Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: madagas on November 08, 2005, 08:01:43 AM

Title: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: madagas on November 08, 2005, 08:01:43 AM
From splat now, but originally some french magazine. It's funny how as much of a pain as Axl can be, people who work with him all say how intelligent he is-consistently.

H.R.: Guns N' Roses is supposed to be in rehearsal and you're in Paris. Not really convenient?

Matt: Axl is real cool with the Neurotic, he loves the album and he doesn't say it to be polite. He criticized solo projects from other members : he hates Snakepit (laugh). It was hard for me to deal with it. Axl asked me not to go on tour with Slash.

H.R.: Hard decision?

Matt: Not too much. I didn't want to endanger Guns N' Roses. If I toured with Snakepit, it could have cause serious consequences. It could have divide GNR. And I have to be honest, the Snakepit album won't change the music world! So, if a band as important as GNR would have broke up because I toured with Snakepit, I would have flagellate myself! I was in between, there was Slash "Come on , man, tour with us", but I told him "Slash, for 4 months, we will fuck GNR up". So I stayed at home and I work a bit with Axl and Duff. I'm sure I took the good decision.

H.R.: Honestly, what do you think about Axl?

Matt: I had very difficult moments with Axl, but he's extremely intelligent, he's a very emotive guy who writes great songs. Sometimes, I have the feeling he's a genius. Right now, he's playing guitar and it's like he plays that instrument for 10 years. He had very difficult moments, when we toured in stadiums, sold millions of albums, when everybody wanted to tell us how great we were. Axl, as the leader of the band, had a lot of responsibilities. I told him many times: "Relax Axl, don't take things to heart like that". But he can't. You can feel those difficulties in his music. What he's doing is eating him, he's living it too intensively. That's why the new album is not done yet, he doesn't want to make a shitty record. The Snakepit album could have been the new GNR album, but Axl didn't thought it was good enough.

H.R.: What do you think about this album?

Matt: There was some good songs, but it wasn't a band effort, it was Slash's songs. It had nothing to do with 5 guys working hard in a studio, what we are doing with Guns right now. When Slash says "I'd like to work on that riff" and Duff answers "Yeah, let's work on it", it's really GNR. This has nothing to do with "This is a Slash song, you will play like that and Axl will sing like that".

H.R.: What do you think Axl is thinking about you?

Matt: I think he has respect for me, he thinks I'm a good drummer et it's cool. I heard him say that and I was happy. You know, humm, he fired me 2 or 3 times and he called me back?

H.R.: What do you mean by "He fired me 2 or 3 times"?

Matt: (Laugh) You never heard the rumors? Yes, we all have been fired at least 1 time! You never heard about it (laugh)? Seriously, it's true that he sometimes goes too far. Sometime I open my mouth and I say "Ok, Axl, fuck off!", then he fires me. So? I know he will call me the next day. I feel I'm in security and I know I will be the GNR drummer for a long time.

H.R.: How would you react if you received a fax saying that Slash is fired?

Matt: It would be difficult. When it was Gilby, humm, when I learned that he was fired, it was difficult. There was Slash, Duff and Axl, the 3 original members of the band and they said they had to tell me. I didn't knew what to say. It's their band and I didn't knew how to react. I said OK.

H.R.: You didn't care?

Matt: Absolutely not! He's a great guy. But I don't know if he was the good guy to write the new album with us. We did some songs together, but Axl thought it was not good enough. And Axl is really intelligent and he always make the good choices. I must agree with him, because he's a visionary. He knows what GNR should be 2 or 3 years in advance. When we got out of the plane, he said: "Guys, we'll see us again in 96". It was 3 years ago. And now, we work together and an album will be released in 97.

H.R.: You never saw Axl during 3 years?

Matt: Yeah, I saw him! But we didn't really work. You know, when he does something, when he present it to us, I say "This guy is crazy!". But he's always right! Like when we did Use your Illusion 1 & 2? When I heard this idea, I said to myself "He's carzy! We will release 30 songs on 2 albums? I would never buy 2 albums of the same band." Result? We made history with those 2 albums. Nobody did it before.

H.R.: And you have been imitated. By Springsteen?

