Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: BurningHills on January 06, 2006, 05:08:43 PM

Title: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: BurningHills on January 06, 2006, 05:08:43 PM
Came across this from the Metal Sludge gossip board - and for the record I DO NOT BELIEVE IT ONE BIT:

Wannabe Rocker

Joined: 01 Apr 2005
Posts: 17

 Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:48 am    Post subject:   

but it's sad that most of the great music on Appetit was not played by the guys as they were too wasted...although it's their stuff and they would have been able to do it!

Appetit ROCKS!

And here:

Wannabe Rocker

Joined: 01 Apr 2005
Posts: 17

 Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:50 am    Post subject:   

BD888 wrote:
You're fucking joking right? If that was the case, then why weren't there loads of albums that sounded just like Appetite for Destruction, particularly after it huge success?

If you listen to appetite at any length, part of the lure of it is the drunken drug fuelled sloppy imperfections in the guitar playing.

Of course there is no proof for it, but I heard it from a studio musician who was in business during that time. It happens more often than people and musicians think that the "band" plays stuff in the studio and if the producers/ record company is not satisfied they get a studio pro who plays parts of the recordings while the band is not in the studio.
In case of the Appetite record it was supposed to be mainly parts of the rythmn section ... lead guitars supposed to be Slash.
So the feeling and sound are the guys but basically parts not played by them.
And I just love this response:

Oh, so your source is uh some random guy that once worked in a studio in the 80s?

This is Guns N Fucking Roses we are talking about, it's not Warrant or modern day Kiss. You ever looked at the liner notes in a GNR album, they give credit to any fucker who even walked into the studio during recording. Mike Clink even gets credit for twisting a nut cracker or something. There were NO studio muscians on AFD and world is still round.



Full thread can be viewed here:

Has anyone heard of this before?

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on January 06, 2006, 05:14:36 PM
Thats a new one to me.  You can replicate the music, but you cannot replicate the "style" of the player, meaning you can hear all of the little nuances of the members of the band on Appetite.  Its them, not some bullshit studio musicians.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: ppbebe on January 06, 2006, 05:34:33 PM
:coffee: Were they young Tommy, Chris, bh, brain, Richard, Robin etc by any chance?
And they ended up joining GNR officially later on?

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: 2NaFish on January 06, 2006, 05:44:46 PM
absolute bullshit.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Christos AG on January 06, 2006, 05:47:17 PM
That was really stupid.

All the music was pure GN'R.

Mike Clink was even lucky to be there...

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 06, 2006, 05:49:41 PM
:coffee: Were they young Tommy, Chris, bh, brain, Richard, Robin etc by any chance?
And they ended up joining GNR officially later on?
Once again Ppbebe, you've solved the puzzle. :hihi: Seriously though, I cant believe people keep responding to these types of lame rumours. Pretty soon, the only album GNR will get credit for is TSI. :hihi:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Timmy on January 06, 2006, 06:14:08 PM
yes, appetit does rock...


Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: BurningHills on January 06, 2006, 06:50:09 PM
Before anyone starts pointing fingers in my direction -


I found it on the Metal Sludge board and found it to be bullshit, if not an interesting topic. So don't point fingers in my fucking direction without reading the post- you dig?

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: 2NaFish on January 06, 2006, 07:25:06 PM
easy on the ol' defensiveness there Chet. Nobody was pointing any fingers in your direction.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Christos AG on January 06, 2006, 07:55:09 PM
easy on the ol' defensiveness there Chet. Nobody was pointing any fingers in your direction.

That's why he says BEFORE...  :hihi:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: 2NaFish on January 06, 2006, 08:12:15 PM
ah, a pre-emptive defensive strike. very american (dear god, that was a joke).

Well, i'm thinking about starting a rumour in a few weeks time. I should really make a thread tonite telling people to not bash me when it comes.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: nesquick on January 06, 2006, 08:13:33 PM
ah, a pre-emptive defensive strike. very american (dear god, that was a joke).

Well, i'm thinking about starting a rumour in a few weeks time. I should really make a thread tonite telling people to not bash me when it comes.
is it about the album?  ;)

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Christos AG on January 06, 2006, 08:14:05 PM
ah, a pre-emptive defensive strike. very american (dear god, that was a joke).

Well, i'm thinking about starting a rumour in a few weeks time. I should really make a thread tonite telling people to not bash me when it comes.

cmon, give the guy a break...

at least he didnt make it up... :smoking:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: 2NaFish on January 06, 2006, 08:19:14 PM
ah, a pre-emptive defensive strike. very american (dear god, that was a joke).

Well, i'm thinking about starting a rumour in a few weeks time. I should really make a thread tonite telling people to not bash me when it comes.
is it about the album? ;)

Its rumoured to be a rumour about the album, but i haven't made it up yet so i can't be certain.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Christos AG on January 06, 2006, 08:25:00 PM
ah, a pre-emptive defensive strike. very american (dear god, that was a joke).

Well, i'm thinking about starting a rumour in a few weeks time. I should really make a thread tonite telling people to not bash me when it comes.
is it about the album? ;)

Its rumoured to be a rumour about the album, but i haven't made it up yet so i can't be certain.

Can't it be about Axl's new hairstyle?

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on January 06, 2006, 10:30:19 PM
Damn, no one could have taken Slash, Izzy, Steven, or Duff's place thats impossible! Still no one can replace them...  :P

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Jonathan on January 06, 2006, 10:34:33 PM
This is the most stupid "rumour" so far.

It seems like it has been much talk about many "rumours" after the Slash thing or am I wrong?

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: DunkinDave on January 06, 2006, 11:14:52 PM
Its them, not some bullshit studio musicians.

Fortus made his career out of being a studio musician.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: patvalley on January 06, 2006, 11:19:17 PM
All I know is that I've heard most of "Izzy's playing" on AFD was actually Slash, simply because Izzy was too fucked up to play sometimes. which kinda explains why the two guitars work so well with eachother. Izzy actually had to learn a few of his parts off of the record.
I'm not going to get started by saying where/who I heard this from, but here it is, take it as you will..I still don't even believe this one but  :-X  : ok:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: the dirt on January 06, 2006, 11:24:13 PM
All I know is that I've heard most of "Izzy's playing" on AFD was actually Slash, simply because Izzy was too fucked up to play sometimes.

The same is said of the UYI's. I heard it was because Izzy was too lazy, not necessarily because he was too fucked up.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: AxlFink on January 07, 2006, 12:46:45 AM
i heard its just duff that couldnt play.  i dont think its true though.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on January 07, 2006, 02:24:20 AM
Just another drunken, stoned posting from Metal-Sludge. Nothing to care about

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Butch Français on January 07, 2006, 12:15:00 PM
Before anyone starts pointing fingers in my direction -


I found it on the Metal Sludge board and found it to be bullshit, if not an interesting topic. So don't point fingers in my fucking direction without reading the post- you dig?

what direction are you? Im not quite sure which way to point my finger :hihi:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 07, 2006, 01:12:24 PM
There have been rumors about "ghosts" on appetite for a long time.  Many will say, "Have you ever heard slash play sweet child solo live and paradise city solo live, never sounds exactly like the album."  Well, there is not doubt it is all Slash.  Just listen to the phrasing he does on his guitar.  Its without a doubt him.  The solo on Sweet Child is focking unbelievable and it is something that probably took him a ton of times to get right for the album.  But in the studio, you have so many chances to get it right.  And at the end of Paradise city his is blazing, maybe Slash's fastest stuff, but it is still Slash's style.  Again, I just think he had times to play it over and over in the studio till he got it perfect.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: WARose on January 07, 2006, 05:36:36 PM
There have been rumors about "ghosts" on appetite for a long time.? Many will say, "Have you ever heard slash play sweet child solo live and paradise city solo live, never sounds exactly like the album."? Well, there is not doubt it is all Slash.? Just listen to the phrasing he does on his guitar.? Its without a doubt him.? The solo on Sweet Child is focking unbelievable and it is something that probably took him a ton of times to get right for the album.? But in the studio, you have so many chances to get it right.? And at the end of Paradise city his is blazing, maybe Slash's fastest stuff, but it is still Slash's style.? Again, I just think he had times to play it over and over in the studio till he got it perfect.

