Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: conny on November 26, 2005, 10:49:58 PM

Title: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: conny on November 26, 2005, 10:49:58 PM
I was reading some old and not so old Axl interviews and stuff recently and I've been trying to understand the man a bit better.

Not to make this another frustraton thread, it's just that some things came to mind...

I wish Axl was able to let go and get rid of whatever keeps him from doing what he wants how he wants it. I wish he would understand that his fans are out there willing to support and that they don't want to eat him alive but rather show appreciation, give something back and help him through all the shit.

I wish he would reach out.

I think the only cure to the problem is to put the album out and finally receive feedback from people other than those who surround him all the time and that he works with. He needs the public and the fans to complete the vision and I hope he will realise that one day.

He was so pumped and exited after Rio, that was so sweet, I think he really needs that exchange and all. That's the only way to make this work, together with the fans or else something will always be missing when it comes to "perfection" and "completeness" regarding the album and all.

It's frustrating to see how a lot of people still expect GN'R will sell out stadiums and rule the world. That is long over - for any band. I don't think it's so much about getting that super big again, it might be more about carrying on something to save it because no one else is able or on the position to do so at the moment. I think he knows that and that pressure and people's misconception of things are part of what's holding things back.

I'm so sick of waiting. What can we do to kick his ass in a good way, showing him we're out here and with him? I mean sometimes I'd just like to give this guy a mental hug and say "Take it easy man..." well something like that if you know what I mean.

Discuss, share your thoughts. Do you sometimes try to understand and look behind the music? And what happens when you do?

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 26, 2005, 11:28:55 PM
He already knows we are with him. Us being at this website is symbolic of our support for him. If he doesn't see that, then he's even crazier than I thought.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: 2NaFish on November 26, 2005, 11:43:50 PM
i never try and analyze axl. it's a waste of time. but if i was i wouldn't be doing it from interviews. Even if he's telling the truth/being quoted correctly it's only a snapshot, amatuer interpretation from a journalist.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 26, 2005, 11:45:45 PM
i never try and analyze axl. it's a waste of time. but if i was i wouldn't be doing it from interviews. Even if he's telling the truth/being quoted correctly it's only a snapshot, amatuer interpretation from a journalist.

Good point. : ok:

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: kathryn2662 on November 27, 2005, 01:07:02 AM
It's a really interesting thought when you said "He needs the public and the fans to complete the vision".  As far as his work, he's got a pretty good vision of what it is he wants, and even if it's not clear- it eventually will become clear through in and out of working through it.  I dont think it's so much that he needs to get rid of what is enabling him, as much as it is that he needs what is going to propel him.  I think he knows what he's doing, and perfecting it to be great at what it will become, to know that the timing will be perfect and perfecting it so that it will be strong in that timing.  I dont think it's exactly the fear of what the public will think is what is "holding him back", he's just waiting for something, and he knows when it's time and he knows when it's ready.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: slashnduffrock on November 28, 2005, 08:39:35 PM

Axl is hard to understand but heres what i interpret:
                           He belives he is the best the one and the only
                            He Thinks everyones out ta get him
he thinks what he says goes and that if anyone has a problem screw them
Until he cn relise this is not true he will never fully be the same
also guns n roses will never fully be the same they only became the greatest rock band in the world because of the cemistry they all had and it wasent just with izzy n steven. matt n gilby were great replacements but the chemisterys gone and mostlikly will never return. plus axl needs to get rid of the corn rows n face shit and go bak to his natural way he used to look

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: Nytunz on November 28, 2005, 08:52:04 PM
i think some of the people using the gnr forums, needs to take a journey into theyr own minds before they start analyzing others..

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: kathryn2662 on November 28, 2005, 10:10:57 PM
i think some of the people using the gnr forums, needs to take a journey into theyr own minds before they start analyzing others..

