Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: AxlRoseVen on November 08, 2005, 08:16:53 PM

Title: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 08, 2005, 08:16:53 PM
 :hihi:? The music business seems to be destroyed TODAY, intelligent producers don?t find a way to make albums without losing money n? time so things are gettin? more n? more scary for real but at the same time GNR gets lucky just cuz their songs, rare bootlegs, official stuff n? inedited videos, etc, etc, have been obtained easily by the internet service FOR FREE? ?:D? (oh ok, i know they get no 1 US$ from it) but somehow it makes'em famous again ? ?;D , so I guess now it?s time for us to face this fucking reality to know :?

1-Is the Piracy is helpin? GNR to keep them ALIVE to date?

2- Are they also reachin? new highs THES DAYS when this band honestly had to be forgotten by us all a long long time ago?? :o

3-GNR is gonna end up fucked by it??

a lot of celebrities have affirmed the piracy industry did in their lives from the start but Axl/GNR ain?t give damn ?bout!? ;D? ?:beer:

?although Axl said at rock in rio in 2001 ?the internet is a garbage-can?, we already noticed he?s a liar cuz today every gnr member is rich n? famous more than ever? oh fuck!!!! ? ?:smoking:

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: NickNasty on November 08, 2005, 08:41:36 PM
If by 'Piracy' you mean iTunes...well, there is compensation paid for each song d/l'd, so it's not really to whether bootlegs help or hurt the band- i'll say this: I've turned alot of people on to the new incarnation of the band with my 2002 bootlegs-makes people realize (contrary to media reports) that Axl still is a consummate entertainer when on stage. WIll piracy hurt Guns IF CD is leaked? Probably, any illegally dl'd copy is taking money out of the band's pockets...OTOH, if people d'l some songs as a sampler and get turned on to the band-all the better. Time will tell.

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: Eazy E on November 08, 2005, 08:45:06 PM
I think downloading music benefits talented artists... so yeah, I think GN'R is being helped by downloading (our interest has been kept up by the new songs we downloaded from the 2002 tour, as well as the IRS leak).

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: nevermiss24 on November 08, 2005, 08:46:58 PM
i dont they think they care becouse for one they dont care about much anyway an two when someone listens to a song they want more so they go out and buy a cd or a itune of them so it turnes out good in the end for them

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: anythinggoes on November 09, 2005, 03:40:00 AM
I dont thinks Piracy is used much for GNR these days as the albums have been out 14+ years and it was a top selling album. The only piracy that people go for with GNR at the moment is the old Concerts which are only of interest to the fans and the same with the demos and so far he has done a fucking good job of keeping CD off the internet

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: kyrie on November 09, 2005, 08:26:52 AM
I recall Axl saying Buckethead himself had purchased a bootleg of one of the 2002 shows... MSG I think.

A lot of artists are pressured by their labels to speak out against copyright infringement.

A lot more don't care.

And some support it, i.e. Chuck D. Dave Ghrol was on Much Music (.ca) a while back and said he could care less about piracy, hell it's almost a given that he leaked You Know You're Right back when he was fighting Courtney Love. Bono said the same thing at one point. Janis Ian (most people won't know her) had a great essay on how filesharing has helped her sales.

I personally bought Houses of the Mole from Ministry only after downloading No W.

"Piracy" (industry term, not legally correct) helps many artists. The bottom line is, good albums sell, shit albums don't, regardless of downloads.

Too bad there's been so much shit lately.

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: jmapelian on November 09, 2005, 10:12:00 AM
If it wern't for the internet and piracy, a very small portion would have ever heard the new songs from the 2002 tour, very few would remember them.

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 09, 2005, 01:55:14 PM
If it wern't for the internet and piracy, a very small portion would have ever heard the new songs from the 2002 tour, very few would remember them.

 ;D ;D ;D hell yeah, you're so fucking right!, although the show business might be DESTROYED FOR LIFE SOON!...that's why Piracy n' internet are our best FRIENDS to get easily what we want these days,

recently I?ve heard to say many that celebrities/authors/record executives, etc are living in danger this time cuz their stuff is floating in mid-air where everyone gets it
for free
while they don't get a fucking coin from on it YET, so they've already said they will be poor soon cuz they won't have money to produce anything else all cuz of Piracy n? Internet!!! ...but they get a lot of money when people buy their tickets to see concerts /movies/shows, etc? :-\? ?must we believe in them then? ?although this situation they'll be rich forever anyway? ? I just think those fucking bastards are selling the drama today, oh fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? ::) ? Can y?all imagine George Lucas living like a fucking poor indigent on da?dangerous streets in L.A? Oh if this was real I?d ride my flying cow tonight to travel around the world for sure? :hihi:

