Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: jimmythegent on November 06, 2005, 04:25:48 PM

Title: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 06, 2005, 04:25:48 PM
We all know that GNR and specifically Axl, has spent a hell of a long time recording, tweaking, perfecting, scrapping, mixing etc.. etc.. songs on CD..

My question is, when the time comes to play CD songs in a live environment, arent they all (and especially Axl) going to be sick of hearing them/playing them? This can happen and have a deadening effect on the music.

The best live performances are when the songs are fresh and raw. When bands spend a long time on the road, they can get sick of playing the same material over and over.

I believe this happened on the UYI tour hence why on the Skin and Bones leg they played more obscure songs to counter this.

I also realise they havent played most of the new songs in a live capacity, but Axl especially, must have heard these songs in varying states of completion 1000's of times.

I also realise there could be about 70 new songs theyve worked on. Im more concerned with the reported 20 "A-list" songs.

Surely Axl is approaching burnout stage on these songs. Will he be able to do them justice live?

What do people think?

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: ClintroN on November 06, 2005, 04:40:12 PM
i reckon Axl cant wait to get these songs on the road  to us: ok: : ok:

Do you think Axl has ever been sick of Its So Easy?????

dont worry dude, i think it'll be cool!! 8)

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: ppbebe on November 06, 2005, 04:52:29 PM
Well put Clintron.

I was about to say "well yea maybe. Axl alone will possibly be in such a state" but damn.  You're right.

 :hihi: @ Its So Easy

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 06, 2005, 05:21:01 PM

 :hihi: @ Its So Easy

this was a joke?  ???

Yeah, the Appetite stuff on that 2002 tour must have been fresh for Axl to play with a new band, offering new interpretations etc.. And lets not forget he hadnt played those songs in a long time (even tho' some may believe he rerecorded vocals, although I reckon the 'band' re-recorded Appetite as an exercise in getting them up to speed to play them live)

I personally view this as a studio project, so my expectation in terms of live performance arent that high anyway. Unless Axl starts taking live performances a bit more seriously, I think Guns and specifically CD is a studio deal if and when they re-emerge.

Could be wrong tho'...

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: misterbrownstone on November 06, 2005, 06:39:05 PM
if they get sick of it, they could play stuff from the illusions, more of lies and TSI?


Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: misterID on November 06, 2005, 07:44:49 PM
He seemed like he was bored thru the whole 2002 tour, IMO

I just want to say: Axl is the Donald Rumsfeld of GNR... Yeah I said it.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: alexh0618 on November 06, 2005, 09:17:46 PM

I just want to say: Axl is the Donald Rumsfeld of GNR... Yeah I said it.

can't say I like Donald Rumsfeld but at least he gives updates on stuff that is going on unlike Mr A.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jameslofton29 on November 06, 2005, 09:28:31 PM

 :hihi: @ Its So Easy

this was a joke?? ???

Yeah, the Appetite stuff on that 2002 tour must have been fresh for Axl to play with a new band, offering new interpretations etc.. And lets not forget he hadnt played those songs in a long time (even tho' some may believe he rerecorded vocals, although I reckon the 'band' re-recorded Appetite as an exercise in getting them up to speed to play them live)

I personally view this as a studio project, so my expectation in terms of live performance arent that high anyway. Unless Axl starts taking live performances a bit more seriously, I think Guns and specifically CD is a studio deal if and when they re-emerge.

Could be wrong tho'...
? ? ? Jimmy, I agree 100%. I also think this version of GNR will basically be a studio band. We might get ocassional performances on SNL, Tonight Show, Conan, VMA's,etc., but a world tour is highly unlikely. You made a great point about Axl getting burnt out on the material. I'm sure he has since he has spent so much time on it. But having the public give him a great response to the material will fuse new life into the album for him. So I dont think we have to worry too much about Axl burnout. : ok:

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: Evolution on November 06, 2005, 09:29:44 PM
Maybe the fact so many version of the songs have been created, rehearsals are taking forever to iron out the creases?

