Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: RichardNixon on November 17, 2005, 06:47:21 PM

Title: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: RichardNixon on November 17, 2005, 06:47:21 PM
I was listening to AFD for the first time in a few months last night and it suddenly hit my that now (at 26) I am older than the entire band was when they recorded AFD. I remember being 13 and rocking out to these songs, but suddenly I felt very old. Although I can still enjoy the album, as I age, something just isn't there anymore, kinda hard to explain. Anyone else feel the same or have a similar experience?

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on November 17, 2005, 06:52:16 PM
Yes I feel the same way, although I would say it was due to the fact that I haven't been excited about GNR material since I waited at midnight like alot of the older board members back when the Illusion albums came out.  I've been listening to this material for almost 20 yrs.  I'm ready to experience GNR again.  A reinvented GNR.  If that makes any sense. :-\

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: slashsaxl on November 17, 2005, 07:00:21 PM
i try not to listen to it as much, i like going long periods without listening to it, than after many months, when you hear it, it feels good, and you remember why you're a gnr fan, and i'm not talking about the songs you hear on the radio time after time, i'm talking of the other ones, like rocket queen, breakdown, coma, just to name a few. i don't post as much as i used to cause i hate being caught up in the excitement of something to come only to be disappointed once again, but i always check the news on this site just incase word comes out that chinese democracy is coming, but i stopped holding my breath and all i got left is the classics that keep reinventing themselves to me

rock n' roll

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: ryan_of_lax on November 17, 2005, 07:15:58 PM
I swear I hardly listened to anything besides GNR from 96-99
Then the new GNR started to come to life, and that got me listening even more.

But since 2002 or so, my interest in the music has dwindled. Well, I LOVE the music, but I just can't listen to it everyday anymore. There's only so many times you can listen to 5 CDs worth of stuff.  My feelings towards the New GNR have changed a lot since I've aged.

I was 15 when the new GNR started, and had forget what it was like when old GNR were around. I also had this distaste towards Slash at the time (Snakepit sucked in my mind...) I would have argued with anyone saying that the new band had every right to be called Guns N' Roses and that they were just as good as the old band. I don't feel that way anymore. I don't think that something that was so special to one generation of people should be brought back to life, but totally different... I mean... I was watching one of the 2002 DVDs, and there was a point when Axl went backstage during a solo and I thought "Wow... to someone who didn't know better, they would never know this is Guns N' Roses... Its a Guns N' Roses cover band."

I'm still REALLY looking forward to the new CD, and I think it will be amazing. But as for the new band being considered Guns N' Roses... I've grown a lot of mixed felings towards that

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: ClintroN on November 17, 2005, 07:56:34 PM
I was listening to AFD for the first time in a few months last night and it suddenly hit my that now (at 26) I am older than the entire band was when they recorded AFD. I remember being 13 and rocking out to these songs, but suddenly I felt very old. Although I can still enjoy the album, as I age, something just isn't there anymore, kinda hard to explain. Anyone else feel the same or have a similar experience?

why feel like that dude :-\, feel great about it, music like this will outlive the bullshit out today!!

your just goin' through the motions mate!!!   

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Jessica on November 17, 2005, 08:24:12 PM
I listen to GNR very often usually, but since i started my pregnancy, i can"t, because bubba baby has a diabolical sense of rythm ( perfect to the zillion beat) and quite some strengh into his little legs so when i listen to GNR, he starts to kick me and gets all excited and my inner tum aches, so i gave up for now.. :hihi:

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Evolution on November 17, 2005, 08:25:54 PM
when i listen to GNR, he starts to kick me and gets all excited and my inner tum aches, so i gave up for now.. :hihi:

Imagine starting up YCBM :hihi:

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: conny on November 17, 2005, 09:34:01 PM
The music has changed (in) all of our lives I guess.

But the older I get, the closer the music is and the deeper I'm in.

