Here Today... Gone To Hell!

The Perils Of Rock N' Roll Decadence => Duff, Slash & Velvet Revolver => Topic started by: Just_Me on November 10, 2005, 07:40:09 PM

Title: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Just_Me on November 10, 2005, 07:40:09 PM

As you've probably already guessed its a petition to request the release of Duff's second solo album, Beautiful Disease.
Admitedly it might not work, but on the basis that doing nothing definately won't work I decided it was worth a try.

Once I get a decent amount of signitures I'm going to send this to anyone at Geffen who might listen, plus if possible to people who might be able to pass it on to Duff.
Then I'll just hope for a miracle.

Even if you don't care about the album please take the time to sign it to help out those of us who do.? Trust me its worth it, this is an excellent piece of work.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: AdZ on November 10, 2005, 07:47:47 PM
Mm, i love html in the morning.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Pandora on November 11, 2005, 09:19:07 AM
You know, Duff has already released a re-recorded version of it under the name "Dark Days". From a marketing point of view, I'm not sure there is a point in releasing the original version  :-\

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Jamie on November 11, 2005, 12:26:52 PM
You know, Duff has already released a re-recorded version of it under the name "Dark Days". From a marketing point of view, I'm not sure there is a point in releasing the original version? :-\

But with the interest in GnR being higher now than it has been for a while and VR acheiving popularity too, Duff's name alone will sell this album, I think he should. I signed.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Just_Me on November 11, 2005, 04:07:05 PM
You know, Duff has already released a re-recorded version of it under the name "Dark Days". From a marketing point of view, I'm not sure there is a point in releasing the original version? :-\
Dark Days is a diffrent album.

Two of the songs from Beautiful Disease (Seattle Head and Then And Now) are on there but all the rest are diffrent.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on November 11, 2005, 04:26:43 PM
I already signed too, I hope it works  : ok:

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Pandora on November 11, 2005, 07:42:01 PM
You know, Duff has already released a re-recorded version of it under the name "Dark Days". From a marketing point of view, I'm not sure there is a point in releasing the original version  :-\
Dark Days is a diffrent album.

Two of the songs from Beautiful Disease (Seattle Head and Then And Now) are on there but all the rest are diffrent.

I've just checked and you are right. I don't know why I assumed it was the same songs. "Superman" is also on both albums.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Just_Me on November 11, 2005, 08:32:36 PM
I always forget Superman...

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 12, 2005, 09:20:57 PM
I tried signing it but it wouldnt let me. I'll try again later.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: WAR41 on November 13, 2005, 09:53:47 PM
I have that CD laying around somewhere, yes I really have "Beautiful Disease".  There was a GNR website around a LONG time ago that I used to go to frequently and somehow they got a copy of it and the tracks were posted on the website for 12 hours to DL.  Some copies show up on Ebay sometimes as well.  It is at my parents house and I am 8 hours away, but I will be there for Thanksgiving so I will look for it then.  Maybe I can help you guys out.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Captain P?l on November 14, 2005, 01:03:53 PM
if i rember correctly duff wanted Lori Pepper ( a webmaster for a Loaded site, RIP) to sell the promo cd's on that site, but he didnt find them

can anyone comfirm this? i dont really rember if that was the case..

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Nightfall on November 14, 2005, 01:05:19 PM
yeah i remember that too, and then LL died, and it never came of it anymore.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Rob on November 16, 2005, 04:43:06 PM
I signed it.  Just listened to Believe In Me yesterday.  I would definitely like more Duff stuff to listen to.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: GNR - CROATIA on November 16, 2005, 06:57:44 PM
I have Dark days and it is indeed totally different album.
Lori Lepper was stabbed to death in her apartment and the murder was never found.
Even Duff himself appeard on TV asking the people to help with any info they may have,  though,  it remained unsolved,  I belive.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: boston on November 30, 2005, 11:20:10 PM
I hope this is not against the rule, It was never realeased- so it shouldn't be

I found this link for "Duff - Beautiful Disease"

enjoy, mine is uploading right now !!

[Mod edit : this album is probably protected by copyright laws, therefore it's not allowed here.]