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: Krispy Kreme on November 06, 2005, 10:10:25 PM
He seemed like he was bored thru the whole 2002 tour, IMO

I just want to say: Axl is the Donald Rumsfeld of GNR... Yeah I said it.

What exactly do you mean?

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: Ax on November 07, 2005, 04:15:50 AM
There's no chance that the other band members will be tired of the songs when they tour because from what people say most of them finished recording their parts years ago.

As for Axl, who knows what it will be like for him. I'm sure it will be a real rush at the start to see how people react to the songs he has been working on for so long. After the first bit of the tour though, I'm sure if he gets sick of playing the songs he can put some old gnr songs on the set list or put some of the songs that didn't make it on Chinese Democracy on the set list. I'm sure there are a ton of B-side type songs recroded that they can play live for a change of pace.

This is all assuming that Chinese Democracy is ever released and that they tour of course.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: ppbebe on November 07, 2005, 01:18:07 PM

 :hihi: @ Its So Easy

this was a joke?  ???

If he said 'Welcome to the jungle' or 'Rocket Queen', then he wouldn't be funny. :hihi:

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: Saul on November 07, 2005, 02:55:28 PM
seeing as how the band never heard songs with finished vocals for years (maybe even to this day) I couldnt see how they would be bored/burned out by the material.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 07, 2005, 03:04:40 PM
seeing as how the band never heard songs with finished vocals for years (maybe even to this day) I couldnt see how they would be bored/burned out by the material.

yeah the thread was more about Axl than the band

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: ppbebe on November 07, 2005, 03:21:01 PM
saul meant the band inclusive of  Axl. ;)

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 07, 2005, 04:19:06 PM
saul meant the band inclusive of? Axl. ;)


"seeing as how the band never heard songs with finished vocals for years "

that would seem to imply the contrary woundnt it?

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jmapelian on November 07, 2005, 04:49:36 PM
First of all, the band members probably forget how to play the new material since it's been soo long since they have

Second, a next tour is a big assumption because after the 2002 debacle, what company is gonna promote it

I would think the record company is just praying and keeping it's fingers crossed it gets an album of Axl

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: mikegiuliana on November 07, 2005, 05:25:34 PM
You might think axl is sick of chinese d or at least hearing about it.. This is one of the most involved album I have ever heard of from money to producers to band members.. makes you wonder if the band even remembers how to play the material..

I don[t think a big tour will happen anyways.. As mentioned do to the 2002 NA tour and the fact axl is never in the public eye also who wants to have the chance of riots on their hands

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: nevermiss24 on November 07, 2005, 06:56:45 PM
that could happen but i think Axl has worked too hard to let that happen

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: RichardNixon on November 07, 2005, 08:15:56 PM
I think once/if "Chinese Democracy" is released, the band will be so psyched, they'll get a second wind.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: -Jack- on November 07, 2005, 09:00:31 PM
Guns N' Roses are putting out a new album!?  :hihi:

There will be no next tour.. but I hope im TOTALLY wrong. All the band members talk about touring.. and i sincerly doubt they or Axl would be burned out on the material.... now Axl's VOICE being burned out... that could be a different story entirely.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: ppbebe on November 08, 2005, 01:37:22 PM


"seeing as how the band never heard songs with finished vocals for years "

that would seem to imply the contrary woundnt it?
It wouldn't.
To my understandings no one can hear it unless it's finished.
Saul is an intelligent guy.
Seeing as how a few band members told about the final mix they heard a year ago, surely he couldn't mean Otherwise. :yes:

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 08, 2005, 02:23:07 PM


"seeing as how the band never heard songs with finished vocals for years "

that would seem to imply the contrary woundnt it?
It wouldn't.
To my understandings no one can hear it unless it's finished.
Saul is an intelligent guy.
Seeing as how a few band members told about the final mix they heard a year ago, surely he couldn't mean Otherwise. :yes:

Im not implying that Saul isnt an intelligent guy. ???

Im merely stating that saying the "band" never heard songs with vocals, implies GNR minus Axl.? Perhaps Saul should clarify this.
Im sure most would agree with me there ppbebe, assuming Axl has infact sung these songs, he would have heard the vocals and the music right? several times.

That is of course assuming we both think that Axl has in fact recorded any vocals over the last 7-8 years. :yes:

Anyways, it's splitting hairs really - I was more pointing to the fact that the thread was more about Axl and less about the "band" , as I agree with several posters on this thread - the band has probably not heard final mixes nor  anything of CD for a long time now so it will be fresh for them to play these songs.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: ppbebe on November 08, 2005, 04:12:07 PM

Im merely stating that saying the "band" never heard songs with vocals, implies GNR minus Axl.  Perhaps Saul should clarify this.
Im sure most would agree with me there ppbebe, assuming Axl has infact sung these songs, he would have heard the vocals and the music right? several times.

That is of course assuming we both think that Axl has in fact recorded any vocals over the last 7-8 years. :yes:

Anyways, it's splitting hairs really - I was more pointing to the fact that the thread was more about Axl and less about the "band" , as I agree with several posters on this thread - the band has probably not heard final mixes nor  anything of CD for a long time now so it will be fresh for them to play these songs.

 ??? you mean you can have a cake and eat it?
"seeing as how the band never heard songs with finished vocals for years "
Sorry, I'm yet to be convinced that he hears the finished work while he's working on it.   

You never read any interview of the band members?

For instance, the pretzels interview on October 10th, 2004 :headbanger:  By none other than jarmo.

Tommy: I heard stuff before I left the States, some of the final mixes, or close to final mixes of a bunch of the stuff we've been working on for the record. They sounded epic to me, they sounded fantastic and I'm waiting as patiently as everyone else to make it happen. Honestly, it's gotta be right and when it comes out, it's gonna be at least as right as it is in our eyes.

Besides, he talked about the lyrics in other interview far before this.

They heard stuff when it's done.
I assume they're kept updated and they may have heard the mastered ones by now. Who knows.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: Nytunz on November 08, 2005, 04:42:05 PM
In the next tour im pretty sure we will have alot more new songs! And CD will be in the stores, or atleast set a release date!
So, wasnt there someone who said that we will know by the end of November? I know we have heard that before, and it may be bull! But i guess it will happen sometime anyway! Fortus says that they are planning dates right now! So im pretty sure they will announce CD togther with the tour announcement! Time might be short now!  : ok:

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: dave-gnfnr2k on November 08, 2005, 05:30:02 PM
This whole finished vocals things is crap. All finished vocals means are, they are as perfect as axl wants them. Axl can have vocals layed down for every song but maybe there are parts of songs he wants his vocals to be stronger, so they are not yet finished on that song. It does not mean he doesnt have the vocals for that song, it just means he is trying to sing them better.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 08, 2005, 05:56:49 PM

Im merely stating that saying the "band" never heard songs with vocals, implies GNR minus Axl.? Perhaps Saul should clarify this.
Im sure most would agree with me there ppbebe, assuming Axl has infact sung these songs, he would have heard the vocals and the music right? several times.

That is of course assuming we both think that Axl has in fact recorded any vocals over the last 7-8 years. :yes:

Anyways, it's splitting hairs really - I was more pointing to the fact that the thread was more about Axl and less about the "band" , as I agree with several posters on this thread - the band has probably not heard final mixes nor? anything of CD for a long time now so it will be fresh for them to play these songs.

 ??? you mean you can have a cake and eat it?
"seeing as how the band never heard songs with finished vocals for years "
Sorry, I'm yet to be convinced that he hears the finished work while he's working on it.? ?

You never read any interview of the band members?

For instance, the pretzels interview on October 10th, 2004 :headbanger:? By none other than jarmo.

Tommy: I heard stuff before I left the States, some of the final mixes, or close to final mixes of a bunch of the stuff we've been working on for the record. They sounded epic to me, they sounded fantastic and I'm waiting as patiently as everyone else to make it happen. Honestly, it's gotta be right and when it comes out, it's gonna be at least as right as it is in our eyes.

Besides, he talked about the lyrics in other interview far before this.

They heard stuff when it's done.
I assume they're kept updated and they may have heard the mastered ones by now. Who knows.

"Sorry, I'm yet to be convinced that he hears the finished work while he's working on it.    "


it may not be finished per se, but Axl does hear the 'complete' song while singing it - he sings over the music.

when the band recorded the music, its possible that alot of it had no vocals - perhaps rough guides on some. that is common studio practise.

the main logic though ppbebe, is that Axl has been the one tinkering, recording and touching up vocals - this has been one of  the hold up's if reports are to be believed. It has also ben reported that the music has been finished for some time.
Therefor, Axl has probably heard the songs (with vocals) many times recently, and over the last few years. Whereas, theres a good chance the band havent heard the material in any capacity (vocals or no vocals) for a long time. Once or twice here and there, maybe. But if we can believe most reports, Axl has been the one working and reworking over the last few years, not the band.

Therefor, Axl has a greater chance of being burned out on the material than the band, hence the reason I made mention that the thread was more pertaining to Axl.  you see?

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jimmythegent on November 08, 2005, 05:58:35 PM
This whole finished vocals things is crap. All finished vocals means are, they are as perfect as axl wants them. Axl can have vocals layed down for every song but maybe there are parts of songs he wants his vocals to be stronger, so they are not yet finished on that song. It does not mean he doesnt have the vocals for that song, it just means he is trying to sing them better.

yeah, Im not disputing that Dave. I think Axl has probably taken a very cautious approach to vocals. Whatever you think of his voice now, compared to before - Im sure it has been a very obsessive approach

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: ppbebe on November 09, 2005, 10:51:28 AM

"Sorry, I'm yet to be convinced that he hears the finished work while he's working on it.    "


Mate, you could have had that  :hihi: earlier @ saul's post.

it may not be finished per se, but Axl does hear the 'complete' song while singing it - he sings over the music.

when the band recorded the music, its possible that alot of it had no vocals - perhaps rough guides on some. that is common studio practise.

the main logic though ppbebe, is that Axl has been the one tinkering, recording and touching up vocals - this has been one of  the hold up's if reports are to be believed. It has also ben reported that the music has been finished for some time.
Therefor, Axl has probably heard the songs (with vocals) many times recently, and over the last few years. Whereas, theres a good chance the band havent heard the material in any capacity (vocals or no vocals) for a long time. Once or twice here and there, maybe. But if we can believe most reports, Axl has been the one working and reworking over the last few years, not the band.

Therefor, Axl has a greater chance of being burned out on the material than the band, hence the reason I made mention that the thread was more pertaining to Axl.  you see?

What I see is that You skipped over this bit in my first post.

Well put Clintron.

I was about to say "well yea maybe. Axl alone will possibly be in such a state" but damn.  You're right.

 :hihi: @ Its So Easy

It took axl quite a long time to complete November Rain and yet he sung it even in 2002.
I don't think a long producing process can cause Axl a burnout.
If anything, he might not be too interested in putting himself in the spotlight anymore.
That and dealing with hatemongers would burn you up and out.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: Mikkamakka on November 09, 2005, 02:08:18 PM
This whole finished vocals things is crap. All finished vocals means are, they are as perfect as axl wants them. Axl can have vocals layed down for every song but maybe there are parts of songs he wants his vocals to be stronger, so they are not yet finished on that song. It does not mean he doesnt have the vocals for that song, it just means he is trying to sing them better.

So what you're saying is that the vocals aren't finished.

Title: Re: Is there a possibility of Burnout on CD material for next tour?
Post by: jmapelian on November 10, 2005, 02:41:51 PM
^^ An old boss of mine always told me "Analysis causes paraylisis"

Never has that been more true in the case of CD