Doesn't happen with just any kind of music. GN'R is special for me and will always be.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: madagas on November 17, 2005, 09:45:42 PM
I'm with Thorazine, I've played it out! AFD was done for me when I left college in '89. I only listen to maybe 10-15 Gnr tunes on a semi consistent basis. I'm basically caught up in the "saga" of it now. It is really an unprecedented thing in rock and roll history-what Axl is doing or not doing! It is better than a soap opera but more like a tragedy that you hope and possibly think, could actually turn out great. The  last time I got misty eyed watching the old band was seeing the It's So Easy original video on someone's website-wow, great hard ass rock band-I had never seen the uncut video before. But, now, I'm really only interested in the future. As long as Axl and Tommy are in the band, I'm interested. : ok:

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Mr. Sinister on November 17, 2005, 10:34:38 PM
Certain songs really have changed for me since I've aged.

I used to think November Rain was profoundly insightful. Years later, I now view the song as shaltzy, tacky, pretentious pap.

One in a Million I used to be indifferent to due to its controversial material. I now view it as a very significant, wonderful piece of work. I completely understand Axl's "I'm not racist, but this song has racial overtones that can be misconstrued" state of mind - It's great art.

Some songs on AFD are just silly. It's So Easy, Out Ta Get Me, Nightrain, and Anything Goes used to be badass, but now they just sound like rock star posing and posturing.

Even Estranged, while I appreciate the musicianship and enjoy the song, is lyrically very much a Dylan ripoff and suffers from Axl trying to cram too many lyrical ideas into one song. It tries to tell a story, but I now find it to be very convoluted and lyrically overdone.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on November 17, 2005, 11:03:21 PM
Yes man, something isnt there anymore, and they call them, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven  :-\ sadly Guns will never be the same without them specially without Izzy.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 17, 2005, 11:37:30 PM
Yes man, something isnt there anymore, and they call them, Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven? :-\ sadly Guns will never be the same without them specially without Izzy.

CarlosGMS, 931 posts...all longing for the good ol' days...seriously, like Don Henley once said, "Those days are gone forever, (you) should just let 'em go."

Mr. Sinister?  Laying into Estranged and November Rain??  You lose alot of credibility with those statements.  Exactly what work of Bob Dylan's is Axl "ripping off?"

To the post, of course our musical tastes will change throughout the years.  We'll go through phases and different life experiences will impact our musical choices...but Guns has the unique ability to bring a wide range of musical styles into one band, check that, several bands!  One visionary.  One W. Axl Rose.   :beer:

I saw them live when I was 18 years old, and when I was 28 years old, and I felt the same energy each time.  Absolutely phenomenal.   :beer: 

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Gunner80 on November 17, 2005, 11:47:45 PM
Certain songs really have changed for me since I've aged.

I used to think November Rain was profoundly insightful. Years later, I now view the song as shaltzy, tacky, pretentious pap.

One in a Million I used to be indifferent to due to its controversial material. I now view it as a very significant, wonderful piece of work. I completely understand Axl's "I'm not racist, but this song has racial overtones that can be misconstrued" state of mind - It's great art.

Some songs on AFD are just silly. It's So Easy, Out Ta Get Me, Nightrain, and Anything Goes used to be badass, but now they just sound like rock star posing and posturing.

Even Estranged, while I appreciate the musicianship and enjoy the song, is lyrically very much a Dylan ripoff and suffers from Axl trying to cram too many lyrical ideas into one song. It tries to tell a story, but I now find it to be very convoluted and lyrically overdone.
So Bob Dylan is the only one who can write poetic lyrics. ::) Axl's lyrics in these songs is heart felt and beautiful.  And I feel, if you're done with this bands music, you shouldn't come and bring everyone down on a message board that offers some hope for the future. 

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: horsey on November 18, 2005, 08:25:49 PM
NO  i don't feel different about the music,but the people who played the music i do.and thats a damm shame people can ruin music that way sometimes.bad feelings in a band doesn't play well.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 18, 2005, 09:19:54 PM
Yes, it is definitely different as you get older. We have listened to the old stuff to the point of overkill. I haven't listened to the old stuff in ages, and dont plan on doing so anytime soon. I'm gonna let a few more years go by before listening to it again.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: saint seiya on November 19, 2005, 03:28:43 AM
ive kinda grown tired of gn'r, ive been collecting a lot of bootlegs shows and dvd's and now im taking a long break i guess until CHinese democracy comes out. Now im into pink floyd and collecting a lot of stuff