Matt: Yeah. And the Smashing Pumpkins also? But it's different because it's a double album. You know, the first time I heard November Rain, I thought: "What is this shit?, What does Axl is doing behind the piano? I want rock!" But I was new in GNR and I thought "Matt, you leave The Cult and now you're in the greatest hard rock band of the world?" He sat at the piano and I was thinking "This is shit". Then the song came out, and it's the biggest thing we've aver done! That's why I have this attitude: "OK Axl, you think we should do that? I'm with you". You know what I mean? He knows what he's doing and I know we'll do a great album.

H.R.: Since Axl is playing guitar does that mean there won't be any replacement for Gilby?

Matt: No, there's someone, but I can't tell you his name.

H.R.: Is he well-known?

Matt: No. He's unknown. But I can't tell you his name because I don't know if he will tour with us. There will probably be several guitarists on this album, a lot of guests. We are working on rock songs that last only 4 minutes (laugh). We already did 7 songs and we will write 7 others.

H.R.: Will it be a normal CD or something strange again?

Matt: No, it will be a single album with 10 or 12 songs.

H.R.: Duff told us that the deadline is for Spring 97?

Matt: Absolutely! 

H.R.: What style of music will it be? More like Appetite or Illusion?

Matt: I would say that it's in between. This is not as sophisticated as Illusion, but not as wild as Appetite. It's in the middle. Maybe more groovy. Musically, we are all better. I never heard Duff play like that.

H.R.: Why it is so hard to have an interview from GNR?

Matt: Because right now, we are not ready for promotion. If we had something to say, we would say it. I'm speaking about Guns, but I should be talking about the Neurotic Outsiders. But it's true that the half of the Neurotic is the rhythm of GNR.

H.R.: And if we go to L.A., would we have a chance to have an interview?

Matt: Good luck! Guns is my priority, but there's decisions I can't make. ?
 Back to top ? ? ?

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Voodoochild on November 08, 2005, 09:19:46 AM
Thanks madagas, good read. : ok:

Right now, he's playing guitar and it's like he plays that instrument for 10 years.
Humm.. In RIR3 it looked like he learned how to play the guitar in 10 minutes, but I believe he's a lot better than that.

I feel I'm in security and I know I will be the GNR drummer for a long time.

You bet! :hihi:

H.R.: How would you react if you received a fax saying that Slash is fired?
Wow, pretty good question..  :nervous:

Axl is really intelligent and he always make the good choices. I must agree with him, because he's a visionary. He knows what GNR should be 2 or 3 years in advance. When we got out of the plane, he said: "Guys, we'll see us again in 96". It was 3 years ago. And now, we work together and an album will be released in 97.
Humm.. seems like he doesn't think in that way right now. Wonder what really happened with those guys by that time (I'm sure it wasn't just Axl's issues).

You know, the first time I heard November Rain, I thought: "What is this shit?, What does Axl is doing behind the piano? I want rock!" But I was new in GNR and I thought "Matt, you leave The Cult and now you're in the greatest hard rock band of the world?" He sat at the piano and I was thinking "This is shit". Then the song came out, and it's the biggest thing we've aver done! That's why I have this attitude: "OK Axl, you think we should do that? I'm with you". You know what I mean? He knows what he's doing and I know we'll do a great album.
Yeah, so either he forgot how great NR was on BTM or the VH1 crew edited his speak.

H.R.: Since Axl is playing guitar does that mean there won't be any replacement for Gilby?

Matt: No, there's someone, but I can't tell you his name.

H.R.: Is he well-known?

Matt: No. He's unknown. But I can't tell you his name because I don't know if he will tour with us. There will probably be several guitarists on this album, a lot of guests.
Paul Tobias, huh? If only they already knew Richard Fortus... :(

We are working on rock songs that last only 4 minutes (laugh). We already did 7 songs and we will write 7 others.
I would love to listen to these songs one day...  :'(

H.R.: Why it is so hard to have an interview from GNR?

Matt: Because right now, we are not ready for promotion. If we had something to say, we would say it.
Yeah, that's why things are still in the dark right now. Seems like it was their behavior since then.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Jonathan on November 08, 2005, 09:23:11 AM
If some of the things he said actually would have happend that could have been awesome..

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: GNROSAS on November 08, 2005, 10:00:55 AM
This interview really pissed me off...
Matt seems a genuine Double Talkin' Jive motherfucker...

I wonder who is the real Yoko Ono in GNR Paul or Matt? ::)

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: disease51883 on November 08, 2005, 10:02:34 AM
Hm. The main thing I got from this interview is that Matt may not be quite as two-faced as I thought. From what I understand, if you compare, say, the "Making the F*cking Videos" tapes and interviews from that period to the "Behind the Music" special and interviews from that period, Slash, Duff, and Matt went from "The new songs are different but great" to "What's with the piano?!?". At least this interview shows that Matt had complaints way back then, not just once it was the cool thing to say. You know Slash and Duff were fans of the backup singers and horn sections until the fanbase was more against it, but, for now, Matt's off the hook in my eyes. Not that that matters or anything.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Neemo on November 08, 2005, 10:05:05 AM
You know, the first time I heard November Rain, I thought: "What is this shit?, What does Axl is doing behind the piano? I want rock!" But I was new in GNR and I thought "Matt, you leave The Cult and now you're in the greatest hard rock band of the world?" He sat at the piano and I was thinking "This is shit". Then the song came out, and it's the biggest thing we've aver done! That's why I have this attitude: "OK Axl, you think we should do that? I'm with you". You know what I mean? He knows what he's doing and I know we'll do a great album.
Yeah, so either he forgot how great NR was on BTM or the VH1 crew edited his speak.

As if the media would do something like that ::)

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: younggunner on November 08, 2005, 10:10:59 AM
Very interesting interview.I think it says a good deal about the whole gnr situation and that Axl doesant lie like many people think.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: jabba2 on November 08, 2005, 10:19:27 AM
I dont know what to think of that interveiw. Slash was already touring the snakepit record.

Matt looked like he was doing damage control and GNR entered another dead period. He was fired only a couple months later, when the critical breaking point occured. (Matt realized Axl and Slash werent co-existing and forced the issue)

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: madagas on November 08, 2005, 10:23:10 AM
Matt seems consistent in his comments as well. Like Brian Wilson, I now really think that Axl has serious mental issues that are keeping the album from being released. In my eyes and obviously almost everyone who works with him, he has a ton of talent and intelligence-no reason he shouldn't have multiple albums of solo material or Guns material at this point in his life. Something is going on that we have no idea about.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: jabba2 on November 08, 2005, 10:28:03 AM
You just now think Axl has mental issues? To Brian Wilsons credit he did release a ton of music after the Smile meltdown. Lets see Axl pull off just one record before comparing him to Wilson though.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: madagas on November 08, 2005, 10:46:50 AM
I just think his issues are more severe than we think. Also, I am not comparing Axl's and Brian's contributions to music-just the mental issues. Axl has ALOT of work to do before he will reach Wilson's level artistically.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Ali on November 08, 2005, 10:55:54 AM
I just think his issues are more severe than we think. Also, I am not comparing Axl's and Brian's contributions to music-just the mental issues. Axl has ALOT of work to do before he will reach Wilson's level artistically.

We all know that Axl had a horrific childhood.  Anyone would have a lot of issues and emotional scars from that kind of trauma early in life.  But, it really seemed from all the interviews from 2001-2002, that Axl was at a much healthier place mentally and emotionally with regards to his past. 

But, it's all speculation, as none of us know the man and are in no position to judge his mental or emotional health.  There was a fairly recent Dizzy interview where he said that Axl was at a much healthier place.  If Dizzy says it, then I'll take his word for it.  He's known the man for better than 15 years.

But, this was a very good read, madagas.  Thanks for digging it up!  : ok:


Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Neemo on November 08, 2005, 10:56:18 AM
does this really need to turn into another "Axl's mental issues" thread? I don't think anyone here is his psychiatrist, or even knows him on a personal level so why analyze?

Personally I think it's rather interesting that there are interviews with Slash, Duff and now Matt from right around this time that say all pretty much the same thing. so somewhere in a period of a couple months everything went very sour. DOes anyone know where to find the interviews with Duff talking about writing stuff with izzy again in 1995? or with slash talking about his thoughts on UYI's and writing the follow-up to them?

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: madagas on November 08, 2005, 11:07:56 AM
Ali, it came from Splat! I agree, no reason to talk about Axl's mental issues-if he has any. I am just speculating.  :beer:

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Neemo on November 08, 2005, 11:11:31 AM
Ali, it came from Splat! I agree, no reason to talk about Axl's mental issues-if he has any. I am just speculating.? :beer:

It just that we have no freaking idea why the delay, for all we know Axl wanted it released in 2002 but was turned down by geffen. I'm not saying that, that is a fact but we're only assuming that AXl is delaying the release.

"oh, the album ios way over due. Must be because Axl is fucked up"

The delay sounded like a "band Decision" in matt's interview. to me anyway

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Ali on November 08, 2005, 12:12:42 PM
Ali, it came from Splat! I agree, no reason to talk about Axl's mental issues-if he has any. I am just speculating.  :beer:

Did it?  Shit, I never read it there  :hihi:

I'm not criticizing you for raising the possibility of mental issues, I just think it's kinda pointless unless we actually know the man, or are able to observe his behavior on a regular basis.  The latter of which is impossible because he maintains such a low profile.


Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Pandora on November 08, 2005, 12:41:54 PM
Ali, it came from Splat!

I don't like to nitpick, but actually it comes from here  ;D  I'm the one who translated it and sent it to Jarmo in the first place, but for some obscure reason it seems to have disappeared from the articles section.....btw, re-reading it makes me realize it's a really bad translation. I must have done that in 10 minutes  :nervous:

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: ppbebe on November 08, 2005, 01:05:05 PM
Why, it's a nice read, Good job, Pandora! : ok:

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Pandora on November 08, 2005, 01:59:12 PM
Why, it's a nice read, Good job, Pandora! : ok:

Well, it shows that it's a translation, which means it's a bad translation  ;D

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Lazinko on November 08, 2005, 02:34:44 PM

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Ali on November 08, 2005, 04:12:04 PM
Why, it's a nice read, Good job, Pandora! : ok:

Well, it shows that it's a translation, which means it's a bad translation  ;D

You did a great job!  : ok:


Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Voodoochild on November 08, 2005, 05:53:50 PM
Thanks Pandora, really good job - at least for me, lol! :hihi:

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 08, 2005, 06:12:40 PM
Thanks Pandora   :)
This is the stuff that keeps me coming back again, and again, and again!

-Axl4Prez2004   :beer:

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 08, 2005, 06:29:32 PM
cool read.. deadline was back in 1997.. Album of 10-12 songs :-\

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 08, 2005, 08:59:21 PM
Interesting interview. Too bad we never got to hear the material they were working on. :crying:

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: -Jack- on November 08, 2005, 09:20:22 PM
How amazingly insane. Honestly. How insane. What ever happened?

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: DunkinDave on November 08, 2005, 10:17:21 PM
Why, it's a nice read, Good job, Pandora! : ok:

Well, it shows that it's a translation, which means it's a bad translation? ;D

You did a great job!? : ok:


Um, Pandora didn't translate jack shit.

I first read this article over 3 years ago and it's available fully translated at the following URL's:

The OP in this thread didn't even post the entire article for cripes sakes.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: masterdan on November 08, 2005, 10:50:47 PM
Was there ever an official name for this album that was going to come out in '97?  How about an unofficial name?  Maybe this album will be released some day...

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 08, 2005, 11:51:25 PM
I dont think there was a title for the album. I'm sure there was a working title for it, but it was never announced to the public. I would like to hear it also, but I would LOVE to hear the material they were working on in 1994.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Smoking Guns on November 09, 2005, 12:47:10 AM
I too want to hear those songs bad.  When you read the full article from the website it is nuts.  Sorum loved GNR a lot.  Its weird how in 1996 GNR was uncool and not it is cool again.  Do you think he was referring to Zakk Wylde or Robin Fink as far as the other guitarist?  I guess Fink cause it was 96 and I think Zakk came around in 95.  Oh well.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: jimmythegent on November 09, 2005, 02:17:46 AM
I dont think there was a title for the album. I'm sure there was a working title for it, but it was never announced to the public. I would like to hear it also, but I would LOVE to hear the material they were working on in 1994.

i'd be surprised if they were anything other than instrumentals...