I couldnt have said that better myself.  An maybe they also need to learn that people are human and have other things on their mind other than work and other ppls oppinions, AND to put themselves in other shoes... like they could do any better.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: conny on November 28, 2005, 10:30:40 PM

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: Genesis on November 28, 2005, 11:19:44 PM
"Vicarious existence is a fuckin' waste of time."

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: kathryn2662 on November 29, 2005, 01:20:38 AM

Conny what I said wasnt in reference to you, I actually like it when people honestly want to know what Axl is thinking and how his mind works. I meant what I said towards people who do that in a critiquing way, not in a way for better understanding but in a condemnational way.


Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: Nytunz on November 29, 2005, 08:10:12 AM

Yeah, what i wrote was NOT meant mean to you! You are one of the really great posters here.  :-*

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 29, 2005, 08:56:20 PM
I think if you want a real sound analysis of Axls mind set, look no further than the "Burning Hills - Dive in and find the monkey" fax, the infamously lofty OMG press release or the 2002 "interview" where Axl rambled incoherantly in a paranoid fashion about the ex-members while making absurd and frankly hilarious statements such as:
"I have a good idea of how to get projects from point A to point B" or something similar.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 29, 2005, 10:12:13 PM
I think if you want a real sound analysis of Axls mind set, look no further than the "Burning Hills - Dive in and find the monkey" fax, the infamously lofty OMG press release or the 2002 "interview" where Axl rambled incoherantly in a paranoid fashion about the ex-members while making absurd and frankly hilarious statements such as:
"I have a good idea of how to get projects from point A to point B" or something similar.
I agree. You dont have to read articles or debate forum members to get a sample of Axl's mindset. Just read his statements.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: marknroses on November 29, 2005, 11:40:16 PM
Axl is a man with some serious fucking issues.
At one point, it seems to me that he seemed to be getting over them, by going public on his therapy and offering to help on charities in 1992 during the UYI tours. He was outspoken
Then he disappeared.
Then he came back in 2002 , and he tried to make himself above his problems by not discussing what had kept him away from the limelight, which I am sure was something that would have came up in interviews and that he was uncomfortable answering. He was trying to be macho rather than realistic about what mental setbacks he had.

Axl used to never back down from any bone he had to pick with anyone to get his way. He was extremely outspoken
Now he barely even goes out his house to fetch his newspaper from the front lawn.

Axl may never put out music again only because these issues prevent him from wanting to be famous and held accountable for his fame as he had the first time with the great GNR classic tunes that we still listen to everyday.


Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 29, 2005, 11:53:32 PM
Axl is a man with some serious fucking issues.
At one point, it seems to me that he seemed to be getting over them, by going public on his therapy and offering to help on charities in 1992 during the UYI tours. He was outspoken
Then he disappeared.
Then he came back in 2002 , and he tried to make himself above his problems by not discussing what had kept him away from the limelight, which I am sure was something that would have came up in interviews and that he was uncomfortable answering. He was trying to be macho rather than realistic about what mental setbacks he had.

Axl used to never back down from any bone he had to pick with anyone to get his way. He was extremely outspoken
Now he barely even goes out his house to fetch his newspaper from the front lawn.

Axl may never put out music again only because these issues prevent him from wanting to be famous and held accountable for his fame as he had the first time with the great GNR classic tunes that we still listen to everyday.

Great point. If CD never gets released, it will be because of some of the reasons you just pointed out. I also think he doesnt want to answer the tough questions, and have to explain himself for everything thats happened over the past 12 years. Strangely, he wasn't asked much in 2002. If he had been asked tough questions, the 2002 tour would have derailed even more quickly than it did. When CD comes out, he will be asked the tough questions, not just about CD, but about the contradictory statements out there in concern to things that happened in old GNR, and the breakup of old GNR. I highly doubt he wants to tackle these issues. IF we get CD, it will more than likely come out with little media attention, because he wont be involved in promotion of CD. Anyone expecting a long world tour is delusional.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: J? on November 30, 2005, 01:23:08 PM
Axl is a man with some serious fucking issues.
At one point, it seems to me that he seemed to be getting over them, by going public on his therapy and offering to help on charities in 1992 during the UYI tours. He was outspoken
Then he disappeared.
Then he came back in 2002 , and he tried to make himself above his problems by not discussing what had kept him away from the limelight, which I am sure was something that would have came up in interviews and that he was uncomfortable answering. He was trying to be macho rather than realistic about what mental setbacks he had.

