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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: RichardNixon on October 29, 2005, 07:36:49 AM

Title: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: RichardNixon on October 29, 2005, 07:36:49 AM

I scored a 6.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Jamie on October 29, 2005, 09:25:59 AM
I got 11

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on October 29, 2005, 10:20:22 AM
i got 5

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Prometheus on October 29, 2005, 10:39:11 AM
i got 11 too, its a big ole prom sandwhich of clinton breead!

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Surfrider on October 29, 2005, 10:53:36 AM
I didn't like a lot of the questions.  I felt like I didn't want to pick between either of the alternatives (sounds like our presidential race).

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Skeba on October 29, 2005, 11:28:37 AM
I got 12... I agree about the quiz being a) too short and b) too limited with the answering possibilities.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Walk on October 29, 2005, 11:57:49 AM
I got 39 and figured out it was the last question that kept me from being the ideal conservative.  :rofl: A few number (very few, but they exist) of industries are so bone-headed, they will damage the environment to the point where it even impacts their future earnings!  :o I'm thinking of, for example, fishing. They overfish and then complain when there aren't enough fish to meet demand, and profits go down. They value short term profits over long term profits. Somehow, they find enough suckers to finance the whole thing.

That's unbelievably stupid. It's so stupid, even government could do a better job. When industries do stuff that's anti-competitive in a free market, the government will always get involved and will always get overinvolved over (relatively) small problems. Intelligent companies behave morally so they won't attract the overcompensation of government laws that inevitably head their way. A -1 company morally can eventually expect a +2 government regulation that hurts them more than their exploitation helped them. No one benefits.

But, that's not how some of them work. They act like pirates with their booty and complain when the government overregulates them into oblivion. It's embarrassing, really. They deserve to go out of business if they can't restrain their business practices. A ~10% return ought to be enough for anyone...

These web sites have much, much better political quizzes. I would recommend them to everyone here to get a better view of your beliefs. Of course, you're still mostly baby eating liberals, anyway. ;)

PS There is no way even Ronald Reagan would get 40.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: RichardNixon on October 29, 2005, 12:21:08 PM
I got 39 and figured out it was the last question that kept me from being the ideal conservative.? :rofl: A few number (very few, but they exist) of industries are so bone-headed, they will damage the environment to the point where it even impacts their future earnings!? :o I'm thinking of, for example, fishing. They overfish and then complain when there aren't enough fish to meet demand, and profits go down. They value short term profits over long term profits. Somehow, they find enough suckers to finance the whole thing.

That's unbelievably stupid. It's so stupid, even government could do a better job. When industries do stuff that's anti-competitive in a free market, the government will always get involved and will always get overinvolved over (relatively) small problems. Intelligent companies behave morally so they won't attract the overcompensation of government laws that inevitably head their way. A -1 company morally can eventually expect a +2 government regulation that hurts them more than their exploitation helped them. No one benefits.

But, that's not how some of them work. They act like pirates with their booty and complain when the government overregulates them into oblivion. It's embarrassing, really. They deserve to go out of business if they can't restrain their business practices. A ~10% return ought to be enough for anyone...

These web sites have much, much better political quizzes. I would recommend them to everyone here to get a better view of your beliefs. Of course, you're still mostly baby eating liberals, anyway. ;)

PS There is no way even Ronald Reagan would get 40.

"Baby eating liberals." Oh, nice one.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: lynn1961 on October 29, 2005, 12:31:22 PM
I'm a 12.    Took the other 2 tests, as well, and the result is still liberal. 

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 29, 2005, 01:25:33 PM
I got a 16. WTF? Figured I'd get higher than that.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: journey on October 29, 2005, 01:39:09 PM
I guess I'm Liberal. I scored 11.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Lisa on October 29, 2005, 01:50:41 PM
I fit nicelt between Bill and Hilary Clinton ;) 12

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: the dirt on October 29, 2005, 02:29:31 PM
Wow, I got a 20, right in the middle

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Mal Brossard on October 29, 2005, 02:42:05 PM
I also scored as 20.  I'm a registered libertarian, so that works for me.

Walk's first test scores me as a slightly right libertarian, but mostly to the middle.  Walk's second scores me as an uber-Libertarian.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Sterlingdog on October 29, 2005, 02:42:55 PM
I got a 17, which is about where I would have thought I'd be. ?

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on October 29, 2005, 04:03:51 PM
I got a 28, but agree with Berley Riot that there should be more options.  I feel that score is pretty close to my libertarian beliefs and the general alignment and gap between libertarians and conservatives.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 29, 2005, 04:19:39 PM
Im more socially liberal, but conservative regarding economic and foregn policy.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Rob on October 31, 2005, 02:18:09 AM
I scored an 18.  I figured I'd get a higher score than that as I consider myself pretty conservative.  I didn't think the quiz was all that good to be honest with you.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 31, 2005, 03:41:49 AM
i got 11 too, its a big ole prom sandwhich of clinton breead!

haha, me too, inbetween the two Clintons...12


Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Rain on October 31, 2005, 11:13:45 AM
I scored 8 - well if I was to have a say in American politics !  ;D

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: nesquick on October 31, 2005, 11:32:47 AM
10 for me - Hillary Clinton. But in reality, Bill Clinton is my favourite one among all of them.

I'm libelal concerning the US policy, but conservative concerning the french one, and more generally the European one.
European lefties are too laxist concerning the security problems. They quickly panic, they are too "nice", while the conservatives have no problem to use force and to make people respect the law when it's necessary. I give a lot of importance to security problems.