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: bucketman on November 09, 2005, 01:58:19 PM
I did a thesis paper on the subject in college. Did you guys know that for the largest of bands-Metallicaesque get between 1 & 2 dollars per album? And that is not for each individual in the band. That is the band as a whole. so if a record goes platinum, and their are five members, each would only make about 250k. And that is for the biggest bands. My point is simply that the money in music is not from record sales. it is from touring. So, basically if a band has enough buzz or popularity, they can make grips of cash out on the road. And how does a band get popularity? by being played in as many mediums as possible-cds, radio, videos, and downloads. So when metallica goes out against Napster back in 00, and says Napster is taking food out of their mouths, they are being fed that by the Record companies, b/c it is the record companies that are taking the hit. And what do record companies have to do with a band? They are responsible for putting money into producing a record, promoting it, and distributing it. Well what would happen if the artists could do this themselves? The record companies would become obsolete, and go out of business. Well guess what Geffen, they can. With Pro-tools, recording has never been easier. they can promote with their own website, and distribute it themselves through that site or on the road. Now, instead of each member getting a buck at the most, they get between 4-5. All they have to do is generate buzz, and the cycle starts all over again. Interesting huh. Watch and see, in 10 years record companies will cease to exist.

Title: Re: The Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlsMainMan on November 09, 2005, 03:12:43 PM
I recall Axl saying Buckethead himself had purchased a bootleg of one of the 2002 shows... MSG I think.

I dont think it was Axl who said that, it was Tommy Stinson. He said something along the lines of the bootleg restored alot of faith in BH's commitment to the project and that he was ecstatic about how blistering the band was live. Only a few weeks later BH walked out though, dont make alot of sense... :no:

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: ppbebe on November 09, 2005, 03:37:18 PM
I recall Axl saying Buckethead himself had purchased a bootleg of one of the 2002 shows... MSG I think.

I dont think it was Axl who said that, it was Tommy Stinson. He said something along the lines of the bootleg restored alot of faith in BH's commitment to the project and that he was ecstatic about how blistering the band was live. Only a few weeks later BH walked out though, dont make alot of sense... :no:

"Last time I talked to Bucket, he called to tell me he had bought a bootleg DVD off EBay and how proud he was to be in Guns and how impressed he was with everyone's performance." ---from 'A Message from W. Axl Rose',  March 30, 2004 Amnesia?  (

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlFink on November 09, 2005, 05:34:52 PM
i agree bucketman great post!  javascript:void(0);

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlsMainMan on November 09, 2005, 05:47:41 PM
I recall Axl saying Buckethead himself had purchased a bootleg of one of the 2002 shows... MSG I think.

I dont think it was Axl who said that, it was Tommy Stinson. He said something along the lines of the bootleg restored alot of faith in BH's commitment to the project and that he was ecstatic about how blistering the band was live. Only a few weeks later BH walked out though, dont make alot of sense... :no:

"Last time I talked to Bucket, he called to tell me he had bought a bootleg DVD off EBay and how proud he was to be in Guns and how impressed he was with everyone's performance." ---from 'A Message from W. Axl Rose',? March 30, 2004 Amnesia?  (

Nope, cant say I have amnesia, just could have sworn it was said it Jarmo's interview with Tommy, not in Axl's press release.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: younggunner on November 09, 2005, 06:27:35 PM
another thing bands are soon going to have to deal with in regards to record sales is the fatc that many FM stations here in the US are changing formats. They will be going from a music format to talk show formats. This will now give less exposure to a bands new material or old material.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: James_Ramone on November 10, 2005, 07:41:45 AM
i wonder how axl will cope with the prospect of losing a few dollars

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: Falcon on November 10, 2005, 10:06:47 AM
another thing bands are soon going to have to deal with in regards to record sales is the fatc that many FM stations here in the US are changing formats. They will be going from a music format to talk show formats. This will now give less exposure to a bands new material or old material.

I haven't heard about this yet, any examples of major US rock radio stations moving to
all talk?

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: younggunner on November 10, 2005, 10:45:20 AM
krock here in ny and I think I heard the Philly stations are doing the same

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: Neemo on November 10, 2005, 10:52:53 AM
krock here in ny and I think I heard the Philly stations are doing the same

Isn't there like a K-Rock everywhere? I know there is one in Det too

Maybe just a company switch for K-Rock?

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: gilld1 on November 10, 2005, 12:46:06 PM
I love the pirates that steal from these record companies that have ripped us off for years.  How many bands have had cds that have 1 good song and the rest is pure shit?  They are getting what they deserve.

