Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: AxlRoseVen on December 01, 2005, 04:29:05 PM

Title: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 01, 2005, 04:29:05 PM
...   :smoking:  ok, I know other persons have posted something like these lines before but I?m so sure other ones haven't had the chance to read this to express their own opinions!!!! the thing is:

1)Why did Axl come back to the show business speakin? 'bout a rare country like CHINA after all this fucking time?
2)Why does Axl feel a special sentiment 'bout the Chinese culture these days when he didn't give a damn 'bout the Chinese people from the start?
3)Although Axl didn't say a word ?bout CHINA for a weird reason the guy?s been attracted by that culture a long long time ago?

?well folks you might have the right answer ?.so let us know then!!!!   ;D

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Judge Dredd on December 01, 2005, 04:32:38 PM
China will soon take over as the world's number one nation. :smoking:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Neemo on December 01, 2005, 04:32:52 PM
I think it's cuz he watched a movie about Chinese Politics or something and he was intrigued so he researched about it.

Not to get famous. I'm not sure but i think he already is famous ::)

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Evolution on December 01, 2005, 04:33:51 PM
Maybe he relates China's past with his own life in some way?

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: the dirt on December 01, 2005, 04:34:16 PM
It's because he's a communist

Don't you know?

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: NorthwindNS on December 01, 2005, 04:36:41 PM
1. China is not rare.
2. Lots of peeps like China. I love the chinese buffet down the street.
3. Who says he's attracted to the culture. CHINESE DEMOCRACY.... has to do with communisn and all that shit. :rant:

 : ok:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Voodoochild on December 01, 2005, 04:48:34 PM
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: ppbebe on December 01, 2005, 04:50:58 PM
Maybe Tina Chan (is this name correct ???) is Chinese and cute?
Maybe he's into kung fu movies?
Maybe the past regression therapy finally reminded him that he was originally the Monkey king?

It's because he's a communist

Don't you know?

No. I 'm sure it's has nothing to do with the ideology.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on December 01, 2005, 05:11:25 PM
1. China is not rare.
2. Lots of peeps like China. I love the chinese buffet down the street.
3. Who says he's attracted to the culture. CHINESE DEMOCRACY.... has to do with communisn and all that shit. :rant:

 : ok:

Wow, thats like the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon.  Bravo! ;D

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on December 01, 2005, 05:19:32 PM
Axl stated in the Loder interview that he picked the name Chinese Democracy because he thought it sounded cool.  There is no great mystery behind the name choice.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: blasphemer on December 01, 2005, 05:21:20 PM
...? ?:smoking:? ok, I know other persons have posted something like these lines before but I?m so sure other ones haven't had the chance to read this to express their own opinions!!!! the thing is:

1)Why did Axl come back to the show business speakin? 'bout a rare country like CHINA after all this fucking time?
2)Why does Axl feel a special sentiment 'bout the Chinese culture these days when he didn't give a damn 'bout the Chinese people from the start?
3)Although Axl didn't say a word ?bout CHINA for a weird reason the guy?s been attracted by that culture a long long time ago?

?well folks you might have the right answer ?.so let us know then!!!! ? ;D

You know there doesnt have to be a special meaning behind everything he writes, says, or names. ?And if there is im sure we will find out when the album comes out. ? ?Oh by the way, ?you call china a rare country, LMFAO which are you dumb or stupid. Theres over a billion people in that country. ?Which happens to be 1/6 the population of the entire world.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jabba2 on December 01, 2005, 05:39:27 PM
Axl stated in the Loder interview that he picked the name Chinese Democracy because he thought it sounded cool.? There is no great mystery behind the name choice.

One of Axl's first shows back with the new band was in China, so it must have a special meaning for him. He even displayed the album cover and dropped red/white confetti.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Jessica on December 01, 2005, 06:00:49 PM
There has been a bar called Guns N Roses in singapore, one in Ho Chi Minh too for a long time.

Some of the asian culture is fascinating and Axl was always described as a very cultured individual. Maybe he finds some peace into it. Who knows ?

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Evolution on December 01, 2005, 06:03:26 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 01, 2005, 07:48:25 PM
  If you listen to some of Axl's rants from old shows, he's always been about not letting anybody keep you down.  When you look at Communist China, you get over a BILLION people being repressed and kept down.  It's so bad that alot of folks over there have just learned to accept that the government will decide what is acceptable for each person to hear, see, think, etc.  All tv, radio, internet, etc. is monitored and censored.  "Chinese" Democracy is a paradox. 

  So is this to try and get more fame?  Absolutely not.  If you look at the situation with evangelical christians here in the United States, who are trying to implement more stringent censorship and control via "decency" laws, it doesn't take a genius to see the potential nightmare scenario in our own backyards.  "Chinese" Democracy could be coming soon to any of our backyards...if we're not careful.

  Plus, remember, it's just an album/song title.  The CD song (to me) demonstrates Axl's ability to write songs from a personal level, and not have to hit you over the head with a political message from high atop a celebrity soapbox.   : ok: 



Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: RichardNixon on December 01, 2005, 07:51:27 PM
Wasn't he really taken with the "Kudan" film.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: PJ on December 01, 2005, 09:11:19 PM
he wrote the song.. after watching the movie...
but the name.. is nothing about politics.. he said he choose it cuz he like it...

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 01, 2005, 10:06:25 PM
he wrote the song.. after watching the movie...
but the name.. is nothing about politics.. he said he choose it cuz he like it...

Pepe666, I hate to burst your bubble.  If you think that movie isn't about "politics" here's one of Webster's definitions of political:  involved or charged or concerned with acts against a government or a political system.   The film Kundun is actually described as a political drama.  Do you know what the film is about?  The Chinese Army forces the Dalai Lama out of Tibet...and that's just part of it. 

I swear I remember a thread arguing this same point about CD being "political."  Again, I am sticking to my opinion that Axl aint dumb enough to take sides on specific issues...that alienates part of the audience. 

The name Chinese Democracy is a tragic paradox.  Do you honestly believe he'd watch this political drama, get inspired by the movie, and as a result, create music that has no political ideals involved?  Like I said, he won't slam you over the head one way or the other, he'll provide lyrics and vocals that will be thought-provoking and allow you to identify with more general themes like pain, frustration, love, fear, and what all of us pursue in our lives...enlightenment. 

Now I'm going to go have a beautiful mixed drink!   :peace:       

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 01, 2005, 10:15:46 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Oh ok   :-\  , Axl was right to say that but why didn't he call his album Cuban Democracy then? That poor country is fucking close to his own country, a lot of Cubans have immigratin? to the u.s.a after all this fucking time so i do think Axl has a mysterious reason to speak 'bout that rare country which's too fucking far away from his Yankee land!  :hihi:?
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then? ?::)

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on December 01, 2005, 10:18:11 PM
If you listen to the lyrics in CD though there are only like 2 references to China. I'm not saying Axl has no interest in Chinese culture or the politics but I always thought the title and song chinese democracy were just one big metaphor for the album itself.
The lyrics to the song definately seem to be more about the album CD than actual Democracy in China, when Axl sings 'It would take a lot more time than you, have got for masturbation', I always thought that was Axl's way of answering critics who always ask 'How long is this fucking album gonna take?'. Again when Axl sings 'It don't really matter, guess i'll keep this to myself/leave this thing to somebody else', I took that as 'Fuck you (To the haters) I don't have to release this album, I'll keep this shit to myself and leave making music to the other bands out now'. HAve I completely misinterpreted these lyrics or does anyone agree?

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 01, 2005, 10:35:39 PM
If you listen to the lyrics in CD though there are only like 2 references to China. I'm not saying Axl has no interest in Chinese culture or the politics but I always thought the title and song chinese democracy were just one big metaphor for the album itself.
The lyrics to the song definately seem to be more about the album CD than actual Democracy in China, when Axl sings 'It would take a lot more time than you, have got for masturbation', I always thought that was Axl's way of answering critics who always ask 'How long is this fucking album gonna take?'. Again when Axl sings 'It don't really matter, guess i'll keep this to myself/leave this thing to somebody else', I took that as 'Fuck you (To the haters) I don't have to release this album, I'll keep this shit to myself and leave making music to the other bands out now'. HAve I completely misinterpreted these lyrics or does anyone agree?
You hit the nail on the head, and so have several others whenever this topic becomes a thread. Chinese Democracy has nothing to do with China. The sooner that people realize that, the better.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 01, 2005, 10:49:16 PM
If you listen to the lyrics in CD though there are only like 2 references to China. I'm not saying Axl has no interest in Chinese culture or the politics but I always thought the title and song chinese democracy were just one big metaphor for the album itself.
The lyrics to the song definately seem to be more about the album CD than actual Democracy in China, when Axl sings 'It would take a lot more time than you, have got for masturbation', I always thought that was Axl's way of answering critics who always ask 'How long is this fucking album gonna take?'. Again when Axl sings 'It don't really matter, guess i'll keep this to myself/leave this thing to somebody else', I took that as 'Fuck you (To the haters) I don't have to release this album, I'll keep this shit to myself and leave making music to the other bands out now'. HAve I completely misinterpreted these lyrics or does anyone agree?
You hit the nail on the head, and so have several others whenever this topic becomes a thread. Chinese Democracy has nothing to do with China. The sooner that people realize that, the better.

