Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Mysteron on January 04, 2006, 05:50:07 PM

Title: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 04, 2006, 05:50:07 PM
An interesting topic people have mentioned

If you come across any pro-gnr DJ's, mention them here. It could be a useful tool in the future

You could also mention any negative DJ's too. Separate the wheat from the chaff

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Dont Try Me on January 04, 2006, 05:52:36 PM
including djs from outside the US?

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: killingvector on January 04, 2006, 05:53:35 PM
WCCC Hartford-All Negative
Howard Stern-Negative
Jerry Remy-broadcaster NESN-negative

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 04, 2006, 05:54:29 PM
including djs from outside the US?


Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Nytunz on January 04, 2006, 05:56:12 PM

How come this be usefull? Explane please?  :peace:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Dont Try Me on January 04, 2006, 05:57:15 PM
WCCC Hartford-All Negative
Howard Stern-Negative
Jerry Remy-broadcaster NESN-negative

but.....ze thing izzz.... ?I expect an attitude turnaround from the dj's who now are negative towards the new guns once the new album comes out anyways.....we know it will rock.....? :D

moreover they would all say yes if Axl called them saying he would do an interview with is band......and any interview would happen on Axl's terms anyways....

it's an interesting topic this one

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 04, 2006, 05:58:27 PM

How come this be usefull? Explane please?? :peace:

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Nytunz on January 04, 2006, 06:00:22 PM

How come this be usefull? Explane please?? :peace:

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

Ahh! Now i get it mate!
Then this thread was a pretty good idea.. Ill try to get someone from Norway!:D

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: NickNasty on January 04, 2006, 06:06:29 PM
If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

I undertsand this and the point of the thread, but the fact is that most (not all, in deference to those who migh hold this profession who post here) DJs are ball-washers and toadies who will shit on a guy when he's down and slobber all over him when he has something to promote-they all want to be close to actual talented people because they are not-point being most of the djs in major markets will roll over like dogs if axl says he'll talk to them in any capacity-because the company and their own generally slavish character will make them.

That said, in terms of nationally-recoginzed djs, I think eddie trunk has been postive on axl-he leaked IRS, sure, but there was no hostility involved in it and he praised it alot.

Howard Stern slagged on the VMA performance but he and his crew gave props to Axl after MSG-so im not sure where he totally stands.

Rikki Rachtman has usually been positive on Axl.

Most of the Djs here in the major radio stations in Massachusetts have shat on Axl-WAAF, WBCN, Lazer 99.3--so put them all in the negative column!

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: a. on January 04, 2006, 06:22:42 PM
DJ's on CJAY 92 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada have always been very supportive of Guns N' Roses in any form over the years, especially the new band. Every time I hear them play a GN'R song they always wish/beg for new material by GN'R.

The Revelator.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: the dirt on January 04, 2006, 06:30:01 PM
WCCC Hartford-All Negative
Howard Stern-Negative
Jerry Remy-broadcaster NESN-negative

PRO new GNR, man, Pro.

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

At this point I wouldn't give a shit anymore.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: BurningHills on January 04, 2006, 06:39:56 PM
I'm pro Nu-GN'R and a DJ  ;D

Yeah, its only college radio, but still!  : ok:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Lady Livin on January 04, 2006, 06:43:36 PM
That guy who was just interviewing Slash with the March release seems Pro.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Scabbie on January 04, 2006, 06:45:58 PM
Laurence Guest, Kerrang Radio

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on January 04, 2006, 06:49:43 PM
If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

At this point I wouldn't give a shit anymore.

I wouldnt either, but never underestimate the desire to want softballs lobbed at you.  What's your favorite color, dirt?  ;D

I think Kevin & Bean from KROQ would be polite to Axl should he ever talk to them.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 04, 2006, 07:00:58 PM
G, John Moran, Nancy Slater, and the morning crew - Shadoe & Taz from Kingston's K Rock 105.7 have been supportive of Guns N' Roses since the station came onto the airwaves almost 5 years ago. Any news tidbits concerning Chinese Democracy are always reported on the News @ 9 anytime Ive ever been listening. I used to call John every few weeks ago to compare notes as to what was going on with GnR in regards to him maybe having heard something, but the thing is, DJs get most of their shit from the net, like the guy even told me hes plugged some stuff from this site.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jimmythegent on January 04, 2006, 07:03:46 PM
Perhaps it would be best to seek out reasoning/rational/neutral DJs and press? As opposed to pro or anti or whatever. The job of the press is to inform in a neutral fashion - youre not going to get the best story or interview from an asskisser who only asks easy or soft questions

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Colt 1911 on January 04, 2006, 07:10:21 PM
WCCC Hartford-All Negative
Howard Stern-Negative
Jerry Remy-broadcaster NESN-negative

wccc is the last good rock station in CT bro.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: the dirt on January 04, 2006, 07:17:48 PM
If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

At this point I wouldn't give a shit anymore.