Concerning the social policy, I'm definitely a liberal (in the American sense). Heath care should be for exverybody, it's not ia problem to pay taxes, it's for the country, for the poorest, it's necessary.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Will on October 31, 2005, 11:48:54 AM
Weirdly enough, I scored like SLC: 12 - weird because we disagree on many things!


Or not - lol. I guess I'm more liberal, but I think liberals (both in France and in the States) are really weak and don't have any political power. They have to wake up.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on October 31, 2005, 11:54:54 AM
politics does not resume to left / right, conserv. / liber.

also thinking that "quick action" and " strong answers" like sarkozy in france might do, are just fake.

politics is not about quick solution and perfect answers. if a politician comes up with a strong speech and powerful methods : get the hell out of there.

a country is not a company or a factory.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: nesquick on October 31, 2005, 11:56:14 AM
Jospin President? ;D

[Mode ironic off]

Seriously, the man was a great prime minister, maybe one of the best, he was brillant, but too bad he did nothing against insecurity. Too laxist.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: purplehaze1988 on October 31, 2005, 12:27:38 PM
economic -1.5
soical -2.36

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: noonespecial on October 31, 2005, 12:37:13 PM
11 :yes:

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: sandman on October 31, 2005, 02:01:41 PM
i scored a 22...just right of center, and closest to colin powell.  : ok:

this survey is such a joke though. first of all, you start at 0, and move up depending on certain answers. so any neutral answer (3 possible) keeps you closer to the far left-wing side instead of in the middle. very misleading.

also, there's a couple questions that have little to do with a "left" or "right" point of view.

19. Deceptive political campain commercials should be banned.

are republicans really FOR deceptive political commercials??? cause that's how it scores this question.

21. As a society, we should spend more money trying to find a cure for AIDS than for cancer and heart disease because AIDS threatens younger people.

what if i think equal amounts of money should be spent on both....does that really make me conservative???

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Sterlingdog on October 31, 2005, 03:29:03 PM
21. As a society, we should spend more money trying to find a cure for AIDS than for cancer and heart disease because AIDS threatens younger people.

what if i think equal amounts of money should be spent on both....does that really make me conservative???

I know someone who is sooo far to the right that he would make Walk sound like Jesse Jackson, and he says we shouldn't try to cure AIDS because the people who get it are just stupid and therefor deserve to die.  But that wasn't one of the choices on the quiz.  (Thank goodness- I'd be worried if anyone actually picked it!)

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: SLCPUNK on November 01, 2005, 12:14:26 AM
Weirdly enough, I scored like SLC: 12 - weird because we disagree on many things!


Or not - lol. I guess I'm more liberal, but I think liberals (both in France and in the States) are really weak and don't have any political power. They have to wake up.

Oh...the right wing posters will have a ball with that one......... "SLC scored the same as a Frenchman"  :hihi:

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Walk on November 01, 2005, 12:31:43 AM
I know someone who is sooo far to the right that he would make Walk sound like Jesse Jackson, and he says we shouldn't try to cure AIDS because the people who get it are just stupid and therefor deserve to die.  But that wasn't one of the choices on the quiz.  (Thank goodness- I'd be worried if anyone actually picked it!)

Cure is a ridiculously strong word to use for viruses, especially AIDS. Trying to cure cancer, however, would lead to a lot of new side knowledge in genetics, microbiology, reproduction, gerontology, etc. For cancer, it's not just the goal, it's the road getting there, that's the reward. AIDS research doesn't yield quite as much useful side information.

You see, cancer is uncontrolled cellular reproduction. We learn a lot about how the body grows and ages by studying cancer. Cancer is slowly becoming more common, as well, and it certainly does affect young people. When research dollars/deaths are compared, AIDS gets much better funding than cancer. Cancer research simply gets more bang for the buck; that's why it's better.

But without cancer, people could live longer happier lives with social security, and government doesn't want that to happen.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Rob on November 01, 2005, 12:51:50 AM
19. Deceptive political campain commercials should be banned.

are republicans really FOR deceptive political commercials??? cause that's how it scores this question.

Well you see us conservatives are an evil bunch hell-beant on world domination.  So of course we're for deceptive political commercials.  I'll tell ya right now what this quiz was for.  It was to try to get stupid people who didn't know who to vote for in the '96 presidential election to vote for Clinton rather than Dole.  That's why they have the scores for each of them at the end of the quiz.  They make the quiz so you score really low, then you take a look and see your score is really similar to the Clintons and you say, "well I guess I should vote for him."

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: D on November 01, 2005, 01:33:39 AM
I scored a 13 which is interesting.

I am middle of the road, I have liberal tendencies and I have conservative tendencies.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Markus Asraelius on November 01, 2005, 06:38:09 PM
I scored a 15. So, I'm right in line with Bill Clinton.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: sandman on November 01, 2005, 07:49:57 PM
19. Deceptive political campain commercials should be banned.

are republicans really FOR deceptive political commercials??? cause that's how it scores this question.

Well you see us conservatives are an evil bunch hell-beant on world domination.? So of course we're for deceptive political commercials.? I'll tell ya right now what this quiz was for.? It was to try to get stupid people who didn't know who to vote for in the '96 presidential election to vote for Clinton rather than Dole.? That's why they have the scores for each of them at the end of the quiz.? They make the quiz so you score really low, then you take a look and see your score is really similar to the Clintons and you say, "well I guess I should vote for him."

yup, definitely slanted to the left.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: pilferk on November 01, 2005, 09:00:41 PM
Heh heh heh...

21...pretty much right in the middle.

And I answered honestly, I swear.

Title: Re: Are you liberal or conservative? Take this quiz
Post by: Buddy J.B. on November 25, 2005, 04:44:17 AM
I got a 12.