Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: RnT on December 07, 2005, 10:54:52 PM

Title: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: RnT on December 07, 2005, 10:54:52 PM
I?m a fan of this band since first time I saw the LIES EP im front of me, I was 11 years old
they were releasing the UYI albuns in that time... so, when I just realise how much I loved that band was along that 3 years ( 91 to 94 I think ), that time the band weren?t making shows, interviews and etc from what I remember ( after 94 )... so, my love for them grew while the band started to dissolve... so, I remember bying everything that I see in front of me, magazines, tapes etc... and my room was full of GNR posters

so, in ?99 that fanatism that I had when I was 13 years old just was not the same, couse I wanted to believe that GNR was alive, but deep inside I knew in some way that I was lucky enough just to be living that time to see what?ll be coming in the near future with the name GUNS N?ROSES... so, those posters, videos, magazines I just started to stow away them... and this makes me leave just one poster of the band im my room

so, yesterday that love from 11 years ago just came out, and just listening to AFD and puting my old videos to see, wasn?t enough for me...

I just put all my GNR POSTERS back in my room, I read every little magazine that I have, tons of journals from the time that the band played here in Brazil in RIR2 and S?O PAULO... and man, what a day, that feeling "anything could hapen anytime" that I used to have when I read these articles from the time GNR used to "rule the world" ... I just realised that my parents had their moment with Sabbath, Zeppelin... and I?m having this with GUNS N ROSES


( I decided put more Axl posters, couse the old band is gone and we don?t have anything about the new band so far...)

I?m with that feeling again, I know that a lot of GNR fans have much more material than me, and I?m not trying to be the "number 1" fan and start that bullshit about "I have more things, so I?m more fan that you and bla bla bla" ... I?m just happy that"anything could happen anytime" now... and it will make history, and that little kid that keep saving money from his sandwish and coke in the school is back and ready to do it all again   :smoking:

time to be fanatic again Axl
show me what you?ve got  ;)


Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: jimmythegent on December 07, 2005, 10:59:22 PM
ah, that post reminds me of how I felt when Guns were huge and I was a young fella

obsessed really, but in a good way  :beer:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 07, 2005, 11:00:28 PM
Great post!! :beer: Looks just like my room from 87-91. But those pictures also show how pathetic the current situation is. Twelve years since their last album, and all we have is those same old pics of the old band. Nothing new! The only way people will be fanatics like that again is if he'll release some new albums, and take a new generation by storm. Axl, if you're reading this, after looking at this guys wall, I have something to say to you(again): Thanks for "burying" AFD!! :hihi:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: misterbrownstone on December 07, 2005, 11:01:18 PM
time has come today ?:yes:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: RnT on December 07, 2005, 11:03:48 PM
PS: Coke = Coca-Cola  ;D

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: -Jack- on December 07, 2005, 11:15:30 PM
Great post!! :beer: Looks just like my room from 87-91. But those pictures also show how pathetic the current situation is. Twelve years since their last album, and all we have is those same old pics of the old band. Nothing new! The only way people will be fanatics like that again is if he'll release some new albums, and take a new generation by storm. Axl, if you're reading this, after looking at this guys wall, I have something to say to you(again): Thanks for "burying" AFD!! :hihi:

James you know what would be hilarious.. if Axl ranted about specific posters on message boards.. haha.. "And fuck you lofton!" haha..

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 07, 2005, 11:18:15 PM
Great post!! :beer: Looks just like my room from 87-91. But those pictures also show how pathetic the current situation is. Twelve years since their last album, and all we have is those same old pics of the old band. Nothing new! The only way people will be fanatics like that again is if he'll release some new albums, and take a new generation by storm. Axl, if you're reading this, after looking at this guys wall, I have something to say to you(again): Thanks for "burying" AFD!! :hihi:

James you know what would be hilarious.. if Axl ranted about specific posters on message boards.. haha.. "And fuck you lofton!" haha..
You know what would be hilarious? If he did what you just advised, and then seeing a 50 page thread about it.

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: -Jack- on December 07, 2005, 11:23:06 PM

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: GnFnR87 on December 07, 2005, 11:27:43 PM



Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: kathryn2662 on December 08, 2005, 12:52:42 AM
wow I wish my room looked like that  :love:
very jealous

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Chief on December 08, 2005, 02:28:51 AM
wow that is hard core.. nice poster, thanks..
i remember when i had that same feeling.. its amazing and never really can be duplicated but i know it can come back again like what happened with the Black Crowes this year for me when they started touring again, simply amazing.
it started though, i listened to those live versions of breakdown and a few other things and i'm getting back into it. we are in for a very interesting 2006 i think!

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Rob on December 08, 2005, 04:09:32 AM
I'm always pretty fanatic about GN'R.  I don't have nearly the amount of memorbelia a lot of you guys and gals do since I wasn't a fan until a little more than 4 years ago, but I would consider myself a fanatic.  However, my fanaticism definitely died down once the 2002 tour was cancelled.  Up until Axl no-showed in Philly, I was at a whole other level of fanatic with GN'R.  Since then I haven't been at that level.  I really want Axl to give me a reason to be at that level again.  But I don't think I'd be able to be there unless something big the release of CD.  I don't think I could just flick a switch and all of a sudden be at that level again.  Something needs to happen to get me that excited again.