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: nesquick on November 19, 2005, 07:43:51 AM
The more I age, the more I love the old band. THEY REALLY WERE EXEPTIONNAL.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: banachkevin on November 19, 2005, 11:04:35 AM
nothing changed for me. the only mixed feelings i have is when i drop over $1000.00 to see guns n roses in concert and not have them show up. I think CD is very close to being here in our hands. IF YOU GUYS DONT THINK THAT THIS IS GUNS N ROSES OR ARGUE THE FACT "FUCK OFF AND GO BITCH ON ANOUTHER MESSAGE BOARD BECAUSE I AM SICK OF READING THIS SHIT


Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Cornell on November 19, 2005, 12:57:33 PM
I still love them and always will, but after listening to the same 3 CDs for 15 years, I'm sick of those songs.  I need new ones!!  : ok:

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Drew on November 19, 2005, 01:05:18 PM
I love the music more and more. Especially the Use Your Illusion music. I identify more and more as time goes by. Much more then the Appetite music. The UYI music is a masterpiece to me. Nothing can stand up to it to this date. I have a feeling Axl will blow me away with Chinese Dmorcracy but for now I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :yes: : ok:

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Doc Emmett Brown on November 19, 2005, 01:26:27 PM
Mr. Sinister?  Laying into Estranged and November Rain??  You lose alot of credibility with those statements.  Exactly what work of Bob Dylan's is Axl "ripping off?"

Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone has: 'you don't talk so loud, you don't seem so proud'

But I completely disagree with Sinister's "ripoff" statement.  For example, there's a big difference between Vanilla Ice ripping off the Queen/Bowie intro to 'Under Pressure'  vs. Axl making an ode to Dylan with his own musical masterpiece. 

As I age, I realize more and more than GNR was my introduction to great RNR - from the Stones to Dylan to the New York Dolls.  And I understand the lyrics a lot better than when I was 10  :)

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Gunner80 on November 19, 2005, 02:26:10 PM
Mr. Sinister? Laying into Estranged and November Rain?? You lose alot of credibility with those statements. Exactly what work of Bob Dylan's is Axl "ripping off?"

Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone has: 'you don't talk so loud, you don't seem so proud'

But I completely disagree with Sinister's "ripoff" statement. For example, there's a big difference between Vanilla Ice ripping off the Queen/Bowie intro to 'Under Pressure' vs. Axl making an ode to Dylan with his own musical masterpiece.

As I age, I realize more and more than GNR was my introduction to great RNR - from the Stones to Dylan to the New York Dolls. And I understand the lyrics a lot better than when I was 10 :)
Plus Bob wrote that song for the Rolling Stones.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: RichardNixon on November 19, 2005, 07:12:47 PM
I'd take "Estranged" over "Like a Rolling Stone" anyday of the week.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: RichardNixon on November 19, 2005, 07:15:58 PM
Certain songs really have changed for me since I've aged.

I used to think November Rain was profoundly insightful. Years later, I now view the song as shaltzy, tacky, pretentious pap.

One in a Million I used to be indifferent to due to its controversial material. I now view it as a very significant, wonderful piece of work. I completely understand Axl's "I'm not racist, but this song has racial overtones that can be misconstrued" state of mind - It's great art.

Some songs on AFD are just silly. It's So Easy, Out Ta Get Me, Nightrain, and Anything Goes used to be badass, but now they just sound like rock star posing and posturing.

Even Estranged, while I appreciate the musicianship and enjoy the song, is lyrically very much a Dylan ripoff and suffers from Axl trying to cram too many lyrical ideas into one song. It tries to tell a story, but I now find it to be very convoluted and lyrically overdone.

Funny, I've listened to GN'R for 13+ years, and I like those songs as much now at 26, then when I was 13.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: GNR - CROATIA on November 20, 2005, 11:13:46 AM
Yes,  definately.
I didn-t consider any line up since 1993 as GNR. : ok:

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Mr. Sinister on November 20, 2005, 04:10:49 PM

So Bob Dylan is the only one who can write poetic lyrics. ::) Axl's lyrics in these songs is heart felt and beautiful.  And I feel, if you're done with this bands music, you shouldn't come and bring everyone down on a message board that offers some hope for the future. 