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: boston on December 02, 2005, 04:43:41 PM
oh well, I tried

it might still be posted somewhere as of now

a lil investigating will get you a long way on this one.....

hint - "my Band has no website"

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: makane on December 04, 2005, 12:13:01 PM
I have Beatiful Disease also  :D Didn't Duff have some legal issues due he didn't release the album? And he sure hell wont release it when hes making a second album with Velvet Revolver  :-\ though, you can always try.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Bridge on December 05, 2005, 07:11:51 PM
I hate to be the one to say it, but online petitions don't accomplish anything.  They're too easy for anyone to sign for record labels to take notice.  record labels themselves will tell you that.  if you wanna make a difference, write a letter to Geffen and mail it to them, and rally people to do that.  its the only way you'll convince them.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Captain P?l on December 05, 2005, 07:25:05 PM
I hate to be the one to say it, but online petitions don't accomplish anything.  They're too easy for anyone to sign for record labels to take notice.  record labels themselves will tell you that.  if you wanna make a difference, write a letter to Geffen and mail it to them, and rally people to do that.  its the only way you'll convince them.
but in this case it is the same as for izzy's album...
duff has a "couple" of copies lyinh around.... if i am not mistaken..

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 06, 2005, 11:58:13 PM
I downloaded this album a few days ago, and it is very mediocre. Believe in Me puts it to shame. There is no reason for this to be released.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: boston on December 07, 2005, 01:04:54 AM
I downloaded this album a few days ago, and it is very mediocre. Believe in Me puts it to shame. There is no reason for this to be released.

that is surprising

I thought just the opposite

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 07, 2005, 01:39:44 AM
I downloaded this album a few days ago, and it is very mediocre. Believe in Me puts it to shame. There is no reason for this to be released.

that is surprising

I thought just the opposite
Maybe I'll start to like it(I doubt it). I only listened to it a couple of times. But good albums dont require several listens for you to be able to think its good. Its either good, or it isn't. I loved Believe in Me from the first moment I listened to it. I still think its the best solo album done by a member of GNR.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: boston on December 07, 2005, 03:44:36 PM
It makes sense then, you like "Believe in Me" alot
"Beautiful Disease" is so much different
and not very GNR-ish ( which I am usually against)

I felt "Believe In Me" may have been rushed, with being on tour with GNR at the time and all,
as a musician and a singer I think "Beautiful Disease"  shows improvement and progress.

I want to hear the "Loaded" albums now,
I remember seeing Duff w/Loaded in LA , it was right before  the "Cherry Roses/project/VR" gigs
I was amazed of how healthy he looked( had stoped drinking), he looked younger than he had ten years before(U.Y.I. tour)

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: jameslofton29 on December 07, 2005, 08:46:32 PM
It makes sense then, you like "Believe in Me" alot
"Beautiful Disease" is so much different
and not very GNR-ish ( which I am usually against)

I felt "Believe In Me" may have been rushed, with being on tour with GNR at the time and all,
as a musician and a singer I think "Beautiful Disease"? shows improvement and progress.

I want to hear the "Loaded" albums now,
I remember seeing Duff w/Loaded in LA , it was right before? the "Cherry Roses/project/VR" gigs
I was amazed of how healthy he looked( had stoped drinking), he looked younger than he had ten years before(U.Y.I. tour)
I would also like to hear the Loaded material. I have always been a huge Duff fan, and would like to hear about anything he offers us fans. To me, Beautiful Disease seems to lack emotion. I dont think Believe in Me was rushed, although I understand why you believe that. He recorded it in various studios around the world during the UYI tour. The quality of the album doesn't sound rushed. The whole album is great, and 'Could It Be U' could have easily taken the place of 'So Fine' on UYI. It sold poorly because of bad timing. Had he released Believe in Me a few years earlier or a few years later, I think it would have been a big hit. 'Could it Be U' could have easily went Top 20, but it went down the same black hole that all solo GNR releases go. And that's a shame.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: Sakib on December 13, 2005, 11:40:29 AM

As you've probably already guessed its a petition to request the release of Duff's second solo album, Beautiful Disease.
Admitedly it might not work, but on the basis that doing nothing definately won't work I decided it was worth a try.

Once I get a decent amount of signitures I'm going to send this to anyone at Geffen who might listen, plus if possible to people who might be able to pass it on to Duff.
Then I'll just hope for a miracle.

Even if you don't care about the album please take the time to sign it to help out those of us who do.? Trust me its worth it, this is an excellent piece of work.

you can download it at boston's site summat like

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: RichardNixon on December 21, 2005, 08:19:46 PM
What is the deal with "Beautiful Disease" in terms of rights? Is there anyway he can get rights to the masters and release this album? It might sell something, due to VR.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: metallex78 on December 21, 2005, 09:39:29 PM
You know, Duff has already released a re-recorded version of it under the name "Dark Days". From a marketing point of view, I'm not sure there is a point in releasing the original version? :-\

Because for starters, Beautiful Disease was recorded with a different band, I think Mike Bordin plays drums on the album and Slash, Duff and Izzy play on some songs too.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: metallex78 on December 22, 2005, 12:16:53 AM
I downloaded this album a few days ago, and it is very mediocre. Believe in Me puts it to shame. There is no reason for this to be released.