I sincerely hope that a pirate or 2 gets a hold of CD and posts it on the internet.  This may push up a release date as it did with Eminem and Dr. Dre a few years back.  If it left up to Axl we are truly fucked.  That's if CD even really exists or if it's some paranoid delusion of Asshole Rose.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: Falcon on November 10, 2005, 01:23:43 PM
krock here in ny and I think I heard the Philly stations are doing the same

NYC KROCK going all talk?  Interesting.

Any specific talk format (sports, financial etc)?

Any hosts/shows announced?

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 10, 2005, 01:39:22 PM
I did a thesis paper on the subject in college. Did you guys know that for the largest of bands-Metallicaesque get between 1 & 2 dollars per album? And that is not for each individual in the band. That is the band as a whole. so if a record goes platinum, and their are five members, each would only make about 250k. And that is for the biggest bands. My point is simply that the money in music is not from record sales. it is from touring. So, basically if a band has enough buzz or popularity, they can make grips of cash out on the road. And how does a band get popularity? by being played in as many mediums as possible-cds, radio, videos, and downloads. So when metallica goes out against Napster back in 00, and says Napster is taking food out of their mouths, they are being fed that by the Record companies, b/c it is the record companies that are taking the hit. And what do record companies have to do with a band? They are responsible for putting money into producing a record, promoting it, and distributing it. Well what would happen if the artists could do this themselves? The record companies would become obsolete, and go out of business. Well guess what Geffen, they can. With Pro-tools, recording has never been easier. they can promote with their own website, and distribute it themselves through that site or on the road. Now, instead of each member getting a buck at the most, they get between 4-5. All they have to do is generate buzz, and the cycle starts all over again. Interesting huh. Watch and see, in 10 years record companies will cease to exist.

ok, i see ya r a smart boy to answer this way but tell me? if we'll SELL our own albums/stuff/videos,etc,etc by the internet service while we get sittin' our at homes so other persons (who also use the fucking internet) will GET our merchindise FOR FREE TOO? :rant: cuz as well they're gonna use programs(like Kazaa, Napster, or whatever)? to DOWNLOAD every kind of file...hell!... I notice we n' the Show Business have no way to face a fucking DESTRUCTION SOONER OR LATER!? ? :hihi:

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: bucketman on November 10, 2005, 05:22:23 PM
good point, Axlrose ven. Hopefully by that point, the artist will have made enough money that by the time they have generated enough pr by themselve. they wont count on the record sales as much. And if you figure 1 out of 10 might download a cd versus paying for one, they probably would spend 50-75 bucks for a concert ticket so you havent lost anything by the stolen cd, only gained an extra fan. Plus if they are like me, and start to LOVE that particular band, they will have enough respect for them to buy the next album in lieu of stealing it.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: Scree on November 10, 2005, 07:05:42 PM
it was pretty amusing back when UYIs were first released. Slash said in an interview that you could buy one and thier friend could buy one and then they could make each other a copy of the album the other didn't have. A day or 2 later the press were saying the record company didn't like this and had a word with Slash   :rofl:

as for todays "piracy", I'll download an album.. if I like 1 or 2 songs I head to iTunes.. if I like most of the songs I buy the album from a music store.. if I think the whole album is shit, it goes into my trash. It is just that simple. So yes, the good bands are helped by this so called "piracy" and the shit is left by the wayside.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 12, 2005, 10:31:32 AM
it was pretty amusing back when UYIs were first released. Slash said in an interview that you could buy one and thier friend could buy one and then they could make each other a copy of the album the other didn't have. A day or 2 later the press were saying the record company didn't like this and had a word with Slash? ?:rofl:

as for todays "piracy", I'll download an album.. if I like 1 or 2 songs I head to iTunes.. if I like most of the songs I buy the album from a music store.. if I think the whole album is shit, it goes into my trash. It is just that simple. So yes, the good bands are helped by this so called "piracy" and the shit is left by the wayside.

 :rofl:   So do ya think V.R fans go out n' buy V.R?s stuff these days? c'mon dude, some people might download their songs illegally, Maybe!   :-\  .... so V.R ain?t that special to stole their music that way...greatest rock stars are the only one to be rated by the internet service, that's all! ...Cyndi Louper is rated by the internet more than them  :hihi:

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: Krash on November 12, 2005, 04:05:38 PM
I always thought the whole internet music piracy thing whent like this.....

1. If your a talented band/artist.... It's free advertising and folks will want more.
Especially in a case like GnR where there has been such a drought for new material.

2. If your a one hit wonder who sells image over quality music people are gonna download your one hit and then hit the trail anyhow.  Meaning if your like the dudes in Hanson your screwed, cuz the second the kids download the only tune they cared about that ya made your not gonna make your 2 red cents.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 13, 2005, 09:32:31 AM
I always thought the whole internet music piracy thing whent like this.....

1. If your a talented band/artist.... It's free advertising and folks will want more.
Especially in a case like GnR where there has been such a drought for new material.

2. If your a one hit wonder who sells image over quality music people are gonna download your one hit and then hit the trail anyhow.? Meaning if your like the dudes in Hanson your screwed, cuz the second the kids download the only tune they cared about that ya made your not gonna make your 2 red cents.

I?m really sure Piracy makes you famous more than ever, it shall make you reach new highs that no one else got before but YOU'LL JUST GONNA BE A CELEBRITY WITHOUT MONEY in the end, no matter if record companies disappear at all someday, no matter if you can show your fucking product by the internet while you're sittin' at your own home cuz everyone?s gonna STEAL it by this same way TOO, that's it....? :nervous:? piracy will destroy every kind of company in the world sooner or later if the law won't do a thing SOMADAY !!!? :rant:?

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: younggunner on November 13, 2005, 02:06:10 PM
on the 2002 tour...i think it was in Toronto when Axl said he had to talk about Lars. I bet he was gonna go into the Napster deal. It would have been interesting to hear how Axl feels about it.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 13, 2005, 03:06:28 PM
on the 2002 tour...i think it was in Toronto when Axl said he had to talk about Lars. I bet he was gonna go into the Napster deal. It would have been interesting to hear how Axl feels about it.

 :o   you should know Axl insulted the internet service from rock in rio 2001 in front of the world!!!! , i know the guy got a lot of new enemies since then (specially the hackers!)   :rant:  but honestly Axl should thank to the websites n' illegal downloads just cuz this way GNR keeps alive after the band ain?t give news, new stuff, official files, albums, etc, etc, since 1994!!!! there r 2 options :

-Axl is a fucking liar cuz he?s sure he gets more fame by internet  >:(
-the guy didn't have a real idea 'bout the meanin' of being rated these days by kazaa, napters, whatever!  ::)

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: younggunner on November 13, 2005, 03:28:54 PM
He bashed the Internet because people try to stalk him and give out his personal info. Im sure Axl doesnt have a problem with the Internet. WHo cares if he does or doesnt anyways.

also I think Axl appreciates sites like these. And when he says "support group" in the Bucket Press release I believe he is referring to us, the diehards who send out thousands of emails to anyone who might be linked to the band....from pizza boy to bandmembers

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 13, 2005, 04:21:47 PM
He bashed the Internet because people try to stalk him and give out his personal info. Im sure Axl doesnt have a problem with the Internet. WHo cares if he does or doesnt anyways.

also I think Axl appreciates sites like these. And when he says "support group" in the Bucket Press release I believe he is referring to us, the diehards who send out thousands of emails to anyone who might be linked to the band....from pizza boy to bandmembers

r ya sure? if Axl hates lies too much so he had to refers to ?that? specifically, not to bash the internet that way at all!, Axl just knew how to lie that night like Hollywood business always does  ::)

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: younggunner on November 13, 2005, 05:01:48 PM
i honestly have no idea what your talking about lol

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 13, 2005, 08:37:15 PM
i honestly have no idea what your talking about lol

something tells me you don't wanna admit that Axl lied to the world that shocking night at rock in rio 2001  :o

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: younggunner on November 13, 2005, 09:45:22 PM
lied about what

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 14, 2005, 06:53:59 PM
lied about what

I supposed you've been reading' our lines frequently to reply at but I see you've just been answering like a real incoherent guy who doesn't know what we're talkin' 'bout!...we've said Axl hates the internet service cuz it supports the piracy but other facts make us notice Axl just fakes on it ?, did you think Axl lied 'bout He n' Mickey Mouse drink coffee at his home at nights then??  :confused:

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: younggunner on November 14, 2005, 07:14:48 PM
did you think Axl lied 'bout He n' Mickey Mouse drink coffee at his home at nights then?
Yes I do think he was lieing about that because he said he loved Pluto better.

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 14, 2005, 07:26:33 PM
did you think Axl lied 'bout He n' Mickey Mouse drink coffee at his home at nights then?
Yes I do think he was lieing about that because he said he loved Pluto better.

Oh ok, that's great but let me tell ya that Disneyland hates piracy too so be a good Disney fan n' keep off that kind of crime, got it?? ?:-\

Title: Re: Piracy Industry does help GNR THESE DAYS!
Post by: AxlRoseVen on November 17, 2005, 08:14:11 PM
on the 2002 tour...i think it was in Toronto when Axl said he had to talk about Lars. I bet he was gonna go into the Napster deal. It would have been interesting to hear how Axl feels about it.

 :hihi:   Izzy Straddling has a new album that was made like a fucking special edition, the guy said there are 975 copies only 'round the world but who cares 'bout anyway? the album is called LIKE A DOG, but these days everyone gets it from the fucking internet FOR FREE, it isn't amazing?  :drool: