Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: GNFNR_UK on December 26, 2005, 10:33:28 PM

Title: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on December 26, 2005, 10:33:28 PM
I watched RIR 3 on DVD about a week ago and although it was a good show in parts there were some noticable flaws (Paradise City, end of Patience etc). However, I am not criticizing this at all, this as there 2nd show together and there were bound to be teething problems. Last night I put on the Albany 2002 show, the first thing I noticed were how much tighter the guys were together as a band than they were at Rio. I think the addition of Richard Fortus made a big improvement and obviously from doing a lot of shows and rehearsing together they had managed to find a really good chemistry together. Hell they'd even put a cool keyboard/synth part at the start of Rocket Queen!

My worry is this, the guys haven't played a show together in over 3 years and from what we hear it doesn't sound like they've rehearsed much (if at all) together either, so if they do play some shows in '06 do you think it will be like starting from scratch again?? Will they have to again, find that chemistry together? Or will they just gel again instantly even after all this time?? I mean if they do need to reahearse lets hope theyre gonna start doing it in early '06 if theyre doing summer festivals.

Your thoughts please

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 26, 2005, 10:37:09 PM
It will definitely be like starting from scratch. Especially if they add new material to their show. You're right about rehearsals. They need to start doing them 'soon' if anything is planned for the first half of 2006.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: sergitou on December 27, 2005, 01:11:18 AM
Before that I hope we get some news SOON, because everything seems to look black..

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Voodoochild on December 27, 2005, 01:51:01 AM
The band didn't sound so good in the first NA show of the tour (Tacoma). Listen to November Rain - it's all fucked up. And they just played the asia/european shows by that time.

I guess it's just a matter of being in the road. Once they start the tour, they will be tight.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 27, 2005, 02:53:47 AM
if it ever happens we will see... It still amazes me that  aband with not one album is away from the band so long

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Litti10 on December 27, 2005, 06:17:13 AM
Well i think they're gonna play just nicely arter all theyr good players. and if u mean the first solo part from november rain, i think they just play it like that on purpose cuz after all they ar professionals.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: -Jack- on December 27, 2005, 06:50:00 AM
Before I say anything.. an apology in advance to the "hey if you dont have shit to say, dont say it" folks.. im not trying to rain on your "lets speculate to pass the time" parade

Why is this even a topic? Im not dissing specifically.. on this topic.. but on.. alot of the recent topics.. "Will 'Nu' GN'R play well on the next tour?"...  :drool:... whaaa? Is there even a tour confirmed?!

All im saying is.. at this point in the game.. this should be the LAST of our worrys. Axl Rose just needs to get his fat ass out and play. Not even that. Just, for the LOVE OF GOD, drop the fucking record. You can consider yourself retired afterwards. Its just honestly DIZZYING how fucked up the GN'R situation is. I have fuck'n faith in you Axl Rose. If your reading this (and I know you fuckin are), we, this WHOLE forum believe in your talent. I swear to god, im desperate.. i just play that boston radio promo.. the first motherfuckin SECOND before that damn announcer voice comes in.. and i PRETEND its the beginging of the studio "Chinese Democracy"...

Now ain't that sad? Have pity Axl. Have pity.

Well thats my rant.


Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: badapple81 on December 27, 2005, 08:08:40 AM
They are all very talented with lots of experience so I'm sure it won't take them too much time.

They were very tight at HOB listening to the booteg CD, their first ever performance after one rehearsal with Axl prior, and Axl was on fine form too. I don't mind the odd 'mistake'.. it's what makes it a live rock and roll show. Half the time you can't notice anyway.

Anyway we'll soon see 'how tight' they are when they return  : ok:

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: nesquick on December 27, 2005, 08:39:54 AM
- FIRST: The musicians need to write their own parts! that's a minimum to call a band "a band". I want to hear FORTUS own parts, not TOBIAS.
- The band will be (is?) absolutely tigher without Buckethead. They will be better accepted. Nobody will laught about them anymore, people will take them seriously now. Especially the m?dia and the general public.
- They will start from scratch. They will have to re-build almost everything. They have a lot of work.
- I hope they will be huge, selling 10, 15 or 20 million copies of ChiDem, playing stadiums, beeing #1 on charts, even if it will be very, very difficult.
- Yes, Fortus's arrival in 2002 improved the band very much (agree with the 1st post).
- The promotion needs to be there. Don't repeat the same mistakes of 2002, when the band was poorely promoted. The promotion will be a key.Playing at Rio could be a good start to make GN'R become a talkative band again in the media. Rock in Rio is a mediatic festival.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Genesis on December 27, 2005, 11:31:10 AM
Time will tell. But I think they'll be ok once they start touring, assuming something happens of course.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Evolution on December 27, 2005, 12:25:00 PM
Tighter than a nun's arse

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: DunkinDave on December 27, 2005, 01:39:32 PM
I watched RIR 3 on DVD about a week ago and although it was a good show in parts there were some noticable flaws (end of Patience).

