Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 24, 2005, 01:01:34 PM

Title: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 24, 2005, 01:01:34 PM
Hi everyone, how are you doing, the name of the topic basicly explains it all, How much has your life -- thoughts, ideas, plans-- changed in the last 3 years?  That is something I would like to know, thanks ;)


Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: jarmo on October 24, 2005, 01:40:07 PM
Maybe you could post your answer to your own question before asking others?  :hihi:


Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 ye
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 24, 2005, 02:00:02 PM
Well the life I've tried to live was planed since I got out of high school. I remember that when I got out I didn't know what to do but I knew that has to do something with technology therefore Ingeneering  ;D
After a few years in Ing. School (4 years and 5 month exactly) I graduated then was time for work, and I got a job in an Internet company and I've been working 2 years and 3 month exactly in the same job, I think my life has been well planned I think  ???

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: D on October 25, 2005, 01:11:36 AM
3 Years ago I was gonna kill myself, My life exploded and went to hell taking me with it, I didnt want to go on. My Ex Fiancee and I had broke up, our kid who I bonded with and loved more than life itself turned out to not be mine, I gained like 80 pounds, was under investigation for a bullshit crime I didnt commit and I no longer wanted to live.

I didnt kill myself because I didnt want to put my Mom through that so I kept hangin on and hangin on.

I started recording my music and putting all my misery into it, I slowly started back workin out, I got addicted to the internet and after some time discovered this website after watching GNR on the VMAs and I made a lot of great friends and met my new fiancee on here. Journey and SLCPunk were really the two that got me over a huge hump and Ive went on to make so many great friends on here.

I use to think life was pointless and out to fuck u over at every turn but then I realized everything happens for a reason, u have to go through hard times to get through the dark tunnel and to the good times.

its how u survive and how u handle it all that counts and the reward u get is based on how well u manage.

I never got drunk, never did drugs, I just slowly came back to life.

Someone told me once that I was gonna die if I didnt stop driving so crazy, cause subconciously I wanted to die so I drove like a maniac hoping I would die, so my friend says this and I replied "I cant Die, God Isnt through torturing me yet"

anyway My life now is great, I have the greatest fiancee u could ever wish for who completes me in every way,shape and form, I have great friends, a new life and a new start. Ive lost all my weight back, Im making great music and I am starting to learn how to manage the demons of my past.

3 years is an eternity cause where I am now is night and day compared to where I was.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Sin Cut on October 25, 2005, 02:02:40 AM
Three years ago?

I really had to count, has it all ready been three years?
Damn time goes fast.

Three years ago I broke up with my ex-gf and she put me though a lot of things, first she lied about me to all of her friends, my friends, since she couldn't believe I just left her since because there was so much I couldn't bear. She was positive I had been cheating on her and maybe me rushing into a new affair a week after I broke up with her gave some fuel to her believes.

She started hanging out in the wrong crowd and poured her sad end of the story to anyone ready to listen.

It's funny that few weeks before she got me beat up, I helped her out when some drunk was getting too friendly. A week from that she had seen me with a female-friend and it kinda triggered her pouring her side of the story to anyone who would listen. That guy punched me once and ran away but I was caught by surprise and was in need of some stitches.

Soon after that I met someone and...
I lost control of my life for over a year because some girl, who hurt my feelings, how stupid is that? My life back then was from party to party. From beer to booze to ...

One day everything just broke for me, I was tired to seek someone for a moments pleasure and I had trouble sleeping more than an hour at a time. And my job was getting more and more stressful. So everything shifted from gray to black for me and I saw no hope. I had a friend helping me more than the shrink could.

And while I was still doing what I did best, shocking some friends, while some were calling me "the man" I think really I had never been so lonely, feeling I always needed to prove something and while it was sometimes fun it was also a rough ride.

I don't know what was the reason for things to get better, maybe it was that I realized no one is going to set my life straight but me, or maybe it was my gf who has supported me through a lot (and sometimes giving me a hard time, but it has been mostly good) or maybe it was that I got new friends, succesful friends.

Hell, if someone told me two years back that I would be driving a sports car, I'd told him to fuck off.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Sakib on October 25, 2005, 06:51:33 AM
i'd like to ride a moped, go 2 university and rent an apartment with my girlfriend and become a documentary dude on the discovery channel or present TV for toddlers and babies

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 ye
Post by: Jessica on October 25, 2005, 06:59:14 AM
Hi everyone, how are you doing, the name of the topic basicly explains it all, How much has your life -- thoughts, ideas, plans-- changed in the last 3 years?  That is something I would like to know, thanks ;)


w o w

Everyhing's changed.

It doesn't look it from where most stand, but inside of me, a lot moved.

I don't judge as much as i used to, i am not as set on my ideas as i used to, i like to think i am more open minded now, i know what trust is ( finally !!! i was taught), i know what tenderness is now, i know i am capable of love and loveable, i know i am capable to take care of me even though i do have problems doing it.

