Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => Bad Obsession => Topic started by: The New Fiona Apple on January 02, 2006, 01:22:56 AM

Title: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on January 02, 2006, 01:22:56 AM
Since I'm burned out on compiling and reading Top Tens of 2005, let's drive ourselves really mad with the first part of this decade.

I love the 2000's (well not too much really).

So what will define this era?

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: -Jack- on January 02, 2006, 01:35:05 AM
Chinese Democracy

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on January 02, 2006, 01:36:49 AM
thought so

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: D on January 02, 2006, 01:53:56 AM

Red Hot Chili Peppers "By The Way"

Velvet Revolver "Contraband"

Nine Inch Nails "With Teeth"

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 02, 2006, 02:40:08 AM
Velvet Revolver "Contraband"

If that album "defines this era", then this is one fucking boring era we've been living in :confused:

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Genesis on January 02, 2006, 05:16:55 AM
"O Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits" is all I can think of.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Skeletor on January 02, 2006, 07:53:36 AM
Devin Townsend - Terria

Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane

Agalloch - The Mantle

Not too bad, really.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Izzy on January 02, 2006, 08:36:09 AM

Red Hot Chili Peppers "By The Way"

Velvet Revolver "Contraband"

Nine Inch Nails "With Teeth"

I hate this ''era'' as much as the next man - but not even I would be so damning to suggest they were the best 00-05 has offered! Music isn't that bad!

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: grendood on January 02, 2006, 08:47:58 AM
defining musical moments so far;

Funeral by the Arcade Fire and First Impressions of Earth by The Strokes.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ contraband and NIN.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: gigger on January 02, 2006, 08:52:28 AM
defining musical moments so far;

Funeral by the Arcade Fire and First Impressions of Earth by The Strokes.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ contraband and NIN.

Funeral is a great album. First Impressions is dreadful - they'll never top their debut which was a defining moment in music as killed nu-metal and created the whole Garage Rock scene.

Albums of the Century so far? You gotta be talking about the Coldplay albums, maybe the latest Oasis one, something by Bright Eyes possibly but for me the album that I could live with defining this era has gotta be Elephant by the White Stripes. By no means my favourite but surely the definitive one of the last 5 years?

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: grendood on January 02, 2006, 08:59:00 AM
defining musical moments so far;

Funeral by the Arcade Fire and First Impressions of Earth by The Strokes.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ contraband and NIN.

Funeral is a great album. First Impressions is dreadful - they'll never top their debut which was a defining moment in music as killed nu-metal and created the whole Garage Rock scene.

Albums of the Century so far? You gotta be talking about the Coldplay albums, maybe the latest Oasis one, something by Bright Eyes possibly but for me the album that I could live with defining this era has gotta be Elephant by the White Stripes. By no means my favourite but surely the definitive one of the last 5 years?

you're right, funeral is indeed earth shattering one of the best records ever. I thought first impressions of earth was dreadful at first, i thought it didnt flow and thought it was all over the place, but it soon grew on me  its filled with charm i love it.... You only live once, Heart in a cage, on the other side, juicebox, razorblade, ask me anything, ize of the world are all great great songs.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: BA on January 02, 2006, 09:00:07 AM
lateralus by tool.clearly the graetest album ever written.
i think that was released after 2000!?

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: grendood on January 02, 2006, 09:07:06 AM
this thread could be misunderstood as a favourite albums over the last 5 years thread, its not. Think of albums that have been influential and albums that have changed the direction of mainstream music, in truth there are very few.

Elephant by the white stripes is probably the biggest alternative album to make its mark in mainstream music, although i dont love the white stripes, jack white is the modern day bluesman. Is This It by the strokes is another one, it is single handedly responsible for creating an indie revival and killing nu metal, although i prefer First impressions of Earth. Funeral is the most beautiful album ive heard in 5 years and the arcade fire are now by far the biggest cult band in the world.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Jonathan on January 02, 2006, 09:27:01 AM
Stone Temple Pilots "Shangri-la-dee Da"

Foo Fighters "One by One"

Buckethead "Electric Tears"

Red Hot Chili Peppers "By The Way"
Metallica "St. Anger"

Velvet Revolver "Contraband"

Queens of the Stone Age "Lullabies to Paralyze"

Foo Fighters "In Your Honor"

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: gigger on January 02, 2006, 09:35:42 AM
this thread could be misunderstood as a favourite albums over the last 5 years thread, its not. Think of albums that have been influential and albums that have changed the direction of mainstream music, in truth there are very few.