I recall Slash saying in an interview that it was just riffs and fragments

I think they were all trying to be quite diplomatic at this stage and remain positive. it seems apparent from this interview and others aroound this time that they indeed were in 'damage control' type mode, so im doubtful that there was an album or songs near completion at this point

to me, it seems obvious from this interview and others like it by other members at the time, that the end was indeed nigh

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Pandora on November 09, 2005, 05:06:08 AM

Um, Pandora didn't translate jack shit.

Listen genious, I think I have a better idea than you about what I did and didn't do, and can recognize my own translations. For your information, I started sending articles to Jarmo as far back as 1999, so your 3 years old argument is ridiculous. Whoever those people are who have it on their website, they took it from here for sure. So next time get your facts right. Duh.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: DunkinDave on November 09, 2005, 10:39:40 AM
Listen genious, I think I have a better idea than you about what I did and didn't do, and can recognize my own translations. For your information, I started sending articles to Jarmo as far back as 1999, so your 3 years old argument is ridiculous. Whoever those people are who have it on their website, they took it from here for sure. So next time get your facts right. Duh.

Here's proof that the translation has been available on the first website since January 2003:

Here's proof that the translation has been available on the second website since August 2002:

Stop lying.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: AxemanOnFire on November 09, 2005, 11:24:24 AM
Listen genious, I think I have a better idea than you about what I did and didn't do, and can recognize my own translations. For your information, I started sending articles to Jarmo as far back as 1999, so your 3 years old argument is ridiculous. Whoever those people are who have it on their website, they took it from here for sure. So next time get your facts right. Duh.

Here's proof that the translation has been available on the first website since January 2003:

Here's proof that the translation has been available on the second website since August 2002:

Stop lying.

Quite the terrier, aren't we?

As to the article, sounds like diplomacy on Matt's part. He's trying to crawl up Axl's arse for some reason too - "He's a genius, he's always right and I'm wrong to judge him ever. Did I mention he's great?" - Perhaps he knew the end of his band membership/'employment' in Guns was coming by that point?

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and A
Post by: Pandora on November 09, 2005, 11:25:16 AM

Here's proof that the translation has been available on the first website since January 2003:

Here's proof that the translation has been available on the second website since August 2002:

Stop lying.

Are you a real moron or just trying to get an Oscar? I told you I started sending articles to Jarmo in 1999, and that's one of the very first I sent him, which would make it 1999 or 2000 at the latest. Is 2000 after 2002 in your mind? Who's the liar here? What good would it exactly do to me to brag about a translation I didn't do? Like, whoo, how glorious  ::)
It's amazing when I think of the time I spent transcribing and translating articles for Jarmo and there's assholes like you denying it when you don't know jack shit. Crawl back into your cave, man. That's obviously where you belong.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Mikkamakka on November 09, 2005, 02:05:14 PM
Nice interview, a man speaks who doesn't want to lose his job. For me it's not new that Matt betrayed Slash and didn't go to tour, but his harsh comments about the Snakepit record is surprising since he co-wrote some songs and betraying Gilby was also new for me. It's good that they sorted out the differences (there were problems even between Slash and Duff), wonder why they can't back together again.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: IronMaiden415 on November 10, 2005, 10:11:06 AM
that interview got a laugh out of me  :hihi:

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: F*ck Fear on November 10, 2005, 03:45:46 PM
One day I'd like to hear those 7 songs.
I have noticed that Matt always talks shit.
Thanks for this interview post.

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: masterdan on November 10, 2005, 10:50:46 PM
This thread is very similar to one I made in the mygnr forums... (

There's also an interesting interview with Duff that reveals a lot of info on this...

I definately(sp?) think there is a full (or close to it) album out there... RELEASE IT!

Title: Re: Old 1996 Interview with Matt-very revealing stuff about that timeframe and Axl
Post by: Litti10 on November 11, 2005, 04:37:04 AM
 ??? So well if that was true that they had SONGS ready and Matt new that much to say what the music style was...hmm so why Slash said that anted to be madonna. and musical differences? but based on this Slash was just pissed cuz they didnt want his songs. cuz sounds like matt n duff were pleased with the new style