No way, Believe in Me was a drunken mess, Beautiful Disease is a great focused punk-rock album!

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: metallex78 on December 22, 2005, 12:23:05 AM
I have Beatiful Disease also? :D Didn't Duff have some legal issues due he didn't release the album? And he sure hell wont release it when hes making a second album with Velvet Revolver? :-\ though, you can always try.

Well Scott's releasing another solo album, so why can't Duff re-release what many consider his defining musical moment?

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Just_Me on March 26, 2006, 07:05:31 PM
This petition will be ending in 2 weeks on the 10th of April.

It will still be possible to sign it after that point, but thats when I will start sending copies to the relevant people, so there is a chance that any signatures added later won't be counted.  Esspecially if it needs to be posted or faxed to someone.

So if you, or someone you know, has yet to sign it please do so before the 10th of April.


Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 26, 2006, 10:37:53 PM
Believe In Me is an awesome record, perhaps the best of the ex-members.  I love the raunchy, Johnny Thunders style of it all.  Beautiful Disease isnt as good, but I see no harm in having it released.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: metallex78 on March 26, 2006, 11:54:51 PM
Believe In Me is an awesome record, perhaps the best of the ex-members.? I love the raunchy, Johnny Thunders style of it all.? Beautiful Disease isnt as good, but I see no harm in having it released.

Wow, you think Believe in Me is a better album than Beautiful Disease?

Each to their own, but Believe in Me is a drunken babbling mess, whereas Beautiful Disease is a focused punk rock record made when Duff was sober, and actually put some thought into what he was recording. That's just what I hear anyway.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 27, 2006, 01:45:00 AM
Each to their own, but Believe in Me is a drunken babbling mess

Exactly why I like it.  Thats how most punk rock records should sound.  Its sloppy and raunchy, yet well-written and well-played.  It sounds exactly as you would expect a product of its environment to sound - drunken, hectic and self-indulgent.  A damn fine, veritable punk rock album.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: RichardNixon on March 27, 2006, 01:48:06 AM
I actually really like "Believe in Me," "Beautiful Disease," and "Dark Days."

I think BIM is actually pretty underrated. It has this horrible reputation, but I think it's a good rock/punk/retro sounding album that has a lot of melodic, raunchy, well written songs. Released in '93, it still kind of has an 80s feel in some respects, like the Bobbi Brown voice over and the song with Sebastian Bach.

"Beautiful Disease" is an awesome record. It's the type of CD that Blink 182 and their ilk could only dream of making. A sober Duff, BD doesn't have the charm or the kitsch of his debut, but it's a cool album.

The songs from "Beautiful Disease" that Duff re-recorded for "Dark Days" aren't as good. I don't know, they just lost something. But the other new songs are quite strong and are a good follow-up.

If you like Duff, get all three CDs.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition
Post by: RichardNixon on March 27, 2006, 02:01:13 AM
You know, Duff has already released a re-recorded version of it under the name "Dark Days". From a marketing point of view, I'm not sure there is a point in releasing the original version? :-\

Because for starters, Beautiful Disease was recorded with a different band, I think Mike Bordin plays drums on the album and Slash, Duff and Izzy play on some songs too.

"Dark Days" is not a re-recording of "Beautiful Disease." Only some of the songs were redone.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: coolman78SLASH on March 27, 2006, 05:10:50 AM
I've signed it!

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: tomass74 on March 27, 2006, 07:43:25 AM
Believe In Me is an awesome record, perhaps the best of the ex-members.? I love the raunchy, Johnny Thunders style of it all.? Beautiful Disease isnt as good, but I see no harm in having it released.

Wow, you think Believe in Me is a better album than Beautiful Disease?

Each to their own, but Believe in Me is a drunken babbling mess, whereas Beautiful Disease is a focused punk rock record made when Duff was sober, and actually put some thought into what he was recording. That's just what I hear anyway.

I like that drunken babbling mess.. Especially the real drunken babbling of Lonely tonight!!!!

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Just_Me on March 27, 2006, 11:09:03 AM
Believe In Me is a lot of fun to listen to when I can overlook the drunken babbling mess side of things.
There are days when it gets to me though, when I can't help looking beyond the fact that Duff was always a cute funny drunk and I get stuck being painfully awear of what he was really doing to himself. :no:
(Then I tend to wish I'd never done that biology degree, or just never taken the time to read up on pancreatitis.)