Elephant by the white stripes is probably the biggest alternative album to make its mark in mainstream music, although i dont love the white stripes, jack white is the modern day bluesman. Is This It by the strokes is another one, it is single handedly responsible for creating an indie revival and killing nu metal, although i prefer First impressions of Earth. Funeral is the most beautiful album ive heard in 5 years and the arcade fire are now by far the biggest cult band in the world.

2000-2005 will be defined by "Is This It?" the first great album of the 21st Century and Elephant by the White Stripes. Neither would rank as my 2 favourite albums of the time but I agree with grendood it's about influence and defining an era rather than talking about your own personal favourite.

No one can deny the influence Trent Reznor has had on the music industry but With Teeth hardly changed music in 2005 did it? His influence was in the 90s. Coldplay and U2 are probably 2 of the biggest bands in the world at the moment and whilst they have released good (although I'd say Parachutes was great) albums in the last 5 years they haven't defined the era. The same applies to Oasis in my opinion, whilst Don't Believe the Truth was one of my favourite albums of 2005 they will forever be defined as a mid-90s band.

So let's not be ridiculous and name an Aerosmith "Best Of" collection, a Buckethead album or Contraband as the definitive record of the era, because whilst all are good albums (let's not argue over that) they haven't defined anything.

I would also say that whilst Funeral is an amazing album (the best of 2005 by a long way) it isn't an era defining album, it may be remembered as the best album of 2005 but as yet it hasn't really influenced the industry. I'd also throw in the original Libertines album into that bracket (no pun intended), it was a great album for that year but it isn't an era defining album. In truth, you can't tell which album defines an era without the use of hindsight.

The album that defines 2000-2005 will be decided by the music that comes over the next 10 years and which bands influenced the next batch of musicians who were just getting into music in the last 5 years but at this moment Elephant and Is This It? are far and away the 2 most definitive albums of the era. Just like Nevermind, the hysteria surrounding the Illusions albums and Definately Maybe for me represent the 90s perfectly.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: gigger on January 02, 2006, 09:38:47 AM
On top of all of this I think that the Arctic Monkeys album due out "soon" could be another defining moment in music. I heard it recently and it's a great album that reminds you of the days when indie actually meant indie and not music that NME like.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Jonathan on January 02, 2006, 09:43:08 AM
Then I misunderstood this thread, sorry. But the albums I posted above were my favourites over the years.

If i'm going to pick an artist or a band that have been "influential" over these five years I got to say U2.

And if Chinese Democracy ever will be released, maybe that will define this era. I don't know.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: gigger on January 02, 2006, 09:59:59 AM
Then I misunderstood this thread, sorry. But the albums I posted above were my favourites over the years.

If i'm going to pick an artist or a band that have been "influential" over these five years I got to say U2.

And if Chinese Democracy ever will be released, maybe that will define this era. I don't know.

You'd have to add the latest Kanye West album into the discussion too. It's the first real cross over rap/hip hop album since Dre's 2000.

Who knows what Chinese Democracy can do. I certainly think it'll bring a new sound to the music industry. You only have to look at Madagascar to see that what Axl is doing has potential to combine a lot of genres and influence music in the future. Assuming the album is good (which I don't doubt) it depends on how well the media portray the new album - if they say it is overproduced, self indulgent rubbish then it'll be largely ignored and ridiculed and if they are unkind on the whole "band" as being replacements then it'll be ridiculed. But if they are fair to Axl and the new band and judge it on the music then maybe it'll be a big part of music history to other people other than Axl fans.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Hammy on January 02, 2006, 10:19:20 AM
Fuck Influential, Judging by what you see people are influenced by shit, hence the fact they write and release shit!