I wouldnt either, but never underestimate the desire to want softballs lobbed at you.?

True enough...

What's your favorite color, dirt?? ;D

Even so, I'm not going to answer this. My aura of mystique will have to suffice. 8)

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: AXL 20 on January 04, 2006, 07:34:15 PM
WCCC Hartford-All Negative
Howard Stern-Negative
Jerry Remy-broadcaster NESN-negative

wccc is the last good rock station in CT bro.

do get springfield rock station 99.1? I find taht better than wccc. All wcc plays is like staind crap and nu-metal and what not. if you're lucky they play juingle or paradise city

i've gotten SCOM on the river (which sucks)

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: GypsySoul on January 04, 2006, 07:48:18 PM
Not that I think that Axl needs any help finding DJs he'd want to give interviews to but the obvious one would be Tommy's friend Joe Sib from Indie 103.1 Complete Control


DJ:? And you were saying off the air that he's ah... Axl's is just being great to you... just taking care of you.

TOMMY:? Absolutely!? And I wanna... Totally...

DJ:? Good guy?

TOMMY:? Very good guy.? He's good to me.

DJ:? Can we get him on my show?? Could he come on?? Axl Rose/Joe Sib hangin' out...

TOMMY:? I don't know.? I'll drop it in his ear, dude.

DJ:? Could you do that?

TOMMY:? I could try.

DJ:? I could tell you right now... If I brought Axl Rose on Complete Control I would have to wear a diaper!

TOMMY:? (Laughs)

DJ:? Dude... I would trip out because... I mean Guns N' Rose, man.? That was like... dude, you remember... I had long hair.? I even dyed it blonde, I think, for a little while man.? I was into it... seriously.

TOMMY:? (Laughs)? Oh you're bustin' me right now... gonna make me pee in my pants.

end quote

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Falcon on January 04, 2006, 07:58:08 PM

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

No offense, but are you fucking kidding me?

Drawing battle lines with DJ's of influence who might not have been sypathetic/supportive is absolute idiocy.?

He better man up and take on all comers, the main goal is to get the music heard and then let the chips fall where they may.?

Minds can be changed, perceptions can't.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Colt 1911 on January 04, 2006, 07:59:48 PM
i listen to the rock 106.98 but yea every now n then i puton 99.1 and 99.9 107.3 is ok but i love 106 they play a ton of kick ass music. And its all rock a lot of new and a lot of old. The dj's can be funny somtimes too.

But they do play a lot of gnr mostly at night like around 5pm - 11 ive heard it a lot but then they stoped and started again.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: RnT on January 04, 2006, 08:11:01 PM
well, in Brazil all the rock n roll radio stations in S?o Paulo that I know will be pleased to talk to Axl when he come back, I mean, jokes about the new album are not "news" for a Guns fan and I think Axl hymself knows that

btw, if it will end like the street team thing, people will become to get exciting, starting some revolutions pro GNR and then... you know... errr  :drool:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Chief on January 04, 2006, 08:15:48 PM
Jim Ladd - 95.5 KLOS - Los Angeles

He's interviewed Slash and seems to dig the band and plays a good bit of them on his show sometimes.  In fact he's probably one of the last DJ's who actually is creative with his sets and doesn't play all that many radio "standards".
Seems like there are at least 1 or 2 more that are pro GNR, including I think the guy who does the "7th day" program on sundays where they play full albums, but I can't remember their names for sure right now.
Also, I've heard GNR on the live concerts program where they did played part of the Paris 92 show and the Ritz 88 show sometime in the past year.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Charity Case on January 04, 2006, 08:36:55 PM
The morning show on Orlando's 101.1 ( is called The Fiasco.  The three DJs' names are Taco Bob, Pat Lynch and Lana.  Lana used to be a GNR groupie and talks about it all the time.  She loves GNR.  The other two have had only good things to say about Axl as well.

On another note, they have an afternoon DJ whose name is Buckethead.  He love GNR too.

I have to agree with the poster above though, these seems ridiculous to me.  Just interview with the big stations regardless of how they feel about you.  The music needs to do the talking man.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jimmythegent on January 04, 2006, 09:38:16 PM

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

No offense, but are you fucking kidding me?