Axl used to never back down from any bone he had to pick with anyone to get his way. He was extremely outspoken
Now he barely even goes out his house to fetch his newspaper from the front lawn.

Axl may never put out music again only because these issues prevent him from wanting to be famous and held accountable for his fame as he had the first time with the great GNR classic tunes that we still listen to everyday.


I think some of these GNR forum fans should stop you know trying to think what someone else percieves stuff.

Like honestly, your post is full of shit.

Are you friends with Axl Rose, do you know him?

All you know is the press that is generated and the interviews he does.

Axl Rose doesnt have to do anything.

Thats what some fans don't get.

He owes you nothing.

Let the man live his life in peace. He doesn't need to tell you shit or what kept him away. Ever think he wanted to just live life like any normal person.

He doesn't have to have a blog and be like well today I went and fetched the newspaper. I drank a glass of orange juice it was really good, I hate pulp orange juice. Then I called Dizzy it was a good chat. After that I watched some Family Guy DVDS. And after that went to the studio to lay some tracks down.

Like honestly, people expect stuff from people that owe them shit.

The problem is these crazy fans who want to you know analyze someone that they can never fully understand because they dont know them. They only know what the media percieves their image as.

Please stop with these retarded threads.

-- Jimmy

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: conny on November 30, 2005, 05:35:08 PM
@ Nytunz + Rocket Queen

No problem!? :peace:

@ whoever it may concern

I find it funny how once someone comes up with a bit of thought regarding the subject of INTERACTION, as well as an artists work ethics, vision and whatnot, some people are like "leave him alone", "he owes you nothing". Most of the time, it appears to me as if those folks don't even know what the fuck they are even here for.

Those who obviously keep their focus on the destination rather than the journey have the nerve to tell others to shut up, stop posting "retarded" threads like this? Well that's entertainment...

Those "retarded" threads might not be very original, but they are a million times more communicative, informative and insightful than "WTTJ played at football game" and "SCOM played at The Simpons" or "What about Axl's haircut?

I for one am a lot more intrested in what's going on in the artists and the fans mind...

Because I care.

That has nothing to do with invading someone's privacy, being pushy, stalking or trying to "analyze" someone.

But once you understand the artist a bit better, you can have even better and deeper access to the work. I mean why do people read biographies? Why do people listen to demos, I mean LISTEN, not collecting? I do because I'd like to know how some artists tick and what made them do what they do and how they did it.

Just like those interviews were more than promotion, some fans' thoughts go beyond the music. And I guess that's just fair enough.

Hard to least I tried.


Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: conny on November 30, 2005, 05:52:06 PM
I think if you want a real sound analysis of Axls mind set, look no further than the "Burning Hills - Dive in and find the monkey" fax, the infamously lofty OMG press release or the 2002 "interview" where Axl rambled incoherantly in a paranoid fashion about the ex-members while making absurd and frankly hilarious statements such as:
"I have a good idea of how to get projects from point A to point B" or something similar.

That fax was indeed...cryptic.

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: kathryn2662 on December 01, 2005, 01:12:03 AM
Axl is a man with some serious fucking issues.
At one point, it seems to me that he seemed to be getting over them, by going public on his therapy and offering to help on charities in 1992 during the UYI tours. He was outspoken
Then he disappeared.
Then he came back in 2002 , and he tried to make himself above his problems by not discussing what had kept him away from the limelight, which I am sure was something that would have came up in interviews and that he was uncomfortable answering. He was trying to be macho rather than realistic about what mental setbacks he had.

Axl used to never back down from any bone he had to pick with anyone to get his way. He was extremely outspoken
Now he barely even goes out his house to fetch his newspaper from the front lawn.

Axl may never put out music again only because these issues prevent him from wanting to be famous and held accountable for his fame as he had the first time with the great GNR classic tunes that we still listen to everyday.


I think some of these GNR forum fans should stop you know trying to think what someone else percieves stuff.

Like honestly, your post is full of shit.

Are you friends with Axl Rose, do you know him?

All you know is the press that is generated and the interviews he does.

Axl Rose doesnt have to do anything.

Thats what some fans don't get.

He owes you nothing.

Let the man live his life in peace. He doesn't need to tell you shit or what kept him away. Ever think he wanted to just live life like any normal person.

He doesn't have to have a blog and be like well today I went and fetched the newspaper. I drank a glass of orange juice it was really good, I hate pulp orange juice. Then I called Dizzy it was a good chat. After that I watched some Family Guy DVDS. And after that went to the studio to lay some tracks down.

Like honestly, people expect stuff from people that owe them shit.

The problem is these crazy fans who want to you know analyze someone that they can never fully understand because they dont know them. They only know what the media percieves their image as.

Please stop with these retarded threads.

-- Jimmy


Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: damien24 on December 01, 2005, 01:18:35 AM
axl rose is a closet homosexual

im a doctor, dont argue with me

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 01, 2005, 01:25:15 AM
axl rose is a closet homosexual

im a doctor, dont argue with me
blasphemy!! :rant:

Title: Re: A journey into Axl's mind, some thoughts... do you feel the same?
Post by: kathryn2662 on December 01, 2005, 01:28:39 AM
Quote from: conny on Yesterday at 04:35:08 PM
@ Nytunz + Rocket Queen

No problem! 

@ whoever it may concern

I find it funny how once someone comes up with a bit of thought regarding the subject of INTERACTION, as well as an artists work ethics, vision and whatnot, some people are like "leave him alone", "he owes you nothing". Most of the time, it appears to me as if those folks don't even know what the fuck they are even here for.

Those who obviously keep their focus on the destination rather than the journey have the nerve to tell others to shut up, stop posting "retarded" threads like this? Well that's entertainment...

Those "retarded" threads might not be very original, but they are a million times more communicative, informative and insightful than "WTTJ played at football game" and "SCOM played at The Simpons" or "What about Axl's haircut?

I for one am a lot more intrested in what's going on in the artists and the fans mind...

Because I care.

That has nothing to do with invading someone's privacy, being pushy, stalking or trying to "analyze" someone.

But once you understand the artist a bit better, you can have even better and deeper access to the work. I mean why do people read biographies? Why do people listen to demos, I mean LISTEN, not collecting? I do because I'd like to know how some artists tick and what made them do what they do and how they did it.

Just like those interviews were more than promotion, some fans' thoughts go beyond the music. And I guess that's just fair enough.

Hard to least I tried.


I totally understand, Im like that too.  There's nothing wrong with wanting to know about someone to get understanding.  I think to wonder is totally normal, but also to understand that he doesnt owe anyone anything and doesnt have to tell anything and if he wants then he can live in peace and shouldnt have to hear peoples 2 cents about it, but that doesnt mean that that's how it should be- but just to know and understand that.  I think if people are going to judge him then they should know the entire side of him, and if they dont know that side or dont have the right to know it- then I think peoples judging and condemnational words towards him should* be re-thought.  I mean, you see how people come up with this total analysis of what they think Axl is like, and it couldnt be further from the truth, Axl has nothing to hide- but nothing to prove.

I know what you mean though, because everytime I become a fan of someone, I like to find out more about them, to understand them, to get more involved in them and their work.  There's nothing wrong that, but there is something wrong with the demand of it and thinking you have the right to know it, it's more like a gift not a payment. (not saying that you are like that though  )