman.

i agree some men are insecure.

but the PRIMARY reason my formula (scientific fact as i like to call it  : ok:) is true is because women are more mature than men.

another reason this formula works is that men and women of similar ages have very different goals.

for example, the majority of 28 year old women i have ever met or know are actively looking for a mate to go have babies with. nothing wrong with that, it's simple biology. but the typical 28 year old man is enjoying living his life on his own without having to answer to anybody.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 13, 2006, 09:47:00 AM
Many kids around here are neurotic because both parents work. They're undisciplined and incorrigibly lazy for not having proper instruction and raising.

yeah, we know about you :) ;)

I'm 24 but it's true I prefer women who are between 20 and 22. fresh and young 8).

22 fresh ????? 22 is rotten.
16 is fresh & young.

who said that ??? !!!!!!

Oil ? who says anything about oil ? bitch you cookin' ?

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Cornell on January 13, 2006, 10:49:42 AM
It's not pleasant to think about death, but it's reality. Men who marry younger women should expect to have to save more so the woman can be supported when he dies. It can help if she has a job as well, but then they shouldn't have children. Many kids around here are neurotic because both parents work. They're undisciplined and incorrigibly lazy for not having proper instruction and raising.


that's bullshit - like ONLY & ALL kids raised by 2 working parents are lazy and undisciplined.  ::)

I was raised by 2 working parents and I work.

No keeping me home barefoot and pregnant.  ::)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 13, 2006, 11:12:39 AM
It's not pleasant to think about death, but it's reality. Men who marry younger women should expect to have to save more so the woman can be supported when he dies. It can help if she has a job as well, but then they shouldn't have children. Many kids around here are neurotic because both parents work. They're undisciplined and incorrigibly lazy for not having proper instruction and raising.


that's bullshit - like ONLY & ALL kids raised by 2 working parents are lazy and undisciplined. ::)

I was raised by 2 working parents and I work.

No keeping me home barefoot and pregnant. ::)

what did i tell you about touching the computer when i'm at work !!!!
go back to the kitchen !!!!


Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 13, 2006, 06:39:49 PM
another reason this formula works is that men and women of similar ages have very different goals.

for example, the majority of 28 year old women i have ever met or know are actively looking for a mate to go have babies with. nothing wrong with that, it's simple biology. but the typical 28 year old man is enjoying living his life on his own without having to answer to anybody.

That's kind of a misconception and generalization of women.

Most, if not all of my female friends, started having babies in their late teens and very early 20s. I just turned 27 recently and having kids is the last thing I want right now. I want to pursue my career and travel the world before I take on motherhood. And I don't feel like I'm the only twenty-something woman to feel that way. It's different for everyone, I guess.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Cornell on January 13, 2006, 07:27:21 PM
It's not pleasant to think about death, but it's reality. Men who marry younger women should expect to have to save more so the woman can be supported when he dies. It can help if she has a job as well, but then they shouldn't have children. Many kids around here are neurotic because both parents work. They're undisciplined and incorrigibly lazy for not having proper instruction and raising.


that's bullshit - like ONLY & ALL kids raised by 2 working parents are lazy and undisciplined. ::)

I was raised by 2 working parents and I work.

No keeping me home barefoot and pregnant. ::)

what did i tell you about touching the computer when i'm at work !!!!
go back to the kitchen !!!!


 :hihi: :hihi:? Shit, I thought I jumped into the dark ages!

There is nothing wrong with being a successful business WOMAN and a great mother.? Maybe some people can't handle that, but not my problem.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Acquiesce on January 13, 2006, 08:49:03 PM
I am turning 18, but alot of people say that i act alot older, which means that i get alot of older men interested in me.

at 16.. for 14 months i went out with a 29 yr old kickboxer(mmmm) :hihi:, alot of people would think that it was sick being that he is the same age as my sis and what not... but we didnt care, everyone knew we were together, we never hid it and would always show our love in public... i had to end it tho, he had 2 kids and didnt want anymore in the future, where as i would like kids one day...

no point in continuing something that is doomed to end ( i would never sacrifice having a child for a man)

i dont see a problem with it when it's me thats dating the older man because i wont go out with anyone over 12 years older than methey are not old to me... but then when i see a young 16 year old friend of mine sleepin with her boss that is 37 it makes me sick.. although i am not sure where they are at emotionally i still see it as being wrong...

it's a very touchy subject? :nervous:

Well, no offense but I think that is sick from the guy's end. I think any man his age who dates a 16 year old kid has issues and I wouldn't associate with a guy like that. Not to mention that is illegal in many areas.