Best album (of the half decade...) Monster Magnet - Monolithic Baby! :smoking: Stick that in your pipe and smoke it :smoking:

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: gigger on January 02, 2006, 10:29:53 AM
Fuck Influential, Judging by what you see people are influenced by shit, hence the fact they write and release shit!

Best album (of the half decade...) Monster Magnet - Monolithic Baby! :smoking: Stick that in your pipe and smoke it :smoking:

Considering I'd argue that there has been less than 20 albums released in the last 5 years worth buying you can't exactly expect the more "era defining" albums to be that great, can you? If the people who were influencing music were that great then we'd be flooded with good music like in the 60s and 70s.

Truth is 2000-2005 has been ruined by manufactured bands, rap and really crappy pop. The more commercial music now is all about a quick hit single rather than quality albums or careers. There are good bands who haven't "sold out" but by not being a commercial band to a certain extent you limit the amount of people who you can influence, obviously.

Your choice of album is fair enough (I happen to quite like it - I think it might even be on my iPod) but it's completely unrelated to the question asked in the first post of the thread and therefore irrelevant. How did "Monolthic Baby!" define the last 5 years?  :rofl:

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Izzy on January 02, 2006, 10:31:17 AM

Metallica "St. Anger"

Oh well done! ::)

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Jonathan on January 02, 2006, 10:33:38 AM
Just stop, I like that album a lot.

I already know that you don't like it, so stop.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Hammy on January 02, 2006, 12:57:14 PM
Fuck Influential, Judging by what you see people are influenced by shit, hence the fact they write and release shit!

Best album (of the half decade...) Monster Magnet - Monolithic Baby! :smoking: Stick that in your pipe and smoke it :smoking:

Considering I'd argue that there has been less than 20 albums released in the last 5 years worth buying you can't exactly expect the more "era defining" albums to be that great, can you? If the people who were influencing music were that great then we'd be flooded with good music like in the 60s and 70s.

Truth is 2000-2005 has been ruined by manufactured bands, rap and really crappy pop. The more commercial music now is all about a quick hit single rather than quality albums or careers. There are good bands who haven't "sold out" but by not being a commercial band to a certain extent you limit the amount of people who you can influence, obviously.

Your choice of album is fair enough (I happen to quite like it - I think it might even be on my iPod) but it's completely unrelated to the question asked in the first post of the thread and therefore irrelevant. How did "Monolthic Baby!" define the last 5 years?? :rofl:
True dude.  In actual fact i should of probably said nothing, but i felt like saying something, especially since i saw the name St. Anger :puke: and rather than sicken myself by mentioning an album that defined the century, i thought i'd name a good one instead.  I mean so far in general when you look at 'Era defining stuff, you think, shitty music, boring, depressing, because that sums up the commercial scene (the one followed by the majority you see?) and well the world in general, with all this War bollocks etc. (i would expand but politics are banned....).  Anywayz put simply you look to the successful yet shit, the band that springs to mind is that wonderfully awful music to slit your wrists to act Coldplay, as i've noticed you've mentioned, a wise, albeit shit choice, but like you said it's about what defines the era, and a good album can't define a shit era can it?

Back on the unrelated side of things, i'm glad you like Monster Magnet :smoking:

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Izzy on January 02, 2006, 01:01:48 PM
Just stop, I like that album a lot.

I already know that you don't like it, so stop.

Nah, i don't fee like it

St Anger an album of the century - with stuff like that u should be doing stand up

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Jonathan on January 02, 2006, 01:04:22 PM
It's one of my favourite albums over these five years, but I never said it was "the album of the century".

I first thought it was a "your favourite albums over 2000-2005" because other people wrote their favourite albums over 00-05 so I did the same thing, so I never said St. Anger was the album of the century.

There's your answer.

Now, go back to topic.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: makane on January 02, 2006, 01:44:55 PM
Stone Temple Pilots "Shangri-la-dee Da"
Neil Young "Greendale"
Velvet Revolver "Contraband"


Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Aava on January 02, 2006, 02:05:42 PM
So what will define this era?