That was Axl's fault - he came in with the end verse too early and the band didn't know to adjust to it.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: NickNasty on December 27, 2005, 02:06:57 PM
It will definitely be like starting from scratch. Especially if they add new material to their show. You're right about rehearsals. They need to start doing them 'soon' if anything is planned for the first half of 2006.

 Ha-said the same thing in the possible Spanish Tour thread---not to be redundant, but it'll be Tommy's schedule that will tell us what we'll go on-he's the guy who runs any rehearsals-if it is true at all that they're gonna book a tour, and he doesnt book anything with SA, then it's likely that is what he's up to.

 As for how tight the band will sound-part of it will obviously be rehearsal, but you can't beat just going out there and getting it done-you saw the band get tighter as the 2002 tour went along-by Boston there were'nt many glitches left-and by MSG-holy shite!

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 27, 2005, 02:27:23 PM
Rock IN Rio wasnt a good show, was like seeing a gnr cover band, but the new songs were great.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: jimmythegent on December 27, 2005, 03:45:41 PM
Just a question, at what stage did the band start "rehearsing" in '02?

Since the cancellation of the tour, have these guys even seen one another ina any capacity?

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Mysteron on December 27, 2005, 03:46:37 PM
As tight as a ducks rear end  :hihi:

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: jimmythegent on December 27, 2005, 03:50:22 PM
As tight as a ducks rear end? :hihi:

This raises an interesting point

the classic Gn'R sound was all about  the loose n' raw but tight sound (which teetered on sloppy at times)

'02 Gn'R at times sounded too tight for me - I know, I know, different band etc.. I just want to hear them play there own songs if they tour again and leave the classics be

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Evolution on December 27, 2005, 03:51:19 PM
I guess "how tight" refers to any fuck-ups?

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 27, 2005, 04:34:30 PM
As tight as a ducks rear end? :hihi:

This raises an interesting point

the classic Gn'R sound was all about? the loose n' raw but tight sound (which teetered on sloppy at times)

'02 Gn'R at times sounded too tight for me - I know, I know, different band etc.. I just want to hear them play there own songs if they tour again and leave the classics be

I don't think that they played the old songs 'too tight'. They played them like they were not sure which part will come, what to play next, afraid to fuck up something and to tell the truth the sounded like they hadn't spent too much time with rehearsals. It was a lousy cover band, but they had moments (mostly Buckethead and sometimes Fortus). Finck and Brain, who is a good drummer, was a disaster. They played the new songs much better, those were 'their songs' unlike the classics.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: nesquick on December 27, 2005, 07:14:35 PM
Finck and Brain, who is a good drummer, was a disaster.

Brain a disaster?? ???
are you kidding? His drums was awesome!
Robin wasn't a disaster either, he was really good at rythm, but he fucked-up lots of guitar solos. He seemed very nervous when he had to fill Slash shoes on's like if it was the Himalaya for him sometimes (November Rain...)

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on December 27, 2005, 08:59:14 PM

 Finck? was a disaster.

I wouldn't say Finck was a complete disaster but he did fuck up a few of the solos. All the new songs were fine and I liked his Sweet Child solo (On Albany DVD) but on some of the others he sounded a bit sloppy, like he was missing strings.? People say Guns don't need Bucket either, well if they don't they do need a suitable replacement cos if Finck has trouble pulling off Slash's solos he will have an either harder time pulling off Buckets.? BH has a very distinctive style, one that I would imagine being very hard to replicate and that shredding is unbelievable, Axl had BH there for a reason people.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: chinesedemocracy05 on December 27, 2005, 09:10:17 PM
Rock IN Rio wasnt a good show, was like seeing a gnr cover band, but the new songs were great.

Thank you Rock In Rio wasn't a good show at all. There were alot of sound problems, but that doesn't make up for the fact that Axl was just bad that night. If he sings like MSG every nite and the band plays like that every nite we'll be in for a hell of a ride if/when they tour

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on December 28, 2005, 12:54:12 AM
Man, sadly Axl has lost a part of his voice, he sounds way different from those golden days. And the old songs sound kind of funny. I wanted to believe he did that porpousely to return with an excellent voice, only compared with the old days. Now that would be a great strategy, cancelling tours, having bad voice, only to create more expectation, now, thats another dream.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: DunkinDave on December 28, 2005, 02:14:13 AM
Rock IN Rio wasnt a good show, was like seeing a gnr cover band, but the new songs were great.

Thank you Rock In Rio wasn't a good show at all. There were alot of sound problems, but that doesn't make up for the fact that Axl was just bad that night. If he sings like MSG every nite and the band plays like that every nite we'll be in for a hell of a ride if/when they tour

If we ever get a soundboard of MSG, it's safe to say his voice will sound just like it did at any other 2002 concert.

Axl's voice was better at Vegas 01 and Rio than it was at any 2002 show.

That's probably because he was in better shape in 2001, and compared to the 2002 shows he didn't run around as much.

So Vegas 01 is the best example of his post-2000 voice because there was less stage space and he was focused more on his vocals than his movement.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Kaybee on December 28, 2005, 02:25:12 AM
I didn't think Axl's voice sounded that bad. It didn't blow me away, but it certainly wasn't awful.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on December 28, 2005, 04:13:56 AM
Rock IN Rio wasnt a good show, was like seeing a gnr cover band, but the new songs were great.

Thank you Rock In Rio wasn't a good show at all. There were alot of sound problems, but that doesn't make up for the fact that Axl was just bad that night. If he sings like MSG every nite and the band plays like that every nite we'll be in for a hell of a ride if/when they tour

If we ever get a soundboard of MSG, it's safe to say his voice will sound just like it did at any other 2002 concert.

Axl's voice was better at Vegas 01 and Rio than it was at any 2002 show.

That's probably because he was in better shape in 2001, and compared to the 2002 shows he didn't run around as much.

So Vegas 01 is the best example of his post-2000 voice because there was less stage space and he was focused more on his vocals than his movement.

I don't think Axl was in better shape in 2001, he looks like he's in worse shape if anything, look at his gut on Rio 2001! I don;t think his voice was better in 01 either except for maybe at the start of 'The Blues' in Rio, I liked it when he did the higher 'You know I tried so hard to make you...' as aposed to his 2002 growl. He was running around too much at Rio, a perfect example of how the running can fuck his singing up is on Maddy Rio, the ahhhhhh part sounds awful cos he's running around.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: DunkinDave on December 28, 2005, 04:21:22 AM
Rock IN Rio wasnt a good show, was like seeing a gnr cover band, but the new songs were great.

Thank you Rock In Rio wasn't a good show at all. There were alot of sound problems, but that doesn't make up for the fact that Axl was just bad that night. If he sings like MSG every nite and the band plays like that every nite we'll be in for a hell of a ride if/when they tour

If we ever get a soundboard of MSG, it's safe to say his voice will sound just like it did at any other 2002 concert.

Axl's voice was better at Vegas 01 and Rio than it was at any 2002 show.

That's probably because he was in better shape in 2001, and compared to the 2002 shows he didn't run around as much.

So Vegas 01 is the best example of his post-2000 voice because there was less stage space and he was focused more on his vocals than his movement.

I don't think Axl was in better shape in 2001, he looks like he's in worse shape if anything, look at his gut on Rio 2001!

At least he exposed his stomach in 2001, in 2002 he had jerseys on all the time.

What was he hiding?

And his face was fatter in 2002 than it was in 2001.

People forget that between Rio and the North American tour there was almost a 2 year layoff.

Plenty of time for one to gain weight.

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: badapple81 on December 28, 2005, 04:31:58 AM
How surprising..

The thread has turned into a discussion about Axl's weight and 'Robin is a disaster'   ::)

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: Mikkamakka on December 28, 2005, 07:58:01 AM
Finck and Brain, who is a good drummer, was a disaster.

Brain a disaster?? ???
are you kidding? His drums was awesome!
Robin wasn't a disaster either, he was really good at rythm, but he fucked-up lots of guitar solos. He seemed very nervous when he had to fill Slash shoes on's like if it was the Himalaya for him sometimes (November Rain...)

When they confused the rhythm, it was mostly caused by Brain. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a very good drummer, but didn't take enough time to learn the songs.

Robin's rhythm playing was OK, I would hardly criticize him as a rhythm guitarist, but he played more lead than BH, and if Nu-GN'R ever comes back it's likely that he'll be the first guitarist. And he fails as a lead guitarist. Sometimes he plays good (I like how he plays the Brownstone solo), but more often he makes mistakes he mustn't. It's Guns N' Roses, a guitar band, not NIN, an industrial band where fuck-ups can turn out to be 'good'.

Rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals...

Title: Re: How tight are 'New' GNR going to be together musically after all this time?
Post by: nesquick on December 28, 2005, 08:10:55 AM
but he played more lead than BH, and if Nu-GN'R ever comes back it's likely that he'll be the first guitarist.
No, I think it will be 50/50 with Fortus. They will share the guitar parts (rythm + solos)? 8)
Expect Richard to be a world class guitar player once the tour starts.

Sometimes he plays good (I like how he plays the Brownstone solo), but more often he makes mistakes he mustn't. It's Guns N' Roses, a guitar band, not NIN, an industrial band where fuck-ups can turn out to be 'good'.
I think we will see a different Robin next time. More generally, I do believe a lot of thing will be different. I'm sure we will see a more "Classic-Rock" band next time than the one in 2002. Maybe they will change a few things.