Oh really? Why did gnr show Chinese?s stuff when you see their concerts then? even Axl gets very inspirited when they play the chinese democracy song....sorry I?m not a fool to believe your empty arguments  !!!  :rant:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 01, 2005, 10:52:21 PM
If you listen to the lyrics in CD though there are only like 2 references to China. I'm not saying Axl has no interest in Chinese culture or the politics but I always thought the title and song chinese democracy were just one big metaphor for the album itself.
The lyrics to the song definately seem to be more about the album CD than actual Democracy in China, when Axl sings 'It would take a lot more time than you, have got for masturbation', I always thought that was Axl's way of answering critics who always ask 'How long is this fucking album gonna take?'. Again when Axl sings 'It don't really matter, guess i'll keep this to myself/leave this thing to somebody else', I took that as 'Fuck you (To the haters) I don't have to release this album, I'll keep this shit to myself and leave making music to the other bands out now'. HAve I completely misinterpreted these lyrics or does anyone agree?
You hit the nail on the head, and so have several others whenever this topic becomes a thread. Chinese Democracy has nothing to do with China. The sooner that people realize that, the better.

Oh really? Why did gnr show Chinese?s stuff when you see their concerts then? even Axl gets very inspirited when they play the chinese democracy song....sorry I?m not a fool to believe your empty arguments? !!!? :rant:
There is other threads about this same topic. Go read those and you will find the answers you seek. Next time, when you use the term 'empty argument', say it to a mirror.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 01, 2005, 10:58:36 PM
If you listen to the lyrics in CD though there are only like 2 references to China. I'm not saying Axl has no interest in Chinese culture or the politics but I always thought the title and song chinese democracy were just one big metaphor for the album itself.
The lyrics to the song definately seem to be more about the album CD than actual Democracy in China, when Axl sings 'It would take a lot more time than you, have got for masturbation', I always thought that was Axl's way of answering critics who always ask 'How long is this fucking album gonna take?'. Again when Axl sings 'It don't really matter, guess i'll keep this to myself/leave this thing to somebody else', I took that as 'Fuck you (To the haters) I don't have to release this album, I'll keep this shit to myself and leave making music to the other bands out now'. HAve I completely misinterpreted these lyrics or does anyone agree?
You hit the nail on the head, and so have several others whenever this topic becomes a thread. Chinese Democracy has nothing to do with China. The sooner that people realize that, the better.

Oh really? Why did gnr show Chinese?s stuff when you see their concerts then? even Axl gets very inspirited when they play the chinese democracy song....sorry I?m not a fool to believe your empty arguments? !!!? :rant:
There is other threads about this same topic. Go read those and you will find the answers you seek. Next time, when you use the term 'empty argument', say it to a mirror.

:hihi: you're the one to say it to a mirror cuz you don't answer what wrote up there yet!!! ... something tells me you're disagree cuz Axl loves china for a weird reason, it isn't?  :o

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 01, 2005, 11:21:17 PM
Guess what, these are all opinions. ?The song is not 100% about China. ?However, if you think he's not referencing China, you're crazy. ?These are some lyrics that should lead you to the same conclusion, with links to educate, please read them:

Sitting in a Chinese stew...
I know that I'm a classic case
Watch my disenchanted face
Blame it on the Falun Gong ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
They see the hand and you can't hold on, now

Cause it would take a lot more hate than you
To stop the fascination
Even with an iron fist
All they've got to rule the nation
But all I got is precious time

(an oppressive government hates the subversive Falun Gong beliefs, and the Dalai Lama's potential influence over China's people. ?The government and army have the power of the iron fist, to rule the nation, and to even displace the revered Dalai Lama...but no iron fist rule lasts forever, and precious time is more valuable.)

It don't really matter
Guess I'll keep it to myself
No, it don't really matter
I guess you'll leave this thing to somebody else

(first line sarcastic, 2nd line "I'll shut the fuck up because who wants to hear about Tibet being illegally occupied, and its spiritual leader wrongfully exiled," 3rd line sarcastic again, and the 4th line, "Maybe somebody else will take care of this mess, let's just hide it and not think about it.")

 You think you've got it all locked up inside
And if you beat 'em enough they'll die
It's like a walk in a park from a cell
And now you're keeping you're own kind in hell
And if you're Great Wall rocks blame your self
While they all reach out for you hand/help?
And we're out of time...

(1st line, China feels it has everything secured, and 2nd line, "We can stamp this subversiveness out," 3rd line is awesome, "It's like a walk in a park from a cell," you think you're free but you're truly in jail, in this case China's citizens. ?4th line, you know? ?I have never heard a song that is "totally not about China" mentioning the Great Wall! ?"If the Great Wall rocks, blame yourself," is meant toward Red China as kind of a, "dude, eventually karma will bite you in the ass. ?When the system falls, and people recognize the wrongs the government was responsible for, what then?)

JamesLofton and co., I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, but surely you must find some merit to my surface interpretation? ?You can go deeper by comparing the struggles and frustration of the Chinese and the Tibetans with the struggles and frustration Axl and co. may be feeling or may have felt when writing this diddy. ? :peace:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 01, 2005, 11:32:24 PM
Guess what, these are all opinions. ?The song is not 100% about China. ?However, if you think he's not referencing China, you're crazy. ?These are some lyrics that should lead you to the same conclusion, with links to educate, please read them:

Sitting in a Chinese stew...
I know that I'm a classic case
Watch my disenchanted face
Blame it on the Falun Gong ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
They see the hand and you can't hold on, now

Cause it would take a lot more hate than you
To stop the fascination
Even with an iron fist
All they've got to rule the nation
But all I got is precious time

(an oppressive government hates the subversive Falun Gong beliefs, and the Dalai Lama's potential influence over China's people. ?The government and army have the power of the iron fist, to rule the nation, and to even displace the revered Dalai Lama...but no iron fist rule lasts forever, and precious time is more valuable.)

It don't really matter
Guess I'll keep it to myself
No, it don't really matter
I guess you'll leave this thing to somebody else

(first line sarcastic, 2nd line "I'll shut the fuck up because who wants to hear about Tibet being illegally occupied, and its spiritual leader wrongfully exiled," 3rd line sarcastic again, and the 4th line, "Maybe somebody else will take care of this mess, let's just hide it and not think about it.")

 You think you've got it all locked up inside
And if you beat 'em enough they'll die
It's like a walk in a park from a cell
And now you're keeping you're own kind in hell
And if you're Great Wall rocks blame your self
While they all reach out for you hand/help?
And we're out of time...

(1st line, China feels it has everything secured, and 2nd line, "We can stamp this subversiveness out," 3rd line is awesome, "It's like a walk in a park from a cell," you think you're free but you're truly in jail, in this case China's citizens. ?4th line, you know? ?I have never heard a song that is "totally not about China" mentioning the Great Wall! ?"If the Great Wall rocks, blame yourself," is meant toward Red China as kind of a, "dude, eventually karma will bite you in the ass. ?When the system falls, and people recognize the wrongs the government was responsible for, what then?)

JamesLofton and co., I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, but surely you must find some merit to my surface interpretation? ?You can go deeper by comparing the struggles and frustration of the Chinese and the Tibetans with the struggles and frustration Axl and co. may be feeling or may have felt when writing this diddy. ? :peace:

Cool interpretation, but I think you're wrong. His use of Chinese Stew is a veiled reference at us and other forums. The Falun Gong thing is basically a veiled joke. Fans have blamed just about everyone for why this album hasn't been released. So since it is titled CD, we might as well 'blame it on the Falun Gong. The only reason you see mentions of China in the song is because it is in the album title. Take out the few Chinese references, your interpretation(and others) makes no sense and you would be commited to an insane asylum for believing it is about China.  : ok:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on December 01, 2005, 11:46:04 PM
Guess what, these are all opinions. ?The song is not 100% about China. ?However, if you think he's not referencing China, you're crazy. ?These are some lyrics that should lead you to the same conclusion, with links to educate, please read them:

I have never heard a song that is "totally not about China" mentioning the Great Wall! ?"