I know, to be honest I just find the current situation very depressing... and unfortunately I'm just starting to tire of the old the material. I'm considering just not listening to any of it for a long while to come back, loving it more than ever.

As for other criticisms of my ripping into fan-faves like Estranged and NR... plenty of people out there don't like NR, and I already stated that I like Estranged - I just think that it could be better if Axl had a little more lyrical focus. It's just my opinion, and I can't really defend it more than that. It's cool with me if people like NR, even though it's not my cup of tea - Different strokes.

Guns have made some amazing, amazing songs, and just like everyone here, I want to see Axl continue to soldier on making great music, and I hope that one day we're all able to hear it.

In fact, I've learned to appreciate many of the older songs more and more as time goes on - Civil War gets more powerful to me with each passing year, and Patience will always put a smile on my face when I hear it. And songs like SCOM, Paradise City, and Rocket Queen will always be absolute classics.

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Sillything on November 21, 2005, 06:36:58 PM
I dunno man. I've always put the lyrics in perspective to relations and situations in my own life, taking it really seriously and intense. I even tattoed one of their logos on my shoulder and I continoue to go here every fuckin day cuz I'm a pshyco more than a fan, this is just ridicolous. But waiting for ONE record this long time...what to do. Been a fan since 1989 and I always will be but my attitude has changed and I'm surprised it has I'm a fuckin Guns n roses burn out!!!

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 21, 2005, 08:10:05 PM
I was listening to AFD for the first time in a few months last night and it suddenly hit my that now (at 26) I am older than the entire band was when they recorded AFD. I remember being 13 and rocking out to these songs, but suddenly I felt very old. Although I can still enjoy the album, as I age, something just isn't there anymore, kinda hard to explain. Anyone else feel the same or have a similar experience?

I was in the same boat.. Kind of funny now being older then the entire band.. Never really thought of it.. I can still rock out as well.. The only thing I can say about niot being the same is not one album on the planet has been heard more time by me then afd..  It's still my favorite but not fresh anymore... maybe the anticipation of new material and the semi annoyance of how such a great band fell apart hurts too.. I always say damn they were amazing and think of how it became.. My mind set was different in 87-88 then now.. I still get as gitty as a 12 year old whenever PC comes on the radio or I pop in welcome to the videos, perhaps happier times of my youth, and how nothing today even comes close.. Eh you're just getting older,. not the rebelous youth of the past..

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: Eeebs on November 21, 2005, 09:50:17 PM
I was introduced to GnR in 2002 by attending a nu - GnR concert.

I am a late bloomer, what else can I say?

I began listening to GnR ever since then and also started listening to VR, and enjoyed hearing new material from old GnR, and nu - GnR. 

After a bad day at work, I find myself listening to It's So Easy... Fridays is all about screaming out the lryics to Pretty Tied Up during the commute home, and any day is a good day to listen to Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, etc...

I particularly have a good time when listening to a random radio station and on comes a GnR song... lets just say I roll down the windows and blast that radio at maximum volume.  Good times on the road :)

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 22, 2005, 05:40:20 AM
I was introduced to GnR in 2002 by attending a nu - GnR concert.

I am a late bloomer, what else can I say?

I began listening to GnR ever since then and also started listening to VR, and enjoyed hearing new material from old GnR, and nu - GnR.?

After a bad day at work, I find myself listening to It's So Easy... Fridays is all about screaming out the lryics to Pretty Tied Up during the commute home, and any day is a good day to listen to Sweet Child O' Mine, Estranged, etc...

I particularly have a good time when listening to a random radio station and on comes a GnR song... lets just say I roll down the windows and blast that radio at maximum volume.? Good times on the road :)

very cool..  i wish I was just introduced to the works of gnr.. To have virgin ears listening to afd again :drool:

Title: Re: As you age, do your feelings/experience with GN'R change?
Post by: gnrbabe on November 22, 2005, 12:37:35 PM
The music has changed (in) all of our lives I guess.

But the older I get, the closer the music is and the deeper I'm in.

Doesn't happen with just any kind of music. GN'R is special for me and will always be.

yeah right. gnr will always be special to me  : ok: