Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Walk on November 05, 2005, 10:45:40 PM

Title: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Walk on November 05, 2005, 10:45:40 PM

Here's your treatment. I've been thinking about Bush's approval ratings, and I've figured out what's going wrong. He isn't conservative enough! Some of the parts of the article are wrong (Iraq is for valuable oil we need, not spreading Democracy), but it's basically correct. I once read a statistic that about 33% of Americans are "conservative", 17% are "liberal", and 50% are "moderate". Here's the truth. Liberal has become a bad word, so the majority of "moderates" are liberals. Even some conservatives are left wing in some ways. The truth is, only extreme conservativism (he calls it traditionalism) can preserve us.

His attacks on feminism and Jews were inappropriate for the theme of the whole article. Don't let that distract you from the main point. Voting Bush or Kerry wasn't much of a choice at all, since Bush isn't quite conservative enough for my taste. We need someone like Barry Goldwater, a real hardcore conservative!  : ok: Likewise, liberals want a new extreme liberal like George McGovern.

So, I think we can at least agree that both sides lost in 2004. Instead of mudslinging, let's educate the ignorant and vaunt the values of tradition. I've been considering voting for the Constitution Party next election. They're like the Libertarian party, but Christian too.

Unless you live in a major battleground state, giving a 3rd party a vote is ok. I'm in a very red state, so it won't matter much if I don't vote Republican this time. The way energy prices are these days, I wish Republicans would cut more taxes for me. I'll just vote 3rd party this time, since I'm not excited at all about the popular "moderate" Republicans these days like McCain and Giuliani.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: MCT on November 06, 2005, 12:31:41 AM
I agree.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Booker Floyd on November 06, 2005, 01:17:27 AM
The fact that you seem to cull the bulk of your ideas from this inane, racist drivel hardly surprises me.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 06, 2005, 02:22:18 AM
The fact that you seem to cull the bulk of your ideas from this inane, racist drivel hardly surprises me.

People will say anything to draw attention away from Bush's 35% approval rating. It's lower then Carter now, and he only has one person left to beat: Nixon.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Walk on November 06, 2005, 03:47:46 AM
Bush's approval rating is too low because he's not conservative enough. He's trying to appeal to "moderates", which is a myth anyway. They're liberals in denial and they won't vote Republican; they're last minute Democrats. So, we end up disappointed with a president who doesn't stand with his base enough. He needs to do what's best for America instead of what's popular. Do the right thing, and the ratings will improve in time.

Moderatism is a bad idea anyway. Extremism on both sides is where the dynamic archetypes emerge and facilitate cascades of innovation. Moderates are boring. They're also, unfortunately, popular on both sides to appeal to. Man, I am probably more upset at Bush than you are, since Bush is MY president. He's taking way too long to axe Social Security and let me manage my own money like he said he would. I'm still a hardcore conservative, but Republicans have just been disapopinting lately.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Izzy on November 06, 2005, 05:33:07 AM
Extremism on both sides is where the dynamic archetypes emerge and facilitate cascades of innovation.

Where u always this ignorant or is it something u've learnt?

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Booker Floyd on November 06, 2005, 05:36:26 AM
Walk, youve yet to respond to this post. (

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 06, 2005, 10:41:00 AM
Bush's approval rating is too low because he's not conservative enough. He's trying to appeal to "moderates", which is a myth anyway. They're liberals in denial and they won't vote Republican; they're last minute Democrats. So, we end up disappointed with a president who doesn't stand with his base enough. He needs to do what's best for America instead of what's popular. Do the right thing, and the ratings will improve in time.

Moderatism is a bad idea anyway. Extremism on both sides is where the dynamic archetypes emerge and facilitate cascades of innovation. Moderates are boring. They're also, unfortunately, popular on both sides to appeal to. Man, I am probably more upset at Bush than you are, since Bush is MY president. He's taking way too long to axe Social Security and let me manage my own money like he said he would. I'm still a hardcore conservative, but Republicans have just been disapopinting lately.

walk, please call some friends go outside to play.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 06, 2005, 10:47:12 AM
Bush's approval rating is too low because he's not conservative enough.

Sure it is buddy. Keep telling yourself that.

In the meantime..........keep your tinfoil hat on.


Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Sterlingdog on November 06, 2005, 06:53:07 PM
Hey, Walk, you seem to think that no one is conservative enough.  I mean, if they aren't as conservative as  you think they should be, then they are closet liberals, right?  So I'm just wondering, is there anyone that you consider a true conservative?  I mean someone that I would have heard of, like Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'reilly.  Anyone? 

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Charity Case on November 06, 2005, 07:27:22 PM
Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'reilly?

Both way to left wing for me.   :hihi:

I hear what your saying Walk even though you are saying it in a way that is a bit hard around the edges.  I know what your point is. 

Does anyone give a shit about polls though?  I mean who here cares about polls?  I didn't care when they showed Kerry would win the election, I didn't care when it showed a majority of Americans for the war in Iraq leading up to it, and I don't care about someone politician's approval rating.  It is meaningless.  Who here will stop and take a poll anyway.  I know when I get a call or an email or anything asking me to take a poll I hang up or ignore it.    I won't even participate in exit polls on election day.  Makes me wonder what kind of person actually stops to answer these questions.  It seems fairly obvious to me that liberals are much more likely to participate in a waste of time like polls than a conservative. 

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Prometheus on November 06, 2005, 08:13:33 PM
he did say who was along the right path... no pun intended there

His attacks on feminism and Jews were inappropriate for the theme of the whole article. Don't let that distract you from the main point. Voting Bush or Kerry wasn't much of a choice at all, since Bush isn't quite conservative enough for my taste. We need someone like Barry Goldwater, a real hardcore conservative!   Likewise, liberals want a new extreme liberal like George McGovern

and i really cant say that hes wrong, or right  for that matter.

but whats i amazing me is that the respondants have only talked around "walk" and not actually talked to the points of the post, then after that he was called ignotrant..... now you all know my liberal stance...... so why dont us  tolerant liberals start acting like liberals

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 07, 2005, 01:27:01 AM
I agree that Bush isn't conservative enough.

War in Iraq, against the ideals of true conservatisim.  Conservatives were islotionists until the Neo-con hijack job.

Record Budget deficit, against the ideals of true conservatism.  The President is also "pigging out" like no other on the pork barrell spending.

On Energy policy, against the ideals of true conservatism.  True conservatism doesn't need to pander to big business interests.

On immigration, true conservatives don't want to see the the culture of this nation vastly change.  Also, shouldn't those jobs be for the 30 million Americans currently living off the system.

There you go, 4 things that I as a conservative am pissed off about.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 07, 2005, 01:28:46 AM
In the meantime..........keep your tinfoil hat on.

Is that really needed?  I can't believe Jarmo puts up with your shit.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Booker Floyd on November 07, 2005, 01:39:17 AM
On immigration, true conservatives don't want to see the the culture of this nation vastly change.?

So basically, less brown people?

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 07, 2005, 01:42:50 AM
In the meantime..........keep your tinfoil hat on.

Is that really needed?  I can't believe Jarmo puts up with your shit.


Me cracking a joke against a racist, white power board member?

Tinfoil hat....oh my...soooo offensive.

Jeeesh... this less offensive to you?


Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 07, 2005, 01:53:49 AM
On immigration, true conservatives don't want to see the the culture of this nation vastly change.

So basically, less brown people?

What do you expect from somebody who posts a link to a site which calls the unibomber a "hero"........ ::)

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: journey on November 07, 2005, 01:59:05 AM
He's taking way too long to axe Social Security and let me manage my own money like he said he would.

You have to have Bush's permission to manage your own money? Just kidding. :hihi:

Hey the retired people need their Social Security. Bush should keep his sticky mitts off of it.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 07, 2005, 02:05:18 AM
So basically, less brown people?

You want to drasticly change a population in a short period of time.  Well fine.  But don't complain when you have 11 day riots like you have in France right now.

Why does France, The US, Sweden, etc need immigrants in the first place.  We all have out of work people in our countries.  Just stop the madness.  Big business and their need for dirt cheap labor can go fuck themselves.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 07, 2005, 02:07:48 AM
Quote this less offensive to you?

You missed my point bud.  The personal attacks are not needed.

We just had a big deal about why this board is out of control.  We don't need to rely on personal attacks when talking about politics.  Attack somebody's point of view, not them.  This board would be much wiser that way.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 07, 2005, 02:31:25 AM
Quote this less offensive to you?

You missed my point bud.  The personal attacks are not needed.

We just had a big deal about why this board is out of control.  We don't need to rely on personal attacks when talking about politics.  Attack somebody's point of view, not them.  This board would be much wiser that way.

His posts are hardly serious, and he is a troll. Filled with references only to inflame others usually based around "white is right" underlying messages, often including links to white supremacy sites.

A dumb question, usually gets a dumb answer..........

and in this case a dumb post.......

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 07, 2005, 02:34:50 AM
My question is still there.  Why can't you attack his ideas and not him?  Is it that hard?

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 07, 2005, 03:01:40 AM
My question is still there.  Why can't you attack his ideas and not him?  Is it that hard?

Because he does not have a point. Those "ideas" are only meant to inflame. There is no true opinion to attack, that's the point.

You should know darn well by now, that I will take other people's "ideas" on as I see fit. There is nothing new here with him however. Just an automated troll machine spewing out racist crap. Clearly, nothing to "attack".

If you go to the link he provided, it is nothing more then racist bullshit. The forums are loaded down with simple minded "thinkers" finding a way to practice bigotry.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Izzy on November 07, 2005, 11:59:22 AM
Bush isn't quite conservative enough for my taste.






Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 07, 2005, 12:08:51 PM
My question is still there.  Why can't you attack his ideas and not him?  Is it that hard?

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Walk on November 07, 2005, 03:31:38 PM
How is national socialism conservative? Right-wing does not equal conservative, you know. It values collectivism and totalitarianism over individual responsibility and libertarianism. It's a bureaucratic nightmare. The only thing worse than it is communism.

The point is, moderatism is a scam. Most moderates take this position because they aren't informed enough to be conservative or uninformed enough to be liberal. That, or they're liberals. It's very telling that liberals are often afraid to admit what they are, while we conservatives are more open.

What does race have to do with any of this?

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on November 07, 2005, 09:25:15 PM

What does race have to do with any of this?

Haven't you realized it yet Walk?? The only time race is ever brought up on this board is when a leftist member envokes the emotional response linked to "racism" in an attempt to attack the person they happen to disagree with.? However, that being said, while you have never personally made a racist remark, the sites and even music you have brought to this site are.? Therefore there is some basis for guilt by association, but 9x out of 10, some moron just screams racism when they can't find their bookmark in liberal replies to intelligent topics.  Point and case Izzy's little gallery of pics.  Personally I'm disgusted as to how the left continually numbs people to the extremism of Nazism by trying to label anything that doesn't agree with their twisted logic as fascism or similar to Hitler.  For once I'd like to have a discussion on this board without someone screaming racist or posting some inane picture because they don't have the ability to write out their copied thought.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 08, 2005, 01:04:23 AM
left continually numbs people to the extremism of Nazism by trying to label anything that doesn't agree with their twisted logic as fascism or similar to Hitler.

Its the new McCarthyism.  Just label your opponent a Nazi.  Why even bother to argue facts.   ::)

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 08, 2005, 01:07:19 AM

Haven't you realized it yet Walk?  The only time race is ever brought up on this board is when a leftist member envokes the emotional response linked to "racism" in an attempt to attack the person they happen to disagree with. 

Or when the poster puts links up to sites that have racist material. Ya know...stuff like that.

Its the new McCarthyism. Just label your opponent a Nazi. Why even bother to argue facts. ::)

You guys wish it to be true, imagine it so and enjoy your lives. But if you follow many of his links they are often to white is right bullshit sites. The forum on that site is nothing but jackass racists who consider themselves deep thinkers. Give me a break.

You guys want to defend that, be my guest, but it only shows what kind of people you are.

Birds of a feather and all that..........

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 08, 2005, 01:16:17 AM
I am not defending that website.

I am calling you out for being a neo-McCarthyite.   : ok:

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 08, 2005, 01:18:34 AM

I am calling you out for being a neo-McCarthyite.   : ok:

OK, whatever makes you feel better for defending a bigot.

Good night.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 08, 2005, 01:26:43 AM
OK, whatever makes you feel better for defending a bigot.

Ok, keep avoiding the issue.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: D on November 08, 2005, 01:33:24 AM
I think one of the biggest things wrong with the US is an almost cult like political system.