3 years ago, i was in constant self doubt. Less now. And less ready to accept bullshit from my companion just so he can higher his self esteem by lowering mine. I now know i am more intelligent AND more educated than he is.
I have learnt to let him speak ( sometimes) evne though he says the utmost bullshit and the stupidest.
After all, it's his problem. i used to be embarassed by him and what people could think of me through him.
Well, they think what they think. Some women wink me now, with a " good luck" type wink, it's more a case of finding something to smile about.

3 years ago, i was in a total panick at the very idea of having a baby. And i am now a month away from giving birth to a fabulous little boy. This pregnancy has given me shit, but i am glad my son is ok and glad it's soon over, so i can hold him in my arms.

3 years ago, i would have wanted to die, i couldn't find a reason to live.

Crap happened and since,  i want to live.

Life took away my dad, almost me, i met someone beautiful ( who since left to my demand) who showed me and taught me i was a better person than i thought ( i owe him a lot and i hope he has a beautiful life), i have started a future for me and i would like to think i have opened a door that will be full of happiness to come.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: caskie on October 25, 2005, 01:52:36 PM
Hi all

I have to start about five years ago  my life was so shit, lost my mum and dad within 6 weeks of each other
my marrage so going down hill so fast it scared the shit of me.
but made changing there and then  ..... stop drinking so much and drugs never again' found out i was having a other kid ( and she my angel ) we made plans to work for the next five years and save enough money to go traveling and see well some of the world ...... and now it all falling in to place so roll on next year we are selling up we have  bought a RV and going travel a year 18 months seeing europe and going to the usa for a year and see what happends after that

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: BORN TO DIE on October 25, 2005, 04:57:30 PM
damn,i really are one who didnt change thrue this last 3 years,i'm same as always...
 :nervous:,damn ,is this good or bad,huh..... :-X

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 25, 2005, 05:22:04 PM
Barely nothing.

Rock n' roll.
Live it by my choice

Still doing it. Still happy.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: MadmanDan on October 25, 2005, 05:37:41 PM
Not much...not much at all...

I was 18, now I'm 21
I was in high-school, now I'm in college

Of course, I feel stronger, more mature and experienced, but aside from that...nothing really spectacular...

I do get a lot more pussy, though  ;D ;D

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 ye
Post by: Aava on October 25, 2005, 06:53:16 PM
Three years back the board was down and i was in panic.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on October 25, 2005, 07:00:23 PM
3 years ago ? i loved vanilla coke back then. i dont drink that too often now.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on October 25, 2005, 10:14:49 PM
3 years ago...hmmm....

End of 2002...I was still in my 20's & renting a house with a roomate and dating the woman ( not exclusively yet) who would end up becoming my wife.  Ahhh, the good ole days.

I also had tickets to GNR in Tampa.  :rant:

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: lynn1961 on October 26, 2005, 01:40:13 AM
D, your story really touched me.  So glad things are better for you.  Keep hanging in there!

For me, I was pretty conservative, up until about 3 to 5 yrs ago.  Raised in a Lutheran church, and believed everything I was told.  When my son was 14, he told me he "thought he might be gay".  That turned my world upside down.  Denial at first.  I did try to support him, with the thought that he was just going through a "phase".  When I began to realize he was serious, I got angry.  Said a lot of things I should never have said.  He found a local PFLAG group, which I started attending.  Met many other parents.  Found many books and read everything I could.  My whole opinion of what gay means changed.  Not only that, it changed my whole outlook on life, and for the better.  All I can say is, what a blessing it has been, for me.  I view the world in a whole different way.  It is no longer closeted and judgmental, but more open and accepting. The best thing that has ever happened to me.         

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: journey on October 26, 2005, 03:15:35 AM
For me, I was pretty conservative, up until about 3 to 5 yrs ago.? Raised in a Lutheran church, and believed everything I was told.? When my son was 14, he told me he "thought he might be gay".? That turned my world upside down.? Denial at first.? I did try to support him, with the thought that he was just going through a "phase".? When I began to realize he was serious, I got angry.? Said a lot of things I should never have said.? He found a local PFLAG group, which I started attending.? Met many other parents.? Found many books and read everything I could.? My whole opinion of what gay means changed.? Not only that, it changed my whole outlook on life, and for the better.? All I can say is, what a blessing it has been, for me.? I view the world in a whole different way.? It is no longer closeted and judgmental, but more open and accepting. The best thing that has ever happened to me.? ? ? ? ?

Wow, I really admire you for being so accepting of your son's lifestyle. Not many parents would do that.

How much has your life -- thoughts, ideas, plans-- changed in the last 3 years? That is something I would like to know, thanks ;)


Three years ago I was working at a job I didn't like. I was writing a lot. My second nephew was born, that was great. I bought my first new car. That's all I can remember right now.