Drawing battle lines with DJ's of influence who might not have been sypathetic/supportive is absolute idiocy.?

He better man up and take on all comers, the main goal is to get the music heard and then let the chips fall where they may.?

Minds can be changed, perceptions can't.

my point exactly - someone please address this

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 04, 2006, 09:53:12 PM
Perhaps it would be best to seek out reasoning/rational/neutral DJs and press? As opposed to pro or anti or whatever. The job of the press is to inform in a neutral fashion - youre not going to get the best story or interview from an asskisser who only asks easy or soft questions
Good point. : ok: I dont really wanna hear a line of questioning like "Hey Axl, whats your favorite color?". If Axl cant answer the tough questions, I recommend that he doesn't do interviews.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: RichardNixon on January 04, 2006, 10:45:16 PM
If the new CD comes out and Axl makes the round, pretty much all the DJ's will be pro-Axl, they're pretty fickle that way. I live around Boston and for the record WAAF sucks big fat hairy monkey nuts. But as soon as as Axl comes around, they'll stop sucking Godsmack and Creed's dick for 10 minutes and give Axl a blow.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: mega_music on January 04, 2006, 10:53:37 PM
I am a Announcer for WTNS FM 99.3 Coshocton Ohio. Covering east central Ohio. Every night at 11 during my shift (sun thru fri) I end the night with a Guns N Roses song. I am known around the area as the Guns N Roses guy.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Pandora on January 05, 2006, 06:11:27 AM
In France, the band should talk to Francis Zegut on RTL2. He leans a little more on the Slash side and doesn't kiss ass, but he's extremely fair and has a vast knowledge in all types of music (unlike most DJs). He also works for cable TV.

As for the US, I've said it before and I'll say it again : they should do Rockline with Bob Coburn. Smart guy with relevant questions.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Izzy on January 05, 2006, 08:25:16 AM

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

No offense, but are you fucking kidding me?

Drawing battle lines with DJ's of influence who might not have been sypathetic/supportive is absolute idiocy.?

He better man up and take on all comers, the main goal is to get the music heard and then let the chips fall where they may.?

Minds can be changed, perceptions can't.

Indeed very strange - Axl needs to grow a pair if he can't handle a few DJ's who make jokes (invariable about his cowardly nature)

Also, I find all this a little suspect, I seem to remember 'street teams' as another task we were set to do.

Only so much a fan can accept before it seems like they are being played for fools

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Pandora on January 05, 2006, 08:40:24 AM
Maybe Mysteron didn't word his question right. IMO, it's not really a matter of being pro or anti GN'R, but rather being professional and fair people who know what they're talking about. I'm sure Axl wouldn't necessarily like a DJ to kiss his ass, but I can also understand why he wouldn't want to talk to stupid hacks, even if they're influential in the radio business.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: coondogg on January 05, 2006, 09:17:57 AM

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

No offense, but are you fucking kidding me?

Drawing battle lines with DJ's of influence who might not have been sypathetic/supportive is absolute idiocy.?

He better man up and take on all comers, the main goal is to get the music heard and then let the chips fall where they may.?

Minds can be changed, perceptions can't.

That was exactly what I thought when I read that. If true, it could show just how fragile his mental state is now. If he can't take any anit-GNR talk, he might as well just stay locked up in house like he has been.

Also, what makes anyone think he's going to listen to what any of us have to say about DJs? When was the last time he listened to or showed that he cared for any fans? Hell, he couldn't even answer/respond to the ten questions from a year or two ago. Now he's looking for advise from us? Hell fuckin' no he's not. Considering what happened with the street teams, I'm really staring to question what mysteron is doing.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: redarmy76 on January 05, 2006, 09:18:39 AM
Up here in Canada, 97.7 Hitz FM have always been pro-GNR, they play alot of their music and most of the DJ's are pretty good about reporting the rumours that we see, but are quick to mention that they are just that, rumours.

It seems that in general, GNR have a pretty good following up here, and I'm sure the response to the new album will be great

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: nesquick on January 05, 2006, 09:20:49 AM
Philippe Manoeuvre!? :hihi:
More seriously, Francis Zegut is probably the best Rock Journalist in France, he is really great, serious, professional, he is the French Kurt Loder. He has a great reputation here in France. Definitely the best here.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: DeN on January 05, 2006, 09:31:21 AM
i know personaly Francis Zegut and he was (i think he stills in his heart) a huge Guns N'Roses fan.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: NickNasty on January 05, 2006, 04:00:56 PM

As for the US, I've said it before and I'll say it again : they should do Rockline with Bob Coburn. Smart guy with relevant questions

Man how did I forget Rockline? That should definetly be a stop on the press junket---Coburn has a vast rock knolwedge!