I think they should do away with the whole conservative,liberal,middle crap.

its like a cult almost.

If someone is a liberal they are automatically against all conservatives, if u are a conservative u are automatically against liberals.

I mean most wont even listen to someone speak if they are a member of the other party.

I am about ideas.

i dont care about party affiliations or what have u.

I listen to the ideas and I choose who I think is best.

I am a democrat, but I dont always vote for democrats just because.

I can entertain republicans ideas, sometimes I agree, sometimes I dont, but I never dismiss someone just because of their political affiliation.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on November 08, 2005, 01:42:00 AM

Haven't you realized it yet Walk?? The only time race is ever brought up on this board is when a leftist member envokes the emotional response linked to "racism" in an attempt to attack the person they happen to disagree with.?

Or when the poster puts links up to sites that have racist material. Ya know...stuff like that.

You guys want to defend that, be my guest, but it only shows what kind of people you are.

Birds of a feather and all that..........

Again SLC, I said that Walk is guilty by association because many of his website are racist.  I would appreciate it if you would distinguish between  the posters (if any) that defend racism and ones like myself who continually strike it down.  Just because I have conservative economic beliefs doesn't make me a bigot.  My complaint is that it is all too common for a member to throw out the term bigot or racist when it is not warranted; like when Kurrupt Girl tried to claim half the board called me a racist when in fact she is the only member to ever directly call me one.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 08, 2005, 02:30:50 AM
OK, whatever makes you feel better for defending a bigot.

Ok, keep avoiding the issue.

I've addressed it: there is no issue.

How come everybody seems to understand that except you guys who defend the troll?

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 08, 2005, 02:35:17 AM

Again SLC, I said that Walk is guilty by association because many of his website are racist.  I would appreciate it if you would distinguish between  the posters (if any) that defend racism and ones like myself who continually strike it down.

If Walk is guilty by association, then you two defending Walk is what?

Or being in Walk's corner is what?

Wonder why people end up calling you a racist? Are you really shocked?

Look around at the company you keep on the board.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Izzy on November 08, 2005, 06:53:20 AM
you have never personally made a racist remark,

Afraid he has. SLC was kind enough to compile a list of the most notable examples, if u wish to read them maybe SLC remembers the thread they were compiled in, or maybe i'll go and have a look

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: gilld1 on November 08, 2005, 09:29:07 AM
New McCarthyism?  How about labeling any dissenting opinions on current events as unpatriotic?  The Right has the corner on this market!

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on November 08, 2005, 10:55:33 AM

Again SLC, I said that Walk is guilty by association because many of his website are racist.? I would appreciate it if you would distinguish between? the posters (if any) that defend racism and ones like myself who continually strike it down.

If Walk is guilty by association, then you two defending Walk is what?

Or being in Walk's corner is what?

Wonder why people end up calling you a racist? Are you really shocked?

Look around at the company you keep on the board.

So what you're saying is that anyone in "Walk's corner"which I assume means conservative is a racist.  By that twisted logic you're in favor of murder and genocide since Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were all communist which happens to be in the leftist corner.  That example too extreme? How about the fact that Senator Robert Byrd was a leader in the Ku Klux Klan (yes he's a Democrat) or that Strom Thurmond ran as a segregationist Dixicrat when he was a --- you guessed it, Democrat. 

You and others continually hold this collectivist mentality and lump people into groups.  I on the other hand am an individualists.  I know that you are not a racist even though people in your political spectrum are.  Just because some of Walk's post contain some racist ties doesn't mean that every idea to come out of his mouth or anything he supports is racist.  I'm not saying Walk is a racist, but he certainly deserves the heat after repestedly linking websites to the white power movement.  Again, I don't keep any company on this board.  I don't PM people or make new internet friends.  Someone posts a concept or statement I like or dislike, I'll probably comment.  Hopefully you can at least respect the logic in my reply if nothing else.

Title: Re: For the people burned out on partisan politics
Post by: Walk on November 08, 2005, 01:46:19 PM
The whole point of this is to break down partisan barriers. If Bush was truly 100% against terrorism, he would close the border (which would protect our jobs too). He won't. Something isn't right here.  :no:

How about pointing out some liberal problems from your side of the pond, SLC? Might make you feel better. It's acceptable to like some ideas from someone, even if he has some extreme ideas you disagree with. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.