Backyard Babies - Stockholm Syndrome (2004)/ Making Enemies Is Good (2001)
Green Day - American Idiot (2004)
Monster Magnet - Molithic Baby (2004)
The Libertines - Up The Bracket (2002)
Foo Fighters - In Your Honor (2005)
Velvet Revolver - Contraband (2004)
Turbonegro -  Scandinavian Leather (2003)

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on January 02, 2006, 03:59:20 PM
It's not exactly a top 10 album in my book, but Elephant by the White Stripes deserves recognition.  Even though I prefer Get Behind Me Satan on musical grounds, I gotta hand it to Elephant for rekindling the fire.

But...if you asked a random person on the street, they'd probably pick one of Eminem's records as Album of the Century...

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: D on January 02, 2006, 05:16:10 PM
Fuck if we are playing like this, then Ill say NONE OF THE ABOVE

No album this century has done anything or will be remembered in 20 years.

wake up, music sucks balls today.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Nytunz on January 02, 2006, 07:37:06 PM


                               A PERFECT CIRCLE - MER DE NOMS



                                                                  IN FLAMES - COME CLARETY                                           

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Kujo on January 03, 2006, 05:38:54 AM
I'm not going to go as far as "defining a generation" but these are the best of the decade so far, in my opinion

Death Cab For Cutie - The Photo Album
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Death Cab For Cutie - Plans
Chris Robinson - The Magnificent Distance
Gorillaz - Demon Days
Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlantacism
Anthrax- We've Come For You All
Bruce Springsteen - The Rising
Ben Harper - Diamonds On The Inside
Cold - 13 Ways To Bleed On Stage

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Aava on January 03, 2006, 06:43:54 AM
wake up, music sucks balls today.

Really? I love todays music.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: grendood on January 03, 2006, 07:55:27 AM
Fuck if we are playing like this, then Ill say NONE OF THE ABOVE

No album this century has done anything or will be remembered in 20 years.

wake up, music sucks balls today.

you mean no album has done anything for YOU this century because you are a clode minded music fan that listens to bon jovi 24/7.

bon jovi are shit.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: kaasupoltin on January 03, 2006, 10:19:08 AM
Actually I dont listen to todays music that much.. Where's the attitude of these "greatests bands of the century"? The music is lame or just simply sucks. I really hope/think that Chinese Democracy will be the album of the century  : ok:

But this is just my opinion.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Aava on January 03, 2006, 10:24:48 AM
Where's the attitude of these "greatests bands of the century"?

Wha?? You mean, for exsample Turbonegro, doesn?t have the attitude??

And lame? Obviously you haven?t listen too much of the bands today.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Hammy on January 03, 2006, 10:28:17 AM
Where's the attitude of these "greatests bands of the century"?

Wha?? You mean, for exsample Turbonegro, doesn?t have the attitude??

And lame? Obviously you haven?t listen too much of the bands today.
There are plenty of good bands these days the problem is they get fuck all recognition, which isn't always a bad thing, means they play smaller venue's for a start which is great.... ;D

......also means though that when people look back (apart from the few with taste...) people will remember the crap artists about and see them as the century defining bands.....

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: kaasupoltin on January 03, 2006, 10:31:30 AM
Where's the attitude of these "greatests bands of the century"?

Wha?? You mean, for exsample Turbonegro, doesn?t have the attitude??

And lame? Obviously you haven?t listen too much of the bands today.

I also said 'The music is lame or just simply sucks', and I think that Turbonegro simply sucks  ;)

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Izzy on January 03, 2006, 11:40:18 AM
Fuck if we are playing like this, then Ill say NONE OF THE ABOVE

No album this century has done anything or will be remembered in 20 years.

wake up, music sucks balls today.