But other than that its a great album and I enjoy listening to it.

Beautiful Disease though...IMO this really is something special.  I don't know what it is exactly but the whole album just has such an incredible emotion to it.  Its not exactly happy but somehow theres so much optimism in there, and its definately infectious.  One of the few albums thats always garenteed to make me feel better and has great music.

Thats one thing, no matter how much anyone might enjoy Believe In Me (which I completely understand) theres no denying Duff's writing and performance is infinately better on his later work.  And IMO Beautiful Disease is the best of the lot.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 27, 2006, 12:15:59 PM
Thats one thing, no matter how much anyone might enjoy Believe In Me (which I completely understand) theres no denying Duff's writing and performance is infinately better on his later work.  And IMO Beautiful Disease is the best of the lot.

Actually, there is denying it.  I like the writing and performance on Believe In Me better. 

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: jameslofton29 on March 27, 2006, 10:03:26 PM
Thats one thing, no matter how much anyone might enjoy Believe In Me (which I completely understand) theres no denying Duff's writing and performance is infinately better on his later work.? And IMO Beautiful Disease is the best of the lot.

Actually, there is denying it.? I like the writing and performance on Believe In Me better.?
I agree with Booker here. I just dont understand why everyone has to keep referring to Believe in Me as a "drunken mess". Did a journalist or band member call it that, so now everyone has to say it? I'm assuming someone famous said it for it to become so cliche.

I want some of you people to point out the examples of this "drunken mess". No cliches, just some facts. He obviously slurs pretty bad during 'Lonely Tonight', but thats not enough to give this great album such a harsh review.

If this album is a drunken mess, then so is every GNR album as well, because they were all pretty much alcoholics and drug addicts at some point.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: metallex78 on March 27, 2006, 10:30:32 PM
Thats one thing, no matter how much anyone might enjoy Believe In Me (which I completely understand) theres no denying Duff's writing and performance is infinately better on his later work.? And IMO Beautiful Disease is the best of the lot.

Actually, there is denying it.? I like the writing and performance on Believe In Me better.?
I agree with Booker here. I just dont understand why everyone has to keep referring to Believe in Me as a "drunken mess". Did a journalist or band member call it that, so now everyone has to say it? I'm assuming someone famous said it for it to become so cliche.

I want some of you people to point out the examples of this "drunken mess". No cliches, just some facts. He obviously slurs pretty bad during 'Lonely Tonight', but thats not enough to give this great album such a harsh review.

If this album is a drunken mess, then so is every GNR album as well, because they were all pretty much alcoholics and drug addicts at some point.

I call it a "drunken mess", because to me, that's what it sounds like. Not what some journalist wrote. ::)

I'll admit, it has some moments where it shines, but elsewhere the lyrics are laughable and directionless.

"I played my guitar til my dick got hard" is just an example of what I'm talking about.

If some of you like it, fair enough, but I think Beautiful Disease is leaps and bounds above that album.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: badapple81 on March 28, 2006, 04:53:54 AM
And lets face it, he probably was drunk!  :hihi:

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Sillything on March 28, 2006, 05:59:19 AM
BD is the best his done on his own. And his own are all better then Velvet Revolver

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: tomass74 on March 28, 2006, 07:58:04 AM


I call it a "drunken mess", because to me, that's what it sounds like. Not what some journalist wrote. ::)

I'll admit, it has some moments where it shines, but elsewhere the lyrics are laughable and directionless.

"" is just an example of what I'm talking about.

If some of you like it, fair enough, but I think Beautiful Disease is leaps and bounds above that album.

Dude, you forgot the next line... "I played my guitar til my dick got hard, I FUCKED THAT BITCH NIGHT AND DAY!"..  That rocks!!! Not too mention Jeff BEck does the guitars.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Just_Me on March 28, 2006, 12:09:47 PM
"Saw your gaze
It put me in a haze
It was amazing
I saw a little girl
Put me in a whirl
Just left me gazing"

And his singing in general is pretty poor compared to the later stuff.? Loney Tonite is a perfect example.? He just sounds a mess.

But its also...I don't really know how to describe it in a way that'll make sense to everyone but it just sounds 'flat' to me.? He just couldn't get across the depth of emotion thats so evident in BD.? Its like the audio equivilent of going to see a band who play great but just stand there and don't really seem into the gig.? He sounds too out of it to really get into the songs.

As I said its still a good album, I own it and listen to it on a regular basis and I generally enjoy it.  But IMO its not in the same leauge as Beautiful Disease.  Its like the diffrence between AFD and UYI.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Butch Français on March 28, 2006, 12:19:06 PM
Thats one thing, no matter how much anyone might enjoy Believe In Me (which I completely understand) theres no denying Duff's writing and performance is infinately better on his later work.  And IMO Beautiful Disease is the best of the lot.

Actually, there is denying it.  I like the writing and performance on Believe In Me better. 
I agree with Booker here. I just dont understand why everyone has to keep referring to Believe in Me as a "drunken mess". Did a journalist or band member call it that, so now everyone has to say it? I'm assuming someone famous said it for it to become so cliche.

I want some of you people to point out the examples of this "drunken mess". No cliches, just some facts. He obviously slurs pretty bad during 'Lonely Tonight', but thats not enough to give this great album such a harsh review.

If this album is a drunken mess, then so is every GNR album as well, because they were all pretty much alcoholics and drug addicts at some point.

I call it a "drunken mess", because to me, that's what it sounds like. Not what some journalist wrote. ::)

I'll admit, it has some moments where it shines, but elsewhere the lyrics are laughable and directionless.

"I played my guitar til my dick got hard" is just an example of what I'm talking about.

If some of you like it, fair enough, but I think Beautiful Disease is leaps and bounds above that album.

I agree. he sounds pretty horrible on 'Believe In Me'...he was quite a mess at the time. and the lyrics ain't real good.
'Beautiful Disease' on the other hand is a brilliant album!

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: jimmythegent on March 28, 2006, 09:59:09 PM
Each to their own, but Believe in Me is a drunken babbling mess

Exactly why I like it.? Thats how most punk rock records should sound.? Its sloppy and raunchy, yet well-written and well-played.? It sounds exactly as you would expect a product of its environment to sound - drunken, hectic and self-indulgent.? A damn fine, veritable punk rock album.

punk? I dont recall much about it sounding punk? (granted, its been over a decade since I listened to it)
if memory serves, it was bloated pop-rock??  :-\

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: tomass74 on March 29, 2006, 07:33:12 AM
Damn, I still think Believe in me is pretty damn cool.. I mean I don't listen to it often but I bust it out about every year or so maybe...

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: Booker Floyd on March 29, 2006, 08:58:44 AM
punk? I dont recall much about it sounding punk? (granted, its been over a decade since I listened to it)
if memory serves, it was bloated pop-rock??  :-\

Its obviously indebted to Johnny Thunders' music, and I liken it to one of his albums.  Sure, theres a few semi-sappy ballads, but the overall spirit of the album is relatively loose and reckless.  It was thrown together by a wasted, almost tuneless, gravel-voiced bassist who played many of the instruments and while it might not sound exactly like what some consider "punk rock," I believe it is in its attitude and approach. 

Bloated?  Theres thirteen songs and not one over 5 minutes long.  I dont hear pop-rock either.  Theres some ballads - so what?  The album rocks through and through.  If one disagrees, then I dont know what else to tell him.

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: tomass74 on March 29, 2006, 01:19:32 PM
"Belive In Me"  is alot more punk than that poser crap they call punk these days....

Title: Re: Beautiful Disease Petition *2 WEEKS LEFT*
Post by: jimmythegent on March 29, 2006, 02:58:07 PM
punk? I dont recall much about it sounding punk? (granted, its been over a decade since I listened to it)
if memory serves, it was bloated pop-rock??? :-\

Its obviously indebted to Johnny Thunders' music, and I liken it to one of his albums.? Sure, theres a few semi-sappy ballads, but the overall spirit of the album is relatively loose and reckless.? It was thrown together by a wasted, almost tuneless, gravel-voiced bassist who played many of the instruments and while it might not sound exactly like what some consider "punk rock," I believe it is in its attitude and approach.?

Bloated?? Theres thirteen songs and not one over 5 minutes long.? I dont hear pop-rock either.? Theres some ballads - so what?? The album rocks through and through.? If one disagrees, then I dont know what else to tell him.

fair enuff, I see what youre saying to a point, although I disagree fundamentally that the album rocks. I think it is a very average affair, but that is of course subjective

I meant bloated not so much in length of songs or album, more so some of the musical ideas. Perhaps it subconciously slipped in because Duff himself was bloated at the time

As far as ballads go, I have nothing against em at all. Just, the type of ballads they are, to me, are very generic and under developed.