i don?t remember where i read it, but appetite was actually recorded with max. 3 takes a song

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: fear the juggalo on January 08, 2006, 06:13:37 AM
i've heard this rumor also. i was talking to the guitarist of hollywood roses (gn'r cover band) & i asked him why he doesnt play the fast solo at the end of paradise city, he said " thats not even slash, thats a hired guitarist". he said the guys name, but i cant remember who he said. i still think it is slash, but that dude says no. & if you get the chance check them out, they are pretty good.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Jonathan on January 08, 2006, 06:50:00 AM
This is ridicioulus....

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Stevenson on January 08, 2006, 03:11:47 PM
Ive heard this before to. An example of this supposed studio guitarist can be heard on Nightrain. If you listen to the solo's theres all sorts of pinch harmonics thrown in, a technique which slash never seems to use at-all.

Personaly though I think its bullshit. You have to remember 3 things when people say random crap like this.

1)In the studio as someone else rightly pointed out, you have infinite takes on a certain guitar part etc unlike live where you have that one chance. You screw up or you dont. You also have the beuty of layering guitar parts to create seamless play.

2)Lets not forget, when these songs were being played live, for alot of the time the band were so fucked out there mind i was surprised they could even hold guitars never mind play them and trust me, I play guitar and have played wasted countless times and believe me, its goddam hard :)

3)Yeah sure Slash/Izzy/Duff might have screwed up from time to time live, not surprising given the amount they drank/smoked/injected. But for everytime they screwed up there were times when they took the playing on the record and took it to another level. Live improvisations and variations which blew people away.

Not to mention Slash is the man  :yes:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Jonx on January 08, 2006, 03:31:26 PM
Sounds like crap to me, no band ever plays a song note for note when they play live. Listen to any live recording of Stairway to Heaven! The band had been playing the songs on Appetite for years before they lay them down in the studio, hence the "recorded in three takes" comment. I highly doubt they needed studio musicians, i think they would have credited them aswell if they did use them, since they went out there to credit the "fucking engineer" who just pressed record while Axl screwed a prostitue for Rocket Queen! A session musician deserves more credit than that!

When you listen to Appetite, there are three guitars on the majority of songs. They recorded the album with just Slash and Izzy but the songs came out sounding like something was missing.... So Slash went back in and added in a third guitar part on most of the songs. My memory is a bit hazy on this but i think in some cases a fourth and fifth guitar part were added, i may be wrong on this but if memory serves, Sweet Child has numerous guitar parts at certain parts of the song!

This is one of the reasons Axl got three guitarists when he revamped the lineup. The Songs were recorded with three guitar parts so it made sense to get three guitarists in order to pull the songs off properly, something i think he should keep despite Bucketheads departure!

There is also the fact that while in the studio Clink operated a strict no drugs policy. He wouldnt allow any of the members to be strung out while they were meant to be recording. Drink was allowed but no hard drugs. As Stevenson pointed out it is fucking difficult to play while wasted............. no matter how good Slash may be while hes on drugs. If anyone wants any further proof go and download the Farm Aid performance of Civil War, the band at the height of their F**KED period. The playing is horrible, Adler is screwed up (his last performance i believe) and the band have no timing whatsoever!

They didnt use studio musicians, there was no need!


Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: AxlFink on January 09, 2006, 11:47:37 AM
robin fink actually played on AFD.  it wasnt slash or izzy. j/k but  seriously... robin plays scom so much better live.  he has a better cleaner tone and plays it so smooth.  on the live dvds scom sounds so bad.  then listen to the msg bootleg with fink playing it. 

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: CAFC Nick on January 09, 2006, 11:58:23 AM
Robin Finck's cover of SCoM is nothing compared to Slash.

First and has no soul. The SCoM riff and solo were all Slash's compositions. No disrespect to Robin's guitar playing but a cover of some work never sounds as good as the original in my honest opinion.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on January 09, 2006, 12:02:22 PM
Its them, not some bullshit studio musicians.

Fortus made his career out of being a studio musician.

Congratulations for taking my quote WAY out of context.  Do you work for the New York Times? ::)

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: ppbebe on January 09, 2006, 01:25:15 PM
The SCoM riff and solo were all Slash's compositions.

And Slash doesn't really like it... ::)

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Jonx on January 09, 2006, 02:11:32 PM
robin fink actually played on AFD.  it wasnt slash or izzy. j/k but  seriously... robin plays scom so much better live.  he has a better cleaner tone and plays it so smooth.  on the live dvds scom sounds so bad.  then listen to the msg bootleg with fink playing it. 

Buenos Aires, Argentina 16-07-1993, check out Sweet Child Of Mine. Personally i think the tone Robin uses sounds like complete shit!


Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: jmapelian on January 09, 2006, 04:20:32 PM
Not taking anythig from the new band members as i guess they are good musicians but i hate the way they play the AFD stuff from the boots I've for the rumors....this is the 1st i heard of them

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: BD888 on January 09, 2006, 09:19:54 PM
If I'm going to get quoted, atleast quote me right!  You mixed my posts with that nutcase!

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 09, 2006, 09:46:39 PM
There have been rumors about "ghosts" on appetite for a long time.? Many will say, "Have you ever heard slash play sweet child solo live and paradise city solo live, never sounds exactly like the album."? Well, there is not doubt it is all Slash.? Just listen to the phrasing he does on his guitar.? Its without a doubt him.? The solo on Sweet Child is focking unbelievable and it is something that probably took him a ton of times to get right for the album.? But in the studio, you have so many chances to get it right.? And at the end of Paradise city his is blazing, maybe Slash's fastest stuff, but it is still Slash's style.? Again, I just think he had times to play it over and over in the studio till he got it perfect.

i don?t remember where i read it, but appetite was actually recorded with max. 3 takes a song

WARose, you are wrong.  The rythym sections were all recorded in three takes.  The solo's were done later.  Ya, slash played them live with the band, but went back to get them write.  He also added the intro to Sweet Child O'mine after they recorded most of the song.  Slash actually had to count back the measures from Axl's lyrics to know when to start playing so that it ended up right.  Remember, they didn't have pro tools back then.  DIDN'T ANYONE HERE BUY THE GUITAR ONE TRIBUTE TO APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION THAT CAME OUT JUNE 2002?  It tells all about the recording process.  But yes, they were live takes, and the solo's were put in later.  I think the same could be true for vocals.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: GNRBABY on January 10, 2006, 07:03:58 PM
Came across this from the Metal Sludge gossip board - and for the record I DO NOT BELIEVE IT ONE BIT:

Wannabe Rocker

Joined: 01 Apr 2005
Posts: 17

 Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:48 am? ? Post subject:? ?

but it's sad that most of the great music on Appetit was not played by the guys as they were too wasted...although it's their stuff and they would have been able to do it!

Appetit ROCKS!

And here:

Wannabe Rocker

Joined: 01 Apr 2005
Posts: 17

 Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:50 am? ? Post subject:? ?

BD888 wrote:
You're fucking joking right? If that was the case, then why weren't there loads of albums that sounded just like Appetite for Destruction, particularly after it huge success?

If you listen to appetite at any length, part of the lure of it is the drunken drug fuelled sloppy imperfections in the guitar playing.

Of course there is no proof for it, but I heard it from a studio musician who was in business during that time. It happens more often than people and musicians think that the "band" plays stuff in the studio and if the producers/ record company is not satisfied they get a studio pro who plays parts of the recordings while the band is not in the studio.
In case of the Appetite record it was supposed to be mainly parts of the rythmn section ... lead guitars supposed to be Slash.
So the feeling and sound are the guys but basically parts not played by them.
And I just love this response:

Oh, so your source is uh some random guy that once worked in a studio in the 80s?

This is Guns N Fucking Roses we are talking about, it's not Warrant or modern day Kiss. You ever looked at the liner notes in a GNR album, they give credit to any fucker who even walked into the studio during recording. Mike Clink even gets credit for twisting a nut cracker or something. There were NO studio muscians on AFD and world is still round.



Full thread can be viewed here:

Has anyone heard of this before?

This whole Idea is nothing more than a steaming pile of BULLSHIT ::).....I don't belivie that for a minuate. Its like that rumor where Stephen King has ghost writters do his books- BULLSHIT! :rant:


Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on January 10, 2006, 07:38:37 PM
The SCoM riff and solo were all Slash's compositions.

And Slash doesn't really like it... ::)

Remember Slash, said that first the riff was something like a joke for him, but with the pass of time he liked it.   : ok:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 11, 2006, 03:17:57 PM
The basic tracks were Izzy, Duff, and Steven.  Slash didn't have his tone yet, so he put his on later.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: WARose on January 11, 2006, 03:43:25 PM
There have been rumors about "ghosts" on appetite for a long time.  Many will say, "Have you ever heard slash play sweet child solo live and paradise city solo live, never sounds exactly like the album."  Well, there is not doubt it is all Slash.  Just listen to the phrasing he does on his guitar.  Its without a doubt him.  The solo on Sweet Child is focking unbelievable and it is something that probably took him a ton of times to get right for the album.  But in the studio, you have so many chances to get it right.  And at the end of Paradise city his is blazing, maybe Slash's fastest stuff, but it is still Slash's style.  Again, I just think he had times to play it over and over in the studio till he got it perfect.

i don?t remember where i read it, but appetite was actually recorded with max. 3 takes a song

WARose, you are wrong.  The rythym sections were all recorded in three takes.  The solo's were done later.  Ya, slash played them live with the band, but went back to get them write.  He also added the intro to Sweet Child O'mine after they recorded most of the song.  Slash actually had to count back the measures from Axl's lyrics to know when to start playing so that it ended up right.  Remember, they didn't have pro tools back then.  DIDN'T ANYONE HERE BUY THE  THAT CAME OUT JUNE 2002?  It tells all about the recording process.  But yes, they were live takes, and the solo's were put in later.  I think the same could be true for vocals.

yeah i wasn`t sure about that.....   but i guess in your "GUITAR ONE TRIBUTE TO APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION"  was nothing written about some sutdio musicians right? :hihi:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: ppbebe on January 11, 2006, 04:54:43 PM
Remember Slash, said that first the riff was something like a joke for him, but with the pass of time he liked it.   : ok:

Yeah I remember what he said was to the effect that he still didn't really like it very much but he loved the audiences reaction to it. :yes:

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: gabble on January 11, 2006, 06:10:34 PM
That's an old rumor rehashed from band to band.  I think the first band I ever heard it attributed to was Aerosmith (for their debut album).

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Smoking Guns on January 11, 2006, 07:11:43 PM
Aerosmith does have studio muscians.  That is a fact.  U2 has guitar players on the side of the stage.  Steve Lukather played solo's for CC Deville.  But nobody played Slash's.  Nobody has any proof anyway.  I mean, he played hard stuff in latter albums with no "ghosts" so why would he have "ghosts" then?  Its focking Slash!  Its not like there was a bunch of tapping or anything crazy.  It was all pretty straight forward.

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on January 11, 2006, 09:28:10 PM
Yep, Slash is slash. 12 hours a day of practicing.  8)

Title: Re: Rumors of GN'R using studio musicians?
Post by: McDuff on January 12, 2006, 01:13:15 AM
absolute bullshit.

I Agree,I'm a musician and anyway I think most of us know that there's no way in hell anyone could play like the guys could,I don't care what anyone says,there's no way in hell they used studio musicians on AFD.