As I stated in my first post the song does indeed have a few references to China, however I always saw these as a cover up and metaphors for what the song is really about...The album!

Does anyone really think Madagascar is about an island??!! I can go into my interpretation of those lyrics too but maybe we should save that for another topic  :hihi:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 01, 2005, 11:50:09 PM
Guess what, these are all opinions. ?The song is not 100% about China. ?However, if you think he's not referencing China, you're crazy. ?These are some lyrics that should lead you to the same conclusion, with links to educate, please read them:

I have never heard a song that is "totally not about China" mentioning the Great Wall! ?"

As I stated in my first post the song does indeed have a few references to China, however I always saw these as a cover up and metaphors for what the song is really about...The album!

Does anyone really think Madagascar is about an island??!! I can go into my interpretation of those lyrics too but maybe we should save that for another topic? :hihi:
100% correct. Its all metaphors, which should make for an interesting album. His use of the title 'Catcher in the Rye' could lead into several different directions. : ok:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 01, 2005, 11:59:47 PM
A veiled reference to the fans? ?James, I think I just linked 75% of the song to China, the struggles of the Tibetan people, and left it open at the end for everyone to apply the linkages to Axl and co.'s personal struggles and how they could identify with the theme of oppression. ?

I'd love to hear some feedback on my interpretation of CD. ?Seriously, is it crazier to think the song is about China rather than Axl using it as a platform to take pot-shots at what remaining fans he has left? ?I can just see it now, "Well, I just watched this cool movie about the Dalai Lama gettin' forced out of his homeland by the Chinese army, called Kundun...I think I'll write a song called Chinese Democracy...and in this song, I'll take pot-shots at those internet guys!" ?Seriously, do you think Axl is so shallow he'd concern himself with "album-delay" themes over more universal themes like injustice, suffering, fear, pain, frustration, indignation, etc.???

Someone else please chime in on this.

Axl4Prez2004 ?:peace:

PS  I just saw the Maddy reference, and please don't imply that I said Maddy is about the island off the coast of southern Africa...because it isn't.  Yes, there was a thread about this title as well, and I stated my opinion on this...I believe I compared Maddy to Kashmir by Zeppelin.  The name and place conjure up emotions, separation, loneliness, turmoil, etc.
Please, specifically, check out the interpretation and go in with an open mind.  I think GNFNR_UK and JamesLofton are missing the boat here, sorry.   :peace:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 02, 2005, 12:05:37 AM
Guess what, these are all opinions. ?The song is not 100% about China. ?However, if you think he's not referencing China, you're crazy. ?These are some lyrics that should lead you to the same conclusion, with links to educate, please read them:

I have never heard a song that is "totally not about China" mentioning the Great Wall! ?"

As I stated in my first post the song does indeed have a few references to China, however I always saw these as a cover up and metaphors for what the song is really about...The album!

Does anyone really think Madagascar is about an island??!! I can go into my interpretation of those lyrics too but maybe we should save that for another topic? :hihi:

 :rant: ?If the fucking song isn't 'bout that country why did they show real videos of violence in china at rock in rio where that people appear so fucking angry n' hungry too? did you really see gnr at rock in rio 2001? ?::)

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 02, 2005, 01:24:29 AM
A veiled reference to the fans? ?James, I think I just linked 75% of the song to China, the struggles of the Tibetan people, and left it open at the end for everyone to apply the linkages to Axl and co.'s personal struggles and how they could identify with the theme of oppression. ?

I'd love to hear some feedback on my interpretation of CD. ?Seriously, is it crazier to think the song is about China rather than Axl using it as a platform to take pot-shots at what remaining fans he has left? ?I can just see it now, "Well, I just watched this cool movie about the Dalai Lama gettin' forced out of his homeland by the Chinese army, called Kundun...I think I'll write a song called Chinese Democracy...and in this song, I'll take pot-shots at those internet guys!" ?Seriously, do you think Axl is so shallow he'd concern himself with "album-delay" themes over more universal themes like injustice, suffering, fear, pain, frustration, indignation, etc.???

Someone else please chime in on this.

Axl4Prez2004 ?:peace:

PS? I just saw the Maddy reference, and please don't imply that I said Maddy is about the island off the coast of southern Africa...because it isn't.? Yes, there was a thread about this title as well, and I stated my opinion on this...I believe I compared Maddy to Kashmir by Zeppelin.? The name and place conjure up emotions, separation, loneliness, turmoil, etc.
Please, specifically, check out the interpretation and go in with an open mind.? I think GNFNR_UK and JamesLofton are missing the boat here, sorry.? ?:peace:
I've looked at this with an open mind. When I first heard about this song, I also figured it was about China. But when listening to it, it quickly becomes obvious that its not. According to your logic, not only is Madagascar about the island, Riyadh is also about Saudi Arabia, and IRS is about Axl being pissed about paying his taxes. You and several others here take everything literally. Is November Rain about Axl standing in the rain in November? Is 'Jungle' about being in a real jungle? This sort of logic gets you nowhere, and could go on forever. Its clear that its a metaphoric description about him, his album, and his jaded fanbase. : ok:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 02, 2005, 01:54:00 AM
A veiled reference to the fans? ?James, I think I just linked 75% of the song to China, the struggles of the Tibetan people, and left it open at the end for everyone to apply the linkages to Axl and co.'s personal struggles and how they could identify with the theme of oppression. ?

I'd love to hear some feedback on my interpretation of CD. ?Seriously, is it crazier to think the song is about China rather than Axl using it as a platform to take pot-shots at what remaining fans he has left? ?I can just see it now, "Well, I just watched this cool movie about the Dalai Lama gettin' forced out of his homeland by the Chinese army, called Kundun...I think I'll write a song called Chinese Democracy...and in this song, I'll take pot-shots at those internet guys!" ?Seriously, do you think Axl is so shallow he'd concern himself with "album-delay" themes over more universal themes like injustice, suffering, fear, pain, frustration, indignation, etc.???

Someone else please chime in on this.

Axl4Prez2004 ?:peace:

PS? I just saw the Maddy reference, and please don't imply that I said Maddy is about the island off the coast of southern Africa...because it isn't.? Yes, there was a thread about this title as well, and I stated my opinion on this...I believe I compared Maddy to Kashmir by Zeppelin.? The name and place conjure up emotions, separation, loneliness, turmoil, etc.
Please, specifically, check out the interpretation and go in with an open mind.? I think GNFNR_UK and JamesLofton are missing the boat here, sorry.? ?:peace:
I've looked at this with an open mind. When I first heard about this song, I also figured it was about China. But when listening to it, it quickly becomes obvious that its not. According to your logic, not only is Madagascar about the island, Riyadh is also about Saudi Arabia, and IRS is about Axl being pissed about paying his taxes. You and several others here take everything literally. Is November Rain about Axl standing in the rain in November? Is 'Jungle' about being in a real jungle? This sort of logic gets you nowhere, and could go on forever. Its clear that its a metaphoric description about him, his album, and his jaded fanbase. : ok:

 ::) why did they show real videos of violence in china at rock in rio? did you really see gnr at rock in rio 2001?    :nervous:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 02, 2005, 02:01:08 AM
A veiled reference to the fans? ?James, I think I just linked 75% of the song to China, the struggles of the Tibetan people, and left it open at the end for everyone to apply the linkages to Axl and co.'s personal struggles and how they could identify with the theme of oppression. ?

I'd love to hear some feedback on my interpretation of CD. ?Seriously, is it crazier to think the song is about China rather than Axl using it as a platform to take pot-shots at what remaining fans he has left? ?I can just see it now, "Well, I just watched this cool movie about the Dalai Lama gettin' forced out of his homeland by the Chinese army, called Kundun...I think I'll write a song called Chinese Democracy...and in this song, I'll take pot-shots at those internet guys!" ?Seriously, do you think Axl is so shallow he'd concern himself with "album-delay" themes over more universal themes like injustice, suffering, fear, pain, frustration, indignation, etc.???

Someone else please chime in on this.