The 37 year old boss who is sleeping with your 16 year old friend is also very sick. He could be arrested and open to lawsuits because of her age and because he is her boss.

What is wrong with kids today? Why would they want to get involved with someone so much older? I like older men now but I am an adult and even now I am really cautious. I would have been totally creeped out of the idea at 16.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 14, 2006, 06:12:13 AM
Gunna_girl01 just wanted to show off.

but the thing is that she does realize that among his group of people, the man she is dating IS the looser (in terms of relationship) otherwise he would be datin' hot women his age.

very ironic. here is a girl dating an older man, that makes her look cool among her environment (teens) ... and the man dating a younger girl , that makes him looks lame among his  environment (adults)


Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on January 14, 2006, 09:59:30 PM
Hugh Hefner is a disgusting example of this. He is 80 years old and has 6+ girlfriends old enough to be his grandaughters.

Ughhhh creeps me out. They would not be there if it weren't for the Magazine or Viagra!

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: SumoWrestlerOfBeer on January 14, 2006, 11:52:47 PM
This really couldn't come along at a better time for me, so I'll throw in my $.02.

First off, I'm no evolutionary psychologist (thank God), and I don't believe in gender stereotyping, but men biologically are attracted to young women for purely physical reasons. You are probably more attractive at 20 than at 40. Women, however, have been socialized to look past physical components and to "desire" a man with resources (i.e.--money, stability, etc). As much as this does not apply to me, and as much as I can call bullshit, society expects women to want these things, and they expect men to want "armcandy". These are stereotypes, but they are also archetypes. The Hefner, the know who I'm talking about. If there are a couple things our society holds in great value, it's money and beauty. The saying "You can never be too thin or too rich" is a perfect example.

NOW, that's enough spouting off so-called axiomatic truths. It differs for each relationship, but there is usually some common ground. There's a certain allure for a female to have an older, more experienced/worldly/cultured man. The fact that it's semi taboo can also be intriguing to some women. And if the older guy is someone who society deems important (whether he's rich, famous, in a position of power,whatever) the more interest it gleans. If some 20 year old chick is dating a 35 year old guy with a normal job and nothing "special" about him, of course, people are going to say, "What is she doing with him?" "He's obviously the loser in the relationship", etc. But if it's a young model with an old, fat record executive, no one questions the motivations.

I'm dating someone considerably older than myself, and in the past, have dated older people, and ones the same age. Usually it's because we get along on an intellectual and physical level, regardless of their age. But usually the relationships with older guys are more exciting, if only because there always seems to be more drama. My roommate last semester here at college is dating one of our professors, and I'm dating this local filmmaker that everyone knows. No one finds either of these relationships odd or gross. However, if I was dating Joe Smith, the UPS guy, people would ask questions. Is that fair? No. But that's the way people perceive things.

Of course, these types of relationships enter dangerous territory because often times they are based on men manipulating women because of their position of power, and women manipulating men because of their sexuality. All I can say is, the guy I'm dating loves Guns n' Roses and the Stones, and that's good enough for me.? ?;)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Buddy J.B. on January 17, 2006, 09:01:33 PM
 I would not date a girl young enough to be my daughter or old enough to be my mother.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: nesquick on January 17, 2006, 09:34:53 PM
I'm 24 but it's true I prefer women who are between 20 and 22. fresh and young? 8).

So women's freshness expires after 22?? You're 24, are you still fresh?? :hihi:
I look younger than 24, mainly because I'm healthy. Some people give me 20.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: journey on January 17, 2006, 10:51:34 PM
I'm 24 but it's true I prefer women who are between 20 and 22. fresh and young? 8).

So women's freshness expires after 22?? You're 24, are you still fresh?? :hihi:
I look younger than 24, mainly because I'm healthy. Some people give me 20.

I have never considered 24 to be old.

That's the point I was trying to make. If you're healthy and attractive, then what does it matter? And to be honest, there's not a huge difference between 20 and 24, physically.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Skeletor on January 18, 2006, 05:20:19 AM
I look younger than 24, mainly because I'm healthy. Some people give me 20.

Judging by your opinions and views, someone might even consider you 16 :)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 18, 2006, 06:00:36 AM
I look younger than 24, mainly because I'm healthy. Some people give me 20.