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Wooody on January 05, 2006, 04:06:20 PM
is this thread supposed to give us hope ? like mysteron is collecting info and handin it to axls management  ::)

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: providman on January 05, 2006, 04:16:50 PM

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

No offense, but are you fucking kidding me?

Drawing battle lines with DJ's of influence who might not have been sypathetic/supportive is absolute idiocy.?

He better man up and take on all comers, the main goal is to get the music heard and then let the chips fall where they may.?

Minds can be changed, perceptions can't.

Spot on, as usual. Axl is going to need these DJs a lot more than they need him.

You're a funny guy, Mysteron. What, do you think that somehow it's some sort of "reward" to be granted an interview with Axl Rose? Maybe to some podunk nobody DJ but to the Howard Sterns, Jim Ladds, etc... of the world? Yea, right.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: DOASHK on January 05, 2006, 04:37:10 PM
101.1 the wrif in detroit is pro

cept they already did an interview with axl in 2002

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 05, 2006, 05:23:13 PM

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

No offense, but are you fucking kidding me?

Drawing battle lines with DJ's of influence who might not have been sypathetic/supportive is absolute idiocy.?

He better man up and take on all comers, the main goal is to get the music heard and then let the chips fall where they may.?

Minds can be changed, perceptions can't.

Spot on, as usual. Axl is going to need these DJs a lot more than they need him.

You're a funny guy, Mysteron. What, do you think that somehow it's some sort of "reward" to be granted an interview with Axl Rose? Maybe to some podunk nobody DJ but to the Howard Sterns, Jim Ladds, etc... of the world? Yea, right.

Advice from people who think they stand above everything and everyone is not necessary. Any offered 'greater philosophies' are old hat, so please don't downgrade this thread with said shite.

It is merely interesting to know who is thinking what at this time.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: a. on January 05, 2006, 05:45:51 PM
Mysteron - I believe most of the thoughts right now are "what is going on?" It's hard to judge what DJ's are really thinking unless we get some "word" of some sort from Guns Management and/or Axl Rose. A lot of DJ's are relying on what they hear from word of mouth and the Internet to come up with their baseless BS comments. This topic might better be asked once we have some official word. That then will bring out those from the woodwork who deserve to interview Axl Rose.

The rest of you - I think what Mysteron is asking here has been side-swiped in the wrong direction, and thus another reason why messageboards are given that false sense of security/hope/information. I think the best would be for people only to respond with relevant information on the question asked. Let's get the best possible information to Mysteron so decisions can be made appropriately. There's a reason we're being asked for this help, so let's not fuck that up.


Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 05, 2006, 05:58:37 PM
Mysteron - I believe most of the thoughts right now are "what is going on?" It's hard to judge what DJ's are really thinking unless we get some "word" of some sort from Guns Management and/or Axl Rose. A lot of DJ's are relying on what they hear from word of mouth and the Internet to come up with their baseless BS comments. This topic might better be asked once we have some official word. That then will bring out those from the woodwork who deserve to interview Axl Rose.

The rest of you - I think what Mysteron is asking here has been side-swiped in the wrong direction, and thus another reason why messageboards are given that false sense of security/hope/information. I think the best would be for people only to respond with relevant information on the question asked. Let's get the best possible information to Mysteron so decisions can be made appropriately. There's a reason we're being asked for this help, so let's not fuck that up.


People just want to analyse everything I say/that is said down to smallest quark. It's pointless and stupid

I'm asking a flippant question. That is all. Some answers could prove useful, but then again, maybe they will not. If you french connection it up with some poigniant humor. Cool. But the analysis and advice is silly and useless

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: a. on January 05, 2006, 06:06:29 PM
Mysteron - I believe most of the thoughts right now are "what is going on?" It's hard to judge what DJ's are really thinking unless we get some "word" of some sort from Guns Management and/or Axl Rose. A lot of DJ's are relying on what they hear from word of mouth and the Internet to come up with their baseless BS comments. This topic might better be asked once we have some official word. That then will bring out those from the woodwork who deserve to interview Axl Rose.

The rest of you - I think what Mysteron is asking here has been side-swiped in the wrong direction, and thus another reason why messageboards are given that false sense of security/hope/information. I think the best would be for people only to respond with relevant information on the question asked. Let's get the best possible information to Mysteron so decisions can be made appropriately. There's a reason we're being asked for this help, so let's not fuck that up.