Three years later, I quit that job I hated. I'm engaged to the most wonderful person on earth. And I'm still writing, with hopes of publishing something.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 26, 2005, 05:04:15 PM
Maybe you could post your answer to your own question before asking others?? :hihi:


You are right Jarmo, but I wanted to see if People were going to participate, anyway, my answer would be the only one...     by the way post yours man.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 ye
Post by: Sin Cut on October 27, 2005, 02:10:30 AM
Maybe you could post your answer to your own question before asking others?  :hihi:


You are right Jarmo, but I wanted to see if People were going to participate, anyway, my answer would be the only one...     by the way post yours man.

Just post your two cents  Carlos.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: *Izzy* on October 27, 2005, 12:28:45 PM
D, your story really touched me.? So glad things are better for you.? Keep hanging in there!

The wording you used couldn't have been worse?

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: lynn1961 on October 27, 2005, 12:34:23 PM
I didn't even notice it, and it wasn't meant that way, by any means.   If it offended him, then I apologize.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: *Izzy* on October 27, 2005, 12:38:38 PM
I didn't even notice it, and it wasn't meant that way, by any means.? ?If it offended him, then I apologize.

I doubt that would offend D, I just found the way you worded it funny

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Butch Français on October 27, 2005, 12:52:51 PM
very much

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 ye
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 27, 2005, 01:17:08 PM
Maybe you could post your answer to your own question before asking others?? :hihi:


You are right Jarmo, but I wanted to see if People were going to participate, anyway, my answer would be the only one...? ? ?by the way post yours man.

Just post your two cents? Carlos.

Ok Blue Cut, well its nothing really interesting, I posted this topic, because in the last three years, what I thought were excellent, ideas, desires, and goals changed, My mind changed, I decided that I didnt really like what I was studying so I quit the career, by now Im trying to do another one, even when Im 20 years, old, this career is gonna take me almost 5 years more, -- with the other one I was at 50% of the aproachment -- the difference between these careers besides its context, is the economical part,  you get more money as an Auditor, than you can do as a Sociologist, Im worried about it, anyway, I will try as hard as I can to get through it, get a scholarship and help my family...  and for all those who are sad and want to give up I have a quote.

 --  "Buck up, never say die, We'll get along" Charles Chaplin.

And remember, there is always tomorrow, dont give up hope... ;)


Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: D on October 28, 2005, 12:15:19 AM
 :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Hanging in there, hahaha I just got that.

Fuck no, hanging yourself would be the worst way, they say you shit and piss yourself if u hang yourself, fuck that.

also u may just fuck up and paralyze yourself.

if i were gonna kill myself it would be a quick bullet Kurt Cobain style.

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 28, 2005, 12:22:21 AM
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Hanging in there, hahaha I just got that.

Fuck no, hanging yourself would be the worst way, they say you shit and piss yourself if u hang yourself, fuck that.

also u may just fuck up and paralyze yourself.

if i were gonna kill myself it would be a quick bullet Kurt Cobain style.

mmm Well, Im not sure, but I think the guy -- Kobain -- wished to be alive, when he shot himself...

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: lynn1961 on October 28, 2005, 01:33:03 AM
Ok, everybody stop making fun.? I worded it badly.? Sorry.

Carlos, a lot of people change their minds many times before they finish their education.? Many change their minds throughout their life.? Don't feel bad.? ? Go with what's in your heart.? (But, I won't tell you to hang in there!? :hihi:)

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 years?
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on October 28, 2005, 02:57:14 AM
Lynn certainly some of the nicest words, I have read in a long time...  and by the way, What happend Jarmo, I asked you the same question, How much has your life changed in 3 years?

Have fun everyone, and keep participating, maybe someday you will win! ;)


Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 ye
Post by: Jessica on October 28, 2005, 04:04:11 AM
I think it's very healthy to evolve in general.

Sometimes, life is still and some shouldn't complain, it's peaceful. Then, it starts again, changes, some fast, some slower.

I would def. say that entering my 30th year made me realise i wasn't " young" anymore, not in terms of internal organs ( yep, women do have to think about that, tic tac tic tac) and i began to be so terrified i would not be able to have a baby anymore ( i have reasons to be affraid) that i decided to have one there and then. The pregnancy itself is shitty, properly horrible, but i am glad i changed soon enough to have the chance to become a mother.

I could say that losing my father 3 years ago soon was a big blow to the inner child in me. The " you are half alone now" was forcing me to grow up some.

I don't wish it upon anyone. It's so hard. Wether you passionately love your parents or passionately hate them, it's so difficult to deal with losing one.

I don't know if it is or was like this for others, but losing a parent and hitting 30 at almost the same time was a major change in my short life and now is my turn to become a mother, so there's another one... :hihi:

Title: Re: How much has your life, thoughts, ideas, and plans, changed in the last 3 ye
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on October 28, 2005, 12:42:11 PM
I've heard the best way to kill yourself was counting your ribs and between the 7th and 6th you shot yourself, all your vitla organs will be destroyed therefore you will die inmediately without pain.  : ok:
My comments go for the people that were talking about Kurt Cobain killing and stuff  ;)