Indeed, indeed

If i paused to play Devil's Advocate for a min - i'd say Linkin Park - Hybrid theory. I'm not saying what I think of the album - but lets face it, its the biggest selling metal album of 00-05 and really made (or broke) nu-metal, depending on ur perspective, that album was nu-metal's peak or the album that destroyed it due to the backlash against it

Its been very influential on the musical landscape

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Hammy on January 03, 2006, 11:47:17 AM
Its been very influential on the musical landscape
You mean in 10 years we're gonna have new bands hailing them as the rock legends who influenced them :nervous:

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: grendood on January 03, 2006, 12:18:54 PM
Fuck if we are playing like this, then Ill say NONE OF THE ABOVE

No album this century has done anything or will be remembered in 20 years.

wake up, music sucks balls today.

Indeed, indeed

If i paused to play Devil's Advocate for a min - i'd say Linkin Park - Hybrid theory. I'm not saying what I think of the album - but lets face it, its the biggest selling metal album of 00-05 and really made (or broke) nu-metal, depending on ur perspective, that album was nu-metal's peak or the album that destroyed it due to the backlash against it

Its been very influential on the musical landscape

it is indeed a huge album, but its hardly been influential, and thank god for that.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: RichardNixon on January 03, 2006, 08:17:10 PM
I will bet anyone here a hundred bucks that at the end of the decade people will say "American Idiot" was the album of the decade. IMHO, so far, I like "Contraband," and NIN's "With Teeth."

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: gigger on January 03, 2006, 08:39:29 PM
I will bet anyone here a hundred bucks that at the end of the decade people will say "American Idiot" was the album of the decade. IMHO, so far, I like "Contraband," and NIN's "With Teeth."

You could be right actually, bit of an oversight there!

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Walk on January 03, 2006, 09:19:35 PM
#1- Agalloch: The Mantle. I choose this one as #1 because it's the best post black metal album I've heard so far, and it makes good use of acoustic instruments. It's interesting folk music, and it really can't accurately be called metal. It's just good music!

#2- Shadows Fall: The War Within. Crossover started in the 80's, but it has made an interesting comeback lately, as metalcore. Combining metal and hardcore punk usually pisses off the majority of both crowds and gathers up a cult minority following. Except this time, Shadows Fall puts out an album both crowds can enjoy, and has respectable status. You can insert just about any good metalcore album here, but this particular one is my favorite so far.

I will bet anyone here a hundred bucks that at the end of the decade people will say "American Idiot" was the album of the decade. IMHO, so far, I like "Contraband," and NIN's "With Teeth."

Those albums haven't had the influence on music that mine have. There has been a ton of good music in the 0's, but little in the way of influence.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: -Jack- on January 03, 2006, 11:34:42 PM
No offense ment Walk but I doubt anyone is going to name black metal (metalcore, ect) or one of its albums as "one of the biggest influences of '00 music"

But thats just the average person

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: D on January 04, 2006, 02:38:04 AM
Korn See You On The Other Side is fucking Phenomenal : ok:

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 05, 2006, 01:50:11 AM
As far as influential albums of the past few years go, Id definately have to throw "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too" by the New Radicals which was released way back in October of '98. The main single this album spawned was "You get what You Give" which instantly made me think I was listening to the next Todd Rundgren, but mysteriously this band fell apart less than a month after being on the road with the Goo Goo Dolls, since their singer Greg Alexander wanted to be a full time record producer. This album hasnt been in my stereo consistantly since it's release but pretty damn close, and each time I rediscover it I fall in love with each of the 12 songs all over again and realize this album is one of the few 90's masterpieces. The eclecticism on the whole album shows incredible range of pop sensibility and an impressive understanding of what good rock used to all be about. The only song on the album I found hard to digest was "I Hope I Didn't Just Give Away the Ending." It's one of only a handful of CDs in existence that you can listen to from beginning to end, without skipping over the 'duds' because there are none other than the mediocre song I already mentioned. The finale of the record, Church On Monday is a remarkable ballad that sounds very similar to "Sweet Melissa" by the Allman brothers with a touch of Tuesday's gone. It fits the mood of the record perfectly but its so sad the way it leaves you longing for the followup but you know it wont ever come..


Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Walk on January 05, 2006, 02:05:30 AM
No offense ment Walk but I doubt anyone is going to name black metal (metalcore, ect) or one of its albums as "one of the biggest influences of '00 music"

But thats just the average person

To the average person, there is no major influence they're picked up on, hence the "0's music sucks" attitude. There are definitely new trends and ideas out there, but they aren't noticed by the average person. When the trends are finally picked up on and discovered, they'll be mentioned.

Metalcore is relatively mainstream. I've seen Lamb Of God, Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, and tons of other metalcore at Best Buy and other major outlets. Black metal is against the mainstream almost by definition, but it has a very loyal kvlt following.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 14, 2006, 11:54:56 AM
Was just surfing the Rolling Stone webpage today, and breezing through Joni Mitchell's columns I found this New Radicals mention/complimen from back in 2004: Joni Mitchell declares the New Radicals "the only thing I heard in many years that I thought had greatness in it... I loved that song "You Get What You Give." It was a big hit, and I said, 'Where did they go?' It turns out the guy [Gregg Alexander] quit. I thought, 'Good for him.' I knew he was my kind of guy."

I know what your thinkin', who cares about Joni Mitchell, but I thought it was cool because it's an phase of belief I often have when I return to that record from time to time: it has true greatness in it. I doubt it would even matter what order the tracks were in, it just flows from beginning to end flawlessly with some of the most infectious rock/pop in years n' years.

It's also funny, in the press release for the breakup of this band, Gregg said he felt "he accomplished everything he ever wanted to do on this one record" and it's so ironic because the record is so brilliant, alot of bands wouldn't even reach it's potential in they're whole careers.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Jamie on January 14, 2006, 12:14:04 PM
Defining albums of 00-05 for me have to be - The Strokes - Is This It?  Kings Of Leon - Youth and Young Manhood, and The Datsuns - The Datsuns. And although the majority of people listen to shit music now a days I highly doubt others who actually know their music will look back on the 00s and say that Eminem was the best music act of the 21st century, he's just a trend as far as I'm concerned.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 14, 2006, 12:34:04 PM
Metal Love by HIM

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 14, 2006, 02:05:35 PM
Metal Love by HIM

Great choice, but if anything it'd be Razorblade Romance or Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666 ;)

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Eazy E on January 14, 2006, 02:17:46 PM
You'd have to add the latest Kanye West album into the discussion too. It's the first real cross over rap/hip hop album since Dre's 2000.

I think Speakerboxxx/The Love Below by Outkast deserves more consideration for "Album of the Century" than Kanye's (though both are important).? "Hey Ya" and "The Way You Move" were monsters, the album went diamond, and it won album of the year.

I highly doubt others who actually know their music will look back on the 00s and say that Eminem was the best music act of the 21st century, he's just a trend as far as I'm concerned.

And garage rock wasn't?? That doesn't mean an album wasn't good/important.

I'd like to say a Coldplay album, but I wouldn't know which one to pick.? I agree with The White Stripes - Elephant... and American Idiot definetaly had an impact that will be remembered.

Out of the ones I mentioned I'd probably pick Outkast.? Hip Hop & Rap is the most popular music of the century, and this album had the most appeal to everyone.? Even all the close minded rock fans would say "I can't stand hip hop... I guess Outkast is pretty good... but the rest is all trash".? I'm pretty sure Speakerboxxx/The Love Below was the first hip hop record to win the album of the year at the Grammys.? So there you go, the most popular album in terms of hits, crossover appeal, and praise from critics in the most popular musical genre of the century.

If the discussion is limited to rock music, then I say Elephant.

Edit - AxlsMainMan, I h-h-h-h-h-hAAAAAAAATE that New Radicals song.  :nervous:

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: RichardNixon on January 14, 2006, 06:51:28 PM
#1- Agalloch: The Mantle. I choose this one as #1 because it's the best post black metal album I've heard so far, and it makes good use of acoustic instruments. It's interesting folk music, and it really can't accurately be called metal. It's just good music!

#2- Shadows Fall: The War Within. Crossover started in the 80's, but it has made an interesting comeback lately, as metalcore. Combining metal and hardcore punk usually pisses off the majority of both crowds and gathers up a cult minority following. Except this time, Shadows Fall puts out an album both crowds can enjoy, and has respectable status. You can insert just about any good metalcore album here, but this particular one is my favorite so far.