People just want to analyse everything I say/that is said down to smallest quark. It's pointless and stupid

I'm asking a flippant question. That is all. Some answers could prove useful, but then again, maybe they will not. If you french connection it up with some poigniant humor. Cool. But the analysis and advice is silly and useless

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to analyse anything or try to say that what you're asking is ruthless and unwarranted. All I'm saying is that you might get some better responses from some of the people here if they had some actual information to go on. Some of the people here take everything you say as "god-like" because you've proven yourself as the only reliable source outside of management and Axl Rose that's consistent. That's all, don't take my post the wrong way. :)

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: RnT on January 05, 2006, 06:25:43 PM
1. Interview with the fans first, us here in HTGTH that stuck with him and GNR all this years (and others foruns too )


2. All the dj?s that people will mention that probably "likes" Axl


3. All the others

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Falcon on January 05, 2006, 06:29:28 PM
Advice from people who think they stand above everything and everyone is not necessary. Any offered 'greater philosophies' are old hat, so please don't downgrade this thread with said shite.

Again, no offense... but the premise of the thread is a bit off. ?The whole "let's find the nice DJ's for Axl to talk to" is just silly.

It is merely interesting to know who is thinking what at this time

Sure it is, although limiting responses to Pro Axl/New GNR DJ's tends to send the wrong message.? The general perception of Axl (at least stateside) isn't exactly positive these days,?no reason to perpetuate that perception by making pleas to only Axl/New GNR friendly media.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on January 05, 2006, 06:32:12 PM
1. Interview with the fans first, us here in HTGTH that stuck with him and GNR all this years (and others foruns too )


2. All the dj?s that people will mention that probably "likes" Axl


3. All the others

Best post I've read all day. : ok:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 05, 2006, 06:42:07 PM
Advice from people who think they stand above everything and everyone is not necessary. Any offered 'greater philosophies' are old hat, so please don't downgrade this thread with said shite.

Again, no offense... but the premise of the thread is a bit off. ?The whole "let's find the nice DJ's for Axl to talk to" is just silly.

It is merely interesting to know who is thinking what at this time

Sure it is, although limiting responses to Pro Axl/New GNR DJ's tends to send the wrong message.? The general perception of Axl (at least stateside) isn't exactly positive these days,?no reason to perpetuate that perception by making pleas to only Axl/New GNR friendly media.

But did I ask for people to analyse the question? No.

I'm being flippant and relaxed in my wording. Please stop challenging and analysing, if that is ok.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Evolution on January 05, 2006, 06:45:03 PM
Radio One in the UK usually do speak of GNR and Axl positively. Biggest British station too, so well worth popping for a chat.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 05, 2006, 06:45:39 PM
1. Interview with the fans first, us here in HTGTH that stuck with him and GNR all this years (and others foruns too )


2. All the dj?s that people will mention that probably "likes" Axl


3. All the others

If an interview with the fans doesn't happen, I'll be quite disappointed

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Evolution on January 05, 2006, 06:47:54 PM
Should get Axl to register. I can see the Axl interview thread in my head  ;)

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 05, 2006, 06:49:23 PM
If an interview with the fans doesn't happen, I'll be quite disappointed

If an interview doesn't happen with the fans, I'll be more than disappointed, I'll be super pissed.

I mean were the ones who have stuck by Axl all these years, think or thin, and Tommy sat down with Jarmo not to long ago as well...

Were certainly not professional DJs but by God we'll treat Axl alright...

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Falcon on January 05, 2006, 06:52:05 PM

But did I ask for people to analyse the question? No.

A public forum is all about analysis and opinion and the free exhange of it. ?You're initial post evoked both.

I'm being flippant and relaxed in my wording. Please stop challenging and analysing, if that is ok.

Challenging a silly premise is to be expected, if that's ok.

Is that relaxed and flip enough for you?

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 05, 2006, 07:03:04 PM

But did I ask for people to analyse the question? No.

A public forum is all about analysis and opinion and the free exhange of it. ?You're initial post evoked both.

I'm being flippant and relaxed in my wording. Please stop challenging and analysing, if that is ok.

Challenging a silly premise is to be expected, if that's ok.

Is that relaxed and flip enough for you?

You do whatever floats your boat  ;) :hihi:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Mysteron on January 05, 2006, 07:03:35 PM
If an interview with the fans doesn't happen, I'll be quite disappointed

If an interview doesn't happen with the fans, I'll be more than disappointed, I'll be super pissed.

I mean were the ones who have stuck by Axl all these years, think or thin, and Tommy sat down with Jarmo not to long ago as well...

Were certainly not professional DJs but by God we'll treat Axl alright...


Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: gigger on January 05, 2006, 07:55:41 PM
People just want to analyse everything I say/that is said down to smallest quark. It's pointless and stupid

I would have thought you'd realised that after all the years of silence and by your own admission your ability to get answers from the "higher ups" in the GnR world that everything you say is gonna be anaylsed. Comes with your territory now Mysteron, sort of explains why Axl doesn't talk to the press. If you are getting analysed this much imagine how it would be if Axl spoke out once in a while!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: nesquick on January 05, 2006, 07:57:39 PM
hey, we all forgot a great journalist: KURT LODER. : ok:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: GypsySoul on January 05, 2006, 08:20:20 PM
Again, no offense... but the premise of the thread is a bit off. ?The whole "let's find the nice DJ's for Axl to talk to" is just silly.

Sure it is, although limiting responses to Pro Axl/New GNR DJ's tends to send the wrong message.? The general perception of Axl (at least stateside) isn't exactly positive these days,?no reason to perpetuate that perception by making pleas to only Axl/New GNR friendly media.

I agree that looking for "nice" DJ for Axl to talk is silly but only because I believe that - love him or hate him - any DJ would cream his/her pants if they were granted an Axl interview.

Rhetorical Question @ Falcon - Where are you from?? It just struck me as funny to hear an American {I thought}, refer to the USA as "stateside"? :hihi:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on January 05, 2006, 08:24:02 PM
i think MYSTERONS right,hes only asking us to list pro GNR djs and those who we have heard dis GNR or axl in the past.whats to analyse about that.on topic i cant really think of a dj off my head in the uk who actually has dissed GNR/axl but most are should widen your question to ANYONE who has dissed GNR in the recent past,but im sure theres already a thread like that somewhere .

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: MR W,AXL ROSE on January 05, 2006, 08:27:21 PM

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Falcon on January 05, 2006, 08:53:43 PM

i think MYSTERONS right,hes only asking us to list pro GNR djs and those who we have heard dis GNR or axl in the past.whats to analyse about that...

The analysis provoking statement can be traced to this..

If you were Axl Rose, would you prefer to be asked questions by people that respect you, or people that disrescpect you

Rhetorical Question @ Falcon - Where are you from?? It just struck me as funny to hear an American {I thought}, refer to the USA as "stateside"? :hihi:

I'm an American.  :yes:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: RnT on January 05, 2006, 10:08:36 PM
1. Interview with the fans first, us here in HTGTH that stuck with him and GNR all this years (and others foruns too )


2. All the dj?s that people will mention that probably "likes" Axl


3. All the others

If an interview with the fans doesn't happen, I'll be quite disappointed

Hope Axl feels the same way  :P

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: GunnerRose on January 06, 2006, 09:08:37 AM
In Atlanta= 96 Rock positive ......99x a DJ named Axel=positive...790The Zone=positive

Sirius Radio =Madison is positive

Omaha=89.7 The River is positive

As far as interviewing with HTGTH...those questions were terrible...I would pass

LJ : ok:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 06, 2006, 09:38:48 AM
As far as interviewing with HTGTH...those questions were terrible...I would pass
I agree. We know he wont answer the tough questions, but he'll walk out of an interview just as quick with those softball questions like 'whats your favorite color and favorite movie' that HTGTH was gonna throw at him.  Hey Axl, you haven't released an album in almost 13 years, and it brings up a very interesting question: Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? :rofl:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Pandora on January 06, 2006, 09:52:44 AM
but he'll walk out of an interview just as quick with those softball questions like 'whats your favorite color and favorite movie' that HTGTH was gonna throw at him.  Hey Axl, you haven't released an album in almost 13 years, and it brings up a very interesting question: Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? :rofl:

I don't remember any particularly "softball" questions being thrown at Tommy. I'm sure Jarmo would be able to sort out relevant stuff to talk about.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: tomc102968 on January 06, 2006, 10:14:10 AM
katie at hdnet's true music show PRO Axl Trying to get him on the show 92.5 wkgb  (vestal ny) tommy and jim free in the morning ANTI-AXL very much so . The rest of dj's are ok westy at night pro axl

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: life_247 on January 06, 2006, 11:06:40 AM
Zane Lowe - Radio 1 uk - quite probably, seemed quite up-beat about axl when Slash and Duff were on his tv program.

Xfm also seem quite interested in the band and regulary post up news.


Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: gigger on January 06, 2006, 11:16:45 AM
Zane Lowe - Radio 1 uk - quite probably, seemed quite up-beat about axl when Slash and Duff were on his tv program.