Axl4Prez2004 ?:peace:

PS? I just saw the Maddy reference, and please don't imply that I said Maddy is about the island off the coast of southern Africa...because it isn't.? Yes, there was a thread about this title as well, and I stated my opinion on this...I believe I compared Maddy to Kashmir by Zeppelin.? The name and place conjure up emotions, separation, loneliness, turmoil, etc.
Please, specifically, check out the interpretation and go in with an open mind.? I think GNFNR_UK and JamesLofton are missing the boat here, sorry.? ?:peace:
I've looked at this with an open mind. When I first heard about this song, I also figured it was about China. But when listening to it, it quickly becomes obvious that its not. According to your logic, not only is Madagascar about the island, Riyadh is also about Saudi Arabia, and IRS is about Axl being pissed about paying his taxes. You and several others here take everything literally. Is November Rain about Axl standing in the rain in November? Is 'Jungle' about being in a real jungle? This sort of logic gets you nowhere, and could go on forever. Its clear that its a metaphoric description about him, his album, and his jaded fanbase. : ok:

 ::) why did they show real videos of violence in china at rock in rio? did you really see gnr at rock in rio 2001?? ? :nervous:
To please the section of the fanbase that takes everything literally. :confused:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: GNFNR_UK on December 02, 2005, 02:08:09 AM
:rant: ?If the fucking song isn't 'bout that country why did they show real videos of violence in china at rock in rio where that people appear so fucking angry n' hungry too?

So that people like you and Axl4Prez will go looking for deeper meanings to the song, going over the lyrics with a fine toothcombe whilst missing what is right before your very eyes! Axl has written the lyrics so they can be taken in many ways but my belief is that they are about the album.

Also I don't think he's 'taking pot shots at the internet guys' alone. I think it's directed at everyone who lost faith in him, all the people who have made a joke at how long it's took Axl to do this, we know the media have said a lot of shit about him, and so have ex band members and so called fans. I think it's directed at all of them.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 02, 2005, 02:17:50 AM
:rant: ?If the fucking song isn't 'bout that country why did they show real videos of violence in china at rock in rio where that people appear so fucking angry n' hungry too?

So that people like you and Axl4Prez will go looking for deeper meanings to the song, going over the lyrics with a fine toothcombe whilst missing what is right before your very eyes! Axl has written the lyrics so they can be taken in many ways but my belief is that they are about the album.

Also I don't think he's 'taking pot shots at the internet guys' alone. I think it's directed at everyone who lost faith in him, all the people who have made a joke at how long it's took Axl to do this, we know the media have said a lot of shit about him, and so have ex band members and so called fans. I think it's directed at all of them.

Good point! :beer:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: shaun on December 02, 2005, 05:02:08 AM
Maybe [he did] over 10 year ago  ;D

China is a changing place, so maybe the title 'chinese democracy' is not so meaningful in the here and now 2005 - 2006 in 4 weeks time  ;D

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on December 02, 2005, 06:56:13 AM
china is everywhere nowadays
schools wanna send you to china
students learn chinese
companies go to china

it's all about china
i'm so sick of it. :)

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: PJ on December 02, 2005, 09:41:04 AM
this guy axl4prez2004... tries to create deep meanings about the most clear things ever... even after he can see an interview of axl saying that he just liked the name... but the album doesnt have anypolitical stuff...

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Evolution on December 02, 2005, 10:45:38 AM
This has been said a million times before, but in keeping with the "boards being the Falun Gong" thing, a GITR style rant about posters on here would be so funny :hihi:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 02, 2005, 01:19:36 PM
A veiled reference to the fans? ?James, I think I just linked 75% of the song to China, the struggles of the Tibetan people, and left it open at the end for everyone to apply the linkages to Axl and co.'s personal struggles and how they could identify with the theme of oppression. ?

I'd love to hear some feedback on my interpretation of CD. ?Seriously, is it crazier to think the song is about China rather than Axl using it as a platform to take pot-shots at what remaining fans he has left? ?I can just see it now, "Well, I just watched this cool movie about the Dalai Lama gettin' forced out of his homeland by the Chinese army, called Kundun...I think I'll write a song called Chinese Democracy...and in this song, I'll take pot-shots at those internet guys!" ?Seriously, do you think Axl is so shallow he'd concern himself with "album-delay" themes over more universal themes like injustice, suffering, fear, pain, frustration, indignation, etc.???

Someone else please chime in on this.

Axl4Prez2004 ?:peace:

PS? I just saw the Maddy reference, and please don't imply that I said Maddy is about the island off the coast of southern Africa...because it isn't.? Yes, there was a thread about this title as well, and I stated my opinion on this...I believe I compared Maddy to Kashmir by Zeppelin.? The name and place conjure up emotions, separation, loneliness, turmoil, etc.
Please, specifically, check out the interpretation and go in with an open mind.? I think GNFNR_UK and JamesLofton are missing the boat here, sorry.? ?:peace:
I've looked at this with an open mind. When I first heard about this song, I also figured it was about China. But when listening to it, it quickly becomes obvious that its not. According to your logic, not only is Madagascar about the island, Riyadh is also about Saudi Arabia, and IRS is about Axl being pissed about paying his taxes. You and several others here take everything literally. Is November Rain about Axl standing in the rain in November? Is 'Jungle' about being in a real jungle? This sort of logic gets you nowhere, and could go on forever. Its clear that its a metaphoric description about him, his album, and his jaded fanbase. : ok:

 ::) why did they show real videos of violence in china at rock in rio? did you really see gnr at rock in rio 2001?? ? :nervous:
To please the section of the fanbase that takes everything literally . :confused:

Axl wears like a chinese guy, he uses Chinese?s stuff to performance at gnr shows, writes songs 'bout repression n? hungry in china but there are other blind persons that can't understand YET what Axl tries to mean, ? someday we gonna read here that Axl wanna dance with Destiny Child too   :o

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Litti10 on December 02, 2005, 01:27:49 PM
who cares it dont have to be a life time fasination about sumtin to say that so why speculate for nothin

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 02, 2005, 01:43:59 PM
who cares it dont have to be a life time fasination about sumtin to say that so why speculate for nothin
This has been said a million times before, but in keeping with the "boards being the Falun Gong" thing, a GITR style rant about posters on here would be so funny :hihi:

Axl wanna help the chinese people to lead a better life soon but all you do is laugh at that poor country,...  :no:  ...oh fuck!!!!   :'(

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Judge Dredd on December 02, 2005, 02:04:09 PM
who cares it dont have to be a life time fasination about sumtin to say that so why speculate for nothin
This has been said a million times before, but in keeping with the "boards being the Falun Gong" thing, a GITR style rant about posters on here would be so funny :hihi:

Axl wanna help the chinese people to lead a better life soon but all you do is laugh at that poor country,...  :no:  ...oh fuck!!!!   :'(

China ain't poor. : ok:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Timmy on December 02, 2005, 02:43:34 PM
It's because he's a communist

Don't you know?

time to revive the House of Unamerican Activities

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: ppbebe on December 02, 2005, 03:42:57 PM
China ain't poor. : ok:

I think that's True in a sense. Doesn't it amaze you that people are so poorly informed about foreign countries.

in keeping with the "boards being the Falun Gong" thing,

As you know, a paranoiac ego tripper tends to think everyone is talking about her or him. :hihi:

Axl4Prez2004, that's an educated interpretation and interesting, however, I don't agree that it's really about the country, lets alone GNR fans.

As D0badog mentioned, China is changing more than you'd imagine. I hear It's more like a capitalistic communist nation at the moment.

The song expresses the mental state of the oppressed. That may apply to any society with the relation of controlling power to the ruled, e.g., of parents to children. Changes are necessary to better the society but the oppressed are often in despair and apathetic.

The song ends leaving the fix as it is and sounds unfinished.
I expect to hear a piece that responds to this one.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Evolution on December 02, 2005, 03:44:13 PM
As you know, a paranoiac ego tripper tends to think everyone is talking about her or him. :hihi:

Ye know me too well  :'(

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: ppbebe on December 02, 2005, 04:06:58 PM
As you know, a paranoiac ego tripper tends to think everyone is talking about her or him. :hihi:

Ye know me too well  :'(
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Good one!
Actually I didn't know that.
You managed to prove yourself to be the case as well as to testify the quote, right now.
Thank you!!!: ok:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Voodoochild on December 02, 2005, 04:27:54 PM
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?  ::)
Yeah, right, whatever what he said - most likely to please the crowd - almost 14 years ago.

So, why do you care if Axl cares or not about China?  ::)

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 02, 2005, 07:28:14 PM
From Ppbebe:  Axl4Prez2004, that's an educated interpretation and interesting, however, I don't agree that it's really about the country, lets alone GNR fans.

As D0badog mentioned, China is changing more than you'd imagine. I hear It's more like a capitalistic communist nation at the moment.

  1st off Ppbebe, thanks for actually taking the time to read my interpretation.  8) 

  I think in time, when Axl actually opens up and discusses the meanings of the songs, you'll find he sensed a connection between himself and another group of people half-way around the world who have had to put up with some of the same shit he has.(obviously on a much smaller scale)    As I said before, to those who feel I am taking things too literally, the song is not ALL about China.  The story of Kundun obviously hit Axl in a very personal way.  He wrote a song and named an album after watching the movie Kundun...and you STILL think it has nothing to do with China??  He could identify with these peoples' struggles, because he's had to deal with the same problems in his life, and that's that.   

  2nd, Axlroseven makes a point...why the Chinese characters?  why the "repressed Chinese people" imagery in the 2002 Tour??

  3rd, I'm surprised nobody has brought up the fact that Axl's eyes as a child appear to be similar to those of a person with an East Asian background.  I figured with posts on Finck's hair, this would eventually come up.  :hihi:

-Axl4Prez2004  :beer:

PS  OOPs, I almost forgot, Ppbebe mentioned China is more like a capitalist communist nation at the moment.  Remember Ppbebe, all capitalism in China is tightly controlled by the state, and EVERYTHING, tv, radio, newspapers, textbooks, public speakers, is censored by the government.  Dissent is NOT tolerated.  The practice of falun gong is ILLEGAL and you are subject to imprisonment if found practicing or promoting this banned belief.  I'm surprised some folks think the Falun Gong were mentioned in this song for no good reason.  Especially with Axl's well-known belief in spirituality via his forrays into Arizona or New Mexico (I forgot which state yoda lives in) but anywhoo, you catch my drift??  There's a kinship between Axl and those who seek peace in their lives via spiritual outlets.  Whether consciously or subconsciously Axl picked up on this connection...and hence, the beginning of CHINESE DEMOCRACY!   

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 03, 2005, 09:08:28 AM
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?? ::)

yeah, right, whatever what he said - most likely to please the crowd - almost 14 years ago.

So, why do you care if Axl cares or not about China?? ::)

you call Axl : LIAR  but he's a rock star who loves his fans.....i mean he always says the truth to us all so to please the crowd he doesn't need to tell fucking lies at all .....which's ur country? if your people had the money ' chance to see gnr over there maybe Axl said shocking truths to y'all there  :hihi:  ...   :'( n' please remember to show some fucking respect to CHINA, they're poors but they're human beings too  :yes:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: dirtyballs on December 03, 2005, 11:00:53 AM
you suck all cock on sesam street  :peace:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: ppbebe on December 03, 2005, 11:22:27 AM
You tell him, dirtyballs

He wrote a song and named an album after watching the movie Kundun...

I think you've misread something. :-\

  2nd, Axlroseven makes a point...why the Chinese characters?  why the "repressed Chinese people" imagery in the 2002 Tour??

Which one?

  3rd, I'm surprised nobody has brought up the fact that Axl's eyes as a child appear to be similar to those of a person with an East Asian background.

hum I thought they were rather irish... 8)

PS  OOPs, I almost forgot, Ppbebe mentioned China is more like a capitalist communist nation at the moment.  Remember Ppbebe, all capitalism in China is tightly controlled by the state, and EVERYTHING, tv, radio, newspapers, textbooks, public speakers, is censored by the government.  Dissent is NOT tolerated.  The practice of falun gong is ILLEGAL and you are subject to imprisonment if found practicing or promoting this banned belief.

When was that? I don't know if all the above are still the same. many things are Probably so.

I saw a TV documentary about the tremendous gap between the rich and the poor in today's China. There are upstart young  IT billionaires in the cities while the majority of people live frugal life. (BTW, do we really know who is happier, rich or poor.) and There is an urgent need for the state to promote a nation's welfare.

I guess one government ruling the 1.3 billions consist of 5 peoples is basically unreasonable.

China is changing by itself for sure. Chinese Democracy is inevitable. :peace:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 03, 2005, 11:54:11 AM
You tell him, dirtyballs

He wrote a song and named an album after watching the movie Kundun...

I think you've misread something. :-\

? 2nd, Axlroseven makes a point...why the Chinese characters?? why the "repressed Chinese people" imagery in the 2002 Tour??

Which one?

? 3rd, I'm surprised nobody has brought up the fact that Axl's eyes as a child appear to be similar to those of a person with an East Asian background.

hum I thought they were rather irish... 8)

PS? OOPs, I almost forgot, Ppbebe mentioned China is more like a capitalist communist nation at the moment.? Remember Ppbebe, all capitalism in China is tightly controlled by the state, and EVERYTHING, tv, radio, newspapers, textbooks, public speakers, is censored by the government.? Dissent is NOT tolerated.? The practice of falun gong is ILLEGAL and you are subject to imprisonment if found practicing or promoting this banned belief.

When was that? I don't know if all the above are still the same. many things are Probably so.

I saw a TV documentary about the tremendous gap between the rich and the poor in today's China. There are upstart young? IT billionaires in the cities while the majority of people live frugal life. (BTW, do we really know who is happier, rich or poor.) and There is an urgent need for the state to promote a nation's welfare.

I guess one government ruling the 1.3 billions consist of 5 peoples is basically unreasonable.

China is changing by itself for sure. Chinese Democracy is inevitable. :peace:

Our baby's got to rule the nation
when all i got is precious time
? ? :nervous:?

... I don't think China is close to live a democratic way like Venezuela, the u.s.a, U.K, Japan. etc, etc.... there's a scary reason behind it, that's why Axl wrote these amazing lines, this one?s to spit communists' eyes wildly !!!!? :hihi:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: ppbebe on December 03, 2005, 12:31:26 PM
ARV, have you ever read a post you reply to?

By the way, your definition of the word "liar" is also wrong.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Wooody on December 03, 2005, 02:53:42 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Oh ok   :-\  , Axl was right to say that but why didn't he call his album Cuban Democracy then? That poor country is fucking close to his own country, a lot of Cubans have immigratin? to the u.s.a after all this fucking time so i do think Axl has a mysterious reason to speak 'bout that rare country which's too fucking far away from his Yankee land!  :hihi: 
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?  ::)

if axlroseven lived in the US he would be called a redneck, a hick, etc
I guess he's just a peasant? campesino

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 03, 2005, 04:29:59 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Oh ok? ?:-\? , Axl was right to say that but why didn't he call his album Cuban Democracy then? That poor country is fucking close to his own country, a lot of Cubans have immigratin? to the u.s.a after all this fucking time so i do think Axl has a mysterious reason to speak 'bout that rare country which's too fucking far away from his Yankee land!? :hihi:?
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?? ::)

if axlroseven lived in the US he would be called a redneck, a hick, etc
I guess he's just a peasant? campesino

r ya a chinese guy? sorry but I?m not blame if your country doesn't have petroleum!, Axl might care 'bout ya the next time when he writes a song called : i love my poor fans like i love my poor ones!!!! ...maybe this track shall be included into another gnr's album called : poor countries have gnr fans too!!! ...that's why he named the new album Chinese Democracy!!!  :yes:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 03, 2005, 04:32:42 PM
 ?I like your posts, but keep in mind, the comment on Axl's narrow eyes as a kid was a joke. ?Your quote of my post chopped that out. ?Just clarifying. ?;)

 ?Evolution had a good point. ?If China had nothing to do with the song/album, why not name it Cuban Democracy? ?I swear I read somewhere Axl was fascinated by the movie Kundun. ?It fits with the tone of alot of Axl's work. ?A peaceful Dalai Lama is forced out of his nation by the iron fist of a cold oppressive force, the Chinese Army. (out ta Get Me, Maddy, etc.) ?Axl likes his freedom. ?The Chinese government stripped the people of their freedom. ?If the title CHINESE DEMOCRACY was created before 1996-1997, I might humbly withdraw my interpretation of the song and ideas on the album.

 ?Ppbebe, did you see GNR live on the Chinese Democracy tour in 2002? ?Repeatedly, most notably during Madagascar and Chinese Democracy I believe, images of Red Chinese army brutality were flashed on the big screen behind the performers. ?These atrocities, along with those carried out by American police, National Guard, etc. in the southern United States during the 1960's race riots, were shown. ?(possibly some empty concentration camp shots as well?) ?Also, do you honestly think Axl has no connection whatsoever through the spiritual community to East Asia? ?I'll bet you $1000 Axl has gotten into meditation. ?Nobody's argued Axl's connection to what is considered in the U.S. to be "alternative" spirituality. ?I remember doing a search for Madagascar once and saw that there is a type of music called trance music with one of the big trance songs called Madagascar. ?Just a random thought/connection there.

 ? ?Also, wasn't the Tiananmen Square massacre more than 15 years ago? ?When the idea of governmental reform is approached, their government is not too happy. ?There was an excellent story on China's growing pains on 60 Minutes recently, it was most interesting. ?There is no free flow of information in China. ?There could never be an equivalent of Axl Rose in China. ?After his 1st or 2nd show, he'd be thrown in jail, and you'd never hear of or from him again.

 ?I'm shocked that nobody on this board sees what I see here. ?Maybe when Axl finally speaks about this album, I'll be vindicated. ?Will anyone here agree with me? ?I crave validation. ? :hihi:


Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: godiva on December 03, 2005, 04:38:42 PM
In Vegas Axl talked about why he named the album Chinese Democracy. House of Blues, 2001. I have the audio somewhere. He said he watched the movie before coming to Vegas. CD has nothing to do with pro or con China, it relates to a feeling of oppression. He said something along the lines of ... " China is the most powerful government in the world, and also the most oppressive"... someone help me out here??

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Voodoochild on December 03, 2005, 04:40:50 PM
you call Axl : LIAR but he's a rock star who loves his fans.....i mean he always says the truth to us all so to please the crowd he doesn't need to tell fucking lies at all .....which's ur country? if your people had the money ' chance to see gnr over there maybe Axl said shocking truths to y'all there :hihi: ... :'( n' please remember to show some fucking respect to CHINA, they're poors but they're human beings too :yes:
Sorry, what the hell are you talkin' about?
BTW, I'm from Brasil, so what's your point?

ARV, have you ever read a post you reply to?
Don't think so, ppbebe... :no:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 03, 2005, 04:44:33 PM
you call Axl : LIAR but he's a rock star who loves his fans.....i mean he always says the truth to us all so to please the crowd he doesn't need to tell fucking lies at all .....which's ur country? if your people had the money ' chance to see gnr over there maybe Axl said shocking truths to y'all there :hihi: ... :'( n' please remember to show some fucking respect to CHINA, they're poors but they're human beings too :yes:
Sorry, what the hell are you talkin' about?
BTW, I'm from Brasil, so what's your point?

ARV, have you ever read a post you reply to?
Don't think so, ppbebe... :no:

oh I?m really sorry!!!!  :-[   ... I thought you were from Cuba cuz you love the communists too much !!! 

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 03, 2005, 04:49:02 PM
In Vegas Axl talked about why he named the album Chinese Democracy. House of Blues, 2001. I have the audio somewhere. He said he watched the movie before coming to Vegas. CD has nothing to do with pro or con China, it relates to a feeling of oppression. He said something along the lines of ... " China is the most powerful government in the world, and also the most oppressive"... someone help me out here??

THANK YOU!!! ?Yes, I've said this all the way through my posts already. ?However, when you call it "oppression" and not "control for the benefit of our comrades," it actually IS a statement more con than pro. ?Like I said, Axl isn't going to pull a Bono and lobby governments to recognize the true leader of Tibet, but he WILL reflect his understanding of pain, struggle, and oppression of the Tibetan people by the Chinese Army.

Also, I'd love to hear the exact quotes...I just know there are hardcore Gunners here who have this info.

Thanks, ?:beer:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: godiva on December 03, 2005, 04:51:33 PM
Well, I just joined, but I've been a GNR fan for well..... centuries. I have the audio, so as soon as i figured out how to use yousendit I can upload it.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on December 03, 2005, 04:57:16 PM
Well, I just joined, but I've been a GNR fan for well..... centuries. I have the audio, so as soon as i figured out how to use yousendit I can upload it.

Godiva,  thanks. BTW, your chocolate is great.  :hihi:
I have HOB tracks, but I don't know if I've got the parts with Axl talking, I'll check it out tonight. 
  Also, welcome to the board!  Jarmo runs a great site here.  The wait for this album is bodering on the surreal.  :beer:
-Axl4Prez2004  :peace:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Wooody on December 03, 2005, 04:58:06 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Oh ok   :-\  , Axl was right to say that but why didn't he call his album Cuban Democracy then? That poor country is fucking close to his own country, a lot of Cubans have immigratin? to the u.s.a after all this fucking time so i do think Axl has a mysterious reason to speak 'bout that rare country which's too fucking far away from his Yankee land!  :hihi: 
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?  ::)

if axlroseven lived in the US he would be called a redneck, a hick, etc
I guess he's just a peasant? campesino

r ya a chinese guy? sorry but I?m not blame if your country doesn't have petroleum!, Axl might care 'bout ya the next time when he writes a song called : i love my poor fans like i love my poor ones!!!! ...maybe this track shall be included into another gnr's album called : poor countries have gnr fans too!!! ...that's why he named the new album Chinese Democracy!!!  :yes:

Sorry to burst your bubble but Venezuela is a thirld world country, and having petroleum doesnt make a country rich, it depends on the just distribution of its benefits. Something Chavez is doing fairly well, thank god not all people from Venezuela are as retarded as you.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Voodoochild on December 03, 2005, 05:04:06 PM
you call Axl : LIAR but he's a rock star who loves his fans.....i mean he always says the truth to us all so to please the crowd he doesn't need to tell fucking lies at all .....which's ur country? if your people had the money ' chance to see gnr over there maybe Axl said shocking truths to y'all there :hihi: ... :'( n' please remember to show some fucking respect to CHINA, they're poors but they're human beings too :yes:
Sorry, what the hell are you talkin' about?
BTW, I'm from Brasil, so what's your point?

ARV, have you ever read a post you reply to?
Don't think so, ppbebe... :no:
oh I?m really sorry!!!! :-[ ... I thought you were from Cuba cuz you love the communists too much !!!
Do I? :hihi:  :rofl:
Dude, get a clue and stop with this stuff with your country. BTW, please try to read the posts, it's not that hard.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: ppbebe on December 03, 2005, 05:15:09 PM
Plz do thanks godiva.

mean while I write the contents of the speech here.

"This uh, this next song is um...something new. You know, right before I came here...when I left LA...and the movie Kundun was on about the Dali Lama. I kinda like the idea that we?re playing the House of Blues cause its kinda associated with that. That came about, I was at the House of Blues in Chicago and Vegas called and "Do you want to do a warm-up gig for Rio at the House of Blues?" "Sure." know I was, I was getting ready to, to leave, you know the TV was on and it was the end of the movie, and the Dali Lama is about to cross over the border, to you know, be in exile for the rest of his life from his own country. And he looks back at uh, at the men who helped him, and you know he?s escaped the Chinese government. And he, and he looks back at them and he waves and they wave at him and then they show a scene where he looks back at them again and he sees everyone of them dead. Because he knew they would be killed, they knew that in helping him they would be killed. And uh, you know the emotion, in this next song its, that?s all that?s about it. It?s not like an intelligent song; it doesn?t have the answer to anything. But it?s the title track of the record, which...God knowingly we will finish! And its not necessarily pro or con about China, its just that right now China symbolizes one of the strongest, yet most the oppressive, countries and, governments in the word. And we are fortunate to live in a free country. And so in thinking about that it just kinda upset me, and we wrote this little song called "Chinese Democracy."

 I like your posts,

Yo thanks a lot, Axl4Prez2004. :D
I'll post a reply to your post later. getting interesting innit? I like having good discussions with nice people.  :yes:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 03, 2005, 05:45:28 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Oh ok? ?:-\? , Axl was right to say that but why didn't he call his album Cuban Democracy then? That poor country is fucking close to his own country, a lot of Cubans have immigratin? to the u.s.a after all this fucking time so i do think Axl has a mysterious reason to speak 'bout that rare country which's too fucking far away from his Yankee land!? :hihi:?
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?? ::)

if axlroseven lived in the US he would be called a redneck, a hick, etc
I guess he's just a peasant? campesino

r ya a chinese guy? sorry but I?m not blame if your country doesn't have petroleum!, Axl might care 'bout ya the next time when he writes a song called : i love my poor fans like i love my poor ones!!!! ...maybe this track shall be included into another gnr's album called : poor countries have gnr fans too!!! ...that's why he named the new album Chinese Democracy!!!? :yes:

Sorry to burst your bubble but Venezuela is a thirld world country, and having petroleum doesnt make a country rich, it depends on the just distribution of its benefits. Something Chavez is doing fairly well, thank god not all people from Venezuela are as retarded as you.