I will bet anyone here a hundred bucks that at the end of the decade people will say "American Idiot" was the album of the decade. IMHO, so far, I like "Contraband," and NIN's "With Teeth."

Those albums haven't had the influence on music that mine have. There has been a ton of good music in the 0's, but little in the way of influence.

What? Shadow's Fall and Agalloch have had no influence whatsoever. Who has heard of them? Or likes them, outside their core fan base. The new LA Guns album is more relavant than those bands.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on January 16, 2006, 01:07:21 PM
Metal Love by HIM

Great choice, but if anything it'd be Razorblade Romance or Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666 ;)
Yeap but it was release in 2000 or 1999 cant remember  :-\

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Falcon on January 16, 2006, 01:27:52 PM

If the discussion is limited to rock music, then I say Elephant.

My sentiments as well, Elephant and American Idiot are 1 & 1A in no particular order.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: RichardNixon on January 16, 2006, 04:32:10 PM
I like the White Stripes. Seem 'em in concert, own all their albums...but...

I don't get the hype. They're not that great and Jack White is NOT the 17th best guitar player of all-time, sorry RS. People are trying to make them out to be the next Velvet Underground or Nirvana and it just is not so.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Falcon on January 16, 2006, 08:30:33 PM
I like the White Stripes. Seem 'em in concert, own all their albums...but...

I don't get the hype. They're not that great and Jack White is NOT the 17th best guitar player of all-time, sorry RS. People are trying to make them out to be the next Velvet Underground or Nirvana and it just is not so.

I know where you going and agree to a degree, they seem to be the poster band for the minimalist approach...

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Wheres Izzy on January 16, 2006, 10:25:33 PM
avenged sevenfold-city of evil-amazing album from sytart to finish. nice to see someone like synester gates playing mad leads. hopefully it will light a fire under the asses of people like slash and kirk hammet to do the same.
the process of belief by bad religion-amazing back to basics album from one of the greatest bands ever. their 2nd best album ever in my eyes (suffer being first.)
alkaline trio's good mourning-their heaviest (tho still just punk) and darkest album filled with great catchy songs and some of my favorite lyrics ever. Don't judge them by their latest (this years "crimson" their attempt to go pop and marketable)
by the way-red hot chili peppers-not as good as californication but still a great album and melodic as fuck.
rolling stones-a bigger bang-their best in years. songs rock when they should and none of the songs were fucked with like the last album.
jerry cantrell-degredation trip vol. 1&2-any AIC fan should own this. Heavy and brutally honest.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: AxlsMainMan on January 23, 2006, 06:38:25 PM
Edit - AxlsMainMan, I h-h-h-h-h-hAAAAAAAATE that New Radicals song.

Really? That's a shame man.

You should check out Gotta Stay High by them. It's more of a ballad but maybe it'll spark some interet in the band for ya.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Aava on January 23, 2006, 07:09:31 PM
Metal Love by HIM

Great choice, but if anything it'd be Razorblade Romance or Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666 ;)
Yeap but it was release in 2000 or 1999 cant remember? :-\

Razorblade Romance was released 1999, and Greatest Love Songs ?96 or ?97.

Title: Re: Album of the far (2000-2005), Random musical discussion
Post by: Karma_Police on January 23, 2006, 10:35:06 PM
I don't know if it's they're the best albums of the century so far but of all the albums that will still get radio play years from now it's going to obviously be one of the U2 albums. All That You Can't Leave Behind or How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb.  Wheather radio play defines an era or not is up for debate. I'm really diggin' the Strokes new album and Arcade Fire's album but as much as I like them in the publics eye chances are these bands will be a phase, where as U2 are a benchmark band for media outlets to hear their songs for years to come and unfortuantely we don't have an era defineing sound evolving the way we did with the Seattle bands in the early 90's. There are the bands like The Killers but their sound is borrowed from the 80's. Hardly somthing to define this decade.