Xfm also seem quite interested in the band and regulary post up news.


I wouldn't get Axl together with Zane. Pretty big clash of egos there! I dunno who on Radio 1 Axl would really benefit from speaking to - someone like Jo Whiley possibly? I imagine Colin Murray was a GnR fan at one stage too.

Xfm are interested in GnR and have been responsible for a lot of GnR rumours over the years. The NME lot are actually surprisingly interested in Axl's new Guns and were first to announce the headline spot at Leeds in 2002. Personally, I'd like to see Axl on Tim Lovejoy's show on Virgin on Sundays but can't see it happening.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: RnT on January 06, 2006, 11:19:29 AM
As far as interviewing with HTGTH...those questions were terrible...I would pass
I agree. We know he wont answer the tough questions, but he'll walk out of an interview just as quick with those softball questions like 'whats your favorite color and favorite movie' that HTGTH was gonna throw at him.? Hey Axl, you haven't released an album in almost 13 years, and it brings up a very interesting question: Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? :rofl:

try to understand, in that time, the interview were just to talk to Axl about EVERYTHING as long as he feels confortable to talk to us, so, if he didn?t give any interview about the new album and etc, why ask him that knowing that the main anwer will be something like "when is ready, we willtalk about it:" ... but the thread Mysteron opened and the interview I mentioned to the fans is an interview AFTER the release of the album, THEN we can elaborate other questions to ask him... get it? ( imagine, how cool will be if the first interview about Chinese Democracy the whole world will wait and say "first we know that Axl will make an interview with the fans on the internet, fair enough, these fans deserve be the first ones to talk with him about the new album... and then he will start to talk to the press" )


Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Christos AG on January 06, 2006, 11:44:51 AM
1. Interview with the fans first, us here in HTGTH that stuck with him and GNR all this years (and others foruns too )


2. All the dj?s that people will mention that probably "likes" Axl


3. All the others

If an interview with the fans doesn't happen, I'll be quite disappointed

Hope Axl feels the same way? :P

We might not see Axl around here, but I don't think he's not watching us...

He knows that some people have stuck with this band through all the shit, that some people have defended this band through all these years (and most importantly never made money out of it...).

Back on topic, will Axl give interviews to other countries as well as the obvious ones (US, UK etc etc)?

Cause I know some pro-new-GNR people in Greece who helped me a lot with the fan club (and most of you should understand that running a fan club for a band that hasn't released a record in 13 years is as easy as winning Michael Jordan one on one...).

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jarmo on January 06, 2006, 12:00:38 PM
I wouldn't get Axl together with Zane. Pretty big clash of egos there! I dunno who on Radio 1 Axl would really benefit from speaking to - someone like Jo Whiley possibly?

Axl on the couch on MTV2... That would be funny.  ;)

There doesn't seem to be too many to choose from if you want to be on BBC Radio 1 in the middle of the day instead of late at night....


Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: gigger on January 06, 2006, 12:24:28 PM
I wouldn't get Axl together with Zane. Pretty big clash of egos there! I dunno who on Radio 1 Axl would really benefit from speaking to - someone like Jo Whiley possibly?

Axl on the couch on MTV2... That would be funny.? ;)

There doesn't seem to be too many to choose from if you want to be on BBC Radio 1 in the middle of the day instead of late at night....


It's Chris Moyles, Jo Whiley, Edith and Colin, Scott Mills and Zane Lowe. That's the weekday schedule from morning show till 9pm. Axl doesn't really fit in anywhere to be honest. Can most likely see him doing Edith and Colin on a Friday as they always have a special guest.

I just can't see Axl Rose and Zane Lowe liking each other! Could be wrong though, they both have eclectic music tastes after all.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Jim on January 06, 2006, 12:37:14 PM
I reckon that if radio 1 did an interview with Axl, it would most likely be a taped one, and would probably get played on Jo Whiley's show.

I don't listen to the radio too much anymore, but I know that is what they used to do with the 'big' interviews.

For example Eminem, when they interviewed him a few years ago they played the interview in, I think five minute or so segmants, over the course of however long on...Sarah Cox's show, I think. It might have even been Zoe Ball...

But I doubt that it was that long ago...

So, as far as a radio 1 interview, I very much doubt that they would do a live on air thing...

That would be more suited to a Tommy or a Richard...