Judging by your opinions and views, someone might even consider you 16 :)

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :hihi: :hihi:  :nervous:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: nesquick on January 18, 2006, 07:29:57 AM
I look younger than 24, mainly because I'm healthy. Some people give me 20.

Judging by your opinions and views, someone might even consider you 16 :)
You eat a clown this morning?  :)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: sandman on January 18, 2006, 02:56:24 PM
another reason this formula works is that men and women of similar ages have very different goals.

for example, the majority of 28 year old women i have ever met or know are actively looking for a mate to go have babies with. nothing wrong with that, it's simple biology. but the typical 28 year old man is enjoying living his life on his own without having to answer to anybody.

That's kind of a misconception and generalization of women.

Most, if not all of my female friends, started having babies in their late teens and very early 20s. I just turned 27 recently and having kids is the last thing I want right now. I want to pursue my career and travel the world before I take on motherhood. And I don't feel like I'm the only twenty-something woman to feel that way. It's different for everyone, I guess.

none of what i say is 100% true, but ON AVERAGE, i believe it to be true.

and your first point actually is in line with what i'm saying. biologically speaking, women are programmed with instincts to reproduce.

your friends having kids in their early 20's shows how much more mature women are than men. i sure don't know any guys in their early 20's that would want (or even be mature enough to handle) kids.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Jessica on January 19, 2006, 02:05:01 PM
Oh i just laughed here...

 ;D ;D ;D

I thought the subject was going to be a rzal shocker, but nope, i thought you would mean a 15 year old ( real young) with someone past 60 years old or something  :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

But nope...

a 17 with a 30+ ?

Well, if both are SINGLE; why not ?

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: noonespecial on January 19, 2006, 06:59:27 PM
"...biologically speaking, women are programmed with instincts to reproduce..."

Biologically programmed? I really don't think programmed is the right word, I get the whole, female body hits a certain age, matures and has the capability to reproduce life..but to say that just because the body reaches this point and to automatically assume that every female now has this "chip switch" go off and wants to spit out human life is gross generalization...not every female has that maternal instinct switch suddenly click on when the blood starts to flow...

Just for the record: not all females are into having babies and stuff like that.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: MCT on January 19, 2006, 07:01:19 PM
I like masturbating. With my left hand.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: avesia on January 19, 2006, 07:11:02 PM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: MCT on January 19, 2006, 07:14:18 PM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

I saw that in a movie once! Cool!

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: MadmanDan on January 20, 2006, 06:02:09 AM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

WOW ! Now that's a bigger age difference that what I had in mind when I started this thread!

My dad was 46 when I was 19....  :o

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on January 20, 2006, 06:36:41 AM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

welcome to trailer park !!

i kid i kid !!! :)

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Krispy Kreme on January 20, 2006, 11:51:42 PM
A lot of it is cultural. In some cultures, age difference is not a big deal at all. In Western cultures, and  especially the US, it is. So take it for what  it is.

At the same time, it is perfectly understandable. Older men have the maturity that younger men do not. And women want stability and someone  to take of them.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Krispy Kreme on January 22, 2006, 12:01:15 AM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

That is sick. Ever hear  of  morality?
I had such a chance last summer and said to myself  this is wrong.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Kujo on January 23, 2006, 02:25:02 PM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

I dont care about the age difference, but if he is one of your teachers isn't there a conflict of interests?

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: avesia on January 23, 2006, 02:30:04 PM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

I dont care about the age difference, but if he is one of your teachers isn't there a conflict of interests?
well :-\....I guess it is... :'(
but nobody else knows about this... :-X

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: avesia on January 23, 2006, 02:33:15 PM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:

I dont care about the age difference, but if he is one of your teachers isn't there a conflict of interests?
well :-\....I guess it is... :'(
but nobody else knows about this... :-X
except a whole god damned message board :rofl: :hihi:

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Kujo on January 23, 2006, 02:33:55 PM
I don't know the situation so I wont rant but if I were him, I would be very nice to her.
All it would take is for your friend to get pissed at him and let the wrong person know whats going on and he is out of a job.

Other than that, if they are happy together, more power to them.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: Acquiesce on January 23, 2006, 03:35:11 PM
They are two consenting adults but I think he is foolish to put his job/career on the line for what is most likely just a fling.

Title: Re: Very young women and older men
Post by: nesquick on January 23, 2006, 04:54:05 PM
My best friend is 19. Her boyfriend is 46 and he just happens to be one of our teachers. I think that's ok...They look great together and they get along just fine.
so...why not? : ok:
19...46?  (