Venezuela ISN'T a third world country, let me teach you some economy n' geography: the most richest countries of Latin America are:  Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico (a Hispanic state of E.E.U.U) , Brazil, Chile, Argentina, other countries in Latin America do belong to the third world....for some reason famous bands play in Venezuela ALWAYS, other countries don't have money to buy these kind of shows, every intelligent man knows Chavez sucks, he?ll be outta Venezuela soon

...China belongs to the thirld world country, i hope you knew that before   ::)  

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Wooody on December 03, 2005, 05:57:43 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Oh ok   :-\  , Axl was right to say that but why didn't he call his album Cuban Democracy then? That poor country is fucking close to his own country, a lot of Cubans have immigratin? to the u.s.a after all this fucking time so i do think Axl has a mysterious reason to speak 'bout that rare country which's too fucking far away from his Yankee land!  :hihi: 
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?  ::)

if axlroseven lived in the US he would be called a redneck, a hick, etc
I guess he's just a peasant? campesino

r ya a chinese guy? sorry but I?m not blame if your country doesn't have petroleum!, Axl might care 'bout ya the next time when he writes a song called : i love my poor fans like i love my poor ones!!!! ...maybe this track shall be included into another gnr's album called : poor countries have gnr fans too!!! ...that's why he named the new album Chinese Democracy!!!  :yes:

Sorry to burst your bubble but Venezuela is a thirld world country, and having petroleum doesnt make a country rich, it depends on the just distribution of its benefits. Something Chavez is doing fairly well, thank god not all people from Venezuela are as retarded as you.

Venezuela ISN'T a third world country, let me teach you some economy n' geography: the most richest countries of Latin America are:  Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico (a Hispanic state of E.E.U.U) , Brazil, Chile, Argentina, other countries in Latin America do belong to the third world....for some reason famous bands play in Venezuela ALWAYS, other countries don't have money to buy these kind of shows, every intelligent man knows Chavez sucks, he?ll be outta Venezuela soon

...China belongs to the thirld world country, i hope you knew that before   ::)  

sorry dude, all the countries you just mentioned are third world countries -Chile is in good shape though- Love them all but I know them all better than you it seems, in Argentina people go into a macdonalds with rocks n sticks to steal hamburgers because they are starving to death, doctors flee to Spain and work cleaning toilets , Brazil's PIB might be impressive but the gap between the rich and the poor is brutal, Mexico ? Last time I went to Cancun the waiter told me he was making ONE dollar a day ! As for Chavez being out of Venezuela soon ? Do you even know your own country ?

"Opposition boycott gives Chavez chance to bolster power
AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 02 3:43 PM
A fifth opposition party has withdrawn from Venezuela's legislative election scheduled for Sunday which is set to strengthen President Hugo Chavez' controversial grip on power ."

Ignorance is a bliss for some.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: godiva on December 03, 2005, 06:03:02 PM
PPbebe, thanks for that transcript. Hopefully i have more time tomorrow to upload that audio. Nice to see it in writing though. Thanks :beer:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Neemo on December 03, 2005, 06:52:30 PM
PPbebe, thanks for that transcript. Hopefully i have more time tomorrow to upload that audio. Nice to see it in writing though. Thanks :beer:

I agree totally. That was the speech i was thinking of when I first replied to this thread. I knew the jist of it just didn't know the movie name. Thanks ppbebe : ok:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 03, 2005, 08:26:33 PM

Loder: You're going to call this album "Chinese Democracy." What is the meaning of that, since there is no Chinese democracy, of course?

Rose: Well, there's a lot of Chinese democracy movements, and it's something that there's a lot of talk about, and it's something that will be nice to see. It could also just be like an ironic statement. I don't know, I just like the sound of it.

Oh ok? ?:-\? , Axl was right to say that but why didn't he call his album Cuban Democracy then? That poor country is fucking close to his own country, a lot of Cubans have immigratin? to the u.s.a after all this fucking time so i do think Axl has a mysterious reason to speak 'bout that rare country which's too fucking far away from his Yankee land!? :hihi:?
Are you jealousy, Ven? Do you think he should care more about Venezuela?
LOL :haha:

when GNR played in Venezuela in 1992 he said: I wish I was a Venezuelan citizen cuz this country is full of petroleum so you already know that petroleum means : TOO MUCH MONEY FOREVER N' EVER FOR SURE!!! Voodoochild can ya stop envyin' me then?? ::)

if axlroseven lived in the US he would be called a redneck, a hick, etc
I guess he's just a peasant? campesino

r ya a chinese guy? sorry but I?m not blame if your country doesn't have petroleum!, Axl might care 'bout ya the next time when he writes a song called : i love my poor fans like i love my poor ones!!!! ...maybe this track shall be included into another gnr's album called : poor countries have gnr fans too!!! ...that's why he named the new album Chinese Democracy!!!? :yes:

Sorry to burst your bubble but Venezuela is a thirld world country, and having petroleum doesnt make a country rich, it depends on the just distribution of its benefits. Something Chavez is doing fairly well, thank god not all people from Venezuela are as retarded as you.

Venezuela ISN'T a third world country, let me teach you some economy n' geography: the most richest countries of Latin America are:? Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico (a Hispanic state of E.E.U.U) , Brazil, Chile, Argentina, other countries in Latin America do belong to the third world....for some reason famous bands play in Venezuela ALWAYS, other countries don't have money to buy these kind of shows, every intelligent man knows Chavez sucks, he?ll be outta Venezuela soon

...China belongs to the thirld world country, i hope you knew that before? ?::) ?

sorry dude, all the countries you just mentioned are third world countries -Chile is in good shape though- Love them all but I know them all better than you it seems, in Argentina people go into a macdonalds with rocks n sticks to steal hamburgers because they are starving to death, doctors flee to Spain and work cleaning toilets , Brazil's PIB might be impressive but the gap between the rich and the poor is brutal, Mexico ? Last time I went to Cancun the waiter told me he was making ONE dollar a day ! As for Chavez being out of Venezuela soon ? Do you even know your own country ?

"Opposition boycott gives Chavez chance to bolster power
AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 02 3:43 PM
A fifth opposition party has withdrawn from Venezuela's legislative election scheduled for Sunday which is set to strengthen President Hugo Chavez' controversial grip on power ."

Ignorance is a bliss for some.

The thing is you judge us while you don't say your country is full of shit too, what 'bout that gnr's album called 'LIES-sex, drugs n' violence, the shocking truth'? gnr belongs to the u.s.a so they don't speak fine 'bout their country like a cute story of Disney, what 'bout all those murders in N.Y city everyday all cuz of crime? What 'bout all those rapists who rape n' kill people in Europe? What ?bout the crazy violence that France is living these days all cuz of illegal immigrants who wanna rule the country? What 'bout all those drug addicts in Japan who can't go to university cuz they won't be accepted there anymore?

:smoking:? ? don?t ya think you should analyze before openin' your mouth then?? ::) what u'll say next? ...that you live in another planet where everything is magic like a beautiful dream?? :rofl:? ?...A fifth opposition party did a trick to Venezuela's legislative election cuz they know Chavez makes dirty trick to win elections always while most Venezuelans hate him like smellin' a dirty toilet so please try n' learn more 'bout economy n' geography before speakin' ridiculous topics, Axl does know 'bout politic stuff more than you,.... that's whyChina is a place for u to be for sure !!!!? :hihi: ? ?

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Pandora on December 03, 2005, 08:58:17 PM
People, the history / geography / sociology class is OVER. Put this thread back on track or it's getting a lock. We're not in the Jungle dammit.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: MichelleAK3 on December 03, 2005, 09:59:32 PM
...? ?:smoking:? ok, I know other persons have posted something like these lines before but I?m so sure other ones haven't had the chance to read this to express their own opinions!!!! the thing is:

1)Why did Axl come back to the show business speakin? 'bout a rare country like CHINA after all this fucking time?
2)Why does Axl feel a special sentiment 'bout the Chinese culture these days when he didn't give a damn 'bout the Chinese people from the start?
3)Although Axl didn't say a word ?bout CHINA for a weird reason the guy?s been attracted by that culture a long long time ago?

?well folks you might have the right answer ?.so let us know then!!!! ? ;D

he was watching a documentary on PBS about the bathhouses they had there in the 1970s and he felt like wanted to cure the aids and since ashley judd already took over helping India and Bono took over helping africa, axl think maybe he needs to help china, plus too....I heard he really loves chicken chow mein !!!!

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 03, 2005, 10:48:43 PM
...? ?:smoking:? ok, I know other persons have posted something like these lines before but I?m so sure other ones haven't had the chance to read this to express their own opinions!!!! the thing is:

1)Why did Axl come back to the show business speakin? 'bout a rare country like CHINA after all this fucking time?
2)Why does Axl feel a special sentiment 'bout the Chinese culture these days when he didn't give a damn 'bout the Chinese people from the start?
3)Although Axl didn't say a word ?bout CHINA for a weird reason the guy?s been attracted by that culture a long long time ago?

?well folks you might have the right answer ?.so let us know then!!!! ? ;D

he was watching a documentary on PBS about the bathhouses they had there in the 1970s and he felt like wanted to cure the aids and since ashley judd already took over helping India and Bono took over helping africa, axl think maybe he needs to help china, plus too....I heard he really loves chicken chow mein !!!!

maybe he does but i'm so sure that Axl thinks he was a chinese guy in a past life, he believes in reincarnation  :smoking: , that's why he's been usin' chinese's stuff since he came back in 2001!!!!

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: jabba2 on December 03, 2005, 11:57:22 PM
"It dont really matter. Gonna find out for yourselves. No it dont really matter. Gonna leave this thing to somebody else."?

written by Jabba  :peace:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: godiva on December 04, 2005, 01:47:26 AM
I hope this works. First time I used yousendit. Enjoy!

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: MichelleAK3 on December 04, 2005, 02:10:42 AM
mmm yes I think he was mongolian in his past life and he was an alchemist or worked at a poison factory, but hes on a strict  diet right now and he can only eat chicken chow mein and also egg flower soup...he drinks lotus flower tea and rose hip tea ( according to a psychic) too hes addicted....thats right ADDICTED to Inscence (aroma therapy)....sometimes the housekeeper catches a glimpse of axl and the Inscence....then he roughly shouts Im Meditating about CHINA do you mind my privacy maam?!? and she scurries away....

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: badapple81 on December 04, 2005, 02:34:38 AM
I like the way jameslofton tells us the sooner we realise the better.. as if his opinion is the right one without doubt.

Listen to the HOB explanation.. Axl even says that something along the lines of that there is no special meaning or intelligence to the song (something like that). Straight from the horses mouth.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Judge Dredd on December 04, 2005, 06:07:00 AM
...   :smoking:  ok, I know other persons have posted something like these lines before but I?m so sure other ones haven't had the chance to read this to express their own opinions!!!! the thing is:

1)Why did Axl come back to the show business speakin? 'bout a rare country like CHINA after all this fucking time?
2)Why does Axl feel a special sentiment 'bout the Chinese culture these days when he didn't give a damn 'bout the Chinese people from the start?
3)Although Axl didn't say a word ?bout CHINA for a weird reason the guy?s been attracted by that culture a long long time ago?

?well folks you might have the right answer ?.so let us know then!!!!   ;D

he was watching a documentary on PBS about the bathhouses they had there in the 1970s and he felt like wanted to cure the aids and since ashley judd already took over helping India and Bono took over helping africa, axl think maybe he needs to help china, plus too....I heard he really loves chicken chow mein !!!!

maybe he does but i'm so sure that Axl thinks he was a chinese guy in a past life, he believes in reincarnation  :smoking: , that's why he's been usin' chinese's stuff since he came back in 2001!!!!

Ven ya big fool, Chow Mein is a dish created by the American Army during the Vietnam War. Is he gonna change the album title to 'Vietnamese Democracy'? :rofl:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: DeN on December 04, 2005, 06:52:48 AM
i hope it will be called American Democracy, i think they need it at the moment.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Wooody on December 04, 2005, 07:11:14 AM

The thing is you judge us while you don't say your country is full of shit too, what 'bout that gnr's album called 'LIES-sex, drugs n' violence, the shocking truth'? gnr belongs to the u.s.a so they don't speak fine 'bout their country like a cute story of Disney, what 'bout all those murders in N.Y city everyday all cuz of crime? What 'bout all those rapists who rape n' kill people in Europe? What ?bout the crazy violence that France is living these days all cuz of illegal immigrants who wanna rule the country? What 'bout all those drug addicts in Japan who can't go to university cuz they won't be accepted there anymore?

:smoking:  ? don?t ya think you should analyze before openin' your mouth then?  ::) what u'll say next? ...that you live in another planet where everything is magic like a beautiful dream?  :rofl:   ...A fifth opposition party did a trick to Venezuela's legislative election cuz they know Chavez makes dirty trick to win elections always while most Venezuelans hate him like smellin' a dirty toilet so please try n' learn more 'bout economy n' geography before speakin' ridiculous topics, Axl does know 'bout politic stuff more than you,.... that's whyChina is a place for u to be for sure !!!!  :hihi:    

I live in Brussels Belgium, thank you.  :hihi:
And like it or not you  live in a third world country. :peace:
Your denial is cute though. :hihi:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: DeN on December 04, 2005, 01:15:43 PM
What ?bout the crazy violence that France is living these days all cuz of illegal immigrants who wanna rule the country?

stop watching CNN and throw away your television  :hihi:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 04, 2005, 01:22:36 PM
mmm yes I think he was mongolian in his past life and he was an alchemist or worked at a poison factory, but hes on a strict? diet right now and he can only eat chicken chow mein and also egg flower soup...he drinks lotus flower tea and rose hip tea ( according to a psychic) too hes addicted....thats right ADDICTED to Inscence (aroma therapy)....sometimes the housekeeper catches a glimpse of axl and the Inscence....then he roughly shouts Im Meditating about CHINA do you mind my privacy maam?!? and she scurries away....

... Axl could call the album differently, something like : Cuban Democracy, Irak Democracy, etc, etc...but he just choused China just for a reason, maybe he somehow discovered he was a chinese politician in a past life so today he wanna do something good to China from his Yankee living!!!!....that's why he feels a rare love for that weird country, Axl dreams of seein' China like a democratic state soon!!! ?
...i know it sounds like a real madness but that's what Axl wants !!!!! ?:hihi: ?

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: Judge Dredd on December 04, 2005, 01:51:42 PM
mmm yes I think he was mongolian in his past life and he was an alchemist or worked at a poison factory, but hes on a strict  diet right now and he can only eat chicken chow mein and also egg flower soup...he drinks lotus flower tea and rose hip tea ( according to a psychic) too hes addicted....thats right ADDICTED to Inscence (aroma therapy)....sometimes the housekeeper catches a glimpse of axl and the Inscence....then he roughly shouts Im Meditating about CHINA do you mind my privacy maam?!? and she scurries away....

... Axl could call the album differently, something like : Cuban Democracy, Irak Democracy, etc, etc...but he just choused China just for a reason, maybe he somehow discovered he was a chinese politician in a past life so today he wanna do something good to China from his Yankee living!!!!....that's why he feels a rare love for that weird country, Axl dreams of seein' China like a democratic state soon!!! 
...i know it sounds like a real madness but that's what Axl wants !!!!!  :hihi: 

Ven, you truly are a bloody fruitcake. :rofl:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: MichelleAK3 on December 04, 2005, 03:30:49 PM
this is possible that axl is the buddha reincarnated

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: DeN on December 04, 2005, 04:46:47 PM
this is possible that axl wants to sell a lot of albums, thx china in advance.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: ppbebe on December 04, 2005, 05:09:53 PM
this is possible that axl is the buddha reincarnated

Nay. I highly doubt it. it isn't even called "curried diorama", is it?

As I said many times, he was no other than the Chinese legend, Monkey King in the past life.
Chinese people love Monkey King.

People quit bullshitting. :hihi:

I hope this works. First time I used yousendit. Enjoy!
godiva, Thank you!

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: AxlRoseVen on December 04, 2005, 08:13:04 PM
What ?bout the crazy violence that France is living these days all cuz of illegal immigrants who wanna rule the country?

stop watching CNN and throw away your television? :hihi:

well your Belgian friend does need to see CNN channel, this way he shall understand that Belgium isn't a' amazing country like the u.s.a or japan, he thinks he lives in the best place of the world  :hihi:   ...Axl won't name his album Belgian Democracy but i'm so sure the guy always will get on vacation in Venezuela.

...I?m so sure that Axl isn?t afraid of bashin? communist by his lyrics n? speech, we should thanx Axl cuz he wanna clean this world out to make us live in a real democracy these days?.i do support Axl!!!  : ok:   :beer:

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: DeN on December 04, 2005, 10:35:54 PM
i'm french, and all i can say is belgium is one of the best country to live.

it's not because of the size, but because of the quality of the life you can have there.
that's what is important.

Title: Re: Why does Axl care 'bout CHINA?...just to get more fame?
Post by: -Jack- on December 05, 2005, 01:58:59 AM
Jesus Christ. Im sorry but this thread makes NO sense. Im trying to understand whats being writen.. and its writen so poorly its just impossible.