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Neemo on January 06, 2006, 02:09:40 PM
I think 97.7 HTZ FM out of St Catherines, Ontario, Canada, is pretty Pro-GnR (Both New and Old). At least they seem so to me whenever they talk about GnR and Axl. (other than the usual frustrations of course)

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: ppbebe on January 06, 2006, 06:09:32 PM
I wish I liked listening to the radio.  :-\

I guess most heavy metal DJs are anti new whatever. On the other hand, the true music fanatic djs that are not pigeon/pigheaded are all potential pros.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: rckn on January 07, 2006, 05:07:31 AM
Mysteron: Are we getting closer?
Is this your idea or is this from inside?
Do you know something we don?t ?

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: mikegiuliana on January 07, 2006, 06:13:37 AM
I had only heard howard stern during oh my god after playing a clip.. Robin said hope he kept his looks because how bad the song was.. Ba ba booey mentioned the vmas and how weird it was.. They pretty much had all negative things to say...  He was probably a fan say during afd then just moved on, lots of people know afd but not much more about gnr.. Then to check the vmas and hear gnr is back or something then look onstage and even see how different axl is would be a bit odd and make you say I heard the name gnr but where's the band?  I bring you motley crue, they are one of my favorite bands of all time,.... Boom out comes vince neil and 3 other dudes... Just wouldn't look right or be right..

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: madagas on January 07, 2006, 09:39:48 AM
Rckn, Mysteron wouldn't be poking around if something wasn't up. I actually now believe that Richard going back in to the studio last month was the best thing that could happen. The bandmembers need to be around each other and start working up the mojo again. It also puts pressure on Axl as he will see how ready to go the boys are. When he is isolated off on his own with a few technicians and engineers, he is kinda secluded-no real pressure to do anything. As he has shown, he will sit around for years dragging this thing out. The boys need to rile him up a bit. Even though I think something is close, we are always only one meltdown away from another two year wait. :-\

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Jim on January 07, 2006, 05:58:40 PM
I wish I liked listening to the radio.  :-\

I share your sentiments...

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: the dirt on January 07, 2006, 06:11:25 PM
we are always only one meltdown away from another two year wait. :-\

I share these sentiments...

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 07, 2006, 11:52:45 PM
but he'll walk out of an interview just as quick with those softball questions like 'whats your favorite color and favorite movie' that HTGTH was gonna throw at him.? Hey Axl, you haven't released an album in almost 13 years, and it brings up a very interesting question: Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? :rofl:

I don't remember any particularly "softball" questions being thrown at Tommy. I'm sure Jarmo would be able to sort out relevant stuff to talk about.
Pandora, I wasn't talking about the HTGTH interview with Tommy. I was talking about that thread of lame questions to Axl that mysteron was gonna pass on to Axl. : ok:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Pandora on January 08, 2006, 03:30:21 PM
Pandora, I wasn't talking about the HTGTH interview with Tommy. I was talking about that thread of lame questions to Axl that mysteron was gonna pass on to Axl. : ok:

Oh. For some reason I don't remember those very well.  Wasn't there supposed to be a selection of the questions?

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: rckn on January 08, 2006, 04:01:12 PM
Street teams? Was that out ?cause Bhead left?
How close were we then compared to this?

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: nesquick on January 08, 2006, 04:49:05 PM
Also in a good contact for France: Canal + (TV Channel).

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: badapple81 on January 09, 2006, 12:05:03 AM
I guess Mysteron generally wants to know which radio shows still mention and talk about GN'R.. news updates etc..

Here in Australia it's all very quiet. Our rock radio station has turned into an oldies station and actually took the piss out of Axl to promote the Velvet Revolver shows last year  :(

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jmapelian on January 09, 2006, 04:10:38 PM
I would guess all the Philly rock DJs are pretty down on Axl and the Nu Guns

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 10, 2006, 12:18:14 AM
You forgot to turn on the Mysteron/Batman signal. :hihi:

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: PhillyRiot on January 10, 2006, 09:52:26 AM
Here in Philly, 94.1 has pretty much changed to a TALK station leaving 93.3 WMMR the only full time rock station.? They will not play any new GNR until Axl apologizes.? If new GNR wants to be heard in Philly, they will have to make peace.

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: jameslofton29 on January 10, 2006, 10:38:10 AM
?They will not play any new GNR until Axl apologizes.? If new GNR wants to be heard in Philly, they will have to make peace.
Dont count on that happening anytime "soon".

Title: Re: Pro 'New' Guns N'Roses DJ's
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on January 10, 2006, 05:36:27 PM
Here in Philly, 94.1 has pretty much changed to a TALK station leaving 93.3 WMMR the only full time rock station.? They will not play any new GNR until Axl apologizes.? If new GNR wants to be heard in Philly, they will have to make peace.

Hell, I can't say I don't blame them.  Damn right you guys are owed an explanation.