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Elle on December 08, 2005, 05:42:19 AM
Ah i remember when my room was like that  :love:

And then I remember being 14, returning home from school and my mum had taken all my posters down and chucked them out  :crying:

Ah well!!

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: ladora on December 08, 2005, 07:14:18 AM
Holy cow!  : ok:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: RnT on December 08, 2005, 09:27:19 AM
do you guys think that GNR fanatism will be less or more when Axl come back ?

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Luigi on December 08, 2005, 10:07:52 AM
It really depends on the group as a whole and if they talk to the press enough thats going to be the test. If Axl looks foward and doesn't talk trash and does his thing like a ARTIST does, then Yes they'll be at the top.

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: CAFC Nick on December 08, 2005, 11:53:52 AM
This post is kinda worrying...

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on December 08, 2005, 12:02:56 PM
I don't like poster or stuff hanging in the walls of my room but that room looks so cool  : ok:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Nytunz on December 08, 2005, 12:22:44 PM
yeah! Looked like my room in the early 90s..! Greaat!!

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: RnT on December 08, 2005, 12:32:53 PM
This post is kinda worrying...


Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: ppbebe on December 08, 2005, 01:00:06 PM

I sorta see what cafcnickdugay meant but perhaps I shouldn't say ......
the answer is in the replies. until what age... :-X eh, never mind. RnT is RnT.

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: RnT on December 08, 2005, 01:23:21 PM

I sorta see what cafcnickdugay meant but perhaps I shouldn't say ......
the answer is in the replies. until what age... :-X eh, never mind. RnT is RnT.

I?ll be 24 next week, since I saw the LIES EP in front of me, the meaning "Rock N?Roll" became part of my life.
some people will show to theirs sons books, pictures of great world leaders, memories... that?s why I?m doing with GNR, I wish when I?m 40 to have posters of my fav bands in my wall  ;D

I work, have a band ( :) ), have a beautiful girl ( tha loves GNR and rock! ), awsome parents that were crazy about Zeppelin, Sabbath in their time

I?m just waiting for CD to put in the higher volume in my car and show to averyone why Rock N?Roll makes you be like that  :)

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: AxlsMainMan on December 08, 2005, 07:26:06 PM
Dude your room totally reminds me of my room ;D

Mine is more of a shrine to Axl and the New GnR though, Ive gone through so many printer cartridges lately its not even funny :hihi:

Ill post some pictures if I get a moment : ok:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: gnrrock on December 08, 2005, 10:16:18 PM
Great room.  You should keep the pics to yourself though.  You could get a restraining order.  Just kidding.  Keep it real.

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: jazjme on December 08, 2005, 10:49:14 PM
That is fuckin awesome, like others have said that reminds me of my room, from 87-92, thats when I moved out of my parents house, god I wished I saved everything I had, but seeing post and stuff like this , makes it wasy for me to be fanatic again, not like I havent been for the last almost 20 yrs. ROCK ON!!!!! : ok: :peace: :beer:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Buddha_Master on December 08, 2005, 11:52:43 PM
you know...I dig the shit outta Axl. I really do. I think he's fucking awesome...always have, always will. I made a poster out of this cool ass (IMO) picture of Axl kicking back looking cool, with the big bud next to him. Bur I don't know...

just seems a little gay to have all those pics of a dude half naked, or wearing biker shorts and shit up on the wall there.

Maybe Im just taking a stab in the dark but... you live with your parents right? You don't have a girl either. I would love to stand corrected so tell me I'm wrong. I think this is a little worrying like the other dude mentioned. Its almost stalker crazy.

...wait, you're real name wouldn't be Stan by any chance would it?

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: jazjme on December 09, 2005, 01:37:37 AM
ih budda that was just so wrong, .lol, funny, though, , but in the posters defence, its not like hes climbing over axls walls, trying to get in like that sycho bimbo yrs ago, so what if he like axl in shorts, so the fuck what.  :rofl:( I know I did back in the day) ! :o :-* :beer: :peace:

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: horsey on December 09, 2005, 04:07:17 AM
man that just brought a tear to my eyes.beautiful i love it !
i feel like i have nothing compared to that.i loved it so kool !
i have alot of old mags and some pic's from the net an posters but nothing as much as that.that was awesome to look at.some ive never even seen before i think.

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: RnT on December 09, 2005, 05:54:57 AM
I live with my parents
yeah, I have a girl ( a beautiful one! )
no, my name is not Stan  :rofl:
don?t worry Axl  ;)

Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: Buddha_Master on December 09, 2005, 01:41:59 PM
Shit thats cool, each to his own. Just make sure your girl isn't staring at one one those Axl pics when your banging her.


Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: RnT on December 10, 2005, 11:53:57 PM
people say I?m look like Axl
since I was 16
maybe she...


Title: Re: Time to be "Fanatic" again ??
Post by: saint seiya on December 11, 2005, 02:31:37 AM
I consider myself a gnr fan not because of how much stuff i can collect with their names on it but because how much i like their music, I will never buy anything other than their cd's or dvds. I have about 100gb of bootlegs though  :peace: